HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-1-3, Page 2LIFE AND DEATH.
What is Life, father?" " A battle, my child,
\There the strongest lance may fail,
Where the wariest eyes :lay be beguiled,
And the stoutest heart may quail;
Where the foes are gathered on every hand,
And rest not, day net night,
Arica the feeble little oues inner stead
In the thickest of the fight"
What is Death, father ? ,• The rest, my General Lazareif, who es comtuander of the
When the strife and toil are o'er ; right wing of the Russian army, opened the
The angel of Gori, who, calm aulntiid,
Says we need fight no more ;
Who driveth away the deuton baud,
Bids the vain of battle cease;
Takes the baamer and spear from the failing
Brighter -We favorite wife, Amelia, has ,been at neer a ,4' ,Q+ s' Store
dethroned since the prophet's death, and re- —..
port says she has gone back t , eoria, Ill.. with
the intention of remaining. t appears these
Amelia was never Mormon at al?,; that her
eouneetian with Brigham was merely a mar-
riagedee onvenianee and based upon: a contract
t 'shed home
which included a handsomely fur:i ,
carriage aud horses, and full liberty to provide
such home comforts as she might desire.
successful attack upon the fortifications of Rees,
is au Armenian by race, and a native, of Sieushi,
where be was born November 29, Pee. When
19 years old he enlisted as a private in an iu-
fautry regiment. He has passed through every
grade in rank, reaching that of lieutenant -gen.
oral in 1808, and besides receiving from the f 1i
Groceries b Confectionary
Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per ib.
Aiwa, instoek.
School Books, Stationary, Magazines
N.B.—sowing el actor.. Needles of every triad.
,And proclaims an eternal peace." t ti
czar every Russian decoration is the tatter's ••
et me elle. father t 1 tremble and fear • potiver to grant, he was Presented walla a heavy
To yield in that terrible strife." 1 gold jewelled eimeter inscribed " For Courage,"
The crown must be won for heaven, dear, 1 Hie heed. has been cracked by a heavy stere,
In the battle -field of Life. i his left slloui ger blase dislocated by a piece of
Aify child, tho' thy foes are strong ani Wee, shell, has neck pierced through by a bullet, ,
He lout h the weak met entail; i settee his body leas been well tattoet by the
The aeeeee of 1}eavatl are en thy sale,
implements of oivilized destruction,
Anti tied is vivre a11.'" .9, duel was fought on Frisbee Inst in Calwu.
bus. Georgie, between two young men, din -
INTERESTING ITEMS. fertuntately both eeeapetiuninjured.
The war o rrespondents ay Bulgaria are hav- NOVEL IN`l' 1'.1'L1?T1.0.i OF tI
iug a magnificent time. Most of thein are
banged ae spth s.
tt ,ogre° :emelt/mad, the Scottish novelist, hes
IDoes not :Beet the: low prices at which
"' II
rl'EDDINit ., & '.23155..S7nr
areoficring their stuck of
The Bethlehem (Penn.) Tins says
.LA fe v days ago vanalug cutalale in
been mrar,lt,'1 a l,en 5t a of 400 a year can the
British civil lien One-liarse eouveyauee dr.ave up lin
i ]'E : t k. eeee'k1 Rep:A/ewtfelintwe .i f a ewe. front of the SEsidenc"e o ono of out Exeter & ei ,still
v!heie a bottle of magnet, eeee,l a ewers lila, elergyuleii to be etas iced for life. Tile
horse Was tied with a rope halter to a 1 which consists of all the latest and improved
it swallowed the mucilage instead of psnue', 1 stvies of Hitchen, (took awl parlor stoves Milk
post, so xas to Ware the animal while
Paris gree a just as handy.
