The Exeter Times, 1878-1-10, Page 2irr-rn 1t11I S".
D '0Zi SNIT/1'S ; OII MIKE FINK you'll pull up this ere white cak-•--breast
IN A PLACE. your text 11 or jest bold ou a bit till I
Mike Fiuk, a notorione Belekeyo "Well,, while I war setthe that, an
!,Miter, acrd eontetnpt'rary with the idea struck tole that T brad better be a
celebrated David (hocket, .old hieequat ettitl (Alt Ce this in some way. t:3nt',
inall things tappertaiuin; to heaven flow Cdzatckly meas the Hint! If I let go'.
prowess. It was even said that the anti run he'd be fort o' use sure
aui:nals in ilio neighburho'tti kuew the 'RSoi lookin at the matter in all its
clad,: of his ride, and would take to
their secret„ hitting places. on the tiro,
iutit1 tion! that :vale wan about. Yet
etratage, •true, 1.1e was but little
known beyoud his immediate "settle -
When we knew him. he was an on down litre al if they war seem tsllieb
:,tart, the tablets of street\ whiten: mid "could get ther fast. "I know'e1 who
silvered o'er his 1 eats( and taken tinelli war aster, they'd jive the Bull
cloth:iv; fun his limits; yet in tl e aeon me, In Maar Bertha. far they war
It was moree ommon years ago than
recently for landlords and stagedri vers
to have an understanding with each
other, whereby, for a consideration
paid the driver, hungry traveller*
were seemly allowed time to comfort-
ably seat themselves at the table, when
be:trios, I coin to the conclusion that ° the driver would announce the ilnwetli-
I."ti better let somebody know wbar I ate departure of the stage, thus cheat -
vas 1 iug the people out of a meld who paid
ae Iglu a yell louder thsn to Income- for one..
the Moeda, and it Ss n't long afore I I remember being one of a stage
ted the »Fasoll's twc dogs a cumin ; load of hungry travellers across the
Sierra Nevada. before railways. had THE O11HA%tST
unease of In, iife was ,.lila never
�worst. ' -teal weuewtous and batt a Site agia
el exeeet upon one wooden. To tele ' nee.
his own la►ltgnage. he never "gin in , "Se. says I, oltl bundle, ae radio is
tlaeal np to anything Halo travelled on as cheep as wiall:itl, ou this route, if anti we tiled into the dinia.g room to
two. lags or f nir," bat mote. you've no objections, I'll jist take a ►.tree!. the savor - viands, tee lituellord,
e passage n thatar''t however rat taliit care to cb l a
a deck fes same o beck e) , 1i g . 1 eco tit
Yount ? So 1 w'sa t 1o1ng gettin, tab- fee for the meal fram ettele of us. We
trifle of inti, astride of Will!, ,Bud then heti certainly r of been at the tables
spanned it, when a, noted judge, still i W'on .erS of Madel , a aedt
on the bench, and an eat:tally noted
professor of au eastern Gallego were of
the party.
Our arrival at a dining station was
hailed with deli;ht by all the porty,
"Tutt, Oliee, we want," said Bill
i?i:telier, as et me dozen et ne eat in
tint, b,at`,,::emu of the wally tavern. iu the
Citttlenllct11. if voted have sworn titer warn't ninth• and st)'ae of n e,Meo wing to be helped
"ldin it to lea ntow, Mille --you've 1n' lumen in tali,( nr mix ! the site ter e•affee, b:v' not ta:eteil a niauttafut' of
'.: ,r v Iwhen t n ct` R+Ch.O
. ) R 1 - e the matter anal fuer!. .lt 1 the 1 Iv etfC
.. 4
wog tote:oat, i to ,! ' 1 O. nv SO to ➢► R 1 C E r a 11t e1
11 tali t 1 t „ e �,I . u 1 you're 1 t3� at 1
1/10W, unci ue:>t1n't etre," euntit,tletl 13111. relied round the tiel41-one tlo.t. on one '•.111 utas; tl, I'm behind time, and
".itigut, right 1 lith," stria Mike, "but eitio anal elle en t'otbttr, tryin' to elittch Cant bruit a mitotic, !ringer." °
we'll open with a diener all round fuer, d my feet ! A look Of tnintg;et' e n tfernfa►ion anti
i:'•1latere base eov ft ttnet, I rel:tcon-- -" el }rata, and 011,9,4 and j,.t a, disgust trout free to fnee as Out
"'T:tur, dirt e gm,d, better than until I couldn't
t tell tt-hiein I did Lest•-`. asptl%un, from the table, but the juts. e
t'tatiter barrel, if aut'elnttt !" rlcithor !sari tof.any pie, they war so '>'enr�i'etl Cee!,. ass he t.tuelied the pro-
"' Well hider, etentatenet'd %14.e,t" .Ftt' itrf 4h miss? up. fesHaraaalx rile a:: ill.
