HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-11-8, Page 3!r
N AvrMnEn 8, 1877
.i alaatc of Scatttxa d.
A party of ' truepers entered the
house of a widow and d1 mended and
zeeeivetl refteslnuents, A well.grawe
red, the widow% sou, vtttithd upon
ilea:', the widow hospitably clfl"""riug to
their a utte all elle had to v nilnend.
ta.tn1 haw do eon live in tue.e° trout).
I,; U', times, .(lowly `)' asked one of the
mcreetlteri.-s, with aa ilii of ;lilrt1itiese,
'Well, I thank heaven,' alrewered
the p' or sidow, 'xuygravid man left .use
a cow toted garden, asith that flit of:
field. I neo not c•,ulplai► ."
"Iudeed 1' c•,inetiliatt;d tete. ruffian.
'Cul•}'oral Sl*le:dgei, what say you
to try if Heaven helps her withoutla
cow ?'
'Acts! mein Gott! der gotten is en -
off ! Mit it some verlachen—ba!
tta r and the fellow lftliglled. 'Kill
der Peatchier/a larachon(the cowl anu
epi=il ter mnch and ter h.a.e(eheese) I'
'Ay,' telt nth the fellow, with a }roars'
laugh, 'arid so it well. SO, Gootly>
hero goes, with the Toilers of War---
tn-rn!' and be drew his mord.
'Whet are you going to do ? cried
the youth epringitlg forward, with
tilers in tail eyes and terror in his face.
'Strike the brat, Bob r slid the
troaper, as 011e etyote tele tidy nn the
mouth, white the trooper passed his
':word through tlto gentle breast of the
generous; !tame-faeder-•.the poor cow—
mut to add to his clevil'e deed, snowed
tion all the ka.o in the garden. Tht'
troopers then departed.
Widow and child at once destitute of
Crary Fot►rce of existence, Pile 800n
aicl,e.'ued and diel, #leant -broken, and
the boy wandered away, and was not
welt or heard of for many it crit after.
Pterin¢, tho ware in Flttndore, a peaty
of seltliere were otie afternoan butted
rot,nd a a c;lrnlr-bre, and flushed with
wiee and victory, were relating Poole
deed of the past, till they Fleeted to
to .e fa tarn i11 v ieing whit each other
the atrocity of their dtaile.
el once etarvcd an old dame by
merry Carlisle, said a trooper, noted
for }1i;1 ferocity and courage.. '1 killed
her cow, and egad ! tlumtroyed her
greene,. She said Heaven would keep
her, and, faith ! 1 loused to know a
miracle. 73nt she flied—had ha ! elle
died t'
'ttnd do yott not repeat of tet;tt
Gleed ?' cried a young trooper, leaping
to his feet, with wrathful orows.
'Repent? Bah! What the devil
should Irepout for? lathed the other,
4r contemptuously. 'Sit down and laugh
at the joke.'
-.Do you, stand up, you rnaritntierirg
idt'g !' chanted the soldier ; for in the
tonne of ieeven she trusted in. you
el►a1I repent it 1 That woman was my
A1.d, uoslleatlting his sword, 110
struck the ruffian soldier on tho cheek
with his flat, and instantly swords were
Twice, thrice did tI•o avenging son
pass leis etwvrd through the body of
the destroyer of the poor widow's liv-
ing ; and turning hien over with his
foot, as the other lay writhing in the
pangs of death, added:
'lied son but repented that deed, I
had 1•,ft you to God ; but as y,n ro-
peuted not, know that 1104901e avenges
her iu gine t'
The Lost round.
Fifty or sixty years ago it was the
custom of gentlemen wishing servants
to visit immigrant ships as soon as
bey Arrived in port.
Selecting the man or woman who
pleased their, they would ray his or
her passage money, about seventy dol-
lars to the. r a tiln> agreeing • togice the
servant board and clothes, and at the
end of two years' service twenty or
thirty dollars.
One day a gentleman, a man of fer.
tune, residing in Philadelphia, went on.
an immigrant ship to hire a girl, or
'hire her time,' as it was then called.
Ile seleeted one, and was shown her
father The old man was anxions to
go with bis daughter, and after some
persuasion purchasest hie time. 'Well,
now,' said the old man, 'here's my
old wife ; take her also.' There was
something so attractive in the old wo-
inan's countenance that the gentleman
brought her home.
Going together to the register's of-
. floe to complete the bargain, the gen-
tleman was surprised to find that the
name which the immigrants gave ices
spelled and pronounced like bis own.
Inquiries ended in discovering that he
had bought the time of his own father
and mother.
