HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-11-29, Page 11500
Let ne tidies fir example, .tL cargo oft O
whoat, and set; what advantages the
American possesses over the Canadian
farmer, tl'rough the t uicidal policy
which allows the Americans to ship
their surplus gratin into this country
duty free while Canadian farmers nr)
eotupelll'(i to. pay 20 eta per bushel on all
%rhedt sent into the Uuited States.
e .A.lIoaing the cargo to contain 1,000
aw bnshels, and the ruling price to one be
cue dull:t'r per bushel,
The American shipping to Canada,
Laving no duty to pay. receives for his
c:vgn $1,000;
I;nt lllw Cauadifala, having a duty of
--- 20 cents en erieli bnslird to pay, receives
8, 1877. only. $9,80 0, losing $201) oft a thesis•
WO bushels, All rater grains have to
like defy placed on thein in proportion
to vaino by the United State. Govern-
ment, and this illustration of the tut-
fairnese of the %siting tariff might he
multiplied ad lihitu'Jl. This condition
of aif'ai)s is the resell of heaving men in
power who know not the first lrinci•
tyles of titatesnatl.nvhi)t, and who. staving
he' rd of some grand theory iu their
youth, proceed to pmt it tote t. ructice
111 a (tonlrtl'y .tyhote ev,•rythiug i, rip-
business at a s'audsitill or in a atrial of nosed to its succe,t',ft! operlatiou, Tee
stagnation such as the past four years
have brought on. A. Focal many people being treated by this oiu, •i..h1ott arrange
attribute to the (loverelue•lt the f'it1e inept, and they OWe it to tht11lseivei, t!'
01119e of our nal•'fOrtnne, others to over 5tlj)pol't at the coaling a'lectlOUs way
those luau who will pledge tilt tn,ellvt•i,
tel see that the farmers' rights are pi ()-
tooted from Amet ieau 1nvstl:1an.
PROF, i"1 "'"'" --D nogliue,- tl'e laallnestie(I
operated iejnriott.sly to thermal, but Fenian has refused til accept the pat •
1110 ltii110i1):al reason is, the Govern ('Gu uff••rted hien by tit • U'iurnioe Gov -
'•r need, stating that as he had no
meld of the (lily f oil the time they as -
part, hi the tnnrdaie• of Satttt, be does,
stored the rains of hewer have dung bl:Iatharia C:tiil.--
Having now completed my stock of
GOLI.) and
;a1LVh,lt I lute.)
CHAINS, welfare
PLAI.'y,t). C1L 1N , or tI.r3 .:
ENV, WON, and
1 am now prepared to offer grtat induce.
lumps: to buyers. I am selling at 01-4,
Clocks, Silver \V a*01'i:s, the hest comet
ever oil='ret1 111 ()amnia. A witt?.h,rt'•.',U111r
price ;1231 for $131. $18 W;attthe1 for
$12. fila watches far 10. I).nl't fait
to See tem. L Gold Watches
very low in price. I amp sellit,n 23 per
cent. Mow old price, deity; the :I;nli•
bays. I h.tvo the targe -t assortment
of ()1o0tt4 iu Western ().►t=ariff, Caine
and see Wein. I a111 s, I` ulg very cheap.
They talo something enart'ly Ile•ti.
y bteek, of Sliver Ware is cervi'
laze %fuel com:letta.
valved, 11111`..
ail inbight
llts•eantilo c.11i-
id cherishes its
atriotio fe'li• ge.
iittetests are in -
0144 at seeing the
prosperity of each and every branch. of
tiV Malt i7 the proper place to bay your Goods.
MESSRS', s'[r.`,Ft & -WEST.
'lasing pneviresed 11 1 .e s'o:t: of
Tweeds, Dress -Goods, Lu= t2oz, .Flannels, Pints,
Wim.ceys, Cottons, Fanny Woollen Gooc].s,
At a tr ememlotrs rediae tion, are uttering ing I ea .Oaf; that 1).41;
Before yea :boy. Tail: 33:. R T t ALL' . I4 C , ..,f .'OAT -1.
