The Exeter Times, 1878-2-21, Page 1A VALICAMISAIMCIPA*1.1""JIAAMA*MIAZOMISM. Vol V. EXE PER ONTARIO, THUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 (878. No.. 25. rtli$7,)CE!PIKE,,j•IJS 7,4'ON U(71 0 4"I 134.1' "f cia6it i3e1,011, a ;voting lad, Son of 51r. surniner tou be simply throwing away his money.' ITEalS OF INTEREST. COUNTY PPE:U. \Ilqt I A few days since a most painful ac- , J. 1,1;olican, Seafmth. Ire -fl* at - The copper has undonbtedly hews — brought from the Lake region Ly some I There is A man in Castleton, Vb., riots on one of the Sarnia', who has traded horses once a see % on boats.— [Strathroy Age, tau average- for the past five years. A, 1 ea been offsred. I When a mail bag was opened at An- - F/111 7 •.2: .2 'a" ;1 ;,.." sr of PL. -Fes r• • •s- - • o s • L'012, Vg4,71:,`r• nvs, AV; s eftrAtE, tv7s1 a.raftn4r: it ; f. ; • 15'1 1/4 , the carnival, and appeared in eastoisse. skt tho close of the carnival iotired to the dressing-roern, and ; I I' t W1ZS Ananig sae saaies preparatory me. 1.,‘ ark he nits time en. asonoil, neotiscr boy, actuated no doubt by a spirit of mischief, lighted a , inatell to the o itto n b.ttik! whiot oho; lolocon had en hia clothes. 1 an tuotarial Evarued lite powder, aril T.151 a nloiatetnt the Loy mut enveloped ill • liis Hades aro of serious azin ratlivr donstorona character. Drying the year 1R77, there were oh:zonal ia Ur, village of Wingliam, ' births, •; :r L9, an& 19 (loatle. man sotto ores -raid for vagrancy in Wnightira the other day. T -Vona for the Uzi- 1 1,••:, • :!•••,...!:, •I' 7 !,•.• c.13,...s. Leh 7 :;7k• 141V? cieli%. iS801.1.1-`, ,N • 41...1 .; k.saisza, woo, _ „a kJ/ /it SaasJ.-]j7 sr" 1 kts • +pc is i.s- =1 10' On4.' :1•1.1 Otir111.4.3. 3•; :/y1 • 'W:1441/4-1 -gaits . Clinton bakers have reduced the price_ of bread to 12 cents r or fou round 'fool. by the City fathers of Kincardine for inapolia, N. WednesdaY last, a the arrest and ;wish:toot of the man 11 cat jumped out, and. is now duly eatab- George Flemiog, to whoae dour hove fished in the good. graces of the PL - been traced tile numerona borglaries: master. whicb have been committed in Kitlear. 1 An Iowa, schoolmistress has been aline for the past two yaws, photo. discharged because, for the atnngemont graphs of the accused have been of the children during races% silo attnid proeured and attached to Ufa ou her liad. On of the trustee* wale lave en forwart e to iletec- 0 larlf-sa se r tired at Sarnia, Windsor, Toronto and Sine° the burning of the Brooklyn other placos. 1 Theatre, thirty-eis tiro escapes have hod on wcanes. Ibsen invented. Eleven of those proved (las evonlig of 14,,,t \lack on. con (,,ly WM' th lea St and at tiie tesfong of' each of of o mole eisibt p„rjudet.. who wit, the othera somebody was tither killed etiffocisted white id.% it, ,tll burt' young gni from London. Coro. The French Railway Companiea have nee iMitrusy, of Dorcheater Station, " 1 1 • 't against th held the impost and Slio retarned of Paris. They claim damages to the tot verdict:, in occordance with the above lam aunt of from .52,-att0,00U to S8.009,- 1 facto. Dr. McCoroland, of Loser:mil, 000 for the pillane of their termini at li'VTC:.1.E:t .1. Locarrosol. of Clinton. was fined 1 The Quakers in Englaria noir . a :cantina ion, ass: 7 •• ; A J.• ',"344. • 11..4 •••- '.VENNOR THE FES;RaSally I of their well known members, only , • ;`. .1 ^ °. • 0111{117, Wei during the Commune. • -. a • number, /1,4t,tOrdillg to Mr. ilitrealty, one 1 A-- . to= '4-- $1 and costs for boing druulr ands ill. ••;, , a moist o u with a Beano iv,..,!