HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-1-31, Page 1Vo . . T R, ONTARIO 1111SDAY, JANUARY 31, 178., No. • fa 4 1444. -:.a- i ...i nt'..�' COUNTY COU N CIL. :D._ a 1,:c*. Ihro e• It 4.. ' Toe (• :;reg mot On the 221111 irlstr., 'F. - .1 t, retie wee-. as, the (°l+•rt( in the chair, when the fellow- ins getaltetneL) ere tinted certificates from the Cierf:e of the naltaalletla9lttes . el I at'i•ro been elected Reeves and l' lsot'rlry Reeves, anti tool: their oaths tae E'eedie ,ls, viz.: -lFl "s°k Y:4" ii EHI' a n:11 -O t, `f yro ANty itriAtl, ROW. Vtehete . w`oeve ' w a 4 I' -- 44 4.�RI`t•laniiitert. Dep*. 44 , 31'3 r r .t •. II r,r.p:.ta, \\-, rt.,. Connor, 41 I• , .' - .. .s..,3:.44-: •„:-..,. 4e1 P -::,-..h, \V 1aa, Clegg, 44 '7'"` ""-'-'*r. ill I1, Sala, le"i"s IA('elvie. 44 1 a , ,4 — — C,'..irstoti, Jos Cheney,. 44 1). ➢ - "ffr aizieas D.T. 44 EXCier, I, t e :.,t II:artly) 4t tial'ieri Intea I' - T. (Yattraw, 44 '4 1 .1 .:t ..larlereen, let De. 44 Eli:hall Mediu, al Dep..' Lirey, Tires. earaelicat. r J. (L'alitN a, at f t the A communication from the Cauuty Clerk, of Elgin, in reference to amend anent to Voters' List Act WAS read a TWO FI;i:IOHTCItS i,;.LESCOP') WAR T:Res• tnt1 referred to Goel and &heart. IlaU 1) 1.:11.:--44.k F1°lS ,T3'.( Cliff eriFD To '4 SRAPi;, A GRAND TRUNK smiksa.11'. oval Committee.. A Latter from the County Treasurer , accompanied by a statement of reeney$ .A 1 cellecte=d on non-resident lands, ledger , baalEance, fee. Referred. to 3. u auce Committee. ood, which, however,. includ- ed Iilenty of braille and ,pluck, indom- itable 1)ereeverance, toot inborn up. rightness. Cal ita�l euounh; a for ey Less 1'T'L1--A 4)i'.Ivl I'ii etiveit'xamte youtig man, in dale progre sive e'lure- LI(i1t "r, AANDEAlxcax3N'S LEAP roe try, if only 1 e'lias g rod heieill ani he- I.trt:--(t sof Tine CCI,LI'll(i\ai ; kite its well. IIe ,t ad an these great Aaat r J,00(? I1attll` al Rdrantogrei, awl ane thing mere, an excellent calueati-',si. IIs load staali•td ineTicino ant 17teaai eeg11urii ' 'Ir. Cart% reo'e4J, seconded by SIr. the Grand Trunk, caused by the neglect Been-e'l to Feel -lee ne €s r ea:Re;in. t hs;rr. that Ow Cough it adjourn till of the nittot operator at Berlin. station , Bea he was still a Slntloet, sorl`1 of in - three five ori1Crei trona following t+l as wing an- { veetieection cold ez eg tame. Ile 4iecev- tflrea o 01001►.�-C.,trrfe;i. P. , . r � a1 Ja.teary '2;3:.1,tt .AI outer that the first train was to tke'(real, or invented, nh.le",ehret..1'e'n1e4r1 'Mr Kaaiu move 1, aitct413t' 1 by Mr. '.ate" at Breslau °cettrred at Itrea=• ' ageneiee (+r e' nip 5°S:Zile. Not eleriesi11g "ger, that':3,000 be raised by the Ian en Tue.:411t.ay. A sarei:tl freight to waait.wcartly far the '40met enfler- uiat • for impiing tho bontetrlar t:lea:nlon. e;ln;;tlaleter) left atrattfor t1:a' 1 i rg to limit out(.r;i.11e,art tory ;rat in plf the reale case reunici thele 3 iat the everting. Some time afterwards tell them that he cord 1 ill: them goad, tin to be (•\p( -teller 1 on the potato it was followed by a sreciral under con- lie a4lrertl,,e i leis m tidos- tont invited tad of llncttelly. Beth train. ware the whole proPesien, of every school, h4i"Ya,1: nil' t.?41;: IJr1 e a'ta41 LU e t4.44P. I ca ¢ r f a 4.n, u u a rte ai. rr. tt aF I .'t Si v'-4 is 4a 4gY' sal l)t)N 11 t al1, tint.' ,laF eerie. s.., .!1(1 angel i'n a• e•gc.0:.a".