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The Exeter Times, 1878-2-7, Page 3
ostou Tom; bus reel, duel he etrop- fter I heerd the oatstube, Itt all e rope, and the hent y into the water. all uiy. life: I shall levet' forget tat scene en the deck which I oiaugt as 1 sprl.ug over the deck and lowered myself, hand over hand, iuto the boat. 'file pistol :ill els were silent now, and it eeeeled as if. with a Blighty stamp- ing :aged mad slinating, there were a dozen figures lighting one, while the b:ttth) raged aver the agonized forms of the dying and the dead. Like a i ho- tti„'•atllii the image was painted on my br,li.l, and has renutiued there ever ehice. Soenetitaeedrill, after all these years., 1 awaken at night 'to hear the tries skip oaths of the setitars, the creek of the t,aptaiu's pistele, and to retproaeh niyeelf for flat having dense more to save the :fill, But I did my duty. Thea: you: g lady we; ceoneheel, treziruli.ug, in tate stern of tate batt, I reekee teed her with ;. Cwove Hier° was . ni, time for mare, for infarct as $'1Dtt a1 1 re..elee l fila beet :mother form dale Is:tl,d over haul down the rope, and I 11r n11E,r np, pistol in hind, to meet Blinn, on IT. was theo etteeeain ; he had iiuift ai3 he tire" ceteletl, between hid teeth, and lei held the repo for a 'lin- meld in his hand. hell la dozen faces fappelafe d in the t►lticlineee peering over the teifeaail at nidi. Tho night air wee heavy with oaths. shriek and greens. e.\ dta,n?, mnrderors, ent. tine:lee !'' lie cried ; "you shall be hanged, mere' blether eon. I know your lnalille't±; I've gat your record in rily peae:.t t." fie severed the roi'e with to tie :der ,ll, saw+ .:p of Lis knife ; in. staautly the greet t•hlp seemed half a Utile faIwa l Of iia, tee she slipped ihresugh the water befeire the strong tratlte-wiuit. The boatswain shook his flat at hes, ae if the mei on hoard could see and hear. "Vitro grecs the [mei 1), i rick," he said ; "as „sweet a clipper ns ever sail- ed the wee, plat through a crew of nlutineeriug, tilt -throat villains. They shall haelg, every one—dirt's settled. -- they shall all hang, if I hunt thein round the world." "Where aro the oflieers ?" I mired, "Brahma, all of thein --knocked oil the head, and murdered. There, my 4 pretty—there, don't cry--t1Oil't take en. If the captain's gone, he died, in d fence of hie chili—.gone to heaved the captain ie, with his three offlears. In heaven ting minute. They've no cal) to bo afraid or ashamed. Done their ditty line !nen. Na c:•ll ; else what good of expecting of a man to do Its duty ? And as for us, we've got a tight little craft, in the track of the clipi'er ships. or near it, with a supply of provisions and water, and plenty of rJoln on this broad ocean in case bald wveattler comes on. Now, mister, wllet's your naMO. sir ?", MY name is Warneford." "Geod. sir. You'll allow me to command this craft, if ynn please, through my being bred to the trade— not it gentleman like yen." Yea ; lint perleep s I am not e geln~lt'nlaall,' I replied. " i hon yon are a bravo m in !" cried the girl, "eI wat.:laed p.m from the hoot. I sasv you shoot that num creep- ing along on the deck like a snake.. And I owe my life to you and Mr. Crnil. Bot, oh ! it seems a poor and selfedt thing to thank God for our lives, with all those good men murdered." "Look 1" cried Ben—I shall call him Ben for the future—"they're'bout the slid:, the lnbbors 1 Who'll tench them to navigate the vessel? Well, they can't sail over UR, that's one comfort." It was too dark for ma to see more than the shape of the ship herself, standing ant a blank mites, with black masts and black sails, against the sky; lent L'en's practiced eye descovered that ehey were endeavoring to alter her conrsao, for some reason of their own. We wore tossing like a coelile-shell on the water, which was smooth, sieve for a long, deep swell. We were all three very silent; and presently I heard a noise. "Tiley aro ;,ruining in search of ns," said Ben ; "see, they've reefed all. Wall. it is too dark for them to see us before daybreak, and if -they amide about till then—ttlr. Warneford, you have your pistol." There was but one chamber disollarg. ed in nine ; 'Ben looked to his own. "We shall be able to speak a boat," he said, after a while,". at' far-off