HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-1-10, Page 1Vol. IV EXETER, ONTIARIO, TIIUIISD Y, JANUARY 10, 1. 375. No. 20. iSCELANEMOR ! ;trE DISQUIET OF ENGLAND. ELECTIONS. 1RL WANTED.—One that cau llo �. rt general Housework. —Apply to F. G. Simpson, dfolson's Bank, Exeter. ??"ANTED --An a'isistant teacher fr r f rediton publio School 11,=ties to coin mance i th January. 1 7i . Apply to W. SeNNAr or Jena 1.4ru t, t'retuton, '�T J. CLARK, Agent for the Us - ..t.1 *borne ant Iiihbert Mutual t ize rummies Cemp rim ii ,i4iclicu-aearfl;aline, Dramby mail promptly attend,'tto, *" a ''FiW BUTCHER SHOP,- The undersign±'il,Kp';1t9^a to acquaint .the inhabi- t •nt i of Exeter r and hU1'roituding a ,t=ittry that Ho Pia+r1 •1i4d out 114'W 11ntcilet 4;1t1,s. 314 :it 4044. t+* • Il :: i tk rt ;:ic 1rl he will beopttas�l , lyof frt rh ,.eat v‘,11,1 .uric 011 haul. 1. Cash f,' hi,l ':lu l hit cp�;La tri. Jolts }+l,w ( iC1 �.Ni l:l — . M N TO • ta..b. 0 -; at t 1 . 1 6 r+'r i n+r,it burial crenitit ft, •, w,.•1; are e. Land for i"•trdl'n, l0 fa 'u 1.C',0 ;u taa.t, a;. t1�: to I A7,idoed,� Apl,,,e it: ,a> ref! 1 i [+.i up to December fidud.ls1—. A,4,,111.i :, rVe iir1,s. MONEY' ONEY TO ILQAN---T.aar a and salon t 1111Th of ir.o11 t to 20114 *a 1.4..1•t - i -1 cf1' 1x�,at,t nv.,: vent- pay Irk. seu:•lc. with 1, l.i , t.. t 1a It .frac a r o p': w ,ir* off ell <.l r t t .€ i ti',1. ft LI w' boa .0 i, A1,ufy t*, "nestele & II1'1)SOti I£en aril, Ont. AP.'xr t-:'.tt:. A410'44404'1,,,f•, c c,-;;•r:ox:=,' l:t t».- entree, tai{ r , , tent tt opeor ,, iso i , e to a•=?,i/II'.rhea' -, , C. Olen} 4 f lt: ,ti_•t atl.u.i„a too .lots prrl 1+10.1,,: uta .'71;1 - 0 hS C A,'.: t'l:ELL. PEf)V tNOI Ale t l.a !!it v.' * _ , , r ;71 ie at t"x' R w la li.•t 1•, ,•t i a,a• t 41 7 i a r S' iS in 4Y 11.4 t 1aud,1. (.4 6 . for s : 1 i s int "i.'. Joittl ±tpe,4„i.laltl .. (evolve etweGsrt te-t4a1tt inn - LAKE, Co11117nie.i%mer, Sllillr- . .'.-1 i,f SCA 1.4111t1 t 1',it. Miele, n.+.:t r1-1•,, n la 1.1; .,:.1 a1 Ull1'l. I:: setae. Wil sons l,(.V13••.t41.,iri,'. • 3ltl \ .1T,t:: FUNDS to loan at 8 per lI veer. J1 ORTGAGES ONVEYANCING —Deeds, r: vies. �w�*11 I. it:f,,I. itWn on rears l;1b10 terms IOC INCLAIR TAIT. Daalor in Pitney (loo:I•i and Toys double and s:u&o l.i'rin \Viva, of all color. Alha Zetle1yr allltl Om -wanton dol Next 0uCI xvirthof tho Tarrns•office, Exeter, 1-T. R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,l1.1t.0.D.S. 011AL:to ofRoveleollrge 17;,�.r, R .,,�..-;*' ge Trental Sur t. 'mom. one, °.. . .. tt. Unice int Fannon's, Blricit-.-l.nis• old stand,Lxe for. JOHN. SOWAN, Has just commenced business one half mile West of Dashwood, and is prepared to clean Clocks, Watches and Sewing liacilines. Um- brellas repaired and Organs and Melodious at- tended to. Tnose in want of his services should giva him a call before goh.g away from hone. Chatges moderato and entire satisfac- tion guaranteed. DREW'S HALL, Main St., Exeter. The above large and convenient hall I. beeu fitted nide the most approved style, belee thelarge';t in the place. On application, a first. clasp piano will be furnished. For terms, etc, apply to Geo. A..lfaco,ono door so,ith. Also to rent for a term of years, the large store below the 11all,nn oxeollentcellar, and water con- venient. For partienlar°apply at the someplace SCENERY TO RENT 014 SELL.