. splendid e.ss91fment of BOOTS u: S'FO:'+S, 1St e•1 • s t:3,tt ;'h' -eT Cvet'y.):'+',
to,k file
GP(�1Pu S
Always on hand. No,ruble to ow G')1 s' which are tn'trl.ed
Itl,ltl,t:lit ii8,i'it`s., anal are',.. hilt: price to fill.
t1M rII & Wt. ST.
fariner5 throughout the O'htlltry 07111 SCO
for themselves how 111jlistly they are
prnduetiou and a rult2U11:1.ei'ealit system
which largely- obtains over the entire
country. To a largo extent the conn -
bitted hill twice of all these cau.xea i183
teal ''alitty 1'irw lalulae c'i s is ;;r •thtPd •fele
Stem-winding Watelt, S11.0"O, Lein.1011 ich rogarit to both the agrieultnrlLt R nt off. mice its Rail it••(I L(•1•ine was guilty
111 talui:•icturiug interests of the ea'tatry 171'.
teuaci0nely to a short -sight t the same
Spectacles to S it All Sigh 4s,
WRISTS roll Tits; t•1"I,1112U.\Ti:i)
.�, ,r S tG 1T 0 1t ll I S
Remember, ,Oil CHI its wood wanted
in exchange for Watch's, C'lt,eks and
T OMSX.17°:„„'C(r ,.
'1'rit .YED.--Crime• on the filen eee
1 of fila seleicriber, tut 11. oat, t'-h.lrne, 1, err
head of cattle ---ono; veer ul.l t-erfor.two %creme
Heifers, and one steer. 0 ,vn.•r wil l plear a prove
'property, Pay (':ti+ou-ts (1111 take 1114.111. my tV
\r. kiwi,:;,.
c„T'1'tAY1 1)--Straye(1 from 1130 prauu-
►kJJ sits of the pnhsal•ii,er, hot W. cent. 1'i 1ti11,M•t
t•arly iu the au inan)r o1., two tear old .4001'410,t'
(0311.312 eu.' bluets '+t. er, t'Uo year obi; 03.e white
Steer, t 1fulet•t; elle red Steer; two sat' year old
Heifers. trod} with wbitt( marks ori thew. A -e.
ward wall be given for int,rmatto•1 as to t) air
whereabouts. Jt)tjN 11.•lyllati•. (freeway p.(1.
o STRAYED CALVES. -- Streeed
Li from the prt+lTli.••a oft1:1uwderai¢nett,lot 1per cent., while 2111 itnport duty from
4,401,4. Usborue, abort the entitle of October, ft,let X11 countries of 123 per cgit. wasthree spring Calves, Ore bleak Hei a.:, ,t iv in the b
--a policy which, if persisted 8, must
in a very short time ()lace Ca11ad:L two
.u' three Centuries; behind her formid-
able neighbor. The urinciples of free
tr:ulo wore born of Circuuiyt1Ln(:es-tbaey
hall their origin in e')uutries which
rautnrtds ago 111.d by !a rigid system of
protection built lip and fostered their
trade to ::nail a high etauding and had
monopolized foreit;ll market:1 to such
.an extent that the productions of
younger and le,s .wealthy eoulltries
were haat:l0 to compete with them oven
in their own ani' itet:2. Such a 0 )entry
re 1: 'gland, which,. in o')usequ ewe of
her eminently f.lvotable and deeegee 1hi-
cal position, leer ii1(lu: t•lit'a of long
standing, her mauled r1Solarces, and
her rliln:atie advantages, i:1 the posses-
sor of uitlnerou.s nru1(Ipolles that are of
vast ilnnnrta ice for all 1:ltilolla. Tiles
placed, Euglliu(1 caan derive every 1)as•
.,ible advantage f,•uln Unlversaa1 free
trade. Thi lacetoilet site has 12.118ieed
not through tlis inlrlUuce of flew trade,
hitt b; protection of the mutt, exa•ava-
g elft 1111111. For instance, the menu.