Inv t.I1 . [ f v. °11r aerinnu 1,0r1, tight e ""I reeoen .1 rid About an hour this "bill you sea t l tate bread supply.
404 an,1 Ad: like. attain enbetra:t 'eta ,curl\ , when eltl bri'1411e thought it war if I take caro of the :neat ?" he queried.
attegether in trete ut•1nie."1"ty Wg 'uta, time to stop to tette in a supply a'
keld they hsiet't no unite to be compared.! wind anti cool off a little 1 So when
to the one I sv'w in, ,lieu a ileal lotted !he get round to a tree that stood altar'
to an old :tie bar 1 I've fast all kiede i he net'ra➢lt belted! 1 large tnrhoy and a c )tapie of staring
4f s mintyr, from an .Iugin tl.)wn to tt"Now, t,nva 1 41 bey.. vonl'1J lase one i epithets, neelr Carvell. front the pbtt-
ie:Atte notice ! and t;e•ve r was ,shift:" he;
pee-tenger startit1. Sty I gist cunt upon tors It1 two 1lepeiinte ,:hill` the 1'rtafe-set
cluit feat, bat date 41.14N-41114 G'S%ta WW1 n bt'aitelt Itelk'lttieg to roast their ti;l I l rtiiptietl tine e'itteentp of the bread
:a Boll t starred. aafeee I'd be rid round in that
"You see it Liu tate awful !tut ,1:1y in y any longer.
v., ar
Augn3', eau1 war 1nnr;9t thiukin" that it "1 war a. mritlin' far the taps o' the
diia in the c: vet: r14114 .tact: !an0.i ell,' tt'eo,►.aae'ti 111011.11 Futliin a. nitkin' art
" %I.:4';)-i°➢aty .•• , eii ' Wad 'a' 4 e kinder looted
eba:�l ta 111 _, a ae.c' i D,ec _ i+l old a tial llu ;ant a vi r➢l � ai 1. I ti u t r 1 ori aI
mound if that tvaru't�-t►'elI, titer's no
use ae sweouriat' new. but it war the big.
test harnot''t nest even' turd,.
"Yau'll gip in' now, I reckon, Mike,
The profcsst.r caught at thi' pnr-
poee, anti promptly tw e*!ted. In an.
other itaeetent the judge itatl conveyed a
.,,;;even ail's molter for that par -
Tie tar
'ar-tiet:ar biadaucee. S l I wets, down
ata►attetet the Int, Lee to tilt Jal.reeee. I
ji\t hauli tl ttirk',la red 8 in ever talc
14tt1t}i, alid war tbiuizieg holy �serni�* t• eare times ne help fur yon 1 Bat an
donsa feller of my aaaze would fe'l't it i+las i;trlle!4 lila thou, that I'll stall,i a
wellerial' round 111 that ar watt •r, and Baal, better chance a, rutin' the old
was jeet'blut gain' In when seed the mull than whore I war. Says 1, '"Old
r ball F�' R' 1
ole.! I a..un� . " It a uaial;iel' a Milne ts, ,4•J;•v, if t+on'il hell,! on, I°!1 1Cialtl to the
what.Aloe r� .
Il 1 -r ,
tlPtif Atahr+it . an •it alt Let that, be that
".I l,.to;y'.1 the uitt cuss, for he'd 't trill !" any
911714. .
Tire I'ilit Parity tale 11Ynn•1 cern •Ct ^tn orda '.
oft":e Laver, ate):n,tch, Kidneys n' Is 4 ;•,n,tn.1
arse ineroanctbre in all comp/mints Ince.eata:l ta'
b etaai; •s.
7f1nt nhdneitt is the otlly rcli 1'sc rea,r++cic' for
1t**e,„cs.:'!d•*circ t;t*rca..,si1.•1: t ,of
este t,,1 e, ++tan.3ing 1%wr
r 4 ltI.t.o,1t. Iieunnatreut, tat.. sill 1,411 es.'t.
4 4
1'lattes inotl tut ittirr, .tail, le.i by the
jtltlge, they marveled triauiiphently to
the c Aral*.
