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The Exeter Times, 1878-2-7, Page 5
] DIM 'itV ..;,,A NOBLE REVENGE THE TIMES The coffin wits a .1lhrin one—a poor, SALT R16ISG B ',EAD.—A. lady reader 1 Miserable pine c•alin. No flowers on writes ; "As 1 ]Iles to du all my work its top ; no lining of satin for the pale around] the house in the forenoon so as brow ; no smooth ribbons about the to sit and, ]rest a little in tito afternoon,. coarse shroud. The brown hair was I thought 1 would tell you bow to make laid decentlyback, but there was no we eau ,,uritilread•rising," Take a jar. cap, with its pica tie beneath the elliu, The *utterer from cruel or pitcher two-thirds fall of boiling l,orert3 smiled in her sleep—she has water, add 8, little suit, a little soda, found breast, rest and health. stir till it is the -consistency of thick "I wea.t to see my smother, sobbed pancake batter; set where it will keep a poor little chili], as the undertaker warm, tin it rises ; it will take froze ,screwed dots, the top. .i'Y'on can't ; get out of the say ; why don't sc,ineb••dy take the brat ?'' "Only let me see her one minute," cried the lleliryess orphan, clutching the side of the b•re ' and as he gized limn twenty-four tai thirty -sir hours, accord- ing to the warmth ; then set away in a cool plaice here it will not freeze. it o ill keep a I Ing time, and when you want to bake, take two or dose spoon. tho rough face, agonized tears streamed, !..°1*, add then to your salt rising slid downtheei':�etr on whichis childish sla in an ]tour your bread will he ready tel bloom ever lingered. Ot , it was pain p. Q t by Putting your e an e, which is done fall to hear hint cry, 4111 let ale see ""ganal wale 1 1n i urs "4 stii)cing a �� 1 little tincli'er firm your raatllg, awl set, ting in a warm place, until it rises very light ; then mix vitt and knead well ;. then it will rase for the oven very quick. Tale it front the oven jest as (pick us done, for broad Haat has the nmi,t•lra all dried out of it i'= n fit to eat. I never Maks] im-ad by the eli ek., as tome. times the lo.av} s are small, sometimes large, and when the bread is very light he hent seerai to Item t -ole tlar;iipgh it quicker. A.i soon as 1peail is taken from the 'awn, it should turn from the [Balea iunt cosiest with a thick cloth till cold. I think if any ono that iS iii the habit of mixiott their bread without sponging. wt -nM try sponging it once, they woaal1 a!nta'i11110 to do No lis m••thcr.--o;oly odes] l•• Quickly awl brutally the imri•iteart• oil monster strne-k the tiny away, so that Ito reel -ed with tho blow, loor n moment tho b.'y stopped, pant- iug with grief and ra.;a,hi'a blue eye., ilia boded, his lilts s hunt spot, t, a fere r glitteringthrough ttt.t . s e lel a h raised hie puny arm, and, with a moat unclii1:1i411 voice, cried : "tYlintl I ant a honor, a will pay yon for this t" There was a coffin and a heat of earth between tea mother and the poor forsaken child. A mot touch stronger than .granite. was built in his laar,•,frt'ert to the tltvrr:ory of the heart, teiis tined. " av the bread is much ]ulster and tip s e.;ildri`t_; a .e Tho court house was crow ltd to % AsiaiSC.To x T'ir. -One enp of 4n: er. suffocation. 