HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-2-21, Page 8IB1IXTEXII'Y gr. School Books, Statiortery, Blank Books Well Aasorted Lines. AT CLOSE PRICES. Berlin Wools, A COMPLETE A.SSORDIENT, (-} TI I G. 0- sralni'n't7.R A; FANCY 00-1,D4 riltALEB, Main htree, Excier, LOCAL NRITS Pninne—On Saturday evening last, a young all th(colors of.the rainbow, being harmoni- ously interriiiiited and woven into beautiful de- signs. The architect is Mr. E. Drew, and in the design e'lxas in no respect fallen away from the well,deserred reputation helms earned iii this line, members of the church. deserve the great man in town played a joke on the bar -keeper of the Central Hotel, and was informed on by the Bulgarian Monk. The young man, getting a little the tram of liquor, threatened to blow the Monk into smithereens, and so alarmed him that lw in Constable Gill and had Tho - SIZE: PEtIErs• UWU dna would-be assailant arrested and oaaaa in est praise for mulertaking and carrying °lathe 2 °a Qo of mercy for the poor prisoner began to stir men who urged the building to completion aro self to the lock-up put his lips to the Mess.-rs. Samwell. Anderson and Ramsay. It is tho breast of the Bulgarian, and beta/cing hnn. and asked him if he had repenzm of Ihrtiss.,1,:ai:1„1 greatly to be regretted that on the eve of its threats, telling him that If ho Taal done so, find tura arose between: the pastor, Der Mr. Hart - be would soon be libe.rated, to which completion, a difficulty of an unpleasant na- a blasphemous and ribald, reply Wio-^ 'n.' )a • ley, and some of the most prominent and active felt sorry, members of thechnreli, leading ta the seeessiou kindly words the unrepentant sinner returned and inforruel the pris, olfrst,Isilevilt;er. which wail militate against the over that he shoull stay in eonfieenieut till ' 4:4 the int,iitittion. Tho total the Monk turned away, i . . morning. On Ifinetlav inoamount raised by the sermons anti the tea. i tigts arraigns:4 ort the awful charge of thee . :- ruing, the rr,..., r meeting was about miler ta shoot a Oro:4.c 3I•dilt, awl in, iicei*ittg 1031,t*N„ &malice vile. Later in the eveniii feelingwork under many difficulties, The pelletize,' Or Rug:tr.-Coated. Carmen flLI( float and Herbal In l•ce• ittf4liffLott* Qv:mules.. " ft5.1"". 111"47(1, or :12 it{ trt irri in rare's) FL e md•lern 31e.*;erit. chernieni. and at• (A 1:AA 41( f,te o: o d! an Iona.: CnLwith tlai heinous:at *.4 et the 0:7.114:i", ale,f 0. M.r Chttrell ',14 1 e s ts. ':,aaine trg.c. reo r.ral mm-entia eta ie„ tinare 4""', Te'C'•"1 2A: •11....s40;',AU .e:Al --items-to • • ••.••••.-. •••.^. . :i., nii.:tr-: • 31e' t!•• • , e‘e a•p; 1) :;•,a , • 72., • 'r.: .a • '• !'/;"(*.• ;:e e;; D-201.40,3tii* •• .: • a .. :1 3 1 . • rn• • . f ••r ▪ 1 ; • . • • : • : • ...