The Exeter Times, 1878-1-10, Page 6alta 10, THE TIMES' VARIETIES: ! A SON'S APPEAL FOR P.QOFFT ( IUONJ;:Y • Wlh'a t It der; tl the nlphebet nre heat slue a Remelt i•.anlet-rer ? Cs are. A Ixee.' readier. ---Tile last man in a oeeer la.e tI kir dieseer'es sho{'.. 1f ,the Let -per or n. j i! it a jailer, why 1aiY't tbe le , r r of. tl' prison' a lta'ieeuer ? ' A f: l eels teat.set „ret; ; ui lett'rler ' be f.o a et ;t+tiara` .D.t ' lli hate +n { lee• erva,l. that ai+ :Atte +a !eats,:01l.tr. .e+ :1a> loNt It,t tu.tt he t biome I i, t' `sit,a Wtie, may L ii •ee+,titins, deer. Katt at some !mitre tineI finely' have the latiltlfitieei.i of in -thing yolt eltl' at Ips' ?"---(:tl.umer: 'Nee, Lhcapt s•i, I to mills, fere deed ilial g. laic, deedtYt salieg lei)feii)we for break it sof heater[+t,' '.its wear a:J n, sll m :eek, of Lt sleally cent, inporary ep iekks tet a , eoer 16 teen. n :mantling a. b:iC,taste wile a !tom ',! tier t t int lit a6 . unit ere •1 trea.;:t [orris 0,1+ f" atli', toreros Inas •,-tx tit Ia gg:taa;.1 and sly eset ea vats ]tet al lt.i `l.' t'ti.' She lay errs ai :,bsf+1, stn ;ii; one 1'f l Healey', eleeti'ettes As O +L iletkielt y ae' ataly tiling. Ali at true+s ells turned deathly pale, reinavel it from her lips•, anti rt es t,tte l 1i~i:try to leave the lcl,let..ne u egI)Iik e•a•:i pit t;l:lnpp 1 tiWelt Lie tails. A half -foram -hal hole[ tells a story of 3 tl:tii,3r t,wit11+3 1'+atvee It Id then ' growing 'ant t 1 by tieghbt:s, and br:tttti.1 fatly Lest) r wit 1, a hen going his roulade to e;;rvt: his ett,tlhtlels, sopped at t. » deer of t,ehe [rites kno40414 to hell WO l.il, ivi`',i•* stew[=tiule.t, 'Who'd there ' aid oven ani:V -1e.1, 'tile baker.' 1 ' t1'13 tt t.e ysm wztut :l' Ti'i [venae your lar :4 I.. 'Well, you tae:;atn't. make +tieh a fuse &a u: it ; put it through the ,tt+y A e; r e 1 °a , w ri, iced it b wee ; he failed ,e p ri.m wile :vat+ ;willing lel eel! Mtn elm for thirty pound 'I web lt.ty yt.sl teat pintas[;, d.,ttvil,' silt he t t the oe uv"r, 'and 1 will be year ale"bt,lt for the rust,' Tllte otvuer ea+tlsented. Some days afterward, however, he came to demand his twenty petttlet'1. ':k •,' s ti 1 tate iturchaser ; 'iva sutra stick to our bargain. I told you 1 bh(n;lit be ycaur debtor for the rest,, at.d I eat:lit not be y one debtor if 1 paid you,' A gt ntlen.an of Chicago ttion ht of home a telephone put into Ids isodose. so .as to Uhl sweet c,tiver,ee with his 4 bel+inleis pa. user, bet hie raged the -her protested eatneetty aeetinst it. 'It lb err,' she said, 'If you brim; ono of 1 those ;treadle' thin„ in he. e, I'I1 never cI•,sea any eyes for fear it laity bre.tk oat :iii t sweep us all into eternity, And ars not a hie. the ;vie#: r.' He tried to pars:tetra her dirt it w es a'1 inch aC el id instrument, but elm Hail, 'N•h, 114 ; leak at the thansat els nod millions of poor plindoo3 it killed last fa11.' '\Vny,' replied hc, 'that wasn't a telephone, that was a4 typhooat.' But the old lady lowered her glasses, and, looking at him oyer the rims thereof, said, that he could not fool leer --thee sho minr,t not know m'ieh, perh:ups, bat she dill know that the typhoon was the Presi- dent of Japan. The gentleman haat; given it up as a hopeless ce e. Wien DID THE MAN SAY ? —A. scene in c.xirt witha stupid witness. A man had been caught in the act of aleft, and pleaded in intonation that he was drank. Court (to the police. man who was witness): 'What did the mangy say when you arreited hila 'Ha said he was drunk.' 