The Exeter Times, 1877-11-29, Page 8OV» 1+111! 1t 29, .1 F''7 f' THE, TIMES. A read organ—the ere. The nation's tear—toe trotltier. Tho l=:4441441<tr's to;tat---the day we jab, ttFe. } catching the rheumatics, alld you're i 1 jolly welcome to 'esu both. It \vias half -haat ten as a Diehl street 1 girl yawned. ana -41.1X44 him if he liked poetry. Mo said 'Yee, dear :" then tit of Im„-../me-„,,ono that tip ;lot i -rile uzur yiuri+tl, i..*.(4,.ii f1 I..,1 ,t'. ', "Now, I x.,y Ins t''...4Y)1 tit Skop.,” V, ax at fit Cief4F Lilt a mixture ture of . tuld it SO die. --Led `tisk ,iLkt ;tlxlc2lt that 111.:'` t :d tsl.>:1 €.I. -; -•se r i..s ) i l:e? t Qii t:l.," .U:d 171+-11 xA,6t 151 .::, ut it€'i I +1 a i t4, a i wit -, t t el 2"i 4.0W1'. a. trli:a.l !„,,,v 1.44 ; ,I, •,. ..,..,v'r ? "- ".'..-rat on ;11x4 it ails taot..o 't; re slitt'- A. 11:;144 11'l.1.'or r. IN I. 4 a',s x1.4.4:-; in 11);1'."46141.:, i a-,,• : 't,.:}:1111. an old lily. let ,t", .;,",1,.4. It^'11 'C,,;:f `.a•, It:}i, tilt" ^tohai:: I puts the netLllet f t 1 ., i y t i r 4,.. 4 r el' ,'4‘4,'',`., r�- 'vat cont -1444,/: L ti Lil,,, ac•._ � ,v4 L 1 t { t i ° ;' li . 4 , a 1 t;2? t q., <. P4. CS not tfteet the law 1'•tees at wLiul1 is ?. va ., antva� ta• ;A:1 1.....4.. 'tai to , -halt` 116 . u) 7.'.-11 N1 il, , rr.t,Id- Ler d L r 101.i f .'S? 6":. tang-; r. .. 1 -l'-'t .es, t15i'In. I^,'art brIV.011. ; tl .y's1; . Ro , R 'T' 3atta'i bid *-..-ti Sa 7 .X, N", It , In ell' al': ,r,,�.s r: iii € :y Fire. :11s 'Atilt t, luta, a:'1 I.tliir yc;a;'S44 towtn A onto!: ...i:.itblo to the n anted eye. 41.-411.1 EL'' -1. • areo#Ier:u * their 44-4441- of —The crack of Ia :hip. .w. ,--...w-........r+,...new.: :�"vcr scare. oil a ity with a • club W.:1-)il l: fxMADJ. EASY, holEg6Praoeof�I�u� i•�� tet_. ;14•:44 t,LV.P: 1t4la.ti t1 F:ather will 1111 at, Seine t=m IIe', systole had Leen introduced, iu \t"' t i13 1111-- Wh1c1: by S e ago t: e learned that a 4 � . x;: t l�i';i:1� .8111 eye has only a nesse loft ?—noise. When � sea , 2.. .n : some of tilt? Oertl1t111 -'awns which did � -144,,1 1, . . •+ .L farmer \1't•C.l, aL 1111444441E . 3 —when he tarns Ilia Ii'•#l's• to grass, away SSltlt the destructive use of t11. :lost man,;a It1ll4..Il: 144-11'.1 t tl1S':1) awl wooboard anti pounding barrel, as also net a:t ern lit even for pod illtt'tltltlne, tho rtlln„Il:t WItslt2u1. 11 LId, er)'stals anti Why 13 a ilpi,lr•r t1 €,'".1141 i:atl'rt's11:1 4,t. e.o.hts I'eretef.rt) ahem. 1ii.tee theta, en; :' -11 catl a he drops 0, hoe by ev. a Iris :;ams system /133 beell adopted 1441 very post, ; 444:,10 Of the lervl.eh towlld with setts - What h that from which, if you takex11.8: yr r�saltd. J ^ :ii: ta' xVie, some will re»la;tlt ?..—Wnote- }111: procas, ti tb elaviuo^ of -hila, is r, 44onne bara►ta 11w1, and it is said -1311-, obits : ,' t- a t• l e 1 tho cl til s }; 15 Gil 3i 1S"111-4 1Lh Gi �1�-434 dt)11n41est ducks 1'{111 their heats-. t- tun- t111a1 ter ?