The Exeter Times, 1877-11-29, Page 16HOLIDAY G ARRIY '« G B I ,Rain Street, 140C. Arneson,: a=ckuted to learn the print big. Apply :tt this office. -Goen 3h4 Cit n 5'* Kilo or t) ex• a .ettaepe l.Ir pooh has. A.lelity at this 4tli:tt, To Slstta.---.: teaats. C•ubly anti Hay. Clem, of Esser.+r, ere ittttleattictel to take part itl the grand is site•d enterrlaie, melt, to he held In I3:tte.•etheslll t, .0 or- rotr eight. Deer.—We are happy to be able to an- ew nuce n•ewuuce that 31r. M. it assets,, our es. tt:euat"tt villego teem, was eble on Mous day hist to take a And :tiring;, tt�e h else sneers to. Bee bests uceupeing leis IAA seat at tlI3 commit boa►tl. New Dat:'.s.--We notioo that our ex cenuris .eentelnj►orary The Matt hat; do1.)1:0=11 tt uew dress tihrough ut. It is Il:IW the leanelsutliet t parer hi Oneida. awl the beet ,published let Oetaatie at least. Potte:lues rt.—By reference to on:' ail• v, rtleMo Coinnlus it Wilt even *het !lir. Woliau Westeett tteas plu•ebaa'.rd Mr. kleiiisrr a ell atogt up:'lt rooms. Mr. Weeterrtt its Iva &mown Its the vitt:too. owl slhorhl do a veritable btt.ieae:ss, —t" TIM$' Cvtri AL.A. .ltiitRi+E2 — p'stll Wheat, 1.18 to $1:221 per bushel; Spring,` $1 -to S1 00 °tie 25 centaa to 28 cents, Daley, O'Qterretal.to €.cents, Live hogs; 4'gents per pound, i7,.essed hogs, $4,50 to, 5f per bemired 1be., Iiaty, $0 per p1'lh::trail, Oordwotel, dist. $2.gr at the yard. 2.050 fen tits oars; . Greco Wooti, $2 At the :verde i Soso Swum m Meszeste.--Tie G. V; R. comptky's steaam sawing machine is teat - thug n t4ou is sett ; if, it out to mis sPeeial- sti ink ng. cart otd .1>ltsr'i. halting had aku Filet Lelia of a simple te- lesheerly soli irT- uaue° erlsuu+ptiean, brow ma, and all throat and bit , a, t►1so a pease awl radical eine or ticervri** t eelelity and ell nervous co:nlilanits, af.er hawing tested ire wi,iulerfol oitrntive post ere it) thous mole of vas •s, lite felt it his duty tl. irate it ietaotvu to his snffe:uag fellow&, Aetusted by this motive, and a deeirr+ to relieve human suffering. 1 will send free of charge, to aril oho t -err it. tide reeipo in Genoa'', French or Euelieh, avtth full direetious for preparing and using. bend by• snail by ratlike -levee weds stamp, naming title paper, W. W. Sherur, 121, Power's [;steel, Roche:Ott., slew York. Cou eft,,. ---Couto it 1uet purattlt:tt to ittlie1urlrltlout ill theEetao 4 house art 4 Monday. Dee. 10311. Th.a Peeve end rtereeetalteriie I)ic;iartl. Verity. Sairders eseillisstet p: eeent. +bice*!^(, ref mei us tuertint; wee nail an ttpp e►veat- 31 Yea by W. II. 1 elite, seconded by now alt win!) in the (entrees et:ktiony 1 feud, cutting up Hud ht taking the gS¢ forge stock of company's wood whish leas been stored there.' The machine is of the most improve) icoitahtrnetion, works admirably, and is ;well worth at few tlamutes' iuseeetiou. ! With e. team and about twenty heeds it is capable of cutting up and slact:iul; 120 cords per day. Mee 1",;g.1' ItoemeNes.