HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-11-8, Page 1ti* V -Ki. L S', tit=. 11 WHOLE tem ,R;JI X,:- 4 .i..t,:.t R, Q NAR PRE ER'tY LIST 10E SAL:.—$875 will her a goad treat° Prr1411t•rg, goon Putup end two lots uNll f:uce.l, situ;tl,tal,ia<Simla) etr et, oornvr lots. Apple to il.Trr,::r. OUSE TO It ;N 1' — A brick !Iowa Co•it.4lain;, e:gltt toorne, alongsideFbutlisb C:an CII. l"tankafdarealJi,no,triti•todoer. Agood lama garlon: attt.tothud• 41443 to I,t:t1t- ZANO,k:aete 1A.11N1 FUR SALK--• Otte nnuer••d acme, mora or less, lot a (eth sea. Of1.00411.4.Alnuatras tlttrusr, unvre>:t:lettte,l, poen n,lertul(itmf><tru+! hash, wall feut:•d Hud r;•µ,•1 atat,a er c' tit :r'.:,too, nndeldtaturd,nowt orchuni,},.}, tarn id well ofirater,fr,r)uebl•ruSaNia.ta grm pt'rnat •:11 V 40;'; tt Ing tluusa :tri•L Ctrltvvi irut to seliutl arse eJnucl,T)uilesfruu.i.uCum tifrom (.r:tt+iml.lultl 11 fromu tet 31:1PN's, ea t boot Itraty1 ro'41; Ln'11 atom uaatitl tie 1't inaltiaer its flue or 14UT.a1 5e time. 1^•er t'r1raker partieal.t.r up1 l) to 41 til .: st S:lt)I,E14,on tatepretuisuli. ,lu;t;ll•tf '1OPE Bre IFOR AL1;.--Twolot son Main street, contain ug one-lftlt acre each; good frame cottage,o attaining six rooms; good welt and putrp, autl suable on the premises.— ' The above is eligihi situated for business, as the lot are ti',Gltfarqlots, and convenient to the ai,reea leafing to the station. For tato ion lura meetly to J. W'#tliTE. T1M}us Of'iee, Exeter M tvri+ELANEitL$ +Gccriattlreae,; The \Vtenipeg, Mtauitaba flee liras has been sltorvu a sample of wool front thaaSt. Benefice wi)ullen lllills, widely competent jtulges prouoauce files Chas. It wait informed' by the propt'i clog time the euolraieed iu that(krog ince is 1;.1UCII flue% tilau that rniautl int On tai io. A Protestant orga,itiz tion, ao elle It CIO 'it 33 the Intent , Prate ague, has h. which brawl and ill the Uu '�w:"" .,', a. ,)1'get_r Elation .nt'J er uk:t. I y i,; , 1ettnlIIF• ter, Ltiitl hilus att,'e Moult of Pruteet lulls t.f 1.11 treats etel the tultiutou a.11ce of eivil sled r(,ligtoue O:1 \Veduesdny, Oust, 24. while Mr Petrick 1#rrellaul(u witti+'tvurking at Ur Furlleet ?lcL:are1'e� tip for the .Parry Suuutl Lumber Coeipiauy, he wee ea- verely iujurcd by a ltttliisg tree, fr.lhu tate t'i'.•ere of lriliell he died the italua evening. l)tlriu;g the absence of S. A. Girven, tinsmith, \V61.nd, lately, burglars en- tered his ' house, •tetr=a. Oil eu and 13Vt.:�\r:i. ' l'u•lic 'Ane11u l ser d.ualuei iieiit diet tiny ocoupants, 1Vlucl:eso .se-e'a :,altr'4 a t ; • `ct1 . whim 071E t) - ,, , i , r t . Lta f the euotlltdlels grabbed ,•„t:A rPttM, , t xl,lr. � ►,,tall (a, (,%tris. a #tlr ;,,ire, Gih'vc•1h'>, welch vitae' but il'lli tit: t,•tt it, she gaud tlsr titin leets% rll41 UNEY TO LOAN. --Tear o and t ra ries . iibr,rar a • „• +�'t.