HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-2-7, Page 11 tetitleleelteell101111•11111111111111111111111110111111111111111111.11•011111,11111111111.1 4 • Vo 01118CELANEOUS 'vv.. ITO 14Grrte iatenTia et ititli2.e"a4to4)4y4 of Ill MOH t.0 WS FOlt SALE. The Athscriberttifers foreale, excellent hfileb euwtositit calf, ROEINIIT 14013.1t1Still, Lot W. Comes kat 4,173.1aorne. - QTEE ESTRAL—Catue .ori the kJ 7 rtite5nSid to Mbleriber. reit re, eon. re. severe ur ebeettljth November, a young ir Atr. 'V e ee:tier rewiested to love pay In - led tube a .rway. 3 D1.1VVItfOlf. ‘1" CLARK, Agent for the Uri. ..A.N Rilt *be/ow and hert Mutual Wire redirenee (liter,. 13.,,;1•1 'u-earqultar. Orders be reel prt e,1 t • Af 1; i - SHOP. = Tho 4.If e•,, let'lent•d wiliettto acquaint the nihr.14. taut-. t.e-ter atel SIrrouliding eteartry that Ito ce.te.1. oat a n,•W 1410Calar tlatr to J. 01-1. 11.111ilkeepaSli ,41;4•1 frksh eetotently on Maul. k ea- hi.lea tied obeep.skins. 30'111,1 W''u. 1.101\ EY TO LOANeeTear e and e x* meat utie of motley to teat Q11 Yi Raw. eiJett pot Jent. 'Et y tiqe y:"trie with "wieelo ow borrower of pityieg off ali or tteteliu,i,ts to y be 0.1reeo. ve eir.. gxetor, ..••••••••.•••••••••••••••nr, rd.SON 8: 111:MSON, Iron -ail, Out. 1, 1. At Fire ....el Lee. b. Generei n Agetee, It euratee., two -Mirth eb. arm u or F co: L. 1LN:i 1.11/110Y to 1011101 IP:0-V-17.43 As term,. Prompt attentiOu to ovlere per ' ur Jt0 I.N. eilearli•;9101101.. l'o.avt'. a.» Vr.; &smear orvtx, PROVtNCIAte • lival Survoyer„ "&e., will I.. o3Uto Note", iitter,Va 1110 drat Vu. AnY•itt arm t. Oleo'e Aw v.awrir loft win: "ir. Jan Spat. I Mail Win receive prompt attobtion PPIJIt.'ATION FOR Zt.SII1P.,--Notlee hOrOby elven tint the tett 4 wilt after the expiratlett tsetity 11. ilret publication or thl•tireee, in toe. r Cr.aor aprly to t14c Judge oil .1e. eturrytali. .r. .1 tit rottlAV itnron II, Ma .3‘0,4,1 ear.; 1.4 the ptettions mut estatea of % Dere,' • t,:.3•try Ilrownle.e,Marilaret ARA& 1.1r ern - 1 113 Brownlee, Robert J3111.1 1r, 1,41, 1 ,rn.!1t1 '1'runlau Brownlee, infant eloillr.o.8 4 ..‘1,1H),;•,14to of the '1 tatIlaht, 1 04 tie, 1%.114tv 44 fiaron,, farmer, ttito tat 11413 day of Oetober. t. 1.313('WNLIM. 01•TTABIO, '19aUltSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 878 No. 24. COUNTY COUNCIL. las last year were $56,000.70 expend'. Howie Coto lees 'presented their re. The council thou aajourved: •••,•••••••,..4. tune, $50,415.44-eleaving a balance of port, to thy' eFect that they found the . Saturday, an. 29. Conanued front our faa„ $5,645.26 ort himd. The debts or the gaol cleap eel well kept in every par- Moved by idr. Gibson seconded LI Moved by Mr.Wileon, eeconded by section for reptiles, ealariee, rent, bondtiouiar 110 oiliciala courteous, and the Ur. Young, that the engineer be in - log, Szo.. amounted to $1,752.52; and. pays having uo complaint to makeetructed to furnish a etetement, show -- the valuation or school property foots A. petal grant was reeoremended, to mg tlie names, amounts awl dates Of tip to $111302. In len he valuation procure twelve hand Hibled foo the roe the orders given by him, on ?flatmates of eeltooll property woe $80,820, elmee af, the prisoners. Revert adopted. of work; to contrectcrs, between eacit ing an iuereese of about 802 per cent: The Finertee Committee's report meeting of the eoencil, far the Worms,* was read and adopted, recommending lien of the eautteit at mit meeting. -- the payment of a number of unacella. Carried, neous aCCOUItt5 A recommendation The supplementary report of the was made that the Clerk .P.141 the Wer. Road and Bridge Committee, VCC0113- (len be authorized to petition the Lei . mendlog thnt /4.) action he taken with islatera to ab ]ib the syatem of Grand vefereute to Mr. Gill7OVi'd 1133tirt11 for 41ariee, With refereuce to the notion a report of such Fs:flow) of the county ifr. Gaunt, that this council is of the opinion that the improvement or Ads in the County should be elloouraged, and that a cemmittee bo appointed to enggeat the amount of aetastance -au4 the manner iu whish it will be given There are two village seetione (1'. to iunuieipalittes undertaking to con- ett uot gravel roade,--Lost by a majority of 28. fovod by Arr. Garrow, seconded Theyoeug, that tho gond and Bridge field and Exeter,) Peventy-Bitte • alit sectious, twenty union veetioe , and two Roman Catholic) separaeoh te oole in the district. Two •oote sections were for in Ashfield and one in Collimate be requeeted to aocertain oeul Iry laet.year, aud new se000l borrees. report to this CoUbeill either at this or Seveveliew 90140018 have been erected tho dime seseton, that, if any of the leadiug gtavel reedit or sectaries thereof ought to be eeceeted from the golonest rule nf tho ceinicil, that such reit le building to the number of eiely-eie. should be maintabud by the local neu. Tile schools iv the dietrict number 87, tricipali•les.—Carricd. Weidditions eroded to three sehoole. .Since 1871 sehools have been ()rooted 4)r intproverl at a cost equol to a new twenty -eight of whiet* are built of Moved by Mr. B. Wilson, sicontled briok, two of atone, one of concrete, by Air. L. Herde, that rule 24 of this fifte-two frame and four of ban; and council be tempi arilystispended and thirty two ammols provide two or more that the Stateitere cennitittee be eta room. S. 8. No. 8, t. thlerich Town. pointed to review ate ruble governing ship has ti'SQ a very cozefettable Waal - the pioceedhigs of this centicil, Ana re er's residence. The entire propertyof eoit •he Julio meeting.—Carried. the district la freeho'd. The timber In presenting this reeolution it was c:aren between the flirs tit five and qviated out that Niue Of the rubel Eel lied to be revs pe ied, oin particuler, with reference to the mode ef We rams Conned adjourned. 4' and the ever:age attetulance was 4,00871 At the after :o se:reign Ihe tounty whereas the average attendance in Engineer's r port was P'!'4. Tho 1871 was 3,554. A. great improves bridge on the Ilutlett ifdielligagillop went wae. noticeable in the (recommit'. boundary was repo). 1 in ate awn in the achoole,and in the aggro - foundation, and in ne pair; the get° them is at preeent exude room Binevalii and Creditor) lel, -were un- fer all turd to spare for future einem. safo through ans etudtteseeeM certain eneies. "As a rule the houses are of the timbers in the superttrneture; very good, the furniture exeept in a the gravel road bridge on the Winghten very few eases ettherleted melte the Prairie was no longer safe, arid it was riehoel room at least 3131 comfortable ,leeldeil to advertise fur its reconetrue home, and a spirit is abroell to cut - twentyoue is 11,512 and of thiol emu. ber 950 failed to %Vend the prescribed number of days. During the year the nuinber of scholare eurolled was 9.401, tion—ene erea would not exosecl !vale the aesthetic tastes 4the dill- TJAKR, •Oorninberioner, reser. $3 00-d it : and was recomf time tip mended oby placing pictures on the walle, Land and Loan agent, Oette- next la we tenth 11,174 Rotel, ei eerie.thettou• }ewe) bridges in the orenberry and in a few inetaeces flowere growhig le, es 4 einston. time ths comma a the contractoel refuse to keen to their of Mr. Cock, pelting that a grant of tea be greeted to be expeseled 0*1 tbe emit imam ary of Uowiolr, was deckled not to Ore the ettpeint. T e report of the Selient and Piint. in g committee was read and adopted. It recommended that Alessi.