HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-2-21, Page 5• .2_17 1878 ext ITRE TIMES 1.0 a the Elephan ousee ys All Goofs at 'Cost, STANLEY -R -11‘j N BOB. BOSS. -At 1airflo141, on tho filth iit tiwik of Mr. &Jut Itoss of a daughter. •411.BIE Ifetn-Al.f.J.N.--kt. the IL e.3. iirsnnege. Exeter tot th '241*.lt l.y Rov. J. W. Butcher. Etiin tin Sarah ellest tlanghter c. Mr. John Eau, tti1 of the Township of 32000:4, County of tItiron. DIED. POIIAN:',IiRY.—In leil 0 miter of i 'MEW a., .,t mil:3.r two„Ivir-tia of the London Ioof zoo, y nth, faabsioi/tof Be InThit, in, the Count.- 1 AA Mi14114,-.>N. and Pretili.let, of Ont:0”io. iNitt1,0' 19 a WA.TCLI .".+IAKING AND bPrNAyrer•4 tt,...t. 'Samuel Lana and Desielltaird,", yecant it, att-I Elistb, *II Laird, -A-tfQ of Jarkiei.i I! ',Air.", Al of the Ttettn8itip of ilitItlalitit in the , Jewelry t'utue-i of Mi:01,1:e.%-i ar..,1 Priori:lee of Out:wits, 0 rY ti f Ls abitshment L t , are ram showing ail the newest slatties =4 trii7.-co 44040 WI faltei"."gtr4C1 to the vont:: a man., for a e-itille4tiee of title tit ate tilatve-riess.- . styIes in tic ;;442, ler,104.71 v 4vr. •Csr the- s',:tait tier. Titles „teg" i AT EMITSALL A1417LL al. 4 1101;44 "ronlitetst 41103. 6 4,6 '6.6 %4ittleYarirlerlr t.:-4 be the 00,3 men, ;14-,4%;-44t it% fr,o front 41r1 in- .-I.:v.0n --, ev•-.411-T. n be, ,T.t.4,,P. Wad," VW:4 I-, :14 favor of 1.4a0,7-itstat "A' 1 "- 1-4 -Li C*0xotttrt , on the 15h hut.. Malta. "" "" • St""st.11111"'" 3Lottr Ecroe, tt,,, f Wavle,. F. 4. orat-44 . t tim'claii" Of 111.1:6"S aniI.1;) titty 000fultZ.7.: n'''.-gt‘="50=44-74'S'N:444/40 _44.4,4441471341141 S.11.1.1 Wein lay, rob, 27 -lutpicintsins tallei Fur. n1tiuprohertv ildwara Brown, Lot II, Von. 7. 24 IL 111h, J. It, ambits:, Airs. v14 41.141i 4 1:44.143'.7. 14.30 isiontbni- t 4-4. 'Wu...rico, as.y :4:144n, on 1 living or prt, 40;"41414y tit1,4t44 or ititit tl.f+•Uhl 11101 or:Inv part tie .Yert 10, V,”t4,-"-ted bei,rec 31.stolgt the tourfl. *Inc ta lltir-h now next ousn- t ing to 514* snit -wont of ;-i- vi'Vatt c"..rell1.101 1.1` affidavit ra my i the ; t!Lty noel rerce e,py .4,, their elliC'`ji tTai, ToWS4 *if " s,r,tcOteit'ats for the Said .e1rmittI,,4 Felh 28. Fern SI:iwk tl Int. 1-001 1 2,%.(113'llt 1.111101, and in. le f.atait t•Ver: Rkivii A 1441'1V-.1^4Irir&tv "i U.1.4V:':Ii"141A4 1."1 14, S.7.44 .. 1 ItIV440, 84 1 1E4 Laird vitt is • . (.1111. 1. tlity 10 ervilt. Iloak,on, ea,/ iaani 4.-asitot. art bw owl 131 tsialty. prazenos, ,Clacks, jeweiler.v, Atte. *i 1/1 be barred, and "no tnees of th s saitl to*.lets -*ervat iota, utta.tioned :la the *all 4-44'1 ofAct. IN DA. 11 eel/ AN.V."1,-; el.' WIZ, ;10 tva347. LE. ex Av., at 1)4t..-.1 /414^... 01104-44.4:4,462 V. 1.4:4;4, 6,4.444 a e f rrt.V 1 -7ot. C.Intitteeteeil ;LT. Vie. IIts.h.5teat, Llsot.41 singto of tin tui.,ca.t.os Alto. ptriettets 1.4 t 4.A let sit -. ; te 410 it 44, (11.1 6. 