HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-1-24, Page 1R\ e,aapi'arrset Pwwwwwwwwiwoomoseumwratiameitesernewesarai Vol. IV EXETER, ONTARIO, TIUI-*BDAY, JANUARY 24, 18'78 MI3CELANEOUS (1 L1 IJ WANTED. --000 that can do gen 'rat housework, —Apply to F. 0, Simpson, #toisou s Rank, Exeter; WANTED—An assistant teacher f for Cretliton public Soboot, ilntteA to our it14nee 7th Januar.% 1878. Apply to W. Scnsann e>r relit` z awn,, Cre,iiton. T J. CLARK, Agent fir the U't• lewne and Ribbert Mattel ki'ire Insurance Company. R" sidetireTt'aa rgiabar. Orders by meals j,romptic ettenal",l to. `"EW BUTCHER SHOP.. The A. ! npderyig,eell wishes to acquaint, the tuhnbi- Las open ,d of o it, osurroundingfuellot neat that er to J. liana Uakere•wheru ]t'r'ail keep asutrlrly*of fresh 1 meat constantly on loom. Cash for hides and sheep.ekins. Joos Worm, \TO•i'[OE•—WANTED—A, MAN TO u taVellkir94atans }acr ofatland Gaodend. Per further inhumation, appry to 1 lehntieek.-,• lnplieneions received in writing, ul, to December Zbul,1677. c'. .0. teat, Sec.-Trvae, "TONEY TO LOAN ---.Lar e end X sinuti Duma of mon •y to lent on 'i•st- gage of. Fauns, at eight per eeut.ney,shle yearly. with privilege to the borrower of peeing off .Il or part at semi: Rine asA1 V be agrecu.. +apphytt. AI R. T'. ie kt.feer. solicitor. Exeter. ,, ASON d: 'HUDSON, Henson, Ont. Acconnta'its, Aactleneors, Conveyancers, liroated Life iusUrauc-ndGen vralComn,issiuu Agents. Insurance two.tbirda cheaper tb a: lir ilivary resat. Prompt alt Mien t4 .,orders per waive otherwise. nS. CA11PBELL. 1'RC3VINCIAIr . Land Serve:car. ',fin.. will le at the R, sal hotel. Exeter, Oki the, first Tuesday in each tuootit. ciadors for work .lett frith M. Jelin Spackuaan win receive pima pt attention - A LAKE, Comnlisidoner, [near - item bend au.1 Loan Agent. Ofnce- next door smith Royal hotel. E ietor, Wilsons Betel, J nsel*,everyMonday. PRIVti`Till FUNDS to loan at 8 per l Cont. OUTGA.GES BOUGHT. CONVEYANCING -- Deeds, AI ::t. gages, Wills, itr, drawn on zeasonable tonne SINCLAIR TAIT. neater in Fainly Goods and Toys dornase J taut single Serio Wool, of all color. Also Zaphyr and Gortnaautoa 'Wool Next cont aerate! the Txlts office, Exeter, '?E]' R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,M.R.C.1).S. Graduate or Rev rr'ol age or bleAt.1 Sur goons, (Mee in. Pau a nu'a; shack --salla" -oldsitapd,E xe ter. JOHN !MIRANAry, ),Las just commenced business one belt Hallo 1Vest of Dashwood, and is prepa'eti to clean Clocks, Watches audSewing Machines• Uut- brellas repaired and Organs and \feludians at- tended to. Tnoso in want of his services should giva hien a call before goit.g away from ltonm©. Charges moderato and entire satisfac- tion guaranteed. ',REW'S HALL, Maio St., Exeter. The above largo and convenient stall t • boon etted up in the 'most approved style. beat - the largest in the place. On application, a e:st- ulaes piano wilt be furnished. For terms, etc, apply to Goo. a. Hasp, one door with. Also to rent fora tax] of years, the large store below the nell,unexcelleutcollar, and water con- •rwaient. For parttfalarsapplr at•tho same place QCENERY TO RENT 01t SELL.—A set of scenery, entirely now.0'writable for al kiuds or entertainments, dra'tnatic azd musi- cal, consisting of seven scenes and drop cur- tain, wings and stage fittings oomplete, Far terms, address 11IOSTHWAITE & LUDLOW, Drawer I, St. Mary's, Ont. N. B. Talent fur- nished for Concerts, Dramatic itntertain. 