The Exeter Times, 1878-1-17, Page 6UNT'ikItIO LEGISI4TUE, TRIAD BARLOMENT-7111RA BF,S81014s, The third session of the third parlia- ment of Outerio was opened on the 10th in st. Tbefollowing is the fipeeclzcreasltig attention to the means of sup-' from the throne t pressing intemperance. I am glad to Mr. Speaker, an<i C+reatfPeiiwttt o ties Relieve that the laws recently passed LegisPutftiesseuthPp for the purpose have aided in this good I sin gted_ to meet you afplin for the work, having in moat plaoea been =- despatch. of badness iu conueetton forced with vigc'nr and aneeees. with the Government of the Province, The general subject of the public and with the legislation which the pub- health and the means of maintaining lic needs require. and promoting it, are exciting a grow- I congratulate you on the abundant fug interest in all civilized countries, harvest with which our Province has sue 1 comment the matter t,'1 a share been favored, afid on the improvement o; your attention; to business which bee followed. It gave roe great satisfaction b ceche I twirl glad takuow that amongst the the necessary proclamation for bring- lndtletritee to which tills improvers ant lug into force at the olose of the year bite extended iaourlumber trade, ,home consumption having become more act;.* ive, though the foreign trade has not improved to the sanest extent, The topefulnees *ltd the ftaancial strength of the capitetiate concerned iu Nuttier. 'tug are indicated by the fact which I hale the 01144aet1on of eTateng, that,. ,00te4rmato'- Act will no doubt receive uot+t•ithetanding the depression, our your attentfoni revenue- from our woods and foreate Though uuuecessary duct uAieepor- duriug the year has beeu equal to what i<au olasnges i.a Esta Wily of Statute had beam expected ; and a Ile 108e sig- . Law time consolidated and revlee(i, Are Ziieeent oireunistanee 'tithe high prices to be guarded agaitlut, (till it is >aeitber tsbtallIell fit public auction for the new ' desirable nor poesibte to avoid =eking limite whittle in oonsegUellee Qf the ad- from time to time the additions and vaned of settlements, It Ras found nee* improvemoats which e*perienco tam' essary duriete thelea' to place under suggest, or the growing neeild of the license. Province demand. An:.oi'Me4 the mea - Ain happy to slate, also, that the gurea on iinliortant subjects to be eub- revenue from the sale of Publle I Eger Iii ttecl to pita d'aeirg the present see- aud from other bourses lite been equal ait)u will probably be—Lids, to provide to what had bees Anticipated. or Q;f'erdors aria:nst Provluolal an 1 I took aceaeiau, during tire' simmer, 1tnitie'pal lawb being swat to hard labor to visit some of th4Cttleui?atbu Islets when uecesaary outside of the goat and other pehlie works in our stew. Elul^ts; to place on a nage satisfactory districts, for which appropt.atione naal foatieg the relations of landlords and been made last year sod I am clad to ten::::ts iu certa n cases ; to provide a notice that the a:.pelidi%itle en lbw tioltvenient mechiuery far winding up iruproeemems Lits beeu useful both in; jo'ot stook companies s lIIell have giving heeded eI111tlo►r eut to setdl+ers proved abortive, or have completed the and intending Ft'ttl('rti, tied. MO, in,, purposes of their incorporation ,• fled affording velvet/le fae^lities for the fi.� to regulate the Civil Service of the tore operations of the inhabitants. It rruviuce, is gratifying to know that the o(ltly7e:g A. special easo hits been settled, and districts of the ?'recline eontirufl to transmitted to the Privy Council in attract enerrttic ante herd? copulation, i!lr.Ki 1i^d, for the decision of the font argely from the older settictuet:te, the co;:troverted gdeation of the legal vali- nttuth(dr of persons and grat'tity o' lilt, of the award betweou Ontario and lend located last year having been ()echo; anti the matter has reached n greatly lit eases of the }oar itreviu;ts, stage which jnsti11es the eslleeeneen It has been oceissi0n for reelet that „hat, the saga:met and aajutticatidiu hitherto the provision in this