Mr. t.iertion Brown, of the Otele, Itas entered
au action for libel against the sup -n eel printer;
of etertuiu plaear.le which were posted up in the
e ty +itnr r the Toronto & Ottawa Railway
By-law eeutt et. The damages claimed are
A gt eta Is.lg of Clinton, Iowa, stent twenty-
five cents and Igo sate, stamp in reply to ani
edcertisteneut of, How to make an impression,
an. received fer an answer. " Sit down in a ,pan
c;i slough."
nay th' removal of tale Canada St,uthern
xreaeur._r's office about thirty-five employees
gess! hay. t,i I•ave St. Thomas for Buffalo
which is evidently to be the headquarter s of the
road ih future. The shops remain at St.'
At t'w et hairy into the eau -es of the recent
ctxplosioe et the Blantyre :line, in Scotland, a
tics znen melted Little confessed that, although
fire 'lamp wtt4 constantly pre.•eut, the users
worked with naked lights in front of their leen.
aaetst. If thee t,s a hes the roof it would kir l:le.
The rules a't to the use of powder were eystem-
atioally violated.
Eightt c ,, tae insand men a'e now t n3 n 'e•1 itt
the exeress mike. Express eoulpatut e• ye'
40,000 miles t railroad, end it is estimated
that their messengers travel daily ate) 00.
anile,. 3.1011 horses are employed, aud over
n;000 tsfiieee are required to transact their 'nisi
ness in, anti an amount of capital is invested
not less than $130,000,000.
Two more 1011 ton gnus for the Hallen (iov
eutnment have recently been cumpdetsd in Ping -
land. These are somewhat larger than the
first 10ta t.•u gun matte for the same Govern•
went. 'shay have tt calibre of 102 inches, gags
.a powder chamber of 192 inches. They will lie
tired with a charge of 4711 pounds of feeder,
the projectile will weigh 2.2e0 pounds.
It wise in I'euusylvania. Ile prop otel to the
daugbter of a neighbor. She laughee at him
and told him she was going to marry another
man --a rival whom he tli=liked. He then went
home and hung himself. When she heard of
his death she cried out, " Oh, I intended to
marry Billy, I was only teasing hien," and
became unconscious, so that it would appear
Billy was noue too soon hanging himself.
Dr. Howard Crosby, who is doing so good it
tenwerance work in New York, says he ap-
proves of the use of ale, beer and light wines.
He said to a reporter the other day : " Thee
there is the ale and beer license. Of that I
thoroughly approve. if wish there was an ale
and beer saloon in place of every grog shop in
the city. what I hope to see accomplished is
the prevention of crime, v'hieh can bo directly
traced in alanost every instance to spirits. I
too not believe that beer causes crime. It may
,stupefy then when drank in groat quantity, but
it doss not inflame."
The young ladles of Seneca Falls, N. Y., re-
cently foamed themselves into a society and,
stook solemn vows never to speak to any young
Tuan who did not praotiee total abstinence from;
the ceremonies were going on within.
The clergyman bud got leis books and
papers in readiness, anti, had gone
through with the usual f,ilrul.tli.tiet,, tits' i 3,7.0.V0 trotti,il irto
title tion a4 to the age mid 1 'arta teb)jel' eta nrttal, reeeivel Pceer; ttttedtion, anti done
tient Bata been gratis fuetasrily ;atl`t itered., art the lows t figure+.
the grooms gals been cstitgrittnlated having opened mate @ct•satelt cetalsli-hen nt•
upon. the ell dice he land made, xutd the at Bewail. our frietatls int that earselit,erheed
ceremony was lust to be begun. vt het vain be supplied a"u the King -n.4 Derive,
the clerical geotle:mlaar. chanced to look Nx �VPf:I'S and Reapers,
out of the window au 1 noticed that the
vehicle in which the eutlple bad aavaiv3d
was in danger of destraoti-ut. L'1
norse had thrown himself, and wa
&Jolting hitueelf with thea 11 alter. '.L`;u
bridegroom and the clergyman b of t
hurried out, and by the lits:•, they
reached the pavement tae horse heel
badly entangled Himself ill the harness,.