Their ea tlu to ►V8'1 cera, etiar111; each
4 the lass-ee'gers h:a+1aly ceetti,:c:ltcd
time smelt of food -meat, vegetate.,
and even l):aatryetut.11 the dining -room
was pretty th ,ren lily et tipped of
everything that emit to matte ua the
a',111CO11litalits of:a !tea d !Peal, and the
iuteria"r of the e0':ch byre" the appear.
;wee, I mute; .0, ef. MN'rmens buns
Int B rail. while Ole hoe it tenet and
+ . '"1 speech
i► IL! t nu+ face a•
tat . 1 1 n tent f►c f t11
lees latollo•14 t� we
drove off,
bete proem a prie444M etnly
to int
et teed are people titan all the par' i1 1150 I fist dropped tlheartl him min. ?hist. Tito root's.elI•ntalatt'1 1' a 111(11
sons 0'the tiettletllaat, (*1111 ennn anti looked aleft to see what I'd gained u r peeved as pipit 0 rut' IlI nt to our
uligtity 11e:u killes
'u a fowl Vaults I, in chair ,4111 altlarters,: and, gentleman,a8ttaneet;f t!11.I1rovizt d meal.
Male you're 111 rather a tight pate-- I'm a liar if Hear warn't nioh a halt ' - . `• •• -,-- -°
't IfeCALW; 'Al ,
get your hams' on, for he Ube a drive!,' blrelrel of the stmoitt' varmints ready to
them Die horns a' Itis ill yet bowels pitch into me when the word 'go' was
afore that, tithe. Wellyutl'1t ht►ve rte gni'
tel'llobult war on the other side et' the
try the old vertuiut naked, I reekun. e4tiFPI1 I ret".icon they gent if. fir "all emelt and I on Cattier, and the way he hands.Aiarth4 for nur'company Blinn'
made the toile' tly far a while, as if he en 'em Ili, the (logs, about a ,!liar,
tear a tiigoill' my ora 1r was 1t183ain't struck me, and the rest charged on old
""Cone on, ye bellerin, DU heathen. bindle.
semi I, audticu't be a st:autlill' thar for.
as the old deaoon says a' the devil,
'ter not comely to look on.'
"rids killti a' ranched bis under-
staudin', anti mt,de lki.n more wishions,
for he hoofed a little lace, and made a,
drive. And as I don't litre to stand in
anybody's wily I gin 1,irn plenty sea -
roam 1 So lie kind 0' passed by me "lint as I said afore. the doge took
anti come on ,'other curie ; and, as the the lead -brindle and I next, Arid the
captain o' the 3lud Swamp Beagers hornets bnzzin' and atingin' 1 I didn't
:could say, "bout face for 'nether say within' fr•r it warn't no non.
charge.' ' Web, we'd got about two hundred
"Though I war ready for 'ire this yards from the house, and the deacon
time, he came mighty nigh runnin' here ate and cum out. I seed !aim held
foul o' me ! Se I mole up my mind up his hand and tura white 1 I recon -
the next tune he went out lie woulht'ut ed he w t pravin'. then; for he didn't
ha alone. So when he passed I grap expect to bo called for so soon, and if
pled his tail and he puIl'd me out on warn't long neither, afore the whole
tree "elle" and as soon a, we war both congregation men. women. arm child -
1 eta, cum out, and then all !!adds went
to y"ellin
'None of rem Mad the fust notion
that brindle and I belonged to this
world. I jil=t turned my han3 and
glassed the whole congregation ! I seed
"This time rho tinge let oft fest,
'dead' bent for the old denoon's, and no
soon as old brindle and I could get un-
der way we followed 1 .And as 1 war!
only a deck passenger, and hid notllin'
to do with stearin' the craft, I sworn if.
had we shouldn't have ran thatohen
uel, anyhow
a' top of the bank old brindly stoope'd
and war about colniu' Touted agin when
I begin pe,ll'u ,','titer way.
Well, I reok'n this kind o' riled him
for he fust stood stock stall and lcok'd
at ine fur a spell and then couunenc'd
pain' And bsllerin', and the wny he the run would be up soon for brindle
made his bind geariu' play in the air, couldn't turn all inch from a fence that
war beautiful ! stood dead .'lead.
But it wo'ut no use, be eoultl'ei
itch me, so he hied o' stopped to get
wind for Boutin devilish, I jedged by
the way he stared 1 By this time 1
had mode up my mind to stick to his
tail a8 long as it stuck to his backbone!
