The Exeter Times, 1878-2-14, Page 7=Au 14,187$
rgB TIM -t S
()Wren Feb, 8.
'The speaker took the ollai,at three
The following ie the full text of the
speeoh from the Throne
flea, Gentlemen of the Zeuate—Gentleuten of
the House of Commons :--
In again enols ming you for the des-
patch of business,1 am glad to be able
to say nothing bona the ordinary
business of the country regniree your
attendance. it afforded me great
pleasure to have had an opportunity
before my 'departure from Crcuada of
visiting the, Province, of Manitoba, and
a portion of the outside territories,
which visit I accomplished daring last
autumn. I have now had the advent.
of visiting every ,province in the
Dominion during the terra of my Gov-
ernment of CNuada.
I am happy to be able to say that
the arbitration on the fietlery cl;titu t.
ineder the terms of the Washington
Treaty have been coneltttleti. An
award has been mat a by the Commie
pion, of $5,500,008 as compensation to
GaJll dn, and Newfoundland for the use
of their fisheries vatting the terra of the
prestoit treaty, Tide alu+atn t le mach
less that (Alt{iniad by my Goverulneut,.
shut Laving assented to the creation of
the tribunal for the determination of
their value, we are WWI(' loyally to as
acct to tsar decision given.
The exhibition of Canadian nhann
faottlree anti Prltlucts at Sydney, New
South Wa1ee, was sueceesfully carried
out. I trust that the retault will be the
Qpelhitig up of to new market f er Can-
adian ¢,mortis even in ea rewrote a region
as the Atll+traliasiau o.hlutties, the ship -
Monts of f)tanadien pratauettous haviug
already bee» made. The expenditure
will WW1 ly exceed the estimates, but
I doubt not the cost to Canada will bo
amply repaid by the extension of her
" trade.
Preparations have been uninterrupt-
edly carried on during the last eir
montilrl for securing an sample but se -
loot (exhibition of Canatia'a products
and ma,nufneturott at the (treat Exhibi-
tion to be betd at Paris during the cur-
rent year ; a farther estimate will be
required to meet this expenditure.
Alis Royal Highues8 the Prin eta of Wales,
lee cldairmau of the British Commis-
sioners, has rssigned a most prominent
*lace to f'aufada in the main towers,
where a Cauatliau trophy is now being
;s.jvery disastrous fire aeourred in
:Mute lark, irr the eity of St. Jelin,
which canna. ed the dostructimi of a large
portion of the city. including all the
the Nubile buildings owned by the Do-
minion Goverumeut. My Government
deemed it necessary to contribute
$20,001) to assist in relieving tt.e
zi edetate wants of the people who were
rendered destitute by so appalling a
calamity. I also sanctioucd the appro.
1lriat'on of some public mousy with.
which to commence the erection of new
buildings for the publio business, which
trots you will be asked to confirm in
the usual way.
Dur'iuglast $?s<lnnmycommisoioners
made treaty with the Blackfeet,
Blood, and Piegan Indians, by which
the Indian titte is extinguished of a ter-
ritory of 51,000 square miles west of
Treaty No. 4 nod south of Treaty No.
0. The treaty has been made on
terms nearly the same as those under
Treaty No. 6, though somewhat Iees
onerous. The entire territory west of
Lake Superior, to the Rocky Mount-
ains, and from the boundary nearly to
the fifty-fifth degree of north latitude,
embracing about450,000 square miles,
has now been acquired by peaceful ne-
gotiations with the red men, who have
full faith in the honor and justice of
the British Crown. Early b the last
eltmmer a large number of Indians un-
der Sitting Bull from the United
States crossed into the British territory
to escape from the United States
troops, and have since remained on the
Canadien si le. ¶Che United States
Government made a friendly but nn•
successful attempt to induce these In-
dians to return to the reservations. It
is to be hoped that such arrangements
may yet be made as may lead to their
permanent respectful settlement and
release Canada of a source of uneasi-
Iies.g and a heay expenditure.
The surveys of the Pacific Railway
have been pressed to completion during
the last season. A complete instru-
mental survey of the valleys of the
North Thompson and lower Frazer
Rivera has been made wiih a view to
ascertain definitely whether that route
represents more favorable features than
the routes already surveyed to Dean
Inlet and l3nte Inlet, respectively. It
is believed that additional information
now obtained will enable my Govern -
inept to determine which route is most
advantageous from Tete Jaime Cache
to the sea.
Fell information will be laid before
you at an early date of the sessiou'a
work in this and other directions.
