The Exeter Times, 1878-1-10, Page 3T' 'TIMES VOYAGn VITH A SHIP -LOAD OF THE BONES 01? OUSTER'S 1,101NILr e'XS, BRAVES. n A.mericau consular officer, now in Atmos: a year has posed since Gene., 3gton on leave of absence, re ral Coster and his heroic( band fell vtc.i late. Lely funny ocenrrena;e which tims to the savage hatred of Sitting came under his observation during his Bull and his followers, at the little Big official residence in Liget poet, A site. Horn, and tate bones of the majority of Exeter Tannery Theundersigned would acquaint the trade that they have now °ahead, a largo quantity et such as coastal amid wealthy shipowner, ha,v- those brave fellows, who died in defense l UPPER, KiP, CALF HARM£ S,U I TING ing dovo.ed m(are'time10 the business of their country, have never been ac— corded a decent barial, aud to -clay' gnantityaf iairfor plasterers,hand, some of them have no covering gave temeL(3.t;Iii,AN that which the siknnents have sent •thele, portions a snowy coverlet but'l afcC:1LT,M1 Cash for hides. of matting money than to the eultiva. flan of any of the unnecessary cube's Bailments of the intellect. was eousid- ered by bis business associates a little "off" m his ortuogriaphy. Ile"Sent an little whiter than the bleaolied remains order to Bombay, and. among other of hnnlanity which it obscures, It was known that the 41 whits Chief" alai his staff officers had been taken from the bloody plain and borne faraway and it was at least presumed that the Viola's wrote for two monkeys, which he avantetl to present to some friends. but departing from the nsnal m do of spelling the word two, era pelt it too. Perhaps the handwriting was not very gallant mei' who haat assisted Ouster legible, int is effort the case with others to bin farce would not be left to rot upon than sltifowi;eis. At any at; the the fl Id, a prey to the coyote. But master cf the ship read it 100, as did this was merely a fancy. it would seem, also the agent in Borniaay. There A story is told which does not atilt 'MIS WW1 astonishment at so strange much to GC•neral Buell as a Ilnmani. 43.11 order, but the master was bound to tlaria'i. The gentleman who tele the abet' it, Accordingly the service' Of Rory is one of a conknny of ninety of a number of natives were wear il. two civil employees of the °overtime t,. There were little black monkeys with who have, 'luring the s'ason, been on. eyes like heads, bigger 11ioukeye with,, whiskers. and baboons, whose grave ,expres •it? I of coital enance presented a ridiculous contrast to their uudigtlitL 1. antics. The whole crowd t+.eattered, screamed and fetu;;llt in 1110 cage whish Posed to the heat and cold, the eau- •� ` t Intl been provided for diem in the .hilt shine and rain, fuel recline that it was I1nz ;3.�t . Dash, NES PUMP FACTORY At WQQdba:I BRAN & EDWARD bate, at con' 1 J. - sidera'..le expense Fecnred the Ilett ala- l coiner% and Augur ate the Doautoiod, and &live on hand a large ctoet of First -Ci ,SS Pumps' nett aro preparoi to ma :e t„ order on tho short- est maim 1Sa•tp fr ('i,.ta ret ramps. Wells and t'ist" ni eontrae, i1 for 13s‘•t n bond u largo Ftnewet Ecos a tt st I.tuttl+c r t-:t9t Eire t.atanb. a f,e'• -ti,,sal to 7- 141,T4 1.11:1 fit 341 zsto *.tui Oat, ms's tie•'�I t F lour.! c, $14. (.eat,•'.. toe.; nt Logs on le teal gaged in budding thepost to be known °r al71uaa3e parpl„t e, cats according to en de g r lie. iter rates]. r as 1110 Big horst. While at-'orollt at the as orders tis snail promptly attended to. pt3St it came to their knowledge that • the rn^aaains of dearly. all of Ouster's mon wens lying on the battlefield ex.. THE EXETER in spite of all effort!' to keep thein dace to their memory the theii bones DOOR A.