- ^-e-„TPF' tt.-I, f;; F.ta,-lE1 t 4:;,P,.t + SIMS!: 44. ,aa .:r ¢i ti 1 r•• 4 A I4r4.,,A . (. Ja-1 :•1.I,IA.1 1t0'' tNt,111,,. 'rare A n, ! ar• 1cin• 1,7%. 7a = 74. is lwt l: C.ea mi„1 An) e, 141-aatr 1A4 "v''Y 3t ;1-1,3„ ;II, c I. la N i it'S t14 per t tIt7(I.V111:ori I71$ i„to iia bA+ itI {ANN-, 1t, 1) ta:7531'.rv.r:A.j.`.:,.F., '1 Ali t,- i7 • 11('r 1 1 F;;,711,, ft;;r-A 11 "1,1,1 T -Ft i aeetee 1 2a'a t =ra e ,1+"riot Wee:. Arf all r'srr. e tai'" and it.+ra41Nort telt/I xlaurtiat,f the T:11s4efc'ce4 Anon 14,1)..,:11.1:,C.4.J-1.S. ,4 a.le,a ..,4• h, 1 r Y+Yt E4 i.. r a Ea .4 1x...41:At:At, t4:r.. 11 3,4 i:nUf a+alinl tar 1 1,14ine nn4. 1111( t JtYY --t,+1 I1.e.lswe 1, i114,t a., pr •ca•1.1 Irl c",,.ut (ttt!+04;-1, \14t.l41'. and 4.'@'taJt.', :(fat, idin , 1'nt• 11 1^'1a repairs 1 aL 8 t tlntaat4 . and 114 a „311'4 tPIPlY-r1 t-4. T117.4r• jai want et h1. %'a' i °+,,. 1110:1141 ph' • hint n aall b(14484 e.rit. t rub' fr+nt 1.:.i t.•, t•i1341,104 moderate and entire �teti'f:tc. tit» t g;ivar,antcv-1. It1:C4'S JIALL, 'Alain St., 1 set,er. 7L.• ab.rv., large nu+n rout'", 1'4 ))ala P Leen Fitt d up in the 414,4:at approved 151••, 1.414 t+,e•Ttr,. ,'.a it+the 34%*!*. 4171 t4I+)+134 ret :4, tt at .r- dau^+ pima) will 1a• ittirt,ighlui. 1'`ur teaucy etc, applyte (ro.h.3r,(r,utaednor atm*. Altio t) r EI• f * t tnr1t Qt) e'(tr•,, t + r4rg(' tem 11441.11.4?t414 11,.,nes4x•UYnrtr+llEtir, ail v..it 'r coaA- vcident. 1 -or otirtieulsr.rippiv at tea°,,,u.1e 1'11134' Cl,NEI3Y TO TRENT O116ELL.-A set of !,D scenery, entirely new, suitable ft.i• a'l hinds or entcrtaivauent4, dramatic writ musi- cal, consistitir of "'went Feencs and drop cur- tain, winv ur-tain,'tint a and stag., fittings complete,, F;ar terms, address (.I.JiTIIlVA1TI S LUDLOW, Drawer I, .St. Mary's, Out, N. B. Talent fur- nished for Concerts, Dramatic lsutertain- ;,Vents, 4t(•. Terme reasonable. Seanerl paiuted to order. lin LW LIVERY STABLE, plain Street, Exeter. MARK CLARKE would ac- quaint the nubile thatho has opened a new Livery Stable on his premises•. Tho public will find good and comfortable rigs at allhours and at moderate charges. 44 q7, F4 t"31u4(1 ,F1( moron, Delle tear, J. I. tkiger. 44 Sanell l itaatie�, Dg . 1Iosriele, Joint Ja^at:lae, 11. S. (.• L1 141 Dm. David Weir, 2nd Dep. Jelor i:•�ti 11tI1, 7� 47Aa11:t ,I =ag0a1, '-er. "lC ►la"oi, lla� 1:.111ayee, t- . Y4 \'17.err, leap. ' 1laWibr0ln a r11, . 9:;ae:lt'y, '[[t..r1t1-, [(+aEr[i 1E3111, f ,I is 1' ehv (*melon, 'iiree. Pea. A4 ,(`'natio q D ei.1 Welt li 44 41;4 r 1lEAgoci., Dep. Turllt.errv1 Kta;n1.1 1:13eL. J:.atalera 1It-^1laingr, fl p. t'ah rue, Lemma' !lunar, Daviel 31illar. E. \\tiwairliach, J.trnee Potter, Q t4 & lot. Currie, Deo, \\ `t"awaueel1. (.'hila Chain, t. Elwin traLtl,at, 11'.1,. \Vi+'t311:1'el, Beet'. \\-Hoose ' h e ester, Ale's. J. tiltieon. It was moved by Mr. 14ee.laitt, see. muted by 1Ir. 13. W'il'Am, Mutt Mr '('hfnalaea vii4, Reeve of West w . tn4aah. be \'t'nrden of the enullty for tilt (;"id'e'ate ya'ttr.