HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-2-21, Page 4i'tkr irrr�
j oyed the confidence and esteem ofiSir
John, Dr Tupper and other leaders of
the party. Can 1Lr.. Greenway plead
tcmporra mutantur iu extenuationV his.
course ?
The lateness of the issue of this
week's paper ant? -the small atuouut of--ALC()M50 & CAUOti,
.401, liarristeth, AttortreTs. Rol -loiters edit,
Moues to T.oau ort heal Estate.
Fauaon's ll lock, E Iter.
reading it contains have been caused
by no fault of ours, but by the careless-
ness, to use a mild word, of the Ameri-
can Express Company's agent at this
place. Being out of paper. we had
ordered it large supply from Toronto.
Ono bundle was shipped per express
witllottt noir kis wletge early last week,
and laid in the express of:t;a here threat
days before we received notiee of its
arrival. 1.41 -consequence, we have been
thrown 'oelrind that length of time ani
tieve) her to i4 -74i0 with a ;anal smaller
a em,t than we would have had bit
for the tietetstitn roferree*1) to.
The new from he East int of a mare
11wide naattire th'm was ct:i1Slnlert*tl i ilr
sable s. few days arts, On Sattarday
hist the 'Iv119`;1!,ted wt"?re prep:ariteg to
Genco ltrate iu great f51ive ;at t ilaliil'€t tt
whoa Larit 1ii('rhy r:l•t; a?+p al to the
emergency, and n edit. Ai the C;ur tllaat
rnleSSI the cin t@lnpltateit advance en
'lau point and the
ce,itt autn tel
+taltanple were tll.t11e1Ll. Et.ut. t
smile 1?e l:;entivitt t to take steps that
•-z1gtht level tn eeriette,eoreellemies, It
c neelil $4, ,a'a et' that the vinnnstrlliee
'vas heeded, and that Gallipoli and
4Snst:111tinepl,? are still in the hands t f
tete Tnrlis. aectraiing to the
latest heaSices, ^;;3$.S1m to disglosti to
moderate lin' terms. and the outlook
for peace is airy assuring.
Tin: tail for to tztb ieiting rein ginner.
airy at London has paeseii the Local
House by a vote of 10 to 28. This is
well for London, but for the benefit of
education throng hour the country it
would be better to have degrees con-
ferred by only one institution in `the
Province, i:nsten:d of ,."ranting the power
to half a Jo•"eu collegee. and allowiur
each to fig n standard for its graduates
to attain. Linder the present system,
in the :nurse of time au investigation
will reveal that the gra/mating papers
have gradu ti11y become easier year after
year. Rivalry and ambition on the
part of each 'Caniversity* to confer the
largest number of degrees will force
this. In times gone.past, the old sys-
tem of granting teachers' certificates,
nand allowing the superintendents to fix
-heir own papers, was found to work no
.end of injury. The certificate granted I
in one county- may have been far above
or far below t ('btailled it' another
county, and thrnnglhatit the Province
there was aan utter absence of anything
approaching uniformity. A, ohttuge
was rendered imperative, and one SAF"" Tar IN STOCK OPERA'1
S42850=1= in 6:X t}ayi fr0711 tulle
standard lead to bo fixes for all for ! L. SLorf, tile€ t 11,er 4,
coantiee, which is infinitely more satis-
Me DIAli \iID,
AV,111":1 t 2's .Er. u)aet•e•alt-11tw, Solicitarls
.94:144crrt l •� tlsr.L:e! �, t ott mjitsioaisrs fn H,
14.W:- :- •3: Parte ... t, Mans
•C. ti sah.r, ,. \�'.4 .1itasCl.Iis.
l2' ' (F.-t':11tto^'s Plock. Waterst.,t,llary's.
1 1LUh.1NO 4s HARDING, I3aaerie.
tors, -.t erne, a, Solicitors, Commissioner
AtFFtt .. :C. r.':aeN'9 Irt'.ocx,water treat, St.