11 tablespoonful of butter, 4 tttldospoan• <,llo,,s any one al'pear as thii tllrl'a full sweet milk, ti'tayln45n1,fGal 'f soda, canns4 r asked the judge. ,1 teaspoonful Bream of tart tr. 1 e w i of I:NGI1vES ',.More was a til"nee when he la anl'tl"lir, I3altc t" 1a3'tera, with jelly,; rins-iht:1, until, with lips tiglrftti '►:'sage;] fruit or croem betwc'um, together, a look of strange illteplliee8 i' blended with haughty re•.ctvct ttlat�la his iennclanlno features, a young mala stet' - pen forw•irtl wits a firm tri'znl and 1'\ here colt], dry, frc-h fallen snow is; Lividly eve to plead for the earring au i used it gives a lightnw'44 to thea eatl.Psl f."e arilest. all its own. no amount of I pnti•Ig can It' was n stranger, but from las lira! r rival it. \fa1:R a stiff 1iilter with fou,r'. s.otet,,nee there was a•ilen e. The spit•n• ounces of flour, one, fourth pint of m 1 air of his genies entranced—cotovinen:l. or more if required, a labtic grated ant. Tito ntal•n: who could not #roti n friend was acquitted. "Nay Got] bless yolt«fair—T cannot *« a'I 'ant no thanks," replied tin si ranger, t•I-.1 believe you are unknow "tan 1 I will refre'li your memory. Twonty yr area age, you straek a bracken— hearted bat away Item his nmtilerle c;,:liti. I eras that l,oy.'. The than turned 1!eve you rescued Isle, theta to tale my lira, ?" -No. I have ft Rwroier vi't:mere, I have. eared tho life of a mall whose Ilrutel deed has nodded in me breast. for tWee ty ,years. Gta 1 .and remember the traria of a friendless child." Von mar bowed his head in shame. t the size of an tigg, 2 tn1Ie!11)on1a54111 limp] want front the preseneo of gnat;- whits. sneer, 2 eggs, 1 pint tweet milk. Da'iimity as grand to bite as it was in- Bake in cups or muffin rings. comprehensible, TO Tame. Goon PROM BAD 1�1<1Gs. —Pat -_.. theta in water enough to Mover them. COLORED vs. BLD -IIP•, t1>Ef. MI that lay flat, as they woud] out of •rater on smooth surface, are good : Yon r4 ono the well-known firm ca" those of which the big end rise.' are «`. a'. Co., I3oston, agents for tl'e pnpn- Intl. The vessel used should have a l,,r line of.A.nstaahan packet ships, re- sabot]], level bottom. solved a letter of inquiry from Cii,cin To Boit, A HAST. --Lot it broil elnwly natl. Cerrespnndenee followed, a d for the whale of an afternoon and then second -cabin passage was ung:r;;ed for fat it remain in its liquor. over night. Air. and Mrs. Joseph Hatfield, their Helms tiros belled are far more tender, scn, Joseph. Jr., and Wits Ilea she. juicy and sweet than when boiled a who were politely urged to put in an appearance in Boston on or before 'May -a"tla, as "tho gond ship Daniel Sharp, whereof Joseph. D. Cushing is master UST RECETVED AT TJIE EXETER grocery and Liauor Gree 7 Mt PIERCE'S .• STANDA ; :REMEDIES. Are not advertised as"czireall " bat are sl,eeitcs An the diseuses-for whish they aro recommended NATURAL St:LECTION, Store large stock of japall, Young Ryser. and B1.ack Teas, Raisins3Cu rants DILX2013 Apples � C maxed. Sari s Lobsters r Sauce and Pickles, Brandie 111alt,. Setc:lt, Irish anti Com and Cigars, Prunes aurz Wine and Syru Whiskies, Tobacco >u-tiL A, MACE, treet, Exeter. 