HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-12-27, Page 1VOL, IV, Vit+ 19 1413t)1.1: No. 0.47 EXTER, ONTARIO,, TILUIe1:7DA',• DECEMBER 2 PKG'EKTY T AitM FOR ALF..•..The snbseriber offers for rale, leek 13. concession 5, etepile , f rn►ir heaves and a half front blaster, corupri.ing act=_4 acres. O) acres cleared. Good lo„ hout,e nu 1 frame in n, splertdi,I water. spit tit for +" n . v inrgroat, also r splendid lAc"t yard on 9•.. lh'e^:9i•. ti, For further iia4;irn49rs apply tet I';tclr.ten Morn\a, On the prcmit...9,t x to..,SA• ter, P 0 »1 ilial FOB Ono. hundred acres, int re or les.,„ lot n on colt con 04116.rvie. Enmity of Weron, I „ncresei arcli:re re. _3ncii•e to h.lri.nuont, iin601, well fens: -41 and glad sh•tu er l uct..0 tt it Iderarniuc3l.l eoa orelr.ol. sFih'n;.i.1 -roil of water. frame barn alis7tr,a fuel cedar U. tit+r; a lug hints.. mai aunts,,=ret to scion,* and cmturch.7miirafrum l,ucan. ishum latus.;:one, and i! frotn bt. Marrs, on a uu1t grim! road ; I:alf + Fowcici t ani. race:eiuder In f1v4 or en+t.•n S/'riri' Ono. Vol. further particulate aY;I to ,31Vt:S SA1►ft1•11,ou the powders. union.tx )30PERTIC FOR &Tet .•p-Twototattn `thin street. coutaiu ng cne-iaftk ;ecru each ; good haute er►tt;lgc,c •nt intiu;;hisroonms; pond revel and. putrp, and dtablo ant th,s premises, 01,t601)l3$ A.lt2fOu Its A.nvs ace. E rRAr.--GAME IN'T(T. r NE•W .UTC U? pverniserc of the e.ibmribcr, lot horne,utu,nt the rtiiddle of Noveeher. a seottedn„ lac, The ostler sin picot(' prove p.op,erty, pay Thenudersigned would inform pale inliabi carcases. and - teak, it away. J.)10. I;NaF IZ l . tit ants of Exeter and vicinity that be ba. Urtci wVANT f,.... i< ,N TO !OPENED A NEW BUTCUIEF s .QP It tli► 7revas al-FiteterLnionburialereand i're,ne%re9rttrer and tucrn tf Zand for ;prslen, ref in: Cher int n tnidiun. apply to 1 \F4r.i+t.-ir. #gala, hones re ,fled to heating ep 0 1 scretaiitir Una, l0ii. A 4.1irim,S e, -Teras. I it) B..R- Nik.00Ia, I«Y AND GREEN WOOD Aeliv wed atsoy point.for sale ttatl times. at the .logo t prices. i;.ar:ds itiatorlitt chop1.OQ0 cordswo.cl, 'apply tt Brion & F,xetsr 11,Fa PULP r IA, 0 E t Woodham, ppp BRAY 4- EDWARD having at con Tho above ea►irl11 &Ranted f• + I,:t•1►tess, as Elden .1 e+ expense secured the )test nut. tI►e+ 113tH ;art+ tb ►1 Y t 1 nr `,v , ,vc s'k'eet tQ catuen and Anger 141 the 111tratiteinp, 9n41 have au ,: ► .r int ,, t: gaud atow stork of thin street Wiling to the e!ntu n f •,r it trema tors ap ly to J. WHIM `3'tT s toy ice. Lute" " r l;xS aSS Pump CT FARM FOR `AL11-•-Tca ler, sold ThY private cuntntet, hit Yu :1, i►+• t?ae :3rd concession of Illy, , e.tntainink lUtt f►e►t tonne cm less. rt Welt abduct 75 news ore ciexrrt11 The farce lel a'cll f •►t4.td. luny a petted tircE. tut. ettectonr Routh of Ms illacle►mttlishap audit/apes Massimo Metal >patroueeethat has been ea corded to hien to ileo Itbst:r'i11era A^;o ar44OY manta tine win he extended totut inWs new branch* vastness. His meat trsgg,it willoall 4Z the resi- derttesot the village ttwee tire eseacl-wevtcavd II E A. T of mil k.nde;kept constantly Qom. berig t leis. teat? tier tenet,. uA EcR 7,6 ifsbriiaclwnp u 4tkingesrraellQn R. I AVIVit:, and ore pet: fared to make to. orffer 46110443 ohczt- cstnctice wa. or