% tetrang and Halls, of Goderieb. and Turnbull, Allan's corner to tile Maptitod briel if Clinton, Welt School T03,01074 *.s in Colborue. Lest by te eneejority of gravel ramie that ought to bo nettle an veception to the rule that townablee al*ouldmitiuteie them wee read and ad- opted. Altered by Mr. Youog, secended by Mr. Jewell, thet the terve.of $31 be * granted to repair the gra*troad from appointee eonety examiners for the exe lane. aftlittltli0.1 of 'Tirol teaeliere ; that ex Moved by Mr. Afenziee, mended by trim' s from the School Inepectora' ro.111r. tdibeco, that the County Clerk cern. port he eriuted in the minittee ;and ,rounleate with each nonneipality and that tho pritithro be giveit to the Clitite *Imelda the arn°wit puid for Charity on New Kre. during 1877. and that tho Poor House The Sreial Committee reporte4, Can:elate* Pnibody the wane in (bo re. receenito telisig the purchase of a cer. port at the June tueetinge—Caeried. taiu number of popeyed comity atlee. After peeving a number of le. laws, es, preveled they equal to tiel saeopte Council adjourned to en, et again no the shown ; also, With regard to tho first .Ntortaq in *broth ltr item the county ref Elgin, in refer. D0311MON NEWS. nee to the Jedge's alert, and amend - mem to the Vetere" Liet Act of 1470. The body of a" "Id man "aawd JaF1' Divine was Gland in at empty 1200 (0 in rceLnit nalentilettrinle0hta0a1.11;sm.offered to the t th° ea9t Montriettesith hie throat roped, peeing that the ooneoueo„oper„ eta, and his two and halide disheirtel lature, which was lost. ate with Eitiin in petitioning the Legia-lbY r"bt* 1:*cea`e'l bad b""1"511"a for a long dine, mid had evidently died by, Art amennment to the first clause Ins own hand, tai a a zer with whielt the deed was no luubt done, was found lying by Me Ade. There is more trouble brooding on the Liobine moat' works, as eonte of wile also proposed, objecting to the purclutee of the atlases and carried by a majority of eight. Meved by Mr. Striae)), secanded by Rot .4, I l. trio it. ^me(tlendov. 31111,rell an the townline between Hay in baskets and pets adorn the ettoms.' each munivinality be requested to cm, agreementswith the nien to pay theta "x)ltiV ATE FUNDS to loan at 11 per and Stephen, the one ever tbeold mill- lAn effort is made to iinprove the ni-l* the charmer) of the s'oor Heim $1.00 per day 1.13 tin hems' work. r era. Three appeve it MS &old aliteteht par. ) rues be taken keel lout the othi‘r re. grounds in some cases, by plantont Cemi»Ittee, before the 1st of May mixt, 1ne '; been ree 1, I O.UTGAGES BOUGHT. built and lengtheried about forty feet. eh:0e trees. The teachers trumber 115 a statement of the number of indigent tiin the UnitridState 4 1{3Vt elL The report 0(413 luded by stating that, —males 7C, fereales, 45, and their re. remee 1,11;.%s e„.1.0,1 0001(1 be sent n„r. Feived by the Conewr or Montreal, alik- ' ONVEY.V.NOING — Ddaad. MLA- although the bei.lgo t Nor the Winghtun ligious persuasiens aro time elitesifi,ei : limn each municipality to tlie pe„o ing for the r amine et' Scott, who shot himself at the American House here. Homo, eh mid Ruch an institutinu be , imm Doelevy, of Untford, 144.3,ts, wills..tr, drown on reaionable tortes mil pd. a Onnd trio road approaciiing Methodist% 40 ; Proo -byteten, 54 ; SINCLAIR, TAIT. :hereto were a pea deal used, yet they Epiecopalien, 14; Bohlen Cetholie, ;looeblielted the eeenny, such.Ir. T Arr. e C141not come within the mea ring of Baptiet, 1. The highe ttealtiry paid to elatenent to Ire embodied 1» therepel while 812 .1U a well for his fortudry, :appe peeler in Panay teeeils and Toys double the statute •respecting public high- male teioliers is $550 ; to 'females of the committee to enquire into the Amok what eared t 00141 turd other matters connected with copper, and while drilling a vein ofng toelity at a 1110 establishmeut of a Poor House, depth of 115 feet, large Iniertitim were land 4113103)4113103)wee I-heron:ally tested to- nna to be laid before the council at e he sit'ing hi Jtui next.