HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-1-3, Page 4'1 e , : Fier Onto, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1878, TO THE PUBLIQ. iffy attention having been directed to a eireulalr leaned from a neighboring priutiug office in which the proprietor endea5ors by innendo to deepen the ingression he has already made on the public mind That lea was the founder and owner of Tura Exna Trues, I take the opportunity thus afiorted of neo oviug such an erroneous iwpree- siou. Every cent which went toward the establishment of this journal was supplied by lee. Some weeks ago it calve to my knowledge through aortae fiends that faleeheode and elaudere. of ow most despicable kiwi anent my pureness Rad the treatlneut accorded wy late partner by rile, were being industrious, ly eirculeted in the village and nereb- borhootl for the purpose of injuring clay ebaraeter and placing me in a false end unnatural position before the 1►ublio. After waiting Bowe weeke and bear- ing patiently for the sake of nature's tics the accuaTlalatien of falsehood and eleanier, I any roluctently compelled to rise' in my own defence, and have sue. eeeded ill trracivg !tame a groaa false- hood attesting wy character and busi- ness to a person in the village, who, if not its author. was guilty at least of giving it circulation. nave given the matter into the hands of air. B. V. Elliot, ray aolteitor, with instructions to commence a suit at law for defema. Con of character unless a speedy and au angle apology be forthcoming for the intended injury. Notteithstaudiug all statemente to the coutuury, I settled honorably with raylate artner (to whom, I get e, oa P fay owl. free will an interest in my business) and paid hint every cant even to his last exaction. ] roust ask the pardon of the readers of the pepor for this reference to au uu- fortuua a business nBair that has boon to iso & sauna of great trouble, but as the controller of a public newapapee, I deem it necessary to publish these lines, for if slaudox be allowed toga un- checked and its authors unpunished, my character and hay business rause seriously suffer, JOHN WHITE. ENGLAND'S POSITION. The news from England, relative to the part she may play in a gigantic and bloody stiuggle in the East is at present of more importance than the most thrilling telegrams from the actual scene of conflict. Thousands of lives and millions of treasure hang uron a few words. The advance of the "hes- shoo into the Southern part of Turkey and the occupation of Constantinople loom up like some hideous nightmare before the mind. The kno' ledge that 'when Constantinople falls and the Rus- sian eagles float triumphant in the breeze from its ancient walla, then com- mences the downward path of Britain, fills every, lnyal heart with intense anx- iety and dreeu forebodings. The Rus- sians, with characteristic treachery and falsity. backed by Germany, seem de- termined to make every thing possible out of their successes thus far, and de- clare their iutentien of marching to Constantinople. Bat in this it is olto- gether probable that they are counting their chickens before they are belched. If the British nation and the British .Governmeut are tree to the glorious traditions of their country, they will spill the last drop of British blood and arena the last cent in the Empire be- fore Russian aggression will be allowed to go so far. indeed, it is probable that had Lord Beaconsfield, the worthy sue- oessor of Pito, had his own way, the EIowever, the spirit which lived in England centuries ago, and which made her the arbiter of the world, is not yet dead. ,It leas only lain dor- mant until some greats crisis calls it into action, Rud once the tide of popu- lar feeling sets in in favor of war, there a no telling when it will turn. Even the Good Queen, the Sainted Victoria, is said to favor; putting a cheek on the encroachments of the Buss.aus before they become too Wong to be resisted. The latest news points strongly to the probability that