HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-2-14, Page 2t 2 TEB TIMES, FEeBEVA1rr 14, -;87s, WHEN THE SHIP COMES HOME.. BYWALTER BEASANT ANDJA:IIESBICE .44 ;#tabors of "IMAM MONEY JfOBTIBOY," "THE GOL])- Eid BiITTEtaFUY," 'ETG., ISTO. CHAPTER 11. Thit time, as they were turning, I let fly without orders, aiming at the now - oar ;awl I hit hire somewhere, because mere was another yell. west by nor', or give her au extrrapoint in a northerly direction, beata me quite. And there's currents *Web, in these little fair-weather crafts, we ain't able to guard against, and the wind, which beats her on and, off like. But St Peter's lies over there. Heart up, pretty, We'll fetch land to -mor- row, with the blessing of the Lord." It was Ben who .served oat the ra- tions .and the water, of which we had a keg, besides a bottle of rum, and two or three. bottles of wine, which had .found their way among .ken's stores, They were within three oars' length.', The sun went over our heads, and lira lying broadside on. I began to roll down into the west, but *Pell back to your ship,' said Ben,there was no lite on the waters except ourselves; no birds, no great or little fish, nothing to break the solitude At e little after seven the slat went quite down, and in half an hour we were in darkness. The breeze freshened, but brir>g the otfie =rs" pistols erie them. Ben kept up the sail till I told him th'tt Perllaes they could not And the powder I was dropping to sleep from sheer and shot. Anyhow, there was not a weariness. Then he took iu the can - •it n or a sound from the other boat, but the groaning and ones of the wounded men ; an. after a pause, we saw the two who were left row hack in silence toward the ship. That fight was over, at any rate. They paste away from the circle of phespborescent light itt whicat we Jay, anti so 'into ont- ler d'arknees. Thain wewere silent for the space of lett hour or wore. The phoaphores- cence died away, and the stars cerise out agein, Presently in the east ap- peared the first faint streak of dawn, aand B,tn °roil broke the silence, `i,` hat was them words as Boston Torr addressed to you, Mr. Werne- ferd ?" 'Ha called me curlvicc end thief ant1 ° It was I tar Adrallced i1r the rli let he said-- Io I Here A etlddear rush of when awoke to relieve Ben. Ila hal filled my brain as T cornpto- bended, for the first time, all the force strippedhimselftat bid coat, and laid it of what he diel say, and I could speak no more, 00UNict t Thief !' lien cried, 'Anil spiratea and murderers, let me take no more lives 1 We've shot enough here for till your crew. Leave ue, and nett for the time when 1* bang yen all.' In their haste they had torgotten to vas a114 resumed Itis place rn the elem. Like a thoughtlese and ungrateful wretch as I was, I threw ulyeelf into fila bottom of the boat, and should have been asleep in five minutes, but far our passenger, Nebo called the crew to prayers, She was our chaplain, as well aa our. guardian angel; her sweet voice went up to heaven for us all as she anon the evening hymen, Then came over me --- the first time for five yearn -the old feehug wbioh is always new, that whether I lived or whether I died, all would s"mehow be well ; anti with the feeling upon me I laid my tired head upon the boards, and seat asleep in five minutes. over the shoulders of the sleeping ,gin}, and was sitting in his shirt sleeves. As I stepped lightly over her form to take you as iitnady as the beat man of us all 1 the strings from his band, he whisper - Done your duty like a man ! W'tiell-. ed to me : after that-theer-' 'Mate, was that true -them words Miss Elwood raised ber bead, and' as Boston Tom spoke in the beat ?' looked row.d in the gray