HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-1-3, Page 6VtTOOD WOOD after this, war cannot longer be averted. This feoling is daily growing iu intern Biter from the hostile tone of the Thee - sleet press, whish defies .England and denounces her for her efforts toward bringing the belligerents to terms of peace. Tim Liberal party in England II l Piascribe the present condition of affairs to D'Israeli, who, they say, ettolnpte(l 4.4 JANUARY 3,188 1r as many .years looked •er4 were so many youn- ,-ould do honor to the Deeiug tee past two years there lits.; °Pelt some •complaints regarding rile expenditure of money, but in his t pi, ten it ¢'ed all been judiciously spent, anti le- thought that not one among the ,ow would arise his voice to say tine had done wrong in tnekinc 11ae n4(1]y improvements hi the which this money was 1zece's- •r •gatin thanking the elect- eni nitiOA, Ur. Verity sat please. ward said that he had `1',. Verity did not intend 't Stitt al€arlin, at:d having y a Int•ge'limber of fr(ende e.:4e Cottrell, he had finally . but wttheut any thought of lnediatIOn. Blowing that Ru96ia'8 reftt• vicr4 41,4, ' sal to allow England to mediate, cowl t tom' * only be regarded as a snub that wank intensify the war feeling in Engle:et tend finally cause some act which would result. in hostilities between Engla!'4" to u 4 and Russia. Russia demands, if art. heln ri armistice be greeted, the surrender t JMM1>t: viae.I?O Z.ANT NOTICE TO THE Raving now, completed nay stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, ars guarantees. Put it seem:, impossil COLI) and that Turkey should accept such tem.; t-- . thetillage upon which he de- SIl SILVER far a niers truce. which would ulalt'e Il(t , !t tot e•:ly a few words. and: that was CHNS. rile ul:mkt t t alestio,l. rico vearr, PLATED CHAINS, completely at the ntercy of her em•n2 1, GOLD SETTS, in O•le "e"'ly c'f negotiations faro➢iia 14f r :a v sue building ofat,r coaeglo, - an tiGa 1 t L iter and now we have EAR DROPS, ;tl'<d It i 1 stated by Russian janruale that iu : tiara setdoe best buildings to bo found Ct?ittllilll,•E, BROOCHES, the fa,C➢owillg a editions are ilgreetl t14 i "t^;� e. 11`etrr. The village lead grown l ,trot Iinl ratitidity, a rt.ilroatl has" ?,• itt !rel the aside greatly in. ewe • . The result of all these 1m- wale to he seen in the ur- • 1• n r11'lrket. if :'e decided on le. I slid Gntt219n it aside for, tee :...• and the mine advance. n1c'nt N erre made le the nest five Tears the fortresses of Rustchuk and Silistri:e ilr. er ty. There was one Acting the most vital iuter- A MER f Y X. AS' anc1 tit HAPPY NEW YE SMITT uecessors to A.. 7. Rollins, While, thanking their numerous friends for their liberal patron. age, continue to offer great bargains in Sashes, Dress Goods. Teens., Prints, '41 t17iit©ls, iw ustres, Pauly Woollen Goods, Gents' overcoats for MC, A good suit made to order for $1G Boots at $2 per pair, IN YC+ROCERIES They cannot to un(ierseht. Xmas Candy in atlu.nlance. in atiQ•ltilee L174:411 Will