' wPm;'r.
lana.li.Fltt:2'l`!+ E. W. Exams'
•▪ r })la ten k .I'' ata 2'•t
7.°. a o f ,r a t „r t:dl a n2',,1
'IL,. 1 M l 1l:n
t! 241
amt ,• a a
7 t
autv..y e. ret
1,24 4.4%‘11.44.,..4,1,
.- t. 't,C•. y ..1 '4 -4 to
a .' t•nrlr tear o.1 la's#•
?..., is t.a:Fst audit .lw;a
tramtw tee'til
1• -i: a 1.11^44 °}I ay.
o I;u 14,14,..1411.,N, alar•
X/yrs COO
continnnts;eSsze:e. iear.thrrstime.enusee
in:Ration ort trent 31,,,ttn;4. or romo caro tis
Ttrroart naert3tirt. Neg,.ec.: oftcsl4iwcs re-
sulta in some Incatr'i,in Lung dissMAo.
here proved thein e!'a}ca^y, by a test o*'
"many years, and will tamest itn•ariab33y
give it' vet let. Obtain only
1SEOV:C'c3 LI,^\ CIi2:1L ', .1101:11k1S, and
do not,talte;iny ot'tbo worthlcso Imitations
peat .way bt, offered, Sold everywltero.
UB, AStY80up. WOMAN111' ) ANO TIn:1R att•TG,tL
1V'r1:hr•nt Lt,10::•. Lon', 411. LIMN,
1•WI la LTV.
Alieata are selling from 124 to ,, :enpies a der.
Semi for e:111 t a pitftea 011,1 extra 1(•rltl2 to
agent., and e'cs S ie ,ells f.e tot tion day othev
,oak NATIONAL PUB. CO„ 1'bilu, Pa.
Tn t'aofr awvn localities, caattvesaeaug for the ire-
aido \'loiter, t etlhut;t' U Ret lay Aso} �laut.111y=
l.at•g tit .agar n: }: i wand, tr;tt: lianulsntll
•hrelnnatrco. lddres I' Ca VICILLItX, Augusto
QExrn,t Fn 2 Mtxr,D t`nn:ta, with nane0 la'
eta gu)at pttad. I,,Joalt a & C},t, _.taisat*, N.Y
IANOIeiur•ttatrlpri. pricSeUO nu3t) $
_'lie, far•
0112'9.1, I4e-
per.#rue, IL,NxE.L 1.13h: &T2 2 , 2\nusir
ng t,ln, N,'S.
catalog,, i,of Magic Trantas and Novel* es 3 e
2'l laoult it. Queen's Bazar, lilook st.
•9tonahatll, .'I9RY:9,
$41.g $ 6 iftresee.. ek0a.rIth.emku. .k!1tttf t. lcurtit 'u"
(o., Ai nota, lie
31r15,Lt YI ttiU "sofa.-•Bciok and 1uad f ,t
GG1l1 JJ #,l•lrese G.E. ShansYsnu,i t�y, 1:sast•,n, :iici.
F) --Percy Cards, Snowflake, Ptuuuisk, etc.., 00 ft
6d alike with naaue,10 o. Nassau Curd Co., :Ces-
sna:, N. Y.
factory than the old system. So it will 11' It n F'2' s 0 N $100
iu t:wee tb:ys G
be with mfr Univeisities. There are L l4? aoal1onlia,l'aaPao. I ,vulu-
- a. b0r 22'
r -,t•„- htelf-a•t,.,,�en 1:f tlmlhh in elle Prov- New S' dein of 4s n2';+el Profits.
Ino+', each allowed to fit. the standar I '341110 roturu,d,, 3 bourn on De1 & Lack., Doc. 1.
t (1101! i ty., 1111 salts, s! Lvc.{ 0 * 1 uron, 3H buys
IFA graduating class 1111194 re� ell hetet a 181 Ia1ea, . t 131 b r Lu})Viii! s as risk al IC.r.s,
•1+ 211 al tat P. penult Freely by 102„01 and stock ro-
tuey can oeinvested 1t•itll a ileo» l t
-T,..' TIMYS
DwellingHaase, Ile., in
Meier and by virtue of a power of sale contain-
ed to a certain mortgage, which will be produced
at the thole of sato (default having been made in
tbo payment of tate money se mod thereby) wilt
be offered for sale, by Public Auction. y stir,
\PHAIITON liODGSON, Auctioneer, let the
ac?x m3QxC¢�,Zot�
Mani iotl., "181&
in the village of Exeter, kept by Mr. John nowtf.-
hatr, on
frltlayp Oth of MarchAreholding a .great GASB S.�.I.3P, for next 3C3
next. at threeo'c3ocLt in the afternoon, subject to
';.111"1 conditions as shall then be produced. All
thole ec••tein Parcels or Tracts of land and mem-
lees, sit luta ,lyiltg and being in toe vitioge of Exa-
ttr.inthe County of Buren. containfug by ad-
TWO -111110.)S OF N ACRE
1 a tine saute more or less,being composed of lots
No's 1e0s and 2!T , MA the Fast .'gide of Auilro-i
acreot, together with n dwelling house Anti St 0136
thrrctru teat:ta,t, rinlrfn the ocCU3lutiost OR firs,
ANN lik:'\I,1+,X.