When six' years old a son, of the old
folks had been taken to America by a
4entlemers, and they had lost ell know-
ledge of him; indeed, they had almost
forgotten they Lad a son in America.
They recollected however, that their
eon had a figure of a encumber on Gn0
of his elrritllelers. The newly tonna
son was stripped in the office, and to
.title telirht of the KO 40u'lir4 there
�#pt;fhe"birtlz fnii'll;y
There is a glass of farmers, says an
exchange paper, woo are coustaritly ou
the lookout for a better place to gee
Their farms are always 'for sale,' and
the dream of luxuriant lauds, in sonee
other pad of the country, which can
be 'drought for a song,where they
imagine they would be more prosper -
one and enjoy life better than where
they now reside. Lany of these won
own ;:ilort::nged farms ; and for stud'
neon to desire to remove where they
can own a free farm though it be far.
far away, is but a natural nlauifesta-
tion to better one's condition which
the human ioir d cannot reeiet. But
where can these men go after selling
their firms, and lie couteuted ? Thi4
ie n satiates question, which no man
can answer of Ins own knowledge.
Suppose they cin " soll out, and cora-
mead a thousand or fifteen hundred
dollars after paying n'1 their debts,
and they start, tor 'tete west' Eights'
acme of land with n eoinfiiruable hcuste
or a tog cabin on it, calf :re bought for
from five to ten dollars an acre. The
leered is all right. as good as .tilt.,
out tf doors;" but alas for the
eer.0antlillg5. Neiglrbore are scarce,
aocioty is a myth, and the lour. frail
housewife, who follows her !no -Anted
without a lnnr1mir, pines far friends.
Tho children lime to go two 1u:lex et
farther to school ; and in the winter
season they cannot attend mulls of the
time in eiaisetjneuee of stnrlua. Church-
es are few and far between, anti the
people are generally a mixture of na-
Lions e and the result of all is, that
many au eastern firmer gaee west anti
is happy and wislifa himself back on
hie old hom"steat3. So it ono gee,
south or anywhere, he wilt not fit
things just to his mind. If one thiur
is better Urea on 111e old place, 'another
is worse ; and taking r"]t thine into
coneidoriation, bat few ferment change
their reeideuco, who are able to matte a
living on the old place, that better
themselves to a distant State. (Use
may Obtlin rich ha'i'l at a low pride
where thereie no market for what hi
grows ; and he may got into au ull-
bealtlty locality, and soon !ie may bevy
his wife au(1 children, and what then ?
--s gloomy world for hini.
Farmers, in running your attest
through- the fanning- mill, after • i1•
thref,hed, do not be eati'1fio,1
ly making clean seed; ai
ing a.grade of wheat
well. Run it Ibr
every ahrunkof
weed is sore
ifyou h•
seta , a 000 it givin;.
time anti et • 10 selection of 1380`1
whttat. Do not look only to good ent-
tivIation and manuring ; select g ood
seed as well. If farmers would take
more pains with !heir seed ; as well at
.o the fertilizing and cultivation of
their crops, they would have a greatly
increased prodnet per acre, and conse-
quently, with less cost and more profit.
L'nll out undesirable fowls, and keen
only oiled on AS, Pure. bred fowls are
a- profitable as other pure-bred stook.
Feed young pnlletl with boiled pota-
toes, mashed in tbe wai.er they have
been boiled in, and mixed while hot,
with cornmeal and cracked wheat.
This will give eggs all through the
winter. The culled fowls may be
cooped and fed o11 soa'ded skimmed
mills, with cern and oatmeal, for three
weelts, when they will be as fat as tboy
can be matte ; to feed any longer is a
waste of time and food. This food
makes sweet and white flesh and fat.
When fed for market give only corn,
which Makes the a ellow fat so much
desired by r oultry dealers.
prepared to Ito aIi kfnds of
Rea e Painting, Paper -hanging
Whitening, dao
At reasonable prices and punctually.
The undersigned haying rented the
Planing -Mill, sash, Door and
Blind factory,
of Mr John Ross, and having on hand a large
stock first class lumber are now prepared to
.iii SK1E CUJ1"T:R.ac rs
or ell manner of b•tlliing.s. and tarnish ma-
terial for
aterialfor tits same.,
dente at lowest srinea,
Pouches, in great variety,
And all raeutettes far Smokers,
Imported and Domestic Cigars,
Smoking and Chewing To.
bacco, Wholesale
and .Retail.
Family Groceries
T. ;1I knrs IIU IE WOIIE a
our drawn piens being now into 0,. ration nod
tenting out dailyaiarge pWautite of
t., LGalion
t" wo will aewZ
� CENTS" any ae-
fi stell'' t leg' nt Uenta Watch t:hoin
tr� ' pair Sleeve Buttons,
1;ce oeue,et;- le, 1 Collar Button,
heavy plain ring, 1 Parisian Ata
wond pin. Retail price es. 8100.
