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The Exeter Times, 1878-2-14, Page 3
EB' C nr ,14 18'8 TIE TIMES. errings or disappointed ].lopes which J waa, as near as WS could make out, a snake 11p the stc•ry of a sllinneok so ort- mile long by half a mile wide. Them en trsgio. WOolbat1 suffered nothing were uve springs in it, me of which beyond exposure on a Burn .mer sea for formed the little stneatu, which poured four and twenty hepta. But the cer- its waters into the bay where we land- minty of a ePeelly deliverance valed m Ail. Thera were multitudes of Bea• cheek and brought. the tears ^ to Mice' herds running and flying about the Elwood's eyes. *Let na have mus ning prayers,' she void, sand thank God for thio delive,- lince.' L and beaten about by the wind that Ben Cron nodded. At the same time none of. them were more than ten feet he cut an inch or so tobbaco fur 1i afresh high, while the branches were: inter- flllinr, and winked at me as l Anell as to laced and mingled togetherestri- say that we were not out f the woos cable confu ion. The middle part of 1 the islet was, in tact, lower than the edges and ct►vered with grass ; and at the western point there stood, all by long and low islet, without any !hills, itself. a rock nbo►lt forty or fifty feet and covered with silage sort of lose-ly- in2 vegetation. It was less than thirty miles from us, because while it was seven in the horning when it became visible, by ten we were within a mile, 'renting aboutfor the hest place of lmnding.. 'The island of St. Peter?` said Mies Elwood. '`I never heard of that island 'before ; tell me about it 'fe. Crain." 'Nn one ever heard :'bout it,' said Ben, 'except them as imle the clialte, because nn one ever goes there. But by oar chaplain. Then brenlcffst, they past. by, do the ships, and they Then, in fine weather, Ben and I went will pick ua up. It may be to -morrow fishing in the brig .nnt far from land, it may he in a yenr'e tame : it may be yowl may be Rare, for Helen bagged ns, in ten years' time, The whalers have 'been known to touch there, so there must he water i and where there's wat- er there'e birds, and where there's wit• �r ti re's fish and lin what I swy again dinner and breakfast too, On such its. genet rip. my pretty. elate, her. dash wo ,vete sgnring of nwtr stores, Then, far dinner, braiden rho fish, we had seehirda' eggs, etren; in taste but not unwholesome, boiled or fried ; and cnmetinles, to vary the diet, wo knocked +lawn the bird themselves, and roasted them, Per fare,wood we loud our little coppice to chop and back at. Our supper was the same as our [sinner; and as the evenings crow cold and Chil- ly, we used after supper to sit all Oreo together round the fire of logs, and telk till. Ben gave tho worse to turn in. Then evening prayers and sleep till dawn. Sitting bolero the fire wean lung ev onings of winter, when we slid not care to 'wants our little stock of candles, it was natural that we should get to know Poch ether, and it stead to reason that I should he sicked f o tell niv story ov- er rend over swain. M first I could see that old Ben distrusted me. A convict, he thought, meat needs be M1 thief. 3 1sr'how should he be a ornviet ? Ise trusted me, hewyever, with Ile young place, whose eggs we took for our food. There was a sort, of a wood in place, the trees of which were so btowq down vet. We were not, indeed. The land as we drew near, seemed a high, round which hovered and flew perretunlly myriads of bir[le, I found a way to the top of this rock, and planted there our signal of diatrers —a long white streamer flying from the meat of the boat, which we Man- aged to etiok pretty firmly into a cleft of the rook. This rigged up, we settled down for our new life. The manner of it was as follow n We hereon with morning prayer said with tsars iii hor eyes, not to rick being carried out to sen;, and leaving her alone upon the island. 