--air. West atlid fatuaily, of Weat'e ()orates, Me- eil;ivray, are btewnne tesiileuts in tide vltltrge. Mating t*eeupied the house on Elgin etr''et, formerly the restllene ref liQv, W. Walsh, 31r. West oill curry oo the busiuess of tattering, for which them i:,t utast excellent ot►rtaing,. and in the s`t'ring purposes to build stittable pluuttaes of his own. `I'eoreetostF+ MEETIN .-•-The temper. lutea ineetiw, held in Cell r lia4. ou Friday evening last Was a treat moo cat, Iteadie a by G. Beeery Hud 'Nan. Strada were well executed,anti stirring adelre+ses 'were delivered by H. Weer, I''. Feil hall aid P,ev, W. Davis, The Irl g1 otat y' reverie forty-seven pewee to the pledge. Vitlll.:aid?I+ U.0.7.-1le apse the L'ttin ether's"h to the eieeuuti ee"tits;,• fixed np- tl:a the Volt of December as the day for holding the aut.u.L1 ft stivatl of the nativity, it dote not by assts Menne M. luau that that was tits actual slay of the ACi.jo i S. Team%.-•• ;tio tsrlteee fleet)' J. S•ttal ecs, th:tt arra. Weert°ctiere S} wee on uhiell the iseeioue was bare. v:ar !Eyth c.alatemporary Chet air. Wan., ft.r trysts f Moved bay J. As a matter of fate , neither the day, D,awlediew uy beeennitee very I►a.laul lrVielkard, seeeolttletl by W. ll:. Write', month, or even the season of the year L],herb, Jalalgiug Penahis.• beggi•• y tbatt Mr. 'Nikes be ref ;tided SI, lira, ^r is leedtivesly lsultan and the circattll- aalppete, lye toilet bo12sraretiesorit. g t/a tet 49g t:tt.-e-(',artaleal. \I►rrr+u1 by W. -.tattier of the sheidaterds: watelm)3 tiled pass himself orf fora l^c+stcltnilatu. A II. !'shay, r;ecohdt'd ter^ 1«- I i.st•tt,11141 decks by 2aia };heti ter timertla utak- Scotch 'L1 rimae to utotlit to tale very o eters bo grouted .or the 1 a: tnia t of i:,o it peel,t the' ' that t*o the realm beg emus Jitl0ea 1'tt'ec:tisi, taintel �i' , i ems for lumber, cethar,.ete., $110.61; S. laa,e uij pain, repaving enlri:ie noel had loot three spring cahve.,1 tv, rtlarei r bell, 58e25; 1t. I taCiett, ft►r b dditer Mame; his low iu the Trees. awl In two •leve election P• 1877, {Wetter of local ii,aen• •,i-1.I•is • after the paper ~was tesnea. tars rttevietel ; tie., potion and`, ,.12.tionera, 517.2a; bo him: 1 sip haat. of utlieer8 eneeil, 1.o net was Lightfoot a month of Septeetn emboli and Gtivi-citss. Iiie in November , a»'l in Dec either, alien hue er.aly followed by tie; We bu.h Rom tta and Protest Sienna Sk'itoor, Sarva. lath School a.f the 13.. to t. tra las, intend holding tt str• and Ch istluas tree ewe rtetiume:at, on the 21st inst.. `.!'hero wiil be ad,trisse- by 'sc:'eaatl a*iia11:•ieri, singing and Recite - ons by the clsiltlrea 1:u 1 other,?. Ile• frOthintnts nil' bo !!:ovist; et. Chair to be taken at 6. p. tu. Ticket:i 25 ets.. Charlton half price. Proceeds to S. i;choul, and invitation is extended to ell. Fon un.—Mr. Trivitt is now offering for •esti• :wenn small homesteads, or park lots of 1.1, acres each, at eornimax fano prices. The i:aii•l i. cleared awl of the aicire,t tie. eriptiun, :t',t.tidg on Prince Lepo41 h tet (newly ear• vey..dt.eu the w r L .ids of the station. Village tuts also in ryreat variety from 050 and up- ward, :cites fur alliita, facturiee,, etc., on this uetr streets gratis. wed. Bosoms a; lientery. men in 1111e .Township of 1_"dbetlttr', who ty of .1 r a•n>,el notice of the whcreab.tuta, of bust C::fv.