The Exeter Times, 1878-1-17, Page 7,1.s'LNeARY 14 1878 �ST.A.NDING�`ALO?�E. , sy is standing all Utley l" The children shout in their glee- ,And father and mother and auntie 'Must harry and come to see, So baby—the'eute little darling! Ie put through the wonderful feat, And fondled and kissed and commended For being so smart and so sweet. With the ounningest air of triumph She stands iu the midst of us all— While the outstretched arm of mother le ready to save a fall. :And whenever the little one totters, Around her fs'hasely thrown, 'Tis very fins fun—thinks the baby— This frolic of.Standing Atvnel ah, many atitre in the future She'll long for the aid of that arm. When tie love and the care of a mother No longer eau shield her from harm! For oft when our need is the sorest Dllere's no one to whom we eau. turn -- And Standing .Alone is a lessors "Tis hard for a woman to learn. ,end often and over, my baby, lefure life's long jeurney i:i done. you will Tear z in your hour of weal.ness For something to lean upon. "hen the props upon wiioli you depended Are talten away or a'erth:owe. You will Ana it is wearisome, baby— So wearisome; Ste/tiling Alope l 'h~ NNY 1'AIIAGRAPIXS. Tax TIMES.. 7 Why are the girls in Missouri sweet ? -]3eeause they are Mo. lasses. Noah was never hungry in the Ark. ;beeat':le he alway.e had IMAM with him, ,.&ti old baeitaloriett traveller on life's rails and, who has eiztirly failed to imike 'tape proper cornetttione. contig mall's arra is like the gos- pel, when it makes glad the waist' places. A kiss is like a butterfly, when it lights on tulips, Nov it patronize a lottery as !ung as yen can hire aolno one else to rub you at reasonable wagon. ' A. young man had better ascertain ills thia'ty ox a belle before he rings ,bor.. Death is a sign of sense and virtue. Sickness sometimes the wane of thorn.l A. wood cutter should never go bun- k;ry, because be can have a chop by atxleg. The greatest curiosity iu the world •k.a woman's. bow to make a Olean .sweep : Wash it. s Dangerous associates:: Those who are dressed to kilt. Why is a lady of fashion like a sno-, .;essiul sportsman 2 Because she bag's the hair. Men of sterling worth : English capitalists. How to make a little money go a great way. Send P. O. order for $1 tc' Clliq». 'Young ladies are economical when; they will -esort to tight lacing to pre- • vent waistfulness. What word with Ave letters will grave ten remain if you take away two ? ' Often.' Persona we have to put tip with :' 1otel keepers. Sure way to stop a woman a mouth. 1Iiiss it. A member of the Masonic frateynity ,once telegraphed to a friend to •'matte room. for ku Royal Arch Masons, coin 1 to -day,' and oil his arrival found a :moat pen erected in toe yard, the lies- .cage as delivered asking for accommo- dation fol ten 'rams.' 'I think we are going to have colder weather,' said a bri„;ht little fellow the tether evening, looking at the moon. '1 ssse they nave cut a hole for #rile stove Parson L ---extended the box to 73111, and he slowl.• shook his head. ''Gulne, William, give something,' said the parson. 'Carh't do it,' said Bill, 'Why not ?. Is not the cans.) a good. .oue ?' asked he. 'Yes good enough ; :but'1 am net aisle to give anything,' -answered 13111. 'Pool). pooh 1 I know III better, you must give me a better rea- ,eon than that.' 'Well, 1 owe too much money 1 must be jest' before I cwt generove, you know.' 'But, Willi rm, you owe heaven a laager debt than you owe any one else.' 'That's true, par. son, but heaven ain't pashirlsf me like the rest of my creditors.' The argil- ,rneut Was collcllislves Before she could utter the "Where ?have you been till this hour of the, ;morning, anyhow," who') was trembl- ting on her lips, he said s]3eeu to -h-hear mind readiu' ; bet yer seven ulolIius 1 ken read yer mind this very mini'," "Weil, you old fool, what ain I thinking of now ?" she said, in it tone of sadness. 