+c sutt^ti tettltn of iuout!}• to ]ra.T °' ;tt•.r . for to I;littil('G 1 but ti1Q tee t f b t: n1 , ateight per cent. nnsahie fP•1pjl, bla' glt4t's hod tondo .ir with 0013 overcoat �c3111 rr'%t,t•t;r tool(, Marone] of 1,.i. iug or all autl some jewel,y alien Vaealt(;d l)Liure 3i t(. •' LLLIOT.:..i li iAA 3.1; Fter,tt�,otct. 1Sl'1''Yt'' tht•y returned. t*, . '1`3►e it�mlerson correepondeut of the b .L V i s . , NOVEMBER tMBEI • Gretton J. Pb Hirlok,t, of ells Eineco 1atiItrt.i Cheroot, Ingersoll,' bis soceive. tet ell from Oa►tt, and the 131ehcp� has ae 31 fit to 1'Eri,u.ule loin to accale, h. °A ,Bine tlibbuu Chtb, with leer, J, re, 4.1 h#titll as Preeideut, has beet argauized her. +aull;lMcOullonolt, of North Nee- ' lute eons i1.ia Septemoer Make of ittaH at, 181 ceuts per pound. 1party ut nifty rowdlea llmle ar a t et Tuesday night ou the Licelae County Attorney, detectives, 414(( tltlte3s at, the close ufthe )static tree (31i (1ottlt at •Cllatl1w('1't11, eouuty 0• Grey, Several of 'tttu official* were •,urt,•aid otleriif the tattact)ug party Wt 4i 013 4 in the leg. A number of Fps, chit ouustables • erie divo3.7) in ftt Owell Suul;t1 and ae:ltlatchr d to the ,icons of t11e disttlt•tlauct,, as threats had 'beet made.aa&luttbt toe lifo of out of .elle de- tectivll;,• O i tete road Hoots the trniu was titeuc,l, anti a pilateugiue was tient on in iltliattiCe as a Itreeetttiou aottivat guy lttluW )t et wrecking.. Stephen Laudon, of Derford, died at In reeitlethce there ou \Vtllueelley eveuieg, jfc. L;ttitltnt wee born •iu 1708, end un-' 'letterer° nearly 80 sear, of alt', 11e claimed to leave been Clic lir t 1tuite Qltild hunt in the tcattn-• bleep tit \vomit 110 reeel ed until 1ti+ death. ... during ,r ft, F lane Ih . t tl It t � s anti (t 3uq Elle rear of 3812.15. and ftt. two or atoll antra reea Nati 4rewu the peut•ion granted ley litre Gov' rtltue)tt far sued hot' icor 11e. MO 1114 113ufi.311t jet', C:ar..fttl 11han, 1.041t4, with outer It'tulleer,+, livedto see' the ►cilderuelis tr.4uefnrulet`i into ftlritlul farme, A Welland canal brio &,.ought their pretty boul:•l;a'+)pt•i:• in Court ytstet,il:ty to pro' a 1i;au-volt' tt. tills wor0'a j.'ekey 11 IT, adults tvp'ett.litl qui' throneh• t, laud bit' won her tete t' "1'iutt Wel cutlet tial eveleetly 1:I;n.e;t the of the bar of St. Cerliarilies. Met! fettle' it uttelay tett}rt, -than l►t+ !wows and 1): severe,' L l+ .,,,,::el fel. tee pltti :till', its y,,t• a .0 t:ucltil,g it•'r', 14a.1y r—lnrtty +,tlgti—►tiN lichee i• e iA trt1111�11 om." 1:111werd :11111'ltlty, plastt'rer, }mill; trent Belleville, went inn" .l)I•,tper'z: beetle are store, Berlin, Saturday after. noon, a'1d while pt'leiit ia revolver loaded the We:tl,oh, ie t;hriee chambers true} f]red 'rite G,,ut(u!s into hie b.tdy. Out shut .rout t•hrout ll leis