HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-1-24, Page 2OPENING OF, BRITISH PARLIA,- MENT. SPEECH lrliml vie THRONE. sane -war N emote Or i3OltD saecouseeenn. London, Jan. 17.—Parliament met to -day. As the Queen did not open the session in I1ei'seu,. there was no State ceremonial, dud the proceedings vided, or England isolated. The aura - were confined to what usually takes; maw of Parliament could not an- piae© when the opening Is by .E oyAl Coinage- the Turks, - to realat, as they Commission. ha,1 been repeatedly told to expect uo The Queen's speech states that she ase:istauco from England. The Gov - summoned parliament before the usual element had done all in their power time that it might' become ac(luaiuttd' to seeiiro • peace and good governmont with the efforts she has Made to tenni for the Christians in Turkey, but nate the war, and that she (night have would not do anything to imperil its advice and aseistauee. Slae alludes British subjects or then. iute.ests for to her having declared her intention the sake of all tee rather Chrietiana in at the outbreak of the war to observe the lweehe Ho added • --"If you will lh. itrat'ity ie the tc t »teat which he teat trust the Gciernment, provide li:eited, bet Hied to prevehht, so lute;; wine -elves with a Government you will Rs the :lntt•reste of her erele, ire, as tie- trtn t. If yen trust the Government, fixed Ly her Government, were not provide it with the proper moans of threeteihda:, The Rtiesian enee:,ee eon- earoee. out y ur coutu nee." vit:eed the Porto it she tltl eth.te'evtar to Tie. .lid ales Will then agreed to. bvn g hoetaiitiee to a close. The Stilt 1,,.,1.ela)tl, tiled. is, li a. m.—Iu the gin's Crdlveri hent aecer.rusgly h:ad rid- :amts .ns the Marquis of Hartiltgtou dressed to the neutral 1'owere, parties ties •:gel ib N las net clean' whether the Gov - to treaties relating to Turkey, au al'• t•h•ltment'e appeal to 13arliaeu ont was peal far their good offices. immediate or contingent on a farther It Slit( rig; appear to the majority 1,re:e:tatid)U of the war. There were that they could uatfa,ly eemit,y, and !naver:Ljeeti•)us to s W11 a vote. the Porte saga so il,f lt'hnedl, 'Tee Porte Sir S atIor•al Norclhcoto complained then determined to inhale: a a;epaaratte ,.f the t]itpti•J,itialh`a persistent neisrelire- tai eal to her Gt1ve1'linai+lata and she tie stut,at am t'af the CUoycrh11llent's policy. once agreed to enquire of the Czar 'teen oevternrout's position was oat c•t whether he would enteitaaiu it. del taa;y:and anxiety. Tine Uovelaien(tnt The Czar expressed en earnest alts• hiss( do stoat ithteutious, but could not lira for peace and stated, the a,liui:eu as h p suec.'ss for without the proper. to the ceuree nhieb should be pareued •ttt) rt lrsailiilluent, to attain R. 1,71pau this subject corn- ;lir. Gladstone aelted1 if the Govern latlaieatiaas bass taken Place h. -441%4;1e t lent heel no prnpoaaale to melte with ltusel a and Turkey through her good l t'e ;t;;aral to grand until they kuew the )ll eea, and gene eertrestly trait•: they l I;eeeean condlitions. may ` n war. V lead to terminationt. aa� e. d the of h nasi. Lard :�')rthc:tt replied! affirmatively, :illi will spare uo effort to obintu that 1 Ir. (I ladetouo said he could nut:toml- ee3alt. . p ; of the wetting that the Gov - Hitherto bellir;eeeeee have iRFringed i ernonent might (Mavis to auk a grant, 'he eondlitiantt on witch she her neutrality but thought( uutt.iug yet was ltuown .