HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-12-27, Page 313.2 frIvIRS' MAY GOOD �- ARRIVING eJ G B I B001tS1:LLER STAY' Main .itreet, Elrete GENERAL. RE WS. A terrible drortnitf`accidenti recurred rear N .tia :icotia, all Sun - a" 31. 'Meet cllildt'tezl rr era on the ice, -which gave way brit'rut them in, drat. field's family, Inelyding himself, his Wife and two dnugbter, rushed to the scene, a.,a in that excitement All got in• to the water. l`trs. Iiat0.14,adaughter ,e d tell. another daughter aged six, and a SOA. egret ten, were all drowned. Mr. Alfred Fonse. IL I?, foe l.ralifax, is said to contemplate resigning his seat and stalling re•eleetion. A glat.t1 lottery saindie lltttt ilt'+tl. y1l ! ey➢e:alien for some time in Sf. r. holltt s t Ex 4? teen Isabella of Spain has Seel] OD a Asir to Don Carlos. Three hut Ailed operatives in boot and l lei o manufacturers in Lynn, Mass., are t n the stripe. 1 FJ't ;T`i'1Q y.I 't7IQ l2 ' The editor ►'2io saw a Judy'3t3a1d4d1 for the only empty 3411.0 .1 the car, t uild himself ''orowdeed out to make room for n -'ore interesting matter." stn English newspaper contains Ott :tlllow;ng advertisement :—"A. piano- Ibrte to be bold, genuine Pr('adwood lb a laxly about to leave England in a rosewood case on Isliiitogany castors. k per:on sends u$ n pt:em entitled. Ilat'1s Death I" No need of asking ua that gaestion. Yost' should have hired somebody to read you your ver - nee and found out for, yourself.. �Stt ladies ale all dorso on the tele. phone. i ley don't like to have a ftl- low wl'isperiug in their eat ni!h his mouth 20 miles away. "Papa." said a bright Springfield ;Tait home from n eight of Maud wish I were a eon juror." "Wily my sou ?,' "I would turn you into a rat, call up the cat, and wouldn't I have fun 1" "My Lord)' said ells foreman of a Welsh jury, 5Viien grriilg iu the verdict, r.We And the roan who stole the mare Iifit guilty." A. Pennsylvania child is said to in- llel•it the •eyes and nose of his father. but the cheek of his uncle, who is an insurance agent. "I hope this hand is not counter- feit ?" said a lover, as he was toying with his sweetheart's hand. "The hest way to End out Is to ring it ?" was fhe reply. Simkins playfully remarkt d to his wife that he had four tools. Boautifool, diuifnol, youthfool and delightfooi."— "Poor me 1" said she, "I have but orae." A. father of three sons and fivt dauebters was ,asked what family he had —The answer was, ''I have t1+' ee Y,t DOLL I11 . LIBI,L*'S li74.11. N'.ci, IA 'Els PtOOli:i, WALLETS, PQCIiI.BOOKS,. I'L-RSIs:, MEMOli?AN.Ut ROOKS: OIA RIES, for fit'; :1: 'I'O .DOWN, .BOOK MANS, �tI3I�;tI.S'. VASES, .5.GI1.ET SETS, stock oft Year's eter, for HEELS, HORSE T NA DOLLS, Vr'PI, (successors:to G. B. Smith) EnOmils. 2.5 style*, 13c ;W ealtiant ,a►rds =are zugt o � ,4 hgo4,,s44,,s4iko,loss,wlLknauta.tieca �aFoo,,ICiaAdex k, N. ". AP ABE azide rax 75c. linIZTOES for 50c, SATEENS for 25e, 8Oc. Dress Goods for 20c. 120., 150., and 20o. .0ASSS GOODS for 10 and 120. $11 Wool Fine SCOTCH. TWEEDS for 75c., worth $1.25. 