3.tonts, &o. Tums reasonable. Scenery painted to o1d'•r. im:• • 1TLW LIVERS' STABLE, Main Street, A LI Exeter. .ilt/41K CLARHE would ac- quaint the public •44iat he. has: •opened a new, Livery Stabte,on Itis premises. i'hecpublic will end good aacomfitrtabia•rfgs at .allhoftl and at moderate t'liarges. • r PROPERTY LIST . OOUNTY ITEMS, Oil Tuesday of asst week, `Mr. Rola. Bennett, a farmer of ,Ashfield, wad fined 52 and costs by G. Crabb, Esq„ of G'ad,•rich, t tr vintation of the market by -lase i a selling wood without paying hi+ market fees. A wonnan in Wingham named Ba- laban, who heel her husband commit- ltd to jail recently for ntteriot; threats, to few days Argo eloped with nuotlte.l sisals, Marc Barrie and Reber. Young, of G•derii:b, were conslnitted to jail last week, Tiny nail only been out of pris- on a °,uple ot lnnnthe. Drnakethneee acOtt the dew, Judge Sgnie'r, of Goderia1, hes shade his official v.ieit to the jail and.treatetl the rli:atxners to a huge roast of beet ,and some canoed fruit. Mr. H. \V, C. Meyers, of Wiugltam, left tibio town tie the morning of the 7th innt., and voted at 13ayiield, Tuck. ersnutli, Stanley, Seaafortlt and Brue- sefa, rand airier, Mobile in time to do a gond days btP.i0o8e on Tuesday.. Mr. Catrin, of Seaforth, does not allow any tobacco cliewing sal hie new hall, Vise man. Alr. George Weathorlu'ad, of `Vest Wawar osb, was severely injured the other day by a felling tree. - The inhabitants of McKiliop, are badly smitten with the fox fever, ° The Wiughern C.)n ervattvo Aseooi- ation intend bolding a banquet about the (49th inst. One morning last week a citizen of Clinton, startled hie wife by inlormiug her that the house had been robbed the night previous, bec'iaso hie p tsket bo tk was not in his pocket, its wonted place, brat the article was retold else- where after a whiles search. The annum! supper under tile aus- pices of the Huron Farmers' and Mee. Ivories' Association n'RR held at Strong'e Hotel, Brucefiela, on Thursday last. The editor, of the .Blyth Review com- plains because a subscriber has atoppeltl Lis paper, and devotes eotssideraabli ,space it) the e•litnrial•golumue iu cnn- delnuing such notion,,, • hlr. C, Sti;iubel, of i"x itierich, pre- eentod the A. V.- & A. M. Lodge in that place with a nestly, worked motto, the words "Trust in God," being inter yore l with the Itfasonio e•nbleuts. The proceeds of the Registry •Offige at-Godclioh, for 1877, amounted to $9,910.50. Atnnnut of rebate .to county, .:3,205.25. • Five pri,+onere &re,at present ooufin= ed in the Goderich jail. Silas Andrews, of Clinton,. charged with attempting to defraud the Post Office Department, was liberated on bail Inst week. On Friday, do llth inst. a, large meeting of the Hur n Live Stock As- sociation was 1151d at McLaren's Hots!, 'Clinton, to make preliminary arrange- ments for the spring sale of stock in Ma veli. The required- number of en, tries were made ` to warrant the Asso- ciation in advertisiiig • extensively in Canada and thea Northern.and; Western Stateq. Ditties can bo sent to the Secrotary, at $uafor'tii, or arty member of the Associatkia;:up to the 22nd inst., all of WI)icll Will A4lpoat in the cata- logue to be issued then. This;•tlie first sale, will :be Confined strictly to thor o,lghbrod and improved, stook. It will pay; anyolletltAviii ate* for sale to en: ter at ones, id' order to''' gat the benefit. 'of entry i•n'.the'd'etaloguei •'chose who alive no.w''u wish the a8f0- ciati.Onto;eticeeed, slinuld'atleast, be• oma mermtaeria:'"' Ttr'f eomtnittee• ap- pointed. 