HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-1-24, Page 8XE
School Books,.
" Stationery,
Blank Books
Well Assorted Lines
Berlin Wovls,
G.13, I
Main ritreet — Exeter, 'Ont.
• 'TA"'
THURSDAY, J.,OVARY 21b.187t3.
New Seoex.—We have this week to an- le NEor oreoo.--A stage boa been placed ou
ounce theta new store has been opened inthe enad „between. Exeter iind (fend Bend,
Drew's block tin the part formerly ocoupted beei
Stanley djalrayn) by Mr. John Una, Mr.
is a gentleman r.f considerable oxperieriese
in the mercantile business. Re has . a large.
and new steel, and as he purposes selling4or
and rens trieweekly between. the .t.wp pleense, e A. Beau itAca.--The - eyttait of ',snow
JANUARY ‘24, jig
' LoNpoN
Q1aPing;at all the. villages 'QO X07.' causes " to 1)0 lei 441-
141'4.0kia .‘ ,
linuendeersattjthaest efprt bs'et'irvete intleeluiatctv: feelIttsit°`eni;11frtli7.111;1:).A.971:1'eaDtti. iOlf441I4n: t'OL1;EP,
lames: mentie,,,,L, wonder oat eettlers nave hut Yety little clearing
cash, at the lowest Prices, we predict for him this, wake net aerie: Reetee is pilq, rtfti tile winter -seantiii being -the GENERAL 1)ItY GOODS,
to -day. natural outlet for th t t t 'bora ' o itearVelet for aa the saw lop husigese
a good share of public patronsee. Re opens: ls lac ermg u 'A•111,1ziRY AS:. MANTLES,
• • Lake llurou, and lying a considerable distance fla en4, Otir lumber. egen feel
taking some ginger Section of country ismostly -done in,
" no to'b -hay.° d'Y"
ver *large ,stpck,pf: VLOTHING ORDER*
ratttltrlargee„than Ihey ever had ,rft• t
- ; 08:
seiision of the year, 00• the.t,
running the milts In hopei of gbintroad". READY -MAI) E.
:There is a Want felt here Int not bay-
BUNAW•Il'•---On Thursday evening last. ..as. '416ith'iod Tfieeloisiness of the people the'llIkr401 PIO .rHatis "10001‘8141d
iAhat Mr: JOIni T. Weatcott
was -
ale bottlefrom his •cutter at the L. HeekB. Eieter:and quite flannelly they long for post -
Station, a dog ran into the etation yard- anal offtcommunication - with 'this village. As
commencen barking -so loudly at -his horse, ti 44M at present,it takes Aletteror•news,
that the aunnal became frightened and started- Inuiee"three—and fietpientir more—days to
away at a Atriums pace. Taking the sidewalk reach Its destuestioein the neighborbeed of
in his headlong speed, a number of shade trees -Bend, through' the devious hy-lenYa it
were soon demolished. At the corner of Main iaiust tiaterse, We hope foore to seethe mail
and Station streets, the frightened beast was ii accorbplished It "*
ceuglit by Mr. W. Hayden, Stationageutwho
fortunately happened along at•the time, Had
he not been stopped, serious injury might
have resulted. Wbjle running, the borse
kieked the front of the (sitter to pieces, 615'
will make it Mutest as good as new, .
Firteseret's VoitenareeeThe members of the
two Are eompuniee, in Exeter, intend bedding a
13or Wanted to learn the Biaehsuifthiun. Ap. gland Coueert in Drew's Hall, on Friday even-
pla to S. Bnckingliara, Exeter:I nig, the 1st of Februerv. A utunbim of local
At." peeeetee waned to learn the 'printing eluetem have kindly consented to lend their
ki.;• - •
So when tbat •old sztockiug won't hold any
business ; apply at this °face. essistaucetowards manetheoorroert aseeeess,
• and &tweet the names which appear on thel
• Fix Oranges at 3. Clarke's,
I-. Just bring in the earplug, and pay up,y,nr;
• posters will sake to show that it cannot fail
Quaarsar.r. Mserma.—The next quarter
to be the most popular entertaiument of the 'vRINTER'" -
meeting of the , Exeter Canada Methodist the kind held. in Exeter in a long time. The
Church will be held here on the first Sunday au .
mb a doctor. antrif one tiri.re;t;ilt-icate • -
here, IheT41).. ia Ina doRbt, e witfd DElibEIISON IWCILANN.A.X
soon 'have good proctiee, and' 'Mona'
• &Otter * titistnith tra' ' -14tte eu"
SH1,1SIM.H.—The feltS1ifillg num not 1111
: • , •
kee' roitiften by Tennylen, or Longfellow, or Mr. N. roidi9 bytni„.
