HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-12-27, Page 2A7S7 O 500 Oar nnex's SIPORP T . OTICB TO TB - mow. y,set erof eodily to me at y, and not 1870—on. be cautious e ti►ne� -hill for i ora snow 1y this month moat Wint,y.like St..Patriok's Day a tow storm.. ore now during ►out .ie %noath whlleend et and ctaa�'1, with iicll?ey winds, and ball fair lo go out exceedingly stormy. April, Nay and the first part *Mime will be very wet and cold. This ire pressiau •isidn-r,iy.itnpriuted an •ulyt mind, at;d'thie wet,andxokl spring will ttu folio cued I,y au ihtteiaeely not hnhds1 tu* mer. April will be ohs,' atcterized by a coil, whito Easter. The whole aauturno and winter will be favorable, to the increase of throat diseases and fevers, also cattle dietases; and-I.egreo with.Praf Marian iu antic. %rating the approach of Asiatic obolera+: towards notl%ern latitudes storing the euautat; summer. Raving now completed ilhy atoct; of CLOCKS, WATCHES, •GOLD and SILVER tiCHr�I11S, 'I?LATED CJIAIN1 'Gt LD SETTS, EAR DROPS, and •BROACHES I am now pre rad to of ergroat induce.' menta to. buyers. 1 am selling at cost, Clocks, Silver \Vetches, the best value ever offered in Canada. A. watch,ro;ula r Fro "'l for $111. $18 Watches for $1 ► watches for 10. Don't fail to •see them. Lilies` Gold Watches, 'Tery low in price. I ern se11h g .:4 per 1 cent, below 4.44o•'rieQ, during the xltldl• hays btive tion largeit assortment 4i Clinks in We.t:•ru Ontario. Come and see theist. I slat et Ciut very cl;eap. riw'216-1 are semi -king; enirety new. 1y stook of Silver Ware is vert ergo and complete. .Sten% -grinding watch, $11.50. 'tines, $;kills. COLI) \VI DDINO RINGS. MABR.1 ACBE LICENSES. Ia�hlaQ OM= .1111•111111. Spectacles to Salt All Sights AGENTS �FTQIL THE CELRT,I3AtTEUry� �r Lt.Z 1R V S S MORRI'S SPECTACLES. CT ACLES. Remember, MO coeds wood wanted an exchange for Watches, Clock and • Jewelry. TIZOM FITT©1\T. .(118 traVer m ►V. " TRIIRSDAY, DEOhriBER 27, 1877. TUE people of Exeter are not proper. ed to allow Mr. :Verity to leave the, -seat ..at the council which he has so c,vurthsly filled to the village's advent - age since 1878. 'We understand he will again be put in nominati,n and elected. CANON FAREA%a, an English divine, takes a similarwithre stand and to-thd g duration of future punishment as that rteken'by Rev. Mr. I11:cllonell, of T iron- 'to,,s couple of years ago. Religious circles are in a ferment over the broad utterances of Dean Stanley as well. r Tan .Ram ,P.aEsshas been threatened with a ceineinal libel suit. because of oommeuts made on the Hon. George Brown's .mission to Washington in connection with the resent negotiations .forsee-reciprocity treaty. The Free Pfess says, "Go.aheacl." 'ZEE GENTRA•L DRUG &cone. Notwith -e:tan'ding. true ;great rush on Saturday' and Monday last. to this establishment for toars and fancy ;.� d s, there still re- mains a splendid .•assortmelit to select from, which will be sold evert• cheap to ,.clear thein gilt, :Gino Resebrugh a call. He nieaue what he says. A SMALL SHEET. —Our readers toast not expect this issue of Tnx Tures to come up -to :what it should be at other tinlss..'It eves not o.ur iuten ion to 'have issued e sheet nif any kind, and only semi .out this half sheet to ac-; = c:an)odate our advertisers. Next week .we hope to give otlr readers one of the ILosteipapers ever issued fi•onI this office, 'and shall endeavor to keep ooh sus- . cee.ling number alp to the same stand- „et tand- „et.rd.'' •'To'theRc6tap:afiers of ticel ctluye f GENTLTq'4rjWC,--A.4:I . have been •re-... quested by a number of the electors t :.allow myself to be put rn noanivatio•i- for the office of Councillorl'•f,xr the year 1t S,iT t,hauia'the ,ger;t1emen wlio have signified' their ,:intention, of supporting me, but, in justicet:o my:businesss I can- teot•ateeee3t:.,a Domination at preeeet, , but may `do so at some future time if tiny services may be required. 