I didn't like to holler for help, nether,
kose it war agiu my principal, and hien
the deacon bad preached at his house,
and it want far off nuther,
"I knowed if .he kern the noise. the
hull congregation wouhl come down ;
and as I warq`t a married man, and
hod a ,said of o'hakeriu arter a gal that
war .thnr' I didn't feel as if 1 would
like to be seed in that ar predicament.
"So, says I, you a1d serpent, do yer
clissedest ! And so he did ;. for he
drug me over every briar and stump i'
the field, until I war • swleatin and
bleeding like a feat bear with a pack of
o' boned,4 at his heels, Arid my name
Dint Mike kink, if , the old critter's tail
and I didn't blow out smite times at a
• deal level with tire'v4armitit's back.
"So yuu may. knike=lxl,te we • made old 011djo . sarvea you, my ole massa,
good burn,- tu:Mee e*e elaekened a 14• and alae) young Massa John. Den de
Ile. and then I u114"'im fur a spell, for preacher sayee, 'ho will lub dr one and
1 jnat drappetl behind a stump and hate de oder,' while de Lord knows I
Shur snubbed the et Met. Now, says I, hate you Koff 1'
"Well we reached tine fence, and I
went ashore, over the old critter's
head, landing on 'tether side, and lay
there stunned. It warn't long afore
some of felt BA was not so scared come
round to see what I war ! For all hands
kalkerlated that the bull and I belonged
together! But when Brindle walked
off' by himself they seed how it war,
and one of 'em said. !"Mike rink has
Pot the what of the scrimmage once in
his life !"
'flid you attenduhnrc it Co -day. as I
charged you ?' inquired an old African
planter, in the old time, of one of his
slaves, ashereturned to his dweiliu .-
'Sartiu. masa,' was Cudjo's reply
'au' what two mighty big stores dat
preacher did tell !' 'Hush 1 Cudjo,
you lnusn't talk that way ; whatstor-
ies were they ?'-'Why, he. tell'de peo-,,
ple no man can serve two masses -
now dis is de fust story, 'case you see
irsTir Tait 4 ounter" 1 tts.
'aa ri i 4z
� ,7� � , 4 14.„ '�1H
rd + .alit,,,! :1s f i, t l l
.tt:1 Ointment:' !}re* .0 ni,t etnio.l tiv41 ¢en..t
meter the moue of "'Bonet:4)7 •% t'o. by J. 1".
• Ilknry, t. in • 4 tar, t°o)ail+i4 1 4 13•
-:ei'+ts. end at -4)
„ bC it , «rt n-
=''nt t nt• A/, di- t • .la;:+ cent +any of
huts 1 -rt . iti,taa;•nioe(1trade
1.11,14 t%ors--- { i� 14as .t.;41!. ode
.1,aru,t �teydocl v�^t o,-;1011;8.
RX 1.4 )4=7 '.' cff t..:i .tC r,rtt�ui ltlti
own tun! , under .ra'. the ii:0:10 Din*
to .4 •C1 i. Ie:a1i•18 far a trade m;a•3. n (4, ' ,11
a1rti.4.:, r113. . art;Int alrtudlet•• 414satdle.11 f� ltobbiun of New Val;
ofre3r.ct-1 t1e lugi04 11nbine bp"lto iu1.t •iv. 11n1 l.'o,U
eters aligned to them :m ..l !, a- s.n¢l• co n4:^r.itstrita. ti:c4pt;rlous iurst , ti,u to 110 iire n
1 unerl;pnlestS »chit:.; o 1t:,iu il_rtto at very.
for p14C4 a atul si ll tt;eni to t°.0 a.a'1•• in 1.':mu-
41 11 .,-* €^,a .0.q r13a lis v1 h 111' -.°t tai
I limit eart estly MQ.dr4 o' tfillat,'•;','1',111 i tact
C, 'cls. to manors of f rand!., s mot. a N a r•l.cnliva.•
tan .... n lel;eg.,;,01.:011.411,3lty of twit^- s1' ac .traa:ri•
04.1 .a V1 g t'*04 e! t•t r t a.t4Aat:1' 1111'
a1•:1.4i VI' 4' f - 0118,
1 ar•:4' 1. ae4.41 ld.'
t4 . t:.t3t(• tan -'i.t r We e'at•
414 t s. ' If Woo ! at.t11 ', r'e nal ;, ti.i.'
Str..1.!an lo.a,ta.ty'eartt.e+c.•."'tali!, e•ct.14
tt r1' "1.e a4!fi11iri4•4ra1t{11r!; n7.e1131114.-:1Q :t. IwP'n1•
klit. ati'.; 1 sons Aso flinvx,:-.T. LI tudint."