'Thiukin' of 2 Why, I kin read yer mind like the open pages of 'er book -;'yerttliintIu' I'la drnnkei'n tea biped owl, but yer never was , worse fooled in yer life-" She only, said that there must -be. so'rnctlling iu mind r$ad- ,ing after all,.for he riled lt3t:the nail,girl ETES. If I felt merry and wanted to flirt. Sunt for an hour or two, The eyes to entrance and enliven the time Would be of dark frolicsome blue. If tired of flirting, romantic I felt, I'd then want a lover most kind To read me sweet poetry, then I would choose The brightest blaolt eyes I Could And. But oh i if I wanted a dear one to love, Xy whole future lifetime to crown, Away, smiling blue eyes l --away, jettyblacItl But come, faithful soft ones of brown! ITEMS OF INTERESTS. Mr. Beecher is getting so.liberal in his views thatsome persons think he would like to see everybody saved, in- cluding '! beodore Tilton. This thing of teaching every girl to thump a piano, and every boy to be a book-keeper, will eocn bring the coma - try dour to "hard -pan" living. A Nebraska horse thief recently ea. caped conviction because the indict- ment charged him withatealin a horse when the animal stolen was a mare, A elotil made from the down of birds isccomirg greatly iut(a favor in Parris. ft is waterproff, aud is esti. mated io be Ave timeslighter and three ti;mee warmer than wool, Saadi has accepted Hanlasn's chal- lenge, and will probably accept ex' pauses, and hest Ned on his Cwt water at Toronto. Ile ,has also cllailengedi; Trickett, the Australian 'champion. 11 The Baid.ttin Loc motive Works in Plhi)adelphinhave lust received an or.,, der to build for the Russian Goren - intuit forty of the largest eked drat. class loconiolivoa, of flva-feet gua+de, to he (compieted ;dnrtt,g February and March, 1878, at a cost of more than :15500,000. A couple named Carpenter Came to town some days ago bent on gutting a divorce. They were it)ftprmed that to obtain a legal one would require sante titre, so the husbAnd proposed to the wife that for $0 he would t,ibn a •Ere- ceiitt" of divorce and let her go. She paid the $G, the receipt was signed. and they parted forever.-- [Staufur,'i E.y.)Journal. One by one ancient landmarks of London aro being retnvved, Newgate Prison. so famous in story and in criminal records of iu3:Ltud, seems destined to follow Temple Bar into obl'svi,)u. The London papers,tre fill- ed with remonstrances tgatiust the se- lection of the Thames embanktnout as a site for the extension of the new post -office. Ono of the schemes which is favored proposes the removal of the Newgate Prison whish is generally condemned as a useless monument oft crime and a national disgrace, and tlx: erection of a handsome post -office on the site. • Tho average Sw'tzerland preacher is not au individual to he rashly trifled with, The tarn lea COX/nen/ contains an account of a rather warlike clergy- man, who !mew his rights, and know- ing, darted maintain. The skirmish took Mace in Aarborg. Canton Berne, uetween a Methodist preachorand some of ,the boys of ti•e village, who made faun of hien during his sermon and in- terrnited the service; whereupon the preacher, who would seem to have pre- pared himself for the occasion, drew a revdlver from his pocket and fired it point blank amongst the con_'rogatiou, one of whom it struck and dangerously wounded. The preacher immediately, fled, but was pursued and overtaken, tinct is now in prison. Prince Frederick Charles, nephew of the Emperor of Germany, 'not long' e'rtee, for family reasons,'' it is reported, was desirous of being separated from his wife. Re accordingly spoke to his. uucle on the sobject. The Emperor -calmly replied: "My dear nephew, I have not been separated, your father has not boeu sepaxated, your grand- father was not separated, neither will. you be separated," and he has not beeu separated. There is a legend in, 'rauce that a Grand Doke o::ce proclaimed that every beggar who would appear at the Grand Phna.at a certain time should be given a new suit of clothes. The beggars of the city were on hand promptly, when all 'avenues to the! plaza were closed, and each beggar was compelled to strip off his elothes before !. rcceiviug the new suit. In the old clothes thus collected enough money was found secreted to build a beautiful bridge over the Arco, .still called the Beggar's Bridge. DR. Pj'IERCE'S . STANDARD REMEDIES Are sot advertleed as"Cure alls," but are spefi8c% iu the diseaseslor which they aro recourmeuded NAT1(TItAL SELECTION. Investigator% of natural scleuco have demon- strated beyond controversy, that throughout tbo animal kingdom the "survival of the fittest" is the ouly law that vouchsafes thrift and perpetuity. Does not the same principle_ govern the wellness old prosperity of man? An inferior cannot super- sede a superior article. By reason o. superior mer- it, Dr. Pierce's Standard Medicines Immo outravalled all others.