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The Exeter Times, 1877-11-8, Page 6
Cunning y -aide,, nudred. Didety 'Number reel and "Dubber ea and Ana they repeat- «lets -aide Drd.etp-dide edit Ditlety- ecanee con_. mature of the tooiterous ap- founded, and for life, perhaps, re - as being made the butt for the assembly, and s fist in anger, he exclaimed with an oat: "By ttabe le doled Cuddidgllab, add I'll be dabbed if I tail,' lick ady sod of a god in the roots." So eaymg, lie disappears d, and ever since thatt night he lune been called. Didety-elide. A 1 sheet whose views o question aro an the American peo Fish, may be divi cod -fish and fresh-fi priety of dividing til will be at ouce apparel) fleck that they are usually fo sehonla. The mackerel is not exactly a co Ash, but be comes so much nearer being call -fish than a fresh -fish, that he is for the present .classed with the former.. Fishes; exist in sizes to suit purchas- ere, from ininnawes to whales- whiob are not, strictly speaking, fish --but if we attempt to tell what are not fish, this article will far weed its inteeded limit. Fieb are caught by, measure, and sold by weight—•,that is, caught by the gill, Hud soldby the a ousel; bat they are sold by weight sometimes wait till you get a bite. Surveyors are tut to to good Asher. Men. because them hues and %naive are apt to be all right. But a fisherman's gains are ,Mostly lift profste, • r. d most halt, whoa caught, ere fraserftP, ae `ve have seen t% Ful -tots eaarket at once full of slippery cure teasers, especially eels, which ere sold Without scales to he weighed in. Generally spealting, Push aro weighed in Beales,, when r'ot found wanting but when, weighed in hie own scales, the caatifieb is always fouud wautiug - wanting considerable freslleniug. H;e is by nature social, hia principal recre- ation ltein;t b:zlls-- fish-IaUs ; be is also harmles!, never does anything evrong on porpoise. Watering places are the best fishing Otiose. because they are frequented by fernale anglers who are in pursuit of ateliers. gudgeons, and other sort of flab, tont nt. is alanrercros 'part, for the falx enener is more than likely to be eanol!lt by a dower or some other sealoy monster. The mermaid and fietowor'm may rtleo be mentioned in this connection. The fernier is a geed illnetration of what is neaut by the idt:a , aud the latter as fitly represents he real. armee. land animals aro reproduced in Holl ; for instance She &g -flab, the cat -fish, the sea -lion, and sea horse, eea•nnnles ; none of the above have hand legs. aril any manner of mule with'+ut hind legs would be a cunspien• Ons fail.eee. The codfish is the great, enurceof snit; the saline qualities of the en.ifiel't permeate aud percolate tat) vast deep and make the ocean as salty ea himself. The jelleefiell is perhaps the best nnderetee 1 of 811 the finny tribe, be. norm being tranalncent, it is et.xy to bee through lum ; and the clam is said to he the happiest of shell -fish when the tide is High ; we might perhaps be considered too of-fisb-ns if we were to mention the flounder in this °ounce - titin. Argumentxiive persons are fond of tating that it is. grammatical to say hat the five ioases and three fishes were ate! i;inco five and three were al- ways sigh . They should be created with atileat contempt. Fish are provided with air -bladders, o they canrise from the depths oftbe ea by filling their bladders with air. f any ane le disposed to ask where hey get the air from for such inflation, et him understand at once in advance hat this article is Trot ir,ttude-d for the, elution of petty conundrum:,, and 1 what we have seal aught to be suf-dah- nt. '.there is much more that might well be said about fah, but the subject as grown somewhat stale, end we will wait for something fresh before oing further—fresh r.had. d ( plause. John be I the fir alized of nl shaltin agf Brat. A conductor ou an eastern roa l was approached by a seedy looltiug iudi- V•idu;al who wanted a free ride, as Ile didn't have any money. "All right," said the contactor, "go forward into the smoking car, aud X'U fix yeu all right." Soon afterward the condua for appeared in the smoking, ear to collect the fares from the pasrenTers. He took fare from everybody except the dead beat and another man who happened to be the supetiatemleut of the road. The sueer.iuteaaeat naticed that he had overlooked this man, Hud asked him why he hall done it. �eS6'1u4, that'd a eons fetor," was the reply. Itis appearance (lees not indicate it ; look at those seedy clothes:' said the