quarters or close, and speak her, we will to a pretty time ; but on each a night as this they might as well look for King chariot as for the tap. tain's gig. • Heart up, my pretty 1 We'll stand by yon ; and in the molding we'll be oft another track. Heartup 1" Then a curious thing happened—un- lucky, as it seemed then, I have learn- ed since --for my dear girl hm. taught me—to look on it as a special grace of Providence, Suddenly—having been 'before in a black darkness—we boeatne as it were in the centre"of a great light; all round the boat there burst from the darkened bosom of the water, lurid flashes of fire.. The short oriep waves, 11' THE fills: 3 as they rose to aheted,brolie out in white sen -foam, but in liquid fire ; the iewetl of the ocean was like an upltoavtal of dull aeittativos of the other counties through which Wel railway rime., and the mem. hers of the house of Commons gen- red lavaa, ; the sea was crossed and seam- orally, to withhold their support from cel with long lines of fire -like lightning, the hilltl sought for by 0100%113(1a aclSouth- lint that they retrained or seemed to re- ern ltaihvay Company, unless a clause mail: constant. As the boat reeked on w therein inserted, or auothei hill pass - the heaving deep, flames, rad and blue ed. providing fur the non -removal of shot from her sides .; the skies, which I the said hea:i'jnarters, offices and bouks were now overcast, reflected the hght ; from the tows of St. Thomas to a point the Hied had dropped, andneareraid outside the i):zuiiliioll of Canada, nearer still we eeuld hear the dropping of the oars from the boat in search et ns. It was thephosphoreseeut light of the Indian Ocean. "Seems as if the Lord meant to have another life or two out of them murdering mutineers," raid Ben. "Enid of beautiful, too, ain't it, alias ? Lord, I've seen it off Peru. when there wee no pirated and rnntineers in chase, tie bieght as tins! That was on board tee t,'oneueror, hundred -aur t .venty -ga!n wan o' war ; and the chap- Ittili preached next day on the Lard's hen liwork, Here they come, Ur. Werueford. Steady, and aitn at the haw.oar ; I take the st ol,e ; Ike when I give the word, suet get the sculls ready in COQ of a rause." They were al»mt a quarter of It tl)ile 1 astern of us. !Wittig up band over hand; beeause wo never attempted— being in 50011 bright li jilt—te escape by rowing. 1 sat in the b.wwa, pistol in hand.' Bon was in the bleu), and the y+outtg lady atuielship. They hailed us to stop rowing. We were not pulling at ell, so that no answer was ueceseary. "A. hundred yeeils, as I jsuiga. Sculls ant, and pietole ready to hanti, dlr. Warneford, 1).en't let them run iiia dorm. Now give her ltecadwav--- so. When 1 say 'Pert.' pull with your left as bard ae yen know, chip the i sculls. au l let the bow -oar have it. Sit down, my pretty, shut bath eyes, and say your prayers for me and Mr. Wernefaord, 'ors befit on ue needs thein badly this very moment." "Boat alloy 1” It lona the voice of Boston Tom. You, Warneford 1 ken. George warpeford, convict ruff forger, 'vast rowing, and give n's np the bo's'n and the girl, then you. shall go free. If you don't, wo will murder you as well as him." Wo made uo answer, The boat oailte neer. It was rowed by four oars, and, as I supposed, Bos- ton Tom was in the stern, "Run them down !"cried 011e of the orow, with an oath. All the time I wav pulling quietly, so as to keep a steady way upon her. "Port 1" said lien, suddenly. I obeyed orders, and palled my left. Instautly the gig swung round, and the heavy ship's beet shot past our stent ; and as sho passed, Lien's pistol fired once, and a yell of anguish told that the shot had taken effect. As for myiolf, I eonld. not recover in time; but ode of the fear oars was dienbled. "Surrender 1" shouted Boston Tom. Easy, bow ; pull, two ; W©11 run them dowu, Surrender. you oonv:ot «carne• ford, if you won't take those terms, I'll give you better. Colne on board with me, laud I'll show you who really done it, and put you ashore safe and sound. I'll give you your revenge ; I'll estab- lish your innocence ; [ra EE CCNTIaIUIiD.I About two weeks ago Mr. Andrew 1 Hawn. living on the 11th concession of e'a,t Zorra, was kicked by a horse in 'the bowels. He died on Wednesday from the effects of his injuries, after