HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-1-17, Page 3y 17, 71877
That ge : emen; was easily identified, Whet. that picture of the brown-eyel,
by iutluiriest at the hospital, as Harald brawn -faced young man wee curiouttly
Maynard. .Very slight inquiries woe ,handed thong tree bench for inseection,
enough to make manifest that Harold under tate eye of the 2solice.sergeant,
Maynard Coats a very poor man, with eta guardian, what dins, but aaever-to*
the position of a eetlolnau to keen u) be•fer otters s ren tides returned t
Il p g is fi p g to o
with ratty debts, no employment. end 'the heart of the still browzx-eyed, but
no zu,eane. lie had been ee.en at the iron -haired man 1-•-springtele when
hospital in posw:eeiou, of a missing the sun was bright for him also, and
weddiug-ring .Hast in Itself was uotih• when gout wast unkown. Of Bourse
trig. And at bis lodgiege was round a old Dospard, then young Dieepard--
Lmieieter,e, Pie property of the mt;rder- very goring... had worried Jane Meths.
ed woman. That was not much sha9ro. who, of course, heal not a penny. And
Batt,-,- the course of true love, Dot the less for
Tho detective in plait clothes, who being married love, mu rough, and the
wee sharp enough, had taken the old story ran in the old groove; and
mioietttre. And between the portrait
eud the back he found ----Back of Eng-
laud notes to the amc+uufr of two then-
baud ponoda. Motive enough for
murder and do spare, in the eyes of the
&lily, ai ;Joao; lead --and worked kiss yvay out before
A,ea he who yoceeseed the menta. the mast by way of compensation, and
=yaw BY
hat now on hand a lull stock or fan and winter
millenary. ;:owprising ai.lthe latest.
Dov,lties iu
I$Ats, Bonnets,
Feathers, Flowers,
Sass, Velvets, Ribbons,
&o•.�,,�stslower pricea than ever.
i3erl tt Weete, Uttantart and Slipper
Jackets made or out to order. Fur trtuz uga for
2,041t4410,nd jackets. at
the husbandd used to go out to China tn' MISS GARLICK'S,
a slow sailer, and the wife was to be
cared .for at house. It was then that Maid 13t. Txeten
young Dospard scut his wife hie pito-
tura stuffed with bank notes ---all he
tore, and har/ never delivered it out of wee reported dead—to his wife ; and
his owhi bands bred been alone with . iwien the young Man cams back in
'thpee uulettelewritin , s1 w•saiiing
the murdered woman during pta;�pla' $
time for murder and robbery. If be days, it was to Sid bar dead as wwall
had tome., with. tt oltetita ale motive, "g°11e : so be was 19111'
with what Motive baa he carried away. Aud guw at seemed that the very
two titc�usand pouatds? T�ntxhptatiola money had been thrown away. It wag
1 tnakoa Cite thief, not the thief tete more than strange to Stud himself lace
toreptatiou- --as all the world knows. to Seco, then and there, with hie own
it wee a very triumph of &decay. old young self of thirty years ago. Ala
lent. WIay ahal til a sane mai rob a .thorn to the witness -box stood Jaue'4
dead woman of a, miniature tbat could
uothiog to Trutt if Ueda net know
what, lay behind? And the notes
were old nates. --a board well-;tigth a
old as tuo rninieatnre rend have been.
There was no difficulty in finding
them, zaa secret trick; the only thing
was to have the idea. And even as
the idea had at mace atreck the detec-
tive, so surely it must low° struck
Herold Maynard,
In °hot t. ;Miert was but one person
in :the whole world who beltcvest it
I'arold lar ya'ard--gut that wtta bite
who of all people in the world bad bad
most reason to disbelieve in ;rix, and
to feel the meed for revouge--ulhon the
guilty, if possible, bot it any caro up.
on sontebatly.
,A'ico had burned with fever; uotr
vhe Intend with aneiety. She had
been a;ourereag aur the dead, now fear
for the t`ving well.tugh ewallowod up
her mourniug.