\I3 quiet, In a few days the, homeward )e holden from sig .t, they applied to ( -voyage was ecanrneneed MA With it the( f+0uer1Ll Buell for pernais.iou to go n'ul r Iroalbies itf tbo ora'., bury thcti'l. TLoe aij2Ucltttotl was rein- �'1,s soon as ails ]:lotion of the ],hilt st:tl, its was also lila else of teary to lir, r. was felt, the monkeys retlanbled their ffwtn :•he work. .after they had con. cioiae, malting a regular parl(1ennatirtnt clttdea1 their labors at the post, the cont. A ALL , I \S 01? of the ship. ,Belays of theta shortie the Lamy started for M4 diciue Bow, a eta. • bars of tho cage witho'at a woutc-nt.'3 tion ott the Union ].'Nellie Railway. Ott l # UR ,c ” ? ' C-,1, hesitation for fweuty•ttro bolt s gilt Of Lilt' ° .1tIt Of ileal". Si' they came upon the every twellt:;••firth, until the cage teas easter battle•I1re4t1, where i2. horrible one to ortler., literally shaken to pieces, and the as sight was Ineseut',I to cite. The it.one:13nte t: ;a+13taee totaisbe=I sailors beheld a c",,tial of ground was literally strewn with the �r, monkeys s�iolden1�1' issuin from the whitened ba)nt'5 of the }t oldie braves," 041. i4 "r'*Z+ W -''t1t,M .hold, seraRttlai*22g c, v. 1;t ' " "" fighting and tu1l11at. twirl.; all ts,•eIt were entirely un. ...... iilg over ea 11 other e.9 if their live, tie Coveted. Although their tittle aaas T'I1 ruled upon getting hive the tinting limited* the humane company set tt= �a��{ �j� Ill the shortest I+a�lltle time. 'From talk with tho fp: imlal*molt42112 thiir,L 1)011 arc cmTARK7 t that moment pear thick had not a 11n'a''esYi°•nt and rueeeee1et1 in bnryin,* a , t* �i1 3noeieilt's neneo. The tllont:eye with !tertian of the remains. Feauietg ilia INVESTMENT NT SOCI.ET `, mischievousness nnparallelted, would , they would b' stowed in in a sailed in steal everything they coald lay taelr the Black Hi!`!I if th 'y tallied iong(•r, Lands on. If Clothes afore hurt, up to they t'ieparted'ltc°t.4 the sc'nc after tar. ea )7Ii f11 - ,''�1 ,.:l 1. dry they would carry them to the rylnar three hoots. '' ilightea4, point 1:M1mb:A And Mirk them to pieces. It was. 73eesaeary to set of .. + µ � a� Portree visittiantt, MOP.' 1':y33 (1l1tu04,1 8114.1,12114(.$ alit illkprovoa Ilan, 411' 1714'1'1 VI 011011)% lit t 15:t•dt 1 uartl over a 4't'ythi63g that wa wVaah3431 ('s1N:'tl3l'.1:ti. Vett 33. The/drove i•: ti London, I:ti„retell ter dried. When the cabin -boy swept ,.... pally. I''t,3 fOrt1 3'Pattie •e1'146 tt'3 h30 deck he had to b•el: up the bro4u11, Henry fleslulac, to wealthy r`slient lti#11I:1rt lttt'li.iltll le:•tat. for if be bad Inti it t•Ster se securely hilt on 1130 J'e ko Shore 1;t33a31, near Port 2I4ry 17. tf. 1 tit to , out, tlatclt would 14.1 ltetre..ty to nets, bef rr fleapit, tvaa lilted on New Ysar'•r Eve .n old ape, half Its. hig as amen, would by 102•1113.4 stal.aailt•d in by a Iln're it going, tllronith the motion of t'it+i4 64 Anil 11c31'etr: swoepingthe dent: aitll an air altos. S71vt'lnl lawyer of TOt',^1n'Iro intra U1 ssr hall,(! gravity. So ;sett Wart the cnntt'Int•lati n the t;`nn3•Cti,,n of 11841 annoyance that tt was with the ;4104 ntiich frith 0a14o.nlo ILill by means of cat difficulty that tho,oft core could pre. this t •lej•h>ale. vent the loin shooting .their torment. Tao pensioners of the Ii itish artily •ors, anti when the ship reaohed Allele livi g in the llotttreal (li'ttict have halt elle crew deserted„ prc•forliuri to been cia:lell on by the War (71'10.' to TE SIX R, tale their chances at this imhoapit911Ic , send in retnl•na at their resiclt•Ileal and + C-A•N ])TED PEEL, place than to endure ills persecutions other prittlClllinW. IG la Niljtltt3at?tl te3 S (i;),• `I'APR/CO, sof the nloutcoya' he a precaution llraa;snry in case 3.110 1i 1±:11- IrI1 T'f, 1� IIIb, Finally the ship.renohed homo. Silo melt alight 13e required, in 1110 event CAIIII•.AC COC( , fled boon signalled at Lake's End, and of a war, for.garri'3ot1 duty at Immo. ChoCO1Att•', Prepared Coi'13 and Mlle owner tray at the doek 'when she , , ae ],atlj:nein Dorsey, a f.tr:err, aged tall the lendingtrrot'['1'les, fresh arrived. Shipowners Orally pride about ill, anti resitting near Clarksville, rhe Shp Grocery -themsels ee on trio thiol aj p'ialauce t f tv115 choked try (101113 nn tile t3; d hist. by mid New. tho ships they own, and om1•'' a .])free of hoer, while at the Baxter: friend was weak in this respect, if in. Hones. Aletiical aid was at hand in a 1.0 .I3 1 CC;O f I D1 E no others. What tiler. was his listen. time, but to no ;avail. %ailment to (lee his slip's rigging crowdeli with harts or ])lot Iles whit! There i'. a rant v- ttl:tt thief Justice Tobaccoes, and Cigars, hero and thyro ;a, festoon Leh, ro severs 1 Moss is Sone to bo knighted. Pipes ill monkeys had suspended thamseie, a The wife of an 11s(.^,1is32man name(] gave 'from a spar in a :trine, lidding each P,oatrautll ? birth to three children, ��C'ErSGt]e'ZI�, � OOC� and -other by the tail. By ry'lt.•(ly, about o) Fiid•ry, at Penl!lrolc(e, two 1)r3vs and C115-. . the docks viewed with eon j.er the op. as girl. ]3oth mother and olnilreu nr: •'S1IcXJ E1ts REQUISITES. preaching sp3actacle. The ship moved ;lying well. tole- -closely to hit beri'h, ails j1 eeeli•tl 11£] c ^ 4 h Last Thursday night some pers(•n (, r C7g•ars .tiled TobbCCO, yarda•rins nelli•Od those of several 0tht•1' ilei^3o13v) effected no entrance Into the Stllr,. vessels lying at the dock. Ill an in- 'I•ocory st re of l,Ir. John 13catc•n, on ,�ayg p` :•stant the monkeys leaped from ons to ICi111I s'. ' Lindon by Frying open one CEO. ==1�_,�„w•uL'-"P°_ • anothor, and begin n tour the . r�Y) ,, n of the windows at the rear of the she... NEW L .lJ'.i'Citliat SHOP f west of In ids that fi'iiIg ?,1 .the herb r 'In tis Liverpool. all boys:ani[. ftll(1is 'ilti;l we'll rinsing been iincces�hlhy •ofnnnd the dock wore en�ileialul, tilOmtl ,'. n'1'fortno(1, the bnrgla" (''r burgle' o) lheunils3-fiigned would i•lfe,•n1 the iur,u.lai- ha,1 a0005s . to flit piste of 1130 shire. _!.. .!!rand Relit ensued, up told down the 1 reca.U(11)Tl N1L9 lll'1re01'el• taken to pre. 1 iggiog irnln shill t s13ip; all over tri(• ;tllanr. ']'hey were flnlil v caacan't”'It tiniglthe bur'rlarfilwhile at work,l o- rl3ffor '.Phil owner was f01'lnit ., bat wasafter the fluor of the stairway towline' to :awhiloa rnitllifie(1 by an eEOlaelation ov. the upper flat, whish the family nccn- er a battle of mile, and the (litllulllty pied, g found securely fastened ir- s'.tiSf(actnrily a,Ijuale(l. The manl'key433 ,ide,� waand AIr. Deaton in the Morning tsars gradually solei atf, realizing a. was forced to enter by the back door. prnait of abont ten pontlrl8(faty dollars) The thief (or,lhieveta- soon) to have boon above all .costs. But the maai:der• of i)retty well acquainted with theley t. `t 'the ship declared •tbtl.t he nevorwanted of the shore. The cleslc on the counter was pried o1)e'1 349 if wit'] a "jimttty," . •Blacksmithing and -wag('nmaltingcarriedon • >:loaliEya. er 1 'real the cash box abstracted Terefrol.n.1 as swim in all ilabraLtl ea B DAVIS. J.. On Tbursdsy night last, at plessant! It 00331521)3(1 ever $100 in billq. and :1[t11, Ont., •there •(lied soddenly, In an the. a wore nmissing. The box wa; fo Ind , • anopletio fit, Charlotte, wife of Dennis in the yard in the morning m'tl114 the Cronk, boot and shoe molter. She roar' i)l'31t 37 The family did. nt t hen • any Alio mother of011 ` 'twenty" children, two 11(0 ('r :nilllsuall disturbance during. ,eons of 3lloln early survive her.. . the night, and cannot give the slightest ' •OnPriday night last a tramp broke cillo upon •wlnch•tlie detectives could is to the Manse of Woods,, a. Otlutrall possibly•JI•ing it thread. • p. icon •guar'1, Toronto, awl attempted, 1. young man nattned . ;SVM. Welsh, ti outrage Hrs. Woods.,. III stayed in reaiaing on the Lake shore, pear Beane; the house ..from to p. m. ',tiff 4' a, m..l -on the .11,11,1 inst.,-accidentally shot 11151- , :and then !left, The is in: self •yesteriln:y while out hunting It a terrible state "front Bright, her eon:' is supposed the -gun slipped from his ,follow bol g rendorod worse :from the land, and the 11mi:tuners striking on a iif:t,bt ‘l it lalie is pi egnl.11t. ,1I r•.11n;band . log, on' which. }10 was stranding, Alia... ,'was on duty' at the time, an11 o fly re) ,"h•arged; birth :barrcis•into his SJlddolren te,-ur.lsa two 'b -Q 2 <a: s"after tine trup.left. ills:die(i instantly.. to sail antother voyage with a cargo of • tants of Exeter and vicinity that lie Unci OPENED A NEW BUTOIIElt SiIOP one dont south tri his ulnae tsuzithshnp antipope®, tho sat33e liberal patronage that has been ae1 corded to flim in the DLACAsitira AND WAGON Dr a7.ING lino will he extended 20131113 initis new branch o burliness, iii ( moat wagon \vincalI at the cosi-' ,louts of tbo village three tissteseael'>0eekand IF Jet s II 1i E A T of all Rinds :kept constantly bis hand°at his1 butcher shop. K ®t , Tag reading as i t3 (113 0 33. �i i the 3ursiima_tc •ruttl�aot� tainetl 3U the, rq enc,lic341 book ever Q. entitled !!�if oLFg;Lr-rlasnat T WNPnricoocul$1.of83(n03(ymI It treats of Exhaustnc1:Vitnlity, Premantra Decline, ,Nervous olid Physical 'Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains m�'lothan 80original pre. i scriptimes, era• ono or ,imo' 6s worth the price of the book. This book was written by the most ex - ten sive and pro bably. til onlost sl; Wei , rratotitiocet inAlnericaatowhom was awarded &golctnndjew- cllcd modal by tete Ica i °nal it1cdloll A s.ocia,ion. .;A Pamphlet, illustrated with:the very- finest t•'Steol Engravings—a mar 31 :tubi. of art and beauty ;11E L t.-apnt ;FREE - to ell. Send (fnrant at.•nnae Address PEAIBOD`i Jitrtl)IC':aL �,®A( INSTITUTE, T o• .A 13n1. l+•I [I '.flitch • 141444114,41,41 CD M7 1' 00 CD CD CD UddO IIrn, aiis C.) •:,i cA1 ,.1. A , tt lyt'''a1 :.'•:.'rer...11 MT7P 4 's s.i: 'f ,<! 1"LW 11T1teri.R 1IT d,''t' 'rya: '4110P ---1. 11 A.ltl1•'tg It 1 rt• of q t'r.^e rete. 13 till'`-, lel+ t?133 ne 41, n1+1t tL 1 1 is. i 1 ! 1, i t :a- r11t e'!I2 4'111301 i 4 tlty' it n 4 111 3 31Ga '• i:e- t r. Sot gilt Alt) ,1:11 tz.itgt, of 1'.7 e`t131 1i... co • t'n' B116i1l .3 !7 :4 at rtta a • ., •1.ev Tor. s....3i....01•4! 