Pastern Porno. Wells and Casters contracted for, Attnaon 1•atla I -tae stocker N.w.e out•J• Lumber. Soft *Jun hues► et for 9 6 .,9 to *7 Eta four x14 to 8?0.1e, 10a*. -w t 31.94 1:16-; r.r.,at1. (load stash of i.a),•,i on hx.md frwum Litt, 041 0i1=..er ltult tint a toiwtliert,for dr'39 loatrr•vo, Cut: according to 4.11:'1' with a ln.t tnieli house, a•a4, itn,l rah^ , t:fa $• li P 1+ 111044OTfi br engil promptly attended to. /leek runs thnmglt this part of tete farm. for fartlwr particulars, ',play to Mr. R. V. Elliott, Salleitoa. Exeter or to the praprlotur, Mr. supe Carley on the promises. Hay, Nov. 15, 1877. mI3GEtAMlw4t1& .'tllOTT, of London, L.I).S. , • Gradtrati of ltoyal College of Dental tinr,;eono hots upsrei an ofACO iu Faueou's Block, 1 xettr. fi (.)NI Y TO LOAN— tar a and 11r smolt sums or most •y to lonet ou Mort - Imo a t k'tt n9, at night per cont.payable yearly. ttvlill prhilege to the botrowor of paying off an or partat such ti;noxa to y be Avow, Apply to hti .13. Fe Iter. sof lector, t•:xeter, 'ttSON tC IIUI)SON, Henan% 0 .bL Ariolunti.its, Auctioneers, C.onveya 6 tI. ao and Life fuse/roue. -ntlOentral Comma . rr;igents, Insurance two•tltirtta cheaper tin Ittuary cost. Prompt attention to orders mail or othcrwlae. THE EXETER Planing Mil DOOR rE.i1< ut Aic.K.t# ts: CA.tttul 4.11 —.1.11 N11FO18I►, Lt ham's, nos opened out 3 tiage 0 S1iop t+ r, and A L abler uQrr matowing all t. styles. in MILLINERY, / .yy II0 1 411e b, avv e received another lot of these C.+ir.-e,ttsi,i-i.e,P !It#i 41, TLL`,-rt , SHAWLS, ; atnti teem 'stools tit' SHA i l` L S, DRESS GOODS, (MOTHS and TWEEDS, Boats and Shoes ancl. Hats and Caps, Overcoats and ACatl;r-Inane Clothing very cheap. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. A Irerl':et i3t gtawrrnteoL. GR Gh itiES IS VERY' CO !PLET All the above *eras sill to offered at a mall & lvor.cei ou ,oat. hs'lieving tbat tt nicab1J sixpence ire a slow Sham. Iicsure and calla and examitt. the stockaudprieea. FURNITURE Rooms LI'ItI✓I,OE IE tT OF 211E11IISESa T OWI O to the very largo increase tet trade. 1 have been . vuij,elklt to enlarge ray premises. and havejuot rcceised a large atoek of aflkinde al Furniture -in float, ono of the largest north oILou. ton, including CLOCKS', RRA1R, STRAW AND .1IXF.D MA:C'LRAS,F b1 and Spxinr. Reda of ail !'suds. Thee,: iu want t•f a first class article in tho if mase Furnishing Lina should call and examine my stock and ancertarn my Frites and be convinced that I can sell ebeaper than suy ether llouseit► Lha tratto. Special attcntton to Undertaking. KI 11 S. CAMPBELL, PROVINCIA • Land fiurveyer, oto., will 1e at the 1Z y tl Mite], Exater,su tato first Tuesday Wench month, ()tilers for work left vitt! 71r. John Spackman will reeolvoprotnpt attention. A L Alin;, Cvilttnissioner, Usti - ,,s'.Lr once, Land and Loan agent, Office— next door ninth Royal Hotel, l:xotor. \Nikons 'r. Hotel. Hen salt, overyMonday. i)1UV ,Tbe FUNDS r to loan at $ pe% OR GAGES BQTV(.1I1'J1. NVEYANCING — Deeds, t- g.tgos, Wills. &C, drawn on reasonable terms IN.CLAIR TAIT. Dealer in Finney (foods and Toys double Mut stogie 18oriu Wool, of all color. Aline Zephyr' end t#e+rinautoa Weal Next hoer north of the TNXES office, Exeter. DBE W'S IIALL, linin St., Exeter. the