suffering intousely. Silas Ayrs, of London and Nissonri townline, while threshing last week at Jos, Bay's, tot 10. eon. 15, L,ndotl, had his hand naught in the gearing of the threshing mto111ne, and had two of his fingers taken completely off. Last week Chief Conetable Thatcher, of Sarnia,arrestod a man named Charles Stewart, of Liman, on a charge of lar- ceny. It appear, that Stewart lmd, on the previous day, gene to tho' honse of a farmer named Jas. Hudgins, who lives near the village, and borrowed his team for the ostensible purpose of hauling wood. Pretending to be anxious to cont- inence operations early on the following morning, ha t ok the team glome with hint, bat instead of hauling wood he loaded up his furniture and started for Saruia. )Jr. Thatcher, says the Cana diad, on Thursday p. m. received a telegram describing the roan and the team, with instruotious to arrest the runaway. The telegram didelot arrive a moment too soon, for the team was on the dock ready to be ferried across to Port Heron, when the Chief and Con- stable 1'ittfeld put .in an appearance and made the arrest. Prisoner and the team were taken back to Leman.. A>3oL'T rill, FLY. --When site answer- ed the doer -bell, yesterday, she found a stratager ou the stoop, He ba: a bundle in his baud, a single on his faoe, and he said : "Madam, can I bell yen some fly- paper ly paperr� ?"of F•^oes the pnuer fly?" she asked. "1o, ma'am, but it snakes tate flies fly. "What do I want the dies to fly for 2" site eked. "Every tiff, ivadaul—" he was ex. plaliuiur, when site cal ed out : Yea want yell to fly 1 I can get along heater with flies than with ageute," "But I'tn not an the Uy," be softly prota• tt'al. "Our dog k;," vita grimly replied ; and se he w u,. Ile flew around the corner, the agent flaw for the gate, the roll of fly -patter 11,,n° over the esr11, and a iieweboy el iuheel ea tree -laic to be out of the tildes, al„ l shouted "She tfe.u', thon lifter, he fled, and I believed the darn got a piece of meat ssitlt that cent—tail." Army peritouiiit„1—.l. bachelor ed'i• for"trying to prepare an able and jo. dicion,;mit'i'. an the baby elm. ereemeemeeeeceeneeeereet fi"Tyil*+U .: CO"'.:ttitilialalal 1II,\;2, rhe St. Thomas Town Council have again been discussing the appreh encwed removal of the C. F. R. offices to Bulfaln, and have passed a resolution, in which they sae:—That this council consider .it their duty to call upon their repro- eentatives of the County of Elgin in Parliament, as well as the repre- Saws, Chains, Cattle Tips, .&es of superior quality, Leather Belting, t1AE1 URGE LICENSES ISSUED AT O'BYRNE & CO.'S II&ItI)WARE sralll'.. Grooer e$1Confoctionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per M. CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGARS always in stook. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationary, Magazines WITII ALL THE LATEST news N.B.—Sowing brachia. Needles of every kind. A. BOYD. MAN HOOD : HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. '' e have recently published, a dew addi- tiou of Dr. Culverwell's ilolebrateclia.asay' ontneradical and permanent, mire writhoutmedi- ciznel Nervous Debility, dental andPhysical In capcity,Impediments to W arxiage, ate', resnit inffrc•m excesses. Price, iu aa, sealed envelope, only 0 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' success- ful practice,. that alarming consequences way be radieally(curocl without the dangerous Oso of in- ternal medicine, or the application of a knife pointing out a mode of euro at once certain and effectual, bymeaus of which every sufferer, 110 mat er what nis condition may lbo, may cure uiu,self oheaply,privately. andradienily. '1, --This Lecture should be fn the hands of every youth a d:every mun in the land. AddrT lE OULWELLMEDIOAL 00. 