of tile d two, I, 'I have been s* canviot,' 1 replied, She USW nip shameful head bowed be- lIow did be know that . twenn my hands. Convict and thief ! '1 can not tell you ; I wieht to heaven I felt her Retitle band in mine as she I ecli e4. at did he mean by saying be murmured, *The night is far epent and tell you who rsaili done it the day is at hand; let us thank cod wouldy y fir our lives, and, for His great gifts to Done neat ?' Iran of courage and fidelity. Let 11'1 D ,ne the forgery for which I was innocent, Bon. pray to Riau never to let us forget this ennd'omned. 1 AraCrod. Before God, 1 a,il innocent." night, to forgive ns all our trespasses, and to help us to forgive theta that Ile Weis silent a while. . trettpese against lis.' I Mil dee my way plain. Ore So, in the lone waters of the South. thing's got to be said, We Why toes ern Indian Ocean, ,chef» the sun climb• aborit on these septi till oltr water's ed up the rosy waves, the light fell gone ; w° may get cast a j+ ; we may upon a group of three in a little boat, baa wrecked. X aur t old but I cite mn figllr fur t' et, and I ain't se kneeling together. and glorifying God y young tit went I may look to be called through the mouth of tlyat��taent •. girl; and of the three alt_dle was one first. You may be innocent of that at least whose heart was umbled find tbf're forgery, or yfu may bo guilty. No concern of mine. Innocent or guilty don'tmatter now; and whichever way it were, Mr. Warneford, the guil, of puttin' another man's Mame to bit of paper is like the quilt of a baby cry- ing ryinti at the wrong time compared to the guilt of ill-treating the sweet young We looked about us. The day was lady.' upon us, and the sun, just risen, Was i if pray G+ d,' 'returned, 'that He will deal with me in Elia wrath if I shall deal with her unwortnily-that He will punish me auresh fo ;the deed I never committed if I prove myself utiwnrthy of this charge.' • 'That will do,' said Ben, 'and • irnw we undsestand each other, I think I'll softened. Amen I' cried Ben Oroil, clearing Itis throat ',And now we will look about us." CHAPTER III. • 1ST. l'.TErt'S ISLAND. already hot in our faces. The sea was calm, with a light breeze blowing from the tr ide quarter. The ship had dis- appeared. 'No sail iu sight, nor any shore,' slid Ben Croil, looking at a pocket compass, 'Heart up, pretty.' That was what he always gnid. 'There's! turn in. Keen her head so. Steady.' water on board, also provisions, though I let him sleep till the day was high. not what we might wish for the likes f When the first cold breeze of the morn - you. I thought it might come to this, ing touched onr lady's face, she opened and I victualled her. There's land on her eyes, and presently sat up .beeidge the weather -bow, if the Lord lets us mo, and we talked. reach it. Land -•an inland, St Pet- That is to say, she talked. SI:CC, told • er's Island, where we'll be picked u1) me about herself, how her,mpther.wns when we get there. Mr. Warneford, dead in England, and her father: had sir, ]et me hoist the sail.' We carried a mast and one small sail. Ben man- aged the ropes, while I steered under his orders. But first we rived up, by Means of the spare oar, some rough kind of covering to Irotect our paee- enger; and then we sailed on in sil- ence, wrapped in aur thoughts, whi e the boat danced upon the waves, leav- ing its little track of white foam behind it. A. peaceful, quiet, and happy day. Helen tells me that she wag not afraid all that time,nor was I. We were in it little open boat, oar the open sea ; we were dependent for nur safety on the continuance of calm weather ; we were -dependent for landing anywhere on old Ben's knowledge of the seas and re- collections