—to 1'ligt.iatzt0 their li:tile, equaled to;Ica Glattailled by any other bfi a, of cuv.rse. Why are an ear cf wlfeat and an od t s„4iillar tit ilrYc'Itl ?--Bacaittoithey b,'tlf sluing front 4 caro. Why -1x44+ your eyes like frii'nds sep- nrattei by distant climes ?--idle} cor- )<Q 15fl1111 bat .811.'1er 1;11.)41. tuoth,41 of waiiiiug, the tuo,it 11t11:;tlitte fa [awe ale lid uo' way 111jU.i,d. It is sin,: l; to 33iy:iuive t ti'o pounds of hard 5 1a'sr l'1 a little waiter, and with it ilii-- to tet1 gallons Ot Warm wa- le spuat14fu1 of turpentine oil, and tai as ldai,ul`a's Of 1113.1 'WOOL!. nix thorn `/'1411' a ur.rt•i a 11x4•!:: tea 1drai?vor: ec, a 011; t;lC with, the water wiaie11 dhoultl be a"1di obstinate: la that '4.8.8 t'fte;ll i) t'S 14''4'1 al; tt'il3lsr:LLUre lu w111011 111-1 0 lid e. 5tr. �dfr 44x111 44,.4 1bt. 44:1.+:4 frL'fla tt' 11"1" ,1'i can ii let, Iiia this toaluti:all 1-x4111? ANA/ift, l'Itti'w x21.'4 ;14-1.1 eNt.11ed, mint lt•LIS`et' it . l t 44;.1;3 aot)l 111'•0 to tui«t3 hours, -'0't.i. 4t E;,. I:ti-,u�;.i.)1212y P, 111--3 ht?yeSklb*k-t.t ; t' :. 1 . Then 1 .iR t - '. ... - ) > . � E.a tightly ix., '4111:, 4114 1411. x414 . G ll:,r::e •,t • , :� � ttate oat, •� I t- 1444 \ ,Iy x:R,'1121 [t,'iiTLlall : it has four 14"'d—•taint- 0. til 1'1'-1411 Glia ; t3U °Ugh1 4"a 941 In i4th@r- u - v -fit • tike Oil , . o 11.1x4,. lul)h.s, i1 u u4,cesa.trv. Envie 111. 4RC11 @ 1rL1.I, b �' 1:1'--n Sift rays it is with narrow -1 librtaugtl ttvi3 uaterl., the last blue), .813111 souleta men to it 13 with 12arrow-It/4004 xU4 Cla ak:I are le dy for the hue. Tau bottles ; tiro 1c6a whpv have L1,jthom the ,{J1ittiuil 44t.81• b.) l'.:1 sated and 44')'411 rrnre noisethey. make in pouring it; .411.1t,"* 11411 titta accord dale it i3 maces - nut, airy to add 0:43 11.4411' Spoonful of aur - 341 Irishman t2airg palma what Jia; p ..tiuu slat altcthet spoonful of nut - would take p.t' aI ty fir his lab ll', re. J I31111i:4. Wo give this bit of foreign e so that those of our friends 1111 exp..l•lrloutai turu of the meth')-- and pet f whit11vr this ,latah;.' ur 4o ot.r old arid wa4;11iug. TINWARE, STOVES, Etc., at Exeter & Hens . l vvllir.'ll consist of all the latest and improved styles of l5.ltelneLl, 004 and Parlor ;ally es,:1f ilii LUIS, pa;113, and pails of ane host approved patttu Li, /..na evt'rytlhin$ he the hue ; Also, a good s oleetioe of handsome sly Eave ta.•caurla.zan. ty ng 41,411, ret:liivna evorFa.{ teatio)l, -14444 do}1114 at the lowest A16Ures. Having opened outa branch establishment at lieusull, our friends in that aei ltbu2itood U supplied Can e4444 0 a'notice, tl3RAll rtC 1 tatted: ",S. dollar told a half fa r,1ay if I eat myself. and is dollar a day if you eat roe. "Iu Info, what has struck yon most ?" was a chard queestion retard. out 'to an evening; party : "My huesb; 3111." replital tho i11IOstiezia, iii tilts .host ab- .atr11ct and i:llil0ealt of I31:a1Iners- t'tTilell, 3:°lelgitha, you will be mine ?" "1 x es, Ferdinand, if lira 1;0 wilting. 