••, A14•Iri The wife of T. Little, tho lath FORECA8T, ' MOM. A few vcara ago they wore To th, raTher of filo flay W:tu.ss, estimated at 10(1,0o0. neeident the other day, \. member of tae Koainolty Iseglsat- \VW° 'I"' vng . sat,.....yon were rattier pre mon re in 4 Lure got very drank one Sunday in getting over a fence elle slipped and . . fell, breaking her arm. 11,4;3as:tug In your issue of Satunlity yrankcort ; but, being a deacon, 14its , that I was IVIlin out in my forecast for home habits led hint to gAlinto a chorea, A mail roamed George Scales, arson.• - N 1 d ' I as i ' .' t 1 o :4 a, coot 1 ,,,,-, wt ) a serious ace ; vitt on Namara can rattly be paw.. on this b t 1 1 1 t -I • i • • ' ill:\ 11 Y TO IA/AN—Lay eau1 issszi -.sass .ss la,on,-; C.' 4.7•,..),. ! I s'sly:30s°0 ;•17;•!.;;,-.^.1 pas s.^1, tt,,4 =IL i 11-dt t • F br o not alma my a ere m urns ei pao g r tho PA/ boat. %lane unloading sawloga stator pia e, dna )eeeide so end or( ns waa! until mile tho month. has pas that hie removal by force became 14o.- ' ot mill. It is gummed (Tao revere term winch I placed cessarv. 4 ntruelt by a eant-Izook, for when found 1°,?vneorl, to.; the he woo insensible and blood was oozing entry of Foln uary A. Minneapolis boy was sent by Ida , realtly eamo dnriog the last four teal,er, a woman, to ilio superintend - I from bit ear. • days of daenary, and teas followed by eat to bo whippod. The lad sunpeeted • e ua AtsON li*ON, (nt. 1 i 1 - ...4, . , MVO!' VP4'41 -,. AtrtlitVaLt1;',. !. raz, ,:.1.1 L..: fs- -...,„,,... ?,1Es:•,,i ;:si (7,44',19, :•;I'll ', %II' ;ass losses.aa no..aosi 1., .14a,11.1 41' a 14 g,•.: MU, uy vss.‘„ %g -1l ono +lc; to l.(1,4.1 cal 11•1',4110,1.4, tout:4 oreaest aitsiaaal to 4400'8 VA' 1.4011 or othfir.-t. cons em -os, 13,, 1111 Ott'S'114%, t°141i1MF:844•1,1". ColtiVi^:.1411Cfr. I 144 CA 'M.I'llE1,414. l'It01.11%;CIAli 4. • I.fttatl Snvso,ter, .t,?!., dill to !It, t; % 1 .4 A 3,-111.4.4.i:xt-1,-rots ti.o fir.t Lw -41.t v us t ar 031I. 3. f,,,,r T., o'h is ft wsci Mr. iset4.1 siii:elerrte, win re rt.sys pi ..,,upl, c,tt,,mrjou • LAKE. Comnliasiotter. Insnr. 0A/..• IlUr”,. 63.94 'VA I. 'nunrcee roor nor 1:4 lto:.t! -1:3123-4,EI.L'1"3., V.12'041,i 1I`•tv1.111•14§10t..31,•VV:SOOtt5/4. if)111V)1,31a 1.1".15 LIS to loau at S per cont. .1• ,(,)11T0A.GES 11-1.1U•tslIT. /101SIVEYANCINC1 ▪ g.s4es, Wsllo, ,tt•4.r.twallllreasonahle terms QINCLAIlt TAPP. 1 1041A11`122 F311,•1.1 OMAN 30441 Toys double 0121 sruglo florin Wool, of alt eolor. Also Zephyr and Gormantou Wool 'Spat two: aorthed the Tnirs office, Exeter, TyR. ABBOTTL. D.S.,11.11,.C.D.S. • 0..tel.acto ulnas r.s ne3. mace : , V ILI; '142 eldstand,Exe ter. Odi SOLDAN, R.1.4 just etnameneed business one half mile West of Desitwood, and is prepared to clean Gloats, Watches and Sewing Machines. Urn. brellas repaired and Uranus and Melodious at. tended to. Tome in want of his services should give him a call bcfore going away from home. Chingos moderate and entire satisfac- tion guaranteed. DILE NV'S HALL, Main St., Exeter. Tho above large and convenient hall r. boon fitted up in the most approved style, Lassa the largest in the place. On tipplioution, a fl.nt. Glass piano will he furnished. For terms, etc, apply to Ciao. A.. Mace, ono door &Intl!. Also to rstit for c, term. of years, the largo store ?below the hall, 3311 (1XC:111,811t cellar, sod water con- venient. For particulars apply at the same place week an old woman name& a heavy Goiew storm at a great