0 fort : 'I wine the pre. ciee words, jolt al he utter, ed thein he didn't use the pronouu he, did he ? He didn't say he was drunk.' Witness : 'Oh yes, he did -he sails lie was drank; he acknowledged th' corn.' Conrt(ge'ting impatient at the witness' stupidity): 'You don't under staid me at all ; didn't he sty 'I was drauk ?' ' Witness (depreciatingly) : '0b, no, your h mor. He didn't say you wore dr:•nk ; I wouldn't allow any inn to clheiree that upon yon in m) presence,' Prosecutor : 'Pah tw ! Y,u don't comprehend at all, His hones'. mean, did not the prisonor say to you. 'I was drunk ?' ' Witness (refle;stive ly): 'Well, he might have said y,u were d:unk, but I didn't hear hien.' ' Attorney for prisoner : 'Whiten() c nut desires is to have von state the pals .1 An ornamaut for the American bar to receiving the final touches of legal valor et .tbe Lebanon (Tenn.) 'Lew tt:hool. Having only ore dollar in his pocket, and being reduced to extl•.em- Wee. ho Iit'ide tills ingeeuiteus elnd phil.o- :,ophicrl appeal to [his father at Mem - pais : 'I haste money tlalyhow, It ceases tnoa't., trouble then ally one thing eat.thly, Tae strife for it makes man c.tn us and feilish. The possession of it malted him proud anti stingy.. The strong tlesite in the human heart to obtain it tetitb to crush hie higher as - pint ions, and subdues his nobler inn- t'atleee, It renders hint Canning and th•na.t,v ; e to se • hioa to meas. -re his fel luaa iota tela eltanracter by Itis own, And nntwithetanditg Illy thorough '•rttl for it and he blackening inAn. t':nt:`.'8 on [mankind, 1 feel nineb mere t*,g,nf ,Itahl , and fit~ mere independent, +t:1 a few ditnes about env old clothes than when tot;ebiutt my pt.eket no Inti sienl china; is given back, It is as 'kind- er' lonesome feelhig, angel a leetle empty, eo rust assured that before sous eto 'musical chink' will be wafted to my expectant eau[', and V11 be home- eiet, and the 1o11eecrue feeling will s=eine over me, and ills suffer. So please avoid all these unpleasant con- :e.lneue s by granting an auspicious ear to ala• melancholy bat enruest ap- peal. What a talent he will [levo for wringing verdicts from the 3yrnpatllies of the jury -bac, and drawing fees front the plackets of his elientd 1 _..__,,,._m...., WHAT SHALL WE PO WITH 01eet 1)11i14S.a The foils ing piece of good advice :hal 11,1 be closely followed. '•\Vhat "hall we do with ,our daughters ?" 'Clive them ft good, substantial, cow- men eatuoatiuti. Teach them how to cook a good meal of victuals. Teach thein bow to darn stockings and sew on buttons. Teach theta how to make it shirt. '['teach them how to make bread. Teach thele all the mysteries of the kitchen, the dinner-rotlan auti the par- t. tr. Teach them the further onelives be- yond his income the nearer he g is to the poor -house. Teaeh thein to wear calico dresses, atlas obi it like o Queen. T•'aaeli them that :o racy romp is worth {i fly delicate eonsutll!:tives. Teas), them to gear thick, warm sboe3. Toilet then to foot up store bills. Teach theta that Gott. made themin his own marine, and what no amount of tight Janine will inner eve the model. Teaeh thein everyday, herd, practic- al common-sense. Teach them self-reliance. Tench thele that a gond, steady merhauio, without a cent, is worth a dozen oily -pitted loafers in broadcloth. Teach them not to have anything to do with intemperate and dissolute young men. Teach them accomplishments, paint. ing, drawing, Lanais—if you have the money to do it with. Te ;Al them to say no, and stick to it. Teach thorn not to paint and powder. FOREIGN NOTES. Ohne. Dyer and 0. Meizer, of Cleve- land, while making New Year's calls, were thrown from a carriage, and. Boy- er wrs killed. Tho Northampton bank robbers began serving their twenty years' sent- ence on salon lay of last week. 