A t het the Clay arrived when Her.
old Mavutt d ._ gentlest of no occu-
pai;on : ret 'ell.olt;encd designation
was to be beorght up at l;ow-strep=t,.
Wore the tungistrate, charged with
the mustier of Jane Delhperd.
The evideuce, in spite of all that
child; yes, rte like Jaue at ber age as
his own child could be, anti—wells he —21 Rare for One Dollar.—
forgot the gout and, was a luau,.
'The prisoner is discharged-' Coad varket a ske20eper Caption. Qhoica
Syrups. Market Baskets—cheap.
That waked old Despardfrom his MS- 'N. B. Deal forget the place—ft. & N. Spi•
erie, and his waking left flim very cer's,opposite Mr. E. Cbrlstie'a Sorel,
R. & E. P CER'S
Always Now and p'It.
Soap 'iv -e Away
emelt ashamed. He bad made a fool
Q,tlriluaelf in public—a tiring be had
never dove in hie life before, though is
privets) no doubt as frequently as most
men. Ho bad raked up the ghosts of
dead dip, and set them up as targets
for a Tot. street jeer. He land opened
Produce taken in exchange for goods.
R. 4E' SleICER.
Exeter Bazaar,
his heart; he would have opened his 'rust Received
purse snorter. pt
1877) - SPRING (1877
Atoll times, end particularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money.
scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where lie can get the .article be wants
et the leweet rate: In calling your attention to ray present stock, I do so with every coui d-
eice; it being more carefully assortea and selected than that of any previous season.
In. tbte Dry Goods _
wery.�ieparimentisreplete with the most seasonable and `fashionable fabrics, marl at
prices wheels $
p: - boald oomanand the attention of the very closest buyers. Tan.01011t4D
CLQTRIlla still has MR. W, IVES at italteacl
In Millinery
Underthe management of Miss McGloghlon.we can suit the most fastidious. Our stools of
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadians English and Amel<iaan
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
one of the largest and beat assorted in the County. Intending purehstsers will consult their
hest interests try examining my stock before going elsewhere.
Tieing naw in receipt of a large stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries,, Wines and
Liquors, Crockery, Etc,,
t bis Store,
�tMain Street, Exeter, *which will be soldat
The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but
call at the store of the subscriber and
It was A I're speaking to cad Deeperd.. R. .�I► 'SHE A I
'No, sir, tbeak you,' t .litCL ,t� t, 3,..L'l t i lr►'
'You won't ? Don't you know you varied. asaortmaut of Fancy Article, includ-
ing obviate Albums, ladies Companions, Panay
Mydaughter---myfirat wife'ede ugh., Boxes of mammon oom ito. ilver oil tor
ter ? 1?o you think I'll let you go Out Ilaettors. Dohe in China and wax, watches
teaching again, or lire differently from and Chains, and all descriptions of
Lefty ?' ]i~ LECISAI ''I' TOV'
Am 1 your daughter ?'
'Whose oleo should you bo. You're GIRLS AND BOYS;
its like mo in the nose as two peas ; but alio nporior Pocket Hooks and Purees, Caua-
you've got June's gray eyes. And that dims Diaries for 1:876 from 15 cents, pencils,
fellow --drat unpuuotual fellow day tens and holders, Ink and Paper, Envelopes
name--I'ui half sorry I got him off after in boxes assorted, and other things too limner -
spoiling a good diunor ; that fellow
closing Jane's eyes 1 I wish with all
my heart I'll let him bo hanged.'
'It Ives being with iter, sir, that kept
one too mention.
Conte, see, and buy from me,
Says 3. R. C.