—A set of scenery, entirely new, suitable for a:1 kinds or entertainments, dramatic and musi- cal, consisting of seven scenes and drop enr- tain, wings and stage fittings complete, For terms, address 1.110STHWAITit &LUDLOW, Drawer I, St. Mary's, Ont. N. B. Talent fur- nished for Concerts; • Dramatic iJntortain- ents, &e. Terms. reasonable. Scenery painted to order. • lm ';tiTEW LIVERY STABLE, Main Street, Exeter. MARK CLA1tE14 wnn]d ac- ' quaint the public that he has opened a new Livery Stable on his premise, fife public will find good and comfortable rigs at allhouxs and at moderate charges_ ..c 4 PROPERTY_ .!ST - TARM FOB SALE. ---The subscriber offers for sale, lot 13,, concession 5, Stephen, four miles and a half°.from Exeter, comprising ' 100 acres, 90 acres cleared: Good log house and frame barn, splendid. water, soil fit'for dairy or grain, also r splendid” brick yard ou the premises, For further particulars apply to Bauman Yemen, on the premises, or to' Exe- ter, P 0 xeter,P0 -iRM FOR `t ALE. -• One L1 huuu .'d acres, More or less, lot 0, on $ill eon.:Usborue, County of Huron, 7Saeros eI oarocl,remainderin hardwood bush, Noll fenced and good state or µ610n, Underde ed, good orchard, en Lid orefrain •; Syc70, c.r-Ooo.1 cellar an- tttao,• ebool end ., A.rl article in the Loudon News of tit Gth int. charges that a conspiracy against the peace and honor of the country exists iu elle highest regions of the state, cud that patriotio Ilan le have beeu robbed t1f their tranquility and made to know that some dark, ht. 8er Mable flower is plotting a; ainet them. It says thoughts of peace :envie entirety dirk►ppoared, and a disruption of the cabinet is imminent, From the tette of this arti;lo and other feats and rumors it is evident that trio etieis in the Englieh eituetion has arrived. Thera is reason to believe that the late sessions of the Cabinet have re- hultl•tl in nx irreconcilable divitai<iit, front winch the gravest oonsequeuce:l May be apprehended. One coatolltsiou believed to have been reached is that a eeremptory demand will at once be made on lwuseia for the definition of her intentions, null in the ease of leer refuel, war ►sill be doehtred forthwith. 7'Isere is no reason to think that RI's• sia wain return A favorebre answer to the de1n:►ud for her terms of peace, and tht'u enforced ula:dirttion will at once fe,ll.lw, and this lneane argued inter• va'uti�ln end ear. There is uo doubt that Beaconsfield ie baclt.tl by tile. Qartin aIi4 tt majority of the Cabinet, at.tt that lie is Telt=ntless in Ilia deter- ttl'anatiou to (ince Russia to stair vI, re -lie is or precipitate au twined collision. It eeerbt certain that Euss=a is deter- mined t+, push bur oanquests to Oin- �ltantinople, and conclude a separate peace with Turkey, and it is equ.1i1y certain that England will not submit to such a.' programme. The next two or three days are li dile to be the most ex- citing known here abate the declaration of war, Disraeli . bas forced England to a point where war seems almost un- avoidable. A Conservative member of the Brit- ish Parliament says :—Eugland does not 'wish war, and is trying by every possible means a1{or,at of dRa,houor to avoid it. Tho causes underlying En- gland's action and her apparent vacil- lation are not understood. Tho real explanation of the situation is to be found in India. A, largo element of the natiyes are uneasy VhDER THE ENGLISH TORE. They have journals which have of late