of the chart, He knew the latitude and, longitude of the boat, obeerfully,to his charge;and to,ing, .be; making allowance in dead -reckoning gan to,eca,nfthe,liorizon,te tlte;nor,aud for the time when we left the ship, and northwest t l . he knew the latitude and longitude 'Land he cried, ,pointing tto,s w1rR;!. of thenearest island. I drew a rough seemed -toile ,x, little. bati,k.of .3gloud„ a •ehart from his information on the back big as e, man s.itau.d, , rieyeg koilf 90,4e, of a letter which Helen had in her circle ,of ,w nob wererthe,,,centee,, -Pocket. It had two places marked on 'Land ahead of u= Land thirty mile•t, it -the position of the ship Luca Der- off. Heart 'hp, ray trretty; and 's rick at noon, September 15, 1851, and, double''rittrdn.-for bret►k'fast. °IQow'1`ii. the island of St Peter. Werneford, ` the ..breeze ..isa luglltl but it_ a rough-and-ready way of we'll uterail; teed• makeiwlaat.dtaititlazt:we; tecknrii\ig, bet I tnanaged to place the position of the „hip a, near as possible where we loft her, and Ben began to Onr c alitivrtr hi the boat ,had been gt•rla,v the chart. tlfIQW whether to put her Bead nor'- AS A REMtDY in it large class of wasting diseases, Physicians have found PHOSEOZONE to exert remarkably rapid curative action, and Dyspepsia, even of chronic type, has,withet;ual rapidity yielded to its powerfully insidious ac- tion, Hrou MZLLTa & Co., Druggists, of Toronto, writes as follows :- �• We have sold more P11:OSFOZO1E than we ever did of any other preparation in a girt= time. lt'here we sell a bottle, it is general•y repeated," Jan. 31. 6.m. The Ship Grocery EAS, SUGAR, SY.ttUPS, CANPIED PEEL 1.7>,515.Q1 TA7.1QCO, NEW FRUIT, FIR'S, OABRA,GS,COCOA, lhocolate, Prepared Corn and 11e 1ea.diug Groceries, fresh and New. TO13. OOO S110 Tobaccoes, and Cigars, Pipes iu Tv eers°halrxl:, Wood a Clay, SMOEEI.S REQUISITES. Cigars and Tobbacco, Whole. sale. CICO.:Z esAssee at 114101'6n ofrloar� Does not affect the low p: ices at which & T. BI$$ZT are offering their stool: of TINWARE, STOVES, Etc., at hoceter & Hensan which consists of all the latest and improved styles of $itehen. Cook and Parlor stores,Milk cans, pacts, and pails of tate 'oast approved pattern, and: everything; in the line ; Mee, a good soleetion of hendeoane Eave troughing as usual, roeei*ea evoryatteation, amide the lowest dears&. having opened ante branch establishment t liensall,ourfriends in that deighborhooti an be supplied on the shortest notice, 0-O TO R. & E. SPICER'S ..----°--•� UAEs0lstAsEscr TURK LUNGS, BLOO4 In the wonderful medicine to itch the afflicted are above directed for relief, a dlecererer be- lieve.he itns combined iu ha , none more of Ir'a- ture's snveresgn curative ptropertles, which God has instilled into the vel;et,Able,kingdnm for heal- ing the sick, than were ewer before combined in onemediciue, '1,be e ,lelce 01 this 10t Is fornul 1* the great variety Of most O&>sttnate diseases which it has been found to, conquer, In the tune of Bronehitte, Severe Google, and the early stages of Consumption, it has astonished the medical faculty, rind eminent physicians pro- nounce ft the greatest medical disoorerr of the age. while it" -cures the severest Coughs. it° strengthens the,, system and; petrifies eh* blood. By ils great and thorough Monet -purity ing propertiops,tt cares all Fliamnota, from the: worst Serpent* to violists' Manson 5)lotch PI an.; ple. or Joy'sptlop.' Diercuriai,li6eusc.3ltinera,i poison*: silt their effects, ore: eradicated, and vigorous health and a sound constitution estab- lished. Er steibee, Snl'tet'hesi Fever ores. Sealy or atongit sk11y in -short, all, ,e 'millennia diseases unwell by had blood, are Conquered