0 Fc"ta.n.cl Swim, Pallors..---lf there shaanlal b•' afall of snow this sprint., some of nm': ' o ide A might like to try this rssitde. 0 m"g and a pinch of A11+'. Pi%ntar thi hitter into any number t,.f pane Lk.°s. l Sit and add three large i:pnnu,+fnls ttf glary to each. Fry lightly in very good hut. ter and servo quickly. The panelrkes shnnld be about half the Of a snip !elate for the inilic tteil quantity of 4nnw. JT'J.Li OMil:.---Two entre, 1 CIW en gar, 1 teasnnnnfnl cream, fatter, 1 tt•taapnnit- fel` :malar, I tablesltooatfnl milk, 1 cup flour. lints, -1.; lbs, dried flour. + tU sooty, melt ti oz. better in a ]Mile warm milk, 1 teaspoonful ye:tit, ; Ib. int'. ramal we:ailed and dried, mix the nh'r}n ill a light dough and keep it warm till it rips. PP PET.. --.]lit. 3 teaspennsfnl Male ing powder in a quart of dinar. but ler shorter time and at once removed from the neater. To Deva, HAM.—Cutup fried ham in small hits not larger than peas ; add for this present voyage."world sial ontomato catsup, a teaspcor.ful of wills - the day following, weather permitting. trey, one of Worcester sauce and a small gaantlty of flour water --than heat to coiling. It is just an appetizing deli- caey: Ott the morning designated, a voting 'tiaarkey esgni..ite, sporting a tail hat assn ivory -beaded cane. sauntered into the elegantly appointed office and de- mended: e-mended: "Is dis yer de office of W. & Co ?" "Yee, it is," growled the senior W. from behind. his desk, frowning, over his gold -bowel spectacles at the in - try der. "Well, sail, me •anl my folks are gwine out to Alelbonrne in your ship Daniel Sharp, and I-" "Not if I know it --you are not going to ala any such thing." "J3ow so, sah ? Didn't I correspond wid you (ram Cincinnati and engage passage for me .and my_ fodder and mud - der and Mise Blanche ?" "Went is your name, Hatfield ?" roared the dismayed agent. "Yee, say, my name's Hatfield, Ela]--" ENGLI,GI PLtmr PUDDING. `— Tin •'WESTIIRAD." -- One quarter pound bread crumbs, ?r pound currants, E pnnnrt raisins when stoned, pound brown sugar, sib: OunCAR suet Chopper] fine, 2 ounces candied lemon -peel, or citron if Lemon peel is not to be hist], two eggs,' juice of half a lemon, half teaspoonful carbonate of soda, ono tnlalespaonfall of flour, ono glass of 'sherry, one tablespoonful .spice. Mix ell well together and boil four or five ]lairs. To ISILL Is[nTHs.—Pour plenty of odorless nnptha over your furniture sat ,the 'furniture oat doors some bright, windy day nand the naptha will soon evapoate; spring and fail are good times to fry it. "Why in the. devil didn't you notify WATrzt-PRmmr I3noTs.-.-If yen are me that you were colored ?" troubled with damn feet, or desire a "Why in the debbil didn't you notify perfectly dry and warm boat, take ane inc that you was ball -headed ? box of the celebrated Canutehmnein, The pertinent ,rejoinder silmenit old add to it a ranch mare mutton tallow, SV„ and, although two of three passer- melt all together and apply When warm. 