• c mar •11-awr Ulos ri. in frilt ent*••••• aa.i, " • •• rt •-• • • : -,4', t4trz.iz g.gat Anita ef MANFT00%‘: HOW • LOST, HOW REST(iltRiX, ' We havereeently publishedta non 4'444'44 • toof Dr. Culverwell'a i1elcbratcd, Etnuar. ontheradical awl pernatinentenre without mod*. eine) Nervous Debility, Mental AndPitySien1 carcity. Impedimenta to: wait iape, 4te'. ingfrern excesses. . . in a sealed en:elope, 04'0 ennts„ur two postage staler% The eel••hreitel.entlent, ttlia a.. clearly el4•116(WAStfa:(•(..fre:n startv ful pre enc.thqt 2,;itarlob:74 ethis.quettee. rimy rain;. . d wneinrittoltt ded.,s. rens • *.•,„. tinutt ;*.1',tr.,. „• pt:40;irg. out a moils. el enre. **nee e apt Wetter 't k¼ Ohs ead...4tI:da tees intod- ciird Leeture :13•1 P. the h.144 ef every yontli end: very r :Jai -1,02214*( run et•vvits.returdicar. co. P. 0. Ilex..ii.:en„.12 st. :cm Y4 4k. T. )I kLY'S LIMEWORN.S. tirmeaar. encv:rs.,.:._Thnenn:,,g few, days tp.tv'teilt131vtilnislirli!Iii:.1,• " 3 77.!..7717:7;51 • • a 44 • " "0.• : n • ,"• • eur ▪ Fla*. torus htts era 1...010:,, in the etsis er psi •Itt have bolt Tiara ^;1).A.Y, FEBIII:APY 21,,1 S73. I.y the s, rie .,,f „ii„,-* • A FA ea wetrling wiiy ••• PnA.AtA bn!i. arez5A-41o.eVee tal ,;,.--, ord,n_44 •I*04 Es` r, o.l the t .40.! t * thoSte 0•7°''' ; • • t t Tr I • • - t Ole t* at -3' el,e”..1 1 -ft en4 rze el" 4-1-.4;t -1 11.' 1'4'1 1-,'.'i4 343. 3•3 i31: '; ra'.` taiV3' hitn it k%1F3 , to, let 1 vr‘a`tir•le 1 t et•• th reniaining at A LI:. 2,A114('bn iv, • ,, pert of zit • p,tW.. la!1. qr. 1., • „ '• Lair 4 L'71' 1:s11.4! t " ti-vibt r. Having them front Wil''"13, '4 13 in• 4Vm.:041/4.9.1.r t lailtt 1 item l'-!te 848-er. tho tie/re:dna- „r 41 �l eh .tirsiettai---it 1t-itio;t c.d.:* Le title 1 to per - s at sy, Din li..• ."'i t•i 4, • ri th. fe.ni .n. llo was pz..-ent...,1 kh a very inter- . 4.et.•zi •11 ur 'then, ha it •i*. f 10'it'l•na:40 • .1,•"1-... fr.,ta :*1 4i•t 7;1•14= i VIAL dr* t:* us ti,of be is4 hill eh v,a,,41141¼ 1 4, .4,, Cif.1 th • 144U -ie wt•rt. :r ttleda I teaten m.'• it 11 1.4114 if V! awl -his hair in .1.-••• thq ItIr" ' 1 wri'-'11‘tfttl"? t""ith 1.-ty v...surt• i•-•rrit .o ; 1•1' 1...eht444 .11; e.diey oar S' - .in' 3111:!titi: 4. vs: 4.— ..,!•.1(1., •.•:„ E. I „Inc I 'al VI:, P ;•Iniliq: 4 warp,: 1 bo haw b, -r of W.:1;k43 n r orliritr" NI lit 1,•:- expeowt. INA i•• sto in;ti..11; .11,311.4 IL, , j X:4 • ".;;;e4•A t/o. rectent tit '. •"!"7.*:r 2'.14.1 t•ikitt44 ref„.ro.e,. t., att 111.14t." the tof eh1t$:•:14. 313441 •t "24'14.14W , 14. t.w1.1:-., it 441.. t,„1,..1-0,,,,„ r Wfle 4h, 331141,,;!... he :Walt that III •••--•nt the t• thr,rat r •'13 14:44.`.1,111edt ill1 rt,d1VIrt" aall.vallt, Tv.." s t,.. !4 '1 rawon,st n",^.11115m. it•,;; 4.1 • ,re ¼ .•334.::.•4. w I i 44-W4,5. t 4 .41,1 ta ono,1 ▪ ;411:0 ay 1,3 !EP 11 ,11,,,„ £13'h' w. amt. att•nttent. •ienti •!:,.!itiettion ly rt '4.4)4 alotlaiVriataa As. h'37 444. pralretainto raa letitottibed• tir, pa:ter of the elnireli Kee 'A to ra; -net- 11 j. intsio.i. te111:: C'4: 441f."4" -.e. sayetat•tig• c•tatiar- 1)**11-9 :••0•••Kiirts.*,!, 4,4 mt-it^,t• t • -.41 4. r41 • •Pt 4! "•1, 4:114,4' ; '4 t:e.ton e•f•ttiee' r v•opregz;Ste, thet r 03intot bo tawailik,••••wei it* 1,7414. ray•Ceed,;F, lia'at.•-•.• thviv.:-. 1 • eat:ernt cit%a • ••• ri... r.I Itn 1 -4,-, tat retirce.,rnitw. r ,t 1 ••• Irrattli Lid d t:. • 111.1.11TSON "3, , - • •• -.. ”::".