mouth, and two entered hi -4 In east. At latttet etc• counts there was some e11 uteu of his remove, y. We sea by a Into number of the co bonrg &%,turd. tlt^tt the energetic cap. t11in 9'f t,1e Oi,lionrry cricket team hes been in corre;laonilence with member%, of the old et entry next termer. and they h+tveirranged to play a match nt t,ttbouirg while in Canada. The Sr)1ti- isrl states tllrtt Cobottrlr, is OA 0111v town in Canada iu which the EnatisInneu r %till play. Three farms, , says the Waterloo Cl rosur1(', have been Ao1d in the tf►wr ship of Woolwich withie the last few I days at prices that serve to give a good idol of the value of real e.t:;1e in Waterloo comity. 1. 'ale, Santee) Fear's fared near Elmira c,ntauphg 125 acres, at $72 per acre ,.$0.000. 2 Mr. Anton Paeizel's farts nett ,5' 6.. Jrtenbs, aont,tirl: tug 174 acres. Price $1i1,000 being about =.74 per acre. '8. The levet • of the bete' Solomon Abever near Heide!- beteg for $ L4.050, i'eil,g $00 per acre. As none :1f these forma are int the•itn- meilsatte vicinity of n .Large town, nor are any of their valves Embalmed • by very expensive buil tin s,''tieee rates indicate fairly ertongli the current vel ¶les of farm property in the County of .Waterloo. A coloured laJnamei1•Joln1 :Johnson, ef'L'ttxton, wh-o hall lately been sent ]tome from the Lo,nLcin Asylum as eared,' had a tittle tlifiicn1ty with leis brother -a few days Woo, which appears to have again brought a clonil on his mind. On Menctay: of Bast• week l e went, to"Lx'k:e'Eriee, orad, taking. a small "boat,• put ont.frem shore. On Tuesday. ntnroitig he wa4 descried by 11T,-:- Isaac, Floeter, who...with his so44', put off • to succour the lad, whose • boat rilijleal eti About five miles nut. The sea proving too heavy, Mr. Fleeter' was obliged to give up and return ashore. The buy 1 is supposed to have pei.,f)ed. Tire following 1U)t PO4:111)ly hove smite t)otl ueetion,iVitlle al) 'VIi The crew 1,f the wrecked''Srt.ihllow." report havi'.lg*reseed y'e.;.crtiuy, while • off Port Bruce. a water„logged. ;awl boat, pA3uted biaeril outsltle ; yellow imsille, eouteiuiisg what appeared to be the body of a loan. As the pried hes l)thelh from the west fur -ever ,: e,t 1met, it nt,nlat hutturialy drive 3n fire lotedity it was seen by the crew of the heege.. .it 3ein rethbbtt fartuer wee brought be. fore the vie ietr,ate at Iugeisoll lbr sheep steeling, The triol was welt. pewee, weitiue for ti t►itttaae from '1.'w ruuto. As the condtubie was }wincing Mtn front the eattrtrut,ttl, reams friend of the 1i17tt, tel' turuod riff the gate. :� tt 7.13e 1 1 a1Ler took 11110 otattui#,+ to' raalash to parte ;111k:tren, where 11 (1 still reuatins% - • At Port Perry, (.11C after.toon recent. wlti'e 111. tte+ut•4'e (;tut't1 was look. log nt a Iun'1 of barley, not ten fret trent his