- ta11rri('t1 nuarritu )u -4y. 44 44 44 44 14 14 44 44 484 44 ,4 44 44 44 44 4, JL PROPERTY LIST. i1ARM TO RENT.—Lot 9, on the 10th concession of treborn°, containing ;00 sores, 70 of which are cleared, woll fenced, and in a first-ola:ss state of cultivation. 15 acres of fall 'vhea sewed, and nearly all the fall plow,ngdone A plentiful supply of water close to tki= louse and *yard. Apply on the premises, orbylottortolain- chcisea 1'. U., to William or John Crafty. 23,-tf. 44 4F 44 44 44 44 it 44 4t 4t j1ARlaf FOB SALL.---The subscriber offers " for sale, for 13, concession 5, Stephen, four miles and a half from Exeter, comprising 100 acres, 90 acres cleared. Good log house and frame barn, splendid water, soil fit for dairy ox grain, also r splendid brink yard on #se premises, For farther particulars' apply to RVouano Yovso, on the promises, or to l3ixe- ,ter, P 0 'WARM FOR SALE. -- One LL hummed acres, more or lees, lot 0 on 8111 eon. Usborno, uonnty of Huron, 75acroa of eared,rem ai udorin hardwood bush, well fenced and good atat° of cultivation, underdrained, good orchard, splendid won of water, frame barn 8Grc70, a good. cellar un- der; a log house and convenient to School and church, 7 miles from 1 * aani7odro from road ; ka1L(2 11 from Ht. Marys, g t,}wn and the remainder in flea or seven years' l tiure. For further particulars apply to emans eannt ia, on the prominos. angle-tf JROPL1RTYFon +ALL+'.—Two lots on Main ':: street, contain( ng cine -fifth acre each ; ;good frame cottago,e ,ntaining nix rooms good: well and pump, and stable on the premises. -- 'ye 'above is eligibl; situated for business, as fro lots are bath fro at lots, and convenient to. the street leading to the station. For nartion laxs apply to I. W1:11T,3, Tuts% Office, Exeter 'i'he Warden took 1180 Blair, treat in •a brie f, but (rel ietive rummer the e:lie41. the ('()Hash for the honor they had ca+n- (err4 (1 on hint by electing him to the f Walden, The Wurd 'n luavillg taken the deo. Y ria' S1(1utn4A11, licitugs \.111te1y, Wag dotvu an embankment --- - which bee 1 Gnelph, Jan. 29. ---"The accaden prtneipele all 1reretofp>•e,--C':�tri•ieil.. :tlr, Maetn11 moved, t;eeQItilcd by Mfr. Graham. that the C'auueil instruct the r(°acltci Comte. Engineer to 'ave the bridge err Silthe 111ait1al1rl River at : tlmatl«•r- hill, repa►ire4, as it is unsafe for public travel. Referred to II 4ae1 saril3ridg.- CQt11111"ties. telt Aiei not leave until'toirie time z•.tter. fil::te wane. Iiia sure 'e bee teem A nt11nber of Accounts were present-, Trainee Mien 1En .heavily laden and not ' `aaetiileg mere -lens -m- (4 egre:1' indeed e.'