any °team great poets ?f-tlte Nineteenth den- nese in tbo grist mill, be
tug% Jaut it ie 0,4110,11t:;eVell io the no n':1 Tired the Fortine$ of gr, Wits
kale obeerver that the filltitOr HAS inspired tvai ;Merlon it% firit ritiPer.
a.goed geld of ronnipn ,sense;, „ „iinitrzsg.-"”The lbvi-re "of the hsint
glxvimeven 1,8440,0 berergo have Rona *Tort at'presenf: Qt Mon-
day ofternoori last, Mr; J.iseri Gill MA
-to:;;11% *en en.outoo. , ;or 30" "'ree °""*`' "b°13
3 •; J." - Ott C. e
• 4nefter of"a mile from the
Jnirt. Cook ia
g a larf-tt' sloe;`oPosie ;the Commer-
6;0 Ilorel. There is be, large minp,
her of bnildings to gq up net entitle',
ERM0VAI.,— T110 Watige L
CANAPA Ilasaarrzirta",iltatuoSART Meerwo, formerly met it Grand Bend, now
—The Missionary meeting, in connection With meets at Mr. OrtWa halt, on Wean,*
the (canticle Presbyterian Church, was held in clay, nn or before the full or the moon.
the basement of the Church, on Monday even- Mr, 3, Elliott,'Unstor.
ing last, The attendance was not as large as Tan lb;c1•—The Rea which is nOW
position of fireman IS a self.sacribeieg and a
Rebrnary. xastly uuder paid one—at least in Exeter—
Bur your Tobacco and Cigars at the Tobae. they are liable at any time to be forced into
eo Store, Exeter. places of exteernetlauger, and the leesethe pee..
Tuan are sereral bard -looking cases in pie of Exeter eau de is to turn out aud show
town, Lock up carefully when you retire, lest them that they aro apprec:ista. Let then/
some of these leng-fiegortel gentry ahould at- hese a bumper lieuse,
tempt an eutrauce, Menton Merry:on—On Tutaida,y night last,
A Weeezno.—If the weather does not soon a meeting of +1ormous, Otherwise Ituown as
take s change for the better, or worse, the Latter Day Saints, wee held in the house on
cricket club will be re.orgitnizing and amashing, Station St:eet formerly occupied ley a Xr.
up the Pickwieks. Windsor. About twenty young men of the
Brays SOCIRTT Mem:ie.—A meetiug of the town Gotha -ea to listen—end Mogh—et the
Exeter Bible Society will be held in the Mettle- teachings of a Mr. Bluff, of Toronto, who, we
dist church ou Weiinestlay, 00th inst., when are sorry to lvy, is a printer. We have been
the District Agent will deliver an address. informed that the meetinge are to be cont'nued,
A. GOOD WEIGIIT.—CroWn Prince, the heavy but We fancy that if Mr. Bluff bears oleo very
draught horse owned by Messrs Oke re Hodgson sudden descent of an altogether unexpected
was placed on the scales yesterday,and weighed and unnvishen-for spirit, at it illo neon rueetin g, in
1700 lbs. the village about a year ago, be may be induced
TIM WARDEir.—MT. Charles Garvin, Reeve to postpone malting converts here.
of West Wawanosh, bas been elected by accla-
mation to the Wardership of the „Touuty of
J. R. Cul= is selling off Beoks, Fancy goods
and Stationery, at low prices. Give him a call
at °nee. A. largo selection of Dolls.
Oen renders who may want to learn about
the Far West are referred to the advertisement
of the Ileums Farmer, an old established and
popular journal in the West. It is published
could, bo eapected, on amount of several other
Meetings being held at the same time. The
chair was occupied by the Rev. Xr,
The tleputatiou oeneleted of the Bev, !deem'.
MeNtingbton and Sieveright. Tbeeltairmau in
troduced the Bev. Mr. MeNaughton, who said
the wcirk; for which they hni met here
tonliglit; wee a arrioua one ; it caused hint to
think aoherly was the work of Cheiet,qand OW
A CCt3IPLETE t3Toog aiP
Thon;inbrr—Siatt rer the Strikiny Clock
142, Dundee Street,
• .