11143:AiS1111. Tit14116 fs-s" Itopairnof 44it. .41'43 1% zort4,-4 MILLINERY, hiWO received 44124-4041..? 1,A f214.,4444 CraLriL.4Z3 TOZAZVT.M5', U341 their etueli SLIAWLS, DRESS GOODS CLOTHS and TWEEDS 2 "os • - • ' 1` • - Boots and Shoes and Hath and Caps ptItyot Shiatii,borit,4 r,oa :p.,co.d:' Bread 1110.4,4411,,g4tFimrylZ ay Owrcciata and Daady-talude Clothing NI•ry away. 0.71,.4red Clothing a iiregialt,y. Att.„ tit guaranteed. Tito1y. Feb. 2it re4. stt, I vte„134ery A66 e447, 4. 11/. r "rue. Vivo netikrs 134 4,04; tr*". r 1 ii41: Snnotistt, A `14-Patiti *","0-`,1:1 '141 R4PKA ANA i4.444t4 1-4. No rem rve. et*. AM% 11- ,tra,.,0.: Slop, and 1.4, the property of .14siglet. W4104110%01. One Itu.it ve h. the ia two, normal be,ritinteuts, 341 ei.413. 11--T «is4 L14aiwA422. Cue, .A4Re. „ OlitISTiNU PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. d4ni Nie.o"..4 Tfioll. P‘111.-.4424... ;e4 4, 01.1000 tinMatit40,0. With s tient tailtstotteo t tlItE49.T.s / GET IV Y FOR AT THE FLOUR and. GRIST1 EX4A.O9.' NO1t11, OtICEtuui RT.:\ 4. ti!,at ES664 e64"160V4 64 143'.ip 4,',.nn4 314 • . s.4nr. ' 1. '1. t 44- .1.1. ' Gil 001:44,1 I I Et, .11,,,,, N Eirk:N. COAL14141--, Ti; Aaotrey, "Slbo,t, 41...1. 1 P ..1-.. 4 'IA -‘, . .. 4. 6 1241.1 MK -14104V: at t e,444 -„4. i 4 , -,4,-.4 ,4' LL,,,,,gq1..' i4 lati"1- V, 31, 4' (1". .•", o ,,,,i .4 4.4. ut ",,:, 85 1.411',104-1 wt' 5444. "A-3-6 41. • ,": , 4 , '6'61 :',.,' 4 '-,16 4 6,44'4.1 4134 t1.144.114,4,1;41444,..0f ,41444 1tt e 4, 4 .4atpte.t u.iit with i;a-.A.4 ue7.' na•wipitier$, ; ih It t'44t1"11,3104, 114 1s;- preeitritor has14 131 a ''''a 41',1 a • Ifl C14141 10431 11 '417110041 14110 130tVien tin. 14 444 Maley 01141 34.1t,431 t44' 410-10111 411.441, t IS e3, Iltlys1'*1 coantri,„ y, Isse76. VI, 0110:U144r 14441441,, 2,014 44214 414:Fol+244- at, irte ityLArl's. elm 'Iwo) titvir grirt to V.1,1.0 hottto with Monti. rata. Wats:AD. I VP.I.M*1.P.ofF•Mlems••••••••• INSOLVENT 13475, AND 4 wit Scott .9. 1 l3' to 1 Og jALT TILL 1‘. sant titling ails. h, heat I 10 to 1 12 Ittste U4. lit tre matter of' flEttaitt*I: et rrisr,E; Lob „1, Vito " Rog! Oats 1'Cal( lelegg.t .••• lititter Flotar per bid. INatittoet,hrvIly Ape, rt.t• 3,04 pwb 14 resuo,I per too ... Boot ••• 11.4k SheiTSking. 04411 414. 140 mtv per too °oilcan; per intsb. JAM Turkeys, per Gtgstse* "' llucks, per pair vent. writ or athietivo r Ire* holt 414.4 ix, StO Iti C15 lot Diven ao, tit., re...1'1..13mo *s41*foa nn'Ot, t.t It 0i 6.4110. 1-A4a Si0110 vv.* V. .1** 1st my °awe. 4.„ — "" NINETLEN1 I/ day of ri3421,1•Alty, I t0 0 As 0 23 to 0 23 FACTORY, 0 lu to u iS 0 ou (IS a ea33 militantly 'kept on billet al kinds of llt.ilding 0 GO to 0 7rt ntaterml. Flooring har,1 owl soft, si.brit motto. 2. so (ss 1.7.s lugs 4te., sold cheap -Finning Jigging tool:turning 2 Ott to 2 00 prtnuptly attonc.ted to. 4 00 to 4 50 BUILDINGS CONTRACIXD FOR, 54 to 0 75 to I 044 $ 00 to t ten and satisfaction guarantetil. At: we have on 41 -It' to 3 ea hand 44 laraat amok of dry lumber, we feel .atro Of o 143 64,0 .".1 8atisf7ing tbtaao 'who unty- giro 3133 e. call. ti V' to 0 (47 .9 1.15 0 OS t.