'Heavy SA'i'INETT for;3udts. per y 18 yds. of WfNCEY for $1. d An established maxim among business men is tt.rise nearer Areae .tXrazamttfrscliir'Elr Ike closer• Its'." Wo stvud alonvide of him, Saint; part of a 1Vholestale Firtn, WHITE & 'CII1. COUNTY COUi.tT OP TUE OouNTY of liVRQN. AUOTIO% ►i?. 1 "rr OF A- iratuable Farm, N THE TOWNSHIP OS.rFT�iU��`: BO1t1'E, COU AY OE HURON. I'urnuant to an pular of sale, dated fila 15t1r3 der, tar t artt.bt•r, A. 1i. ltr't. menta by the .mules Judge of t°to Vouuty Court 0-U1400°11;14y tit Doren, in tae ui ttterof partition between *then f;us salt and another. plaintiffs. and Xaartlta Irum.eft 1 ,.. use% deft,tpttitlatt, tbepra win bu ;old ti Wtry roialgond, in he'v1 'atge of TIN 'rat"e DRU. 78` cteNzTu,. pc i s kFtxie& Caap , 7 rt name la WW1. lti.x- Samples COMPANY, aid, I..Joinda $25 a IIAY Ter. . QuNTS, North $$iµ Bent free. 1 Boston. Plass. QA elegant cards. not 2 alike, with n tme, 700 143/im t paid. G B, nevous, t;nntini% eche, ea1t,5: Aa+l� fanca cy rs].,slaaafirc,usk ko, Dama, etc..Sot 1 Al zliite,witu mune, nie. ii APO. Card Cgs NASSAU N.Y. $1.011,41-47,0 to u: ents. Foil p irticul>xre free, Alanufacturingco.,Marion0. CO FIIIEN'FIAL notices to nsents. New Orga«saz 30stopa. $139,13.0511, :til.o.$f%!, k'fauosrettil price, 136:(1. only tlanuei I?: Itaaatty, Wa„ la. muter). lit .i.. Work For At In'their own foetlft!aa. czar itsaing for _the Fire. side Visitor, ienla,gesi) a eddy and efmitlit M— berg at raper to `!:e acarid, nit°, 3lananaoth ehroma1free. Atares P el 1'1CSI,Ii1, Aguetal 3 Bina. PL. Awarded'O;it.Y OOLR ittAnAte it Worl,Pj Fair, vicuitaa. Alan, highest it Centennial„ Imrreat Meta in Csr.*afi, tilF Sand for 114 of Planes Red Grata. Q 3 Adelaide et;. >l+taat„ TORQN'[O` ]ORRIS do ROPER. AGE N Wj WANTED, :l.E � r�7 ^ , FOIL Pil'.TIA:MAlAS ADDU'SSS WILSON SEWINe., kLtCIR:INE COMPANY. 8.29 Broadway, N. Y. City ; txhic3 >> 111:; New 0l•leitn9, La.; Or San F*'anelact, Cal. AFET�Y IN SW= 0 RATIONnInt' Vf0 1 »U on Lvest . in tt,lietis ,'r 4, Orn ne �111SN ani PgIVILEGE F id Q 1 e it *� u,Al o iu tllrra...tla>ya t Up m ti.l: Tal %raaltaei.faa,;:wrcru- ber New System el' A: ured Profits. 1240 retltrn.l4 04 hours on Del ,i~ Tack. ,►ce, i. asap„ io ours 4'111 $onans, ;:74, buys rliabilltiea or risk of Iona. ly by letter and stock re. •ialht & co, net„ New York. vz c - G� :OY r S'ATOH 1'i:OTG 1iA,t41 SLIM Ptl,'I*fsb)B CliO(dL3,G''T,, GAMES, AUTHO.o CARD; X.11AS CARDS, SPLINTS FOR FRA dES. STEREOSCOPES, GOLD AND SILVER PAPER, 'MOTTOES, all kinds, B13,tILIN WOOL, SILK FLOSS PAPETERIES, z` 3BA.;"' PICTURES, LADIES' COMI'AI'tONS, NELIKLAGES, WAX FIGURES TEA SETS, TOY CASTORS, BUILDING DL')CI S, ALPBAB LT BLOCKS, TIN TRUMPETS, MOUTH ORGANS, DRAUGHT BOARDS, CHES 11 N, DOMINOES, WAX. CANDLES, CHINESE L A.NT'ERN, . PtP,,i'T MES, 1 , SPONGES) T TLET SOAPS, bYE STUFFS, and HANDY PACKAGE DYE'S, sons, and tllev have etteh• Ale 1,i'sfors." DRESSING COMBS, t';! erc�jyt F' . ispliaet file' i'ilterrogator; I CIRCULAR COMBS, i nth 14r 1.6-, FOC<rET GOM13 $"., *Then the earth shook nt Port Ea • at3.04u., Sac., trald, N Y., the wife of a prominent resident polled him under his third rib, And informed hila that there were burglars in th.s house.' He bad Iived in South America, and had jelt the pulse of Mgther Earth ; so he only yawned. "Go demi) and alive thele out," said his gentle partner. "Why, it's nothing but an earthquake, •m, rear," was his sleepy re.