England will declare war in a few days, hurried to take this. step by the knowledge that sil;ce the eoznnaeecewent of the present etruggle, Itheeia tlua several tiutessought to nuke a " eeeret " treaty with Turkey hostile to British irntereste, Russia's conduct for years bas been .a standing us(snaee and defiance to England, She eauuot and docs nee wiehh to forget the Peet, and useless else ie deterred from carrying out her present desigus by the speedy interposition of sellae ,powerful nation, ante will soon be able to take revengeupouEnglalld for the part Eng - I iltoolt 11h quieting her restless spirit. kr the Hospital Fnud Concert, in Winnipeg, Inat week, Sir John nlMao- donstld was voted the most popular man in the Douamion, by a ccubider- able reejorrty over lion. Alex, Jlacken• Trier BnivGOv3r.ShA^ar is in dial• culty with a South African tablet over a0.e land. The chief is able to sal !0,#100 men iu the field. and to forth I.nmeelf its a ria€orally strong position. A body of risen will be sett to the die - affected regions. Tun Dannuon 1arllameut is earn. mowed to meet ou the dth of February. Thia is the last session of the present Parliament, anti if the people continue iu the same mind the next Parliament will witness the return of Sir John A. Macdonald to power, and with hie : as- eunlption of the reins, a return to the prosperous times which this country enjoyed without interrup.ton during the twenty years that Sir Jahn guided the destinies of Canada. Tun Earl of Duuraven, one of the leading membera of the British Libor - al Patty, at present on a visit to New York, has written a letter to the Tli,rhl of that city, in which he severely criti- cizes the policy of Gladstone and, Bright on the Eastern question, and declares that if persisted in it will cause a largo defection in the ranks of the party. He is strongly, in favor at nee of armed ii tervention to protest British interests, and in graphic lang- uage pictures the decline of England and the position she would have to take es a third-class nation if she ceas- ed to make her voice heard and her in- fluence felt in the councils of Europe. Ore or two of our Reform cotempor- aries have been making themselves ap- peer extremely ridiculous in talking of the amnesty granted to Professor O'- Donoghue. In attempting to prove that the Conservative party are cap' tious in criticising the Government, they have to resort to the assertion that the Government of Sir John Macdonald refused amnesty to O'Don- oghue, a statement ehich will be seen at a glance is utterly at variancewith the truth. The utter nonsenbe of such talk is shown by the fact that an am- nesty was never applied for to the Government of Sir John Macdonald. IT is not a very edifying spectacle to witness a member of a Government be- ing compelled to resign his seat be- canie he had violated his oath and taken contracts under the -Government. This is the ease with Alfred Jones, M. P. for Halifax, and Hon. Mr. Vail, Minister of Militia. There' is strong. opposition in both donstit.uenoies, and Russians would never have got south the prospects ars that the cur%ipt THE 5.7 571.4 S Innenne1vr le apparently taking a firm hold on the minds of thinking people. England and the United States have become Badly affected by the DIA" teeialism which is taught in those hot- beds of infidelity, the German Univer.' sides, and of which almost every Ger- man scholar is an expounder. Trans- planted in other countries, they have resulted in those utterances the relig- ions world has been startled to hear from Henry Ward Beecher, Canon. Farrar, and Professor Swing, s=low to lessen the influence of Infidelity or Materialism is a question Omahas long vexed the leading minds in the various churches, and one that is as far from a satisfactory solution asevor.: Ileary W, Beecher is answerable only to thtt con- gregation of Plymouth Churoh for hie teleological disquisrtlons, and is not likely to be gelled to account for hie recent onslaught an heaven and