1a make final arrangements for, he sale4.met at Clinton on Tuesdy "lire anunal meeting of the South Huron, A,gricnitur i Society was hold 011 Wesiraulday of last•week at, Shnffer.e. Hotel, , ippen. There : Was net a; large., 'attendance ;af- raembers. The report'tf Ire directors•giis read ird an fed,'.apd;;.plowed the affaiirs of 'the society to.bd-Inst most satisfaritory bon- i►ion. :'l'iie sopiety;.,pDmmeiices the c .... a T,.,tr.: ::• . t FARllf FOR lLid, , l e enbecriber oilers 1122 for sale, los 18. conc,;ssion 5, Stephe =, 1 four miles and a half fromjietor, eomprisin¢ 1100 acres, 90 tares cleared_ Goad log house and frame 'bartitispl'oudid water, xjil fits tor dairy or grain,' Wu r splendid. brick yard. uu the premises, For further, particuier. apply to RICHARD Yobxa; 011 the .pr emities,orto Et:: - ter, P O '' nip • ?A'![3ai:FUR HALE. —• One .,1hlenared acres, more or less, lot. D on 8th con. Iisborne, county of Huroii. IA 75acnss claarod,remairider iu hardwood t bush; welt lanced and good state of cetera tom, underdratned, good orchard, splens 3d Mott of water, frame btirn 8t0r70, a goo.* cellar-' Servo log house and gpnventent to sebool said a:hurol , 7Snilsiirfrorf,•Litwin, 'S from Grantottt 11 from St..Ataryst.ou al$oost gxsvel mad; Iistf J wntrod'tiie reta1 }iuder ln.eilve' or eeove years' Milne. For furtbWild'it'iitiaierb and/ to :JAMES SADr.E1a,.on the.prandses. ungibtf PROPERTY FAR •ALE.'=-• eptoteonMain t treet, etsntain ag one.fifth sere eiioh; good cottage,e attaining ass rooms ; goo well and puw'p, aid stable on the ,pretnisen.- The aboeela eligibl . situated for' business, as the lots ,at e b ,th fti at lots, and convenient to the street leaaang to the statical. For partici! Myra aiit>I t ,[. WUIT , Tilssa Offsoo, Exeter . sew year With a balance' of $196 in n'tll;r..,;:treaasnrv, and'•dtlriug the past' ear 5'had been para out in prizes.' het' of allowing officers . and direo ors ere electees fore the ensuing year : Wm:` Dell, President ; J. Pickard, First Vice Pa esident ; Dr. Coleman„ Second Vice President. Dirsotors-.Mesa.. D. McInnis and •Lt .saunter, Usborne ; Ciaoige Sproat, Tuokersmitlt; Win, Lawless- 'Stephen ; Wm. Wilson;' Hae ;- Th' a h,Lrtve, sr., Stanler.; W,m. Wise, ,Gndorich Township George Willis, 1 w Exeter ; M. • Y. McLean, Ijettforth. Messrs. George Jackson and Wharton, Hodgson were appointed auditors. Dr. Coleman was eleoed a delegate to repre- ec'.ut the society at a meeting of Bele- gates of the various eoeietiea in, the 10th agricultural division, for the se. leaden of a person to represent said. divieiou iti the Council of the Agricul- tural and Arts Associtition, and the meeting further recommended Dr. Coleivau as a wuitable Calan to reprt - seut the 460.10 in the Comma. Title completed, the buiiuens of the meeting. --Alt a meeting of the dire fors held immediately rafter the ()WoeoTthe an- oust meeting. Mr, G. E. Crotsewell woo appointed Treaenrer, and Mr. S. Sin iliie, Secretary. ►•4,410+... No. 22, remedies, that are adver.tiaed to care consumption, but without obtaining any relief or benefit, Boeing your Golden Medical Diseoverev and Pleas- ant Purgative Pellets, advertised, I concluded to try them, and I found them to be all that you claim for them. My restoration than remained complete for over two yearn• Inclos- ed please find $1.50 for a copy of your Culls en Some Medical A.dvieer, Ever gratefully yours, JASON C. BARTHOLOMEW, A NEW BRUNSWICK HOItR0R. A T+1,VlrR11•XREPIrlt 34U001:1) AND YILLED FOR ERS WRALT11. DOMINION NEWS, In August last sr Moncton tavern keeper named Timothy McCarty. left The Meraltauts' ACSGciation net at home to ?o to Prince Edward Idlatl•i, Hamburg en Monday. Represtuta. via Shetliae. Ho lead a considerable sum of money in his poaseeaioir. He.', was seen in Shediae, in a house kept by a family named Osborne, on the 'light he loft home, bot there all trice of him wee lost, Search leas been made for