1;1t1w1Ly a ail) what he 1YAU Me to." iiit 1'4111 lie 1;:vL' glib ct)tt sent "Iltwa will. i't always does liar . 1 what I want him to ?" L L Mp ergs and. Ike ap ei PPF A ITR,A.IL ,441 soy, rr Hn, t1,a you 838 that boat ituyt 1 .41 lti ,hotting down the stream there ?"'*u4'.1 : 4t1n(ia admission,. he Op• • °.411'x, ss hitt of it ?" '`' sly 1 ..was Olietilts U0Or of Lis study, and, pilt- titruelc with its resemb1anG3 to a pile oft, ng ;'4, tile f 441' 011 the 211t you eLWd stilt'.;.' I don't see any reselnlI-: bet.,time y, a x -/aloe." "Well, it's plain e11UU'1' . 4, that's -adrift, -anyhow." "`Young .1uan. said the Dean, ri5i12; Tito telcplonee may be well enourll from: his easy chair, "iia that rho way. as it musical t1I tietnlnator, but what you deliver a message .2 Lot 11s teach the eountri 11 miff is the Invention of you. better manners. Sit down in nay telephone which may be applied to chair ; we will (mango places, and .1 h L2itl•org1a 9 pl van t1..11oav yo3 how to behuve ill ale fix- u and thin -toned pianos in ----;1, • rii2c11 a manner as tO 0011(11101 the Iut;att3 The -11 i eb„.idiv ,,,It and dump it in someThr. Loy sat down, and the Dean, out of the way place who-') it will not going oat, came up to the door, and, beooinii f'ii<"11siir•. making a low bow, said, "Sir, laaster A Nevada judge, after the jury had ireseutt, his kind compliments, hopes ll -..cu i21lp:Innel:t'd and the counsel ready your are well, and requests your ac - to proceed. pulled out a revolver and eeptwuce et a siul.il present." ., ttcl3 1 tIly remarked, "If any loan gcer; "Does he ?" replied the boy. "Re- tb fru: Iolnz)g around in thia court room tarn Life 111y boat thanks ; and there's dining the trial of Ibis case, 1 shah in. a half a cruwn fur yourself." The terrtlpt 16111 in his career." 11)1 shim.- Dieaxn, thns ca,1?g it in his own trap, est decorum prevailed. in that court1;tupal.ect hea2•ti1y, and nave the boy a room. crown for Ids ready nit. An Irishman having accidentally hI oLen a pane of gizse iu the window of a house, Was making the best of lilt Th — Te 1.) 1aIviilr bsautifnl chemical 0.:- wayito got oltt of sight, but, utfortu- 12L•rlll,eat rimy be easily performed, to t., 744/..1 - for r Pat, proprietor h 3 t e stale a 1114 great ilat)tic;htilent of many at a march ,c1( him and having seized him party : t4l:e3 two of three leaves of red . A DEI: UTI UT, EXPERIMENT. I the 1444-colltlL exclaimed : "Didn't break thaLt \,inrlalx ?" ' rl'n be sort;,, Y" cabbage, cut diem into sarti1 bits, glut A-lways New anal rrerh• thele into t1 i3:lt,til batstn, 4..1.1 pour a FLOURFEED rexllied 1:'01, -,and didn't ye see rue pint cf b,,iling water Over thein : lit i 1 1 running home for the money' to pay for It 1.141111 t u hour . a,ld -lien I1.,ur illi AND I'.IiU. 2IIONb, It C onlne;,s% the li<1u ,r 1411') u decanter. It 14\111 be EARTI1E�4.W Alt El, A young, man WEN 41-x'4- a 114444 131444 cnlvr, 7.'i: 311 -111;44 faux CC:a.L OIL 11)14 31 goose at 144 dinnertable one dray. latile gl:tltib'', luta) olie put six drops of when by an awkward -Dove he knocked ..4 t• drops ap Given 'v7 - .y Ir . 