• •A.; •• • •.• = - ' 2":,'• 20' I • • 2 • 12. 813, 0'. DST A•Sill,Ce;;.•...... A' If Ie.,' • •••• 4' .40 :0444 :PIM 4440 S4;e4:1•;•':".• it* 14 4) •F..* CI X *teas att. 1' istt ,.t PA..; Ctids ar.:i•o• rea.tom „,3 „e.• 44, ;4,3...3 4.4 ',4•1•.• 0041 tall 7.4; h.e: 43; : rtt r • C1140•Vt,,:t. 1; Sik 11", 13 43 44, 14.11.*13 f.e iNs•reso'd 4,14 feel* •• 4. • .4. '4...1,4,4' "..! ▪ . .. • .4 a • t; • ! ; • .a." or aeclon nottaa :"..te ;sit . et....deout Z4- 4. waiver. ttott ;a 4,1 . so- :;;•••- er• ¼".'E.44'4 844 • 44 ' r: '411. ; 4442 4.4*' x. TaelIPS THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE Foil GENERAL DRY Othms, :WA!. IN ,k MANTLE'S, • . • • • • :s. • *. f: ' * """ HEN'S eLtrIII.T.tI To twurti-iits - a .44 41/4, e^ a3.1, a e - 83 ' • 3 33 a4341 e 63.3.,G.tiit.t.N, Altetrotive. - E A Y • )1 A E. :0. tigi 1.:*,,,•4 ve. •.. ..„. .,,,t. .31L,,,.. 443.44P M.' 034 te Vasil:y that 4.44.444il 44 44 Cam zed only to:: 13"2"Y'll"':'--** lif..3 iti'-e h.".1 1 ' '4'; ' ':..41141 1 c .: -k. ' f -: t :,•• :„.t. :,, , ,,, I ..-,,,,-;, ”:., ..,...1.-:,...:::: .e•.. .,:v..:,14• ::: Jo ii:4 4 ilarIe•"A. .,.03,4,:.4441 t,,,Ln:r 8'1.3'844, 44"44,4,,,,:i, ti.,,,,,,A a iiret,..lit : 3..¼484 nt Fi. ..A4 -ea 1, vt.....:--°`,1::- '..J. ' — :,1aliezehY •zr%ee'ere rata blf cal OrntOtioti: al I" c,..a-..,:t -,; 1,--:!..••.e...--:i le- N',zbeg' t:,-:t.'sif":tr 14 ' ,', f e... :".1a3ltiser, 11h84.1•* with the ltat;r-1.18.; "1.• •ss 44* • r4244t ME'''' II": f''''' :'''''In'''it* ri''''''''."4.'"Ililitni?"4 -''''ag 4 Al t'.":".. Ir•144,14y 3'373.1 43,34a34.::4 hi; 3:31:414 304 ...1:,,,i•le.v. Eta ; ,..17::.„:414. iiii,i„, „,..,4 With 1,,,...n,n4 1i.ce tho 444' 4,-' • Goi.wo.rd an::::":..::':':.:4::::i- . 7... '17, ::•::`, T a412DTireea408V lukezetinand Alnami.11.tidrawing crj':11::::i:1iL;11:3141 1:1 r 4 at11"4M1;1".4 OW OPlai44MF%iiull::;:4:1,,;.::.t;::::ia4 f,,r, 4 444343 4' N4'.:,..: .;.:•'. I pg, ,,,,,,,,,itivetnon r;:th (Oita long hair nui tlirty done fer t11'-tio fair 444444 titorq. 11.110 wen." f"' - ..4,1g.,...... :, ;;.a. •pg.iidsv.,ofo•, .. iN: 1 iswt.;71,,—..!ji d r marl -414o einel- 3 el•illi••• 1.04hi. VelaLW lifidter AIR itrothpe V11/4-.ra4 ;Oa the4*ttW34'¼ 25 for Miss. 4lhoit e.j7;.i.Isp4 iam,ba.aby tiatt;ity 64 theT4Metinehy.vi1;3rNs 4044vier the .„ , .4 ls:J44.3'4,•4,01,4-4 q111 144 -1.1a1.4 thesole repreeidatii. az 1114' 4144.45444 tuna,4..elictirehal clil•itivI• hed8 two fair 444444.14 .,...: i• ."I: lie I•re•laetive .4 utilii wart, IN. 418 8) ;::".A•1 rot. 348 thia 441.411144y. •ila 144,14, he talts '4444 1,:e.i,i ,01.:,Ixitli their rut -14,1w. lei'dsv,.1 by Mi4z Abbie Till.? 8.7,9T IN' ME MARKET. it 4:.-.,..44A. that ,ette sy,totn ot.i.•tr*wirlelt i r11).0 CP :;:!-I4t. ill tile ,4* 4'444'8 Aq l_4. :e4,88srv., Mink. fuel Mr. Jolai n,,:i.,v., proetenled to eat ant verz,.. ebrap, $4.4.1 a.4r4.31o9*e r's haek not stn,1141 up. ' Dion. aDh1 titeNt, hi' ..ayi he t xl„ 414,4 t„ mai, 8,, mot db.:Mallet tlio cater,. Alr: xr.t half Past lu. ra. evif j'istiee, and the pe.a.b.431 t111.; EL 4'14 thaw a*::finimity Ili: persed. satisfied that a country an eleven the elteir ming ii•LI :lave Tho Queen. , z tal -and ft" til 'lb itt4tVP'sllil •;.. v.. fi..