•t founded, and elle willingly beh.Sca. fudtifyirg such a &'wand. fiat both &tire to reseeet thele as far a.o«,v —.. -8 lies in their power. So ioug as her A TERRIBLE DEATH. 't:onditions are complied uith tt.oy will 1 _ eoutiuue. but she cannot conceal front Rata, R:•binsou who wntked and also r.erself that, should lhosti;itiee he um livat1 on the .Tackson Barrel, near the (orientate)," prolonged, some unexpeet �'alluga of Caledonia left his home oda i. occasion may lender it iareuuebettt the unoruing of the 1st inst., for the u her to adoptlnoa3tlres otl)reo:Lutlon. village to have a''goud timegenea'ally," patch tneaeures could net be a factually and leftt•rianbibing pretty freely, iltat Led to return home to the evening. Thi night being very clerk, deceased findl':ti it difficult to keep the road!. rapine w hie way at the littuse of Mr. Ales. Parliament. 1''il,lay to Obtain a light, but as ler. Relations with all foreign powers mule) could not accommodate him, le preceedetd uhf his way without one. I' is then riu{itt.)sed that he must have wa•ule r*.1 to the right,, crossed the date, and lt•tt kuotwia:g where 'ire fres 4.ItoYLL'e. oeteiceest. The Duke of Argyle raid Lord Bea- consfield's speech was brilliant, ,blit evasive. It welt to be noted as a Big- niaoalit fact that it: made no mention of the indepeedence and integrity of the Ottoman Empire. ('.ORD SALISBURY'S .r.'PEECII, The Marquis of Salisbury emphati- cally denied that the Cabinet was di- ,ak.eu without adequate preparation. she trusts to her Parliament's liberlity to supply the means. Patron. on those affairs will be fortheeith laid bufure continue f"iottdly. Her Majesty ex- presses tlmnhs that the Lillian famine is nearly :ended, and refers to the con- dition of (native affaira7 in ;3 iuth Afriie, avhich hay c,eutirrd eolao aitxit•iy. The ,,(eine, walked into title river, Mee. troops there halve b• en rt:inf♦irril, bat Ritohie, who lives (tear the iron iouudry, silo trust8,for al eacoful an 1 sa is'actury jest i,:fa. a 10 t cluck of the evening of ,settlement shortly. the 1st, hearing cries coming from inane one apparently in great dirtress, ran over to the town hall anti Wormed O. Doyle that it must bo some one ire the river. as isho heard a great splash - 'me of water. D,ayle, who was f13• •t,mpallied by a man named Johnston, : t once proceeded down to the elite from whence the cries came. After give 1)/ .iitlsaila in Ie,°.',actl to D'ritieli i11- :seating there for some time and nut teres wul•e unsatiereetore, Pat lianteut hawing Le.iltl any one, but seeing a shouP have been e,diled together ime ti:;lit on the other side of the river meds eely. If they _Were saatisfaetitry they naturally cause to the c'ncluei+ar. the aely 'effect of suinnnonieg Pallia* that if there wit. a mean in the water faint now was to,cause a feeling of in- he lied own assisted ant by some one su.iis,i111poteitcr Nervone Debility, nteitilperii• etettoitaJ on the other side, and started for ut0'tc of utaat•'fggo tenoraliy; Gmisntnption The h;pllopay, nod i eta; SIoutatt and Ithysfenl Iu= *PERM `Or LORD Ei tC'):r3FSELD. ` • home. The man was again heard. capacity, trtc. . L• ort! 