HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-2-14, Page 6PEBIt ABT I :8 CRIES OP "STOP mi." Fust after 6 o'elook last evening, a 'powerfully built young man, with his flat hulled down over lfia eyes, held the floor of Julius Bendix's jeweitry store, :at 792 Third aveene, so that Ito one could get Ont, while two of hie compan- =iors broke in the large plate glass win- 'dawa with their shoulders, aauel helped 'themselves to the jesrellry. 'Then all tttreo raiz up the avenue, .pursued by a throng dying, "Stop thief," Two of the mei turned into Forty-eighth street. As Lexington avenue one of them slip- ped and fell, scattering gold rings in the .now, some of whish were after- ward found and returned to the owner. 'He regained ins feet quickly, and, run- ning over the bridge. disappeared in Aladisou avenue. The other dodged through the throng, returned to Third avenue, and was arrested in John White's barroom by Officer Bennett. He described hillaself as James Law- rence of Thirteeutii itr'eet and Ax nue A. A.. gold watch was in his pocket, • Among the missing articles are $240 worth off old Tinge and two gold weteh• es. The window was injured for $260. CHANGED HIS )'IND. The other day. ne the Coroner Was in his office, a knock came at the door, and a middle ageti. andioue man, with a bald heat came in. and after making sure that be had the right official, said "Fall. Corner, I want you to dig up nay father-in-law and brit !him." "Boil hint 1 What for ? " :t 'Cause I think the old woman gave high a dose." "What rakl woman ? " "Mother-in-law," said the man with a feeble grin. "And why should I boil him ? " .eAiut that the way you find out poison 9 " "Oh 1 And what eauees you to think your father-in-law wag iii#isnnt'd ? " "Well, 1 amino. My wife thinks an, tco, an' things didn't look square when the old man pegged out." "When did '.ie die ? " "About two years apo." "Two years ago ! And you have'. bought all along that the man was murdered ? "Quite liul'e of it," cried the son-in- law, delighted. •'Then, my man, I've a good mind to have yaat arrested for concealing your knowledge of crime." "Hey ? " yelled the bald-headed per. son, springing to his feet. "duet that," went on the Coroner ; «and I can Fiend you to States Prison for it, too!" "0 good Lord I " gaened the son-in- law, dropping into a chair and winin2 his forehea& r1.'hen he said, aptlealing- y "Don't yon do it, Garner. The old man's safe planted, an' the o14 women didn't dose him. Yon see, she's been living with me ever since he died, and the cuuued old ant trinkets my life miser. able. I thnnght if 1 could get you to spade the old bay up and try him out, it would melte the old woman light out fur fear of the papers, an' I'd not only get rid of her. but get even on the roust she -devil that ever lived." The doctor pointed frigidly to the door, and the man, bent with disap- pointment and alarm, walked rapidly away. THREE MURDERERS HANGED, Malone, N. Y., February 1.—Joseph i coda, the murderer, passed last night quietly, sleeping well from 3 until 5 a. He talked frequently with his ac- tendants. When the Rev. Father Ros- siter arrived, attended by several sisters of mercy, Woode was conducted to the parlor of the jail, where high mase wits celebrated, the service being very sol- emn and impressive ;sand lasting about one hour. During the service, Woods prayed and sang. He appeared calm, and manifee►ed entire confidence as to his future. All the others present were moved to tears. The orimival requested to be hanged at the time, stating he would never be better prepared to leave this world, The Sheriff told him that 1 o'clock was the hour fixed upon for the execution, and he would have to wait. Woods was then condnoted back to his cell. Woods claimed .bathe was born in !:limerick, Ireland, and no one knew his real name. His education scats i superior to that of most men of hie class, During the past three weeks he las set• en but one meal * day, and since Tues day has refused all food whatever. Last 'light he manifested great anxltey to