+1 and referred tis the L I:metre C 1331 ! obliged to take wattle, are a -imI1lpelled t'1 118 tt it 81114 be (lar' t'1 intrin-le merit 111t4tPE+. i r1111 poet i;:re tau with, full llreestlrc, le to the articles he Ht lis in re i'lr-'sn then Ma, ('.431^; mend, fie -1 ):1114,•411 lay r, 0e-e..'r to surmortin Vie very heavy grade 1:i nape:ell •3a 1 •�1Y-a4 in thea "1 , , of W O grade:ir,that $150 be gra1 8te.1 to hal e-,• i Cao: of the station, 11:Aelaeely's driver, arbiter i^.ac>, The or- eent writer once lreeled eel on th... laaatt8141aar bei;>tts cee, tie) _ , l saait11cY1 IRnh('rt-, t11i111;,iog Witt oft teas at.tited (a (li-tial;lli,9ae41 "111 b's11 3111 t3ca, a - ee and Minto, ae tits coiltit ° of Wel. ;clear at L4re;;let , put eat hill ett'a m, and.iamt to explain the Fe rapt of the almost .'s 11,:19 'raatted :a hlshunteramend, untie as .1 -..telt thtoeg11 diet 'althea.aI iver,.al elf^"ai2S1141 foe 2!a`. lj c`rco tt Deferred to the 1 iaanite. G:a1n8unntett. u When too late, he eat? right 1.4,1%re hint Bleu:LSeinee. 1lq' ce3id: they were in fact The C'oneell then all unrn4eAl. 1'011 tyro tree; a freight train at the taa°alr'• gilellia 81 (—Liitt•PR.--C`imoore1113 ,,eueeeey eige t 1 (allerte rovers. 4111- lever a aelel03 (41 1 f g tai sv)aa9E1 Fre. + "down brake-." ire Ala:' however. I(1 `'oribe for tie .i; ' aeee v; blot! they were 1 al.:t G ��IInF9l 1114:tftt toe 0 41171!13, ale' •1 oily laden. When S1.tnl(nl to evat1Ule end proses:ince endo lent Berlin he adviieal tete night up in hie forting -re. Ii + aid •ertieel lila• vitt='t that he 1 delta take water at 1 erall1' , ir8Yfil'1'11, ha? t-etrareel2 veleta and to iiiflrnI tete freight that tlttry ettl•4adneee, '1101 with ab1i-retired f+rllitlea=d to tliatt effee4- II''u;ke(ly fol- 'rhia:ll it i11 itee if as le.? 'n to ,111 alio lowed Se;laitsn into Berliu -eery cite -rely, st '1, ii11-111e:S la� that p4cli pile legloi- 4 ft 131:1111IA tliP 1t1te11-381 .011it p1i* .Tile• aa.4''�r4n't'al t"I C tee. N4 eeer-e', th"'L' the °c1'atala '•a pret+l'tt R 1 Y. 4884,x8 t° O ,tietxt G=1I11F1titot• f;11t14fnl driver w111 e11,+t till *tt',1i the a ^t 1`-'a,r than W'l', 111'16,"1e,?11t eventel 1 1 i t1L Ya � t ,A A' . lit o':181 tiit3 vaatieous I:Oaltlltittt'o \Yate eels window like t4 stone trout a catal`ult e'i:t FJ t•1r the a on can tae le "11141 11f.�1 on l 4:. Awl . f anima; tate splinteringCaal'e and wreete°'el is p aysieieu al )4rtHerlptien, tont hesi les tlr� �t,rt4.t1, 8111 xe 11 . , 1; Committee reCfr11 mean tlltati engine, Strange to stay °.IP owe 1,11M ai• , there true the (10eter's fee saved. �' to ( Hua . i , 1 t' , l elle+t ll]lllijtlrf;(1 i how Att(`:t was' [+i1 -foible Moreover, h11GTnn, the dt'11 5 til F"1Cli 1 A 11.►hztatit3n• �'Ieeer3 Wtebtltur, filen, however, Met a different fat1�. IIP tat414aar;attt`1 f Ar Ititri yin a and "--. p'rauaa. iltria ;rut, t±lni(ll8•1', Ileet("8. etellillali, was on the tender at the tune, aud in 1'1 , the tatieture. 11e cent,' net oily tot owe,. til'. J. JUltuetee Y.tt:ng D. D.? tho general wri':1( which 1811,Ewea, he beater :lrtteh o iu the first place., but \1) I J4�tcl lt) Buil, It Mitt \\'tidier. weal brlli;ttal into an nnree ner11z�tbll ptrt•yeatt the )1'* 1ichte in better form \\141a'u.431('"41, 31e:11itlatll lt, \'Fit- plass of (less, btu 111 and I: ow:. The and cheaper than the Roue mieture Hoe, Ia4*cl(ii4 Ih'eiuo, (z'•nt48,1:1I3,'t'(4ncne-1.111 was so great that the lout- could p114*1Itly 11,1 dltttinetl from any 1I J1 1 �J lI'1 l •• tllsativt4 wn'a turned e11n111(tely welted, other source. (edger. Cteame, to I), aeileee. wee. At the time the pileh•i r oeunrrctl, onto having reference to Dr. t l lee, s P Iv ate .q '111"43•I 11ietanee (rein tho etril,i!1!