• . t tt2wfi stile of Stephen ag+trt*rtistiltl@nt, Dimmer Colatt:to—Tine :.uiluwiuare a $13.05; township .Of ttlberne allultr the dates which the Ditl-.iun court trill ti.►eruueat, $110,; f ro,co No.1 M3fl; be held in +'xetr•r timing 1878 : Feb. t S. 11 tu.lt'utd, *misty as aseeseor $tett; 18th ; April 213r4 Ante 19*11 ; .n,an'.t N 1. II oil:ur,t, tael:tttttit flit 3 Try lists and 27th ; 0.:tobteu'22nnd ; December 1711*. pc.-+tn�1', 52.87 ; ; +. I.ittlrj•'liu, for la CoritErx—The last .l:t bull pmblisfied d bur, 75 vitas ; J ,(1i111 for %tend and lit o Centralia cel stili* t 6 :art Lave waist:miee 12* tlisohtigiug tl.ity, $8J1); been a little n 0 e ditlitutt than the J. Pickard, for 4j'ei1k', $18; Thema-. previous 01108, rte rtnly one (diem little! Di ming, for gratilTng;. S6.:35; S. 11..u,4. le 4,1(.1., \Tisa I2121, K Aticin.ou, of Aden 1+212, cietitrotit for t ull.l*ug sieldwal;c, Craig, u.ts been able to decipher 1t. $198.04; Geo. 1i+ dt,i 15, for hauling I:tsvaweY,-011 1istt*rtlary last a teeth d r to h .ile sterols 171.1 11ainn etrtet,$3 ; attatcbetl to a sleigh hale away from Ge & J. I1:001:1+, 'fir cellar, 1'212.25 ; Dyer, Olio & Howtirlt's putties g n ill. A.. li.>l1a>.nt1, for labor, $47.75 ; A. Llan- Tnrnia g 'tie Ih •flet of Stttiun at*'e t, taud, 514.2311 ; J. Windsor, 21.15 ; J. tht,y me into the ditch, nu.1 were got Towers, $31) 15 t T. Mogan,. $80 ; up the steep iucliiue with some diili• Itiehnr'o Yeo, $2,•32; 311ts. Way, $d, cult}', fur ieiicf. Moved by W. 11. Verity, CaIltvimL'r secer'ain 2220 st rte of seconded by Il. Bissett, that fire cos. y ter family's health each morning be- Pius. 1 end 2 receive 25 ceuti per week fere !eating hens e, bet..tuee the won- fos k2'rpin© fires in engine houses dor- ciital ctivaii'ate still 'went to know, at+g winter.—Carried. ;tidied by W. you know. ti. Verist, seconded by 11. Bissett, that AN rrltan R .'.wen.—On Fri lay iaaet. the r ouueil nal,juurn tttrtlU lioull.tc, as a couple of young noel in the village D.c.3lst.—Carried. were trebling :a Cult bel•ettging to Mr. til. e'ACRET;, Clark. Geroge Mace, tire. Ilvely auitn.tl brute CoNeneueriers.--0a 11I?urlaa.y loth the away froro them, and tore deem *Mae }•treat like hurricane, When neari.'g the Mansion Ileewie, be 1ili.aped ;ae.1 fell forward on his limes, anti before he could rise eta continue his mad car- eer he was caught and held by Aft . $ Wart s. MIND Tnzs, Whenever an ani- n)al strays .into your premises, it is your duty to advertise such stray ani- mals et once, so than ilio owner call know ,,f its whereabouts and secure his p -eeperty. The very fact of keupieg a :only animal without so advertising 2' bas been held by law to be f,''r•hna facie evidence than the party linking it was attempting to clefr1ud ietis fellows. EEV. ]flit. Gu*u.EY'S Lrcru-xrv:.--Ac• rending to aunoutacemen', R+'v. Mr. Gemldv, of London, delivered his cele orated 1. oture on his Recent Visit to Europe, includine the Cities of Lnedon, Dublin,-Edixab•Irgh and Paris'," in Drew's hall, on Tuesday evening last. The lecture was well worth the price of admission, and was listened to iv/ill d •"+n is teres' throughoet. A Ioalz.