4,1., remain your obl't servant, Doawapn. e. * Dee !Nth, farLast al: and itepl Ate, property of Jteiaah r'.iwl, lot 1 vett, S. %'sunrise. S: ate! ;weer, eh; %)Ver ilatat Awuaut 1 tea; melt% U heal Qts, nuc SatunL y 1'e;:; 20, furca stoxlt. iai:l lcra,gn"s, laoasebolxl furniture, on, 3, Hay, 1.2 taws. Jolla 3tit hap Me. 7'lanaeday, Jan. 4, fame est. 7.kx« •.'9, :v, ll., eon prepuityed Chanes Mg. TriWAS DEEEKE it SANTA CLAUS ARRIVED .AT T ITE DQMINION LABORATORY. Sign of the Golden, Mortar, Main Street. Exeter, with THE LARGEST, %HOST COMPLETE AVD 'VARIED Stook of Holiday Goods ever brought into the County. SHELL GOODS. In this most popular huo of Xmas goods we Alava a beautiful variety, such as Single 4 Doable Sea•ahell Cuelhial~a, Sea.shatl Trinket boxes, Combined Se 'ehelt Trinket Boxes, Sea.ahell Match Boxes, e&o., &e.. Also collections of Sea.sbella under 0110e Sbadee--the most Blegeut aandrPapolar Table Ornaments hi the market. What morampprogri ate for a Ilotitlas preeeut y Fancy Greeu Bronze Inkstands, Thermion eter Inttstand*i, Brou.ze clog's llao,d Inkstands, Gent's Companions, Boxes of Water Colors Geographical Blocks, Pftreterivi, Pictures, Gilt Golorcda,Qetgcrs, Bertin Wool, Splints, Watch sta,nds• TOILET ABTICI�, lhenliau Glue ToiletSetts, Daliehiliwu Glass vases, To I. 11 hes, NIA..S CANDIES izl sta list FANO Y. 'A:E GOODS,&o. Trinket Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes,. Glove Setts, Glove Boxes, Ink CaacA, Work Boxes, 4a., deo,, WRITE WOOD GOODS. Whits Woad Whlatnots,. White Wood Spool 13okes, .;Gaal Boma, ,Card Rockets. `fal'EGTW(,ES, Etc, Without running into the PAM,. rRICT i lino of epeetaales, WQ can snit'' all sights with a first cls a article. Also Cl000nes or 1'iaone:outs for those exposed to duet or call. GAMES. Che 0, Dominoes, Tivoli, Ste., d;e. PERFUMERY, Ete, Besides 1 eelurg eoostautly on hand all the popular French and English articles` in this list, such as l,eibiu'a Extracts, Rin uel'a Pe►dailies, 1.'iy 's I'erfuuactitr, I:aunlau'a I' oirea. Water, d; , ave reduced a line of our owl), mdiug to tin most al - nz oils.auti extracts us directly from id are harpy i ave tried them, costly, butpro. ming very favor. oh prepaaratiou i^. ou to 0 CD a-..+ ftj THE GEEATetT Wonders of Moder. Times Holloway s Pills &Ointment The Pals Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stoxuaah, Kidneys and Bowels, and ate ins iu all complaints incidental to F'o=nales. The Ointment la the nuly reliable reined'• for Bad Logs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer , o1 how- ever long standing. Igor Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Bin eases hK suoedual. BEWAF.E 4P New York Counterfeits. Spurious Imitation ,t "Holloway's Pills and Oin'.anent,” aro manufactured and sold uuder the nave of "Holloway & Co." by J. F. Company, Drug - by the Metro- cine eomually of unassumed trade ----Again ono of Now York,like- coonterreita of bis Henry, Curran & gists, and also polxtau Medi - .tow York, will xnark, thug— Joseph H.aydocl wise passes off own make undor the %tame of 1•Io1- aoway&Co.,having for atrade mark a Crnseut and Serpent; StoHessen & itobbine of Now York are agents for the same. These persons, the better to,deccive you, un- blushingly eautionthe public in the small books of directions affixed to their medicines, which aro really theepurious imitations, to Beware 0 Counterfeits. Uuscrupuloae Dealers o btain then•, at very low prices and sell them to the pubic iu Cana- da as lay gsnufne Pills and Uihtinents, T most earnestly and respectfully the Clergy, to mothers offaimlies and other ladies and the public generally of British North Ameri- ca, that they may be pleased to demotion') un- sparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the label on the rots and boxes. If the audross is not 533, Oxford Stro •t, Loudon, tiny are the counterfeits, Each pot an d boa, of the t o emu "m a ➢le.licin os,. nears the British Govornaneut stamp, with the words "HoL7OWt.T's .1'2,I,ria .Alan O1NTMENT, London,". engraved thereon: ('n the label is the address; 513 Oxford Street, r,oxiooh,whore alone they are Mauufaoturad. Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spu+•iot s"liolloways Pills and Ointment as my genuine sake t l , on com- municating the particulars to me, be amply re-. rna uoratod, and their r u me never divulged. (' 1 (1.it*Ve;'V THE HE VV I). IIeGLOOHLON \Vann zs' Eansa • �i- tF aC 1 Bestirs ma got the W. L.01-calacblon,sfatelx before buying.; 'oawili huge no other aftersee- iug ttxom. All who wear the recommence them Goadand Silver, Ladies und'Oontiemau's,sire', 77Dqudssstreet,Londox. See the teeti'inanicls The largiiat,bestand cheapest steak of fine Gold Jewelry, Cloelss,;ilver•, and Plated Ware, P:uxos ;odds, acc , &., in the Province. Reps Ngn.v •.Tory description,77 UunW. d11.atls McOL ,LguilOgaUCrLN �,ille ettlnue Fancy Cut 0 Bosom) Double Folios A.B Traua Slate Lem. 0 China Table China Tea bet, China Moustache China Gift Cups an 'queers, China Dolls, China Match Boxes, China Flgures, TOBACCONISTS' . •UND– I-tIES. PIPES POIA . The ft test and most complete stock of Pipes ever shown in town. Meerschaum Pipes, Smokers' Meerschaum Bette, D•Ieereehalln cigar bidders, Indian Hookahs, J1'relleh. Clays, Briar Root, Cherry 1: ipes, Oorkwood Pipes, Cigar Cases,' T1.bncco Pouches, Match Buxee, Batch stands, Mouth Pieces, s emus, Bowls, and one of the nobbieet thin Tem ReeeeIA, cr IMITATION 01GAilnp.. i. TOYS. In Tin, wood, Composition, Iron end Robber, Horses and Sulkeys, Horses and Carts, Horses on Wheels, Trumpets, Spring Pop,'Guna, I'Iotal:Pop Grans, Wood Pop Guns, Itlusical Pop Guns, Surprise B, xes, Tumbling Charms, .hocking . Horses, Horses on Wheels, Coat.tiug Sleighs, Balls, Cytnbal„Players, Chinn and•tcther Del19, a11 bjzes, Whiskies, Banks, Rattles, Mop?. ,Fancy Cempoeieieziefoye, Birds, .' \Vetches, Caine Teasette, Gbitnes, ' ),elly Nerde Paper: Dolle, •,,&c.. ,&a. but wou a particularly direct at- tethtion to Our RRILLANTINE IIAIR CREAM certainly the ebeapese, nest 'elegant' and non -irritating Hair Dresoing in the ln,trket, Our ROSE GLYCERINE EMOLIENT is also the most delightful preperati. nl in use for softening, preventing and curiug chaps &c., &o. Try as weil•.nui COLD CREAM, GLYCERINE J IITaS', LLP:SALVE,` and above all don't forget to try a Dox? of our ROSE TOOTHPASTE. r. art • l'a o o ,itt 0 CDp act it pc' 1:9 Ct 71 1-4 rP it C"� ODONTINL DENTIFRICE .� than either of which no preparations - can be less hurtful to tele teeth, or do uioi'e to beautify alio preserve them. HAIR RESTORATIVES, &c., Ayer.'s Bair Vigor. Mrs. Allen's Worlcl's,Hair Nestor- er, i. Hall•'.s 'Sicillian : Hair Renewer, Dies' Magic Hair & Whisker Promoter, gs out,' Cenediau Heir Dye, Batchelors,. HairD3'e &o, , We are also offering the public the (Mine ORIFNTAL HAIR RESTonER, which leas proved itself no mean rival to the oth er much_ nore,advertised proparatione, audthasthe ad/tentage of costing .but cne half their price, DYE STUFFS. In this lice we buy ouly the Leet stock, and we defy competition as to figure? and our coua.pounde are made with greatest caro -to .secure a first• class art ale. Dutch gadder, Extracts and Chips, Indig i, Indigo Conipouud, Solnliou of tin; &e., &e,,' iilso a' full line of Analine 'and firmly Pack- age Dyes. PATENT MEDICINES. We keep,4 full stgek of all the popular proprietary medicines `of the day ; stuch its Ayer's Sarsaparilla, t'yer's Cherry Pectoral, Ague Cure,' A,llaii'e Lni+g Balsam, flyer's Pills,' Peruvieu Syrup, Fellpw's Ilypophosphates, Kennedy's Medical Discoveiy,,Wistar's Balsam: of Wild Cherry. ' Among the newest :prep atatitiohle vie have Phosfozone, the new Nervine Temic Green'sAugnst1'1ower, Sl_ CD 1,1 � o mss' 0 fy o p • r3 re 1- O O' O 0 0 0 ea 0 O N c � v � c .a. '-d rn 0 ro • V a sa1 o 0"1–,. Z ti R r t- ea u o Le CD CD 0 C., CD o �0 0 o 0 m ••••••lar 0 !r 0 m N �. C N ce ,93 Ham` =1±aS, mP. Cj 00 m ete 1 UCKINGHAM'S , OLD BLACKSMITH DO SHOP is still going air. S. Backiug1in i desires to return his :sincere "thanks to his numerous patrons, who have supported him in the past, and would intimate that, having recovered f,om his long illness, he intends in future to take charge ,of the horse -shoeing the great Dyspepsia` Panacea, with a department himself. 'All ' ork done jn, the very;. best Style,: and., atthe lowest rates. host of others , too ,;numerous , to men• • •• s, xuaotherlilNai�p.J�. One- x• eetteeePeeil: etWi7.