been filled with seditious articles against English rule. They know that Russia is our traditional enemy, and that her advance tt'ward Constanti- nople is. viewed with extreme dislike by England. In seeing that Russia still advances, despite our opposition, they conclude that le The following is the result of the 11tuuicipal elections held on Monday, in a few of the neighboring towns BLYTII—lteove, W. Olegg. fCoun- cil1: 11leQuarrie, W. Shane, J. Petah, and Thos. Watson. Beeete n—Reeve, Pentlidge. Council lora—Cleave, Stauberty, earl Reward. Dntessnr.s --- Reeve, J. Iarokio. G,auucill ire -� P. Thompson, J. 11. Smith, Thrid. Town, and J. E. Snaith. Galntanen--,Meyer, Samuel Pollock. R love--J:111es T. Garrote., Deputy Reeve' ---Fred W. Joun+tnu. Second Deputy Reeve --E. M trim, Council. lora---St. David's Ward, T. N. D.uioey, D. 0. Strachan, and John Mitchell ; St, Patriolee liTtirl, \\rtli. Yitahell, Samuel Sloan, and John Aolioaon; St. George's Ward, ."Slat 113W 1Inteltiso11, N. J . Sacs►r.1, and Daniel Mcltiay St. Andrew's Ward, R. I1. Cozzens, Sew mous, and Alex. Watson. 11rTeu!�.t.r,—Mayor, tV.. R. Davis. Reeve. Jutues Silie. D.+patty Reeve, al W Cull. All by acelitiim tion. Comb eiliors—. Archer, Thomas eDona'� , pp A. Goebel, D 1ieP+teil, R. W. Uere e. Jaime D.Ivis, 1I McIntyre, ll. med. earl, Poet T. L. 13ray. Seeeor.Tii--.ltavor, Dr. ti:.ale:rie , by ticelren .tion. Reeve—D. D. Wileen will MeL"an are a tie. Co,uncillofrs-- T. i) wrew, A. Strong, A. Stewart 1 (A:►nrbali. \V, fi raeeie, L. \1n' phy, G. Wiliieminu, J. Beattie, and 1 N. Oaf far. Mwily'e---\1s ir, D. A. Robert. son. O ,necillora—•North Ward, I1, 1 , \V:l,ion, Usere. and 3. Coleinita South Wirral, J. Whitson, T. Elliott, anti S. Fr'ale it h : West \Yard, D. S. Rupert, E. W. Harling, and It. White. ENGLAND IS AN EFFETE POWER. They are already dangerousay exalted over their belief in our weakness, It is certain that.if we do not check the Russian advance we will lose our hold on the. Indian population. If we don't fight, they will. It is certain that an unchecked Russian advance on Con- stantinople would excite A DANGEROUS REACTION among the Muesnlmans of India. The shortest way to keep down these classes is by fighting Russia. The empire of India must to cemented with blood. The Afghanese populations are in re- volt and there is uneasiness everywhet e, which can only bo quieted by au ex- hibition of England's power. The Government has mush information showing the emergent character OF THE SITUATION IN INDIA • which is not before the public,” "How far will 'Englund permit Rus- ,sie to go before declaring war ?" "The occupation of Constantinople or the opening of the Dardanelles to the Russian. navy. Up to. this point England can remain quiet. Beyond that point she will fight beyond' all question. "HOW ABOUT GERMANY ? "The insolen ao-of Russia +shows that she is backed by some other Power, presumably by Germany i but Germany does not'colint, She cannot move ex- cept at the risk of setting the armies. of ?raeco in motion. Incase Frauoe, Germany, and England `aro involved, nothing can prevent' Austria taking the - d.; ..i 's influence LAWLESSNESS IN NORTH MID- DLESEX. Peen: DUAr,1Sn IN Brnnur:ra —Tun T.,uCAN LOCI. 1'F BURST OPEN, AND A PRISON- ER RESCUED. One night last week three large barns belonging to Mr. John Herbert, farmer living between Liman ar,d Clandeboye, were totally destroyed