-pona,e,' and there's. no need of taking gold." A five year -bill came up to bis moth- ef z'ttlfi said; "Mother, I saw some- thing rile ass the kitchen floor this Ilaornir J;; and it hadn't any legs eitl or; wiftt 6'6' you suppose it was. The Mother 9 aid she supposed it was a rbbriB; by something of that sort Fi- nitlly sie gave up,;;and the youngster dnlril'ly said, "It was some water." Ji Remarkable Dog .Glory. A gentleman by the nameof Ewing, who lives iu Vernon City, tells ` a re- markable story of the sagacity of a dug which accompanied him in his travels. While in the Short Creek timber, on `his' way .to Joplin, ,.his dog jumped •and eangLt the horse by the bridle reit.. Mr' Ewing drove the animal off, but it ybrsisttd in catching the horse by the, rein, until the ' gentleman concluded it must bemarl, nud*r the itnpulse of. the moment hA polled ha A::'tver and shot the animal, which. then ran back along the -road over which lie had come.. In a few minutes IYIr. ' Ewing' inissed his overcoat, .which had been tied to the saddle. fe turned back to find it, and, after riding abbilt a mile not only found his coat, but tau dots ,HAIR B RUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, CLOTH BRUSHES. NAIL BRUSHES, MUSIC BOOKS, SHE UT MUSIC, IIALJi'-DIME MUSIC, PENHOLDERS, Platin and Fancy. PENCILS, Plain and Fancy, BLANK BOOKS, ouch as Ledgers, Day Books, Journals, &e., &e. Our stationery d partment is com- plete in every branch. In School Books, &c., &o., &c., ear stock will also be found replete. All of the above stock moving been carefully selected from English, German, American and Canadian houses by experienced busi- ness men; cannot fail in assortment quality and price to give nniyersal satisfaction and .. will compete with, if not surpass -any other house in the trade. -Give us a call and convince yourselves. N. B,—I have much plsia'stire in calling your at- tention to the following lures as they are the best value ever offered to the riublio, viz: Xmas Cards. Papeterrea, Albums, Toilet Sets, Vases, Pn rhea, &c. V't. 1111: ROSEBR' YG Directly opposite bile Uouteal Dote], and next door to the Post office, which as lying on tht bat:,..t .. ,u::tit• t MAIN STREET, EXETER. 1`8.itlta �htr incambr, ,, 'l1-Ut;11S e day of sald+ti^ Noltcitcrs. Gtr to bepaid outinWrest. T diate pogatfltleio ,litions of s Glu tf the Dour For fuitnq'I, ,t Meyer it-ltalteaab ('Guar-ot ' 1,lt & rho I'IuinLifl tie the Auctioneer Fadden. Vo 4 Dated at Go A. IL i87i. ISAAC b nrALcoirsokr & of il1.11IIINE & 00. aur ors. Chains, Cattle Ties, Axes of superior quality, Leather Belting, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT O'BYF NE a, eneb amv, •aeraviog v heap aron ,a ,.a N1 Rivers. .eel avuJtll highly tocol intended b5 d rs beteg rpeentny ndul,t01for iuvullds• a 'it!te8,faeoritoTomtit trot tourists, The Atlas Compam'a British built, firat•c1a>ae ;Iron ate:tmers, carralug the Israt.sia t atonia] n,ut lhi ted atatte Maio, lsuvo ler* York twice t, inorltlm `FAE1 (SALOON), 50 Ali. GOLD. ,Array ro D. Battersby. Agent, 1$ St. James at,. Mon- treal. nr,,ss, Morgan & Co„ ri7 Young tt., Toronto. PRIM, FORWOOD R: Co., GEBBIIAL AtlxstTS, 56 Wall Street. New York. of the subscriber' lot b, con EL Luke rood, ant or about the Arae tletober, ono,, yearling -steer, lied. 2'taail,wrlsr irreniunalted le _prove premIl.rtT 13,3" oVian1ef awl take it aaway aostt k o w - afar to to VatterWorkers> ('notlood AottaoA tit Wanted in every town - Alp to introduce ttreCTQI( ni1TTi':li WORK- ED: Sn nple ]fno8tms lime to Agents. faller i15.cO., 37.00 and se.UOexell. ail:Iron to be said in tore Ilo,fiiariovr Aptly Oalfjdlwith statnl.I, for cute c tenlaz, ts• t:�lae Y. TOIL lt, CO. I1E Tuas 0. ra�.r' c?i.1 ,CQ.tt a $921 TAILOA and tLUTIEI Take pleasure to it farm the inOr.bitactsaf Exete odd enrrouailing corp. -F. Gait Ther have Jul opoiedOt:t atu otcteUetat aWalttzuntof rfutings etc., yt1I.M 0,1Ais n, certatu remedy for corl.narr- iiJ1 j xic.f. rlek y our drnrl'Hta farit,- Circaalatrs free. Address 0. G .rosea, 111 CorNand St.Now York. 50 000 Oeiurlaoslsfor sato. Formers J and others desireua of o1'tatin- ing poste. can have them de- livered at any stotion along the L. IL & 14 eta. a post, or put o t the cares at lIti,e1 for 8 eta. hound oo squure ceder any le'o.gtia or di- n:mutton, cut an sawed to order, Apply to ()smut, stllel, dealer in cedar posts, fence lum- ber slid shingles. ,lix. SAO4,,,tiote do .you get such yooll Iran] CO,3S i GET MY FLOUR AT THE IIARD'4VARb; ;;T0I1I+1 -°FLOUR, anti GRIST MILL, . l•-xeter North 11 nowbeing Oa full operation, The propriter lases supplied his aw(11with-first-clean new inaei,iuely, laud has .ecuredthe serviced of the best ],filler in the country. (]DUSTING PRO,tPTIY ATTENDED TO. Satisfaction guaranteed. Patles from a instance can have their grist to take home with them. FII SHOLM•k OLD kTAN D L rJll>T' 0 N' THE OLD RELIABI1aE HOUSE FOR GENERAL DRY GOODS,` AIILLU'4ERY & MANTLES. MEN'S ULOTIIIING TO ORDER, OR .READY-MADE, HENDERSON & BUCIIb1NAN Late A. Chisholm & Go. A COMPLETE STOCK Or HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRICES, Remember—Sign of the Striking Clock, 142, Dundas Street; 'LONDON. CONSUMPTION CARED, AN ULD PILYSICIAN, retired frt'ni active practice, having had placed .in his hands by an Nast India Missionary the formuiat of a Vegetable Remedy for the speedy and per- Inaanent cure of CONSUMPTION ASTHMA BRONCHITIS 0 TARRH acuA all Throat and 'mug Affections; also a positive anetr,adical ante for nervous debility and all err- votie complaints, after having thoroughly tested its.wo'aderful curative powers in thousands of ca• spare '5a it his duty ton,pakeitknown -tolas suf- fering fellows. Actuated.by this motive, and a ,onscaentious desire to renew. human suffering, ,tudwili send, free of charge, to ail who deaiie 3t.; ails recd e,With full directions for preparing and Puccesifuliv uaiuo. Sent by return mail. by ad - ..4141:f, r• nt--n ..a»'•:p, unmiugthi paper,''DB. 