• t0 511 ROSS BROS. Sr TAYLOR. ST. 114AItY'S. (Reported -regularly by A. balltraitelheelerkl Deihl wheat, per bushel ------------------1 07 to 1 10 tiering wheat 90 to 93 Barley -.0 40 tie 0 43 Peas . .,. 0 35 to 0 Zs Oats . .. .. ..... ... 0 as to 0 :10 Potatoes perltag (3 54) to 0 llts Apples s' - ....... .. ......... . .. . .. .... I 25 to 1 50 Beef per 134 .... . .. 0 ill to 0 on Mutton o . 0 05 to (1 07 Pork per cwt .. 4 233 to 4 51/ Eggg, per tiozan............. ......... „ 0 00 to 0 le Butter 0 12 to 0 14 Rat' 8 00 to 9 DO 111C3as434.. sT41 Fall wheat Al 11 to 1 10 Scutt witeati 1 10 to 1 12 spring tvLsnat . 133 to1 05 .. ......... .. lig to it ,, Peas Oats.-- ....... ... ..... .28 to tst Bides G (40 to 7 214 sheep skins 75 to 1 lc 1 ties. E4TTIE 4 02 (40 4 50 liogs ter SEE WA REAOUSE LONDON, Voll will find the Largest as- orriunent of Silks, Milli.iery Mantles Dress ,-G-oods, Kid Gloves, Laces, •and all kinds of Fan cv Dry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking unaer the management of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend. on gettiug the latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod - rate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- • fits got up on the Shortest No- tioe.. Orders by, mai/ will receiv prompt attention. 140 Dundas Su. London New Branch of Business aiohard Sanders ouid intim ate to the public that lie has started a shop ter the Sharpening and Gumming' of all kinds et SAWS, At his Residekee on Mann Street. • Edged tools of all kinds eh aliened °tithe short- est notice Carpenter work as umal proinfly attenden to. THE SUN. 14472. NEW Y0102. 10713. As the time has 001110 1 r the renewal of sub- scriptions, THE SV) would relabel its ktennts and well -iv balers everywhere, that it is again a canal. date for their vonsiderat ion and sum lort. 1'P011 ita record for the pact ten yeatrs it relies for a 0401(410 111111('*( of the 1 warty sympathy and generous co.op- s ration have bitltwto been. extended to it front evely time -tor of the Canon. The DArhy Svx is a four -huge shoot of twenty - *tight coltuttus, price 4.5 1111811, post pain, 55 routs 11. 2ooiithii-T..!Yg.'4.t.t)i'l.T13'..nientf the Spx 38 110 eight -page sheet of 30 coltmots. tVhile giving the mews of the , day, it also cam.. ins a large amount of 1101' 411' and I 11,11:3atelloneous auattpr specially prepared for it. 51801 S'oNDAY 141;' has met with great, success. Poet paid 4;1.20 a year, WEEKLY SUN. Who does 110 14420W the AVIIEELY Su 13 It circu- lates throttoh the ettnatlas, the United States and beyond. Nina,: thousand mtuthes greet its we)• eenio pages NVLY 'ian and regard it in the light of guide, counsellor sail friend. Its news, editorial, 05441141 iltural and literary departments make it es- , i Illy a jourio. for tht! frroily and the ilreside. Terms: One Doti tr tt year post.pattl. This price, quality conside41e. 4 10113175 11 tho cheapest newspa- per published. ,e .41 clubs of tau, with *1410 cash,:thle Ns:ill send nen (*Kt se copy free. Address, PlIBLISHEI;, 03? T31)3 SUN, New York City. HANGED IIANJ)S.