number the contents of to note and hired a t \Vet Wawanoah.ff t of points west and 8011111 of :Montero' boy he mat on the street to deliver it, ed with insanity was taken to Cloderich . lail for flare looping'. ThINV LIVERY STABLE, Main Street Exeter. MARK CLA1IRE would ac- quaint the public that ho has opened a new Livery Stable ou his pretniser. The public will find good and comfortable rigs at allhours and at moderate charges. FFIDAV1T—I, Catherine l3ippel, of the Township of 11a3-, do solemnly de - 0" dare in presence of MitIlOSSOS that I. Gordon Me- ' I.c'od diet not at any time prior to the *to of thits declaration deliver, givo or cause to bo delivered, an, drug, tnedicine or medicinal substance of any kind for the purpose of depriving me of 1317 1031- 000 for any purpose whatever. I take this oath solemnly bciteving the same to be true. (JaVI!LITil RINL SIPPI8L. Taken before It Caddy, 00111. in Court Q. 13. in and for the County of Enron, on the 1st day November, 1877. Woe alisamoniNennom.••••WItgalaa....**Mall.sue PROPERTY int ARM TO RENT.—Lot 9, on the '10th concession. of usborue, containing. 100 acres, 70 of which aro cleared, 1V011 t0210041, 11.11.1 .131 o tIrstsclass aloto of cultivation. ' 15 acres of fall wheat sewed, and. nearly all the fall plo w in g done A plentiful supply of water close 40 10; 210080 arid lixd. Apply on the promises, or by letter to Witt - Chelsea O., to liobert r John Orem, 0.3,-t ARM F011 SLE. ---The subscriber offers ' for sale, lot 18, concession 5, Stephen, four miles and a half from _Exeter, comprising 100 acres, 90 acros cleared. Good log hone0 and frame barn, splendid. wah.or, soil fit for dairy or grain, also r splendid briok yardl on tire premises, For further particulars apply to RionAan Ta1m10 02111231 promises, or 20 Mr. W. TINeymouth.of the Sth eon. af TTellett, wail ongaged in fixing a saw horse filo altar tiny, and was using an Imo thersto. which caught on a eIntben tine. find threw him hnek on his head, arming thrills:1i the bone, and Itily miring by a slight distance savory part. On Friday of last week, Mr. Street, 13 aentleman of Irma etandira in Cinder - job, and well known in the Education- al Departmeut, had his right arm am- potated n few inches below the shoul- der, It appeara that rr. Street, many year= APO, nit with a severe occident, by which his arm wais critshed between two rollers bovine 0, leveroge of over three tone, but owing to the elasticity 'of that bone, and the oreat still and at- tention of his medical men the limb was preAerved, although the worn) d never entirely healed. Some time back Mr. Strert happening to strike his af- flicted nrrn and opened the old wound, and cathing cold in it erysipelas set in, and unable to prevent an upward fnnens, amputation WAR Ids only course. The operation woe performed by Dr. Taylor, assisted by Dr. MoMiching. both gentlemen showing themselves to be alciltol and experienced enrgeons. Ur. Nicholson, dentist, administered the chloroform, noon request of both doctors, great oonfidence, from his long experience, being placed in him in that direction. Mr. Street is in a fair way of recovery. .aaa. Concerning the recent finding of cop- per in Watford, E. J. Chapman, Pro- feetor in University College and Con- snitiog Mining Enginaor, wtites thus: Attention is being called in the news- papere to the reputed discovery of cop- per atWatford in the county of LATIlbton. Some weeks ago a poice of I:nett-the cop- . per, evidently from the south shore of Lake Slimier, was sent