Don't forget the address, one door North of
cosald be :sone did Ines take long, and Ennio tobacco Store, nolo Street,
it was act,ot.11y approaching couclu-iou 1.1z°2 ---t
and committal. whenwhen—'•ls if I didn't know that l As if Bern '�iV"oos n ever 4 had'
'1#cty I say something ?' said a sweet
male ole like him any the better 1 lay
young voice from bellied the dock, As if I didn't know that I ought to, r
'Certainly.' have ---no, it wonitin't have done ; he d/ Babies, beautifully bound and
'ii'itc are yob ?, have been losing his confounded timet Illustrated, Very cheap.
iong.Kong. Ill get him sometltngDos;srd.' sD, ict
LO3IIL3Y Waxcuaoirewbero, and you'll coma with nim. isle iughter of—
'Yea, air.'
',Ana what have you to say ?' ':tau} don't call the sir.'
'Tito prtsaner is not guilty.''I !have promised --to go --with flim.'
Of course all the people laughed at Letty, had she been atonding side by
the notion ors young tort, a stere w' -t. aerie with her sister before the glass,
nose, taking upon herself the function would not have boon pleased with the
of a jury --as if every ono of those who • comrarison just tlhen.�
laughed had not been privately doi'hg � "1411 thein ? W1ac s hew r
"Mr. Maynard aeked me to marry
nim ? Why, you haven't seen him one
minute since he was discharged.'
Alice smiled. Was old Desperd so
obsolete a lover os to forget what ono
cntunte,nay, what half a minute can dole
the sante thing. The magistrate him-
self a'uiled for a moment.
'Tell ale why you think so 2'
'I don't think. I know it.,
That might be delightful nonsense to
the court, bat it was none to Hatrlod
Maynard. It was consolation in ex. '1 see. He thinks he is going to get
tremiiy. one of old. Despard's daughters, after
'What are you r all. Then all I can say is, if you go
'1 titught. t:it---till she became ill ; with him you s&on't get a penny from
then I had to wit ou her. I had a tie. 1'11 give that very two thousand
little money ; it said not last loug. But to a hespit.d--St. Martin's if you like
long elsouglh sir -nearly. We had to
live as—as we best could at the end."
'You moan, I suppose, that the
money found on the prisoner mid not
be ,your mother's, because she bad But she didtell--somehow,'
none. Is that what you moan ?' 'Hotiv do you mean to live ?' asked
old Deeperd, who caught the smile,
and was not soothed. -
'I don't klrow:'
•'Yon don't know ? Then, by the
Lord Harry, you shall know 1
I'll--oo,,foreel yon, I"1! send you both
to Bong -Bung 1'
Alice smiled once more. How could
she tell that what her father hinted
About her rover might not be true ?
'Y a, sir,"
But it so happened that the force of
her argument was considerably weak-
ened by the fact that a faultier lied
lately died with two hundred pounds in
notes hid3en in au old stocking. The
old lady night have been a miser, but
atilt the point was something.
'i3:ave you anything else to say?'
ecres, sir, he is not gutty. rhe
motley was not ours, and he olosed her
eyes, and watched her all night
through. He calve to see me at the
hospital, and brought me her wedd.ng.
ring, on my eager now. He '
''Thou 'began the magistrate.
But a now witness rose from near
hint ou the bench.
'I have tismething to say before you
think of committal.' • -
It, was old Despard.
'Well 2.' -
My name is John. Despartl,' rnereh.
ant, of London and Hang Kong, • I
am well .; cnown, And I say that
neither the prisoner nor the Mre. Des -
pard,, nor any could have known
of the notes. Nobody ever - touched
them, -and it was not the Enamor who
secreted thein,' —
• 'Who then ?'
• 'It was I—thirty years ago. The
portrait is of mo. I placed the notes
there with my own heads.' •
>x s: * *
On the deck, not of the Ganges, but
of the Euphrates, IIaruki Maynard
and Alice his wife were standing arm
It arm, watching the every -day won-
ders of leve .in one another. He was
on his way to fortune, after. all.