009 stock must be sold. Illustrated
catalogue of jewelry, swatches. he.
'lent with every lot. 1.ilver watch.
nu to ,ill agente SPatetiree.
JEWELeliI AXanTaratd P.401F LT7i CO.
r �D) iY D. JieGLOGWILON Wet;
asitia lows
that ior'al,purpotcs
eauuot be surpassed in the Domin-
r'art'esfrom • 'a dicta -Mei can aiwnyeboe•Tplied
eat °rat thet•11sa Or dollvordbyVenus at low
ret tern mor.ati;i> rntet. Or.le:a uo:m a dist u.ea
p:,•ui,,tiy st'ou't'. d to.
wUll,ra.N G S:tiLrrA;i
'eat tar on Hand a (nIt cto:It of fall alai winter
?1di'uery. Jempriiiutt (Iltthe lttte8t
11 t1s, Isaourteta,
Feathers, Flowers,
Snits, Velvets, Ribbon-,,
&e., at lower prices than ever.
Perlin Wools, Woman and . ippct•
Jackets made meat 19 order. Far tritntus5 tar
Mantles and Jeerer:re at
:thin "t, Hxotcr
L.) 7.X1 1 1t1111"1er
iXtiGX.l:s.riATir X141) CEPA la Pt1=,TS. CL00lr-
LNGAND SIDING -i>1.1 1'.l' Ali!) UN -
tonaive$tctos'•ttt hard. The Lumber, for
or rlee,ea. hoe t. rLgeed assort-
hand,obettp..,. •1
., Ifoiu ntreet,totweeu Gidly and
Tell -digger, Etc.
The sitheeriberwould intimate to file inh7Ui-
:..utx of Cott raliai dth°turronr,dingtownxllihe
and villneesthtat he is prepared to eor'cuntfor
?acing hard a nntuber of Years experience in
Blit tura( ss he eau gnitrentee eatisfaetiun.
Orders Solicited.
Co be addresred to Centralist, P.O. Supe
pump fnrni-ailed if requited.
(`mitsl;n,soot eilth 1870
re, Tlnwja`r'e,
,(x.11 L�L11i
iiaviac pnrchagrdthe 'Stock and Buildings of
W. ,T. Gilpin, will give
in all chaises of goods, so as to
Reduce the Stock fully one half before re-
}laga n yobtained t at either of $°
r i Smay
St. Mary's July tt
The undersigned would aegn:tiLttiro i.1ha, itants
of the eurron toting country that lie hi prepared
to contract for sinki.lg wells and
If required, and that he is still manufacturing
Omura of every description, at his aid stand„ of
a mile north of h Later, 011 the London itoso.—
Those wanting pumps should give him a cull..
'William Eitching
W rhes to inform the public that he is' better
propezed to repair all kinds o
Sewing Machines, Watches,
Clock's, Guns, &c., 'than any
other person in'tlie country, as
his charges are moderate, and
he guarantees to give Satisfac-
Mosler iii .Laney floors unit Toys denbls
an4 srngla Berle Wool, of tell eater. .Alta
1ta51S. SrT,'ol a, itemo inch,. Zspht•r timA i srniarad5rn Wadi.' Next siu,
April i2 s , xlcsr etFr'•r. icr:Es;ali;'ettr, e ,
*fel ei tical Tarr!• kRfev tel.
In ire tt•endcriul medicine to which the al9i^ted
are above directed for relief, the discoverer be.
Heves he has combined fa horniosy more of
titre'a •overrtgn eierative properties, tshiee God
has instilled into the vegetable kingdom for heel•
Mg the sick, than were over before combined le
one medicine, The evidence of thistaeti.f.'uidti
the great carting of most Mud inatediseases which
it has been found to conquer. In the cure of
arc:netltls, Sovere Coughs, and the early
blages of corona revire , it hes it inni'le,1 tee
medical faculty. and emment lthesn.iaas pm.
emote it the gtenic•;t inrdir81 di'enve;e of the
ago. athlie it ewes tits set, e e t Coughs. it
strengthens the system anI purines the
blood. ilo iregreat ane Our „n btiormiurity.