above large and convenient hall b • been fitted up in the most approved style. butt.i. the largest in the place. On application, a flat• class piano will bo furnished. For terms, etc, apply to Goo. 11. Lface, one door so•tth. Also to rent for a terms of years, the large store below thobell,nn excellentcellar, and water con- venient. For parttcular.upp1y at the same place SCENERY TO BENT 01t SELL. -1 set of scenery, entirely new, suitable for a.l kinds or entertainments, dramatic atd musi- cal, cot dating of seven scones and drop cur- tain, wirlgc and stage fittings complete, 'For terms, address CROSTHWAITE &LUDLOW, Drawer I, St. Mary's, Ont. N. 13. Talent fur- nished for Concerts, Dramatic ilintertitin- mnnts, &o. Torus reasonable. Soeuerr pniated to ord-r. im TOrICE—Notice is hereby giver) 11 that the undersigned will after the expira- tion of twenty days from the first publication of this n,.tice, apply to the Judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron co bo appointed etnardian of tho persons and estates of James \VlInon, Usula Nilson, Sarah Wilson, Robert Wil- son and William Wilson, children of Samuel Winson 'ste of the Township of Lisburne. iu the t;ounyy of Huron, farmer, t1,&coated who died on the Mad day of cetober,1877. 11LiZAI34rH WILSON. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER - stilt. -1 otiee is hereby given thatotlio 'Partnership heretofore existing between us the undersigned under the style ar.d Arm of shettol, & Hi11 is this day dissolved by inutlntl consent. The debts duo the said firm will be collected and 44 the Liabilities paid by Jnsnra H. summon, who Will continue the business as heretofore in the otd stand. JUe L:PIT II. sHELTON, • DAME s '11LL. A. A.IIO11K1RS, Witness. • Crediton. Nov. 26, 1877. • AUTION—All persoi•s are hereby forbid-. • •:"r. ' den to credit any person on my account •rei,•witheut it written order signed bym a, IIALPH KILPATIUCK. Crediton, Doc. 5. 1877. . 3t N; LjY,E18Y STA13LE, Main Street, Ex tsf lti1ARIK CL ARKE'wnuld nc- i pile inip*c 4-14 he has opened a new mvery Stable on hp pfn7lseE. The public willfind C doh ti id`'Sear ' rta le rip allhonrs an • r•• rr, .., .,, Capital - f1-01",‘2,000,000 Parties requiring money cats obtain advances on approved town or forte property. at lowest rates. The above i+ a London, England Com- pany. For further oartic tlnrs, apply to ItOBER't PIC&IIID, Agent. 'Stay 17, tf, Are prepat price in quantity 0 1 aela iglzest for any fogs,dead, alive Any quantity of leter nt. C U TT 1 N G PORK IT HE STAR GROCER-1 ,Exeter Tannery Ory eontitantIy oil ladled $peoud ablution paid to AT Cost. Undertaking. Buildings contracted for. 5, 'ai'bair32... L OST O 0 ST COST: HARNESS AT COSTS' 1' • 201ITREBLE wouldretut' thanks to his customers for that very 'beral patronage bestowed oil him intim tat and would rest'oalfully riuuounct.'oo tuomn that lee tilos greatly redunod the prices dimness. as will be seen by ptresiiep the nrieu lint: • COST COST AT COST 0O.a. IIAIII. ESS AT COST L,tnit Tug, Black, la inch ,. „ it 1 ;White t' H Brass 11 viii '37 20 LIGHT HARNESS Single iiarncus, 12 and upwards de lothertvnrk Iu the Harness linoat poop,:tion1ily low prices. 