� loot, considered !U -- ---7e�'2ti,---'tial the p4ro- :(±lio,t trod 1ri.,ti�r•. - - Messrs. C'lce. 1) miller.brailn4 t'rarr'-�'i Cur- 1n(ativl', jumped for safely. Ilia juuln pet gUaliftcaa(1113 4 0f a caapi. *.late f{41 the r,4 t I ^ s Sensate. I'i "4111 +s, 11211 it is 1140 faaaI ion t:liri•, and 17311 be for at f41Ytmeht nlnre,. with sunnily journals, t4) make sneering Kllu44lns to this very: ]natter. After that brief period, they will he quite ready to g;'I on being his work as hetero, anti as always before, to $pia%% of him ars a great 1111) is benefactor." the several (r(ltittalt8tel.1 1a lotto lttattY g as fellow -1; it :vire hard to conjec+.tire. TIM lir,•. er0rnline quant e, li;aviug perfect trite' jyx, rrie;1 1, tl Yar, r.a 11-.I1, It may be thought that all thief Wnitl1I . Currie, I), • \tinea", C;+tri •,ti, arid 12101.4* now like s 131(10)1 E,cr:tla-iron. fi Y. ,• Rion, and 1 J • •I tun of the hraltl'smen, whop ate on a ear a bu lar• s has no g oust wine -ever when Ii ) IL J e tar 'ohm Of oili.e, the, minute,' of last \\'ei•, G. \\'i6i;ll, it.tut.iv, Bieck, and 1 ,^ lir '�" 4 ' IIiLyGs. The Connell then ta•1 orrucii till the Retail end I3ridge,--Messrs, Ilnraly, �:;rd ina.5t. at 1J o'c1uc1;. \Iotnzies, Sten:mor , Kerr, Jewel, \V(tlk- T,uuzlry :;rd. t r, (ici;per,Yearly�, Elliott, Lotter, Mar - The Ceutec l met 1luretiont to nil, Black. Hunter, t1ation, Cook, Oilmen, jnnrnmont,.the Warden in the chair, all tin, (Leant and Hamilton. the er,uneillnre hying present. 1 Gael 8311(1 Court Ilonse.—liessrs. The Rn1n11te:1 of last meeting were read and confirmed. I{<.tyes, moved, seconded by lir. 3lcliillall, that Mr. R. Watson, of Sea- forth, be appointed auditor for the cur- rent year.---Ctlrlied. "The Warden teppcinted lir. Arch. Dickson as the other autitt'r. Mr. J. `T, Garrow moved, eec*ntied by 1\£r. B. Wilson, that Mr. Peter At lmaoet and Ale. F. W. Johnson be eppointe(l on the I3owrd of Audit ie the terms of the act en this behalf.-- Carried. ehalf. — Carried. Mr. Wilson moved, seconded by 1£r. Hardy, that a committee offive be bal- loted for to appoint the standing com- mittees. This baallot resulted in the el- ection of Messrs. Chitlley, Hunter,. Strachan, Bleck end McMillan. Mr. B. Wilson moved, seconded by 'lir. Ii1rdy, Hutto committee consisting of Messrs. Gibson, Gerrie, Garrow, Keine, McMillan, the Warden, and the mover, be appointed to revise the rules governing the proceedings of this Council.—Lost. in the increased town and"village 1/01/ - Mr. Koine made a motion, seconded elation, and the depression of trade 111 by Mr. Elliott, that by-law No. 8, 1876 almost every branch ; it is desirable, respecting the t4xes on doge be repeal- both'in the interests of economy and humanity to establish a Iio'ase of Ref- uge Ref- uge.or Poor House in the county. The motion 'vas carried by - a majority of two. Moved by Jr. illonziea, seconded by M I3 that committee oon- of i.4lessrs Leckie I3laclt M 111+, it 'cert: road ,ail anti 0 n6. in0li. 3lasou, D.3Iular, J. Miller, Gook, Kerr, ilaratio, Menzies, tirldnun, Llan- nat11, Clegg, Hamilton and Martin. Special,,. Gounnitee.