b7:tbis, powerful; purifl•ittr; and in '. vignrating medicine., Ifyouu tecl itiill, tt;owsy,'sle ,ilitated hnde ealhi�r° color of slain; or, yelitiwish.breurn.spois 00 late or 'b6dv, treguentbeadache,srdizziness bed taste in • rqeouth,•internal heat or chills altei•nt?ued with het' 'Studies, IOW Spirits, p d.glooair, foreboSllpgs,:1r•- regular appc. appetite, and tnegncoata:d: vou' are' taken ilex Out.to,Australla;fl,9.e Q ., els suffering froul;Totpld L,IYer:�tlr;t"Ililtone.; udSt •lis •man% casI f �•,1,,( lC s n , dor, a et: oniy: �i6it' "of 't ma -de•ua mart; arc ex+ 1 sesihnao, , alb retne(1y ,for a lraucli(casp¢;;Ijrra feissinn, brit he had no practice, and.. 11.4erceee Golden j3fedical'Dipcove ry has no enudl - very lit,ae money °:tlo.be went; to Mete fYtt bourne,, , bought a little piece, Af,,landi with .n Ing-houuse,,•on i.t,•rncl, ,tried t0, praefioe-t}tere ;. only, n;o. oJienthicame to him, or very few, and it Was an np-pi,h battle he,had, to fight. T1'en: oame,tl]e, gold fey'er,, and -like the ;rest , of Vie, world, he would be off' to the diggings; to make, his .;fortune,'wbile lliy ahi.ld w.as3 sent off ,lr n o.,out,,of the way. ;.;'• All this stgry,took a length of time .tri tell.. and before.: At wasdone •,old woke . up with: a start He lo�l,ed around, the sea, as .if, to make quite sure that we had not,,gone to the bot, tom in his, .sleep, and, then n,c?4d;ing, • years ago. He was a barrister by,pto=, plaint n t t can ;4aybe.by, noon,-wtlmustget,tl}e, sculls o>it,{ too short for ui4 to feel °Jany "of tlue'1>ti`f'-- as it efre6ts. pc ect';ctYres, lenvliig: fthc titre t estrengthc,te4'and tto,lthl ° to f so o nv,DRIIC�(i15Ts v<,I 14 ,,PER•cfOTTIE. i I rel,xrul br Rti V $1'filt0E, tI til +finis rt'u]tr 4'.•j J ir,kaasst titt+, • `'i+ 1 1,9.4 ,f,P,! E] (f31 1; T: M IRV'S L'i141EWO73ES t 'stir tt drkt n5 frig mow,inir•. gerettion dad" turningaw$ be i>ut daily a tar a gstanrostio'of I ".•,, 'i .s� e ,;:: that ier:ailpt4posee,,, n. •;:a;,!r canliot ,ba• Gcucpassnd 'iii ::the`r)omin, .,rorv: + 1 ktIt P,irtie;sfyore,;a.distance ettnateeeysbeer rpliea.. either atthe ki1iis or doliyei•d bytoame ' title* est niunerati.ve:ritto's: ' •O1dorefrein n distanoe •bromptlyiuttour] d to ; . c W ITbaN: & S}CLATE l 4• it rt JS It(8. rad PQ,II,TA.B1LEA�i3Aw,,mnass, .A aft ei120 NlD 25, eee e'i,°I 13'.01ReS E •,•rP 0W:Fex 1i.:.r, 1,yib,0R,EA$,r� 17#er.VPa;eroupA.14$14P. MAI ks Lr;r, r s i .' ,State !allots you ttiiltr•thrsAdv't!semenf, coeriguEo ON'PAC 1~ TrfBEE{ i , a. ...f. t.. _ ..,.,. ,.. .t.,3':l'-P --FOR- GROCERIES Always New and Fresh. FLOUR, FEED. AND PROVISIONS, EARTHENWARE, COAL U.AT. Soap Given Away -21 Bars for One Dollar, - Good Vinegar. 20e, ;ser Gallon, Choice }'reps. Market Baeketx—cbeue. N. B. Don't forget the pl:tct'---lt..k R. Spi- ers,opposite Air. E. Christie's Hotel, 'reduce taken in exebanirefor goods.. B. &E SPIO R, NEW ?? 'ACTOR At Wood .an BRAY EDWARD Iza%e, at ccn• - sideratle expense sseurod the best nut - :ninon end Auger in the Do:tttntoe,nndhavoont hand a largo atock of First -Class Pumps :unitive pre aredtomatteto ortloronthe short, ,•,,t,notiee Well or Cistern Pumps. Wells and 'interns contracted for. Alnnon band a large 3toe1 of `+eattouel Lumber. Soft Elm r,umberfor 37. hock 1•:Itn frotr 8tito 88.10. Oats, CH to:: l' re loor.ng, c i' . (iood stack of Logs on hand or drainage purposes, cut according to older e8,501, r All orsiers by mail promptly attended to. Mowers and Reapers ;i, `WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celebrated ipgie Mowers —AND-- ingle Reapers all,rdndsor Grass and Grain, and on all con •a ditions of soiland surface, 'AN.lS GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO SaLE We'kIso offer a Trial of our Wrought kion i Two Bar ,';U_O NSTON'S COMBINED REAPER AND 41MJWER Machines supplied with I'2wo Pitmans, is Two Drag -bars, Two Finger•bars. 