etsilst'ut to enter I sial now prepared to offer great harden• menta to buyers. I am ending at clef, nth a ennferitneu :- arl;:y'tz nccept- Ciocke. S elver W'4ttches, lite !]est value arae of the e`inclttsiorls of the Confer ever offered in 0131.14%t ►va;tell,re nLir ° ante as re('e„ard9a Delgaria ; th0 openitap pries `?, for X141. +1ti 1i'zltehEr forof theIhiru111zellt's to IPti•ls+ian warships. $12. $13 wrltell•'s for 10. Deu't fail . to eea them. iie3' [%.11.l' nat:•lt. tnnependenee of INttznlatlia, a ueession•. 4'. very low in Price. 1 (0.,n sollivee 37+ nm.t" :*areas 4s141 :I.lntt'flef'r+?, nnit tilt' rs' • that wr htivo+ nitnes eJ to IIle rasa fiver, telt. below oltt price..ittring the Heal "tifieatitln of the ,goutier in Aeht 'Motor. tt.t. to t e+'rttlin that instead c+f Exeter ,ostia. I have the l:tr;,'i'yt' n�o4lttla'ye'}]t She will thin fun iter ehateces of get- [ of -Cloaks oft 1Ve tem t)utar10 ( ott,e. D tin;, whatever else she play ,rendre, h and see them. 1 heal $1'1'.ialr rens c;lr 4(p. 1h,it+.erl9'al\+►crnsiderablemagnanilliity They are something enirely ne.v. a �g -141 tri Cta'ra, iu choosing their men tor My t4toete of Silver Wore is ve('yi tt the Cu',zwhen. he torrid have a.Letl , te7H hid alas stow twit*, th(•y,' twee toed complete. b f; ' the eeseiou of all Tur'l:ey with puel ,,,.alai pit:•ate (e111entlaer their ballad.. seer4„.4t1E344. ..„0„,h..a, .:,1. L.„114,11„ the s' ,lt4' Cli;ltaec3 of having his request i +►-,','area J In ee Hereon". Ile then track' r ' lir. 1' Dieeett t.i.I tire lira entered king called t' a very mart village," us it mile is. it would then' be space) of! as an '• exceedingly snmrt town,°' If ltri"', ` i'}.tI(t. i 4`palli3ils'tl with. rale ete' stout et I all •!'t'w GOL1:1 1i•l,l►1.11 evil LINGS. li!':ttttilalG U.11 ear 3': pregrecmmg itis{, the, i` . mail in i$77 ti erttlitted to age' 6Je11T11• witlt 1`tt!;a.t4g C41 importance 4.e.itaNI?tI.f his, aiui10L tAlptV eeee11.NRIII?GL LICENSES. let• ant „IR; :SSC? tit" a ainate 4(.f a few *mien.; til event 'tees for the le :74 tit' 44 tilt' vit. J4 etitlt Iron•'.; . a retro esc's by the Errs j loge. and he e anal 1 t"443•t'it-tltitoal*la a'aeS ,lilt, ha' haul 41`,41. • hat. !'.tart td' ntay (4114' eepee'itl titre year. €,e tl•'•s aepeeteal !Lee. Mit aft. r eite•h.n au4'. lu tat•tt111.' 488 any favor for liCt7t), lit ,,'atonal tell' ..•" "-ti C_-.- wtia, St7 TH£/"'�•• . Sina=les X43 �a ;' ,: p , i 7 ,ti as. s 1:ttR I nil sit nae 1. J.Xli".TE 4 .Ft) 1INATI X .3. December ene Civ 111 1i=e!v theft eh'')' 6",ate' 1 ltaPI 11will • THROA T iI *4131 ,' & BIGOn MIR • i:1(: ti5111;e: t4(: 774,+; 'i ITr1 4.4'1.11'4V3,' J t1"lees 611 ;i1 tl 0 4. Jl • II" i 0h..ifl I t . ! . l U4( the tsot..lrrfe47 ut4t91r2rr to is lath CIM •rtalrt4.1 4(:r l.n t 4T. 1':1 7:, .1:. 