C. 501.1.thCoit cr4 Son,
and t'1,011111itiff,
Wing by P. Blake anti TaVt 1.leaaorc to iv Pero ebe innebitente of g3rtrr
erIer, et, the 'NUN. i,, prom-, wing oda, 'lemon Ong country, That they bare los
otte.trd out in
et.rolleut assortmeoto$
favorably, they having completed *levet,
tart feet or it on Monday last. T.rer.4, ewaings, 4,4tafp
;4 theiatost et vie* end paterviinend feel ammo(
bete fit tan metier oteintling, they cam uun
CHUMS F„ter9ltY Etrso.—The ans
ent.1 meeting et the ohm eleddera of A number et woolzvr soap; =Raba"
wino ;iota at a voseritice 14 cleats eilltek•
wmou they were eeenecte,i with. we, the Iteilf,ervede cheeee manufacturing
h working oue, The otnetiregnixed funibitu company HOS 110111 at the factory
Oth met., when the report of
carry on the work, but taking into maniere-
the pest year's proceedings ems rear)
tion tho expense they bad incurred in the
arid approved. and a dividend of )6 per
eetion the Chinch iu Oda village, no doubt
cont. on the paid up capital Meek of
their purses were considerably nixed, but they the e.mpany was declared. The board
had laid some Oast for the ldieeionary cause.
directure wore stl re•electenl. -also
It was not necessary for him to enter into the
workings of the different courts of the Church,
Peeler 'teatimes.— The monthly Penny
Readings of the Exeter Sons of Temperance; but t-he',9. was thing he wished to impress
was hold Fanson's Hull, on Monday 'oven'. thennethat tlicie Was conaideraide =omit
weal% la" tha ilreabiterian Church. and it
ing last, min was in everyrespect the most sue-
cessful of the series, yet held under the' Am• a -Impart ot vioalth that they wanted to get
pices of the Society. • .80.erni new names were hold of, ti;, aizaist eauie d Mission. The
on the progriumne, and added. Wiry onderintly home great Work. nus ettrr,y
an this work;tqequireil about $40,000, which
to the success of the -entertainment. J.
R. Choke's rendering of the song "Thd was vent sitpplying probeiioifers to liner
lishnian" was well •deserving of the rapthrons eongregationa m Quebecana Ontariznainithdre
at the Capital of the State. encore it mewed. The singing ee asma, ma. WU no fund' tint bad as strong a ebtiril 041110
• Donnell and Mrs. Hayden, was =clientand poor as the honieMission fund. Toebow how
• SOLDOule—On Fanurday last, Mr ' George it would be barn to bnagine the success of the the money naisexpended in supplying Psoba-
Ilenryei house was entered by the Sheriff'stioners to those 41'igregations wbicif were poor
entertainment withont them. We were great -
until such time 'tebi wi were able to liniment
their own ni tiail tbo remuneration these
inen received ;Wits icarcely enough to keep them
respectable', as some only receive eight dollars
a Sabbath. &Clue thought that the minister
should be well keit, but had no right to make
money, but wily should this not apply to Doc-
tors, meicnants-and others., The young men
who enter the ministry, have to work hardattel
why should they bo prevented from providing
for old age. He next urged the claims of the
French mission. There was in Montreal 500
families that had bee- converted by the Chin -
officers, the fronitura seized, and sold to pay
rent which Mr. Henry had imprudently no
sleeted to pay. Moral; never have any furni-
Tax the Ship Grocery for cheap Teas, etc.,
opposite the Skating Rink, Exeter.
Socint..--Tbere promises to be some amuse-
ment on Friday night at Mr. Hayden's resi-
dence. A social will be held under the aus-
pices of the Ladies' Aid Society of Christ
Church, when a yaluablecane Will be auctioned
off, the mast popular man in the Town to be'
the recipient. We may as well tell the people
beforehand that we never use a cane.
FRESH Oysters at J. R. Clarke's, by then
and ean.
ment rolls in Simcoe County were overhauled
recently before Judge Ardagh, who made an
important declaration to which we direct the
special attention of Assessors and Municipal
Councils. He said "that such descriptions as
'part of the west half of lot 14 in the 2nd Con.,'
and such like, were perfectly useless." The
frontage of a broken piece of land, together
with its distance from one corner .of the lot
must be given, --otherwise the parties would.
be disfranchised, as tbo assessment would not
be according to law.
Firm Bloaters at J. R.Clarke's, next door to
Kemp's Tobacco Store and Grocery.
Poon WINTER.—This is a poor winter for
the newspaper man. No one freezes to death
to allow him an opportunity of making a ter-
rible announcement hi terrible letters ;.no one
hills on the ice and makes investigations in
sateonomy, au& in coneequenee ef the scarcity
of snow, entertainments are likewise scarce, so
that the poor editor has ne reports of Finch 4,,f-
iairst to present to the public, and, to crown all
this misery, the subscribers canuot draw in
she wood they owe for subscriptions. There's
got to be a change, or the name newspaper
will soon become a misnomer.