I am happy to be able to congratu-
late you on the abundant harvest reap-
ed in all quarters of the Dcnminien, and
I rejoice that under this and other in
llnencee there has been Borne improve-
meat in the revenue returns, taus iu-
dicating that the commercial depressirfl
that, has so tong affected the country
has;l over.
iy attention has been called to solve
in erfeclious iu the existing system of
auditing the publio accounts, and a
weasureproviding for their more thor-
ough and effective supervision will bee ob-
witted for your consideration, The
prospect of obtaining at au early date
greater facilities for reachiug the North-
eastern territories and the Provinces
of MI nitaha is euro to attract a larger
number of settlers every year, and as
much oldie prosperity of the Dominion
depends on the rapid settle :lent of the
fertile lauds in tilos territories, it is de-
sirable and necessary to facilitate such
bettlehnent its much as possible. £u
order to eff'eat tide, measures will be
submitted for your consideration con-
cerning the regietratiou of titles, the
eneetnhent of* ihalneetead law, an(Vnro-
rua;ion t trailway enterprise to disalii g
not;oualhed by the Canada Pcifte I;sit.
Your attention will be called tort mea-
sure for better
ea-sureforbetter securing the Indepeud
price of 20441110114
Fxperiellee has shown that cartaia
obangee may advantageously be made
in Departmental arrangements existing
at prt.seut. A bill will be submitted
to you for accomplishing thie purpose
without iuoreasing the expenditure or
number of departrnetlte.
It le very desirable that there should
be unifoau legislation in all the Pro-
vinces reapeotittg thetrntlio in spirituous
liquors, Hitherto that trade has been
to ulated by provincial laws existing
before the oonfetleration of the Pre.
vines, although there has been lately
a conflict of authority as to the jurce.
diction of the local authorities. A bill
making the necessary provisions will be
eat twitted for your consideration. Var-
iant' measures found necessary for the
amewdtneot of existing laws mill also
be submitted for your approval.
llfr. Hayes cougratulates the Indians
on their adopting white men's clothes.
Now lot them get a dyed rl endecl:a
and stand on SUMO hotel steps and
stare at tho ladies.
Where one depends on Iris mental
ability for succuss in life, nine rest their
txtpee on the out and gloss of their sol -
The Ca tr has a ,potrorful appetite for
roast Tnrliey, with or without staffing.
plenty of blood gravy, and devilled
Bash i.13itzourlr.
"Say, mister," said a newsboy to a
man with a high shirt collar, the other
day. ")'ow do von noinego to spit over
that enllar ? Di, you use a ladder ? "
A Detroit restaurant man hangs out
a siert of ' free chops," and when the
old loafers come around, he shows
them an axe and a wood pile.
Don't neglect your penmanship. A
swan In New York got $61,000 from a
bauker for being a good writer. It is
not yet known how many years he will
One of the saddest sights, these hard
times, is to see a woman with a five
foot husband trying to alter his pants
to fit her six foot son.
Grocerynd L ruorStore
.A.large stock of
Green, japan, Young Hyson and
Black Teas,
Currantsy rurnes
D3R. D Apples , Cawed mum,
Sardines Lobsters, Saimon
Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wires and Syru
Rye, Malt, Sctch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobacco
and Cigars,
V1 ole a' e and Rezaail.
Main Street, Exeter.
G Vl D E R 1 ief .J..#. FOUND/VY
Founders, ngineers and. Mach,ixists.
MA1vUrAerfe iER5 o>r
AlidJliug Purifiers of improved kinds.
Agricultural Trnplemeats
Potash Rattles, Scheel seats, tko.
Iron and 33rass Ca: tinirs to order
For sale cheap--Seoond hand Boilers and Engirea Stave
Shingle, and heading Macuinery.
Repairs on Boilers, Engiues, Uaaills, &&c., promptly attended to
R eDI t'ASi
Inztho dieeesea forwhich they ar$ reconuape-ndieecde
Investigators of natural soleuce b ys %itmon-
,trated beyond coutreversl. that throughout the
au(mal kingdom the "survival of the fheattis the
only low that vauchsefes thrift and. perpetuity.
Ref* net the Babas priatsilalo gewtre the coupmere
etas presperityof man? An interiorcaanotsuyor.
cede a superior article. By reason oc superior.arxes-
ft, Dr.;l'ierce's Standard Medichnealleye outrivalla l
SU °there, Their sato in the United States ezceerla
one million dollars per alimony while the amount
exported foots up to several. bemired thoustuid
mere. No business) could,grow to such gigantic
mroportionsandxest upon key other baste than
Bust of arteria
Colder Medical #isaoaary
Is drtoratire, or.Blood-Clacens;,
Colder', Medical Discovery
.4 Fectorah.
Colden Medical T?iscouezy
is a
Cholagogue, or Zirer stimulant.
Colden Medical I3zcorezy
x.WY' .
.Golden Medtt;al 13i3.)v,)ry
U7 reesou at It Alterative properties, eueee Ihi.aet.
see of the blood toad lildn as Serof=de cr hiss's
Evil, Tarnow;, Dicers or Wit Beres, Blotches, Raze.