—Oe Siunday last, ;shite a yes:1g sou of P. McPhillips, Esq., of this village, along with one or two other boys, was carelessly playing with a straw Cutter in the stable, his fingers got between two revolving cog wheels, which crushed them so badly that it is f •sred one of them will have to be am- putated. PENNY RLtADINGB.—The neat S. of T. Penny Readings Entertainment is in- confirm themselvea; to a life of holiness tended by the Committee to be heti on they should give daily study to the Monday eveollag net, the 17112 inst. word of God. In Concluding the ad - As these entertainments Have received the cordial apps oval Of the pub'ic, we have nothing more to add bet that shenlld you want a good seat yon will need to go early. Time and price as usual. rite of e' ufirmatiou was administered i9 Oh let Church, Exeter, to about forty young people. Service core- tuet,oyd at 11 o'clock in the morniug. .After the reading of the b"aiutiful mernia+g service of the Church of Eng - teed by Rev John Gerlcy, M. A. as- sistant *nilti:2ter of St. Paul's Chore' London, and the baptism of Rev. 1i'. Ryan's infant, by the Rev. Dean Hell - mute, Bisnop of Huron, confirmation. :•ervice-+ were proceeded -with iii the presence of a w011 -filled church. Bish- op Ilellanu 11 I erformed the ceremony of coiafirmation, after- which he d.;liv- erect an address to the young 1•eoi,le lie had confirmed. The address abounded in beautiful, Christian) thoughts, ei*cd was replete with good advice. After congratulating thein .on being able to pt s east the gr•:at privilege of con- firmation, be proceeded to paint the character of it true chi istain, nut one its aceopted'by the world,: and painted out the life they should follow' if they desired to live in. accordauee with 'hair vow. to "renounce the world, the flesh and the devil, the pompe and vanities of this wicked world, with all the einful' desires awl lusts of tho flesh." He showed them that of themselves they were able to do nothing, and that to dressed the parents, and told them• they should bring ;up their children in the fear of the Lord, and gaveas an ex- ample the religions training Timothy received in his youth from his mother and graeduluther• the *peuing of spring the f evidry till be erected. 111r. i3rea111e is, Wilding is d yelling louse; iter, Reensev n carpeu- ter shop ; ;lM r. Bill, of the Arai of Pau'.. n & tel a a 13:11, is battling bikes for hie dwelling; and the Messrs Petty, otti*al; to their uatareastug Luei•leie. eo ire ii- plate emerging their Otto of busiauess to twice its pre;eent taus. :Weduesdaty, fast Was a betsy slay the pork line. No less thee It),S itog were tleliveresf at the (+ token ce,tilblisli MOO r.—tlie lert;est delivery in :key clay shies the beillling line been ocenpiett. The Drionotic (slue of tiro village have been asked to plat: Tnr ptu at9d. King in the tillage. The "e►fermetice will take place on. Cau•i-t,naa uIikt, wlieu no doubt tt full ltvnse will greet thein.. Mother addition to the be -bless of the place is it cooper shop emoted by gr, u V=kiketibtug. '-.:'lie cowling spring will be one of the busiest in bniidittg uperetit.us the plates has yet beset.. .