11 l 1 i'the glory of tL deet. the 1011130 quantity of a a strong solution . satin cress. Instead of showing hie of 41144'44 and, let the fourth rl :1141 The 1 bar. 20o. per Gallon, clue 1• strong \118 air 1L 441) t4g0 tlt2 62x1 tVfb L) 25 into the 1111) of a lad who was sitllrn of ba3.uti SII Uf soda. into a third. 0 1) lsit^ xl all 1 • --21 :Oars for One Dollar.— verdancy by I)rofn'io n xilonie�r and a ' (,' Good Vinegar. ers sd ea rcS 4 0u 1• {' '4`11'.1+".r CTIO SALE dal of our Wrought Ito,. TWO liar trn'S COM NED REAPEL AND MJWER Machines supplied With 1'C Litmus, Two Drag-hare,rag•hare, Two Finer•barti. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed, Nate,. .Eelf-oilers, etc., etc. Can be changed ed from g Mower to Reatel' REAPER TO MOWER Byrotuova of fouruoltel, ani Micas than fifteen 4lainutea' time. /'lease call at our works and inspect our Machines before pttrehasiug elsewhere. Send for Oatalognes.. TEOMPSOT'. WILIAMS Manufacturing Co., Strratford. ' GO TO R.&E.SFICER'S P032— GROCE'IES C 11 Ch , a , t.. 1 41 relialtin, empty, T119 g' :'s (s 2x4:1$ 110 I S,yrnps..,1t4k.t Bas1 ets ehtaa4). COU4l18rd manner, lie simply F1111 : "I'll props Led prix«1.1011.10 before, tuld the col; N, 13 Dou't forget tlio ilio, 12, tLv 1+1, sr i- troubleyou for that go. -se, Mies.', Can 1 Cer'N 041)0hiteMr. IL. s Clitistie'iIUkel. j the annt,Is of society furnish, an ox; oris'' liquid that has loon placed iu ' emple of s:31f-possossiou more su- -lime ? The •e isn't much difference between a;ggraslbopper and a grass -widow, after all. Either will julep at the first char ca. "Who is your warmest friend ?" By adding a little vinegar to tho green, 4e311ed the teacher. "Illy mother, it will immediately change to a red,. ..,yelled one out of the a-,boys.r' "Your and on adding a little solution of soda inothtl' ?" "Yes, she warms me every to the re?, it will i.tnn]etl1ately change day I" The teacher nes given up her to a green, thus showing the action of missionary word:: acids and alkalies on '`vegetable blues. Il:ate Squire.—Hi, you, sir! You're ;A,:Sshing in my river. I dema.nf! what Ljo O. i4DORE, M. D. C. M. you ve caught. Fiehermau-Ar right, Lie Graduate ofMcCall University, Moutreal QF;�j0I .1 ire .C- 1�11tvU 0011 and I'm Ofliceaandresidence;Lxetor,Ont. O3co 1ouls- r , stolpamad'7tt10Dm them will not ba noticed. Fill up tbo glaseos from the decanter, anis the 1i - quid poured into the glrnss Contaiuiiig 'I4' ` tilts Reid 1ri11 q uioltl ; become a beauti- ' a di. Graduate TT, of: London, L.L.S.u4 y 4 ., Graduate of Royal College; fill rod,; the glass containing the soda surgeons ms upelled an o1iitlo n oFaus nib will E:e;1 fine :green ; that poured into Block, Exeter. the empty one'will remain unchanged. Produce taken in exchange for goods. R. &E• Sflif It Belting, and ; Furnisliinoj 01:1 KRALLY„a.toosii the Waterous Engine Works C 54. BRANTFORD, O147.