to me from West Williams, in the adjoining county of Middlesex, accompanied by t 11301112 141142.14 that it 1111(1 been found in tho neighborhood Of Parkhill. I wrote im mediately to tbe, gentlemen from whom I received it, to say that it Wafi c»rtainly copper, brit that if found near Parkhill it mutt have been placed their provio- nsly—probably as a practical joke. Now, it appears, -both metallic cooper and iron have 'been "discovered" at Watford, and the iron ore, according to. a local chemist, contains alamt seven ty five per cent, of iron. Apart from the frost that no ore of iron contains or earl contain that amount of metal, the geo- logical character of that part of Ontario is utterly opposed to the natural o'cour- rence of these metals at Watford. have no hesitation, therefore, in de- claring that these reputed discoveries are entirely deceptive. Any ono talc inaCutock. in the so-called -mine" will on the first day of the month. Anoth. giving Linn ten cents. Phu supirm- or snow etorm weltered on Saturday, teudont didu't discover till after the the 9t1I , and fhothy the storms of the castigation was over that the boy he 1 Oth broke aver 'Irnitreal, Qulioc end had Ling:zed had not soon the intida of a very largo area of' 031.10try. la schoollsose for a month. Thus, the loots of the Cosa are :— that between the 1st of the month and the present date more snow has now FOR SEVE1tE COUGHS AND ally fallen in the Dununion thou at any other time previous this year. \Vo itIossrs Seth W. Fowle & Sons: nro now in a spell of broken. wintry Gcnileinen—llisa-S. I3urns, of lith weather which may ho expected to las: aod Coates street has linos been a suf. np to and perhaps beyoud the 15th of furor from a severe cough and hoarse - the month. I OXPOot to eeo soma very nos, which r cousidsrod. chronic. She severe weather, 111131 some heavy snow was treated by some of one most mi. frills, and it is vet nolikely that wo tient physicians, but they were only able to afford her temporaty relief, preecribed Dr. Witt:Ws Balsam of Wild Cherry, the use of four bottler of tidal entirety cared her, as it is now foot months shice she took the last of it during which time 8110 has had no re - Son, --"oral tion is absolutely suicidal. For while removing the tubercles already formed, they produce yet nore serious reaulta by inflaming and deatroyiug the soitad and healthy tissue.. Clinsomptiou re• (soiree a remedy that wilt othe wtUo- it relieves ; harsh medicinee. but all fuel to the flame toot, :thready tin:ewe:1a to consume the whole aystem. The Golden Medical Diseovery fulfills these conlitirons, gaol liaa been pro- nonnced the boat remedy yst oil to allay mai arr. str, cooszu-nntiord. HEN aALL. The tontine:so- r7f an011 is not govs •erned by the peso, iv'e wziata, but -by the am -runt of snow, whiolt give a thout an opportouity to come out; bat not. witiestalang the al:aorta:els On accouut of bad roala. there hal beet a very large quantity of volts and pork pur- chased in Houtoli than soaton- Mossara. Petty have this Fe:15011. rurchitoed 37,0,000 lbs. of t4ortagainst Ilia. at the same period last yea's'. They have on hatal an mos; nao quoin, ti -v ofotzred no at in tla ping • 110A1t1ESESS. shall this month record one of the cold- est dips of the winter. The month will again end stormy and cold, and March will probably be ushored in by deen snows, I advise railway men not to pot by their snow plows, but to keep them ready for use, for I still turn, ot the complaint. f'(1' the good bosiness men in Um apritoi. Mr. 