, •
Genie Ur.—On Monday, Mr. Went. Wilton,
of Zurich, was arrested • zit the Crimmercial it This was enough, and he ei once took the
Hotel, Exeter, on a charge of forgery. It ap- boy to Mr. Wileox's house, where he made a
ly pleased to see Miss V. Dissent again ou the
platform, and hope sbeewill ere long he'rible to
resume the position as a singer, she held pre-
vious to her recent dire affliction. Mesdames
W. Pickard and Kemp played a duett on the
piano in good style. The reading of Miss
Butcher, and the recitation of Mr. R. Verity,
were listened to with deep interest. Tho pro-
ceeds amounted to between ell and e12.
WITHOrT COUItcrL.—Exeter is without a
Council. The trouble about the counting of
the ballots,to which we alluded the week of the
election, has batched out other troubles and the
Councillors elect, finding that the election
could be upset, disclaimed any riga to the
seats at the Board. As a result we are un-
governed. If the taxes werenot to be paid next
fall, no one would care very much, but as it is
not customery for municipalities to run with-
out leaders, there will be another election, the
precise date of which we are not aware of. We
do not know wbether any opposition will be
offered to the four who were declared elected,
but from what can be gathered from the ru-
mors afloat, we judge that another contest will
take place. Mr. Hardy, Reeve, we might men-
tion. retains his seat, he having been elected
Honer Tinevixo.—On Sunday morning
last, Mr. Wilcox, of Huron street, on going to
look at his bees, dis.covered that some persons
had been robbing the hives. Sozne of the bees
were destroyed and considerable honey was
gone. He immediately sent for Mr. John Gill,
who commenced a search for the thieves. From
footmarks left, he supposed them to be boys,
and ou going up Main street, he observed two
or three boys talking together in a other ex-
cited manner near Hawkshaw's stable. His
suspicions were aroused by this fact, and, de-
termined to find out who the thieves were. Ile
etaphyed a little MAC to effect his purpose.
Crossing the street he offered to shake hands
with the largest one. Innocently the boy held
out his hand when Mr. Gill grasped it, and, ad
he had expected, traces of honey were still on
pears a date had been altered on a mite, which
would make it tine ziyear sooner than it should
lave been, and would force his beaten' to pay
In they endorsing it upon the udeestanding
that it ran a mu& longer tinge Man it really
did. An examination was, held, and Mr. Wilson
was committed to stand hie Mr. Wilson
was at one time oue of the roost popular and
esteemed men iu the Township of Hay, and
clean breast of the affair, and confessed the
names of his youthful accomplices. The
fathers of the boys paid $1.25 each to settle
the'inatter, and now some d the boys liave a
marked preference for standing while eating.
One of them was dismissed by his employer,.
There were five in the serape, their ages rang-
ing from ten to fifteen. Two of the boys are
old hands at the business, and have on several
iquy movement audethere were seventeen
Dati Hackney _814 280
churches in the Province of Quebec. and there 1st'
our draws MOM being sww la tit Operation sod
turnips otat daily is nage quanta) et
then ter a]Iplapalkea
Mr. ?imp was re-engaged as cheese
cannot be eurposeed in the Uomm.
maker ited manager for the year 1878.
It was oleo shown that Viere had been. i irnt-
1,818,598 pourtrin of Intik sent 50 the ea:ergo:7A? .441 grit?:rniiii;1=7":41,!:t
est rantalleratiTe loltt,11... Order' from it
rackety, from which were made 157,888 1,0,004 t ;01,40 te.
'moods. of cheere, Average amount V. WHIT80}.; SOLATE11.
milk for a pound of cheese, 1.25. Av-
erape price repoived by the patrons af
ter 'drAncting„ ,the expenses 8.84. A
meeting of tile stnekholderi no3
eons:rill be held at the factory ou the
28.th inet., for the transaction of im-
portant business. Addresses by promi
nent dairymen will also bo given. All
interested in the factory should attend „
elieza—Two miles ward of London Read.
0113 meeting.
Menutecturere 01
o .