'gars, who preferred to have the colored Canutchoucin cannot bo" equalled, It line drawn outside of a ship's awed is egnallyvalnable as a harness dressing cabin, gave up their berths and were and once nsrd it will Itever, fail to bo refunded their passaage mosey, the Hat';' depended upon as the best waterproof fields pomplacently sailed in the Sharp. composition in tie worlk. FOU N B ugineers ,and Machinists. sts. AtA.ti't A Tpjl ERS OF ND MILER, 1LOL RING, GIT AND 5 11'a roti",1VE, AND HEADING Mt CHINE= Middling Parini++re of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements CQOKINU, PARLOR. AND BOX STOVES I'a'tnitla Kettles, Selml t eats, &c. Iron tt flJT 13L t 4'$en 8:1 incrs to ore'lor a For sato settop—Soe and luvol !],tilers and langirea Stave' altd tale, alio Heading ).hteuirinry. Levens on I+nginee, Mills, &e., promptly attended to GCDERICIT FOUNDRY and MA 'TTFACTVars4 co. GODEIi IC'l.I, Ont. Urt lerta.1c`'r 1 O'ttl'4n SAY TO 'f tamnc who iutem•.1 perehaa;alt to do so from the manufacturer. Trio dealer who buys to sell tf .du onset neeeasari1y lutvo a profit. We claim to give the purchasers tare L,euea!to which cannot tail tit meet tit, views of Ulu Ova ti4@i. Our amuses e , i.:r than those of +city 10.100"netarers conson'nnt- Irmo can sell cheaper. ik S. GIDLEY aiicl 1',u'riiture 1LItttl;zc l 'cr$ .,. ' E 5� 1.7141) O ._7C_,, ��,;..�•: ;,,ate. � c,altsl,+'eluaatt,' nt:aei te our rel iertal ala ,.hv:ert• on+rat mus h it noire earn id„it i,.n, oei ria" toa lalatc .adac,l';e+rer it , etv tit.A. 'o Of Ino• Tin' 1'. t coffins. eooptets ol.i..t i .,and et'esy Pat ae rul regau,tte ut t1.1 to ev t !env is-. trur ne ii -cu a e1 ]sant uuc'eQ liy awnpete rat jaa,iyei. to be bee mil to lune in the Piinlnoes Emblems of all the niferent Sooldies. CEICANG37 str•ite t b_wail coutroter-s, that throughent the .(ply Is:r /kat • voneirsafes thrift nut pri•pct ty. • • ifoisnot the Sarni pelma,le aro^ern theconamtr elidprosperity ofrnau' aninferior cannot ssper- sed(tsuperior articie L 4. r ss no siiperiorn,ier- it,1)r ie ct sS„ndardAfi',,dieineshaveontrirnik,d nil ot'1 s. , Their salein tin United eitate.s execeds 'o:ien1iha„a,14a;r,rsper un zz,wiilethearnount t.:l,nrtt,t ii i is up, to e a r 1 l:united tho,.sansi' more. two frasiness coal d f cc,t; to sarin Ogantae pro:, rtzun and rest upon tiny other Toasts than I that of molt. Gott e a edical tacosraxy. I.oA crati,•e,r r I:. - ,g-Ci.oinlzna. ColtTelli MedicalViscovery 1 C:oltlen a tent iscoveiy is a Ch,E ogsgue r. r h .tTrze, o ae li 2iedical Discovery • To T •- olii lei ZZedical:Discovery wren f-il iAlterative paroficit tcure' JliserT. sesof the lal`sel tut 4„in. us Siiivili,ita ar 1rii:,'8 Irbil Fen nor racers or tad Seines, I l'ttehes,krian- ,,les ar 1 1-:t ` i't „As. Jas nc . irt• citi 3':'et9ral properta••�. nr .fro, •Tyr+•rnC1'+i,d. 172::',33t cr:t 14017g :affections, I€t ipietn a one:or 1 •n, J nlerin5; Coughs, 004 I ler, 1io-J,•rrt„ iti 1. s•t'laolofi, 'tit properties s n 0 ler it tau title ipic:1b 1 riltitoiv for lilt- ,otom Fs, T,,,Tepi,1 l.a.er, nr "Liserc c a €'.'a -..t ire 1t8 Tonic pr ie Tikes nulla+, it equzilt a l'&ca.ren s -a in ewire; isoligeati,n,]Foss Of 4nn. n' Of iippeq4te,, aut. I,yst,er., • Where the shin it shallow sari