him in all directions, but without' success. A French i'irl, named Pelle. trier, who wait hired in the Osborne House, Inas now made a statement ae. cusing the Oebornea of murdering Mo °artily. She says thett McCarthy was first stupefied with a powder given ilial by airs. Osborne in a glass of liquor, and that Batty Qaebnrne then struck trees front Wellcarey, Tavistock, Platts. vtlie, New Dundee, Baden and ha at- burg were present. Tweuty eight werchaute have already joieied the As- societiOn, acid have agreed to ade'pt the six ln0lhllia Credit systeso int preference to the year'. credit as lteletfore, ac- cotlnte to be rendered on the 1st of January and the let of .Jule, each year. The rates of interest on overdue rte• collide to pe not ,less than eight per cent., and fixed pricier for produce were also agreed spoiluntil further notice. The Aseccietiou mete again ou I1Iot1- day, the 4th of Moral* next. Trim on the head with an axe, killing The libel suit of Ahlernoan Piper him. Pelletier assisted in putting a against the Globe war, wit ,drawn on steet'e, attached to a ripe, round his Jloiida ,, defendants agreeing to apolo- neck, and Hurry than drove .iff and glee and defray pluintif"s costs. threw him in the Seadonc River. The 01 Sunday otter l:o u a little boy Osbntnes have been arrested. named Fruue'5l, about three years old, Great exoiternont` prevails in Mono. was drowned hear tit heights, near toil over the 1tcCtarthy case. The par. Hauuitou. His body was recovered Hee rifrested for the runnier of Mc. JusQllJ* Vharesr, of the parish of Ste Calsis are John Osborne, his wife, Afusrl die aR Ptiratle, Montreal id accused dant lite- and son, before the Coroner's Jury of the muni. The preliminary examination of the er of lett fattier.. It is Alleged that for ,recused commenced before Justice Wortmen in Dunlop's Hall, the Court iHoule toss Past the prisoner had show,' Lo, desire for a Instant's leutlt. On the, tonal being too an all for the crowds night of the 6th i,tet, •btrgheat tiro obi f haul •gates Tlta girl Pelletier, or knan 80 as to Break Nits lige, ria d next°p"e ker. wTloee ctlnfesaaion the day dragged hien sunt tor three he -urs 'lfrieonerarwtwre.aw:eFte+1, swore alistot,k et.•,•in the proceedings herself; elle ea* shit, Osborne' put a drug in AIc- Carthy"s liquor ; he immediately sank beck, when lilarry Oebnrne struck him twice frith a hatchet ; ttioy then car- ried hire to the waggon, Mrs. Osborne and her daughter Eliza taking him by the shoulders, while Harry, her son, took him by the legs ; Harry Osborne, then drove away with the body, and when he came hick he told'•his mother he had put flip bydy in the Sendour: river, a mileabove the bridge ; they et - Sir John A. Macdonald and several Cached a, large atone tb his neck. The of his ' finpporters addreseed a large witness 'was ordered into ,clietndyr oil gathering of citizens and people from her own evidence, for oonip1ieity in the the rural 'districts in this neighborhood murder, upon application of`Osborne's in the' Town Hall in Golt, on the 22ut1 counsel. Inst. Lady Macdonald was also made the recipient of a handsome nil point- ing, executed by Mr. Adam Kay, of the town, and presented to her by the to the piercing so el, under pretence of tatltireg him to the house of a rehttivd.` 2ha latter refused to reeaive the 0140, and the son dragged him bank, f►ud h died of the treatment. Accused la. in prison awaiting his trial at three Rivers. A man named Titus, supposed tolive at 'Eattlesuake Harbor, in Windham towatship, while passing from one car to another cn the Port Dover 1.4 Lake Huron train between Otterville and Siu.coe,•fell between the cars and was instantly cru lied. *arse CHAPTER OP ACCIDKNTS.