--The under'. - 8ign*.lthftvinl' rented the Dufferin ftkella, for a to7m, it Will linfouncle. fl-st-class ho- 4*0, ewith every aeoommodetion for the travelling Conveniontt? the ,Station. GoodLiquor , YAM .the bur, iitteutive bostlers. JAM4E4 C-6333, l(eXt. itt W3)(4'01504 14. (41 . to recoivo etaremer4, of 111naffai. l tor.nt au Assignee if they see nt,antl rtltRlii4141110 rstgifunrouswroltEnT i3t43o339, (10,147)11131., Fob 5 1.70. (Met)(l assignee. nioixBM: ACT OF D375. AND auvataiugacti. J. WILSON, G3O141B Plaintiff. Defondullt. A. 'writ of attoolitrent luta issitiel 11 Oat cause. loon:ter ttrutorao, F0114 1 104. .lusign(e. N°TES LOST.— Note for $1,23h) i • mule by Are1lili.i14 1tolt.11,..en and Waiter tiardinerin 111.3111. Ilsitwan MeEwou bearer, and bearing dais the 0th tictober„ (#77, drawn for three :otitis. Also a nolo for .-glets, totale reltilt .14 ltedeortsonin favor of 1.21.1444mit Meld:won 42- bearer, licarlog date the 10th tti January, 114714, drive 11 r one oar. 'TOTE LOST.—'60:\IE TDIE IN .1.."4 :BArch. 1 77, nous drawn tit Bettstar, in rebra try or 5,1crell 43 Out SUMP i'vatr, Nitiotni iti,t-ott in favor ol tho uttolot,,tatauti, ftti''01. All ()(3' 114 (PA. pilreive,ing 444-goliating t144.4, note, 11,4 1,41.yn1,a1t V10344.1 law 0..t01 tiitant(*.: 111)W101.TILY. Exeter, February 1, 1.'7. (II,E,AT AUCTION SALE or impo11r}22) .4...!..a,Tiron(3rommfa) ocx At t'11'7 Town of (Tliton, Count)" of Huron On Il'ethezdity, -liarcit, 1878, tinier tie auspices of the 111424442 r.41.4,1.4 Stock AssocitAion. Thirty -throe stallions and 5 Breeding Mares, 01 )11333(1311(1 Immo* till 17-43)1)' I Yeaughts, 32 Geno- ral Purhoso nod Agricultural, 131111. .11 13103111, Ctil, 1:14010 141111 Itowlster 14t011001s. Ton Thoroughbred, II' Ltd a splendi1 oho lee ol Litrlittm Crltcti 10111 1-1-11:1134. A good (dunce in I.* tgoater and Cot*ovold sheeo 1411,4. VOl al., 1154-41.13 44r 14114,1, This proli.ibes 10 he one of the* best sales ever hold iu Canada. Printesi Catalog zes, or handbills eau 119 had on appliratiou to t314 14..crotary. The Ortlid Trunk awl (iteitt Wostorn 181113)1553 will issue return tieliets tit ono fare 114)111 tlxirei. 51.51. 3te1.E3N, Seereetary, SettfortIr WHARTON HODGSON President ,E1-(.1.(31% AU 16- t•411e1e4 at LI :AU1,4t 315141 11 Nitt Ix. IL.? tb'et z4. 41.,4ev 4.4.444444. ,-,3114.4 143441 354 N GCZ S Has cOnnuQuetid. All Winter Gooa.i will be (!losed out at UNPI.:.BOEDENTED PRI CES. Yen/mon....iplk You will save woney by purchasing during this sale for one month, at BANTON'S. ,UohnDrews Furniture )1ISSOLU LEON OF PARTNER- SIT111.