—Carried. day and proved to be copper of the Moved by Mr. Cbidley, eecended by mired, yield. Great excitement prevails in the vicirrity in consequei co. Arr. Garrow, thnt this council is of the opinion that Belden's proposed Mires of Willis Mosley, a colortil man from IIron 11, a most important and nsefol the toe -reship of Nisseuri, was arresied work. and thet it is our opinion that it b Constuble Hedeert on Saturday, for would be an undue interference with acting in an itatecent menner at the the riots of locel mturieipalities for corner ef :hurdle) mai Colborrie etreete, the council to gm an order for write, Loudon. A.t the polios court he plead - and mit of the pockets of awl" mini- ed gnilty, and a tine of one dreier was imposer). :three days' imprisonment adjourned until 7 p, will be awaided if the muuey is not 'paid in a week. rho report of the Roal at:d Bridge It Parkhill, the other clay, Mr. G. F. C ezinittee was reed end it 'opted. It reOlnilllleLtied Lila the prayer of the Cook wile fined $20, inelnding cost. for an assault npon gr. E. 3. Phippen, retiti'm for a briag° between Grey and The assault ocenred In the Hastiugs Elms be granted, provided that Perth pay oue-half of the cost of coustruction, House, on the kb 141(31., and arose out that $150 be granted to repeir the of a dispute regarding it livery account. Grand Bend Bridge, if Lambton will A horse race took place at Parkhill grant ft similar amount, but if the lat- on February 4th on the race course,for $100, between T. L. Rmzer,s Exchange, Thomas Taylor's Sitting Bull and John N.. ble'a Brown Mare. The Brown Mare won the money easily by taking the two fi st heists; Roger's Exchange second; Taylor's Sitting Belt third. Mr. Wm. Lowry, an 041 and respect- ed residt nt ot Guelph, celebrated hia 82nd birthday on the 28a1 iust. The sage of the partner nf his joys and ear. taws is 77 years, and both parties are enjoying tolei ably geed health. It is now 57 yew* since they were married. They have resided in Guelph during the past 45 years. Tire number or children, grandchildren, greet-graudehildren is 13CL0-1.11FireemduArli.‘ Seaver—mice a ra. em- end stogl0 Wool, of all color. Also Zephyr and .1,..entanten Wool Next now Aare,' of the Time offieta, Exeter, TT It. ABBOTT L. D.S.,M.R.O.D.S. .1 • ,• ."'•• • • • Grad:into of , of Metal Sur • • 4‘1"4.54? P;)1111.17.1.1 in --TZ:741( II.3 0 1.1' si oblelatul,E'xe ter. ;TORN SOLDAtio HaS 1 tat commenced business One half Jae West of Dasitwood, and is propived to 'clean °locks, Wratches and SeWiug Machines. Um- brellas repaired and Organs and Melodious at- tended to. Tnose in want of his services ehonld civ a him a call before goh.g away from Immo. Chaiges moderato and entire satisfac- tion guaranteed. DR E W'S HALL, Main St., Exeter. above large and convenient hall boon fitted 95 421 the most approved style, home the largpet in the place. On aeplicntion, •fizat. &atm piano will be furnished. For terns, etc, apply to Geo. 4. Mace, one door (meth. Also to rent for a. berm of years, the largo store below tile he 12, 4.121 excellent cellar, and water eon- venient. For parti.calars apply at the ((timepiece NTit,\V LIVERY STABLE, Main Street. Reeter. MARK CLARKE would ac- quaint the nubile that he bias opened a new Livery 8table on his premiser. The public will fi,ud good and comfortable rigs at allhours and at moderate charges. PROPERTY LAT. CIA.RAI TO RENT. -e -Lot 9; on the teth coneessiou of neborne, containing 300 acres, 70 of which are cleared, well fenced, and in a fast-el:tea state of cultivation. 