'Ebur Knives, Forked and Keyed, Nuts, Self -oilers, etc., etc. an be char Eta from Mower to Reaper ANI) REAPER TO MOWER Byronioval of four bolt., ant inloss shun fifteen minutes' tiine. Please call at our works and inspect our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. Send for Catalogues. THOMPSON & WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co., Stratford. Alk CHISI1OLII'S OLD STAND LONDON THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE FOH GENERAL DBY GOODS, MILLINERY 8t NITI.ES . MEN'S uLOTHING TO QRDEIi. Olt READY-MADE. HENDERSON & BUO11ANNAN Late 4. Chisholm Go. A CO 1PT.R,TE STOLE 4l± HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRICES. arnenaber--St?tt of the Striking Clov *, 142, Dundas Street, LONDOI, a. 84 . B OOK tatnntavtexer,t of LUMSE t LATH, STAVZ3r .,nd tiealorsin OEDR PQST$ J AILS, o_RDWOQD. lwo miles went of Louden head. `TOWNHIP ar HAY Important to ButterIVorkers One Goad Active Agent Wanted fu evnry town. tip to tntrodaue ale Cat; roti nil"a``f'1S1t 1a' aw, rt, SS, 000 bagel:ire Free to .11,'rets. Price 4,09,87t awl 88 Ousels, Ono MOion tonettod"]t in toe 1!onaluaou• As'r'lr early with stamp, for ea7ttoirettdar, to the vicron wen:torn co. HALO MAO. WIIER►E DID YOU BUY THOSE ►ICk? Syh} I bengllt it JOHN MITCHELL'S Brack yard -Mr R Bitsett's old place, math ride of Crediton gravel road 'itat'e where bis) all my brick, bncarne yon eau i:,et the best twiekin the eonaty from him, as ho keeps none but first elat,s workmen Ton ecu t4ways depend on. getting a ftrst- cla..s article, They are SO cents a thousand 'bend of any in these parte, i)on'tforgct.tbe spot. ZORN MITCHELL, Credrton 2, 0. THE LONDON area ONTARIO INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Capital - G2,000,000 Parties requiring money can obtain advances` on approved town or farm propatty, at lowest rates. The above is a London, England Com- pany. For fnrthernarticalars, apply to ROBERT PICEARD, Agent. May 17, tf, Exeter Ont.. IsTz V V ,ii.1r7f3, Theundorsigned having rented the Planing -Mill, sash., Door and Blind factory, of Mr JohnRoss, and baying on hand a largo stock first class lumber are now prepared tts ofMIKg CO.7'9'dtac r'S or all manner of buildings, and furnish ma- terial for the same. GROOVING DilltPitt and SCROLLWORK done at lowest prices, ROSS BROS & DAVIOS lv CONSUMPTION CURED. AN OLD PHYSICIAN, retired from active practice, haying had placed in his hands by an Enet India Missionary the formula of a vegetable Remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of CONSUMPTION ASTHMA BRONCHITIS CATARRH and all Throat'and Lung Affection s; also apositive and radicelcure for nervous lability and all nor- vous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of ca. seek els it his duty to make itknown to his suf. tering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a ;onacteutious desire to relieve human suffering, ndwillsend, free of charge, teall who desiie it, shin reoit e, with fill directions for preparing and TucceRtInllvusing. Sent by return mail, by ad - drew n^ w•+ -n at-:'ip, marling thin paper, DR. 0 STIVEN, Box 85. Brookvillo,Ont. THE FALL AND W1NT t'II ".GRADE C. Sou'ihcOtt di Son . TAILORS and-CLOTll IElcS, Take pleasure to it form tbo inhabitants of Exete add surrounding country, that they have jus opened out an eaeellontassortment of Tweeds, Coatings, 'Vestings etc., of the lateet atylosand pattern,and feel 'marred that inane matter of clothing, they can syit the mostfastidioustastes. A number Wanzer P Sewire Maehiue wilibe sold at a &toritica to c:e.► i el • stock