—At Both- well, one of Mr. Jas. Waters' twin soils, workingmen of Galt. between two and tlhr,;e veers, of age, •w had his atm bilker, nn Tuesday Last; AN ALPINE AVALANCHE. by thb weight of his' body while his In the summer of 1864, a party of sister teas, endeavoring to lift him up tourists, .while visiting the Alps, climb- by one htind. James Hiatt while :it ed, with great difficulty, to an elevated the Air Lin`e'deliot,'Tilobnbnrg, fell.out and snow-covered platoon, in order to of the baggage waggon braiding his obtain -a.better. view of .Swiss seeuerv, right arm below •tt a elbow: Tne limb• and corarsst tate beauty and richdesa of wits .set by Dr: ' Sincls'ir. At. the ,lame Inidsumr^er below with the bleakness piece, while a man named Dataid Pettit and sterility of midwinter around anis was leaping to roll some heavy timbers• above theta. In play they rolled the id MK- Tilsnu'enew barley'mill, o.ie,of moist snow into large balls, they crowd- the timber. ewulig around and, knocked' .ed it .over, edge of the plateau. 1u Pettit eff the timbers. In- fallunfi;be falling it' struck softer snow, which. jai_ elrsck'the end of a broken ..fence po.t, Sliedisvely gave way, and. soon an ova- hresking,=four of Via "ribs end lanebe Rai tearing down the mountain • lit nisiing, i 1m80lft sine burying 'and destroying everything. , in its course. As the handful of snow became the irresistible avalanche., so I1IGN8 ABOUT. • the hacking cough with sore throat and It is dangerous tbitag to trifle. ft WI Catarriah. if neglected, speedily develop, a cold.,t d. acrkey • preacher • once , •to1e iota tlfkt dread ;ieatroyer, Consumption, hw.itearers•tllst 119 thanked Gird "that Iv' this=titirly 'stages. Dr. Sages Cat- the; Atyil went about as a it 'iring ,lion • arrh Remedy .will effeet a cure, though ..eking whom he 'slig ,ht• diivour., . •Het if the blood bo affected or improvetiahed ' might catch a poor fs}i'bw who didn'i, it'musl'be 'purified and enriched by 11r. know that, hs ata: neii`t 'him, but when, p'ierce's•Golden Medical Disoovery, and ha heard the roar he could'gets opt'" of the'liver and'bowels ke,.l active by Inc the way ;iif, he didn't he,`deserved to, Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Many wba die." So when'<ore'hears:the wheese, dereoait'ed of life and had been given up of.tbe cons'} ithich •tells .ofthe old lion, te.dfe by''-iihysicians and friends, owe- Conev,n ptiotl; lurking around, he, their resto al on lb the above remedies. ghntil i.fy,10 Da. WssTAa's Vivian or FLY;'i'sirlin: Co. Iowa, May Stb,'77. •. w.rr.n (Miami. and gel"eut of the way Dri'Plasm! 3uffalo, A. Y.: x of,ds,uger. Th:s• preparation ie well. Dear Sir -;4I was prostrated singe known, hie. been tried nearly fifty three yetrrll' sines with pleuro nneu- years, and is ecknawladged by alt who mount, whiolt) left me with a trouble, use it to bo Unsurpassed in Oa soothing. some " cough, that gradually grow and healing p►opertios. *arse until. physicians gave me np to, 40 cents and • $1 a 'bottle. ° Sold by die with' aoneumption. I tried several ills druggists;' • • PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. YE$TEIWAV s TELEGIZAxs, London, January 41. --Negotiation.,. for an Armistice began yesterday, but. no inforrn*tion as to what progress has been made can be had. All re- porta from that quarter are mere guess. work. The moat that can be said i9 that gods° uufureeeeu delay in resohini; an agreement lois occurred, eitltc_1 t'.trouglz a hack of authority on the put et the Turkish plenipotentiaries, o: through the extreme severity of Uw Russian