41 Ann et. New York. P. 0. Box. 4580, THE ONTARIO INVEST, MEM BOCISTT, LONDON,CANA ►>A Working Capital, $2,100,000 Reserve Fund, $144,000 Largest working capital. of any Company west of Toronto. Money loaned on Arab -class lienili,tnto,securities either in straight Loans, L> 8per cent, or ou the Instalment system, at the option of the borrower. Apply to W. V. PULL•EN, ,Sfauager" or to Mn. AmmleEW Lesae, Exeter, • lal,�sov-1f10303 , Heneali, Joao PAnsovs, Credstoa. January 81. - $ m. 1877) SPRING (1877 `111-1E OLD ELZ., ,.. LT lac) U E At all tines. told particularly at a period when Trrdu is universally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where be can get the article be wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to ray present stock, I do so with every confid- enee; it being more carefully assorted and selected tbau that of any previous season. In the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most season.bie and fashionable fabrics, marked at prices which elieulll,command the attention of the very elo -est buyers. THE IOIIDERAD OILQTilleice still Las :4B. W, IVES at itohcad 111 Millix.ery rrblerthe management of Mies JfcOlog1iton, we can suit the most faztidlous. Our stoeit of Groceries, Boots aitd Shoes, Canadian, English. and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their bestiaterests by examining mysteek Lnfure going elsewhere. JA_IIIESPICICARD O CENfiStO any FOR r we will send ��ae- mivraN dress elogantOonts atch Chain ' pair SleeveWButtons, sot anu,t,eta.ls, 'Collar Button, heavy plain ring, 1 P,rieioe din mend pia. Entail price es. stet}, GOIU 000 stock roust bo sold. Illustrated catalogue of jewelry, watches, &c. sent with every lot. Silver watch • to 41111 agents Wntohfree, JEWELRY l ilio TnwaL At3', Q. ELTY CO. THE MARKET QUESTION ISAAC CARLING Tieing 110W in receipt of a large stock. of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wmes ax Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At alis Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at LOWEST 3V. 'ARGIN ON COST The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinitneed not feel troubled at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but call at the store of the subscriber usd SMOTT3.7.4 THE ACIALINS there to be had in Overcoatia , Eull.t;loths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, \Vinceys, Delaiues, and everything u eeleti in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department, is Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show goods ISAAC CAULIN AT COST CostCOST CUf37. HARNESS r12 COST t JOHNTREBLE would rettt• thanks to Lis customers far the very ii+„ gyral patronage liestawedon laiilr in the' p tat :and would respectfully cnuanueeto them haat he hits greatly remained the prices ofharuess, as will be :Well by porosity,. the nrieo list COST 0 0 S T COST AT 0 o re HARNESS AT COST 1 Tuti, I;lnel:,1 A iuelt..., ... , Stri 'White ' 27 Brass 4' 29 LIGHT HARNESS Single ILtrness, 12 and upwards " Ul other work in the harness lints at proportionally low prices. 150lmirlu1 ,fond with neatness nhenrness and despaateh HOOTS AND d1I0BS. Inthis branch of the trade, every effort is made to supply the boot articles ROW to Sa'v'e Money. l-Zow"to Save liCone7 To all parties in want of anything in the furniture tine, well save money by purchasing at 13rwn's Furni'tne Booms, Exeter. Itis Hiway s to the interest of the buyer to purchase from the llrahufaeturor, and as s John Brawn mum. factures all his Purniture in the shop, he can give to the purchaser, the immenseprottr that the import- er mporter must of necessity add to manufacturers prices to enable him to live. Tile best stock of Dressing Bureaus and Side.boads anti in short; the best of stock of everything n my line, aver sh wn in Exeter. now on hand, and pos- itively at the lowest prices. Call and examine and satisfy yourselves. N. D. Iu future I intend to make a specialty of Picture frames and mirrors of every size and quality, and am determlued not to be undersold by any person. A first-class bowing machine for sale at half price. J. BRAWN. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS 0 A LARGE FRESH STOCK OF Perry's Celebrated Condition Powders oAT THIS - DOMINION LABORATORY. EXETER GENERAL STORE. 0 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. • JOHN KLINE Bus opened that Store (lately occupied by $tenloy efC Jermyn IN DR.L,W'S BLOCK, with a large and well assorted stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, BOOTS Sc SHOES, . HATS & CAPS, TIN 'WARE, ETC. As the subsoriberbuys for Cash only, and deals with the Best Houses, ho is determined notto be dereold by any in bis Sue of business. Farmers' Produce ,Taker, in. F•xcltanye for Goods. A call respectfully solicited, JOHN KLINE.