ttperintelAtut. " Well," said tbo con- ductor, " he can't help that. lye's it conductor on a western read, Andhe ie one of those fellows who are trying to live within their salary, anti that's what he bas come to." This was eatisfuctary to the enperin- tr»uaent, and dead beat obtained ilia ride without further inquiry. a queer raztch. We have just heard of a worth:e tt] duck down it1 the Delaware' Bay, thet was captured by a young sportsman, and trained until be was under the eon, plate control of our friend Bob, the aforesaid apt. When the gunning season came on. he would go to one of the many ponds in the vicinity, and after concealing himself in a blind, would place the quack on the pond aud within gunshot; he would then, as soon 58 he saw any of his fellows flying in their direction, scream and flap his wings to attract their atteution. And after they lied nettled, ho would watch our friend Bob, and as soon as he raised his gun to deal death and deetruotioll, would dive uuder the water, remaining till Ise heard the report of the gun when he would reappear and examine the dead with a grin of satisfaction, tied should any of the game be crippled, and get in the high grass surrounding the pond. he would follow, and by -his cries direct Bob to the place of concealment. But he at length came to an untime- y end through the carelessness of his master, in the following manner. One day, after the ducks had been attracted, he, on seeing the gun pro- sentea, made a dive .as usual, but the gun from being in a darty condition missed fire, and as the duck was too well trained to come up before hearing the report, the poor fellow was drowned. An It feat .Vlverltsemenf. Dddet t -Vide. Nat many pare ago, when the sci- ence of rnnemrnics was in all its glory, the writer of this article happened to be in the City of \Vheeliag, Vrri iuia, upon an occasion when two lady pro flamers of the science were giving pub- lic demonstrations, and during the per - formulae it became necessary. in order to test the wonderful powers of their memory, to invite any gentleman to et -p on the platform and call out the raumbers or sentences, as they were propounded in presence of the andi- enoe. A person of good yoice and delivery was required, and such a person was respectfully invited to cane forward The invitation had hardly been given before It foppish, self•eouceited ypung man of good family sprang rip' and offered his services. Hie narno was John Ceeninglsam, and be had an irnpediment in the nose; 'ti'liiull be larireelf alai not seem to be gonnni-lid Of, though everybody else 'vas fully aware ail the feet. Tee aellenee appreciated the joke, and at men, oonnveneed giving out the eallessing array of figures, to be re- reelnTaerea and repeated, first by Hr. Oletneiteeteeeen-taol fotiowed .try the two . gtt;ei a ti ea'k <e14 are Bent 3, aaa'11•7r)7d(. „y:ta.t]*tan':. This is to satisfy that ono Peter Dempsey was stole out of his grave and he hardly settled in it. last Tues- day night, by some evil minded Scotch villians, who left there marks and to- kens behind them ; one of them is well knownby them that seen him, as fol- lows a' there' was a dog along wid him, with ()roped ear, and a very short tale ;; wore when he went away, a pair of blue trowsers and hussian boots, and had a large specie on his back besides ; the baste hada vera starved look, and was about five foot eleven inches in his stocking feet, had a collar about bit, neck, and was seemingly lame in one of hie hind legs, from a bite from an - ether dog ; his head was covered wid a blowish handkeruher, having left his Scotch cap in the graveyard, being in a hurry, I suppose, whon the hullaboloo was set up. Any one that birrgs in- telligence of Peter's corpse, so ns it is not already anatomised by the doctors, to any of us whose names are dosoribed below, will receive a reward. which we can settle the Easement betwixt ourselves when we meet. ABBOTT, cif London, 2n.1t.S., aseeeeta et teem Gollc s of Dental Surgeons tau (IMO+ fel sq fit EOntrrmes, t3'Iti S Exotsr. THE TIMES olliihPricoof£laur Dab's not t.Mot the low prices at whish n. ec T 'Z $$.. MT3' areoffering their stock of TINWARE STOVES, Etta, at Exeter & Hens.11 wh-eh consist of an the latest and improved styles of Kitchen Cook and Parser stov'es,Milk cans, pans, and pails of the most approved patter n, anal everyth ult in the line ': Alcor a good shiee%ior of handsome` Rave trouvrIling as nail, reoeiree every atteatioo, and done the lowest times. etFlfeying opened out branch establishment at ilensall, our friends in