'When we had luck we would bring home enough fish for Warreford: There was a little creek. up which Ben steered the boat ; it opened into a round bay or Harbor, t:arable of hold. ins all the ships in the wore.', On ` ,either Edda rias the latah, not ill cliff's or Mlle, 'but in a low tai►le-land. In one place a little cahcane, ten or twsonty feet bign, fell iota the blue water, with a rainbow hanging over it, aid in an - ether we taw the termite; of a huge 'jng-house, built out of boat ?lento. To Ibis spot we steered, and lateled on a point of tray sand, up wtich we two men pulled the boat high anddry above the fide. There wo disembarked olu' young lady. The first thing to do was to visit the log !rouse. The door had fallen from eta hege ihingee, which had been of leather ; there had been a * ranch kind of winnow -shutter, which 7 now ley on 'lilt. grouted; -and the roef, whish could never have ween weather- ieelit, wag built up with pt:uhks, of 'which half a d. ren hadlreea blown ale. We 1 eked inside. essaressereerserasoWiliallairesSir o'.13YRNE & °W.'S ADVERTISMIENT. 1877) , ING Saws, Chains, Cattle Ties, Axes of superior quality, Leather Belting, :IfABRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT O'BYRNE & CO?S HARDWARE STORE. + rocerles'ion fect onar, Smoking Tobacco 2,5 Cents per Ib. my On the floor lay a skeleton, dresete.1 Al are of duty.lal Buts; r tn he story of n nn- iu rotigh sailor's clothes, the halttis 1n Cenoo, was, fur a lung temp, trio match glove-, the feet in. prea. boots --aa sac(i- for him; and it was a joyful n.omanit OWL He lay with Ins !head upon ins for me, when, one evening, Ben held m, av if he head given up the ghost l out lies han[l to me, pa,inlo'Sly. Beside him were ati ehtur, (To nn COWING= a redo sort -a of table, athwi 0 bed. 5114170.1 bad been rigged ugh in the walls, of the liliuse, and o'u dices stood stores." There were bottles full et ruin, tins of nrovieions, cases of biscuits. erases of eanc'tles---all sorts of things. We stool looking in horror at this spectacle of death, wheel' greeted us an our /endin f!, as if it were a bed omen. 'Deed,' said Ben Creel. Dead this many a day, and nn ships touched all this time. Well, he's left his house to ue, ;1Tr. Warnetord ; we must bury him nom ehow.' 'And are we to live here—hero--in the same house.?' cried Helen. •011, it will be like living in a chartiel-liouse.' So it would; 'hut what were wo to do? Finally we hit on a compromise. TOIdACCOES .41.5m CIGARS saw ay s P. stock, 4RTSt.EN'S DEPOT, 3 (1877 THE OLD RELIABLE O US mall times, andpsrtionlarlyat a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at theloweeb rate. In calling your attention to my.present stock, I do so with every conftd encs; it being more carefully assorted and selected than that of any previous season. School Books, Stationary, lagazines WITH t' LL THE LATEST news ,—RawPiug Atnctut.. Needles of every kited. A. BOkD. MANHOOD • I. the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most seasonable and ` fashionable fabrics, marked it prices which should eornruand the attention of the very closest buyers. THE IOIiDEIi&D OLOTHIN # still has MR. W, IVES at it=head In Millinery Umdertbe management of blies tsGloghfou, we can suit the most fastidious. Oar stook of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English, and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of trio !argent and best assorted in the County,. Intending purchasers will consult their best interests by examining mystoak before going elsewhere. .1A;.ME SPICJCARD HOW LOST, IIOW RESTORED. 