know the exact hoer Shell the cum - tion would take place. As is usually the case, there have been very fesv res• pectable. but many weak and sentimen- tal women hanging about the jail from day to day, lavishing sympathy epee the prisoi er. A stone wall four feet thick, eurrounde the jail. and on top of this acompany of militia did patrolduty. About 200 persans;were adniittedta the yard of the jail. Aceominodations were provided on the tops of the aurround- ing buildings, and many sew the exee eution from these ele=vated position&. At five minutes past one o'clock Woods Was led to the gallows, bearing a crucifix in !hie hated. Ifo listened t the reading of the death warrant with. out emotion. It was eupeetd that the prisoner would make a speech, hut he merely thanked those who had deet kind to !him and tend. "1 don't know how to make a apeeeh, and ern cot guinR to make one." Ile thou knelt in prayer wnh the priests, after srhiatt the noose was adjueted. At 1:15 o'clonk the drat. fell, and at 1:24 Ina pulse ceased to beat. Ile wee pronounced dead at l:86. His neck was broken, and he died without a steuggle. `'iii; HANGING OF WILLIAM WIRERS. S. 140188, Feb,1. -- kr lltharn Wipers who shot and killed A. V, Lawrence, barkeeper in the ealotxn attached to the Theatre Comigue, early on the morn - leg of hu. 29. 1877, wag bonged in tine jail yard between 8 and 9 o'clock this morning, in the presence, of a few spectators, moat of wham were news- paper and praressitmitt men. Wieners was abig, brutal fellow, and acted as "bouncer" at the Theet' o Comignu varieties, a show of not tir t.eltatsshte u- talion. He had a quarrel s victim (Wiener's) wife. He spent most of last night with his father's sister, and epieitual advisers. At 4 o'clock this morning he took a short sleep. At 8 o'clock he came out of his dell, in compauy with Fath e r s Shea and Braun, and after some p les were gone through with, City Mar- shal Mason and other officials he'e'led the procession. and the whale party passed from the rotunda of the jail to the jail yard and ascended the scaffold. Prayers were then made by Fathers Braun and Shea, after whielt Winiere made a speech, in which he admitted the kitting of Lawrence, but :aid the ant wan not done in cold blood ; that be was crazed with liquor, and he warned ati men against wuiakey and bad asso- ciations. He forgave everybody and was willlne to be forgiven by all, and hayed his death would be happy. The prisoner's legs and arms were this'_ bound, the black cap adjusted, the last words spoken, end at 8t thedrop fell. We - Tao fall was seven feet, and hi death was almost instantaneous. Iii fifteen minutes the body was cut down and the crowd disappeared. A WIFE MURDERER HANGED. CINCINATTI, 0., Feb. 1.—Philip Wat- son, en1ored, who murdered hey wife with a hatchet last September at Ceviue;ton, Ky., was hanged in the presence of five thousand spectators at 1.1 o'clock this morning. Previous to the execution he acknowledged the crime and expres- sed repentance. STONING A. RAILROAD TRAIN. Soon after 2 o'clock yesterday lunrn iiig, as the Washington express train' bourd south oyer the Harlem branch of the New Haven Railroad, slowed fe- ttle drawbridge near Barton station, it volley tf atones crashed into the cab (if the engine. The attack was several times repeated, and the three cars were :struck in lnany places. One of the :stones, shivering a window of the cab, .struck the fireman. Ths engineer whistled down brakes, and, with' his 'fireman. sprang from the locom` tive and started in pursuit of the party of roughs who had thrown the stones. Con- ductor Marshall. and leve' al train hands joined in the abase, and the party was reinforced by the station agent and the men front the neighborhood, who had been aroused from sleep by the ste im whittle, and a horn blown by the assail- ants. A brakeman was sent with a red signal lantern to warn any train that might be approacbing; bat be was driv- nn back by stones thrown by the roughs who then scattered through the. woods, and escaped, although fired at by Wor rell, the station agent. The abets were greeted with dsrisive shouts, and blasts on: the horn. The train was • delayed bait an ]lour, and sotne of the passel'. gees were much alarmed. The offend - fes were mean roughs from East Ches. ter, W110 vasitsd Boston for the purpose e,feeltiugraaetietleetefor a horse. ,After ri„ en lipg. the ewasaa;i•l.'g in drunkenness they conceived the idea, of storming the train.That diversion, 'Ys so common that. the ritilltead company has a stand - ng offer of $PGO reward 1'or the' deteo.