� Iytrte grtantity of squarest timber i a being inlet down at the notion for shipment eatst,vitrd. 111-0-02-4 11a1.L7S.4eLb, Since 1 lstet wrote you we have -bed a shalt period of excitement over the die- niesal of our st1 tion master, 1Ir. Dench, owine to some very trivet] eatu-e. Mr. Deuch has the sympathy of tine coinauuuity, 2194 wherever the may go will bear with hien the good wishes of all. I promised some time ago to give you a short descaiption of Mr. William \Vllsoles laow buck mansion, which is ODD of the handsomest buildings in this section of cunt, try. The size of the main building is 20x38. feet, two stories high, containing 12 rooms. with kitchen 22e26. Tho neither of bricks in tete building is 80,000. Messrs.Wilson It Sons, Harplov, were the cou- tractors for the mason work, which reflects credit on their skill. 'They a tae masters of choir business. The cost of the buildi g was about three thousand dollars. The unanimous wish of the community is that Itir. 'Nilson and his esteemed July may long live to enjoy its comforts. The new sash, door Hud planing mill is kept running constantly even at flus tete season, and gives its enterprising proprietors all they cern do to 611 their orders. Their facilities for doing work are not equalled in this county. The building is 75x40 feet. 8 stories high, engine 15 horse power. The machin- ery is all new, and .or,k first prizo over all others of the ssrne; kind at Loudon this fall. _. Our foundry is an ostablished fact. The primapai of the firm is building a tlwellltag house, and immediately oa T. t F 1,','1.. Cuuncli Oier',:u ,---The public eervi- ees in connection with the opening and dedication of tho new Methodist (Ilinrah at Stare wore held on Senility laeat.. Sermons were rreactletl by the Rev. Mr. Lavelle, of atitraihelt, in the looming, Rev. air. Duggin, of Senf ►rth, in tit ulternoo), atoll Rev. olr. Nugeltt in the evening, to oesel11wiitg cell t'eg.ati(llai.. On Monday Afternoon and evening st tea meeting was !held, f►lloweil by Misys Manly Benson. of Stratford. Sublet) , tt Acmes the a,lontittent." Tete Mr eh, be entituliy rii'lattett upon tits+ brow eel the hill upon which. Stan is built, and commanding one of the iuoet beautiful views ill (hie section of the Peoviuee ie au orlla:lent to the village, aotl t'etleett; great credit on the taste au.l eutergrise of the alethaudiets i0 that vicinity. ELECTInh OF Crr'CEAs.*- Ott a YG'Celta • tg of Crerlitiuu L, O. L. Ivai.l348, •^''.n cflicer's were tile otled toad it, W. M. 31. raatt.ae, Sec. F, '11 ' Batu ins% fit - J•Isieph A'aslrow, W.. %�r2ury l?.illiete I). 1i. David l+'irtl,btlt+r, (amp. Joseph riime. Treats. George Bedford, D Cutrernitte *neno--1st. \Villi.tn* Ilnlle, nr., 2d, Paul Wilier. The L age bo- , t closed: they ell retired to W. Ba- ker'e, where an analyte repast a s -nrtt,ud. This Lodge is to be Into. ye es tt.lussell Orange Young B: loan L d e" N o. 149. THE FALL AND WINTI!lit TRADE a. gou,thoott c . Son. TA1LO1;e:and CLOTH/2118, Take pleasure to it foran the inn abiteutr: of Faster add surrounding 'country, that' they have jus ope.ied