For further Vrrtic.nln0' ag;ply to tbo auctioneer
orut the 111181!oi 6 .�... w..,..�....o.
Fxet^r, February uan leo . e:leiter for the diortgageo, p
Big 8tocktaxing Safe
It will pay You to call and e a
At W ood-ba
BRAY EDWARD. t (aueoe12**ors to G. B Smith)
t BRA">nY t1 ],`1) 15 •3.f.1D ;4.lia�el. at coon. WHITE
t11ii,i c _/I`-1•
. .. "21432' I1 -,,, 4+�:glanal. �,+rnr4atl etre 11;a2ai uta+• , \ Jl.A. °t. E tk.
41117ner} valid A1.g°:t' 'gist
Il„:7lit,kn,,, n .,1 hav , e:1
bAart.3 ea large stocks of Being part of a'Who]es le li`til,
4 01 ass . $ thea v.'11o1erale part bpi! 14 in furter' • tool the re -
gt tit ata ht, -241 i 1 a 1t 3,441.
d A . leeks e F ) -
111.t1t za let to o tit r
order n the r
oS t If F ,, 4 1 x 11
i t t t •� tl i , t i c rt.*
ane prices,
I: ST.
( 11IANCE.a41. SALE. OF i?, F. IPI
-IN yin-
T OW,I,v SHIP Oil ,I�; .. ,
ht I tit'• tt It l 1 e•�11 fetal 441. \tiell ut eC i as d av 1 } 7 .t 4 n !
I Cud t,sil Yrn,tlt uitli! t e t ,,e, hoar 111, dr kt u. :€ all 1 (�n• „Tenn -n...011 ,
t,:-, t .a t. 4e c"E. .20o'*.7* Lauer a large Mr, 'lteare s wit 1 li: t;di c, .a.. a 2';.g. .. t! �;c•..", -:,r
2 ,a)f'.1 ea•al 1 lett°loel•. Soft Eliot 1Att311 212or 1+201' ;1( t6 a rel^' a 61Ar et ^ + # 1ea. 4144 444 a r �!•t x,13 Iona it 1 1' *alae e, let t`,'i
.++ :-+ 1 ora t. 1:17.1 from '-a+tra 1'.'. 1/i. Onto ><_'!+- taa,,t t'yrt.ilert 1,i` r+'t t.•; ad�t• lt'"t:,1 a p•'. x t •a71•
' 1:'„ ti,.t,1 steel: of Loc., len legion *.tont teet'r2,1 01 iotas gm::41 ales 13';4 ., A tain•a, + 3 111 ' " e ,'tat., t a +:21 21 12 t.* 1tt t•+}
1':1;4`,4' 1 *21 N,se" , *`oat 0.4•*'tar*]brae t4) 0.212' :11 :ta.0:;2"1i:-.4.'reta^t' era 14;r144 14 r, :4..11 111. '2' 124 ,)., ^a.• +ate v:i112 1711: a•;tg•1,.t.,lt Cr,u a. 1af11.,O2
,;. a ,l.t• 1 aa!,l4 1 laett.ti C1 22 ale:rlat anal g* t^. t`, di, 5;0 -21'..i:,t:,I 2 2* it 1 a , • re 3';1,gtaart t'.i:ter .oaf ^t1, t r 2'.-t.,. ad
:\11.1e,lers a+s traa:l g+rl+ratg,tiy uttrtziieti tt*, ir;2egtt:el3 t;a St -e fa .,Y.Ye; \t ietraw.t li, +ea°.;at.,•4a.t to zit ,r, ,at dr,
r'aeertes›Cef eetionata
Smoking Tobacco 26
t)L'13i21..1C`li J t t'kluli,I. !lute!, in (*421 town lit. Exeter.
tftlr?ac ,;:ua..ratyoi tarr;.ta,otthseIrcur.•ftcroa 0ice;,
On the second ll ,y of March, A. X3.lt17r"t
tilt vul,uai to ,1"2211 , 21su+lett. u: U I.eiug.
Int 3IJnds•1 tr'a.0t.', ant, t
et 0.ialn42'•trtnininp 1 „t . , 13.4• ..,4,' 1 1'1411
fano" 1*2 021na2t• aa44. 4 4gt:urt r el :e mil, train
t}:2' 1oke short TNT, a11P Ceta'.eet 444,31V n4 e'.:•, elf 4r.