• tu,t, i umo. 0,8 our Sash:lir sitfiert.l.be would th. him - pram, arpl,.., toot Peailies 'It Theme & Par - if More happy evening rie.11. not he split than N. Li '‘‘ Ni?.. ' 1. nonenol'er nin HI. the' Str":10, t'l.••e'' remix:rvil.N.— Oa. day list week, the itot of mereY, if 10 won't! Kraut Ltda. ItInet • • ....• ..,. - , a,- nrymalsoN DITHANNAN bite 4. $. A COMPT.ETF. STOCK OF H 0 N SI' 0 0 0 D AT II °NEST PRICE S. menthers 144-. Et -31e1' Fire Iiri•-tado. presented Mr. 41. Cole Drown- with a Lanisinto pair of get-ve buttons in re.re;•nition of the valuable fierait3,' he 4.a:3431e4'ea It8.4313,3 izx trimaging the r otit !Irene:lea Eutt.rtzdanttent. A Nam- 7tIrmixna.--Ily referenee to curd :larding, it will 11.> seen that a new partner in the 44er844n of Mr. 11. A. IN White luta loto A -it wish the *Ina 44 grtater raeasitre of 414eee443 troll than it has t:rjoyed in the 4,1(t. Sneorrao 'Mate1r.--011 Tuesday afternoon 1,et. a. shooting nattelt took place between the Ilale•arian. Monk and M. J. Wedeln, mel Mr. ilisiett. 14.41 eggs wonthrown into the air an I tired at. Th Monk sliot 11 out of 12. 111,8,-.Q and We84e,tt, C. Pi.:Tred Sllgar WIreol titi1i44ed and .uu- stookei. It Thorne tt Fatitud".:. P11:4141' 11Eiral448.-11." 1101.2. F.,11114r read- ingA entertainment will be held in Panson's Hall on Mon.lity evening next (the 2;ith.4 The • bane unniber who attend these entertainments 441 sufficient evidence that tlaoy are worth., of ''4'1 444. and this one pr454n441.48 to be wpm' to arts yet held. 14e to the hall early and secure a :":eit. .A.,Inxivion, 5 ets. TIIMMEIIS‘ I44AT4'44'TI.3.— The next Eteter Todeliers' Institute will be held. on Saturday, 11e1 .1.2nd. Proceedings will commence at 1-) o'clock a. m. The following is the pro- . 4:iun..3:—Algebra,(second class raper) by Mr. Thenas (.4::.•go4y; Grauttuar, (3n1 awl .11h (1,138,i,7s) by Ur,. Joseph Snell ; how to teach Reading 1114 Spelling to beginners, by Miss E. Hicks; Address by 1i -'v. Mr. Hohnes. Smeitnit yen; tirsits for the 0411 Feilowe' (ion - '44411 t4:1, Thorne Ai Verifier's, where a plan of the 11.1/411 e in be aeon. • Srfrtr.—The red. cappall and Jinag- haired iniIividnal wile perambulates the streets and affeetS to believe that the boys persecute and hoot at him, calls more attention thsu a persist Ho is au excellent phot -trial would 1.3 a valuable ampliaitien to his _friend the linssiatis,atul a terror to Ids enemies, espeetally emit:lianas the admirationof the. 'beholder. The painting is the work of ing Eros:, and like the Plastering, greatly en- IlaneeR the beanty of the interior. The w'end work 'was einne by Messrs. Dor, 'Oka et How. aril, and there gentlemen Imre- apparently ex- ertedthemselves not to allot* env of. the 'other work cm tho:bnilding to attrat!t more atten(ion Cattle, a number of calves• and young cattle and deserve more commendation. The Yverk.