office, and all !emelt tail tutu were stabling le it, tT1L1ue+U'N,•li walk- ed strlti4Ilt to the safe, t• oil (•tt•'a i1,actt• ago of motley, nihil Laving 1►;Iti�(tl to t streigI t1v ant as he did in, 11e el•<1$seLI the real to Mr. 1- else' i;toteltett3t•,, which he VIe13t tbra;ngll, au,l tt;t; 11'1. to eight The putties ►slur •.itv toe whole trttustatltul a (itt•leed SI,, Ott tie of the fecttiJost stated, when ha tit rata AAS iesued and he W1ta tit iii.it: at /pat- ell.' Hu was brought b. fele 3 ',tile Nutt,' who commit:el (hint ta f t trial. t ,3 nut tat t 1 •d n thL la•t+ wee In A $i:ll. lie hail eon-. to the r.ttt i 'i 1tu,i luau it melee 111e 1.144 =tall, r...,r it t: \lriiilt)ipe;.; Pres Press, writing ou the .soil Oct„ says -c llieuuouitt;:1 feud otlt. 4.1 ffv'tIer' Hetes' boot soon moving Cou- ilattTatlly upon the highways mitt), .vag- oes let111313(1 with %%.Beat. Ashdown 4: rr 11. ABBOTT, of Loudon, It^lt,;l,, Co. 1,000 l,tisiseht of wheat emit L. tir.tdn; t to t t e Of let}al college of Dental to�il.ty, sten tilt. If, I3. (,u. also ship 1,- l'nr.:.,ons lit►, opened an office iu Fanson's 200 1 islh,ds tu.1Vltlttitt<, , Ab ISI.,u$, l;xrttt, bai.hul,I rcaltuu in t leeTieW LLS ,I, STA.114•I+,, Main Street, necks for sllip)uei Exato1 MARK t+L 11tIikl would _ heed (,f huh^ Oat ni 411 1 tlnaint the public that he has opeaneil a new�, wl % Stable on iva 1u•tn►il•er, '1 he public tit1 tgoed told etluttortabta litsat u11huu3s latnl of plods -ata charge**. w anti\V'S HALL,Mein ]t., Exeter. '131 above bilge (curl convenient hull 1' a bleu fitted 81+141 the IlIOFt mpprawal atvle, i.,•)+.,t t ^,a let me- tin the tiny%+. rot trt,i,iIouti.ru, n t1 ^.4. of tea rime guilt he fui•uirhod, For te1'814, etc, aptly in Geo. t.:ifttee, MU) door :Sallee, A110 t114,44121f 13'8 tot••e of r„ir,, the large Atero +3n b'r,•thebait,a11excellent411lnr. t itltvc►tereun- venIeut.. For lutrneula r- apl,ty at the salvo 34141(10. 8, CAMPBELL, Pi OV.tN�, 'Laud . n, veyur, fir,., hill 1 o at the 1a );t3 hotel, l':y/`ter,tree trite met reelable inenell tnntltll. ()renters for 'work left vitt) lir. John *peek man will receive prompt attoutfou. 1 / ASON &.ILUDSON, Hensel!, Or t; ereoe,'taet,, 4Auctioueerii, G'nnvaratteerx #^ t. s,. ,. ei oleo too-thirds-t1'ol' the pirilel•h. He wag one of the )artier dinstry t•ost. 1 rm)not attention to orders per 1 manor otharwiae. charged with committing R rubbery tat )ItIVATL FUNDS to lotto at 8 per J deo, in'the:coutYnty of Elgin. Cent. ., 1110 siineuo l wiadwwn, referring to .eOI TG' GES I30Ul.Il!'r. the recent foot race iu Loudon be - . ewet:ii Wallis end Tisdale, says : ''Tele CONVEYANCING — Deeds, 1i::t- London people ware •tsanguiu.i of • the l a pees, wins. ae, drawn on reasonable terms success of their neat, and offend to LAKE,Commissioner, Insnr bet'four to one ou Inn1 ; but 'Nairne.. �.