Jug properties, It cured en ttrntord tr •:.s ale
worn SCroill la, to a common Iflotcta Plat -
Moser Eruption. lilcrcuriat dt e.i'e. Mieetar
Potions, cud their effect., ate eradicated, aid
Vigorous health stud a sound cnnctinitian Latah.
lisUed. k rselpelas, Salt -retch», rover
Wore*, Sealy or :Rouget She'll to t;hn-t. nil
the LmiierwI3 diseases caused by 1 -ad hieni. are
cou•tnees,t by 11US powerfuli litt'I 1sno, at.d an-
sigarating medicine,
It von feel dull. drowsy, ,'e1,iht.atc l Hare °^.lints
cant .4 ,pant ry y cnnwt tl brown MIAs a:t face er
Ita•1c fet•+►oent headache ordiaa me had e.i,1e to
le •Cit' . tuiermal heat or chins Al:01'! -1 .'1 with vet.
moan% lent spirits. and gloom) t re ,'r t.m.sir-
regular apgeetite, and longue 0,310,1. v,t' are
sintering fr"m Torpid 1'.iver.or •` 13iltouu-
1)05'.fs In inane races nt N Liver Coots
paulritr, only part elf these scut' 1n., art: !li*
I(11').+•c 1. As a rotnedv tsar an (sr., a
i'ierce'sGolten 'Medical I) i.'.,t,r .= ',sill
a- tt effecte perfect" core•. .e,t.t i'.t. .:ter
etrei gt,.eeed and ito.utll,.
"nt�t 1ti3^.C.i'ST:'f
1t. T' S•' •
2 -.:.
....-. to t^sanerof U,inpta>
Besuresnit get the W. n.MeOlechlen watch
i,et ,ria bode R. Tots will l,e,ve no other altio. sco,
iti>; tht:tn 1'i silo r•c: r deem recom cent them
HMO/4,4d iiiver.I.itdics and Gentlema t 62:,1,
rr131rc::ssstreet,London. See the testi i. 's
The largest.bestnndcheapest stoeit of " ,
r.•tr, ;r;°. a loclts,11Ver. and Plated Vitro,
n; eta, &c.. k.. it; t„, a 1•rovineo. a
H.c•. elsscrit,3itrn• W. D. 11' •U.,
7,1b ndnt.a Lo,:den
1}1cttndert;irnt'd wcultl Worm tier iu:irai
tit ants of Eliiler and vicinity that be La
OPENED A NEW 131JT011Ei. Sxiftl.
nue.1.1nr sa.lttt nfr.is tttac;idrnitle,,bnp an.itrnpes
thosanle liberal pAtronatio that has heats se
carded to him in the
nLA!Yt, :511:11 AND WAGON r.AItI G
line Trill beextondeil tehlml Whitt Dow:r,;znc1: o
4u0ii:e"a ilio meatwnelnn tvilloaU at Ino rod.
den 1 14 be nitt11;crat,lrectimeReael.. wt.t1 And
.I.E S II M E, T
:n es Let tcow-ti.i.t1}Ci,1.txc. t 1 - "er
Illacksmithinp and wage makings, ;. ,lila
imam lu all, itebrancltos
s Juni pn1111sitcd, n
» S iS.
mIt \' •
reis instnitnont is especially designed for Ute
uerfect application Of
ft is the only toren of instrument yet invented
lilt which fluid medicine can be carried high up
slut 7I)s•>:le0tin nl)•:iett to alt parts of the affected
nasal p:,s:ages, and the chambers or cavities Coin-
ns',ni+'nttng therewith, in which sores and n&cere
rreiiiwnly exist, anti tram which the catarrhal,
,it.cleir a generally prncecils. The want of sac.
nes in treating Catarrh heretofore has arisen
lnrgclp trots the impossibility of applying rem-
edies to thew cavities:mil chambers by any of the
ordinary methods. This obstacle in the way of
effecting cures is entirely overcome by the Wlren-
tinn of the Douche. Its use is pleasant and so
simple that a Child rim understand it: i'u11 and
explicit directions accompany each learn -
meat. When used with this instrtmaent, 1».
Sage's Cntan•il Remedy cures recent attnek8 of
"Cold in the Heady' by a
few applications.
STIVI PT(Aitl Si—I req lent
het tehc, discharge falling into throat, some-
times 1 rr:nse, watery, duck mucus, 1 urulent,
nfensive, etc. in otters, a dryness. dry, watery,
weak, or inn:linetl eyes, stopping tip, or obstruc-
tion, of rnsal passages, roping in ears'• hawking and coughing to clear throat,
meeratinns, scabs from ulcers. voice attire,'
n:i-al twang.,,fonsiTe breath, imp1111e:l or 1oc11
rtnprivatiou of senee of 60)011 and taste, dizziness,
mental depression. lose of ap1petite, indigestion,
enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, etc. Only a taw
et these symptoms are likely to be present m uny
Case at one Lime.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh IScnicdy. svhen.ute:t
with Dr. Piercers Nasal Douche. And ac-
companied with thecnn,titational t:enttvat wlualt
is recommended in the parnnlIln that wraps earn
bottle of the ilerneiy, is a l,erfect.spec' do f•x this
loathsome disease. , 11 is mild 0))) pleasant to
use, engraining n.1 strong or eautl1 dries or
J.salami=. 'vac Catarrh ltenle,lV L.= s,4,1 at do cents,
>.,0che ntft) sec t:+,.by itis EfrttggiPt3.