'ileaconsfeld said the srt11T calling for ,Mary to bring hila a Relit, T",te tvorld-rouownedauthor, .n this arlinirnt>lia * Llecturo,cacarli proves from iris own etiprrience mons to Pu,lliau:ant was issued whee but Doyle .and ,lob'ist•ln, being fully that tiro awfuf ennsurruoncoa of rif-Al,tlhe ulay The estimates of the year will soon ba presented, Hpy Majesty, iu cuneinsion, detains a Rumb'3r of measures ore leen]. charac- ter 4 be laid beim lraarli4lnent, Leedon, Daae. 17.—In debating tlia a:ldrfee in ,the Hulse of L )nils, Earl Granville said! If the asaurru c -s 41� , & J. B4OOKS »antjfaoturare 0 • LIMBER, LAM, STAVES! _end doalersin CEDB.POSTS RAILS,COI DWOOD, tilzz•zs—Two miles west of LondoaBoad. TOWN HIP OF HAY ' Y'" Ii O L E SAL 1 AND RETAIL Dealer in Lumber IIINOLI:3, LA..,i1AAD Cr.DA:taI'OSTS.'i'tT•OOIt. I*It1 ANI) IDD G—DBI SEED ANA) UN- . ,rnt•airs'I1 An oxtensiveStoa* Au Laud. The Lumber, for Quality orlrric ,ca ;;^• ' . hest. IS. good assort- mcatalaewaaynou ltand,cheap...4 Cast • Yar.1 East side Alain $treet,iaetxreot,,Gieilyand oda Streets T . HAT -00 A . . WHERE DID YOU BUY THOSE 0'M.$% Why 1: bought it JOHN 't i CE•• 'a 13nei; Sarni -err R I)i:•eett's old place, senth u'.in of Orcditou grave'1 road That's wieere s ba, 1111 nay b rel;, Le•ran.-e yen- can Kot the 1,est mice. in the collate iron him, a I fie hili i none bat til:.t ela€s aortilltn Yen can always devoid on getting a first- elaana article, They are A cents a thousand .tltead ufany in these parts, Don't:ergatthe spot. .TOR' �IITOIHELL, !hedge!) F, O. YORKSHIRE PaohinE Rote HENSALL -51-11.- v a wa G. & J. PE TTY Are prepared to pay the highest price in a A. S l for any chitin- ity of FTogs,dead alive Any quantity of PORK CUTTINGS cardstaautiy on hand Wholesale and Retail. All orders for cured meat promptly attended to MANHOOD IIOW LOST, HOW RESTORED Just published, a new addition of Dr, Cuivertsell's celebrated Easay,outnornali- catl entre of setnirat Weakness or parameter i i , •t , 3 1. a by -Abuse, nvu un atry End- . there at ,first appeared to be an allow• cini'lucetl that ho had got out didl.nut. t.,3 effoctna11y relnnvc.l tcithenr medicine, find + :evititout daugermis surgical operlttdonr, bougiup, Intatrunleets, rings, or cordials; pointing out'a mode of cure 0',t once certain and off factual; by which. ovary sufferer, no matter svhat lis comb - Lion Initv930, may anrevtiblselfeitonitIi'iliiii•atCIy . •�..�'.Lf)��'_+'x,13 . feta andlrarl'callw.. tunity for the ivaatli;nralioo. of liege.'• Leg tiatirnn3. Lord! 1.14mcou.-fl.1ltl nis•t repo .(,Heil elle pe:C.spaapere hi atcanethc cunct ihi11.g the„. GoCerr,jneua's $nr?icy. and egotigly,trap cic;i:eted. tlie:Ittxon n. • i•li• cf ael1 ,i:,itau_ ill the O'IJia:e r.,, :Tine.G v ernitwtrl never' .vu:r11 •,1 tt•nu the ua. i,io 'tif Ccillditioual 1180ttldiry :;o drwnagain.to elle. river. .Nof.Liug mora was )traria .or seen of deceased 91,Itll nd•1r1y 11po11 ilio iioxt. clay, when.. 'Lr-. 1,1pbitis[ ii beeptni.,1g, alarmed at seep'sari}lrin;e,a..tb:ioitce, of bar husband, tt,)ttt ill aerlrch,,of him, and Dallied at. the wu 1. l}i) , t,l .111., 115artineau ,ten mala sc)tt,3 ('2U iliriv'11, conee,rfrng a(191sj they i's.t,*;,jarrivetl ,Alk, alloeg')talttll;tl•'. iwllet•:Gjal•ntitC. Boil:•t3.ofa,lie.,.I.Is.1,i;A'j.k=1 lave enelneolgbe 0beart .ragbag.11Iedoe ;teal,* nen t iitilgng. be oriel -4 ;possibly bp, or m.ys}lt,.laot,:beeneees.ful. • ,Tee G•,w . 't*r i'np11, Ale, Tice :Rcntrin search. -0'f. ern noettt3ull,4 ei•oil,tlleXc: t'tsore .13•iti,jr: ,I dui hitt! adbilt1t fuui:o clock. in tiae._a4,414, into: .3;laic :