1• "tlrelzaverecoutiy enieirbee.5 uewa adds tion of Ar. CulVerwela w krbrated Psss,W antic and permanent cure without meds, eine) Nervous Irobtlity, :Mental endl'hyslcol In capeity, Impedimmenta to rnarlingc, etc*, result inn from exeesces. r-=" Price, in 'Sealed enVelel>e. only 0 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay clearly detnonetrwtes,from thirty yearn'success- tui practice. that alarming consequence's may be radically:cured without ilia dam:crone arse of in. terns! Medicine. or the application of a knife pointing out a mode of cure at oueo certain [tall effectual, bytaeana of which every 8ntierer, no matter what aiu oondltion may Ibo, may euro I Un OItoheaply,privetoly.andradically. ycut I aarad�; very rates in the land.cture *Wild be in the hauls of ovary .iddroi vita annwwr.r,ratstotexn CO. 41 Ann at. Now York. P, 0. BoA586, THE arum() ,AVING S IN�'ES' MENT ©T. Z', LONDONCI,CAI"ADA Working Capital, $2,100,000 Largest waking capital of any Company west of Toronto. TIRE CAUSED BY. WATER. Reserve Fun At twenty minutes to 10 o'clock last. THE MARKET QUESTION $144,000 Money loaned on flret•class Itenl3 ,tato,securhtles night a fire broke ont'• in the sheds need I either In straight Loans, Cif Spa cent, or on the Instalment system, at the option of the borrower. ISAAC A LNG Being now its receipt of a large stock of y Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc,, Al his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at LOWEST :ARGfN ON COST The inhabitants of Exeter aml vieinity need not feel troubled at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but call at the store of the subscriber and by tntln Amelung for polls inspection on tho long pier between Pacific and Amity streets, Brooklyn, and bnrnee up several thousand barrels of lard and pork which were in the sheds for stor- age and inspection. There are over twenty-five thousand barrels of pork and Tara generally in tbe sheds, sent them by commission merchants in New York, to be inspected and branded be- fore being pet cin the market. The property is owned by David Dows & 'We would take down the frame -work, Co. of 20 South street. and is leased when we had buried the skeleton, and yebnild the house farther off. We looked in the head men's pockets-- t'lere was nota scrap of paper to iden- e ry him by, not any morsel of writing anywhere. to show who he was and what his history had been. 1 Ben °roil took the boots, the over - cont, and the gloves, aswell as a watch, and a purse containing some English money. Then we dug, with the aid of, a two•inoh board, a grave in the sand. and ]aid the poor bones to rest until 1 the Last Day. When we came bock from our dreary job we fe,uod that Miss Elwood had been weeping, at least the „learn stood in her eyes ; 'bee she brush 'chem avvay, and made herself helpfnl, running beekwand and forward to the boat, and brivagaipg up everything that she could carry. Our house was not finished for sev- eral days ; but we made at tent for her, and slept iu front of at ourselves, 60 that no harm might come to her except ,aver our own bodies. In the daytime we were buoy building. Wo found a -bag of tools, part of the bequest of our floor Robinson Cruotee, which came in 'handy, as you may believe ; and on toe fourth dao we had as neat a house, twelve feet high, .and in the inside fif- teen by ten, as you coilld ezpect to nd. There was but one room ; but we made two at n':g'.t, by acurtaitwn ramie out of the boat's sail. And when the house was finished, we sat down and nsieed ourselves. what next ? ellisl[ Elwood.. whileme were hnild- 1V..aklOWNI�TC3,. M. p.M: Q. inp, explored the .whole island. , f. 8, Graduate Victoria University Oaboo;, Delle WIiA not tnnch to ,explom. 4 anres.denoe, pon::uifynLaaborat Fv deter fro'n year to year to Mr. John Ame- bnrg, who is lief nsed by the Produce Exchange as a pork inspector. There is no fire used in the establish- ment except that used for the soldering irons. The dock was piled with several thousand barrels of pork and lard, most of which arrived yesterday, and the fi'e eco', began to burn beyond the sheds into these. The fire was cut off from extending beyond the lower half of the structure. The pork destroyed is owned by ship- pers in the West, by David Dows & Co. of this city, Cook & Co., Kent & Co., and other produce merchants. The loss of the sheds is not over $2,000, and the vain of the