.pies itnmi Eruptions. By virtue et it.; Pectora.
micrtir i, St eures llronc1iitJ, Throat and Lang
Mreetious, beiJ'lent Coriunruptten,
Coughs,urtd Chronic Lar ngitis its Ch v
properttee render it an une++I�u�5Uell Tenn dv for Blit.
touruese, Torpid Inver, or"t,iver Complaint'; and
its Temno pr eerties make it equally etfcacimis isr
curing Zntbgesthon, IAsr of Appetite, and abs.
Where the skin is shallots and £ :rel, d with
blotches and pimples. or where there aro scrofulous
swellings and affections, a few tittles of Golden
Metrical Discovery will, elect an entire cure. If you
feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color at
akin, or yellowtsla.brown spots on face .r body, Ire.
!picot beaclitebce or dizziness, bad taste in mostb;
internal heat or chills alteruated with hat flue -gee.
low spirits and gloomy forebeiliu„e, irreg.aarappe-
tito and tongue coated, you are suffering from Tor.
piel.1it'eror Biliousness." Ieteeny caperof1wie-
er eempleirrt only part of titrso symptoms are
experienced. M a remedy for rt11 such eases, Ar.
a eetd Golden
t carts, JeA i,ug the user itreesch
suets and healthy.
P. P. i-. P.
;?r. Pierce's
i'urtly Vs stank. i2To care rcgairc;i whflo Pring
P.J1 Ohe IPHYSIC, scar�celytalax.'er tlhaun ,uvada
seeds, and are sugar-coated They ret :,t' i the
necessity of taking the great, crude, draatie, 8L.keu.
ing pills heretofore so much in use.
and t :as a remedy for Hea sidle, Ilizeincss, Rush of
Burets to the Beed. Tightness about the Chest, Bal
Undertaker-; az,d. Finitlxre Manufacurers
these who intone to do so item
the anisuufueturer. Tho
dealer who buys to sell
again must uecessorily
haven profit. We 'lain
to give the pnroltasors the
bcuofit, which cannot fail
to meet the views of the
Gtrull;ers. Our expenses
a -e lees than timer) of city
manu'acturora coutuupozit- `
ly we cul, sell cheaper. -
Bmblems of all the Different
q B tY O it L D'
to ouruatdertaking ifept.rt-
mont,whioh is more cont
plate than a ver, as we stew
added several new designs
euand every
funeral requisite at tLdt
to west prices, Our now
HearBets pronounced by�
competent Judged to be
seoand to none in the
it has been officially decided that 870b
the reason why a law book is like a i7 f C7.
frolicsome ram jumping over a fence,
is because they aro both bouudin'
They had Welsh concert in U'ica,
the other night, and when the choir
sang, "YrI Arglwydd ywfy Megaif,"
the enthusyladdgsm was intense.
Tickle the public and make it grin !
The more you tiakte, the more you'll
win 1
But teach the public --you'll never
grow rich,
But Iive like a beggar, and die in a
ditch 1
Johnny have you learned anything
during the week, asked a teacher of a
six•year-nld pupil. "Yeth'm." "Well,
what is it ? " "Never to lead a shall
tramp when you hold both bowers 1 "
"Good morning, Donnelly ! I hear
your daughter has a baby ; is it a boy
or a girl ? " "Faith, Miss, it's meself
as doesn't yet kuow for the life of me
if I'm a grandfather or a grandmother,
I would I were a senoolmarm,
' And among the sehoolmarm's bated,
With a small boy stretched across my
And n ruler in my hang.
When a prominent temperance man
goes up to a chestnut vender and calls
f lr a sch'-toner of roasted chestnuts, his
way of putting the request is calculated
to arouse suspicion.
•Bnuks may "bust" and "go up," but
we defy them to get any of our money
to soar with. We deposit our spare
change with delinquent subscribers,
and none of them will ever go up.
A Sunday School clasas at Wilming-
ton was asked who,%ves the outlier of
the Psalms. Silence at first; then a
little hath was held., up. "I know."!
"Who 2 " asked the teacher. "Sam I"
During the month of February, we shall offer at reduced prices, the following lines in Winter
In Gentlemen's Clothing, Ready-made clothing, both in under and overcoats,
Shirts and Drwerp, light and dark Full Clothe, heavy Canadian Tweeds, all
wool Flannels, both in fancies and grey. Cloth and Fur Caps, lined Kid Gloves
and Mitts. Also white and grey Flannels.
Tho above goods will be affered at it. alight advance on my cost, as I am anxious to make, room
tor the Spring end Summer stock.
B .nuMinslt, we have no auction sales, neither Bankrupt Stocks. A. call will satisfy as to the
truthfulness of the above statements. Yours Respectfully,
3"01311 F. CLA.11.1tE.