1' . -.I dry. I. 2A 3;:'1 (I13;1 !PAINTING ttr xilT"alaa i1t pa) tot el to (ire •; l llf.r l> eel. ROOM. P11112tin;;, PItper»h4tngi1;g whit. it.131og,,3 e, at r:+;a'1.3)1(ab`se{1 i, .+and 331c.'turilly, .T. lallt.•1tl'�(i. ;Ruin 1,701,7 Branch ‘f i Si Gi ra 4.4,1 44.44444 to c l,.7lGrsw, tere «4,'GI,.a".. • • Ca Canal i tit:nl:eta 133 t!1ei 3'33t • Ile• taut l;a, has started at n1l,ep tve tl t1 till:arpellin gad (alulnnaina of ail buds of : i.1 ITS, .1! hie Ile': i4ie'nr•t' 0,1 NI r:•„1 ':v'et. -: a 1•34 te• also' sill kt 1..1 • rR . ,:, to In,.111 , .c rd- e,•, 3.3 1.01• C:lrpoll,er work its usual I)")111Piti tit:14ltCIs'lt t:). MAX HOOD : 111.) .V LIMA% 1Ll .ar' alta.,t 2'°4. t ilea: 1t' a to . 1 cat or, • tutaere ars3',.3• r t 11,ntt.nt•.t+etuaa. 11 01W., .id. •,,8(3;) at , ,:t,,-, a t, r tltl it61r 31 ts3•tin.. init-art cit' -11 11 $,.3 t; 13.te. 1 3 13•,.IratOlbte!n2, N1;t441M 14.414-41",/ r 101,1 Ya ej t tit• t tieiIt}o,t\C1i.333 i:44"4" 4,143'f.;22: 3'010‘,3;3313 a33 rti rats' illetrtid 40.31 fleetest t, 113. 'i•.• 3t ,.r3.t-i, 1aowste41 anther, inn 1 t -:?alt •1•iu. - "te'etari. e•tt•;tr3s proves filen 111,(1tt31 t t3•e riven* 1 that tile awful, consequence. ut s•!f..11•e3'-I' may a ;s,, ',lT„ t1l(Iti3° retnne.,.i t('IVkelnt nlealia•i1(e•. 131.43 a w1i14.•-,t ,331,,''4,10I s113•5ra 11 up •t t et c iota tjrv, in.iraot31e 2. 3e 411 , or t o. e3 1-: t3, 3 Uri: olet a t' 43113.13 14 entre at our.. si ‘00nn n t»t 1 e 1 et 301, by Lalsk b , to rr an4T.ser. 1341 4 31 to r a 8 (!,!°a ratit'll; lti•- het tel is 3., ,1st t, eurt31111til:..3' :4ea{alt,lar1vlait i i &un,tr,wli• 1326.` 52''2'8t8 I.•'et3zrt will pr4+ca 1L Yan(an•20 31Ati 3)3»Z4,) 1311t232138131'32308 . t•lst Sts! t.tr :r aY 133 a n2(3233 3 tvetc!{31., to tav a,{ lie ::, rata r -i i.-23.3 of .5f a+alta, .;r tail) . y'ik yt t Sdtlrt' . L 'i TUE 3D5.tvrr.r.>ruarn.t( CO, It !Y .lair lata New York.- 1•r. d`rnitla,kulr ria nkat !t1•t seek 0.10111,1.310 ,^ , pII &TMY FLOUR ATTHE� FLtUR paid bT 1r.;rS.L MILL 'ter :North, Itmavh01335111 f 11ialteration, T+1.3. pra,3ritnrllaa supplied his mill with Svlct-331ait now u1.tCLiaer 1•, and has aecuredtllo services of the best Miller in tho country. dGRISTI\fx PR(latl'TLV ATTENDED T41. Satlefaction guaranteed. Polies f+oma dtstanc- • eau have their grist to take beam with thew. Tho having rented the Ma/Zing-Mill, sash, Dior and .bland J . wiory, s.i Mr Johull:,ss, and elating or. hand a lar ce stuck first class fulnbt1 are now prepared to ,S..' eV K E VOX 7.0?+ -IC r.8 or all manner of buildings, autl fttrni,ll ma- terial for the sante. Gi1t041'I'.00 's11t1;ti,3 and heR01,1,11'ORIC done at lowest priee5, ROSS 331i0S tt'r DIVIDSO1v Aprill2 NEW AIri.CHINE SHOP. ''illiam Eitching `a'isllos to inform tits public that he is• hotter prepared to repair all kinds .Of Sewing Machines, • Watches Clocks, Guns, &c., than any ether person in the country, as his c1targes are moderate, and ho guarantees to give Satisftte tion. rr G. & J. BROOKS ltlttnufaotu1.ors of LT'lBEEtt, LATH, STAVES! ,n(1 dea1erfin - OEDRPOSTS PAILS,CORDWOOD, siitt,s—Two miles west of London Road. T'OWNi4IP OFH:SY J. "71.LiS, H O L 11 . L Lr' AND RETAIL w Dealer, ' ixl. rtinbei• /TINGLES,LATIT DelEtUA.0J'.DSTS.FLOOI3 LNG &T1B MMt,--DTLESSE'D AND UN- wttfit,T •An;tl,ttensfvoStoal*nit hand. The Xnimber, for Quality or price, oa,:l'Ot 'mat. A,.,^ood•14aa01•t- menttltalwayson hnntl,cheap..a Amar Yard East sftlo 1)140;$treQt,hc2WCOLGiall}• and ,..caWs, , ego,,, • • .;+