`` t;n1J Af offenrter@ gate. In February, 1877, Dr, Robert. son recetved ati letter from Murray & Davidson, saying' that they hsd estab. fished the identity of the former as the heir to the u:o1ai ed money, which they plced at 4,704. The Doctor was to meet a representative of the firm hi Glasgow as soon as possible. He sail- ed with his wife at once. Al Glasgow he was directed by a letter from the firm to proceed at once to London, and was eubsequontly summoned back to Glasgeav There he at length met the business agent of. Murray & Davidson. He paid to the agent $3,000 as fees, and received a draft on the National Bank of Scotland far. £9,704. He was also given papers, among them an order of the Hamilton Prot'ate Court estab- lishing his claim. The draft iitae made payable ou the 20th of December, 1877, or nine months from. elate. At the conclusion of the transactions Dr. and Mrs. Robertson returned to Crawford county. The Doctor tirade . t arrangements to withdraw from the practice of medicine, and to purchase a reeidenco in Titusville, He was well- to do before the receipt of the money in Seotlaud, and he eonclarded to live in erase. In June 'net he received a letter from AIvrray & Davidson. requesting l'inh to report in glasgnw at once, and to bring the draft. The Doctor sailed. in the steamer Wyomi ig for Liverpool. Besides the draft he had several thou. sand dollars in money. His wife re. ceived a letter from him on his arrival in England. Since then all trace of shim has been loaf. ills wife started a few weeks ago for Europe to prosecute in- quiry there as to the whereabouts of her hu -band, Lettere that have been received fi'o'd her indicate that theDoe- for was made the vietim of a conspiracy in the matter of the money, and that be has undoubtedly !peen mile away with. There is no such firm as flour ray & Davidson. No mene:v had ever been deposited in the Nabonal hank of Scotland to reek the draft. and Dr. Robertson did not present the draft. The theory of the authorllies is that, the draft being a forgery, they feared detection after its nature was discover. ed at the Bank. They therefore Hum. mound Dr. Robertson to Senrlantt to get posseeion of the paper. and robbed and murdered him. VICTIMIZE') AND MURDERED. Cembridge, Pa., Jnn.. 80.—In 1876 Dr, Richard A. Robertson of this plane 'tet amen named Murray in New York. Murray learned the Doctor's family his- tory. He then told him that he tMnr- ray) was a member of the firm of Mur- ray & Davidson, siiiicltors, of Hamilton.: Scotland, near G'rlaccnw, and.that the Doctor was undoubtedly the •Richard A. Robertson w 90 was the next of kin of a Robertson who was ]tilled in the late oiviltwar in this eoaatnatry, and who bad left about $50,000 in Scotland, which was waiting the iajpnearailee of this'uext of kin. Mnrrayasid he would return it untie to' Scotland and investi- THE GREATEST Wonders of Modern Times Tiolloways Pills &Ointment The fine Purify the 131no'l,corroet nil disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys ant- ltnwels, and tare invaluable in all complaints ineidontal to Females. • Tile Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bari Legs, Ohl. \wounds, Soros and Ulcer , of how- ever long atanhing. For Bronchitis.blphthoria, Colds, flout, Rheumatism, and all kin eases na sno equal, BEWARE OF New York Counterfeits. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pi118 and Ointment,' aro manufactured and sold under the name of " Holloway & Co.," by J. F. Henry, Curran et Company, Drug- gists, and also H, ., ,mss. by the Itfotro- fol5tnn Medi N with ow Yark b a , cine company of unassumed trade 'nark, thus— • - ; 5 n—Again one. Joseph 13aydocl of New York,like- wise passes off , a ,, counterrcitsof his own snake under the Hama of Sol• to the finest °Inn ate i.? cue world, where there is loway &Co., having for a trade mark a ()resent arhoioe of temperature and the most beautitul and Serpent; atoKessen ,5 Robbins of New York scenery, amid uoxinttainI, Valleys, and Winding Rivers. The climate is dry and warm, highly recommended by physicians as being specially adapted for iuvalide,'atealso afavoritcresortfor tourists. ` • The Atlas Companies 's Ii ' ' y g colonial a,ia Uuitod states Maus, leave New York twine u month. FARE (SALOON), 5t) AM, GOLD. I .P Q Ire C -A -:N `L' SAFE TY IN STOOK OPE1t A TI0 U 2Bwe Realized in six days from limo A R M r Beall ou I,. Short, Deeemtrer 4, jr.(j ► } m ' GIS ` and PRIVILEGE ROFTS vN$104 three da •s If you require fro 00 9 d serviceable 'm gi implements, ,get Collards Flexible Iron HarroWle Cultivators aril iron combined horse hoes. These implements are extensively used and have given and continue to give general satisfaction, For rtrength, ,efficiency and durablility they cannot be :surpassed. The Harrows can be made to cut any width of ground and of any size of iron required, Maley object to them because they are too heavy.. This they used not to do net=now manufacturing harrows suit- able for any soil, front Meths. in weight endless up to any weight they may want. The barrow teeth are all steel peinted, Zirculara sent free on a1' plicat?: n. dgents wanted. GEC, %L.LlES, Mi u- ufaetitrer, Gauanogne, Ontario. Cand lA; f0 ' Tiulothyy w tt 30,00 1 warrant by the application and nee at my Closer Thresher Attachment; to coi'vert any Threshing Machin into the bestlelovet and Tim. otyTbresheri,existence. Satstfectiongueranteed or money refunded. Sexed for certificates to Jame - =Au llnow r,1' O. !lox No. 211, Aylmer, County Elgar Ont. \N anteda gaodagent ea every County in Canada, Kansa .111 about its soil 1 hn..te, Resources, Products. Laws,aneitepeople ateghvenie*be KANSAS F411. M1'' R, a x0 -pale weekly. in its 1501 Year. Post -pile 3 mo., 50e. Address J.li. II1' USON, T010004. ]Sall. Bee. 13ax quickly taken a high place among agricul• tur ljeuenale.^ N.Y.Triti:lie. \Yehacee nsidered it aatouR the beat of Our exchanges, and a worthy representative of the !fest,--Practical Farmer, Phila. Our lianses friends should feel touch pride in the leiglt ellnracter and ater1u g worth of their Siete agrienitural p1p,r. Nitionai Lire SteckJesrixit. 11's elti•ei f.13Iy e-e,ltti it with being ono of the best edited of am rreetnrn agricultural ex, llaugee. Spirit o f the Tines N.Y.. COUGI , COLD QR SORE THROAT raxemees IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. Aooutinuanoetbrunyleri t#aftireecar ee; Irritation of the /Amiss, or Some eltrouto '1 Moat affection. Neglect eiterrtlmce re- sults In some ineurehte lung disease. BROWN'S ORO NCH IALTROCH ES bey* proved their enter/my, by a test of many rc*rs, and rrlil almost invariably ere Immediate relief. Obtain only OWN" Iiltc)NC1 1gSt. TROCUUES, anti do not take an of theworthless imitations that May' be altered. Sold everywhere. THE "\ IIITE" Sewing Machine is the easiest ncllh'g and bot eatifvang a the market. It hese, von largo shut- tle; makes the lock stitch:tstsi:npie inCi monism very light running, and nlurobt noheelose. It is a 1. Most imposeihle for other maehiut•e to sell in.b. rectcompetition withtlie Wong. ;lgt'hte wanted A,,ply for terms to Write Sewing Machine Co. Cleveland, O. A GREAT OFFER von HOLIDAYS I We will daring there hard times nuil the half• days dispirit of inti now piano. a ,d omens, of drat ehrss m:xko at low pence fir rash, er h,etnll• meats, than ever hetero efere,l. Waters' !'imus and organs are the beet made, 'warranted ter 5 years. III. Catalogue sit:a lie:i. Oreatitelu :e ine:at. to tbo trade. 1'inw•a, 7 eetuve, else); ii ortavr: ?i;.a, Organs sistops,-le:4 'teii:i, 05337 Stet's, eel; 8 81011,, 870; 10 8t01.v *' !estops. 