15 acres of fall wheat sewed, and. nearly all the fall plowing done A plentiful supply of water dote to the house 'card. Apply on the erernises, or by letter to Win- eholsoa V. U., to Itobert er John Creep. eartf.le SA.L111.--The subscriber offers 12 for sale, los 13, concession 5, Stephe.), four miles and a kolf from Rioter; comprising 100 acres, 90 acres cleared. Good -log house and frantre barn , splendid water, soil fit for dairy or grain, also r splendid brick yard on the premises, For further 'particulars apply to limerano Toast», on the premises,or to Exit- er, P 0 • • • ' FARAI von one honored acres, more or less, lot °ugh eon:Osborne, county of tiuron, 75aotes cleared,remaindor in hardwood base, well fenced and good state of IVat107.1, uuderdrained, good orchard, apical(' well of water, IMMO hart:155KM good cellar un - dor; log house and convenient to school and etturch., 7 ebiles front Lucan, 5 from Gran ton, and 11from St. Marys, on a good gravel road; half n an elowd tile remainder in Ave or seven years' time. For further particulars apply to JAIJOS ULM'. ou the premises. Pu16-Of ways. $850 —and the average to malesis The report ef the S darks Ceinmile tee was presented, recemmending that no change be made in the official sal. ne les. Moved by 5P. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Young, that the sum of $500 be greeted to the three Riding Agri - $420.10, to females $230,77. There aro 28 libraries in the di•triet, coe- Wiring 1888 books. The condition of the echools is classified as follows : Receileet, 14 ; good. 25 ; middling. 82 ; inferior, 8; bad, 1. The oust per head for education, with legielatire (irritant] Societies, on cendition that grant, averaged 54.25k. The rep rt they amalgamate and hold one County concluded with some lengttre gel era show in the fall. Lost by a majority of four. On motion the sum of $11 was re feuded Mr. S. Black, Reeve of Turn - remarks, in the course of whieli it watt mentioned that the year bad beee char- acterized by great harmony between the Inspector nod the Trustees. Ref- berry, he hoeing paid that amount for crone was also made to the voting on the necessary met -Heal certificates of the question of forming township lunacy the ease of D. Gillies, in midi; boards of trustees,. the result of which tion to that voted last December. lied been that only three actions had Moved bv Mr. Clegg, secoirded by B. favored the change. Wilson, that the usual greet of $200 Moved by Mr. Garrow, seconded by be made to Blyth to assist in the °rec. Mr. Leckie, that the propriety of per - tion of a look-np,-that the atm. be chasing a otltIther of Belden's proposed pail an the engineer leporting thee the atlas of the County of Hearn, for tI'e use of the various municipalities and ter wilt not increase it grant of $100 the comity officials be referred to the to that emonet, the County Engieeer Special Committee.—Carred. is ooly to spend all equelainonnt ; that Beeort of tele. Dewar,Inepeotor of the Clerk commumeate with Bartlett Public Schools, Was rea. 13 !poke of & ao., with reference to the cost and a continued improvement in schools durability of iron kedges, and report of that section, and remarked upon at June meeting ; that the approaches the diminishirig of the vexatious ex- to the Summerhill bridge over the penes connected with . buildine new Maitland River be repaired; that the schools. Last session Elie new eelmols Morrisbank bridge be repaired, as