that neighborhood eaube supplied ou the shortest notice, Mowers and :Reaper te ee WE OPE & TRIAL of oar celebrated Srlcae Mowrs Single Reap. in,al7. Wade of Grass and Graz,, and ditions of seiland surfae AND GUARANTEE SA.TI" OR NO SAL 4,5 S. GIDT4T Ys ZTI'lidt+'rt slit >r ii 21,c t i`ni tnx� Y TOU'LD SAS TO those who intend purchasing fucturex Tee dealer who buys to salt again• must ne.;assarily have at, prod. We Maim to give the purchasers the -. benefit, which cannot fat! to meet the views of the Fe, 'Grangers' Our exeenses are fess thart thole of city a ,{ manufacturers consegnent ly we eau 3e11 cheaper. NuvEln3E•R 8, 1877 .IV.],ttrlufacturei'S` Emblertis of all the Ilifferent y; rE WO'ULI) call sped ala( t en teem to our undertaking depart- me.tt,rhich is more coin vae4e chat, ever, as we have added several new designs of 1 te Tho bast co iu eiokt.ta B.'•routisoie&' eiesy liar.. al requisite at tt.0 loeestlwets Orr sex 14e i n t. l roncur.•e d 1,y eimipetel t hate., R•e LE see , et t,. name t,. tl,e. Pr.w anter esa GODERICH 'oundei's f Engineers crs and Machinists. iaUa:liv-Ff.'o1` nB315.. OF 1 NUINES AND BOTTLERS, FLOURING, GRIST ANI) SAW MT:;;,.kee STAVE AND HEADING al a011INF ItY; i11idlling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash betties, Scheel Hearse &a, ,. rc�n and Brass Gasfiw' s to„Order. Per eel() cheap—Second litual Ile and Engines ;,Stave en Shingle, and Heading alacuinery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiuee, Milia,, sac.., promptly attended uta. C'OD RICIt FoTNDRY aria ILAZUF. CTTI2,111L7 t:x GODEII,ICH, Ont. For cheap Gents' watches, Go to S. E. Jtu3es's For cheap Ladies' watches (a .3 t:) x!•, .1 For cheap Ladies' silver watoi...7s, (*o to S E For Boys' silver watches, Go to S E ;Lines For endless variey of silver plated $ ig Go to J J404,8. For ee Jit day clocks, For thirty hour clocks, Go to S E .Tca:13O' Go to S.B 'UST RECEIVED AT THE Wo also offer a Trial of our W Two liar E T.1.: R JOHNSTON CDWiED REAPER AND t IJWER ittacbies issuptalied ith 1`1± 1 amens, Two Drag -bars, Two Finger -bars. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. huts, Scif•oilers, etc.. eta. Can be changed from Mower to Reamer REAPER TO MOWER Byremova c,&four bolts, an 4. inlese titan fifteen ;minutes' time. ,'lease call at our works and inspect our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. Send for Catalogues. THOMPSON& WILIA!'S Miennfaoturing Co., Stretford. THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE C. Soutooet Sin. TA 1 LORS and CLOTHIERS, Take pleasure to irform tho inhabitants of Exeter add surrounding country, that they have jus ope.tod out au excellent assortment of Tweeds, Coatings, Vestings etc., of the latest styles and patterns,, and feel assured that intim mater of clotaing, ;they can snit the most fastidious tastes. A number of Wanzer F Sowing machines will be sold at a sacrifice to clean out stook. THE LONDON and ONTARIO INVESTMIENT SOCIETY Oapi to l , V ©o, ”' ~r--9 Partiee3 requiring money can auto__ std n reen, iquor 1urge stock G e Japan, Young Hyson a.uaL, Black Teas,DII 1'•D Apples , Canned. 1723.`.TI , Sardiiies, Lobsters. SailBon .Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gius. Wines and Syrtl Rye, Malt, Sctch, Irish and Common Whi skies, Tc lacoo and Cigars, \Vhocs.as e and Retail. G. A. ACE,, Main Street, Exeter, Tfl1 EXEC' E�; J ri AND ST ME esa r 0 ins i ebscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and thesarrant;ding eotiu- ._p_ try, that he has opened a TIN and S i'OVE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Ir. Cry. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street, Exeter, where. he is p:eparedto 1111 all oxdo,ti for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practical workmen on the premises. Etsee-Tronglung done o order. Carriage Plating a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, the 'very best and none Cheaper. 0 ]Intending purchasers will always find mo at my post, ready to attend to my own basin e and, prepared at all thaws to treat. customers courteously and supply than with a food azo. heap artic-e. Depend upon is that no:shere can yon get bettor value ;or your money. `Teo very highest prig in. mash ps'id for Hides and Shod, skins. E. H, SPA.0 C&[.AN,. 'ter 3.tO 371; r, ns• JOB WORK OP ALL K, ', on approved tewaagr;fatvn prtapeity, at Tbwoat; rates.. The above 3s a T,tandost, �s�,latvfll- Almy. tl<erunik 991kS'14.3,�r " 10 done at the Times d 04. ace, at the "ho:' -- Rella ..V rzr 1i Awnt. • �Na•z?•,•tA, :tRrtxtt+r +',t .eft notice