• Waco.' Lone: fill Loan Agent. (Mee— 3ithont' appal'euti trying veru hard. next door noitlrhoyat Hotel, Exeter. Wilsons y Hetet. Hanson,. very;uonday. calve in the winner about 11yard�al.e;td, The man, whether asotteur or profes- ''ni ortant to Butter Workers t Tisdale . p kv S i,iousi, w �u can b.,at Zisd,ale at 'either out Good Aeti.eAgent SVlantedinAverytown- jumping o -r retrying Cam 11ot easily.be I11'11., to autroduce the VIW.ent STJT l ail a WO11K. foe tele , 1(. 4a n)ilo ententes Fres to Agents. i'rico. Ue 41.10 itattl l4 1 t• l .0 eu 1. ( t! c) neilft:iiuu to besnld I'Ltit1EYJit Inspector G'eChl')atJt? made a Cite Do)niuiou. Apylyearly with sttawrt, for ch eerly t.rrariged.dwtoune upon peach. ent6eircuta:, to the vireo 4 wnearetee co. era' who. were ;sp.eering eitlnioII i0 lake, :nzaxvuLE.ONT. Koshhahbngamuo• coltra,•yy' 'to blit': .Gt��t.1'17't� OOD They • had 21 fine l-.sai'tieene. when . • caught -at the tudetv,ftlll work. Their spears. "j,aek.” and the'fi'sli•'evtire:roll-: r i1ca1( 1] i'' A ���. f;< a s d each o elle I RY AND._ f a 1e� deed GREEN VO' 'D il''' . c #1 e \ p eht P tredatlOypoi,it,for sale atal1 tiines at 1OE0 thirty •(la's in 'Ail. t4le !owe-t p ice.•F audsE vh'niedta mho x)'000 S• �: •' r, cards wood. Apply tt DIANE & Co.; or, 1 ' Icelanclere ore }L fxlliitr% iis:,tlianvies. li Besse ee Eretcr says the Winnipeg Free Aces. r CONSUMPTiON-CUURE A Guelph Ulan IIfactrfer11as ship ed a handsome phaeton fur"tlle`~PutrisN t'x- AN UZD 11iYSIClAN, retired. frctln . .; active practice, having had 3llaceg in '))s pofiittt)tl, 3Inds by tau Wast recta 1lissionary the formally ''''The Dun]aiil., IY 1itw 'i#tilintttted • 111 of a Vegetable itemedy3,.for the speedy slid pox r' • y .liataeaet en)•a of Peterbo.ro, ,has .been carried -'by a�:ma, CONSUMPTION ASTII3f4. 13nOI•rcr3ITIs C:.TARtUr jority of 110. • ! and all ThroataudLn.igAifectio)it;also apositive On Saturday last Meiiiia9.1Spdoner, •audxadical cure for nervous aability cad 'all nrr- ,, , vuuscontpluints, al'ttr having thoroughly tr!M41. 11I000ey.�i Iloaren,`of 'G1]'ritnu;. sliillped. its wonder fol cumtivo powers in thousands Of ea: three'Ali uudred sheep.d'ireee•to:• the old sets ons it has (hay t0 )Hake itknown to his sof- feriae fellows. Actuated bl, this Motive, and a country*. aoniCieutioUF- desire torrrlrsn'o human sulforinit, - •�.I,•• (], C. 'lllflt1 ^e 0f Vt 1'10 1` ,'ntiwi11eend, freo of cit av011,te all wbo (Leslie. it, r, ^ 0 ,. tees re111)1, with fnlldirections fax! 1)repatingand Quo.', has'; returned from Eu laud, occas alit using, , Sent by root -h- 1344J1, by ' alt.. w^•••^ "t.•'•::r,nanmingthi paper, DB. C where be made several good'eontraacts s•riever., ]lox au. 331oel:ville.uut. ' . • for broom :handled. A roan mace, .