(name of linen 1/x18 luuugurated by a
Government protein n -a direct tax on
the people --of 1i3 per ceut, at first, be'
w1210h was aft(rwiartis increased to 25
Til. (Agin, has felt c )ea.,ir'ined to
0entit1 0 the Ontario Goverment for 1103
calling the 0Utatio Legislature tteg.-ttaet:
a•1 in years p.251, t101Ut)•i)ne 111 Novell)
ber iii order that the 1:n12011ant lnl`i-
nesa of the session might be finished
before 11:e meeting of the 11o1113a of
Comm alts. AVith the jet' se3it arra.nge-
:llellt, the two Li gielatiti tiA togeltier,
and tiles 1'reveaite t1' teviug
pr.)per ;tttt'I1t1'•
body. lir. 11I
meeting of
8trellgtinn t
13e desires inn
his govern mel
Sine A. T. GIt
tier by the eitizei.s nt 1
lie (lianer in. reengliitin
21.1 a member of the 1"t.
don, 11') 2110 gt1nud that
n Ia jndieiltl oh:arttutur, 1t wu
b3Cu.11In f in Mitt to accept t.
\vhiol. might bo 00n8t1 mill S1
pres1iot of setisfactitne with tb2.
There are few public leen in 01113808,
1Ve Willie%0 2.0 say, won!(' have acted i11
this as Sir A. T. 02tit has, and that he
tilts refuln'tl tc be liullized by• the citi-
zens of .L231tl'eltl simply bee 'nee he
faithfully discharged a duty for which
lie has been p.sid,refleet8 great (credit on
hi n i11 those days of degeuerate 111011.
foreheadan(i two steers s,rotted rod and (viattu.
-thy poison gis hag such inM(1tma1tii1 :1s will Ie:ut
to the recovery of the above calves will bo suit-
ably rewarded.
LEONARD llU.rrrB, Exeter P.0
'1\TO'1'le.',Ji 15 Milli' I Y GiV1aN
11' that the Partnership sub iat:ug butwenu
George l). )tornhard. Frederick Wirth, au? Gat-
leib Uoriock was dinsnl\ad on Cie Twecty-tlfth
day of ()atoben,11377. so fir relates to 11:0 sold
(io7lei1 2I.trlock, All debt; (hie to the said firm
or partnership ere to bo p:d.t awl tl30'o tine f om
the same d0eIta'gotl at the 0 ore of the Leto
Arm it, the village 0. Creillto,t, where the
nosy will be continual under the firm of Bern-
hard &c Wirth,
Bated at Crediton, this 1761.2 day of November.
ri 1J chi' ivur•Gc^•.FG' I3. nr:m>IIiAFU, [r..S,}
ed in ',res-
ouce of rX EDKRICii \Vxn•r,i, .
ifchn Pals-Jlc' GALL'?Sit 111Aa(t'.0c1C [L,s.l
Thus 11: a) ts,
UCILI\UHAli'S Oji) DT.,...O1CS1.II17f3
Moe i8 still going, 2*1r. S. narrkingligio
desires to 2,0182'8. 11'1, sincere thanks to
nanierons patrols, w11n have supported him
in the past. and amnia in+iuiet° that, 11lVieg
recovered hem lus.long illness, he intend: hr
fut,ro to t-ake 0111/810 of the horse -shoving
dep.:2'tu)uut Wm ;elf. All other work done in
ills very bast style and. at rho lowest rates.
S. 13UUK1Nuliex.
Exeter, Dal. 13, 1877.
t•.) iufu tl,tto .t•lilli: 12.ihere; y thee h o
lilt Lpure:lased 1Lll,s. 8. ti).'3 Prieto SdBta lltrh-
moot, tllllwill bo
exaute'i. AVi1at wonder, than, that
England now' controls the trade of the
world, and that the Manchester sehaol
of politfc132.118, imbibing tlio 11rilleipltl1
eu1uciat0(1 in twit, bosom of iudnstry,
:lehire to have all harriers to the free
interchange of trade removed. Iu this
they bot follow the teachings of that
selfishness alike natural in nations and
121 lieu winch Ind.1e their forefathers
adoptprotection Vireo inannfueturing
was in its luf:ulcy. The position occu-
pied 1'y E..giau 1 toward the weaker
rations of the world is exactly that at
which the United States are mining
with regard to the n1a1111firettniug a1111
agricultural industries of C+ulada, end
toward the attttinlnent of this end th-y
are reeeiviog valuable 0.8'ldttN100 fl'oin
the Snit:id:t,I policy which wets four years
tgo initiated by the elnol(enzie Govern
Aleut. The years teed still linmiied
wealth of the 1)eighb-ariug Rept-Wile
will not t.erlulc. her le14.slntor8 to cher
ish free trade pri•lc,pleR n ate►' all cir-
L'il!119ta11ce1, They eouei 1(' rightly,
would the prion„ of 811(hh painciples
into n %riceiou be beltefici:tl to the eon u•
try'? Not 130 DI'•, 11I:LOketiz'e. Ile itis
usise3 1(11 eobsnieraLt11(11 of 111' 01x011111• i
st.etiee,,. and goe- it, blind Ott it policy.