Suddenly there was a commotion
near thein. A wave had carried s
tlling sudor the stern, and a boat had
been lowered. •
It was only a glass bottle. But that
means trach, five•hundred miles from
The captain of the Euplhratesopened
it, and read
'Last.--long.--a. Ganges, of Lon
dean, for Hung -Iran;;, sinking with all
hands. Boats swamped. Forward to.l
Preston and Co., Southampton.'
That was was all. Harold looked gravely.
at his wife. Sheknow isle that was
passinct in his mind.
If he had not been half a minute
late be would have sailed in the Ganges,
hove never seen Alice, and beeu at this
very Moment at the bottom of the sea.
it ere to be had in Overcoatsing, Pull -cloths, Broad -cloth
Doe skins, Silks, \Vincoys, Delaiues, and everything
needed in the Dry Goods Pue. The Grocery
Department is Complete. Au inspection invited
No trouble to show goods
or e. eap tents{ wat,ci.es,
Go to S. E. Jones'
For cheap Ladies' watches
Go to S l'. Jones'
For cheap Ladies' silver watc.�cs,
(o to 5 E Jones'.
For Boys' salver watches,
Go to 5 E Jane:,
For endless variey of silver plated
Go to 1 Jones.
For eight day clocks,
For thirty hour clocks,
Go to S E Jokes'
Go to S.E Jokes
Hensall FURNITURE.; Rooms'
Be sure -out got the W. D.McGlachlon watch
before buying. Youwill have no ether after see-
ing them. All who wear thorn recommend them
Gold and Silvor Ladies and Gontloman's size,,
77Dundusatreet,i'iondon. See the testimonials
The largest,bestand cheapest stook of fine Gold
Sewelry, Clocks, liver, and Plated Ware, Fauca
foods, &c., &., in :he Province. hope Ngn.v
every description. W. D. MoGLuUOrL1J
77Dundass Loudon
Lure A. `Cltisholssa & .Co.
Remember —Sitio of the Striking. Clock,
142, Dundae Street,
OWING to tho very large increase of trade, I .
have Leen compelled to enlarge my promisee,
and have just received a Targe stock of all kinds cf
nnifriture—in fact, one of tho largest north of Lon..
lam, including CLOCKS, HAIII, STRAW AND
dIXE] AMATTBASbES and Spring Bels of all
eau's. Thome in want of a first class article in the -
House Furnishing Line should call and examine :1:y
stock and ascertain my prices and be convinced that
I can sell cheaper than any ether Housein the trace.
Special attenthon to Undertaking.
Buildings contracted for.
S, Fairbairm..
'JOHN TRE13LE would rete; • thanks
to his customers for the very liberal
patronage bestowedou trim in the p est 1!!
and would resp?eotfnlly snuounce.o
them that he has greatly rearmed
the prices .of harness. as will be seen
by perp: irp the mice list :
Lang Tug, Black, i t inch........
,i tl i{
White "
.Brass "
Single Harness, 12 and upwards
All other work in the Harnoss lineat proportionally Iow prices. Repairing done with noatues:.t
cheapness and dcspateb
BOOTS AND AND :t11OES. lubhis branch of the trade, Ivory effort is made to supply thebest articles
klo ' to SaVe Newey. alEow te: Save lgtozley
To c1l parties in want of anvthSng in the furnitare line, will save money by purchasing at
Brawn's Furnit'ue 'Rooms, Exeter.
Itis always to the intore -it of the buyer to purthaee from the Manufacturer. and as john Brawn i141aiin-
t.tobure; nil h's Furniture in the shop, he can give to the purahaabr, the immunise profit that the import-
er tun,:t of necessity add to manufacturers prices to enable hue to live. Tho best stook of
Dressing. Bureaus and Sideboads
and in short; the best of stock of everything in my line, ever sh wn in Eroter. now on hand, and pen-
itively at the lowest prices. Cn11 and examine and satisfy yourselves.
N. B. In futu• e I intend to make a specialty of Fictive frames and mi,rtcessof every size and or lity,
and urn determined nos to be undersold by any person. A first-class. sowing• machine for sola at halls
J. .B.A.WVN :,