III, Is dtttraterealtiva in. .File."•:e4rlgtt1iettn•x7
ib o;, ft lug house, a frame bane mai a gruel urnh-
r ito An1e t I111ro w; 14,itet to ot,o reserved 1,id 441
be Pxo.e4l by the rel tact r.
that 1St pies +t t. ,a, t1n 41.1 te�a ria ntrel ai+e• i 14041 nt *lin titro.11late vas a41e.
--•�*:.f � tear 5t;tt,lrs fiw•.n t:nu€in ate Il+e won, t`nneg,e• 1
titiotl ill SWOPS 22 a1n0nR t 3a•taaers ('.nim sty aim 1+oset of tau prl rout 44ILI' Pal.lta4n 11100.2 Urt
citedCalif t'i.,w11(422 Y:ith h1. Iell11h1,r fur tie Intl 'flail witg4u, eg t0 Wath tnl rt (1221" * g t> in
t apart, taithunt ittane t. tare t tsI lire of tI°t. y:u-
:d n ,.t• auor}•y. 113 o]1 *424102' �es1 t eU4,tr:e rruw 210.1
r:n0littons of sato n ill he teem atnntlr a; r L1441 tls)rz12
01 tete l oostaf l.ltuucey.
aro the w( oder nt auyane wh., AeO:a teem, 41441 For ar:lis r pa:ti^uliess. arid to A.lwl I' 1' \'on -
aro often asked the question. -"111/W 0113 you sell 1 .leers i`A1leitor lhlcle 11 ale ;:ra1 t Ulel11 1 lylll°2•
thorn 50 cheap :, d W l 1i1CII, Sol Saha (torr., l-rI ut nrtl • i' 1F.
LAWRENCE, Solicitor, 5tratfm•„a2' to the Aae-
\V1iI1'Hr & CO., tioaae.r,
St 1ary'S 11itebell.FeAbruarySib, 1*7d Master at Strat11 21*.
DEAR Srzta I beg to advise you, and the publics generally, that I have admitted my
brother', \ in. ia', llantou, who has been with life during the last two years, as a partner
in lay business, which. in future will b,° conducted under the name, style azul. firm. of .P,aritolt
Bros. Parties indebted to me priortolkt. January, will oblige 1)y calling let an early day,
and settling. luauking you for, past. favors, and solictiug a continuance of the same for the
new firm,
2 Tll ,e Lv 1:+ ter t t 1 121411 Y e 1,04 ew Oat 1 t t2113
rat ;4,s I't141.'wo**A ttllr a,o.,i 313 2. 444 Ir
g nail title antatk zl 4,..4x0214,1 the 1411411* 1d.^ v 1,.U1
2'331312 of tory, 1 Ina:feet rre, '.32* l foe t ed" t .1,'4'1•
Ce/7t$ per i.�J .11,48k”, of ttt-ir o 4 1i. ,.e.i t.2' the ,net r -2,111+t p4•r•t
fort -ion oft'neLets:.. nil* for the Onee:io17tyof
the di'e,
Our n0.net1 „eois--rtes. tint leve.2's--•.111'.,102l
ttreetis l2sr't c tit :s t ,, ,,lel rata '+'a,re+). 1d lea°;t^
OIC TCB CCC ES AND CZARS S 3 a` ,•124 a that _.Io., u1411ut 4t1t4 til Yetis 110111 rtgallur
Oar •Macer s'* --\o pert of our stool: •11,1 hive
etwit sirr0totlk, greater seta 'action Men tin's. 1411 1sh1oo11 stay
• I't)Z "l'Sil1 ti':; DEP0T.
Sc13oo113ooks, Stationery, Magazines
1e1.I3.-Solving Nucha., Needles of every kind.