a tiRr,,d 'frith laltactics wet tit :phi s, ortaliere there arc. a'crnf©lous sort Thugs and atiectiteie, a t:,'r i rx. of t,el+fen ifs it nl t►1 ” e a c• bill ea tet anemail,.mr if Niei feel dell etre': -,, debilitated. hose r !fors a' l r of ai34 or t°na% a la 1;rorxtn s1e45 os far • n.r /wily, fit'- Rue,lthe,n,.lalcl a or 'fizz ness. had tanto in tR +allot: intone. Treat or chills alternated with lits rltnacse 'low aviritsand F"',iiitliferelni.,lir1 ive-4421Wnl'ize• lite Anel tsiti•so 01zt,'sy.1 ou tire 6 i'a+ fre •n :to.: pal Lat-eror' .]lilt assure.' la ira c seas~ cl7 Lev— er orspel'int on'i, p .rt or drew E - pia^ raa9 crc • orp4 ri. r;rei. M a nquealt fart till e lett to lir, rictt'>e-f tMslen MeaiVitt a,a,eevert td as s.,) e 1 11, els tt effects weer', cares, ]sabot; tine liner. strength* salsa] tied iaealt'.ig. Pe P. P1 P }fir. Pie ace's 151eaSaut urgative Pellets. 'tzrefj regefaaRe. 1' errs, re+laircrl trhi'e+ rfizo: facto. ']Mead I.i't!R• bloat" t .at9anrti', er `lapyi l r° PARVO J'!il `'!t s.-nr siv lar it' to -ora null air' ,,1a .ire tt'.1. Tree, re t4,5tve tele ori' `c'it'' Pf tithrz tat, ace, c•rtaola , dear l ., n ?,ora, tug ging beret ., -fore re toilets is in sr , 1 e r',w.l, for lt° a +l, 1' to ' ca t of ,A6 • II t.r the Ba l 1'n ,tt in mouth. 0 ir° i tln Moir o'. Attack, .T.ein,+ti 1'io', ,n et.e Kidney, 11.;;111 . ul,ere,1 tont' 5L5e1 ln+ a 11 F'a't t r l,r- P411111'6 Pleasant = 411, Fnrtlirnta•re,1rri ,n,o eal. not a ulimil tin as , •ra+i t. r., nr• r Age oeu not ra ur t11,. proven ',ea of to c !'elle to They ore nal. "or—e, ate ,f :11 ,4 rn, a . 1 lx t bottles, their tin:'; .. as • ti a n i•l g=r .arra e asautla.treilfor gin let tial r to as ,,.a au they or; `113 U; fresh anti relisit.t; 110• 41170' csx*:a 10 ' pals trtate1i are pica nl' fu ebony ip w ,1..110' Mixes J`la. 1 rete u,+ . j t« +p 1' t . inn, zo;t 1 he roost otritinoto , , , et sa r c •1.1 r. t •, *en memo, i r t dtete , .' I X401 n io flu u4 tie; are. 0 .v. u•, re, c.,r, c lideo t) be tu';e a 01 t ue l la u tti 1.1. Op. G •1 a. as Mc. fe t1 Diecov, rt, ,'z mice to recon' the l.; t rt ultrl. I) It 1'1EI:t<'E'S I''AS-titirre PRE SCitIPTION USI. PI RellsS 1•:i i e lu'l'l: PRESCRI.PTION DIr. YIEIt(:L'FAVORITES PRESCRIPTION '� T1s a ae.tiel mnnugen,ent of ill e dr,e,ase l* - .� a peau WV` r t''ttonrcuetasaYforh.1aloraeexperience at 1the riar1'asDispensary. ofohitla in.. Pierce is the t hie+ usniting phvsiciian, Lt iael ti ting remedies for th. ar :lire. Dr. PIerce's Favorite Prescription k the remit, of this extended . ez,'t rience. and has l,ec•,u,.e justly celebrated for its many and remar- kable cares of all those chronic iliseases 10111 WEaKNESSES PECULIAR TO BIG RUSH AT BANTON S Goods at slaughtered prices. Gloater inducements than ever, to Cash and prompt paying Customers. Everybody astonished—everybody pleased --everybody carrying away big p'trcels, going hone well satisfied with the way John Banton is doing business, Owing to contemplated changes in business oix the lst January the subscriber will sell go.id at prices before unheard of,. Come along al'dbe convinced, NO trouble to show goods. OHN BANTO N. THE EXTER TIS AND arrED 0 