- .• .havedied in that vitiinity. 'With regard to it,done by them will • be a Mal atleertisentent: Yonatt, itgoo(4. authority, in 111*book•on dirt.. eilsiaS of cattle, says that thc."Llick quarter" is 31-24 44 Iliac:told in itself, bat thn effect produced by inflittinn3tor3".feyer. As the fever is seldom netiesd until 14 11444 progressed to the last fast") stage, the alipaaranco of which has furnished the p "Tatar name, ho .reeennuends preveutit. tiVe nieristirds 'as .most effeetual-sitelt a bleed-. • • ing,.physie; andle's stimnlating.food, partion- :. 11.rly•tor young cattle that arethrliting rapidly, t • Ilitl" via. •Ina i etrow hintself in the way of in the :•.ielety of the Rort nit..78. '1.*. receipts two or three otzer,totic llashi-ltia 44443 .. 08,1, of the eta•tfin1' amounted to nearly ,,411. opitth u however. is that the g,.iitlevaan is not responsible: for and is hardly aware 11f 1+ rt.. OILVINIV centriciti, s, but the beat thing that can be done for hitu into allow him to leeture toentpty benchos. oPENINO OF THE NEW' PBESBYTEBIAN C11 1.1tCH. The now brtek ehareh erected by Sweatt:Am Presbyterian b•-riy hi Exeter, in the last sm. tiler. and just completed last week, was opened awl dedicated to the woralzip of aid on Rib. bath lat. Elopiont and impressive seminal:: were prettehel in the morning anti evening to overflowing congregations by Elev. Mr. Gold- smith of Hamilton, and in the afternoon by 11 .v. Mr. Sieveright, 01 (ilitierieb. The ser- MOns Kore liSbOle4 U. with rapt attention throngliont. The collect:Ions at the three ser- ViCe4 amounted to about 51 01/4). A tea -meeting wit:4 n1.4 1141 141 the Church on Monday eve- ning, which WM aLso well attemled. The speakers were Ilerds Goldsmith, Sioveright, and Livingstone, tho latter of Kippin, the tneetitm being opened by Bev. :qr. Butcher, B. C. Minister of Exeter. This chnroli is one of the handsomest that can be found among the villages cf the Prov... ince, and does infinite credit to the laymen of the church, who took the dei•pest interest in the erection of the building, and in the proper - alien for its 0penin4. In size the Chnrch proper is 40x58- with a ceiling elevation- of 2(4 feet, and 18 capable of comfortably seating 50(1 peeple. The inside is adorned with a beauti-.. • ful chandelier, wnicla iu keeping with his char- acteristic liberality was presented fo the church by Mr. Geo. Sarnwell, Its 0044t WAS 1445. The plastering throughout was clone by Mr. James Darling, and is net excelled by any other chnreh ive have eccr soca. In this work Mr. Darling ha.s oven surpas81,1 himaelf. The church coiling, with ornanasntal (I/itre-pieces, the English. 11.1 ought to move as far away from dm large building in London as he eau get. MACH QutintEn.