lernee at winch be es a oiler th,•n, Fila t to sal e10se
tllo $400,15 t*lgA: 110 volt tit close. ha pttb1t.: 52 (11
Gnat 4)urpr et•R Algttnm tt44,nrs,no*thrrgl•ci/.w theist
in tins (ranlyother 1A,e2t.,t Our 33140.4: a Shoes
A. 1i.1.1Z4\1t5.
1 remain yours truly,
We beg to state that WO s}llall continue the above business in the old ,stand,
Our patrons niay rely on our putting forth, every: effort to secure for them the
in season, which we will offer at the LOW ST.REM1JNERA.TI�� E PRICES. POR READY
PAY. `� e believe in the old adage " A nimble tenpence is better than a slow shilling," and
have resolved
Never to adopt the) old, ; aslii o �,�eL 10 ;� Credit ecUt S yste ,1
vee, all/. erect'
Gn,u 6.tr1 ) 7.l ott t t\ ii ht & ou , e believe that more than . half the failures in business during the 1-ast. ear, have
'PA t, rP3tilt, lie Phi tvaut t0 know at (street. Lr1;t:lardi �u tValtt,,.\owrXork• been caused by this system.
t F •
iv„ltUniversity a degree 15 t,htatllerl,, r'4Fi1 S Sofour':estcards.V.'it1L)u,ule,untwoatika,lUn
S0 that its 4':1111,± rimy be estimated, JONES &Cu-, Ashland, Mass.
TIM MAIL rspu )li+lllna an abstract
1 from aspeecti made by Mr. Greenway
when he accepted *'lie Il011ti1111t1.)1I of
the ',oneerv'.tive - Convention. 'We
'(i:\\ arld 1•liegal:t ca1ri2w with liare,.ass andnaar,ro,
1412111)'l188, ,3 001'ts. Also 'a card1, roue', damask &c.
10 c, Novelty Carta co., a*Saal, N. Y.
O0irhitli2'TitN c-a_h 1311 .oirax..l Try PUL
ALO.N.I, Ask your Druggist for it.
1M:11.3)y men honest and true; and with fair capital, have purchased largely, expecting
to pay proxxiptly when their paper matured, but when they most needed the money, it was im-
possible for thein to get it, as it was in the hands of their customers - in the country ; their
creditors became impatient, and foreeflilleiu into insolvency. Now we are determined to avoid.
the rocks upon which these have been wrecker, and will sell
We think this ,is fair to both the Farmer a,ud the Mechanic; the former can sell all
the products of the -soil, livestock, etc,; for cash --the ,fatter .ire, as a rule paid weekly or
monthly,and We_ see no reasonwhv a ear's credit should i:" g '• 1 r
� 110 alcl be- sought. Loil�, credit means Ioui,
prices. Our aini Shrill be to carry o11 a safe business. and • to conduct it 011 such principles,
that it will sl oeclily become a large and increasing one.
r l4 W 1 LL x�1li _Ff ,,�1' w ' :i O Ff: `;S ,wi , 1 }( 11 a` '' 7,1 Ot t 2'r;7 4 iP l �`��'7 1 a �>.�. q, 2' 'c;T
�� �_ _. ��_,� � tJ't..._ � � � ����� r.�a.,,JJ J ,1?L� 't.�':•C��� J �•"r7.1,1�TD
and will send on•tall accounts thio tgli the. mail regularly every three MOD ths, . as follows : ,1st
January, 1st April, ht July, and lst October when we shall be pleased to have them settled.
Having thus brought oursel•ves,an.d,,oru views about, and syst'rn 0± doing business,
prominently before you,
-and aninspection of our,. &toelz, and.. comparisonk.of prices, when you shall:bave .•our best ser.
ices. ,
t� �1 0 �9�w p't owe will 9o)Ic1
d'd �Atl Halt;*] �a•�to 11ny ac -
give another. "Ile had 300 greater t en It • `c'(? Breus elegant- a 1, ()faits 1\ ss:'Lel, clic!
-vet hi, Y'La* 3)atl' Sleeve Buttons,
I coufhdenca in the leader of tlio-Onpooi' ear eeet at .h+, 10011,18 l3rlttou,
}icicy 411111 rillg, 1 1',tr'in105 Llitt-
1seltt „ The :"3 tacific Scandal had be(11 Immo. p;11. 111.144141 u1I 0 *S. 2*10U,
�p rha�p 030 stools mu,t 480 sold. illustrated
1sed-again 6t Sir Joh0 itillodo}iald, brat N.''CJift- oat ,Lio„nenf jewelry, watches, &o.
so)1t with every lot. Silver watch
111: spite Of 1 i1tat •'norst,,1 itiau, leis- (lir. to ,an *agents w1Lt',ctlfrew.
I. Greenways) coefhdoo 'e in the honesty 11.'lr,1E, ET sio11•rarl.r., 1?. 0.
-and integrity of Sir Jobn h.I'tI not been
slim -Len." A.g,2it1, .:tiler he had batted
his. eelat .13 the house, desiring that no :