by fire, together with theft contents. The loss is very severe, as a good deal of Mr. Herbert's Crops were in the barns at the time, and the buildings wore of a superior kind, The fire was undoubtedly the, work of an incendiary, ae the propri- etor next morning traced freshly made footsteps from the road to the barns. It is rumored that late difficulties in which Mr. Herbert had been engaged may have been , the cause of the out- rage. Chief Constable Everett, of Lllcan, lately arrested a young man named Ryan, on a charge of having an unlaw- ful weapon in possession -that weapon being a huge dirk -knife. A consider. able number of Ryan's friends objected to the surest, and threatened to liber- ate him from the lock-up, in :which he was placed. Consequently, the con- stable 'guarded the building till three o'clock in the morning following the St- reets, when, all being apparently quiet, he wont home. The boys wero not to be beaten, however, and no sooner had Mr. Everett gone than, leaving a house in whish they had been concealed, they smashed the doors of the lock-up, and, gaining an entrance, liberated the prisoner. Ryan has not been seen in Liman since ; and, although several young men aro suspected of commit- ting ospnit-ting the lawless act, there is no detect clueto the depredatois,aand they will likely go punished. FOREIGN NOTES. On:Friday ttie schooner T BWharton of New York, stench on Hatteras Bar and ni w lies sunk. Jarnes -Bodine, steward, was lost overboard. The "Gazette announces the creation of the Imperial Ordar of the Crown of India, for ladies only... The order has been conferred, on all the princesses/ eight ;Indian Highnesses and 1.8 other persona; of distinction. `"`? '` Dugald McLeod and Angus John son trees 'committed for trial at Wood- stock ori Monday for a violent assault and attempted rape on Sarah J. Hunt, 1,0 same place: • :'*• a nigartnalkors in Nes ork or three hnndeed, dr: load of f#jtiiture be - oiler's family,' who n -a tenement k. After Sothern'e engegemontl at Park Theatre concluded last Saturday night. For eighteen weeks' performance lie received $40,OCO. O. A. Byrne, editor of the DJamatir Wo are glad te know that the pro. meters of the Western U at; ern nlversr'y scheme are meeting with very en- couraging success. The charter ii now being applied f.n-, and, no doubt, News was an Saturday assaulted by will be re:►dity granted by the Parlia• Geo, Perdu, father of Kate Girard. !merit at its ae.pro zehiug session. The acieess, on account of an article alleg- ( bill will be taken charge of by W. R. ing that she was insane and col:fitled i Meredith, Esq,.The work of canvas- iar an a%ylnin. • 1 si:lg for sttbt-eriptions will be carried The schooner Sinloa, of M. skins, on by Rev. J. Gemlt:v, who bas con. Capt. liebineon, from Elizebeth;"art, rented to undertake this work ut addl. with it c:tree al sial for Peril.►t141, hent tion to Iris duties in eouueetion with ashore in a storm ou Friday night' $t. Paul's church, The Iteg. S. L. near the 1lahttrtls. Scituate, All l Smith reeeris rneeting with good en. hands were rescued if.er lours of iu- I tenet) suffering. The vessel wits a to- tal las. 