17441t 1131: i•"4`91: WENT'S Fon TUE fent, m:Arco r Eft' 1..:J1'1:. P7`4. went 11 L't:w to, 'Int•' LAZA It U S cC 'Al 0 It RI S u1.;f,itrlt-a "At 1; t1v r29t u. tt t.f ti talZi^lalt(•R to Mi ► mf'n1 1f 1 tl € culla 8 �•),+tl R t lea f, i 1 ;" ^''•IJat9 ;t! j•,r ,j'2ttt'Ili°rr 4�'la)e1i11 4(1*' Jewelry. } SPECTACLES. • Tito netematto Remember, •, 503 l ,e teeth lir, Nettle. tla}at .. e' t•?;leet9111at1r•&, air( Catc,wr.tatre,tol too rata(..afl:et(•-r1134ter tic. isrt4. ke it's ruatalo• r•1 tit f yl sale r4( ; r;enre of Na• of IIton• Ji;tat bet, C. n y ,',art ill➢ 1111!1 tote, e L1 •!" (:44 r,a.',14ti• I a.neeti. xll4ett t..ut only ,Sherr' rt'eg 11••°elei. 141,4 wee Ila• tan• ,aria 114"11" 44;44, its"1• Atop'►oln fur heat. leo,. me +b Non n! rr rid' 8 rltnr run to 1 sot Ito lairrisv4•tl tilts /•.11 r.*a.oe if it tl(t11 @y'1 1i4:rnata 4e.r•, u `ilia, nae brine sf tin • Clef ty toeing in . tin tt.t+ltrrt4 tltraelr of nm,;a t111,Cnalrtrt+r�rr. n'142a•h r b!t(? t]t`(':ttlwEu 1Rr. ttkrtn�°rat 1114• t,11?'11at'tiyl t"f 2t i¢c•+ 8"a.na teiill:t til 4nea,(urr. Irl alit rnrie of Ill "1 tltll+urt.:tl:t ll'.,llt 1T1 as art�act inti; the Yitlat;�Q tii41 :net detested i/, lint l raalt�ttttts4 .eir*r_v ('ullgltR.nm! alnrrnrlti r -,t 4 a d tett4•1littptl r t o ler the ,tareeeet, Per wI13 ie(+1a1 111 the amine' the !net r('tt ni•tlttla•,, lite haying alr.l..;ta t.0 stt(t rani 4mntrnt )l+I,%. s r;usai 14tro a ne •4 ft err P t t' '*• t rt.9 itn a•it'nr.t4e.1 rate 4t s s':a••e•llt. 4i `e teen '4,,,aa(iti4 inst. ;a bliyilit.S$ bad nee. a,. d ti4te°4••f«„l•l 11IYt1 r tt e} of the _ T1. ;11. 4(:r, tt11iG at t at;.* .,the ree.iae t ,'nasi+ie. it �ti•� *cttq�+ t tt*�7*t J'"4('f.•• tli� t i:•t.'.'(' Beek. t,t:'Cal.*, i•t••atmarket v.aeuI t't1"-ly ratio t1. 11. If the "tail4rtitu+ 1044 t .ret 1n•9 ptatlilt•N tote +14 •�*td+aC.iF+tn� d: +L+ 1+ Al J , "i tlltitatl S. tt� art, +t zttn! tise,rnee.•9t irl,trui.l•4u•ttt- e evert fret hie late very ee r4 ill• " Council otc.eit n proper !u'>itron for utg t.c. t, r e., t4 a.tir 44:1 lti9atlatltw, fri,t.t'he /•4(•.;a, ni'�i�lltal over tris ar(leew +' tilt' market by R,, , n'4,s•t •+rt•at1t,la ria u1sn11 kLlatnU, !•3tii» 1 1 Illll,i. lila vote f •r It Itil9t tla• Jr '.e G.rti at},tit. 1tt•ae tu:a1. .,• •: • ..•.> ` e • 1 tt t t. ,Itho t4(• 4'`lt lcil ' 4' 11,f r (gimes. !Itis I9.1Pilitaltton-i et.laatr metal al 1'' t•r til tee('nutted or caret tit it •..=•ea.. 41.1 11;114 rate:.. ate r.'tuteitterl and. 4914"4'15 54 t t i14r .ltin4 a ^::amts t v;t.eaaut.aa v'.lilt <]`eloee. anti at•rl.titneel at ilrta"rve.1.4 truth *Ir. E. Innes •, mold litre;, the people la 1.r•I. ....• •i}.etaalr. `i4att.rllennl, It'rvr , a e L 94.1 a Igm9.':We �__: .. } a . r. !rt elece him. Ilo t4t'tlld t o till Hort wos tt,na ;t ,t t.s an4• 1,"*"':fl, lttn•uga 44 a1,1 122• J' raa:•'ra rt•, a1rl,l.ar. In Ids power to tu1v9iutti and 1 did up ut••4.fee: .1111sesitc..,,:rh4l:ta•4.i.ltaveltboar! 419(+ cill4lrti. IIt1 tits 49eea1tCtl elle sec. tnlar'.f-lam htnn•ylar,utllar,oc ' l e i t n i 4, 14( ! 4.t +4 Ph r•• Wel i't,rc in tit+91,11 fo.'ii 'a: v Welt 8,,f.m. d to Ilorvad(' 0.14••'494. r,a.44 4 r:it4,r.Ittl1, alu'si:yeti With hot 1 a . 1ata tvi.11 4(!3 !te Ct'ttl4t if they sAs t,L Lt ioree.'oetitJ' or ta;an::4tt `melt*. u. stanr 441 1 4.'e"r4(.>, 4Chtn *5154(4 flit. tl w(,`4. 