pea - were pat up in the rural districts, aid tloned for ; that the -boundary line bebe- ,,A, brink buildings on ap- tween McKillop and Logan, at lst con - erasion be repaired 1113 requested, pro- vided Perth will bear oneehalf the ex- penses that the matter of the Wing. limn bridge bo left over till Juno, as tee •inferneition Ter:posting, it is 3101 complete, Mr. Wileon then to preseut an outline neap of the village and roads connected therewith ; that the fonder of Win. Wise to build the Bay field bridge for $3,180, being the low- est of the sixteen ptesented, be accept- ed, he furnishing Securities to satisfy Mr. l3ay. • lock-up is fit to be used.—Carried. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr, Young, that the sum of $100 be granted, each of the three Riding Agrioultural Societiss,—Carried. Moved by D. D. Wilsene seennded by Mr. Slemmon, thnt this souneil do serration the establishment 'of a High Scnool in Seaforth, to be conducted and established =lenience With the stritutes.. Referred to Scheel Com- mittee. Moved by Mr. Leckie, seconded by proved pls were ing erected in Wingham and Blytb. Tbe statistics from ali the seotions were not cam: plete, end the financial statement from Tuckerstnit.h had not been received ; but the finances of rho district, not in- cluding the township noeetioned, were summed up as follows :Receipts, $52,- 827.20 ; expenditure, $48,423.73. The scheol popolation was estimated at 9,140. These figirres ere incomplete. Referred to School:Committee. Mnved by Mr. 0 idlev, seconded by llfr. Garrow. that 'A.. Worthington, M. D., bo reappointed High 8011001 Trate tee for Clinton; and A. S.- Fieher, to be appeiuted 1,1 room of et. Callender, deoceseeti.e-Carried. •Two resolutions askeig for road re. means of keeping the unanoiel 003341111 pairs Were referred 60 the Road and tion of the schools conveniently I Bridge. Committee, and council 1341' Mr. Castle., that this amnia tender its symeathiee to the widow of our late colleague, Roheet °Allender, Esq., of Clinton, who, we regret to hear, tuts died a premature death throtegh injur- iee received while 'on duty endeavoring to save the property Olds fellow citi- zens, and that- the Clerk send the widow and friends of the deerseed a copy of this resolutiton.—Carried. Friday, Jan. 25. Mr. J. R. P. B., presented his annual report of the schools of South Huron, which was .referred to the 8011001 • Committee. The report was very. full, covering eighteen pages of foolsoreap. Ideitely all the debte in the -sections were wiped onfs, end the correctly eeeorded:were greatly faeilita- • . • e led, The iota.' reoeipte from all sows- Io the afternoen the geol. end Oct0, • ber of the Tainmauy liuur, New York, whose exploits 111 Monti eehreeently led to his arrest, was an honored" 'guest et the clubs at Teronto, and at a nu knbf-r of houses of the leading -men, some tie or s•x, weeks ago. He 'was noted for hie brilliant flow `of smalltalk, nd was in. re: supplementary report of the great demand as an acquisition to t1ui. Z3chnol Committee was presented, rec. druner-table. Itis re3Ord.•shoWe IlIlo ommending, with reference to Mr, to be one of the cleverest deadbeirtra Wilsoneemotion for the establishment He borrowed widens sems from persol request) be not . granted. Mr. Wilson mate; bet it. of a High School at 8 ea forth, that,3130 at Term) to eii8thimitownsii II); se lboe cc 61 1:y6 In, otliv Moved an Ameurlment to the report to nineb money he carried .awrry -horn ..he contrary eftect, but it was lost on a city, 118 his VjO1niS are extremely retie. vote of 21 to 23, when the. ropirt Wag 00113 in the matter; bill, if report be true, adopted. . it must have lleete e consideruble sum,