—M erayr0. Web- ster, Corners, Weir, Gaunt, 13. Wilson, Currie, Garrow, Jewel aid D. D. Wil - 5 -ala. Salaries Conimittee.--Mtedsrs. Year- ly, Strachan, ';hleiiey, Garrow, W. J, Johnston, Castle, Hardy, Potter and Weir. Warden's Committee. — Messrs. Young, McMillan, Elliott. Hunter, Leckie, Strachan and F. Johnston. The Warden to he an ex -officio of all Committees, Alt of whisli is respectfully submit- ted. JOHN McMILLAN, Chairman. The repo -t was adopted. Moved by Mr. L'ckie, seconded by Mr. Gibson, that in view of the in- crease' of pauperism, caused no doubt from tine increase of population, not only in the townships, but partianittly ed.—Last, Mr. Garrow, . "clawed, seconded by Martin, that Dr. McLean be 'appointed trustee for the Eligh School of the town of Goderieb, in place of Mr. Finlay who has been removed to Guelph.— Carried. A petition was read from James Bowes, and 25 others, of the township of Grey, requesting the Council to grant assistance for building a bridge across the Maitland River between Grey and Elma4. Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. A aolnmuniontien Wt2I vsaad t'rom the County Clerk of Lambkin with reepect to the bridge at Grand Benet. Refer- red to the Road and Bridge Committee, A communication was read from J. H. Bartlett Sr Co, respecting iron bidg- Fo, . Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. r. ennlr1g33, a a , sisting , - Millan, I -lardy end Kahle, be, appointed to make the the ueooessary enqui,"les sas to location, cost of oonstrnalaiion, of the proposed County Poor House; to report tat the , Jttlle seeeiou 4; tbid Counoil.—Oarried. cod'The Commit : prooeedinge_ will be from high authority; And 1t is a s1Kn1 eluded 1n our next issue] The Num and shingle mill owned by P. $Nllr w4,s totally consumed by fire st eb1eer descent of between C:) and 71e feat. IIn*v 11e got safely down that em- bankmeut Helie where he first alighted he has not the least recollection. All Ile remembers ie dolt the cars, bl.rre's. baies and tuxes appeared to be engaged in a lanai race to see which would reach the bottom first. Ile also rcmelllbt're that when he (lad stop all immense bald of something hennaed oomph( telt' over his head, and burst in (rout of flim. Fortunately there was no porton in the conductor's ear on Scanlon's tt'(1in. If there bad been; nothing would have saved them, as title ear and aL number of otilel' were 0o*31,1'13 It telescoped. ft) atll, sOtnt eight or Lon n.11•d roiled down this in1'neo4o embankment, and were smashed into kindling wired. Conn, barley, oy-tors and nlerchantfize of all kinds were strewn around in a promis cuous anaanucr. After the dead fire- man had peen taken out of the ruins, and the brakesmen and Roberts had been seen to, those who had gathered from tho neighborhood assisted in dear- The Pickering Harbour Be -Law will ing