111 ti P r tete taen4.t.s..a,, tlt•4•»t•e. t• 1 ..I (t h ▪ t}+,341 for thc� t'tlula.•'1 reel lI Hardy THL'11aD I, JAN t AEI 3,1t7t1. 4 atm cleat d Reeve by aeelamation. The «..�,._ number of a acture ltrez;cnt was large, RALLY. 114 • the' atuur. A little diverei.'n wars 1 caused by the nomination of illr, C. Tbo Liberal Conservative party of i Rowe by Mr. Bowden, in oppositbm to the Riding having very wisely deter.I Mr. Hardy fur the R..eveshir. when Mined to take time by the f l elpelt and l Mr. Laredo' i11 hie turn ree' ivecl the The only way icl etettre the Ja ti' g but little interl'et apparently was taken int the t ea.tle of the vial*•,'. n If sueli f1•9:th4. !un .1,:1'.4•.:,:4.1 f:1npmy for<'1ltndtla ti, 1r - c+ .a.i•Cr a.+ia'1a1e, .Hat# tonl:atr ro,trd, t•un sta`Q unfoitullate enlulition of Zaire were bu:tra tl ;t moss}s}d 1t.ivt r. nl `" Iitllonx. allowed tt) ent't.ilrtte we should Sonu ucwif,„111 anuty (074.;;,, of "Liver Cern. p1ta4ns ,.rllg laetit Uc 1lrronlotn6 St'C 4Y nt nr,. a !. :Is a rpnMrty !4(r ;411 ,#u 1[ rears hr. find the vi31a1;e mould be the loser.l 11ar,4•r•- t ° 41 #r4( \trttir•1! tri r u rt• s � nn r 1 n1 make sill necessary preparations for the honor of a entilinattinn. goyim: in x- nlaaetl a deter., not to enter t1]o field, forthcoming general election, as will be the eleetore were allowed to sa]y ate - seen by advexti:ldment in another col. titer he thein[ Ise pernnittt'd to with. pros periiv of the villtt,et• was by all not•liine hartnoldint.ly together withnttt ieget.1 to the ttdcantage one sention n mild. receive over fulolher ;t« it calves, retire! reins,, 'lemeiag the 1 44 1C.er, sn•en} oss:ec4 awl 9tatllh�. S«LT' ev P UGit$TS AT 51 PEI IIIITT.IE.. f'1.^•ore' 144 it. 'V. Dini«.t'E, If. rl., en1C 1' r '4. 444.• W.1411. 45', umn have decidod to h 'ld a meeting draw, and ru the question being nut, from any perticuhm *.chemo, in the Court room at H;Lwkshawv's Ho- M. Bowden was tamed to escape on Mr. John Sanders was willing to be tel, Exeter, on Thursday next, 10th a vote (•f 15 tr. 1.1. sIr. I'to.ve likewise. elected, iwd would do %that he could ' e Bite t 111,1el roue I not present, was retired with for the villae sit instant, for the purpose of selecting unstained colors. The collecting are �Ieeera4. el a,llwell and Rantnn weee delegates to attei.i a general conven the c ntlidates, with the movers and not preeelit. Mr. J. I'. Clarke, 11r.1 tion of the party iu Toronto on the : sec(1nde: n : Satilwell't4 proposer. oattl he had every 1 Being part of a.'Wholesale Firm, , 4th, 15'h and J nor. inra(.zLL4trs. eeufideuco in ifs Sinn N4'1I lCud for Haat (successors to G. 1B. Smith) 11 Inas of sugar for $1 Call and see for yourself. SIIITII AVb.ST. tos i4!.04,.ar.)f 11041g r 11.yt l'1tr:8t't•.1+.'ti tea IIE e '-....-.- This lei 4 'smont to (specially dca:a;aed for the s,. 74,1 .31.104C.:11100 ae�,,,F Ny+�Agtfl Oa4(•t6II*'11S. �'1.42:4•• 14# ., aaw..1,1'•J Ra V.cl.J, 4*e5M il•ia,•�G+.'i• 1t i, 4444 it I'M 1«14,41 4(.t .tttreaaar14 ret Sures-stet 14 ,10 n a .,t +" • 1 44aa",4(w a r .:44( tae earned hoe( 0;4 a p e 4 'i 54 0:18;04 10 ;art pal iR of stir alketa. t 5..4-141 I 1 :1 . 