At the final examination of the pu-
pils of S. S. No. 8, Vsborne, boa De-
cember 20111, the following persons
stood highest
Total Total
Wits Given, Hies Taken.
let, Alice McKenzie...890 313
were Eve of them selfsustainieg. He explain-
ed how the converts made through the Chin-
iquy movement, were provided for, end how
many workers they had in Japan, China, and
other foreign missions, and be had no doubt
but that there would be a liberal insp.'s° by the
Preebyterian body of part of their wealth to
help on this g.e it work. Rev. S'eeeright saLl
the last speaker had fnrgotteu to mention one
gr.at branch of the mission work, that was a
mission to the lumbermen in the Ottawa Val-
ley, there were about -10,000 men employed in
the lumber woods. It was no use going in
there to assail Popery,but simply to spread the
gospel of our blessed:Lola and Savioni, and cir-
culate among them good and wholesome liter-
ature. He said he had labored himself in a
very large lumber district. He showed. the
reason the Presbyterian Church had not made
be progress in Canada formerly the other
Dranahes of the Protestant Church had made.
A great many thought it was only for Scotch -
men, and the reason they thought so was was
that all the ministers had to be brought from
Sce.tland, but now the church was a Canada
Church, and they were now able to send noted
Canadians into the back settlement. Ha
thought there should he a rivalry amongst the
Protestant Church, and that rivalry should be
in the cause of Christ, for we all acknowl dge
the same good old Bible. The reverend gen.
gieman conducted a very elle apeachamging the
claims of the Missionary cause. The meeting
which was the first one held in the new Church
was closed by the RSV. Mr. MeNaughton pro-
nounciug the Benediction.
The friends of Edward Haden are
willing to match him to row Higgins a
ffve mile race, irre mils and a half and
repeat, for t500 a side, at Toronto, and
,George Hackney...318 261
2ud, Selina E. Eny...813 252
8rd, Annie Duncan...318 212
1st, Mary Ban ly ... 263 186
2nd, ;fames Et horiugton. 263 173
81d, George Stacey ... 263 167 ,
',mon SECOND larvisrma.
1st, Men Gtititour,... 152 182
2n1, Irvine McCullough...152 125
8rd. George Beutiy ... 152 110
.1 Agthur Francis ... 152 110
1st, Barbara Ha okney...85 70
2nd, Annie Hackney ... 86 69
3rd, Mary J S' soey ... 85 62
Tux question of "Township Boards"
being discussed and voted on at tha
annual schn)1 meeting in this section,
the result was 3 for and 16 againet the
Etascren..-,.-Mr. Wm. Gilfillan was
electol trustee in, the place .of Mr. C.
Switzer, in school section No. 8,
Bersy.—,The farmers iu this section
are all tinnily engaged inkcutting their
winter's firewood, no doubt in anisei
nation of the emitting storm foretold by
A Goon YIRLD.—L4St year' Thos.
Oestss, of. "Usborne, sowed 91 acres
with barley, *blob, yielded 420 buithels
or 44 bnehele 'per, acre, and was sold
at 69 eerily per Thisbe!, realizing a total
of $252 for the 9t apresi.a,,This is proof
that farming pays.. ,
ING of the members of the IISBORNE end
allow him one hundred pounds for ex- , HIBBERT mteruAti FIRM INSURANCE COM-
A is hoped that he may 'he able to ,c1 ar his! occasions been detected in pilfering, and it is penses, or on the Kennehecasis iverr Parcjik11,11./n1: TioldattretillaVh°fetha %7°RarlY
MI •
naime of the stigma which must ta it if , Mistaken mercy to all them to escaprn NeW BrnDSwiek, each man to Pay hie dnaels,f.or the election 0 Digir.efs.tomaRrs ant, seorototres.1-
•the charge be proven, ' punishment which their dead e so richly merit, arm expenses. Farquher,17th Jan., n78.
• "'
. ViramiAS,
Dealer in Lumber
T tacrt,T,
.50 eateregyeeteeeen nen& The Lumber, for
Quality or price, ca_ `>0.1. • A goad nasort.
remit da1ways on arid, cluutp .
Yard East Aida Mein Streat.batwatu.GitlIr and
coria Streets
Furniture, Tinware, ac
Having purchased the *Itock and Buildings of
W. J. Gilpin, will give
Edial BAIL adinINS
in itil classes of goo -le, so as to
Reduce the Stock hilly one half ktore re
Bargains may be obtained at either pi tine
Capital -
Parties requiring money can obtain advertises
on approved town or farm propeity, s41pereeli
rates. The above is a London, England coin.
pany. For further Partieelars, apply to
May 17, 11, Enetart 1)14
IT3OVG! irzitm .
•Theundersigned having rented the
. :
Plan ing-P1 ill, sash, D9or -440
Blind factory, .":
of Mr JobnRoes, and having on hap4 sNV?
stack first class lumber are now propervgfe
or all manner of buildinge, and furithth
teeiel for 'the dame. '
011001711461 Itl\ and seit01.1r1)1i1*
done at lowest prieem,
. •