- .1tat.4ffieelt fJeliaaw lits viatia»ec& Fk1 t - 0 0 Or Sager and 31441 Granule's. C -1T/1.1 It x Physic. Tin. 4 n ,t elty of 41314' ha. m, . tr tl•S lea,,' 1'4 Ni .41 . 1 1 '44'4: 141:1-'1141 et 944 l pt ,p. O..,, i:l.tla 14.7:414l.'.1 1.119 Yte 1 1 a. scarcely large seed, t t 4..44 be reals 4t• U2.1 .4 �l i itit'C 1+/411:1.' t •..I. tune Purgative 11 t -t e..1( eetn.t'4 l aurin. at 1 iqe_ a t 4444, 'tied 114 ,4I14 id the .• 4nool for e.le in alx l,,; : hips. !'rola, their '.4'044, 1' 11k catl'e:tr- L'c talo c r, in cnhtl41rt nn to their time, people trim ball() 1114 44¢44.4 theta ad•e apt to suppn.e that they are harsh 'ir.dra-4ic in e'l'ect: but stet is not at 44 the case the different active Ineddcil.al principieb of 4c v o u h. l t now t ”' ' are t 1 •� ,r . c A 1 hero 440harmonized ll and mantled, one ht the °Owl as w rodu a Most searching and thorutault, yet gently and ttiudly operating, x1111484'. tie. 1500 Reward is hereby offered. by the llro- pr.ec.r of mese Pellets, to any 4144pliit 1.417'),11 inn' aua 14.44,,'4x11 lilac in them any 0:monist or ogler forms of iiiei:ur,. Mineral. pekoe, el' ell:W the drug„ Ilteing entirelyta.rt iF vegetable, nn1 particular l call! i+tN{llllt•tR144 llrlhlthem 'Alley n141 ate o 1 t 1 1 1 t t d I h ' i 1rL It 1-1141. t) the C it I1tINU1I1 14141. O1' w • t,p.Lliou For Jaundice, illesadre'114o, 8')41.-131:atiou, Impure Blood, Pain in 1h13 11111/11410x$, •Jt'ir. It mess of the ('i.7ei,t,, Lli2zitaaay, dour Lruetlttiottt: Irani tate Stomach, listll tart,' do 4441 mouth, Sids attach'., Pain .n region of 1L141 44444,.11, Internal k•ev'44, l;,lustted folding about ) tout:telt, 'lusI1 elf i1laac4 to Multd, 1.11lt-colored bi:lirS` 1-444 4.1 Wooly Forebodings, Lane Pr. Pierce's es Pit a.';tut PurgativePel- lets. le ext.- mai,11 ,4f me reale 1 power or 14x4' P41rI,kl4e le„ 4[0'444.1' d ...81'1':11 a d.11.4414 21 .0.0144'. 1. R'Irtl 2t -.4; that 1114414 action Upon Ole animal economy fee 44113'er. 4.11. not 24 gland or tissue esc,11.411C at.'r suntan Te 1111[4„tat., 414=e ,1'44-, Lot 7 t 1tniia5 2':1d' 1'44141. '.1.,2oai atm' t i .1.81:1 111 1:14,A I.''0 vr. 11,,11' t d t .. 11.e1.. 4 polo -1x11.1 t:niu.palr,ri f .r i :,. 71. et t.la, tit 1111` l S:ua:e. so that they i4 aau.t 444.3.:1 ••tt 144 -u as `1'111, in Dat 2116 t 4 77,1 t1 d ,e ... At1.eW Io wit aq, lU ChU.4I1 l 4144 , 1' 1r4•,a1.4 i .'. 1,44-'413 pct tilrt for .441.L. -4•11,•(“i Ni:..e• ,1 Laxative, Alterative, tr Purgative,111 Itc110.t0f Mere lithe 1.' 441+, • w:4\r 4142 t.ta'.t pt.4ecG.0:4-3.:444Jelu 14;a1'411,1 .444 LLC W. 'trus]' are 'told by all Cruggiste at Rb gsox a bottle, T. S, ?3rtb'"4;474, 114, A„ °rap's, l:i:l*1''ALO, N. T. L+7 r4r an Immcorl' praaettce, x'541 n�li throw'. fi pern.I t't 51 it., Laving witlint 18..4t 84W treate=d '411444' the it tt note* ".4 ttlr4.e 11t 44,,- ••a p,'$u:i.,r I•t (woman. 