4.51 41a1 ales ttta:s';;or Cat at t ..tai• •aa a 4:,22;: 14,1,7401100.145 hall *^414,4 1 01 a 1•4•44 t'4( 11''4 a 44-4. and from 0;0:41a t11., t,a4airart' t + e a .4•'at + t e 4(3* 114-ne e(,ta. t'/:e rant of Fut: rt an art 5 t 0,11,0f41 1 ereeoftare 114* 0140n t„r't f•:na, 51,4* 1101.4) 11.4;h4p of 104)411.4m 44141.. r•fl r. to to t• e 4^111;1140 eitauther . l.g nap of the u•. too.rote aa•t tit,,IN. nits 4'I" t "4(e la Ito nit? of e ..:art X stae+ 5- rntatrar 4,ty'rt .110' ;pat of sat' J' 4nel n» 1ta we 5% p,C4l-inti ea •r 4(,t oit.a4r"r lis 41:164941,1 can rtntietolanti It. !1111 pad explicit 4treetlottnareul,►yaaa.rr.0 a wart.. n4( G S11:01 11.e,1 41 all 11.44 lnrirlmarn+ Os. Niger.; laat:trn Remedy (l1104 1.444144 44414(.•144 .4 • "t'4414 lit 1340 I1enat41 (`;; .t , -+' wet '.0td ' k 'r i''ro:*i t-1'rryatert Ii'1.1::01:e. 4#i.eitarre Leong arae ,imus,. uuu1. I:.rt'� i,414s-e. U:221'4:`. ttf.Pw hsnC1a•. 4•'trlIoni•, 4.1:414•»24.4, err. 10 40,0 4,0 .luta•'.", Lire, wasery, Ort : t.. er Irma:NH rt(', btoppotg up. or moony. Win. of 1.4,-14 pa -age., riiit uf: an rare trraf- nesa. 4tn%Ln11: 4224,1 roe :lung to r.r,44 the • a. 1141.111001, 4,, , 1"1it4 sneer.. ‚.i.*• nasal tna111',.'.•. et:Queen arrear, 9neeerr I of t..eu dleprlt'. tint, ..1 •,nae n1 504(1* amt. 1,t.1c, tiset :ir'•, mental trra're24aun, b•'•'. of np••t;net i14,11,1!..1 •54, rl.l.lreeti trar•:16. tt41.'one aura}!.. etc. ('2.1'. r. few nl trip -r 11411n4nma taro 1914C9y to 1)4 prrtCnt 11: :OM e31.e al lax time. Dr. sage's t:•atarrit iictttwdi•. when u•e4 %rout IUr. ntierrreta Nasal Douche, air: se. comp:titled 4C11t1 112(7 t•.r11:•irtl' lunar 11 t•,ttmrltt N•111e,t is reemumenle.1 su the p'snl,.Hirt that wrap, eite4 battle of tine ltrn:e.ty, 4'. a perfect 4.1•rruic f sr 11.14 linty*-44mr And p*amtult tee. 001A10 '1180 11.1 F:rnng 4(r caaa4U• Arne, .•r D1.n2 -on-. '11.e 511 am #.eaaeett• t, 4(.d tat W cent«, ...lehc,t•.1,en1•. 114 all atrIll r;theta.. J'Ila,t•l:.:91. T'., P.•nyr. l't•I I' \L... N. V. '" Th��i���rio��f�lAur 1Gth tluunry, and for ' •. I3ny aAnnt ass ]nano gnome as all filo rstllor t$;v sr 'i rt:Plttill morn e. rr.M\unit. reason he 12 11111, .14,sI Niru. 8owis ilhusesitt St..ltar;.. put tugetite•r, anti - .... the further lmpertallt Intros() of tali:•, John i7,.,.• es G. Mare. :t„tlrtil4ta;1]ltn], 111r. Ilartly 41' •IVO a lengthy A e(Cll that is the rraanssthey ''tns:ellieo(lsut such D t consideration I be Ori Trac Pickard I Ok • 773' •4' ''ll • y p " do ptratyIy low prices. 1 I 1 t t it til tt' f In O C011A11 elatl)ri Svl!n w11 4 '• ! !n] 10 which ha s a ."•1 Cott lH natiCrs O - candidates at the a lrr.niehimg tri v.