and partly upset the eoreveyit tC••', The/
sale etlerd the tug of war. N, ither
the bridegroom n'ar clergyman ,,surd
ulnen the halter, arid yet another horst
wee ohokint;. Just then the clergyman
esune to the aatdStltliee Of the ntnt
lahts•sed clergyman gaud bridegroom, attel
opened the g stditai knot by eating, it
Aitli bus pocket knife. 'I'tie horse sorer
(gained tato It zriz•nttal pit»itioli, thin
Leith', who nasi also atone out to assist
at the work, the g retolll and the cler y-
In,an returned to t•lio parlor, nit( re tit
eertrunony was happily concluded It
is hoped that the limit was tied so thaat
no nei„hberiltg elergyn3an's pocket
;rife may sever it, The haappy couple
Loft, the areola rej Ficin r that lie ha&
first, his horse, and second, his help
meet, all safe.”
c ens, pans, awl pail's of the most approved
patten u, nue everything in thea liue ; .Also, n
good selection of hand -ante
THE liOlvltOliS 01.4 PLEVNA.
The details of the horror, at Plevna
when captured were unparalleled. Fam-
ishing dogs were feeding en the corpse-,
if the dead and the bodies of the stilt
giving wounded. Birds were pt•ckin '
it the skulls, hopping from bogy to
body, with beaks and plumage be
smeared with human biond and scream-
ing with fiendish delight. Dogs fought
themselves end bird straggled with bird
for possession of a morsel of human
desh, and the most ind.ascribable bor-,
rors prevailed. In ono house alone
thirty-seven dead and fill y -three wound-
ed Turns were found, some of the tor -1
mor decomposed and putrid. Some of
the wounded were able to crawl about,
and clntohed at odd morsels of food
found in the hands of the dead, devour
ing it with feverish avidity, but thous-
ands were utterly helpless and awaited
death or succor with a iittle.ss fatatil'lend.
Eigbtern bnn3. ed prisoners were hud-
dled together on rho batik of the Vis,
and the horrors of their position were
equal to those of a plague. Living and
dead were puled together promiscuously
in heaps like wood and eartetd away.
beer and alcohol. The young mon of the town There were only three carts available
immediately called a meeting, organized and for this worst and rho ot,nfusion was in -
solemnly swore they would never again speak, tlescribable.
to any girl wlt,o padded her form, wore fatsea
Stair or paper bustles, spainted, powdered, wore
corsets, or long pantalettes, asxd who wouldn't
aUcw themselves to be hugged aud kissed. The
girls couldn't stand. this, wilted, and the tem,
perfume society was broien tap.
A most astowndipg event in NOW York soci-
ety is the elopement of a daughter of Mr. Ar-:
nold, of the great . dry gootla farm of Arnold,
Constable & Oo. She .is nineteen years old and
,a belle, made se by a combination of personal'
beauty; intelligence and wealth. She fell in
love with neeterk en her father's stone. He
ia.fty years, old and, poor, lie sspedial employ -
meet being that of floor \weaker. Mr. Arnmed
sought:effelexeak off the intimacy, but the girl
ages seal-ri'lled. , The couple sailed recently for
Just published, a mew addition of Dr,
Culver well's t:eletratett i8ssaay,ontheradi Always New and Fresh -
eat curs of semi••al Weakness or peramator
t)Iorbesa,rinduced by -Abuse, In voluntaryBaii- FLOUR, FEED,
sloes, Impotency Nervous Debility, andintporti. AND PROVISIONS,
mints of Haat?iage generally; consumption
Epilepsy, and r' iii ,utal and Physical In- L+' A1(TREN WA2tE,
capacity, ego. COAL OIL
The world-renowned author, iu this admirable'
bleeturs, clearly proves from his .own experience
that the awful consequences of elf -Abuse may• ry rr���� Given y� ^ �7r�
be effectually removed without medicine, and t .� o ap �Jt i Y en A Y Y ay
without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, v
,iastraweutel,'rings, or cordials; pointing out a .