`bni gy, iiareeQsi: and 'buffalo robe. were stolen front Richard A11istou; :north of Name's Mills, South. 'Weld, ou••Sunday tiiglht. • • • Frank Emery, the young bald *he *as accitleetttll shetllyihis brother near 3' . r New Sarum, aboet te:3 ll ys ago,•is con-• ported Tutu the ria niece 011t1t1 Ahu11t a iu C+, not fear fron the .'t t n -alvei'. Mr. W. .1f Clark went to prospect, thin select- eil tine land tact July. .tit gives a good, tact tut of `t. x A. telagt amt from Sioux City, Iow s, ou 1\1tlut'st111y eight of Bast week, states that Boswell Cochrane, the (e- tt:03e thief, was brought into court that afteruoou and discharged from ewe And Life -nd (ten inI tloninda+h,t11 ,eu tody on account of lu£urinality lm Agents, ,t i•,F 1 `NTOTI013 TO t OLT13P - YERS of the T'wn ' 1r ship of Usbourne. 'Tice undersignea Evill receive taxes as follows':. - Saturday, Nov, 3, Town Hall, Eliinvtlle, and sat my 0611 tutee; loa,15, c.,n, 13. every Thumtiny, for the remainder of the Awe. All taees t t tlu,.sted to be paid by( the first Ua.•y of December, 1S77 alter Eta rV' 1.3! (4 t,aGio:3 uo"ti psi ; JOHN STd?�a01?. Poeta?.Y r Vsbouuie,'1ov, 1, 1:77, I retf(at'aL•l;r. 2 a.. xn., and all along the ureal awl, Utica & Bract( Ri' er Roadie Rigaud, msec. , h�ruv. 4 --:Ile earth- quake here tl3ls�tii(lrlh3>sg lasted many aeevade. No accidents. t Montreal, Nov..4.--A severe ebo 1 of earthquake less felt here this mor111. iug4 at 1.50. 14 if -'111,443,000041 by - ambling neje*, end LE -0 vita.�t if nallloo1C ea to iamb au extent Atte inside that fastened fie* open. Nix P, (,,, iltaptfurl, Men., Nov. 4.— e1 rues at -.t l uakc arred bele end n F a, or 14t :i a. in., Sunday, r. lhQ waves appear+ -41 to 33.tm. Wi413 tllg Paralie of lattittule. Loudon, Nov. cte rnl)h prlilttt a eemi•oM11Citdee vfldiction of the 13trliu deapat.9V tt Eugland is st=tlf'thug tau leeetere as to the prtaat c- 1a111]i43 of [(auto mediation. A ,tt •t'.ticil from So#i,t, Thursday, 1-„t.)0'rho rte, tau advance ou the Or. t 1001 to a. (i J.%-, t road .Gail been re. pulticti IA1441 wavy ions. Reinforce. e , i 7 ,.a elle,-x tiatt•d Lae t'1r 1.1,,, 1: tell Lt7lE*-ittll *1t.R,*. 'tt111ltt to rt take irllatthe 11+111 be niadti lot tUteliet lye - Loewe* A v. 4..—A Rueeia11 official tas 1alclr dtn.l (logo, asyi ; L;eht, Ii tclz'; ff lanua•r110 r fila capture of .0:1It4+44t41.orl•rt•0-t of 0re3.aai:ier. Uwe ',• 1111 I-ilzu and bore, 5814111 Sar- f()i'titlhatt'lV f1,11t d 'bele Itr 111µt1 wort i:1t•t1 l,t•,•ltie,ttt,, 'dile ty1,11►s ie+'t UP" paten roalor ed ltl:tn4, :,► ti• t;t L. it ret war4I11 s=1' old: tau tl-rel dead. Our loss 111« ct' a (IAN Iy' tlrr aft•tt..itis idea.; '.Itic tut. We termed a large � t •% 4 ' wta'•: 'amity 14, h11111t•tt to Mr. (;W , i •. live -natty nutty + f eeee,1iee. + it (,o etaeli`:i)ltle, Nor. 4.