'TI• defi•tutly refuse to disclose the tv abouts of the million and a money and securities which On • Tuesday tight of Haddock, ct Stephen and instantly killed :at her home in, then shot '' The mot' Woe nin' to IIN MISS GARLIC;, has now on [land ae. full stools of fall and winter dilleoery.:owpris}ngall the latest i novkities n Illus, Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Silas, Velvets, Ribbons, tato., at lower prices than ever. P A .i..V 0 GOODS - Berlin 11 outs, Ottoman and Slipper Patterns. Jackets made or cut to order. Fur tarimings fur Mantles end Jackets, at [[MISS GARLICK'S, Main St, Exeter. GO TO R,ryE. SPICER'S OCERIES Itiveays New and Fresil. FLOUR, FEED, AND 1 J.tOVISIONS, EARTHEN WARE, COAD OIL Soap Given Away •-21 Bars for One Dollar,— Good Vint ;tar 20e. per Gallon, Chelee S;vrups.list'l,rt it:lskets--•Attire. N. L3. Don't buret iiia pl;tee—R. & E. Std. cer's,oppw-ite 31r. C. Cbri,atie's Hotel. Prl?dnce tatnehh in tubangefor goods, R. 4E- SPICER. 'HE Exeter Bazaar. .lust Received et -pt E J. R CLAR'S l '.tried nu rrinxnt :t Faney Ardsley, inelntt. in; choles : lleuuti, Ladies Companions, Finney Dozes .of Siltnuliely, (luta and Silver Fuil fear eeketteee, Deus in China and Wax, \1'aiteltes awl [.'torah,, anti ail det.eriptions of TO' 'S GIRLS AND BOYS ; 1�+1' upe''.inr Pocket Dooka and learFea,. Cann. aloin 111aiie.'for 187 l from 16 cents, p:•ueieie, teens nod bol h.,t, Ink and Paper, EnveIt pe in boxes assnrttld, and other things toanunlur- 0113 toe mention. Como, SOO, and buy Irma we,. Says J. 11,. (l. Don't forget the address, one door North. of Iiemp's tab ;eat) Store, M riu Street. SLEIGHS ON IL D, Berlin Wools hi every 'aza. Bibles, beautifully bolluc1 and Illustrated, vary cheap,. trim W 1), IIcGLOGHLON\V.t cu L IS VIE BEST Buffalo Robes HAVING purchased Robes ol; the best of terms 1 an4 prepared to offer them at the lowest .Rock bottom prices. They aro selling fast. ;Ons. remora will do well to call a nd see them. `T1ie undersigned wants 2,00 cortls'of Cord and Lteve Wood. Calla: and price will be agreed upon, Respectfully yours, JOHN R. CL.ARKE. 0. & S. GIDIARY UncIerta:l wr -; ax, . Fi 4.ruittro ANTOULD SAY TO those who • e ha asst ud e, 1tt1rel1a8:tag t0 do so from• - . * r the manufacturer. The dealer who Luys to Fell Again Must necessarily have a emelt. 11'e slairu to,;ikethe purchasers the Lune:lt, which cannot aril to meet the views of the (t>•angers. Our expenses ye less thanthose at 'elty suing Neturers c0mwj.lout" y've e311 6e:1 Vitt:al,e:r. Emblems 1'.• an cure 1�TE WOleiLD Cal] gpeCla]AttR3atiGe•, to oar malertataing elcitt,ia 10081,% hick is More co: plete than et*er,es iso lite added several new I sl; ` ;! r of late The hest colli' casatets sttrauda,and 01• nacres retauisite at t lowest prices. Ont. Bear: a is ],ronaunceti .atnptt alt sudgeaa to Y HCCUIlI to n0z:0 In t.. Provinces of all the Different Societies. GODERI01± FOUNDR1 Founders, Engineers and Mach' isles, Af4:v'r141..011:1:1;1:9 OP NGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW :HILLS bTAVE ANJ) IIIeaAD1NG M1Cll1N1 IIir Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements COOKING, 8:1BLOR AND BOX STUPES Potash Nettles, Sehavl seats, ktc, Iron cola Brt.ISS Ca ;ii.la.cl•; t(( terser For saie cheap—Second heed Bailors and Engil:es Stave anti Shinnle, and [leading Mnctxinery. Repairs on Boilers, Eilgitnes, Mills, &o., promptly attended to GODEP ICE FOUNDRY aU ACTITR',t h CO GQI)BRICH; Ont. FUST RECETITED AT TIIF EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store A Large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson an.c, Teas, Bess bele iup