Province will take place within a few weeks. for the care of the Miers, the c'ic:.f and here has leou ndlotlaer uue:rested dumb, aL.d the insane, has never been delay in procurlui; a settlement of the fully adequate to the nttsessities of 'u portant subjeote of the boundaries these unfortunate ciatasee of our people, between Outurin and the adjoining ter. but I confidently ni'ticipute that before ritories of the Dotuinion, the absence the close of the present year we shall, from America of that tt1stinufsiicd with the comldletiou of new structures, geiitieman selected as third arbitrator, and the adineels toltho elder bunking+, having made a settlement during the now under way,, he not a.tle' abreast but year itnpost chic. The delay has been fairly in advatme of the tient. ,.ds so Err- made use of to culled further facts and Retail, made upon this branch of our documents from the public archives Provincial Itlatitutiees. My official in Loudon nee rads, ea well as from visit to the various insane Asylums ,various public librttriea iu Europe and confirmed me veru stroeely i 1 the .be- lief that their eulargeutout Could rot, with reason or safety, be lodger de- layed ; olayed; and I feel cvtaia that such fur- ther appropriations as may be needed will have your cordial asset. The subject of railway facilities has engaged the attention of the Legislat- ure for several years, and the Province has year by year oneteibuted largely, both from capital and revenue, to en- courage aril assist useful railway enter- prises. In view of the esteusive sys- ttm of railways thus already assisted, and in view of tbe hiereasing del/lauds upon our revenue in various forms, you will probably be of opinion that spec'al santion has become uecest.aty in deal- ing with new projects wh_ch cannot be carried out without public aid. The Imus ;ration to the Province during the year just ended. has beeu aboutequal to that of the previous year, and has cousiste(1 chiefly of the classes which are always needed ; a few beiug capitalists who have . iuveeted their money is the Province at geed `uteresi; some being tenant farmers with meant, who have puicnased and settled on forme; and most oftho other inimi .grants of the year being farm laborers, for whom steady and remunerative em- ployment was promptly obtained. I have to congratulate you that under the amendment made to tin law last session, toe deficiencies of the Normal Schools in supplying Public Schools with traiued teachers, have beeu sue cessfully overcome by the establish- ment of a Model School in nearly every County. I rejoice that an efficient and economical mode has been secured, by means of these local institutions, for provdiug trained teachers in their several localities throughout the Pro- +'ince, as it is not to be doubted that upon the continued efficiency and im- provement of our educational agencies, the material progress of our peuple, no less than their welt -being and happi- ness, mainly cle1end. I am happy to know tllrt the recent Act passed to secure a complete system of Vital Statistics is working eflleieutly. So, inueh improvement has already taken place, that the returns for cities and towns lL1ready, iu ascus acv and Never tell your .secrets in a cornfield, fulness, very nearly the English &tau- for it has a thousand ears. dart ; while the returnB from tbe rural districts are not far behind allose from the cities, 1, autioipate with satisfac- tion and .coefidence further and can, tinted improvement in this interest ng department of the public service. Our piQople etre giving constantly in - the Revised Statutes of (Marie. The. final report of the learned Commission- ers, whom during the recess I appoint- ed to incorporate tato the work pre, vionsly reported the Public General Statutes of last session, will be laid be- fore you. Their reoolumendation of A America. The rettalt of these and other il'veatigatioushas been embodied in an inlparetut supplement to the papers already printe3 tor the use of the arbitrators, Copies will be laid be- fore yore Tito three abitrators ate believed to be now r.ady