12etirtng done with neatness be spirt rr.ddeapach f30(1I'S 0 x1102 In this branch of (e trade. every effort is mueleto ot.pptythe best articles The nnderrigned would acquaint the 'rade that they have nm; on hand, a large quantity of LE R. such as UPPER, KIP, oALF HARNESS,BELTING RUSSET and, THER. A. quantity of hair for piaster ors, en bawl, BIoLACHLAN MoCALLUli • Cash tor hides. ILLI E RIC MISS GAR:LIICK, has nOw 011 hand a full stook of fall and winter Ilfllai,ery. ouipiiaiug all the latost novtities iu • Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, Flovrers, Silas, Velvets, Ribbons, &c., at lower price3 than ever. FANCY GOODS Berlin Woofs, Ottoman Mid . Slipper Patterns. Ja okets made or cut to order. Pur triminge for Mantles and Jaeketts. at MISS GARLICK'S, Main St, Exeter. New Branch of Business 13,1!:11.0.x.:',. Sanders tcouidlatimate to the nubile that he has started a shop fer the Sharpening and Gunning of all kinds of saws, • At his Residence onHuronStreet. Edgedtoolsof all kinds sbtrponed on the short- est notice r?1 q Y A_WA : tt }>e.iutiful',Impnitpf Chronic) Carpenter work as usual tantl apliegantsiixe' Visiting (lards, pc.e ' for net:, nli cpram. d. Raw. An L nn Co , b it zo , ro ply attenden to. rlett.N vl u o e'v' .. n • -111 F. • SAM( g -AE Wholesale and Retail. All orders for cured meat promptly attended to NEW 1IACH1NE SHOP. William Kitching Wishes to inform the public that lie is - bottePr prelared torepaiz all kinds of ISewing Machines, 'Watches Clocks, Guns, . &c., than any other person in the country, as his ci,arges are moderate,' and he guarantees to give .Sat isfac tion. Theuntlersigned having rented the Planing -Milt, sash, Door and Blind factory, of Mr JohnRoss, and having on hand a large stock first class lumber are now prepared to .4.7 rd KE CO.)rTR4C l.'s or all manner of buildings, and furnish rna• terial for the same. .1./010 s t e SC It91.L WORK . Clone at lowest prices, ROSS BROS & DAVIDSON Aprill2 pAINTIN a PAINTING J. KITCHING rcreparod toil o alb kfu is of Hc a ePainti.ng, Paperhanging Whitenin tc.;r tre:tIan able prices andct.unllp... J.ICITCI•Iir'NG Main at , 1 e*tr T E \f !' E & FA R. I IER beg to give notice that they have purchased an ENTIRE NEW STOCR 0 -111 roc r acs which they will offer at a very low figure. .0: Call and try their new season's Tea. Everything Fresh and Good. Fresh Oysters received daily. TZIOXIZTIS sec 't amaz . (Late Hooper & .e_horn0. JOHN FIRMER. LEWIS THORNE. 1877) SPB.ING (1877 THE OLD RELIABLE I-IOIT +E &tall times, sndpartioularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stook, I do so with eve"y confid- ence; it being moreeorofully assorted and selected than that of any previous season. —0— In In the Dry Goods Every department is replete wi'h the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked at prices which 81101114] dnnI,nnnd Ile aLenhlon of the very closest buyers: 11118 OBt)E 1D CLOTHING- still has 1178. W,1VE,S at it, head In Millinery Underthe management of Miss McGloghlou, we can snit the most fastidious. Our stook o Groceries, Boots and Shoes, „Canadian', English and American Shelf and ITeavy Hardware ono the largest and best assorted, in the County. I;irending purchasers will conttnit their ' best interests by examining inystock before 'gotnr elsewhere, • 1rA 1TESPICIrA,.ZRD_