—The Glenc.oe local print says that since its last notice of what is e03/1 - moldy known as the "black leg" dist•ase in Tho basement is 40x513 and is entered by the same door as the audience rooms. It -will seat' about 500. The building is stumounted by a spire, which stretches upwards 104 feet from a roomy tower in:front.. It emu be seen at a gran distance, and lends an additional beauty to the cbizia.:11, which in tarn is au ornamentto that part of the town i11 which it is situated. Tho' building is of the best white brick. Tho brick. xvork,,was thaw by Sbere Heimann and i as • they 1.1220 the most likely to be attacked. crotlitable. The Windows are of. (4tain.el • :et" too feo,or or using t)1t t.1::8:efr34ir44 .4.11.,1111 044 ,o3 1.3 tiC.'k44 T,4 Thia instrument is especially aesiated for the perfect application of DR, SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. 44. I. the only form of instrument yet Inmente.f wait which glad medicine can bacarried hf13h up and nertertfy cipidied to all parts Of the affected. mord passages. anti the chain -hers or cavities coin- ninaittating therewith, in which sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from which the catarrh*: oi.ehlirge genera,: proceeds. The want of sue- aCsa in treating Catarrh heretofore has arise; tamely from the impossibility of applying rem; entes in these ravitiea and Chambers -by any of the; to:Amery methods. This obstacle in the way of effecting cores is entirely overcome by the inven- tion. of the Drnichc. Its use is pleasant 311141 an *envie theta chilli can understand it. Full arid e ti !telt 131 rceUomi accompany each Matra, (nem. When 1140i4 With :this instrument, 1/r.• :•age's Catarrh Remedy cures recent msacas 01 it -c "Cola in' the =end ft by a :7,7itrA„t few :OW ications. HRH- SYITII T 191 is—Frequen headache, discharge tilting into throat, mune.; ti.o03 yroeupe, watery, thick maces. purnient, .1I44VII4I414. cut. In others, a dryness, dry, watery Weak, cr inflamed eyes. stooping up, or obstrile- ni nasal passages. rIngIn44 in cars, • deal ness. hawking and cangliing to clear throat, nweratioins. sotalis from Weems., voice allbred an.al twang, nifensiTeltreath. impaired. or tetai deprivation of tenfelif.o.ornell.and -taste, dizziness; mental itin:ression.- Irma of a ppetit e. indigestion, emerged tonalls. tickhnir cough. etc. ()ey a few of svolipteme are likely to be present. 841 84117 case at one time. 11}r. li1tg.081 Catarrh •Iteinedy• when' used n•int Dr. PI e rvele Nasal Douche, and iic-• companion with the sonstit lama* treatment w hien is rectinnuen• to I in the wee phlet that wraps each hottio of the lietnerly. lea pertectrinceitin for (hie 141:4 4(144111)0 .411144%6e. It • in --mild mat pleasant to : iionlaining• no F1I'n114; (A11414110 dritiret04. 11,:kro4: i'nnirrn (4 .0(44,4 tir PO 0011481. 1).0141.144 P.1. e e...!1 b.). :118 X)raga i vta„ • - l' I Irfri" ',II: Pr•mier. (444,444), . Trapirtant to ButterWorkers to introduce the VItIP011• 134.1124.1134 WORK- / Goo o d Actil,e Agottt Wanton in evnry tow - 413424) to nplo :Machine _Free to Agents. Price /41111 $8.00 oue11. One MAIliou to 1334 sold in the Dominton.:-;:Apyly early with stamp, fur 0111$ 011'43U(114, to. tho „NI.Cron u.....volt on. .3u0oxvi.tagt,bis /' 142, Dundas Street, 77111j..ra L 0 .'1%Z 11 0 N. entatt,A 4., int -re. rite (4111.314'that he beth.F k lir, pared repait all Moils of Sewing Machines, Watches Cloelts, (4441¼4)&c.1 than any & J. BROOKS other person in the vountry, as his charges :Ire motlerate, and he guarantees to give Satisfae tion. GO TO R.