• H. how v T. J. B 'lunyHowa: J^ (liltIn our Millinery and Mottle 1)e art- pl e senertti J. N. I3mcard T. 71:4"I:ultyn(. J. I)irnia,l- .the town 4i•er•• to a bet ter condition I p election. Oar ftiends will please bear lt. I•'vsett Dr. Moore ,Tis. Oke. now than 'Whim Ilia prevent Council I J. S.n'lers J. Lalkwi.l T. Ballantyne. tonic office, Inl,tead of the new Conn - this meetinn- in mired. J. Banton it. Sinter I. natcdon. G. Slm4rell J. P. Churl; C'.7;acrott. cel 1]atculc' to Commence the year Ritli-1 - `- `- 1.. Dante J. Aelni..o,, J. roan. nut inonr3' and bring 001r1pel'ed to bor- • MEDIATION 1(EFU ;•ED. Mr. Iiorsly was ]rolnitaate.t for ',terve 1 y James Piel;arc1 and seconded by 11. A. few days ego, at the r1gnest of Bis eft. Atter tLe nominations e'.ere' Turkey, England approached ,Purvis cl<)sed, the eeveral candidates were. for the purpose of ascet t4ii)ai11a upon 'win" to defiiuo their respective poei- what terms she ::,mild 'be willing to tions, Mr. ;r I1IcI];es4a belhp absent, the intelligent nssenthly lost a speech front Haat gt'atleman, and his proposer re come to peace. This offer to mediate between. the two Powers has been• ecort•f lly rejected by the Czar, whose answer•is to the 'effect that n•hile the row at the band, PIM pay interest, and • then at the end • f tine() months make great sale, a steady sale. an Does nbt affect the low pttees at :which renewals, they had $1,460, saved ont increasing sale. �. & '1 13XS$ZTT of tltr • money for 1877. . '1.4hi-, ho ',vaa worn, anent, Staple Department, Woollen Department, and Boot and. Shoe Department, ice can annotate not got a million :vont tri and ovor•^,ats to • • are offering their stock of thought, Netts a g"n(1 4hoNlua., Ile offer the public, but h 1 131 • 3ey,tal Ove 4(T(! a S } r on( (P r likewise entered largely into the con most every pries and sten •, Our 141r. D111100.11 nen- eionneidAtm inthe Earopeac tnurkats otdo TINV4rriIilF, STOVES, Tic., (lido,' of county fis]atitces, giving the at • amount w0 hitt•, antl thn benefits 'we laud and Alutarl n derived. Thanking the electors for re- fused to speak far hien. turning hila by ltelania,tion, ho said he Mr. J•tmans Piokard lleing:e.11pd on Wmll(3 entleav,r 10 the future, as he Czar wishes pair^_e and is reedy to con: said Le l]nti ran lit ention of making a hili il' the least, to do nllatt Wild bebtlll. speech---t,llnt he did not cone to the bis Opinion for' the village. elude the war on snarl terms as Russia would consider acceptable, yet no steps Oen of.the proprietors of the Brussels can be taken till Turkey is willing to 1 au 1 1f the` Pox, 1]asturned- preacher. There are- 1. • Ball for that purpose. While in the Council, belted done what he t'hoaght. was, best fo • thevillage,t ' electors• saw tit to renew .their.cenfi ,,nonce iu him, he would do his best it&hill. -• . . Mr. W. I3 Yevity said lie would pre- fer speaking last; ase there ,vera quee- Liens that /night _be. malted b some of the 'latt4pll3•)a°s, which he would be able testnuts being a team of• p•iuies and a to answer. lie Thad 1104 it:tended;,to Le a c1Ln(1idtlte•tlliy.ear., and -ling"si ]>.ified train of ;log's.