1 hate t. e n l'tlttlul4 to 1.-x44„t 14 -44441 141444th 0I'1 9414 ec,,ntl 311("3,"11 t' tenet 114114 the UM 11Mtt40011 pec -entad 1y that ems* 4 a t'f 14,1,41,11:. 44 4134 panaive ,- 11:).144 u t t''..)'(114'', To ,4,” n uo hist- haltt4443 Ep144111.0 C•'734151134.1, I 34044 1141110.4 14 Dr, Pierce's Favorite Vrccc:" 1nic!1 The term, however, isi,111 11 feeble pre,si '44 414 ray 411,•,4 4111411eriat4 441 i.1 its Yalta.. 1 tail 41nrn1 dna f,tcl% 44x1 ,1141-1 observation.'1•t L 4'18'(4 lilt•• server, tnave, vvlrlh Wltue t1C 11 141"41141' ▪ 91118 lit tilt (OW 441'1 x11-1 411,4...1,4`4 11!,"1,1811t N. 11444 !,1111111110 e,. 411.1)1nm ,if \t'„1111V 1,11`.441 it. h11t 111 tats 431max 01 41'011111 ing gem of toy 11144431c111 c al't'er <,n i:o 1114.111".. 11, It po•.13114‘,, aft nod. esrouru remedy for thin c; rt. of .1:5. 010,1t$, 114444 one th:444 iii 1111(11 -laic, and 111141t'r1411 el1'41311354411[ 0', act kindly 11n,1 in harmony With the laws winch roversn the female ttvstt u, I ani willing to stems my reputation as li pieysiclu1. lay, even pant n, E0 aenl3tiC,tt UM 1 that IL will not disappoint tiro most i-:111i141irei expectations of a single invalid lady Who "use'I It for any of the ailments for W1ti4431 I reenmmea,4 it, that I taro and ,ell it meter A L►OM1➢'8VE GtiAEia1,N. 'Pits!'. if a i,cnetl.1.11 ening is not e1p4r,c:t4 4.3 by the thee two -third- of the contents of the bot- tle are 11 , 1, 1 '.viii o14 return of the Bottle, two- thirds of the 4144th- foo having been taken itreor.l. ing to dlrecuons, and the ease being one for wind. I teeunnneud it, promptly refund the money paid for it. Mil 1. not the most perfect con idc,iec itl its virtues, I coup- not utter it at I Ito mailer these conditions; but having wit:tea-o.1 its truly 1111)1:011- leas enures in 131ull,,1111ds of cases, A feel War., rstltted and perfectly (safe in risking, bout toy reputation and my money on its merit!. The following are among those diseases in Which my Favorite Preecripti uta has work• cd cures, its if he magic, and with a certainty never before attained by any medicine: Leh-` anrrho•a, Excessive sive Flowing, i'aillftll Monthly l'erroi3. Suppressions when front unnatural. r to e', Irregularities, '{1'4:11: Back, l'rolapaus, or falling of the Uterus, 9 uteverchnn and 11et1•ocei'- 1l to Bearing, 1)o 1(l Sen.atiotl', Internal HIeat, Nervous Depression, 1)chilttv4 1)etpondency, lhrultcnt d 242iicnrzi 1„e, ClirOnlo-Congeston, I1t- flanimution and L im:ration of Ute Uterus, impo- tency, 1larr c1110's, or Sterility. Female \\ t 114414'', a'zel vert maavother chronic dl eatte4 infl lent to 1v„u1.411 not mentioned here. In all affections of this nature. 