to enter on the arbitration as soon as ma: suit tho orrargeaneuts of the two Governments. I have given directions that the ac. counts of the receipts and enpenditure for last year shall be laid before you on the earliest day practicable. The estitnatee of the present year have been prepared, and will be sub mitted to you. I trust that they will be foiled to have been so prepared, as io 2xlanireat a due regard to economy. whilst at the same time providing for tee inner pressing needs of the coup. try. and for tee efficiency of the Public Service in its Various departments. May your deliberations bo charitc- terioed by wisdom and patriotism, and may tbey retain in advancing the pros- pet ity said liappfness of the people. His honor then left the chamber.. Millerttown, Pennsylvania, has an oil well that flows over with pure oil that needs no reiiuina. This is a vast improvement on the cldl style of well, and it is gratifying to note that old dame_natil.'e. is making; some e::ortions to improve. It is really ton • bad that Ole repute hie and respectable old lady should allow herself to be outdone ie the enterprise by her yonuger sister, Ari, and for this blow at the gas com- panies in the shape of refiuc,tt ,oil on the half shell, as it were, the ancient female has our deepest gratitude. ft is a novo in the right direction. The oil burns with a steady and brilliant flame, gives 110 smoke, emits no odor, and yet it possesses that delicate property, pe- culiar ,to kerosene, of making a con- flagratiou of a servant girl as' she en - (leavers to, accelerate the slow move- ments of,a tartly fire by its aid. Pltiladelclhia, judge decides that a railroad. coiupai,ty is not responsible for baggage .further than to check it, pound it to pieces, and preserve an ordinary watch over the trunk handles. Exeter Tannery The undersigned wonldaequaint the trade that they have noir on hand, a lame quantity of LEATE. UPPER, KIP, CALF RARNESS,SELTING RUSSET anu LACE EAT/1ER. A quantity of hair for plasterers, on hand, 1134.4.CIILk . 11'IcOAL111M Cash for }aides. At Woodhair };?,RAY k g1 WARD ha' e, at con. aiderale expruaa secured the Best ma- chinerir and Augur in the Dominion, sndhr veon hand a large stock of 'irs,a su,s acct arta pare erttd to mane to order ors tho. *tiort- t ' nott4e Fell er t'iletc ni i'i a '5t l este .riot eieteru* contraeteit ror. Al*non itanda 1as`ge atockof Seasoned, Iaumbor. Soft Elm Lumber for $6.50 to 87. hock Dim trout t fito r'1.1O, Oak, 88 to $18. F1oor,ng, 01% Good stock of Loge OG hand for drainage purpose*, cut according to oadeil� R.Sopor 1,000. All order* by marl# promptly attended to, TELE Planing M n, Sash, DOOR AND BLIND PANOM ALL KINDS OF TURNING Done to order. 1:eniowb-er the place $owa 'C TI LONDO11' ONTUII0 INVEST%:IENT SOCIETY. C tpftar - S"2,000,000 Parties requiring moneyeau obtain advances on approved town or farm props, ty. at lowest rate*. The above is a Loudon, England Com- pany. For farther pnrtioalars, applyto 5Iay 17, tf, Exeter Ont. The Ship Grocery TLA.S SUGAR, SUMS, CANDIED PEEL SAGO, TAPIOCO, NEW FRUIT, FIINS, CA1 RACS,COCOA, Chocolate, Prepared Corn and all the Ieading Groceries, fresh and New. TOB.CCO STORE Tobaccoes, and Cigars, Pipes in iileerschan , Wood aiad Clay. 611MOK.EIrS REQUISITES. Cigars and Tobbacco, Whole- -sale. CEO. MEZE13. NEW BUTCHER SHOP g1henndersigned would infornt the inbabi tants oiExetor and vacuity that he bas OPENED A NEW BUTCHER. SE OP one door south of las Blacksmith shop andhopes the same liberal patronage that has bean ac corded to him in the B1/AO86MITII AND WAGON MAEING line will he extended to him in bis new br.nab 0 ousiness, RIs meat wagon willoali at the red - ti of the village three times each weei and FRESH MEAT of all kinds !kept constantly on hand:at bis butcher shot'. Blacksreitiling and wagon making carried ou as usual in all its brancles 1. DA VIS. KNOW �VELPriceonly$l..B^ntbynail nn receipt. of price;. It By reading aim' practicing the inestim t tt. ^Mita soli. twined in the „,Fs medical book' ever issud•a, entitled SELF PRESEI3s r.TION treats of Exhausted