-The mirth .w.sbip 11-ret4for.. e Xis". ijtlftvctit1)eatnattrtv.tl rviio,3,lia,1.tlestyii;Ia 53111! *1 (kro;-llwuy Zwiker, 3is this day (1111333414471) by iota:nal con- sent. THOS. GREENWAY, WIT:swiss : C, ZWLi111.11. THEODORE SWITZER. Credite.n , 4th 'February, 15713. Referring to the above, the undwsigned chary en the business in Ate same promises, and collset all accounts and(205 elahnO against the late Dm. . 0. 15 WiKER. EVERYONE MAY ENJOY THE BENEFIT OF SEA BATE!. AT THEIR OWN FIRESIDE 0-0 , ATLANTIC SEA SALT FOR SA.LE at the DOM. LABORATORY. resels-q'?-e . Your .Sight by using our4;C1TEAP SNOW GLASSES. A LARGETRESH STOOK OF Rerry'sCelebrat3ed ConditionPowderg 14 rEICDENI. .m6. .17.11174UCEITI'S AT. TlEr.E EN MORTAR Main E,t.) Exekerf FURNITUE Cheaper than ever. orarr4.444 • E st alp e ......74...., SPRINGBEI)S ,..-i.---,....-"1..---1-4-4,---_-...,*--: P.7,--- ', '50.-;,.....•.0\.„-. ..--s>„„,-.1, , ..-, TryDreVsPatent ----.........,...---,,a...t-*' ---''''e.t.--r"..r...,.7- '14..s 4 , 4, Spring Beds, only $8 each. Funerals attended dromptly, Charges mod.erate. Best Hearse in the County. • J. DREW. Hensali. -TURNITUBE Booms nWIXGtothe very large increase of trade, havo been compelled to enlarge my prend.es, and have just received a large stock of till kholi of Furniture—in fact, one of the largest north of Lon. don, Those in want of a first class article in the Iionse Furnishing Line should call and examine my stock and ascertain my prices ana be convinced that ean son cheaper than any other House in the tra.te. Wool, Straw awl nt %ze0 mattresses trod sx-ring beets of all kinds I have also opened 1)314. 31. first-class stuck of ('looks Watches and anti Jewelry, in faet every article found IL 24114(4-elassestablisloften t. I lea colnian_t that lean sell at, prik"es that 3(111145 3441)' the p011118, and, as low 418 emu W.3 purchased anywhyre. Viock'a; 134111 W0401.104 repaireit at moderato rates, and satistactioti guaranteed, by com- petent workmen. Also Organs and Musical instruments. Special attention to Undertaking. Buildiws contracted for. airbalrm,. 1878. STOOK -TAKING- 1878 *00 During the mouth, of February, 510 811011 offer at reduced. prices, the ioLowing lines ill Winter Goods, FOR THE BEA.DY MONEY IN LADIES APPAREL, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOUDS, 'WINTER GLOVE S, AVOQL f-I.OSIERY,BRE AKFAST SII AWLS, LADIES' & MIS SE S, JAIPUR SETTS, LADIES FUR CAPS, &c., &c. In Gentle/lien's Clothing, Ready-made clothing, both in under and overcuats. •Sbirts anti Drwerc, light and dark Full Cloths, heavy Canadian Tweeds, all .wootallantiels,.both iu fancies and grey.. Cloth and Fur Caps, linedEld Gloves and Mitts. Also white and grey Flannels. Thcatbove. goods, will be offered dt slight afivall;Stlyten mycosis; as I am anxious to makts room f'lutt4estaPritili,g4e11ahgeS•vriemilino eLacrioetkl:B"liklspeiltlieroll4valinipt stoas, A. call will satisfy as to 4te truthAnincispia the Abent trtotoinelito. Yours Respectftilli. C)Latli."FLI;S