1114 Favorite Prescription works 1,1(x1 s— t11n144x'4-,1 of the I7 h world. ur , 1141' I tnesii,inu I tin 4441)/ Oxtol as a 444441-4111. but it admirably fulfills t sin„ione:4s of pt4r. Arose, beim atllo.4 peile43..pecitl . in all chronic. ul 411,es of the ,•111.11111 4v -tent of woman. It will not disappoint, tier 14311 -it do Nauru, ill any saute of cowl aim ll,,a 41140418^il•e further information on these 5111433113. c1 a ubtitiu it ill 1110 Pi/ii 14 1.4.4's Com tW SENSE. \l l 1)l[, : L , t U 1 h,L It 1 : 4. of ever 9341 j.'1440.,.cur po*.-4i,1nl, on reoeil,f, of $1,30. It treats 114 11:1LI (144 of li4o,e d .1x4.7 pemtiintr tc t 41114114'. a1141 }.1'440 31111[`.11 4'1111111it' 444.'411144 11.1 re hard 10 1314 nl44U l'•eln' 411 UI -110'4 tl;'Ut1-1.1213. s1.S'oaer til PP. lE.'.sC119Y2$'ION SOLD lit Ada! 1,1103.:4 THE 1[1eI'S of laOw.ez' 1 Tim • o mays :w Pills &Ointment 'rite Pills PinIfy the. 14,t 1 t.tr tat i* disorders of t4f 1,4", -i r. *t' uac9r 1%zd 1+ 41114 l „ e'r,. 47.141 14x41' t itr t¢.:i,°4 .P. 3.411 4441434!,ti.1(5 ,➢.Edit,»tai..U' Tee 112(4--(444 4t 1s tate only ly 0 411 114x4344 ,ll' forIadt14.E1%I,o11: ,oboo- over 'ut.nit studing. For i,rolt4lltt:s, 1)11- ►t1:erlt, 1:03144.fl'oiit. lt34o1let11.11, 441:., ell Wu et.see 1 1 olio eal'atal. - 1U WREO Few York c ou of erfeit s. 333'43'4.3- iFuit,tttottt It ,lir,ft.tttttv'c Pltti and t Irl+ lla1'n6;t11,1V1 441..1 baht 1111'4,. i1 , 1111! 1 4 n( "11,.11(0.IL,T tL t"4.." t•\. 33410) -'bixin a4, t un,3u:h'., 15.1.44- oil:, ;oat 1 Inn•th') Alt:ru• ',til.tun 1i, 11.14 4444]..1,41}1{44419' r+f Af"51 '1•rt . 1511, ? y '. 12414', d11nf•t. trade 1 144, r4, 1, K.—. - . t,t /: It :! , , : ¢ 4 4 2.1 J x I1¢itdU• a 3 41 tRrYx k.4me- \Stria t,a.�r�,i of � Ca••4-114x' u-. ')5'441 44144-" aud•'r lit. 11th* •.' 11.44 11ai1.lo !...holt 4')'4'444'4 , tft.,llhv n ter•11tr1,dn 111-114, 444 tx -tt.t 1141. hull , 1.t'a ?ll' ]t%:,:�t+1..'. i;ei43,i14l, 4'f 1444 4,4.81: .tett 1l F'^. ,4L 414,'.4{-1414 4'11114 .441°;{l`s 1171±14,1:1C'r 44111iv.' )''l, 11t- 1.1,,. ' .taiti,•ai 31744' pn441ir iu the st tank l,rt.i.'i 041441,-. °t•.tafll''.t'4 to (11th 1114,414,, - . ,il3icit 144.4 ll' 111% t:lane -stool ,utitietice.t4 to 1%eto .iv t2 Count* i!,- t.. t'A9`, 41, 3t„'4144 3 e:tiers 14 kit:1141 1#. 143 at 'very love 1..4,1.-s :.'.i ,,1l111:'4o t 114.4 1+0/11” 1441 41,14,x+ 444 to, 44114. lr441¢ 3„' alS iliit'„1113. -1441. , ly141,,4 4�Idt:da143,,',-i1ttf1;b Ctat •,•„tt of 4 1 11:4♦n ^t .l 47 a 1-.1 ... } ^'t9"4.-334 4111x:-, 444-.8ct. 4",2,411,01' 1+'a al t: lit (Y 1411 1,14:t¢at•/41 r .➢41''4-4 :4' 4,td- r11,1 'P '1 1+1.[:411:a 1'1.131,•11'.- ;tilt' rt 11 �.:4 t`, 7 -'14) 4th 5' Rha . a^ irNt: 1 4.8.81 l' 1441; t:. 134 i:.lt 1 .. 4. „ 0144 tt 5 144 4:4444. a 4 3. t4 1 11, 3-. 44th-,„' , 141' t! l ” d•, : t t1 , 444 ..4444 wp, 1 1.. nit 4 d t x44 •1 t 4 fire 11'441+tt" . i t 144 Ppia . S 51' 111;11. '-a ,, it1,1.3 -. ” t 44-4 44x44 1444'. ..,,1,. I 1:,4,44- ,1,17tI that �1A 24.Yau, 411,4:4" ti!. 44:'14* a 411^.t 144 u:, tis.,l 14 t ,r1":11 1 h t1 1144 3 4 a..1 4\ -o- It11,U:..lit..4.4.4 tiled 1!1 ','e 111'5 .14%t.lw:a3, T1.10l,' S IIO.1.L.OWA Y. r 1:1F VD. McGLUJUULQ,,` AVATi.11 1Ai l dw foraT i ,t1 1-1 eantn.:maa get toe W. 14..]14{01a41t1ort 4113.111 before buying. 