- Their sale in the;Uaited States exceeds one million dollars per annum, while the amount exported loots up to several hundred tliousaud more. No business could grow to spelt gigantic Proportions and rest upon any other •i)ean than that of merit. Colden Medical Discovery Fs Altcrafire,or Iltood•Cleansing, Colden 3edical Dscavery Xat .Pectoral. Colden Medical Discovery I%a Chorago.ue, or Liter stimulant, Colden Medical Discovery Ts Tonic. Colden Medical D3iscovery By MEM et its Alterative properties, cures news,. seg of the Blood and Skin, as Scrofula or Nine's Evil, Tumors, Clears or Ohl Sores. Blotches, Piul- Ples and Eruptions. By virtue of its Pectoralproperties, it Cure, Bronchial, Throat and Lon ddecttons, Incipient Consumption, Lingering Cougaataud Chrome Laryngitis. Its Cbola;;ogue properties render it au onef 1ualle,l relneily for 1111- lousness; Torpid Llvex or"Liver complaint"; and its Tonto pr potties make it equally etiteicious iu curios Indigestion, Lass of Appetite, and Dyspep- s Where the si:in 19 shallow and covered with blotches suit phonies, orwuere thereon scrofulous 9w011ln,3 ante atleetipns, a few bottles of Golden Medical Discovers will ousel an entire cure. If you feel dull. drowsy debilitated. have sallow color of skin, or yclluui ,ii -brown spots on face or body. !re- gnantheadachhe or dizziness, bad taste in mouth; internal boat or ebill, alternated with hot ensues, low spirits and gloom• /e,diess irregular 4j1ppe- tite and tongue coaterrob., you aro suffering front Tor- PO&Xeiesror 'LUic,usncss" Inmany eases ofLic- er Catnptaint, only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Lr. Pierce's (.olden Neaten], Discovery has no equal. as it effectsertect cures, leaving the .liver etruagth- onsd and healthy.. P. P. P. P. Dr. Pierce's e asant Pur_ ative eI. etis. Purely readable, No ears required, tehiie rang Jlr. Smith,hoto do you yet such good Bread 1 GET MY FLOUR AT THE FZZUR and : ,TST Ica :Exeter North, it nowbein; in full opera % on, The propriter has supro led his trill with first-class: new machinery; and has secured the services of tine bust Miller in the country. GfISTINiI PROnPTLY ATTENDED Tri. Ihc)n, The "Littie Giant" Cathartic, or ]irL,T1'3Z IN' PARVO PHYSIC, scarcely lar. er than un1„tar.7 seed', and are 15ugar-coated. They remove the necessity of taking the great. crude, drastic, siekeu, ing pills heretofore so much In use. Stood to the Head TightnessGaboutthe Chest. limp' 'Paste n ,Louth, I:rttetatione trent the Stoniest, Bilious attack••. Jaundice. Pain In the Ebluota, Ifighly.culored rrino and Internal Peyer, sir. Picrcds Pleasant eurgativo Pellets are nnsurpati-' sed. Ftn•theniure, I would say that their adieu in universal, not agland esealuug their sanative Mi. press. Aso evil not impair the properties of these Pellets. They ere sugar-coated, and enclosed in ipainatofsttirumritfotheir length time,etlial } e always fresh and reliable. This is not the east with those pills which am put up in cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. The daily use of twopelleta bas cured the most obstinate eases of Scrofupu, Tett.-r, Salt lth1ttul, Erysipelas, Boils, Blotches, l+in,ptes, Soro Lyes and Ernpti pus. They are, however, ro- commended to be taken in connection with the Golden Waled niscuvta ;,jn order to secure the best results. DR. PI] 1i,CE'S FAVORITE. PRESCRIPTION DR. PIEItCE'S 1'AVo1iITn P„RE SCRIPTION DR. PIERCE'S PAVOBITE .PRESCRIPTION The remedial management of those diseases pe- culiar to women has alter iod a large experience at the World's Dispensary, of which Dr. Pierce is the chief consulting physician, in adapting remedies for the:r cure. "Dr. t'ierce's Favorite Prescription is the result of this extended experience, and ha, become justly celebrated .for its many and remar- kable curds of all those chronic diseases and WEAKNESSES • �y PECULIAR TO FEMALES. Favorite Prescription is a powerful Restorative Tonic to the entire system. It is a nervine of un- surpassed o®cavy, and, while it quiets nervous irritation, it strengthens the enfcobled nervous system, thereby restoring it to healthful vigor. The following diseases are among those in which thot Favorite Proscription has worked. magic cures, viz.; Leuaurr hms or "Whites," Flow- ing, Escessivo t1 w - ing, Painful Mensi'tion, Unnatural Suppression, Weak Back, Prolapses, or failing of the Uterus, Anteversion, Retroversion, Bearing -down Sensa- tion, rlhronic Congestion, Inulamation and Ulcera- tion of the Uterus, Internal Heat, Nervous Depres- sion, Debility, nispoudency, and very many other chronic diseases peculiar to women, but not men- tioned hero. ' The following Ladies aro a few of tho many thousands who can testify to the ellicaoy of Dr. Pierce's rave ite Proscription, from experience and observation : Airs. Cornelia