hell; Pradessor Swing has been running at sea fke a ship without a rudder for seine years, and Canon Farrar will probably reonut and be muzzled or else forced to find a snore congenial atmoa• pttere than that of the Church of Iirl- gland In whish to assail the Bible. Butthe venial:meet of recalcdrante, is not calculated to effect the desired pur- pose of checking the epread of infidel- ity, although any Church is unworthy the panus that fails to require its min- ietere to live up to the tenets of its faith. Tose expulsion of a minister is seized on as a pretext for renewing the assaults an the Bible. " What," it is aid, " can be expected from a religion that 111 not brook opposition or allow iscuesion ? Truth courts light, error eche darkness. Eight fears no as - 1 wroug cannot bo defended. urely there in something rotten." Such a lice of argamont, being more easily followed Man opposed, is apt to PP P find much ey, mpnti;y, herein lies its euccese : It appeals to thought, and is espeorally charming and flattering to men of reason -to these who prefer believing the comprehensible rather than the incomprehensible, to those who from given promises reason to natural conolueions, as we fellow au algebraical problem from. a statement through its various steps until the so- lution is reached ; in short, to those who place Iogia before faith. Wo can- not serve two masters, and althogh the raw roe a gentlemen aforemeutioueii may disclaim any iutontion of attack - nig the popular belief of the existence of a God, still it is an absurdity to cast doubt upon ono or two parts of the Bible to please the Devil and uncondi- tionally swallow the remainder to con- ciliate God. of the Balkans. But unfortunately that cringing to seek popular favor. so characteristic of the modern politician, seems to have talc ra so fare a possAe- eii3n of some members (Atha Coneerva Live Cabinet that the. appreaoh,.o thti.r Russians even to" tifii'velilla of Congtan% tiuople itself would be tenable to loosen its hol members wilts left at home' io chew. the cud of, remoras during the next session at least. There Ore & iiunli er of °therein tib; same boa he Atessrse Jones and Vail. and they would do well to vacate` the Beate ,of their awnn 'ode tion'before they aro compelled to do so by the votes of the people'e represent,: staves, MFORTANT NOTICE TO THE memo. Having now completed my stook of CLOCKS, WATCHES, GOLD and SILVER CHAINS, PLATED CHAINS, GOLD SETTS, EAR DROPS, and BROOCHES, I am now prepared to offer great induce- ments to buyers. I am selling at cost, Clocks, Silver Watches, the best value ever offered in Canada. A watch,regular price $25 for $16. $18 Watches for $12. $15 watches for 10. Don't fail to see them. Ladies' Gold Watches very low in price. Iain selling 25 per cent. below old price, during the iludi- days. I have the largest assortment of Clocks in Western Ontario. Come and see them. I am selling very cheap. They are something enirely new. My stock of Silver Ware is very arge sand complete. Stem-winding watch, $6.50. London price, $9.00. GOLD WEDDING RINGS. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS t BABGAI, SMITI- & WEST CENTRALIA, are offering Over Coats, all kinds ,Blankets, Robes, at cost. Also a lot of Underclothing, Scarfs, awl fancy -woollen Goods, 'which must be cleared out at any price. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware very low. They also have a good. ORGAN and upright PIANO (German) they will sell very cheap for cash, Come and see kr yourselves, SIXTH & WL+ST. NIO T L, ,,SOB, .'T'OI Y. MAIM STREET, EXETER, Fresh arrivals of Patent Medicix).es, c mp s GILT 1'S LINIMENT, IODIDE AM0NIA, GUMS' AUGUST FLOWER. BOSCWJ'S GERMAN SYRUPS, Balance of Xmas goods selliinglbelow cost. Boys' Had Ilei hs.. A. large assortment of School bag; t<;e. PU 1 D.R►UGS and CHET°r' O _ tS always on hand, at the s' .D J. ,. S 4 o .i. e, DR. PIE ROE'S STANDAR D REMEDIES Aro nab advert bed ns"cnrcelle; • tint are sped:le a in the. diseases far whish they en. re coni;ner eltd. NATI 1 AI', SELECTION. Investiftatera of natural seioue' have ,Teuton strattel beyond coutr,xt r:c, that throws hula the nnanimalltinidntu rico"survival of taei, (1ttt+t" tv ilio only law that cau.lecifes thrift and perpetuity. Does not the same principle• govern the eouamer• chat prosperity of nem? 