out au o..cetiout assottmentof Tweeds, Contrnrs, T estin0s etc., of the latest styies snapstterna,aud feel nsanred that Intim matter of oiot a eaa. they eau snit the anosttttstidious tastes. • A number of Wanzer I•' Sewing machines will be soid at *1 02190o to clean o'tt stuck. ISAAC EVANS, Well -digger, Etc. The suboeribor would intimate to the inlaabi tants of Centralia widtho surroui.tlingtowusllieag and villages that he is prepared to cur+roc, for- WL2114i-DIGGING, STONING, ETO, Pacing hart a tints r of pears experience in that buetiness he can guarantee satisfaction. Solicited. To be addresred to Centralia, P.O. Superb pump furnished if xegnia ed. Cert-:alts,aeot AOfth 187E pLINT€NG 1 PAINTING 41. prepared to do all kinds of -Hc u e Painting, Paper -hanging • Whitening,. Ste. 4t reasonable prices and punctually. J. IKITCFi1N O,Afaiu-,t. LGI:.11iiait 13. - . "0 Si 7.43WICt 1,t1. Prug hist opened ortt the Iit.,;est str'ck r.f goods for Xssi.at'2 and :New Year'o presentsevorofTererl iii 1:Iseter, fuel will be salts cheap for retell), moult no ANCY BOXES, WRITING DESKS. %IO1:E BOXES, ROClaING HORSES, HO1iSl S ON WHEELS,. STICK tiO1iSHS, CHINN DOLLS, !VAX; DOLLS, Jl Ola!`, HEADS* 131I3LES, I1YMN BOOKS, PRAY ER BOOKS, WALLETS, - POCKET T BOOBS, PUIISIS( INIEMO1.t 1 NPEJl1 ROOK$, D1a,Rl !'S for 11378, TOY BOOKS, 13001i. ;'MARKS, VASES, TOILE'12 SETS, TIN'TOYS, DRUMS, CHIMES, TOY WATCHES, TOS' P1ST0llti, TOY SWORDS, TOY (TUNS, '1'OY FIDDLES, SATCHELS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PARLOR CI OQUET, GAMES, AU T I l t).et CARDS, X31Ati O:1llll 1, SPLINTS FOR I+tilIVIES, S.L i,Rmoi.'!(O rS,. GOLD•AND MINER It 1 APERl, Mt)1'1'01 , aril kinds, BERLIN 'WOOL, LK FLOSS PAPETi.1UES, SOIlA1' PIOTU11ES, LADIES" COMPANIONS. NIe.UKIiA(1 a.f3, WAX FIGURES, TEA ri1+;'1'3, TOY OASTOI1S. BUILDING BLOCKS, �11r1)liAIIt'.'1` BLOCKS, TIN TRUMPETS, ItlOUTII ORGANS, .DRAUGHT BOARDS, CITES 31 N. DO tl INOLS, WAX CANDLES, CHIN ESE LANTERNS, PERFUMES, • SPONGES, TOILET SOAPS, DYE STUFFS, and IIANDY P ACKXG1+I DYPati, MESSING- COMBS, 01110UL'AR COMBS, POCKET COMIBS, &c., &u., &e. HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH B •LUSHES, CLOTH B1ll/SllES. NAIL BIRUSIIES, MUSIC 13OeTS, SHEET IrIUBIU, HAL b'•Dl;fl l MUSIC, PENHO.LiDkl II S, Plain and 1t'ancy, PENCILS, Plain and Valley, d BT.iAZNK I3 0KS, such as Ledgers, Day Books, Jourpals, Lot, &c., &c. Our stationery department Wpm. plate in every branch. Iu Selma! 13coks, &C., &is., &c., our stook Will also be found replete. All of the above stock shaving been carefully selected from English, Gennep, Awerioali sed Canadian houses by experienced brier; pees Hien, Cancot frail' in rtsaortulelt, quality and price to gtvo"uni"verep •;. satisfaction end will eompete: wi$h, If not surpass any other *102180 itt trade.—Give us a cell and yourselves. N.13.—lbave much lalo,2suroin calling yoga at• tension to tue following lines as they are the boat value ever offered to alae �ublac, ;viz: Xmas Cirds. Papeteries, Albums, T_ulllsi Bets,Vases, Put see, &C. M. M. ROSEBRUGU 1)ir,ctly opposite the Gantlet elate) atld next door to the Pest ogloo,' lItIPl STftF-2'1`, ' EXETER.