Allison, roosts, Iowa,; Mrs. rhos. S. Methvin; Hatcher's Station, Ga.; Mrs. T. A Soy- mour,Rome' N. Y.; Mrs. Francisnustviok, Versailles Ohio : Mrs. Leery, Putnam, North Wharton. Pak : Mrs. Mary A. ll.tuolt, Edina, Mo. ; Mrs. Nary A. r risbiu, Lehman, Pa. ; Mrs. It. Hiatt, Emporia,liau.; Miss Louise Pratt, Ddge_rville, Muss. ; Mrs. L. A. Dashiold, Norfolk, Va. ; Mrs,. d.. Allison, Proctor, Iowa; Mrs. J. N. Vernon. St. Thomas, Ont. ; Mrs. S. C. Moran, 253 North Howard Street, Baltimore,Md; Mrs. Lucy Cnlimau, Barnesville, Ohio • sirs. Nanny McNaught, Jefferson, Iowa : Mrs. L. G. Stonrrod, Friendship, N. Y. ; Miss Ellett Cady Westfield, N. Y. ;Mrm s. Anthony Amann, Verona, N. Y.: Mrs. 13. N. Books, Grand Rapids, Mich. ;.Mrs. it. Ii. Webb, Watertown, N. Y. Thousands of reterQ)icos cad be given R t the World's Dispensary. THE PEOPL'l E'S MEDICAL ADVISER Dr. 11. V. Pierce is the solo proprietor and manu- facturer of the foregoing remedies, all of which are sold by Druggists. He is also the author of the People's Common Sense Medical Advises, a work of nearly one thousand pages, with two hendrocl and eighty two wood engravings and colored plates He has already made( this uopulaa work -Over 700,000 Copies ! PRICE (post plait) Address : 11. V. P.IBRCE, II D. WetItPS Dispensary, fintihito,'N. Y. ooHDw000, DAY AND GREEN WOOD dolly ered at any polut, for sale at all times, at Satisfaction guaranteed, 1?aties from a Oster the, t elven', prices. B ands wanted to chop 1,0011 g cords wool apply tc SsnvF Bc Co.; or to Pan have their orist tv;toke home with tb_e, , : �, BISSE YT Exeter Buffalo Bober 1 Buffalo Robes, ,APING ilurolhaeed Robes on the best of terms I ala prepared to offes thele at the lowest Rook bottom prices. They are selling fast. Cue - Omen will do sell to call tad see them. 'The undersigned wants 1,000 cords of Curd and :Move Wood. Cit and price will be agreed upon. Respectfully yours, J*01i1N P. CLARKE. C. & S. GIDLEY Undertakers and Ftcrniti re [ MILD SAY TO r ■ teose who intend llnrceas:.15 to do so from the raann!.IC'over. Tine dealer wua buy to sell spcia must necesestily base a p'o!it. No c1:alai togve toe, pnrC,iaser„ the tweet,111 C11 Clet:otfail to meet the VIOW8 of tee. . a s: Our es,,enses a•e '• s',t n these of e.y mnau aoturels cousegneat- II We 01.1 tell ehe:.per. Mau-ufa,curers TFi WOULp lr cailspeelalatteotion to our undortut f rig eept.rt- went,v:Aielt 118 mere 401x8 Vete watt ever, as we have added *rocs al new design' of lute Tau) best eo!ilaa, }aBliet4 . + "owls and ever; ueeral requisite at tl�e lowest 1 '.ees. Our now Hearin is pronounced by compete -it sedges to he second to ao.a Era the. Provinces Emblems of all the Ifferent. Societies. GODEBI0 OUNDRY Founders, Eugiu.eers and Machinists.. 11ilINCaeT1iLERA OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS bTAVE AND HEADING ftf .CU.UINEItY Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, School seats, &e. Kron and Brass Castino's to order For sale choap---Second hand Boilers and Eugiros Stave and Shingle, and Heading Machinery. Repairs ea Boilers, .Engines, Mills, &o., promptly attended to. C DERICH FCUND,RY and. XANITF.A.CTITRINIT CO. GO DE RICH, Ont. JUST RECE3rVED AT THE E X -a-..,, T F1 .ice V Grocery and Liuuor Store A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, Raisins; -Currants, PrInICS =ram? Apples , Cogs estc3. I ", Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, .Gino, Wines :orad Syrup Rye„ Malt, Sctch, Irish and iCommon Whist ies,, Tobaccos • and Cigars, 337-holesa' e aiii.d Ret ail. G. A. MACE Main Street, Exeter. T TILE EXE TES AMID S O EZ 1:D E % ~ oar. 0 r an subscriber begs to annonnea to the inhabitants of Exeter and the snrronnding coun- .. L try, that he has opa led a TC T and S I'OVE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p.opared to fill all orders for Gook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Pinwaro, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practica.1 Workmen on the premises. .Gave -Troughing tfolne to order, Carriage Pl»fiug a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, the very best and none Cheaper. Intending purchasers will always Snd me at my,posa, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at a.11 times to treat Customers courteously and supply them with a' good and lamp attic e. Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get better value for your money. The very highest price. in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins,. .. $. 513.ACKM$1g. Exeter P 0, Oetober 151e7n.