teems, While Ritsstaa is At nosed of a desire for delay to analis* her artnies to advance on Conetautine ple. Turkey is similarly charged wits• treaeheroue iuteutioee to retard' tl • Russian advance by diplomacy whit ie is not really iuteuded to produce peer It is row believed that nothing c prevent a general Russian advance t • Canstantiuople, except absolute surra, der by the Turks of every oondltit-- that Russia may consider zhecessari Without taking the ultra -alarmist vit.,• it may be safely enid that thenextwei= •. or ten bays will develop facte whin will either bring about +in itnmediat. ceasation of hostilities, or widen tilt area of war indefinitely. Queen Victoria has recently addresser: a personal letter to the Czar, and the question was asked iu the house o Commons last night as to the tenor 0 this letter, but the information was ri- Mused by the Chancolior of the :;• checquer. Portlier, it is known thee; Turkey heti receieed, from both Env - land and Austria iufurmation thattbeas powers would not recognize any 1st rangament controverting the Treaty,' Paris without coneont-of all guaranty, ing Powers. In consequence Turl,As is still making preparations fortbe ds fence of Cor stautinoolo. The English peace party have begirt,. to prepare fir the worst, by advocatit•1 that the occupation of Constantipol.lt, by the Mundane. would be no cause fi..f • t:xgiatul ta' go to wa and, tics Tiuu+ yam• took praetisallylila,` arcir' ' view . It► is not probe.We, howesk ' that the majority of Englishmen vrou1..- be of the same opinion, auai'ibe pre. eat is* time of great anxiety and da- pression, t HENSALL.. Tal, hI1LL.—Mr, 1'iaunie's mill it now in full blast, and we are happy to say is giving satisfaction. .BUILDING. -•Building operations are now taking a lively start, a contras*: being let to Mr. S. Fairbairn for the erection of a brick dwelling house for Mr. G. Jackson, also a dwelling house for Mr. F. 13hatchford. The Presbyterians have decided to build* manse at Hensel', the building is td be of brick. and I hope they will solid bring the church here, as the old one is too' small for the congregation, rnd it would add much to onr little tom% which is growing very 'rapidly. CENTIRALIA. • CENTRALIA STATION.—The statemt»rl of business done. at Centralia Station, for the sear 1977. shows a ,narked ea- vance over the' previous • 'star, ' siad speaks .swell for the increasing prise- ' • • 'perity of• this rising , new Usage:' The weight ot freight forwarded Gem diet :station ,haaof„risen from 5,467,888 tbs. ter the year' 1876 to 6,819,880 lbs. Ail• ilhe;year 1877, showing an increase.. miaarly-three and a ball million pounela, 1i'dodl. sis• :this showing is, still the re - :buttes of this sectieau ofconntry are es yet but very imperfectly`'tteveloped, lies • ' if is will knows that for wiiint of eow petition full •'t•ro-thirde of the was ' *roan in this.' neighborhood frtide ib, 'i4 way to' other laarkets With lisle finite;'- tier); of s g -rad tlonring.•,null -at Cie, 7r tralia, and the addition of s few rouse ,wheat butyere, we are prepared to pi!. •pfrraoyo that 'the item' of •'Might i*t- ward '--'•for1.878.will be uiarly doubles,' OXQT.s:R 8otanx.—An' oyster' goons • will be held at the residence of Mr. .4Vm. 'G tenway, Ilan:reps,; on Frfdel• evening, and r the ianspieee.of/he ehuiv, of Abe, q; M. ,church,'The 'Zline ., Band is expected to be present ,• Alsee: = '<` Ores class musical mrd literary emit talnment trill be plovnled. Proceeds... .. 'Lr to assit.t in liquidating the debs organ sod linrtihiasing books. A veru ,,,,,,,.1 plowgant t.inie, is anticipated. Admit- ' ". • tauce, 25 cents.'+ ea. '1 '