Llto:)Ot?ler nn1ui.(id to the cnt21try.
IJhI1((: the United States, t\'llie:l, from'
tbe.nigh tarill` that itepo. e on 0133%.11 -
ries .p;u(lal;ts entering their Lord& re,
shows that they l('ain ilseful le see,
from the espeuenee of other enunuies.
11Ir. I ichenzie refuses to Le guhle(l b
history and events 03eU1',it(g at the
present daffy.
But .allowing, the prndeete of the.
American farm and Wol'kellop to eetol•'
this country free neat a very light per•
ce13age, white on curlespoudiug+ C1L''a-
diaen at tides they exact 171 per cent.
01,35 per 0'3111., RS 111 81183 iile'8110(1$
they (lo, is aeyate.Yn of,fre,' tfi%(le whiell
lie one will seek • to deal: ivy Mr. Ma' •
' t` ble,.to make Work as Us ti,
Iia '?ng e: ge god C. So::ior as operator.
a 'IURUI.E L'1(A51G13 2IADL l0 011113+.11 C::eap
.1S.1 o School B adze auil Stationery
e'J.'lstall131 o 1 haul.
w_LLL111 11!7 ire 1T''r. 8y.ite:111 of ltlt+',rii1aLU(nal trade.
Ir 19 now about 31211e thiit the Con-
140rvativos of Suitt:. 11 UrOI) were casting.
about to find a sortable elan to repre-
sent the Riding in the 110nse of •Co1n-
mml 71fter'tll(e next sessini„ which will
be the last of the (1!(1cellt Parliament,
and the last of the present Government.
Slice ?Ir. Green way has gone :ever to
the evenly, Ile is of course .out of the
question. There is no telling how
soon the elections ulay.$pring upon for
people after the nest t etsi013. The Op-
p03111111 have no 111012118 of 21'certttllllllg
w11 eiltbis will ba Io 1e,aud eiteuut WPl!
knot; at l) hat, time to commence halt•
lug preparations for the electi. us, but
the Iliitorin party b.'ing in power can
fix up(n) at (lay, mei privately inform
iheir f,ll'rwcra, Ill(1 Hinz: give theleevrl\
.)pp rt :why of getttiog thetnrelVes
randiue,s,i..r whet roily bt' as short eats -
p11Igi1. Calat•erva11y'es ill the CO1utl'y
:build take bele by the forelock.
" 4 ,
(Rn00es.orsto 0. B. Siutth)
1-1611‘70 474 Sta" uc iv eW.
AND .Heti i±.l.I,i:i:l'
753.11-11:1103,1 io' 503.
promises of tile s»b,.criber, lot 2. con. 1, Us-
(01.1o,(theca the middle o1 November,11 8,tetted
1.t Tee u,•ri'oe tv)1l elea80 prop) p. op,ert'•, pay
).� e1,es. 01.1 Otto) it away. JJIj`-11:=db11a1'.
350. S.A.'i'EE\;i for 2:ac:.
30c. Dress Goods for 20o.
1210„ lac., and '?0e. VT1ESS 0001)3
for 10 anal 121e.
Bill Wool Fine 8Ct1'ICII TWEEDS
for f.il.,Arm tl ;1,•,:<i,
Meavy SATI.Nl':TT for it"let.. p.'r pod.