Vitality, Prcauuure D' eclinc, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result • therefrom, and contains more than 50original pre- scriptions, anyy one of which is worth the price of tbe book. This book was written by the most ex- tensigc and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, towhom was awarded gold and jew- elled,nedal by the National Medical Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with, the very finest Stool Enrtaand a beauty -- for �� yes of art and . Send FREE to all. Send it at once.. Address PEABOnY MEDI ]3u1. SELF . INSTITUTE, No. 4 nue catch St., Boston, Mase. ca C) C1013 CD J2 glp 1-3 tit 72 CD CD .611 M b t > tW BLAOKSMIT & CAW:1E4DR SHOP —I. H; IiPFOIiD, las of S. Bucking. IN barn's, nos opened ont a i3lackamitb and Car- riage Shop oppaite the Mansion House, Rte. ter, and will do all kinds of Blacksmitbing on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates -ierseskoeing aft specialty. I. VANDFO1tD pA.INTI1kU PAINTING J KUTCHING is prepared to do all kinds of Haus e Painting, Paper -hat gfug whitening, d;e. at reasonable prices and punctually. Z. II UCHING.:ifain at l NM Branch of lusinus chard. SaziAers' Would intimate to the public thatlto has started a shop fez the Sharpening and Ciumniev of all kinds or SAWS, At his Residence en Duro t ,Street. FdgodteolI or ail kind(( six nrpened on the abort: est notice Carpenter work as ustttl promply attenders to. MMANHOOD UOW LOST, BOW I«i'j lTO RED last pubue:sell, a new edldtition of Dr, Cs ',orwt 11'a:(:eitdddated 1 .w..y.outt eradi- eal cure or re'dsl••a) Weal; Diorluea„ Inlineal by I,inmo. , tro'r at Vm(- glens,Impoteno, Nervors lh+.,at t, a all tueuta or ane;) unto t,t'ue;.;l v 4on:dtn t ,ion Spi.lepsy, and e'its; :rental and 1'I.'.;tt4.-.t Iu- oapacity,,to. The world•ronawnettauthor. Iu this:ad(1asisle Meeture, (learly prover from h a own that the awful consequences of elf-Abe...e lSitY bo effeetuully removed without suott,c te, cud without clangorous fittri,lec,l r.Pd L'tta;id ; bd u-,i,att, Gistrutueo,ts, sings, or cardial" point Esti t•ut t► utodt• of cute at Mire certain and ctluc.uu), by wlsich every sufferer, no matter what mu condi- tion luav be, may cure hluisolf clseaplv,peivr Lely and radiettllY. I -vs -'his Lecture will prove a, booulo aliousassdt andthousands oat ut ,lorseal in a plain envelope, to any aa - areas, ou receipt of el setts,. or two postage tstnnts, &ddroa rlIL' CULwlir.LviinrC\r.CO. 11 Ann ht. New Yo, . IT raw rx : Theundersigned having rental tbo Plain;-411ill, sash, Door and Fling factory, of Mr•.Tohtliless, and having on Baud a large stook first class lumber are new prepared to coJrT'xt:avrc or all manner at baJ1d ir. s, and furnish ma- terial for the same. GROOVING' '1'L ItEM and SCROLLWORK done at lowest pricer:, ROSS BBOS & DAVJDS011 Anrtl12 Com.&J. BROOKS Manufacturers of LUMBER, LAT -H, STAVES! and stealorsiu CEDRPOSTS R ELS,COIZD`VOl7D, STILL --:Two miles west of London Bond. TOWig HIPO (1IAY �'. WiLLz5, Ii OLE SA L Le' AND RETAIL, Ddsa1er in Lombe ar ItINGLF.S, LA1EAND UEDA itrbsTs.FLooE. ING AND IDING- nt,HSSi;D AND UN. 1• t' t,';1'T' An extensiveStoci-ouhand. The Lumber, for Quality or yr ice, -.:',int. AgooS assort- mentdalwacs ou baud, oboe p..t t:a;t Yard I'asnsi.le Main Streoi,botweei,Gidlsand Ace tt St recta HALOO MAO. iVIIEME DID YOU BUY THOSE Wyhy I bought it JOHN 1 CH.ELL'Z - Crick yard -Mr It ]3icsett's old 'place,: south -isle of Crediton gravel road That's where .t ,uy atl.my brick, boeaase you can tet the oat d rink in the county from hini, as he keeps u,.no but first class workmen You can always depend on getting a first- cin,:a article, They aro 50 cents a thousand ahead of any in those parts, Don't forget the spot. JOHN MITCHELL, credtton P, 0. Important to ButterWorkers Ona Good A et .de Agent Wasted in evpiy i own. sb,ntoiu.,ra( et:eV•o'roa BUTT'v:ia\WORE- E1t Std „ ple 11, n. we Free to Agents. Pti•se s5.t0, ' 7.03 r. and t,.S UU.eaolr. (tiro Afd:tion to be sold in the 1)on0i a•.ou. A pyl'y oa ly with stamp, for oatscitculat, to the VIC•1`OIiWRINGER CO. -.. - • 3aoaavILLn,OA