HE Subscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and the szrroueding coun-
1. try, that lie has opened a TIN and STOVE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G.
A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is le (spared to fill all orda,s
Cook, Parlor and other Stoves
At Manufacturers Prices.
Tinware, cheaper than tho cheapest, and made up by practical
workmen on the premises.
Gave -Troughing done to order, Carttiaie Plating, a Snecialty. Coal oil Chimneys, the
very best and none Cheaper.
Intending purehasers will always find me :at my post, ready to attend to my own business
and prepared at ell times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good and
cheap artio e. Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get better value for your money.
The very highest price in Cash pt'id for Hides and Sheep skins,
Taste in
attacks' Eructations
n the Kidneys
Highly -colored urine and Internal Tevcr, Br..
Pierce'sNamara ,rurgative Pellets aro tiusurpfue
seri. Furthermore, I would say that their action is
universal, not a gland escaping their sanative im-
press. Age nes not impair the p3rml,ertiea of these
Pellets. They are sugar-e,auel, mud cneloeed in
glass hottles their virtues being thereby preserved
emu:paired for ens length of time,so that they are
always fresh and reliable. This is not the e. e with
those pills which are put up in eheap wooden or
pasteboard boxes. The daily use of twopcllets haat
cured the most obstinate cases of Seruful,. Tetter,
Salt Eheutn, Erysipelas, Boils, ]notches, Pimples,
Sure Eyes andEruptiS+ns, They are. however, re-
cbnlntended to be taken to connection with the
Golden sleds° ti Diseuvtrv. fat order to secare the
beet results.
The remedial management of those diseases pe-
culiar to women has afforded a largo experience at
the world's Dispensary, of which Dr. Pierce is the
chief consulting physician, in adapting remedies
for their cure. Dr, t'ierce's Favorite Prescription
is the result of this extended experience, end bas
become justly celebrated for its many endremer.
kable emus of all theme chronic diseases and
Favorite Prescription is a Powerful Restoratije
Tonic to the entire system. It is a nervine of un
surpassed efficacy, and, while it quiets nervone'
irritation, it strengthens the enfeebled nervous
system, thereby restoring it tobeelteful vior. The
following diseases aro among those in which the
Favorite Prescription has worked magic cures,
viz.: Leucorrhoea, or " Whites,' Excessive Flow-
ing, Painful Menstruation, Unnatural Suppression,
Weak Back,:Prolapses, or falling of the Uterus,
Anteversion, Retroversion, Bearing -down Sensa-
tion, Chronic Congestion, Intlamation and Ulcera-
tion of the Uterus, Internal Heat, Nervous Depres-
sion, Debility, Dispondency, and very many other
chronic diseases peculiar to women, but not men-
tioned here.
The following Ladies are a few of the many
thousands who can testify to tho efficacy of Dr.
Pierce's Favo ite Prescription, from experience and
observation :
Mrs, Cornelia Allison Poosta, Iowa : Mrs. Ches.
J. Methvin, Hatcher's Station, Ga, ; Mrs. T. A Say.
mour, Rome, N. Y.; Mrs. Francislinswiele Versailes
Ohio : Mrs. Leery, Putnam, North Wharton. Pa. :
Mrs. Mary A. IIaiolt, Edina, Mo. ; Mrs. Mary N.
Friable, Lehman, Pa. ; Mrs. R. Hiatt, Emporia,liau.;
Mise Louise Pratt, Dodgeiville., Mass. ; Mrs. L. A.
Dashield, Norfolk, Va. ; Mrs. C. Allison, Proctor,
Iowa ; Mrs. J. N. Vernon. St. Thomas, Ont.; Mrs. S.
C. Moran, 253 North Howard Street, Baltimore, MO;
Mrs. Lucy Calintan, Barnesville, Ohio ; .urs. Nancy
McNaught, Jefferson, Iow,s : Mrs, L. G. Stefnrod,
Friendship, N. Y. ; Miss Ellen Cady, Westfield, N.
Y, ;Mrs, Anthony Amami, Verona, N. Y.: Mrs. B. N.
Rooks, Grand Rapids, Mich.: Mrs. F. Pi. Webb,
Watertown, N. Y. Thousnnus of references eau be
given s t the World's Dispensary,
Dr, R. V. Pierce is the sole proprietor and manu-
facturer of the foregoing remedies, all of which ere
sold by Druggists. He is also the anther of the
People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a workof nearly one thousand pages, with two hundred
and eighty two wood engravings and colored plates
Re has already soldof this *°pulse war];
Over 100,000 Copies !
I'I tit;E (post paid) $150.
Address ;
Exeter 1310..,<er 15 1877. ! WoTld'a DiSpenSari't't1ntfitle, y, Y.