ai^tci E nom. EE Subscriber begs to annamunce to the inhabitants of Exeter au3 the s mounding Min - try, that 1,e has opined a Tl1V and S !'OVli/ IDEPO'l.' in the store nearly opposite l.1x. (x, A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. .Exeter, where he is p. °par'eal to fill all orcle. s for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and l iaclo up by practio'1.1 workmen on the premises. ]:arse-Tronghlug Clone to order, ` Carriat c Plating a Sneciatltp. Coal ell Chimneys, the eery best and none cheaper. o Intending purchasers will allvays find me at my t,os;, really to attend to my own business and prepared at all thnes to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good and cheap artie e, Depend upon it that nowhere can you get better value for your money. The very highest price iu Cast) pt'id for Hides and Sheep skins, E. H. SPACKMAN. Exeter it 0,,OotoLor 15 1877. FEMALES. Favorite Prescription is a Powerful Restorative Tonic t:vthe entire system. It is a nervine of tate- eti•1+ sse.l efficacy, and, while it quiets nervous irritation, it strengthens the enfeebled nervous sy4t an thereby res toting ittohealthful vigor. The following a ceases are among those in which tho i:Noratu Prescription has worked magic euro,., viz.: Leareent oea, or " R hites, ' Lcerssive Flow- ing, Painful Menstruation, Unnatural Suppression, Weak Back, Prol:tpsus, or falling of the Uterus, Anteversion, Itetroversion Bearing -down Sensa- tion, (Throne Congestion, f nnftnanation and Ulcera- tion of the. Uterus, internal Heat, Nervous 1?clones- sion, Debility, Dispondeney, and very many other chronic diseases pemaliar to women,but not men tinned here. The following Ladies apo a few of the many thanntnds who can testify to the efficacy of Dr. Pier, e's Faro itePrescription,frome<perience ani observation : 'las Camelia Allison, Peosta, Iowa.; Mrs. Rhos. .T.biethvin,Hatcher's Station, Ga.; Mrs. T. A. Soy- motu•, Ronne, N. Y.; Mrs. Francislauswick, Versailes Ohio : Mrs. Leery, Putnam, North Whatton. Pa. : Mrs, Mary A. Hauolt, Edina, Mo. ; Mrs. Mary A. Friable, Lehman, Pa. ;,llrs. li.Hiatt,l;mporia,Kau.; Mics l,onlso Pratt, Dodgervilla, Mass. ; Mrs. L. A. Daslueld, Norfolk, Va. ; :airs. d. Allison, Praetor, Icwa : Mrs. J. N. Vernon. St. Thomas, Ont. , Mrs. S. 0. Moran, 253".el of th Howard Street, Baltimore, Md; Mrs. Lucy Caliman,"Bainesville, Ohio ; mrs. Nancy McNaught, Jefferson, Iowa : Mrs. L. G. Stormed, Friendship, N. Y. ; Miss Ellen Cady Westfield, N. Y. ;Mrs. Anthony- Amann, Verona.i' . Y.: Mrs. B. N. Rooks, Grated Rapids, Mich, a Mrs.`P. H, Webb, Watertown, N.' . 'Thousands of references can be given RttheWorld's Dispensary. • THE PEOPLE'S MEDICAL ADVISER Dr, 11. V. Pierce is the sole proprietor and manu- facturer of the foregoing remedies, all of which aro sold by Druggists. Ho is also the author of the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a work of nearly one thousand pages, with two hundred and eighty two wood engravings and colored plates Ho hag already sold of this rropulat ;vont Over 100,000 ` Copies PRICE (post putt=) $150. Address : R.V. PIERCE, M. D. World's i)ispensary, ¢ntl'tilo, N, )'.