-k('t;t-831)1 7 urivere" Tl]e the closest brningend thea loser sellout;; we visit the competing markets a Th1441ltind, Scotlau(1, Ire- land. . • -Vliite v full of Barg the (� Co' cheap' store R1UE White Co.'s t 311 town for di;� goats, Clothing Cris, Furs, BOLAS dud: Shoos. • Cheapest spa,Bats uatd 1V}?I'I`li & _0'011 give pre llninal•y guarantees 'of her de- , , strrnngbr •tl9inos alter all, tGllu'noir. II. • sire for actual peace, a']d not merelyI t KNOW Dy meati reading 4 practhclnit � . I38CChe1`''1 nOt(ir]n•ls 8ern701]s. fhc•incsnmti it^.nth for delay. The course suggested is for tamed in the .,r'. mcdicni . s cot. • �►< - brook ever 9teut al. entitled .' 'Turkey to make '.a proposition .for aro- 1 ' A novel' race Was rilj.rved on the; ice nistice dlreerly to the Russian ecru,. y at'Winnipeg a feta •cin., s .ago, tl:ae• con - .Hander -in •chief in the field, so that the - first steps n1a%y be airannocl on rat mill fiery basis. : This answer is, con Fidered tantarrai int to telling England to Mind her�a.wn bnsiuebs. Whether she will quietly to'be' thus snubbed- re - his is.teutio* of -retinitis, but tt .`]isrg.e doge, took, the. letotean11-mantaaed' to nqulbot of his ftields had pi,(igSedeltinz peep it. •:Every • timealae agitiltes al- to continue in the 'Council' and Since •tete-nte4-•.fro• j4ii,gs,'they, "jacketed by tht'y. hod honored Brno wits, f .nos:11n - 41I*11lping at their' head. 'This thing coir:. mains to be seen The general . g tl opinion boat of btu a:lnhrv, ]f elected. lint atilt rlia iiot; •tuiitl the'ca11i11er• •4.a • g • tion again, he world serve th,(1) tot the turned till time horsa'l)ac11.p.e gnvo,np'in .t,;Y]enu tilt-• l3a,d ng newspa psi is that he thought his kilning .,If 40 It «4' -in victors. • 4ELF P,RESEItr TION Y�''� Prieconly4$1: S ntaymail n41' mccipt 'of plica. 1i treats of ,Exhausted Yatnitt)•, Preml'ture ITecline, Nervous and Physical' Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and-nnto1(1 'tit erIo$ that result tboro(ro'ol,andcontains More than 500r1gtnnl pre- scriptions, afiy, ane,of Nliicla is wort' theprice of the Goo$. l'In.s*bonittcastivsttlells�4ytho>,nostex.. . tenai4e and pi'obabiytIn: irioetek11ful practitioner ' lin Americo, yttehom4cas atrard4414 gol(1.and jc4y. clledmedal14 the Nationu147ediSS,�s1As•ocratiop. A Pnm(ihict llnsir.rf4sd ronin "rise very ,Boast Steel Eugravin s-4( mar.; . vel of are' 111111 beatsty:. E�'L... •sent FI4EL' to nil. send,- Tor end, Tor•3t at once. Addreas tine 111 easy 'PEA9i0•DY•14fPDIC:'1ti71�t nes za,1)o)t zr o. ti lour; �• {� L: @ ' ' AncEr Sal i.ostoa;. Al'ase. Exeter & Hensall which consists of all the latest and improved styles of Kitchen. Gook and Parlor stoves,Alilk 0.111:4,. pans, and pails of.tite most approved pattain;anti evorything,iu the line ; Also, a good selection of handsome Eave troughing as usual, receives every attention, and clone at the lowest figures.' ' Having opened out branch establishment at .EIensall, ani' friends ir1 that neighborhood can:be supplied ,ou the shortest notice, SHAFTING • • Belting, tlniti. Hili' Fuxnsh '1ylltS . GENERALLY, ndaro•s the Waterous Engine Works Ca t3RANTFORO. ONT. ,..24,4 L;tero'ni„.pera11144.41 i'a;r•;,lanes,,