mode oC owe at once eartaln aatd off actual, by —2I Bars for One eilv.—
whioh every sufferer, no master what His condi-
,tion mss be, uaayeere himself cheaply,privatoly,
and radically: Good Vinegar, 20c. per Gallon. Choice
eweehis Lecture will prove a boonio thousand Syrups. Market Baskets—cheap.
andthousands -
of our celebraatee
Singe Mowers
Single Reapers
In all kneeler Grass and Grummet ou an con
d itions of essflau,'surface,
Wo also offer a Trial "f our Wrought iioj
Two liar
A `l JW J
Machines supplied with
Two Pitmans,
Two .Drag -b 3,rs,
Two Finger -bars.
Four Knives,
Forked and Keyed.
Self -oilers,
etc., etc.
Can be changed. from Mower
to Reaper
Byremoval of lour bolts, an ° in less than fifteen
minutes' time.
Please ta11 at our works and inspect
our Machines before purchasing
Send for Oaataloi:nes.
Manufacturing Co., Stratford.
N, B. Don't forget the place—R. & E. Bpi
Lure a otte 2 ,}xeviousl been fore tea In mar: ent under seal au a plain envelope, to any see oer's, opposite Mr. E. Christie's Hotel.
B , y dteas, on receipt of si Dents, or two postage
eine. She has • s fortune in her own right, tamps.
Reodnee taken in exchange for goods.
aaatd iso
therefore, inddeves lees..
Mauufacturiug Estasblislar lel
Ta'kespleasatse in intimating that his Furniture Looms are uowin felt blast.and steered rrlila
For quality and price it eaunot be excelled "r. the County.
Most of the Furniture is made wider his own personal sure -vision, and is certain to give
S -. - T !C S F A 0 T 1 0 N,
Being nom in receipt of aInrge atocl; of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
t his Store, Min Street, Exeter, which will be solei at
The inhabitants of Exeter a1n(i vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but
call at the store of the s'ibseriber aud
SECU+let *13w XAMS
There to ba haat in Overoottiin4, Brod-cloth
;Doe skins, Silks, W'iueeys, 1 talaines, and everything
needed in the Dry (locals lice. The Grocery
Department is Complete. Au inspection ilavitt II
No trouble to show goods IS.L..0 DARLING
For cheap Gents' watches,
Go to S. E. Jones'
For cheap Ladies' watches
Go to a.•. Jones'
For cheap Ladies' silver watc,..us,
(ego to S "` Jones'. r4
For Boys' silver watches,
and 31
Go to 5 E Jones I
For effdle8s variey of silver -Tithed
Go to ll Jones.,
For eig1t day clocks,
For thirty hour clocks,
Go to 8 E Jones'
Go to S.1+a Jones
Goods at slaughtered prices. Greater inducements than ever,
to Gash and prompt paying Customers.
Everybody astonished—everybody pleased --everybody carrying
away big parcels, going home well satisfied with the way John.
Manton is doing business,
Owing to contemplated changes in business on the lst Januttaay
the subscriber will sell goods at prices before unheard of,
Come along and be convinced, No trouble to show goods.
es e...—,tea.,.,...
and a
neoesso rs to A. J. Rollins, •
While thanking their numerous friends for their liberal patron-
age, continue to .offer great bargains in.
Dress Goods. Tweeds,
Prints, Flannels, Linares;
Fan -:,y woollen Goods, Gents' overcoats for $6,
A good suit made to order for $16. Boots at $2 per pair,
They .cannot be undersold. 11 lbs of sugar for $1,
dandy in abundance,.Call "and see for yourself.
Centxa i t December 2:0.
.gvavw�a:ruzaaroAi. too.. ,R. : ,t