•'t r'41..1 t t•V•c'4.t1; en eau 1;04 1 is tit.` :84.3 ,"4A,
",i 41x.4,=r.I .trtn^i. t,onaeh,n7d rt :1! n, titer 0r;•
tt1 .e;.""'a-ar4•,1. P;irtl,., tzu+A rn i°t t °1111140 4
t't Er;414.ia st'13f:a4t:I•ariota"As ni 41;,15-, 1% 00101
edits .sail t ae tuv genion,• "Tufo) 1, , tin Cone-
n.atra:v .1,t:" the I';irtic:4 tri. tO ant,. 14o cal ta'33. rr
tat l4'1..ter1. Rat•! Voir t cote 4•'4:'r 4n111:nt et.
T11031l* 1IOI,t,te\l:A)i
Wholesale Druggist
Richmond St ; London
011'1 TART°.
Mowers and Reapers
of onr celebrated '
Singe Mowers
Single Reapers
in all kindeer Grass and Grain, and on all cot.
d itions of soil and surface,
'Vo also offer a Trial of our Wrought Ito.)
Two Bur
111acbiues supplied with
Two Pitmans,
Two .Drag -bars,
Two Finger -bars.
Four Knives,
Forked and Keyed.
Self -oilers,
etc., eta.
Can be changed from Mower
to Reamer
Byremovgl of four bolts, ani in less c
minutes' time
!'lease calleat our wor
our Mac'llines be
?a3kigi ligtso
G. & -J. PETTY
Are prepared to pray the highest
price in 0 A S II for any
quantity of Elo;s,dead
Any quantity of
Cl\-ENARAY- .ttbeaattfi°tl Imp rte1l'!)ouu!*
and 60 I.legant illi ti d y ennui, Card., tle. '
for 10c.. no efiteneo. ii &i, tem,, reit Ley'*'
don N.Y.
•1!bM� in stales, Pic ; 351 erp k tar,: , 13o?,
altlte.iocr, with name: tieetoiutic atco ,Linacr
boa,. 1'. i',
ri .._ RSTA& 11'.,11 lt11\e r Cal a4S art li wore 141'
4d eta. p" c -1,a 4..1..Jaa..s
k t o, .. '.:•.::iia, ti..\`
* = A rt tl 'rt) Atli` xTa. i- 41 4;eenero
z i` %levee 13') trent fr1.e.
el, (Itgteit4ara . ll•.t } It°t>, i.i3t n 1
!' 1t)`
t,.:inti 0 1;. 1 , +*runt., �., „4 co:4M
e re) re, eti .e el Dante et e. e.
eeee a it, t mt , ;t 4 1latee.. Coed .,,:i .`>i.att .
• in .toy tae !•t k snit p tn it free,
!yr,siJ lii;el'ryt 0t.a1)404dr..:+,.r. nn+ fii.
IU1;tF*1.'Et •:1. 1 -1,.t.,1;.0,1:1$, N er !tali5l
IC. ebb; s, le;;13 .i1.'. sea i !, 1 e•t,il
li16•t,. ..1.;-'7,0„ may ....r. t)tttuot 1'•
t.°gt4"t 14 J.
Ca;e# o r
F o r > U
I) tart c) :nen Fct r5, ct! s-` ed ter Fiu--
� \7Eltrrn'atlua(rti4 1 t,k1 1-
i,ntl, 4 ! 11,4t41( 14 'l.,i I.e 1 .i, sett
t',nr,n.te4efr00, 1tllres .'
Awarded 03.457 0051) Ae8PAL at Mara )
Fair, senna, Also, highest at Centennial.
lamest prices in Canada. 4 ' Send for 1:4
. of llama and Organs,
c"' ► $ &delatde St. East., TOII•PN'tCf4
FOB PAIITinf k..%ns hktdtl n; : i
WILSON SEWI1it1 1I.Sit'lx1NE C,ltil".AUFTi.
°+211 Broadway, 1`.. Y. City ;
Vlsieage, Ill.; Neat t.lrleaut1, La.;
ttC t+:tkt .Frataeioen,
constantly on Land
Wholesale and Retail.
All orders for cured meat
promptly attended to
Mt draws kilns tieing 11ow infu operation and
turning out daily a large quantity of
that for allpnrpoacs
cannot be surpassed in the Domin-
Parties:from a distance can always bar* relied
either at the kilns or deliyerd by teams at law
est remunerative rates. Orders from c distance
promptly attended to.