I'fl'S1^P. 11Y. l2., reeler,
now. a'ilition of Dr,
• Cn1rcrive,1.1's imielirate,i r,esny,ontneradi-
cat cure of solid- Weakuo>,s or parameter
1)lothaa,;.nl menti by -Abuse, involuntary Rini.
ons, Impotently Nonline Dobility,and Impodi-
remots of awn fal'e. generally; Consumption
Fpilapey; at11 1 ,ts; Mental tune Physical In
capacity, iso
The world-renowned aut.uer, iu this admirable
>lletnre,cleerlvproven from Iiia own experience
that tho swede /uninornmeeod of elf-Alinse 111ay
be effectually reinevr.:l without neerlioiue, and
without d,ngorone surgical 0 oratious, boughs,
tnstrtu'llente. rings, 0r cmvlir In;. pointing nut a
mode of cure at onee car olio and e i 0 etmll, by
which e1et;v enfferer, no matter what tie coali-
tion may be. inay entre himself oheeply, privately
r"Chie Lnoture will prove a beanie t:lonsand
Ont nnlsre el in a plain envelope, to any atl-
etrass, on reedipt of si eisate, or lino postage
Wonders of Modern Time
Edloways Pi11s &Ointment
The Pills Purify the B1oo4,correct: all di, orders
01 t1:0 Liver, Stomach, Kidneys an, Dowel,. and
are invaluable in all complaints inci,lentalto
The Ointment is the only reliable remedy far
Boil Lege, %lid Wounds, Sores and Ulcer . of how-
evel long standing. For Bronoltitis,Diphtl.orin,
Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all kin eases
lea sum equal.
Now Tom counterfeits.
Spurious imit.ttinns ,t "Ifolloway's Pills
and Ointment,' are ulauuiaetln•cd told sold
under the name of "Holloway ,b Co,' by J.F.
Henry, Curran
1in Medi- Ctomprny, ning-
gists, and nein
Titus , by the 1letro-
TtusuYork. tyitJ eine rieinrxuy of
ow #i ;
mark, Com --12 I m A:— anew -tithed trade ..gaits one
r. .
I ,c Yor like -
J soh Il n l of A e 1..
o udc
wise anises ail ''� y-;- counterfeit: of his
own make under Ln
'byway C t'o..liaving for o trade mar2thenate1 a ('.rrodentifol-
and Serpent; aroliesseu R Robbins of Bills York
are agents for tho some.
'Pbe•se persons, the better to deceive you, OA-
t liitNly cttutialltllo public in tho neon hooks
of airect.ore allixc,l to their medic=cis, •:•hieb
oCreount1•1M,.11!a4• lta. tllespuTions imitations, to T ware o'f
tlusoropulous Dealers obtain the ,i.t very
leiw juices uncivil them to the unblo .0 Carat -
de as my geintino Pills and Uihttnellt4. - -
1 ntoatc.aruodtly and respectfully appeal to the
Clergy, to innthers of families aid ether ladies
and the public gonentity of isritisbhi rti• Ameri-
ca, that they May bo pleased to dencumes nun
sparingly these frnurie.
i'unmaser- should loop to the label on the pots
boxes. 11 the acdress is not r33 Oxford.
:ten—, 1.I Loudoe, they are the counterfeits, Pack
pit aril bolt:of the Genuine Medicines, beers the
1i-ttish Covernmont stamp, with the word”
' H 'i3.OwAr'e PILLS - AND UINTMaNT, London,"
eug1•n•vod thereon:. ('n tho label is the address,
51, Osicrd Street, T:ono oh,where alone, they are
Mam•nfaoiillrt,d. Parties who may be defrauded
by Yielders selling epurior s "Hollowaye Pills anti
Oiptnteltt as my genuine aeake, shall, on ccni-
mmticatieg the particulars tome, be limply re -
rat iterated, and their r eine nover divul> til.
SA.W G 1TI1131T10�,
ADDRESS, 11/21
Waterous Ewing Works Ce
„'etniv.clnc.mrns um tr,ts.t.h&diens, �,s�y