pork destroyed ,is variously estimated from $15,000 to $30,000, The book-keeper of the In- spector thought that $50,000 would cover all losses,. The fire, it is believed, was caused Ey the unusual rise of the tide, whieh, flooding the floor of a storehouse ad- joining containing many thousand bar - of lime. caused the lime to slack and the fire to follow. The fire was still raging at midnight, but was under ex- cellent control. The losses fall on Ne - York insurance companies, the property being fully insured. ,Apply to W.ni'.13ULLEN, Manager. or to M. Alroupw lamp, Exeter, MASON h HUDSON, Homan, JOHN. 1'Au8ONs, Orodetou. January 31. - O: !1OORE: M. D. C. M. e Graduate of McGill University, Montreal O81ee;and residence, Exeter, Ont. (Moe 1 ours- 81.De.m and 7 tt 10 p.m PAILTaN GOLD 3 &noun }/.a THE 13AGILINS here to be had in Overooatln , F1Ill. ioths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, W"inceys, Delaines, and everything needed in the Dry (broods line. The Grocery Department is Complete. Au inspection invited `o trouble to show goods ISAAC CA.RLII`T AT C C7St 00S.T COST CUSS: HARNESS Al CAST i IOBNTR1 BLE 'would rant- thanks. to his customer, for the very liberal patronage bestowodon hint inttc p tat and would respectfully annonnceto them that be has greatly reduced the prices ofharness, as will be seen by perp Cir'P the nrice list : FORFOR c �l viva' tosowillseue ll VG Ia9to any a4 - dress elegant(3ents Watch Chain • pair Sleeve gluttons, set nnt,t,ett:.ls, 1 Collar Button. heavy Blain ring, 1 P,arisioa die mond pin. Retail price O. aloe, 030 stock must be sold. Illustrated catalogue of jewelry, watches, dec. sant with every lot. Silver watch to "71 agents Watchfree. EA.L NOVELTY .D VELRY MON REAL 1'. 0. CO. L OI-(GANS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. and ver; cheap. Sold by H,KINSMAt1, Oall and see them. Exeter, Out. COST COST COST' AT 0 o S t,. FARNESS AT COST I. ong Tug, Black, I a. inch.... , f,k25 4 " ti 26 'White " ........ 27 Brass " 30 LIGHT HARNESS Single Harness, 12 and upwards ..111 oth^r work in the iisrnee8 line at p:opo,t[onally low prices. Repairing done with 'neatness cl1apuess and despatch I:OOrB AND aliens. Inthis branch of the trade, erery effort is made to st.pply the best article, 'New Branch of Business ,iohard Sanders Row to Save $ ox,ey. Flow to rave Money \Youid3R-timate to the uublic Olathe has started a shop for the Sharpening and Gumming of alt kinds of SAWS, At his Residence on Huron Street. ndgedtoolsof all kinds eh ►rpened on the short- est notice Carpenter work as usual pronply attenden to. To all parties in want of anything in the furniture line, 5111 save money by purchasing et Brawn's Fl urnitue Rooms, Exeter. It is always to the interest of the buyer to purchase from the Manufacturer. and as John Brawn Manu- factures all his Furniture hi the shop, he can give to the purchaser, the immense profit that the import- er must of necessity add to manufacturers prices to enable him to live. The best stock of Dressing Bureaus and Sid eboads and in short; the best of stock of everything rimy line, ever sh wn in Exeter, now on hand, and pc n- itively at the lowest prices. Call and examine and satisfy yourselves. N.13. In future I intend to make a specialty of Picture frames and mirrors of every size and quality. and em determinca. not to be undersold by any person. A first-class' ;sewing machine for sale at half price. NEW MACHINE SHOP. William Kitching wishse to inform the public that he ia'•betteF prepared town' all kinds of Sewing Alaehi les, Watches Clocks, • Gongs, >& e.," than any ,otherp'eilson in the country, as, his charges, are moderate, and he' gguartoitOes'tl3 give 5atisfao'. .'sti on, L BRAWN . DRUGS AND CHEMICALS a - A LARGE FRESK STOCK OF Perry'sCelebra:ted ConditionPowders AT THE DOMINION LABORATORY. ROS FOR CENTRALIA SMITH & WEST Are holding a great CASH SALE, for next 30 days. It willpay you to ca11 and examine prices, SIIIITIT35'WEST.