'Yeti will have hat tit ser ti tersue, lug thine:, :11154 Oto wear them r.,, x144 'head theta. GGolden:l ",1v er.l.u44imi and fit u leaste1l's 771auelli .strnot,1,vrtd021 ;4.,14 the r.e.1i1u41uiehi 'rho 11.14 4x1. Lt stand cheapest .'tur4L of flue Gold J(11voir% Clucks, dyer, awl 1'4.4-1•.- Wary, 1``,414:14 1244415, t4.,'„ d 111 1x••44 Province lit't is :tigtr.v 444,,ry 4e13411'1)1ti4ttl. W. D. 1X.41-ii1,"Ci L43 ,7Duudass Lot.3ott NEW BUTCHER; SHOP r lhenndolsignt4d would i11t'orm the i1412tt1,i to antis ofLxeter: and v1 111i4y that he ltd,. OPENED A NEW BUTCLI It S3.IOP One door south of Ilia BlacksmitIlahur andil0pc10 the same liberal j'atronago ti;l(t hiss been no corded to Lim in the 3:game:di a d 4D WJGO4. 1141+ 3111;13 101014111 be extended to hint 0)111a now branch 0 Ousful 4s, ills luta n•:„g015 140442nli at the rest - avian, of t lie t ill t{. three tint :es :incl. weekend FRESH 1 E.L .T of tall k:udis 14,441'- cOnst141,i3, 02) hand -at Lis Lutok o s 1 1244. •. i 1+Incl su'lt11i'ug r. u 1 1151}t4 nlnkin4; earrie1ou Usual 1L• ;i.1; 3 at:ltlu1,cL . R. DAVIS. ISAAC EVANS, Wed -dagger, Etc'. le set' 03 ibit won13 iutinlatc to Me 14.44-11,1 R V. PIERCE) j�( p �]n }9 p tih7tl etrn1 a dl;ti annrroandund.u.tri Mita;; R. . 1 IL'1RRUE1 M. U9 LioG4'lt ,',hc4 viilwt;ostilt..,L .1�1,/,.1.h1u:i 644 L02'1tu4tiu,4 B iUEFA.LO, 3 1'. T NI -1001) HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED :: Just published, a now addition of Dr, Culvertvell's t)ulehratad Lssay,elitho radi- cal cure of seitliral Weakness or peralnator nioncces,illainced by -Abuse, Involuntary Rini, stens, EU1pott,ne Nervous Debility, and 4414 edi- mentaof laactiago gynorally; 0011611nlittie epilepsy, laud Oita; Moutal ata Physical In- capacity,Ale TheW044143-440130w31440a43100r, in t)lis admirable Mecturo, clearly proves from his 01411 experience that the awful couseguences of elf -Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangorous'surgical operations,bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing out s modo of cure at oltce certain and effectual, by wt.icll every sufferer, no matter what leis condi- tion may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately and radically. 1. --"This Lecture will prove a boon to thousand andthousands - ent under seal in a plain envelope, to any add., dress, en receipt of si cents, or two postage' ..1ddroa ' ;55811 OurAveutaunnIcAL C WELL -DIGGING, STONING, ETO. 1Taving had. a slumber of 4014x1 experience that uusiul ss lie 01131 git 1x44441444 Satiaftletivn: Orderoo Solicited. l'trbe addresred to Centralise, P.O. Superb pomp furnished if 1O1jil l ed. 'e11',_'ali1,•s ln3 20th 1876 pr1Ir7TIN U 1 PAINTING �. KITCNING prepared to do all lauds of EDI u e Fainting, Taper-llltillgin g Whitening, 12o. At reasonable Prices and punctually. J. IEITCIING,Malin-a •