'in lidos iorraanat super- arede a superior nrttelt 1h rensim11 superior mer- it J)r. Pierec'x 8t4.113der.1 A14'4144 '111444: have,% utrivalle.l trntse•t itru. 141T others Their sale inthe rioted Statescxe t"ls 'a'hofy.lilsnini; ra relics ate. n fewof tete netts eau minion dolhnes per autumn, while the.ruunnt thoiv adula a'hn con ice city to the cfUcncy itf err. exported fut.t, up to a, seal it%ntae 1 tltuu,au•t Piceet o Vivo iter'rebeription,frotuesl+ericnca and more, No bnaine,,., could brow ten such gigantic ohmervationt: proportions and rett upon any other basis titan ,T,A\ot•httonrnIliante•Uleri;'ntrPni'tnntna,tlnaId:twl,ift ys., tthm}.rtatotnerit. mour, Bonn', N. 'I.; Mrs. 1 raucialiuswiel:, Setaailes Ohio Mit. Leery, Pu twin:, North 1%harton, l',a.: {14 'lira. Maze A. 11.ntnit, l;tlitta, 31u, : llrs. Marc p Y 1 tisbim 1,••binutp I a- ilr. WEttKN3 SSES kl:t`L'I.1:1It 'ro FEMALES. Favorite. Preseripthnn is a Powerful Itrsttprathvtp rustic t., the entire ay tern. It is a nervine of un• outlnssenl efficacy. told, while it quiets nervous irrst,t,en, it �ttetinthrn$ the enfeebled nervous Fy.:41t9n that rehy resewing it toheeltinful vi;;yr. The lnnouni alt ,e i of oro ;outwit flight, in auich use cavern Vre riptfon 11119 ttiorl:vd nitwit curt%, vie.: i,cuuorho•a, or " Whites." Execs,n'o Flow. tut„ Painful 11.u,truat on, L•nuaturei Reille"s�inn. 1i�•uk ltarit. Problem's. or falling of the Mcrae, infest r lot, Itt tr,n cr. ren, lfenrnng-down Nemo - tit n, Piarr',no Cieigestion, lutlauiation and i`lcera. tion t f the Uterus, internal heat, Nervous Depree. Mon, Dainty, Liipondrncy, n�d ray many other chronic ot:ea s s peculiar to woutcn, but nut men. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Spectacles to Suit All Sights. • akiipms.ron 'ran camassarit Colden e(lieal isGovcry ,. It. linatt 1 ut io i,t,b-a �.•e 7Is4Clcrratirc.or111'•a.!-Cierntsiata, blissr.tt�!.oI'ratt Ihrlgtrsillc„ Mess.; Mrs. L. aoldeii °ilaslttold \trfll,,an„ ]Ira, t', AUisou, 'roctox,. �e(lI4�Al .wISQGvf.'ry coca \irs J.'.s.Vruon.tit•. Thomus,(1nt.alrs.li. Ts Pectoral. IC. Moran ',;!:sixth liuwarl titatet kaltituure, Ma; Mrs. Lucy t elimatn, liarne•.ville, Unm utter, .uttep C ol(ien e,(1cal Discovei y , Mo\aug it, Jefferson, Iowa , Mrs. L.G. Sheared. Zs a Cholagnque. or Liver stimulant. 11 riendsn,ip, N. Y.; Miss Ellen n Cady, til estiiel,I, N. COiClen Le(lICtil Discovery T *Nth:. Anthouv Amami \ Bruns, v : Alm. B. Z. y l:oolis, Graud Rapids, Mieli. l M. t, li H, Wobb. y .is Tonic. t Wats;ntt tom, N. Y. Thou:anda of references can be 0Olden,. NCedical 3Discovery gvuzatthe \luxnd's1>fai'eusar}. THE PEOPLE'S MEDICAL SERVAN T By reason of its lUtorativo propertios, mires blseal- seaof the Blood and Skin, as Scrofula or King's Fvit, Tamara, Ulcera or Old Sores, Blotches, Pim- ples and. Truptions. By virtue of its Pectoral, properties, it cures Bronehlal, Throat and Lung Affections, Incipient Consumption, Lingering Coughet and Chronic Laryngitis, Its Cholagogue properties render it an unequalled remedy for Bil- iousness, Torpid Liver, or "Liver Complaint"; and its Tonic pr 1.erties wake it equally efficacious in curing Int •gestion, Loss of Appetite, and Dye's*. sia. Where the skin is shallow and covered with blotehes and dimples, orrhero there are scrofulous swellings and affections, a few bottles of Golden Medical Discovery will effect sue entire euro. If you feel dull, drowsy. debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or 3.e11 rwisli-brown spots on face or body, fre- cnn.ntheadael'o or dizziness, bad taste in mouth; intecno. heat or chins alternated with hot fiusues, lou spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular appe- tite end ton!' a coated, you are suffering from Tor pid Liver or " Biliousness;' In many cases of Liv- er Compliant, only pant of these symptoms are esperienie,d. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Pierce's Golden Meaicai Discovery has no equal. as it effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strength- ened and healthy. P. P. P. P. fir. Pierce's '1easant Purgative Pellets. I114,7�.AIi,tT.:, 0.-ItRIS •. SPECTACLES. , Remember, 500 .eordle wood 'Iw*lnted a pe- ter o women has offordpd lesse in exchariae • for -Watches; (sleeks and Worlds Dispensary, of which Dr. Pierce is the (�ahiet eonauMug byy i g - 1oi th 'r P ' t Dr, B. V. Pierce is the solo proprietor and manu- facturer of the foregoingremedies, alt of which aro sold by Druggists, lie is also the author of the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a work of nearly ane thousend pages, with two hundred and eighty two wood engravings and colored plates He has already Bold of this nopulu.t work Over 100,000 Copies t'J[idiCE (post patct) $i5D, Address: R. 7. PIERCES M. D. World's Dispensary, Buffalo, lV, Y, bite COwp (successors to G. B. Smith) Being part of a Who] esaleFinn, Buy about as many goods as all the other dry goods houses in St. Mary's put together, and that is the reason they can sell goods at such desperately low prices. Purely Vegetable, No care required while Ue'ig In our Millinery and Meade l)epartb them. ment, Staple Department, Woollen Tho"Li+tle Giant" Cathartic, or MTILTTTM IN Department, and Boot and PARVO PHYSIC, scarcely lar er than mustard Shoe Department, seeds, and are sugar-coated. They remove the necessity of taking the great, exude, drastic, sicken - in pills heretofore so much in use, As a remedy for headache, Dizziness, Rush of Flood to the Head, Tightness about the Chest, Bad Taste in Mouth, >ruotations from the Stomach, Bilious Attacks, Jaundice, Pain in the kidneys, Highly -colored Heine and Internal Fever, Dr. Pierce'; Pleasant rurgative Pellets are unsurpas- sed. Furtherm.ova, T_ would say that their action is universal, not a gland escaping their sanative im- press. Age I oes not impair the -properties of these Pellets. They are sugarcoated, and enclosed in glass bottles, their virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are always fresh and reliable. This is not the case with those pills which are put up in cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. Tho daily use of two pellets has cured the most obstinate cases of Scrofula Tetter, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Sore Eyes mid L`nuptipns. They aro, however, re- commended to be taken in connection with the Golden Medical Discovery, in order to secure the best results. • DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE P:RES,CRIPTIo:N D - B.• r"IERCE's FAVORITE L+1SCRIPTI DF. PIS °RITE �._t, m I4PTION We can announce A great sale, a steady sale. an increasing' sale. We have not got a million ]mantles and Overeats to offer the public, but we have a splendid variety, al- most every price and style. Our Mr. Demean Hen- derson is now in the European markets. We tdo the closest buying and the closet selling ; we visit the competing markets of England, Scotland, Ire- land and America. White & Co's cheap store frill of Bargains, White & Co.'s the • remedial mtaagee eat et those iliseeses pe- t a' ge experience a p scion, in ads ting remedies Jewelry. •"' e. tire. Dr. ieree s B'erorp a Prescription �y�,�p�q�����i.� •Is the result of this extended ezperienee, end hear i atii OM 80. $T y d i000nnelustty celebrated for its menyand zeroar- e bee aurae or all biose chronic diseawes and Cheapest spot in town for dry goods, Clothing,Rata and Crps, Furs, Boot». and Shoes. WHITfrl'&CO,, St Mary's.. EW MACHINE SHOP. is N Kitchin Wishes to inform . t•1ic that he is.•bgttSP prepared to re, ll kinds 01 Sewing' " Machines, Watches Clocks, Grins, &c., than any other person in this country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satiafac tion. k.