5911; in perfect order, not used a ¶. t Sheet l tausic at hilt niece HOltN('l) V.t'IE1 $ e SONS, Sluutefsand dealers. 11) East 14th Street. leu• York. b eine . 1 ou Nan ns tae. v m. yr b. 1!ev e bar26 i New System or Assured, Profits, 5412.50 returns it 3 boure on. Del , Lack., tree. I. $100 buys 300 .shares, 50 buys 50 shares. 25 buys L5 snares. :No further liabilities or risk of loss. Full details given freely by letter and *tock re- ports- Gold e- ports Gold and T. Potter It rigb t &• co , streok brokers 3 2 o. 3SWa11st..New York. 4Bxuiu FInn MUM, CARDS, With Barre I0" w cts.;,post.paid. L,JONEs & Co, .,.aesau,1C.x EANosRetailpAriee.5900odly 5200. Par - j jjyy or Organs, price 5350 0.. ;1)5. Pa- per free. »ANz£L '.13Ea,t•ra,'Nash- ington, N. Y. $25 A PAY TO AGENTS- leen Samples worth *330 sent free. W. A. ComrANY, Boston, Mass. Fesbioueblo Cards, Snowflake. 51ari•ie. ett, esliuiwith name, lee. C. Walker & Co., Chatham Village, N.Y. 2Cmixedvisiting;cards, with name Pee.20sap. Je nen =mete aFi 0 e.samples. yourLA I•12 Mm Pa. w t rix illa a 0 0. Agents wanted. Outfit 1e e. W, Setocraf da Co. iTroy.N. tt. Atalore, ueliUs i.Tiiiyevt 33alzarr, I3 uek S5 t Stonohatn Mass. pAINTIN G PAINTING 3. KITCHENG s prepared to do all kfnds of HousePainting, Paper -hanging Wbitening,.:r. at roaeonable prices :not pnnctnally. J. EI•rC'IIIN(i. liaiit 9t ,1;f r. Srlttth,hmi' ilea eon fart $tee/. tp•ed head I GET MY fLNIRATTHE FLOUR and. GRIST MILL, Exeter North, at nowt eingin full (monit ;ni The propriterbao aupplied his will with ilr t ,^lt:• s now machinery audhasooenredthe eeraiei a of the hest Miller in!ihe reentry. ORBITING PAI)MPTI.F ATTENDED TO. %%Ostaotfon guaranteed. frities from a dtstance can have their grist to trek'• borne witb them. NEW BUTCHER SHOP Tbeundersigned would infirm: the inhabi- tants ofEXeter and vicinity that be has OPENED A NEW II1.'Te11E1t 5110P ottodoor smith of 111rtc:.antitl:v}ta,p ttndltopes the mune liberal patronare that lies Mean so corded to biro in the BLAt E8 1VyIU AWD WM3t.N 1713,52:0 (ter will be extended tohiui iuhi'e nun brancbo nupinaaa, Iiia meat wagon 0 illeull at the reale :lents of the village three time t e•ael wecl. and FRESH AI Ta; A ".I.' of all kinds Peet cot.stautly on hand at bis butebershop. Blaoksmfthing and waiter malting carried ou 0a mint hi all itsbreu.a1 es FARM j n HOME 0 F 'S 'O' T$1 OWN. NOW is TIIE TIME TO SECURE IT ONLY FIVE DOLLARS FOIL AN:ACRE Of the bust land in 3inet4ca,2,000,000 Acres In Kast- ern -Nebraska, on the lice of the Union Pacific Itaiirond, now ler rale. 10 years credit given, in- terettonly 6 per cent. These aro the only Iands for sale on the line of this Great Railroad, the Word's Highway. Send for the tow "PInorrn," the best paper for those serltin, new !tomes, ever pub- lished. Full informatiou. with maps, shot free.— O. F. Davis, Land agent, U. P. R. B., Omaha, Neb. A FAVORITE Winte rp- Resort, tJ .Lj. MA.IOA• Six to seven days' voyage from New York by the Atlas Comnuny'b steamers, will convoy you are agents for the same. 'hese persons. the better to deceive you, un- bltiahingly cautionthe public in the small books of directions'anxetl to their medicines, which are really thespurioue imitations, to Beware oP yy British built, first-class Counterfeits. Iron steamers carr in the British ' Unscrupulous Dealers o btnin them at very low prides and sell them to the pubic in Cana- da as my genuine Pills and nilt3anents. I most earnestly said respectfullyappealto the Clergy, to mothers of families and other ladies and the public generally of BritishNortu Amor- ca, that they may be pleased to denounce urs• sparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the label on the pate and boxes. If the audress is not 533, Oxford Stre'5, London, they are the counterfeits, Each pot andboe. of the ttenuine Medicines, bears the British Government stamp, with the words APPLY TO D. Batersby. Agent, 138 St. James St., Mon- treal, Mess. Morgan & Co., 07 Young at., Toronto. PRIM, FORWOOD & Co., C*ENERAL Aanurs; 56 Wall Street. New link.. "HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AXD OLNTusNT, London.? engraved thereon: On the label is the addreses 593 Oxford Street, r,oneoh,where alone they are. yW o r k For AI 1 Manufactured. Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spttr1ou8"Solloways NUR nettIu their own localities, canvassing for the Fire - Ointment as my genuine make t1 , on conn,- side Visitor, .enlarged) Weekly and' Monthly.— munioating the particulars to me, be amply re- Larg st paper in :he world, with Mammoth mnerated,and their rsme never divulge& Chromes ree..ddres 1' 0 VICKLRY, Augusta THOMAS HOL.u0WAY Malee- AFFIDAVIT—I, Catherine aippel, of the Township of Hay, do solemnly de- clare iuppresepceofwitnesses that J. Gordon 1VIc- I.eod did not :teeny time prior to the dale of this declaration deliver, give or cause to be delivered, an, drug, medicine orenedioinal substance of zany kind for the purpose of depriving me of rnysen- ses for any purpose whatever. I take this oath solemnly believing the same to he true. LATHE TINE ,3IPPEL. Taken before R. H. Caddy, Com. in Court Q. B., in and fur the County of Huron, ou the 1st day of November, 1877. TOTES LOST. --A Note for $1,200 made by,Arohibatd Er:Ibertao.0 .awl Walter Gardiner in favor of 'Jhmeam Peerswan ,or bearer, andbearingdate '611waitest Bcteber, 1877, drawn for three years. A1se a note for $'600, made by 'rclaib' Id Robertsouia favor of Duncan McEwen 'or bearer, bearing date the 5eth of January, le7e, drawn for one year. ll'B. IRV , J College ep t eri;oi Le e y g t( 1 CURE FITS! I When I say curet do not mean merely to step thornier sterna, and then have them retnrn again I mean a radical eine. I am a regular physigien and have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY 011 FALLING SICKNESS a life-long retudya Iwarrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed it is no reason far not now reoeiviltg s: curb from me.— Send to me at' once row; a Treatise and a free Bot- tle of my infallible remady..eGive express andpost• office. ,It cost you'bothiugfor a trial, and I will cure yyeie. Address Dr. H. 0..1100n,183 Pearl 8t, Few Teak. , It. DAVIS. At ILLI' RIC MISS GARLIC$, has now ou baud a fun 810015 of fall and winte Mlfleaery. :loanprising all the latest noir ltk:b in 13'ats, Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, &c., at lower prices than ever. AD.rt.RE HOT'tfL.-rhe, undersigned swingg'• 8ua c , .-e -..e control .,:f the above@iotehler. C.-iwileon baying retired on ok' diem:metbe20th of July last; 'the business avillbo e untied on in the future by le. J. Stewert. The .NCxr (IRADUAT f+. CN,- teestelling public will flu,! everything. kept ill a VEltSITY Triatt el` '' i Pursicixas, end Burgeons Qua;, Clileti,TtJyktou'C. see ;. firrttelnes style. 1'Phe bar will be'supplied with the gesrt'liquorsand cigars. An attentive ostler al - ware attendauce. l-walreinattendance. W.J.TEWART. tiue23•t1 .e;• 1. :wv! A• FANCY GOODS Berlin li•'vols, Ottoman and Slipper Patterns. Jackets toade or cut to order. Fur triinings finr Mantles and Jackets. at MISS GARLICK'S, Main St, Exeter. THE EXETER Planing Mill Sash, DOOR AND BLIND PATHRII ALL KINDS O1+ T U R N I NG Done to order. Remember the place Ever O]ll e (4c XIowe, xcL 1BUOKINGHAM'S OLD BLACKSSIITHt SHOP is still going. Mr. S. Raokingbatn desires to returu his sincere thanku to his pat_•ons, w h o ed hint in the would intimate num PIOUS, have support least, a..d _ that, having, recovered from ,_ _"2'ess- his lone 111 nese, he intends in future, to to take charge of the horse -shoeing department, himself. Ail other work done in the very best style and at the lowest rates. S. BUCKINGHAM. Exeter, Dee. 13, 1877. J. 170011:414i5, WE S.A1:4/1 AND RETAIL, Dealer. in Lu.iin.ber HINGLES, LATH AND CDDAR POSTS, FLOOIR. IN.G AND IDING—DREASLJ ANetUN. Tut" 'Aria An extensiveStocl' nu hand., The' ltnmber,f oa Quality or price, car. t+:. `)est. Agood assort. mentdalwayson ht►nd,ohesp-..s I'aet . • Yard East side ]Loin Street,betwoeuGidly mid ictoris Streets, 4