'E. maintain that Fehruary "will be the of suffering humanity, .Miss Nuns has al 4,4,9 ./ v;naon 1 line mode 8eV1,1.1.1 11 most wintry month," and that we shall re;luested me to lay the 081,0 before the ments Ituaber from tide station yet have extens11p- ive snow 3)200(0108.public. Yonra truly, Please, therefore, Mr. Editor, do not T. D Mt:Grown, M. Da Druggist Ana put d urn- dila February as a "miss" Chemist, 8- E. car. 7t13 and Wharton NEW livaisE4-31r. Fairbairn hound until the month has land an opportun- .strotts., to keep up with other unifortaking ity of showing what it can do in the 50 cents add $1 a bottle. Sold by stablishment$. lies puroliased 13 t'eW weather line. “Not much snow until all druggists. hearse, for whieli he paid the handsome Febroary."—I said so, and I mean it. sem of $500. We hope he will do Yours truly, HENRY G. Vasamit_ wen, as his whole heart is. 111 Hensall, house. Mo.ssra. Wilson a; M. -Aare have bought the beading ,via rah- fastory for:flaky ;mural, by Co orge titleand have cara2.en4..11 ..vor4,. They'.tre Ale- tisrin:114 tii rat17a, it 0:44j of the tie4t eStals11:4110.6fUtr‘ idf the kind ia Cooada, havino. made U.^TOUgOlut-I.ItS put th new boillt.r 314L ugine danble 'rho eize of the one they have at nreaeot. S. Lonnie is sparing no panza to make his mill one of tIle best in the saitintry, having ordered these oew b ilts tafte the plitoe of those put 113 by the cola. treixtors. Mr D. •Nlefirtsgor, who Loa e11ar40 of the '11, ; to ireHat. 13faCtion, judging from the largos :ou- twit of griatinst; that is doing at the mill and when the improsod bolts RN put in, they will no doubt ineroase the buaineas the mill. Mr. NViisou, of than Moosion House, has sold his hatol to Mr, Ilichurd P.PYLIOISIS, for the handsome SIMI ef$' 5,800. From what I know of Mr. lloynolds, 1 ani Huro he will do a, good business in tho hotel Hoe. An oyater supper was given Mr. Wileon on the occasion Of his leziaizas the hotel. Quito a large crowd was proAent on the ovension, S% 11!C}1 speaks won for lir. Wilson'o populority 312 IIenaall and neighborhood. Mr. S. T. Jitetisou has got all the briok on tho gronnO for the erection of a new dwel- 1 ' ling There have boon several persons , looking around for imaineas atann tis i ' our little tO 11'11, and if reports are trite • 1 we are to have several additions to our Last DEATH IN HIS FAVORITE ROBE, and be won't let it be behind. DASIIWOOD. The inortautry statistics of the whole CITALLEIsEGE.—Seven of our draught seyen of the Exeter plea ars. They -- .ctvillzed world show that one-fifth of players join in sending challenge to Btrsrsass CHANGE. — Messrs. Elva - bourn & Hall, who have been carrying. on business in this viallge for the paet four years, EiS general merch ts, have sold out tl Messrs. Cook & Green,. who will in future carry on the business. Mr. Cook has lately built 1) -FW 14319 commodious store on the corner oppo-- site tho Commercial Hotel, where he in- tends removing in a short time. It is also understood that be intends to carry on the shoemaking business in oinsneo• tion. SLBIGFEINO,—Driring the early part 01 1111411 week business was. pita lively as long as the sleighiug lasted, and a great onmber of teams were engaged in drawing saw -logs to the ruills, brit alas 1 the snow has nearly disappear- ed, ou the roods et least, and this. branch of basiness it again paralyzetio Dissoovao.