the wreck. again be voted on by the rateraners on The engine of Scaanlon's train was Saturday, February 16th. at once drsnatched to Guelph for Dr. For twenty -ens yens the people of Herod, and he was taken to the scene Singltaamptou Glee ed tliesr School Trus. of the disaster. The fireman was be- 'teas by a simple Show of ilea hands. THE 'MACHINE WAS WORN OUT. \Vlly? Not bacauso it woe well built, bet it was wrongly run. Tllnusan=i5 of moil who have run down long before their t`tree-core and ten yews are ne- e ,mplished, might Inave been renewed into sprightliness and villa if they had tried the well known Peruvian Svrnp, which contains among its coreoi•unds the Protoxide of Irani, s(1 combined that it assimilates moth the blood and invig- orates the whole system. This syrup has proved efficecions in thou rands of oa808, and will do everybody good who uses`'(. All druggists keep, it. gond aid. Roberts was found to be This year however, there was a roti. bruised sorzelrhrlt, but not seriously. The Colborne Express says:—ltsetiug t —" , that two '.blot papers were missingatCAMPAIGN SLAT DI',R. for .410480 of 11)0 municipal electro is la When Dr. 11. V. Pierce was a eandi- Volbors'e, alld iFua3 S1U(1 three i s m dote for State Senator, his l;:.l tion' np- sequence a pr:112t.est Would bA an'ere 1 ponents published a preien(l,d analysis against Mr. 1'tyne's returl) to the bi; of his popular mcaloiiles, hoping there- chair•, by to prejndi* the people ageinst lliln, 0.1 Thursalaty Oxford CY,u Ay Council His election by on over;vltllininq tea decided, by a y .to of 18 to 8, that the l'ority Beverly 'rebuked his traadnoere, present union of the counties of Oxford 'who sought to impeach his business and Elgin for judicial purposes is not intr.srity. No notice would have been" satisfactory, and flint the Attorney - taken of these campaign hes were it General should be neked to sever it. not that some of his enemies (and ev- 0,1110 an exe,itelllent was created in cry successful business marc has his Lambton 'village over the annual full quota of envions rivela4) are re )drool meeting on the 9th inst. The publishing these boons analyses. No- election of' trustee took t11equestion of merous and mostabutmr1 formulas have whiskey'.01, temperance, Mr. George been published, purpol-tieg to come Bailey being nominated 011 the side of tempera' oe, and Mr. Schiller, hose+ keeper, to'oppnse him. A poll was de - mended e e-mendedi,' and teams were out to hairs, v,tc4r,, At the close of the poll for vete Nes as tie, 88)4 the chairman gave at one o'clock Saturday .morning,' ('orltnli'rein7 of Oct. 28rd, 1877: the rutting v"te in f'tvor of Mr. Ba ler. Notllinat saved. Carie offi,re unknown. 4a 'needle at dozen years ago he (Dr. Daring. +h? day the excitement i'a1i Local, $5,00() , insured in t11e Waterloo Pierce) crams hero, a'vo'ItN'mon, a', a Misch a, it was last spring during the Mutual for $1.400, moat fiiendless,'witll Tao capital bet True Dunkin Bill coldest. ficallt feet that no two heave.been at 1 alike—conclusively proving the honesty of their anther.. The -following I9 fr"m the Buffalo