'Usury D.tnb, of Wltaeli!tu, West V 1rginia, an trnmenaely wealthy m ►ll, ea far an1t awn at preeeat, of $890,600. and who had been married twice, quer.1:eee C.auncit filet with closed doom, re. re.lel with his wife. who fi,.ally turnedl t,ortere bider; .excluded. &wee of the llitn'out dile 11014 0, winch was owtia:d icouncillers l ttaeknl the Mayor and. by her, and it is said bi-sari au immor-: chairmen of the Fivance Ocleau3ittee al life Daub shot himself on bis first for Goneealiure the matter, bat they wife a grave. wan) their objet WAS t,a oellect as Prof Mettwitz, of Reams City, �Tn., mileb tis peesible tf the sum atdvaueeft was killed en Friday ulnrni:rg while ,!before pilt,lielfing anything`' . Theyal. wa:l ting outhe t1iessluri I t;fie,1,eee that security is hell S.ptclr, opposite the 1»ui:sn elevator. ttflo•int of the deficit. Ho W0. !mode d down 1+t7 latlllme rail;. , a .t A nig freight ears and the life crushed .Tia"' s' u c'f , Ir. J. R. Ct3ld, uft*11, mi dl:arr(;c11"r'' *1GC!t trltlt fill %Iciiilt+I]t liter* ont of lliiu in a feer minutes. The body " ' lay near the track for three hours be- Ile ww'liich welt; resulted fnueiug Ifo and mime ntlls�r3 were antuing fore the 'nutibtted retuni.ls were glIta- ,,,;i , tl tett e a .vra U � 'ti o b n ff par -sit ' 8 tII .14)ati• seed un 'l he unfiartltuattr Ira tft ll:td v w i a ow } f' 1 laden au impecunious and eccentric ll it1 it der, iii fngim of )a Ili aders roach©r of music and lan;;atw. e, and son's tinglrc►p. young :ila•Dtlugall was ht+]ilius the powder (about testa poet:del iur'agetneut in lint cane:sea 111 our wept+ ern towns. L -furl t . D 1rion, this City Treasurer �f Qa1eb' O, is a defaulter to the amount, was knlovet es the Bassein Ceuta. He was at ono time C'a►ptaln in the Ruse stein army, but was bewailed to Siberia on account of a duel. His escape to Amerion forms a thrilling chapter of per -Oval adveutura and suffering. The °oust resided in ¥ansas City for about two years, ttnd at one ti11111 was a pro- fessor of languages in the High School, Latterly he became reduced in crcum- stances, could not pay Iiia bills, and, it is said, in a fit of melancholy, plunged his body under the wneels of eho pass. Yaunnl's ithauties, on the Tipper Otto. ing freight train. wa, left Mrs. Dean's on Sunday after- ------— noon, about two o'ezoeli, withtiler 10- after - DOMINION IONi NEWS.tentiou of visiting Horne of her friends --- in Lower Town. Nothing was teen of The Government steamer Newfield her by .Mrs. Dean until Sunday night, from Halifax, with goods for the 1.it►ris 1 about 8 o'clock, when two .len knock - Exhibition, arrived at Havre on Sun- ed at the door and asked if elle knew day, where a woman they had in their arms A young man named {hark is sup. resided. On hearing Mrs. Dian speak posed tohave boon drowned in the the woman said, "Oh, airs, Dean. something has happened me ; won't harbor att ICinoardine dal tSuu3ay morn- you help me in?'" Ono of the men as - Mr. George Casey, M. P. for West g. sinilted, Mrs, Dean to carry the women Elgin, has )ust been married to Miss and left before giving any new,. A fowv minutes afterward the womanI' Issabolla Biggar; daughter of Mr. 3. L. diefd. Mrs. Dean says she would not Biggar. M, . for East Nostbumber- be able to recognize the men if she land. met them again, as they were muffled A brutal murder was committed at up. Dr. Lynn .began an inquest on West Oegoode, Russel Ca. on 2nd Jan,, Monday. by James McMullen. He killed his �. wife with a club. McMullen is said to be partially insane. in a dear box, and is the first iugtat meat did not go cfi, be put mora on. The i'reeult was diet