Furniture, Tinware, etc
Hayloft t•nrohnsed the ',Mock and Buildings of
W. J. Gilpin, will give
in all classes of goods, BO as to
li' duce the Stock fully one half btfore re
moa: rny.
Bargains may be obtained at either of the
TYIN STICK tiPi.,€!'IfsN -
Ie. il-x., 1 ce 1i. 41113 ,tons ,;hood
ep*,tend c.•a I,.8.44;4 1)t . 44:9 1.
'17'and pFizr4
11 to IP T i, to 1 1nr,
ilr 8111.9' 4t we '••
'y,_n e;tea; litsoa ..t.?:i ,±te,4a'rn„;,.
Neu System et »t nu'e^d Prellte.
rile re rte€ereetR e:mien:4 14.`1 .5 ld t 1::,11.'0,1
°9et1im5,oIna r•*1°lre,..iatbtu" 111Itike
C'. marls. N44 €11,,54 rte at *tithe 44r ri.;ti 4.1 11,'11.
enit "i.t:rat'.,,i% 11 €9. Ply ta, Liter alwat ati', tt4,7-
t2Ol41 and t 'r. Patter \1' *1.04 A; t o .
street; ta4ttlirt:l a too. Via Wei'.,„ „4t•.: Y.4rk.-
f R
•moi . J4 # T T} {
J iw
r V'11:1341%
n a i t at fr t 4 n4 3e 4Pw
, n 4 r e
t r a r ,taut ' a. t►
1. r tat for t uta steel r i g
et 4, 1.110fli» Asad1t r 441. Nr rift 1•: 4444.t.
A ; c4 nittl al l'ttget ra I at'14 i$ 4 4'i et the 1 41,4.4 +drat
tit toted nnflue .111er.1411A colt. -1 ba s,t'4rt!it0)
Well. 'r140autaeriptint4ie0111. "1. 1, pi^ 3.41.40,1411
reeds. of trent,"1 w.+ tvitl s4 `N1 OW Pent l$'. telt mew.
dotted Mane, *1 oa 1.1 1eikiniaor iia',• '4 it to
4+11, the i''AUStsa nitiiu,°"4154; t a hail. v.11 t pe.t! t,
Splendid ttelneettnoat4 to :,gent:..
Johnston t Gibbous
Detrtrpt .licit,
Winter Resort,
J.4 4.,1I A-.I%..OA•
SIX to seven dap,' voyage from New York Sy
the .1ti8N 0 en 4 utt'a stoma. ws. will cnravey yen
to MI 1Lto•;t alba 1.1,0 I.* the w,arad, ,vnere t4,'ru In
a"Goi 1a of ten ,uroture stud to.) Most beautiful
ieen'rf, amid tomtit tins, Volleys, atnti Willtliatt
itive)'s. The climatal 84 eery and warm, Itta4llav
recommended by physicians es being speei145.
udupte.l for invalids, an " also favorite report for
Tho Atlas Company's British built, fir: t°class
iron steamers. carrying the British coloniaa111,1(1
United states Wain., learn .1\ *AV Yolk twist 6
D. 23atersby, Agent, 1 8 St. James at.. 71Ton-
ttoal, ;Hess, Morgan & Co„ 67 Young i•t.,
10E14Ta, 56 Wail Street. New Yolk.
pu teem iii leis a cortain remedy for co Nan�rs•-
TIoY. Aek your druggists far it. -
Circulars free. Address 4. 4 moans, 18 Cortland
it. Now York.
50.000Cednr ostsfor 81410. Farmers
v and eaters (101;(1048 of 4bt4tLi-
ing 'testi-. can have them de-
livered a any stetinu along 1hoL. H-& 13.11„for
181 cts, a post, or put o e the cares at Ethel, for
8 cts. Bound or square coder any length, or di -
mention, cut and sawed to order, Apply to J. 1$o
lnzvr•.n,athol,tloalerinoodar posts, fence lum-
ber sud shingles.
C. Southcott cid Bon
Ta:40RS and CLOTHHILitS,
Take plea sate to irforntthe inhabitants or Exete
add minim cling country, that they have jus
ope.ted oat au excellent assortment of
Tweeds, Coatings, 'Feelings etc.,
of Walston styles and patterns, and foe) aes:•ere4
that iu tie matter of clot%tIng, they can suit the
A number of Wanzer F Sewing maobints
wilibe sold at a sacrifice to clean out stock.
Why I b,' . _ht it_