18 yds. of Wt\id1•1Y fit $1.
i,YOT(0l!-\\inti l'1 ii-11I�'1'U
(lip •;rav'•1 ut Clio'.ome11‘1.:••• uriuGrntleld
:1n11421'i3 1 G•ec, ar(i �, ucra of 131(.(fpr ga1•(loil.
el.: further tole' m.ttien, (3)pty to I \Vhicinoit.-
\nelianlfan 1'120012'0(l i(( W111(103 U1( to ,)Jami beetilled, 1277. A .0. tree, .80c. -, 1:011.K.
All establiAed tnasilll anions; llu• i; e:'s
plied 1s
'4rile nearer the .TIhi)hirfaet'iu'ri'
the crawl* Sae pact V.'"
1L -a etau,i nLulpdala Of 1,1111, 1ui1(8 vont of 1.
Iti huleaalu b 3rut.
�l 11 I l'f'a & CO.,
adi•i•"io_ee lensing rontc(l the F bevo hotel 8..r
'1 term of years, has1'et3ttw- `t nn for the Doli
tort of the ta(.v (11 iii pu +lie. GoreGoret 1i11uers at the
bar. Good) %silo: it attendance. .0, L.v, prop
A D A.RE HOTEL. -,.Phe: nit,leralgued
L f,ii.ln %selene the 0010 control,t•f the
above hotel, air: 0. \Nilsen 1112V1113 retired 00 m•
abeet t'te`2,101 of Joly last, the 13usi tress 'will bo
carri0d nn ie the. future by \V. J. Stewart. 'The
13(11)110 wi11 and everything kept. hin.
1118( 13,138 style. The her will bo supltlfetl with the
comb livers,. mud cigars. Alt ett)t(e2Ve ostler ol-
tl('lys ie it tor ndanee_ \V. J. UPI 'WART. ail ill -1f
aA.NG D 11,\,NDS, Tlae., under -
r, 0(11.:1') L 2. COi 11T OF TM:
• Or 111.3toN.
'.'lI1 - 1101.),1'S Olaf)
1� ;LL1:`I,IRY & MANTLE R.
. MEN'. t~-Lta1'111NG TO ORDER,
Ill«: lal::.:N & Drt'H ANN N
f.,.x.' .1. (lash. an & 1'.'.
A CO\ I'L1:'rE STOCK 0]?
llelerantee- '! the Sieihiu;i Cm*,
• , ' 11, ,,,
. .(. 'Wall 010)3111.
.xutur,on 8atnl1ley,the
Ninth Day of 1''abiuery, A.
at twelve (1'eloai( room, the fotlowiug rideal)ie
Farm propos: , l+atuely 3 Lot number fifteen to
the fourth Concession of the J owrship of Us.
borne lu the County of flared. c,etainh(goighty-
ci.",111 (w:os of laud, more or loss. The poll e8
c1:(uify 1 eIuV .03111 11.1n1 01 a gaud quality for
farming'utrposes. About (213aerese1'e'cle:ue(land
the rest 'Is welt timbered with hard wood.
alearcd land is mostly fig r! fro ,1 stumps, only
about eight acres nitwit r.:t. totalling. Ta t10.aac
on the fern: a barn about .41312) and it log hoary
18x'33, and a Ina staid%. he t'ee'n are rail, in a
moderate state of repair. A gad spring situ.atetl
nearly tit the centre of the fame, waters it.
The property win 2 0 iculasete •0t to saeel,U11101
George Buswell 1110 elder, who .is entitled to 3,1,
latiutanauco (.at of the said boats 'tuell ; his
life, provided he brings no uwuu11)ranee on t.e
Jho Title is indisputable and free from all
Times -rue percent, 01 purchase ninny or
day of sale to be tn1i,1 to tilt 'Veleta% 01 their
Solicitors, told the l,:rteutoe of on 0112,801110110y
to be paid fn ou•+ month from t' e day of sale with-
ottti.ttcreat. The purchaser to !,e let into imme-
diate 3losse8tion. Iu other r:greect4 the eau•
ditio1s (1 8,211 (viii be tee adiag C0udf:10119 vi
:Ode (.f the Court of Che m:cry.