'C STOVLN, Box 8G. ilrookville.Uut, G. &, J. BROOKS Manufacturers of LUZ R , LATE,& ST4VESI ,and tlealersin C DR POSTS BATLS',CORDWOOD.. Arte zs-Two males •west ol, Lonalon Btogd TOWN HIP.Ql?1IAY rt 13101: q stslasautlpots- I'm a:tilt-etsiesa'e,i: matter of' dot .„T t "o a•u bt;it ttiat tuestf.lstidia'itet ,extra. A 1lniitber of it n w 'r ;' ti 5ir!g nl c'tiw f iilbe sola at a saw hien to plena mit , .t' tR. AU EN A. Well -di Bert 'ate - The eubecriberwould intimate to the Whirl tants of Centralia an,lt esiul'a,ul,aliail toscn�,tir:Q and village athat he 1s fres$;(JJ to cti •rz.tafor WELL.DIGGING, STONING, ETV. ]raving hada number of vas eatrrt:iealce in. that busing $s he eau d'zu1'A'ltet' eatiOaetcaa. Orders Solicited. To lie aaddi' nlred to Centralia, 1'.0. Sap•rb- parol] furnia1cd i-tregaiitad, t+iJt:".:gtim.tFe.Rt )tall 1070 Furniture, TInwarer 8c JOHN C. GILPIN flr vbut pareltased the Stock mad Buildings otr W. J. Gilpin. will hive a i2t `xa 13.4.11.CIAIZ715 in flit classes .,,f goods, so as to' duce tint Stock fully one golf before re. worzltg. 'tel may be obtained at either of Wu shops. 3.C.GILt1IN. T ter Bazaar', ugt Received fat R. CLARKE S a varied as"ortment of Fancy Article'*, inclnd- ingclloine Albums, [,allies Coinpnnion9, Fancy Boxes of Stationery, Gold and Silver Foil for Mottoes. Doha hi China and was, \'4atcll;ra and Chains, and all liercrtptions of TCreZa 7013 G1IILS AND B03 ; VI)" Ulterior Pocket Books and Parses, Cana- dian Diaries for 1878 from 15 centa, prtncits, teens and holders, Ink and Paper, Enlelopess iu boxes assorted, and other things totnuiner: Gua too mention. Come, see, and boy from me,. Says J. it. C. Don'tnrget the address, one door Nortb.o£ Hemp's fobscco Store, Mini Street. SLEIGHS ()N IIAND. Berlin Wools in .Leery had. Bibles, beautifully bound ane Illustrated, vsry cheap. sT. ;t€11111'S LI3IEWOUII.' our drawn kilns being now infu o,aerationand tnrningoutdaily a, large ponetit) of MIME that for allpurposns cannot be surpassed in the Domin- ion. Partiestrom'rt distauee can al+raya bar" •plied either at the kilns or delieerd by teams nt low estremunerative rates.-Qrdersfrom s distance; promptly attended to. W HITSON & SWATH.. HI-A.LOO ' M.A.C. WHERE DID, YOU BUY THOSE t'hy I bonghl.*'t ZO.'I N MTTCHELLr4 Brie yard -Mr B 1)issett's old ptaus, ailstitilit sure of'Crediten gravel road That's where a •buy all my briek, b'eause you eaaa get the best oriole in the comity from laipi, ns he keeps none but first class workmen You can always depend on getting a first- class article, They are; 50 cents a thousand aho d of any in these; part. Dont for„ettthe • spot.' �OIIN MITCI3E41p, Credtgp ARDING & HAADING, I3t rrie- 111 tore, Attorneys, Solicitors, Commissioner ti1rt.tplt 'SII02oN a Bt,00s. Witter treat, St. y MaX. ' W • It ,rt 11 8.riermosct �,• • 'r, 7t R• .AltiiiNti,