the entire two pounds were sot on fire, causing au ex- plosion, which seriou•iy injured Me. Dougall. Ho i. now recoveriug. On Sunday night a most .mysterious death occurred at the residence of Mrs. Dean, No. 228, Albert street, Ottawa. A woman named Mrs. Pelltoy, whose husband is employed iu ono of Captain, There -will be be no salute or hard of honor for the Lieutenant -Governor Cauohon on the opening of the Legis- lature. If the Local Government are required to pay the expenses, they say they can not afford it. Correspond- ence is now going on with the Ottawa Government. Mr. Rtohert Bonner, of Brantford, has recently purchased from B. Ward Macey, the young trotting mare, Maud Macey, which Major McDowell and other gentlemen in Kentucky sayis the very best one that over left the state, =rhe pride paid was $10,000. Maud Macey is now sia years old. She is chestnut in color, 15t hands high, and has a record as a five-year old, of 2.273. Dr. Tupper's sons have shown a proferenoe for the law rather. than for their father's- profession of 'medicine. His eldest sou has been for some time praotisiug in Toronto ; and we see by a Halifax paper. that his second eon, Charles H.. has just been adi`<iitted a partner in the eminent firm of Me - Donald & Rigby, Mr. Jamas ("Pictou") MoDonald, the leader of the Halifax bar, being the head of the firm. , Rev./T. V. Roy/the Brahmin ,Priest, was tried at'Brantford on Saturday last, en a charge' of obtaining false •pre- tences. • The prosecuting attorney, -Mr. Van Norman;" refused' to prosecute on , the ground of false pretences, as there was no 'case. On the count of opuvertiog to bis'' own use property belonging to withers; :that could -sly be tried iu the county, of. Wentworth, as the alleged sale'wrs made in Hamilton, J :star's Balsam, Wild Cherr•r,,r. The, groat remedy for consumption. This roll -known remedy is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experi- ence of over forty years: and when re- sorted to in season, seldom fails to ef- fect a speedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Group Bronchitis, Influenza, Whoop- ing Cough, Hoarseness, Pains or sore - noes in the Cllest or side, Bleeding at the Lungs, Liven Complaint,etc. Be- ware of 0 tunterfeits l Remember that the genuine Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry has on the outside atvrapper the signature "I. Butts," aid the printed name of the proprietors, "Seth W. Fowls & Sons, Boston." An others are base imitations. -••Examine the wrapper carefully before purchasing. 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by dealers generally. STEPHEN*. ELEcuoe.—The• election iu Stephen on Monday lent, resnited in the return of T. Coughlan for Reeve, T. Yearly - for Deputy Reeve, and'$clinarr; Silber--�. Baker for Oouncillors. Below' ie state of the poll in the ,different polling places NAME. N 1st. 2uat.•8rd.4th.:5t11,,Tottt,l.._ Hogarth... 81 94 V8 29 ''84 29n Gougelan.. 36 42 75 -90 63 307, Yearly..... "94 99 57 22_ , 28 295 Ratz......... 8 32 69 9,4. 31 221 Sohnaar....165 114 54 .21 8 262 Eilber-:..,, 73 103 +75' ' 44" 13 313• Ralker......103 110 12 14 298 but • ander instruction of the • plaintiff Reath... .. 1-1 17 °27 73 76 - 2n7 the Case Was not,pursued, Prisoner (Doyle... . 8.• 12 '�62 55 5 142 was discharged. ,There are rumors o€ Swouerton 84.`- 19 ;117 . 4•. 9» 83 falseprosecution for -0 ;;1 •_ 3 10. and the