For further peettonlareapld} toMessrs.(;:unow,
Baeyer •1' .111(21(311123 l't, Solicit». o(lerioh, )1es3r3
Cameron. Halt & Calanrot, ;irritators, Goderich,
11to Plaintiff :winge liu3well, on the premises,
the Auctioneer, or to 310`l,2$. )Utle.(an,on & tic-
lu(lden. 1'e d((,* Sulieitot3 ( oh:Auh.
Dated 0.t Gedaric1, this la 111 day of October,
A. x.1877.
ISA AC 1'.'1'0111S, Reel Repre0o.ltatire.
Aftscolusov &: Afci?..ton :.r,Vondure $'llicitars.
Ito' zie of the honor Of Jii1I11itti'2g. • \V( i,/•iguuUl1Lvinv' 0112.2(1 t::o 1):1Llelin.Hell se,ll.o -
(1 not 1(11;U\V that, ally \y(1I'd llav !)%esti 133110, eel a term; it will bn: (te.1:t a -et -clans ho
11 rile:»av0ly:ae,wmulacbLtin4f.,rthet,arl:.tititg
COlueil drat 1Va.1 [31'e110r17 1111110 81)011 t1` (t1 . ( xttnloate, ilio bt,t,f(uu. GU0,1Lfy'nor
end el: aro • t the WAX, attoutive hostler8.
192.,. JA.12.441i a;Alx, e
Cattle Ties,
Axes of superior quality,
Loather Beltin.g,
AT .
1 ti , Pandas Smut,
1)11. 11'1 N1)y11ti.---COl;0NEf+ FOR
t1,' noway or lir 1%4/. 4'fU„•, (lett (liar to
Jr. L ('..:Ii. n 2t*i'a, 1'34.t0.,
a t'. \Oehl(:. M. 1). 0. :NI.
I. or 1.4u •t.'of •':cladt'aiveasitv,:Lot:treai
112,ce,uat r.'s,dercc, 6xet,r,, out, Otlic0.1 ours -
112 and tt 1011.12
\;47 -1'0 } NIN(:. M. 11. M.
.. S. Or I,ie Lte Victoria U.a`verei O:iloa
re side,:(', Don a. au.latt'1 E ,cter
Ill U1VLN(t, c711A1)t0ATei CN 1-
v1 111:,1711. 'hrioity' e,11ego ...en 0,1 kg,„
en:'v.ei.o.. rued 1aryev121 (1),„, ,L t e 1.111,131:. C
1. karr1.tol8, .tftoeneva. Solicitors &c.
Muller to teen eu ILeal'l:ntete.
Meson's Bitch, Easter.
a :.irr:st;'1's, Attorneys•at-law, Solicitors
.'u.i every, 1'o a1'eyenc01.9, (1.,! ni8siuuers iu L'.
", 'tare.', '1.1113, a, \earl•'1
C. S.,I(1:s I;'i. W. CI, \I0SC1tIP
O..*'1t23.Iiutton's Block, 1\"tltor st.,r,AIarr's
iA[ti)1NG & HARDING, llarri+-
tors, A'tornoys, Solicitors, Cou,misslelier
13. IL.. (ti c.
01.2'r(-l33-Hvrroree 11LocI, Water treet, 1t.
H o y's.
1015 IS. HMU)TNG E. W. Ha11Drro
tins new nu )land a full stook of fall and winter
Aliilol.(•ry. oiupli it 1111 the latest
aottlties to
Hats, Bonnets,
Feathers, Flowers,
Silits, Velvets, Ribbons,
&e., at lower prices than ever.
1,ra'hit 1170eis, Orton/en cind Slipper
• Pa iterits . •
itet:ets made or out to order. Fur Mixings for
Mau 1d Jeicltette, et
elinin St, Exeter,
" outi3 mEN Llt.\1 \ T LEG1e,ir3y,
1...: .":re :4231( lea(i 82-3)0'.' Small merry
shite teetering. Sit111rtio012 fl1nidet0 fro').
00nbedonoiufour months. Add.o9,NV5th
gtaulp,11,1-AL,1xrIiL. Manager, l:nglewood,111., t
'Wishes to inform the public that 11e Nebo
pr0phn'0d toropah. all kinds of
Sewing A'Iachiu"s, Watc
C;locls, Guns, &C., tlrtiu a
miler person in the country,'
1118 0 argaR are moclera.ta,
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