& E. SPICER'S stantifseinrera el LUMBER, LATE, STAVES!' 4114 ilealersin CEDAR MSTRAILS,CORDWOOD Miza.s—Two miles west of London Dead. TOWNHIP OF HAY —FOR— NEW BUTCHER SHO GROCERIES! Always New and. Fresh. FLOUR, FEED. AND PROVISIONS, EARTHEN WA.RE, COAL OIL Soap Given Away —21 Bars for One Dollar.— Good Vinegar. 20e. per Gallon. Choke Syrups. Market Baskets—cheap. N, B. Don't forgot the place—R. &' E. Spi- cer's, opposite Mr. E. Christie's Hotel. Produce taken in exchangefor goods. R. &E' SPICER. .5974"1:ls:s* :4.114 441 ' • :41 p t was at which & EZSTT i'D.oes not afloat are offering their stock of TINWARE, STOVES, Eta., -- Exeter- & Hensall vrhich consists of all the latest and improved styles of Kitchen, Cook and Parlor atoves,Milk cans, pans, and pails of the most approved ()attain, and everything in the lino; Also, n good seleotion of handsome Thenndersigned would inform the inhabi- tants of Exeter null vteinity Oast Le Lai,: OPENED A NEW DI:TOILER, SILOP ene.toor south oflas autlitoyea thownow liberal itatvonagt, ant haS beat atr cooled to Liao in the nuarriewtru AND w.atIoN• idantIO IWO tvillhoottAmilril 40 41113) it, his now branch 0• nosiness, His meat witg(ci at the rest - dente of the (1144444 tin. ers cael wee:kora:I FRRSHT of all lands iltept constant:13 on hand at hie* butcher shop. r.Cave trougrIlino a usual, receives ovary atteation, and done at the lowest (igloos. Having opened brit a branch establishment • Harwell, our friends in that neighborhooti can be Bopp/led ou the Shortest notice, Blacksmitliing 4444.4 W11(011 making carriod ou as:nodal in all its brat, td.es R. DAVIS. 1HLLINE RY G-ARLICTK, hnS now MI hand a full stole of fall and wie liillonory. Jompriaing all the *latest DC/Ft lttes in Hats, Bonnets, Yeathers, Flowers, Silas, Velvets, Ribbons,. at lower price?, than ever. FANCY G-OODS Berlin 1Vools, Ottoman and Slipper Patterns. J'otaketa Ina tie °rent ¼o ortlet. Fur trirnings for' mantles and Zneketa, at MISS GARLICIVS, Main St, Exeter. K v,f 14Y reaclinffiror pritetielag the inestimaiAt •ruths cou.i mined in the ors medical book ever laser a. entitled T101.1' T'"/SEP F Price only $1. S-nt by mail ire on recemz of price. It treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature :10(liTIO, Nervous and Pity:deal Debility, tnd 1110 eudiess enneemitant ills and untold in:series that n suit therefrom, and contains mere then 50 original pre. setiptions, anyone of %Odell WOrtll the price of the hook. Thi.• book ado written by the 11*(1$t ex• ten•Ivo and praliablytIttttieldskilibil,ractitioner in America (044.411401 was awardm I elled ineddhy the Stational Alvah:sit Association, A. Pamphlet, initstrat• d with the very lined: vel •Kof art endiENAL tigraving,:--n. rear. pr srilf rata 10 1l ti1.1111 for it at 0111.0.l,4s iT.ynODY rrl UTE, 'co. 4 itui. If SELF. 4.,.„ 01., Mao.. 4 •er 4.