—Mesere. Tone & bolo have dissolved partourship as Wag - 00 and carriaoe inakors. Mr. 3. Thom is to carry on the business in future in the old ttaud. • Litortmas.The B,cv. A.. N. Eater- tlion,. a, Bulgarian monk of the Crreek Church, gave ,a lecture in this villAtge on Sot 1)11 the 17th inst., on Jeri -tandem and Mount Calvary. The lectorcr gave , very interesting ac count of the manner of liviog, of the different secte of' people living in that waxy, and also a geberal Eastern •co I. description of bulldogs and soonory, He is to lecture lObro again on Friday all mankind die of consumption alone, mid the antober of deaths due to con- would like the fi'rst match to be played sumption bears a greater ratio to the at Honsall, as they have to go to wbole Dumber that) tbat of any other 'Zurich to play next week. three diseases together. 'Moreover, in- vestigation proves that this ratio is steadily increaeing. Its increasing prevalence has led to the popular belief that consumption is incurable. Ev- ery year hamdreds of these sufferers teek in. the tormyretrents of Fl nide or or the dry atmoephare of colorado for (viral in that time. TWO hours a clay 14 health—and find only a grave. The 1, ail that 011,11, to bo given to musio by influence 0( 11114 atmosphere --the only 'a young 01111431, and not- ten minutes of Colorado 01431 afford the coneunaptive— lieve the day is past when. a girl must that taxless she is food of music.. I be- reniedial agent that either Florida er is at -beet only palliative. The cure of learn musie whether she likes it or not. Housnworm FOR Gnits.-1t is mis- taken kindness to exempt girls from do- ing honsework simply because they are attending school. The sir, hours of sellout are enough for any young girl to study, earl; a girl of average ability, if sue le studious, will kora tho leason re - 0 t iA It com1iconsumptiontion (1:e !art' ,(1 t 110 el) 00013.'07 ce> 188. et ;lie I .11:(;S: tifEadit1(7'.112.11't::°:;171t..11143ktO7170tslitil. ae;t. 1011)1;niar'S t:tn) qt. 1:7'11 Oir tiLlr(ig1171C11 abnormal. breakiLg down of the tissues, have, (me duty assigned her as hers, az d. twhheiericjsit)orronvtoinotna ufaria:,,ailitaba;T:Aibortiltoi():.,2,,:liot; have her to understaial 'Una it is exptet- ett (27hor, and cl outgo that duty occasion- ally. tin pposo sho mitt s the entire care of the parlors for throe months. Then oluto:_e to some other part of the house. :Let ilor make. cake once s. week, poring); , (sr 1442 .1141 provide the doesttrts so man: days inthe week. These *hit gl will'1112. S'vuil her hands until she is grks - is so ousily learned that .I. 31140) 14121) .3 tit /LI to some vacation. Let a, le,111 ironing by doing a part of her 0.- 0101114431, Dot while a, child i8 10 SQ.& 01.10 13,11 lliu021 tio.0 anti very littio 1 a eoadaiou in. I ,0113,'\V071(, ansi tiseyo vai.a,osss toot -they , worloa, 33 22 otiOU Alm‘le ...1 (LE ,I0orS 41 4.1e;a. 1) u,i11.1 18aroaioo, ,8 o. 010 10 12t:a 143 421 hot: heatth (111(1 saeh • 321- L. 1., LI, I order to stop the formation of tuber - admit matter. Fulfil theee conditions, a,nd, ConallMptl'ql 131 tbR curable (331 fON'Or. folfil these conditions the requir- ed remedy, moat increase the appetite, favor the aesimihalOU of food, and • en- rich the blood, thus retording tho volopomout of tubercles. To iicoona pile 11 t12i8, 12 more power(a) alteroki,v(3 than 1)r. Picreo's- Guidon Medic ti Dia. coveey12443 tower been 21i-covro. the some time, is soothes the irritation of the uorvons systom prAinied by violent oonghiog, wniob in its turn 40 Oft( u Ilead8 to more set iuus roeult31. evening z.oxt. The Lieu 01 "01p4tooaa131.3 '12i cd.,so 14