---AT.thlilelt Tele iv tree, t5 a ++.hoc eel ,,if et i 1^ • gersoli a few ,l et 4 '.138, tit,' (i rme e:t^ t i'elliIleia t'lalft'.L t+j twee tY-Rex battaiiuns says, 37114 a 38peri :1 weet:r-., ltt•r 1341e. twee ltevht t+, t t•► Or0ttlt►:ria. ball( b iuu 11 tst'l •7-1 ., (dI •t . u, o . L 111tlitll,' �°*�', G.- -il c�►rretil�toudent l e1 c. t n is 131.1 tet Clemens, Alich Sue ,t-t,etret11 11111i with the Veil, is si•irl, ii: sihowtug that inlet, it seem, trr j••34) a 111104131')' l,fthtl, 3l0LMtlti;i 141,1111''4 Zt)trttatt rat K4.1;1414 (tit lee, aid* 1..11 I.13,11+1,1 fill(^Il 111 (1113 ►rl.tlt',,i30141'^11,411 11 hi 04/81141013 (rf lover. (Iwo), .tett' t.^tri tut t ititu 14031)e Knee F 14,131!iibt 11,1p41441i. Thereat Gfew time h1Ut1•1' ('11(4 belle i°, ,t 41 the ti'331)e, pt•.eieiutve, 4eltits eitk h all t',ot1^It1t:t1,3Ut1, nbrauiutrl•'• tet tariar.awl, 3 cotrtssp,ilnleut trial the ita,adall heltil•ga.trttrs 111 Al:iu, teleginphs that General ifeya a'lu 15 n ,17 W10/111Cah4- 11011 1,1101. uf1J»0 iihtar 1':1,11 is pasitiQlh. 'i'11r: leu 1 tants aaiivltucithe froiu Orli to • el E:erreettu were c:tinitelled to re- f Lire iu G,tt4ne(11141111t4 of a 1114t1W' storm. Vit nlltr, i1i(av,011ber 4.—It is Mated theta ou tele 39th of Oo-ober the Iiu4t- siates 011.1 1'o:,Ua3AUi*U5 itesi, 1te41 the fortis !t ltaitions at .Plevtha, from the e4.t, mei vve-e repulsed with coeseier- albl,e lass. Pt st.iltiy that attack ►axi uhurtiy it tended to (blanket Osamu Pasha's etteution from the attetnl't of the I,u-'ians to establish themselves 013 1)n 31313 Sophia road. There is much discontent iu )Rau- nt-nn a eote(3rtting the wear, tl'ltere is baldly a family in "Moldavia which lyse teat lust a relative. The full strength. of tee Raumentan artily 14 ail bent into the field in the 1leglniliug of the vete; solve companies :nosy have wily one ut- 3111 ilte thio ill retl,ti• .1 titin •1!x live) iu P.tht inters•,. 11 b.1Uts (b,.t de - teethed %a tie .•u tete i t t ttt,ly field of her '•1•, t. tl t tlh:tt elle kr, •1 ete. tali e%eryolle of ire le eatwe1vi.1 11iesief1,17t1 l,.•r. She ila(4eUttl for hes 'wilting. 1)l34:,%(')Moll to th'g1'fe.,,ilr,11 he til'lrarlatl, tier life tvilile wide the 1ulml.ativ vers 31io1't 1Q- tlt•.i1413 and ( *pati•t 8•.•111 11e1' (1(li,ilili)1N elf' t,tht'n for ':11e 4ltt,,t1. 1-':e�luvt'tl 11 It 141.401t', hsit trtn Well"), 40'0 MUS 387 t,i: e1n111itiy, (fi't$ Seville 11reattees l(111- it1-0'1) 44.8, .41 ht,lantifitl woman, quite yuutet, er11,1 eilowi'tt that 4 -IPI tette e')111 iteteitt to fill 14 higher sithere than t13taf which she h td accepted. scow -, AN .C.1ftTidQUATE. V1nr.IrNr Sellar, 1; BASTE -RN CANADA.— '.flex 1)1.;,r xl.tNca lila.% OVER. THE. \\inom: t'i' New ENGtA\n. cormiv,tll, 0••t.. N •v. 4.—A. very violent eh ck of eart1gu;%ke Was felt I fitter. As thele are no reserve officers here thiel morning about two o'clock, to replace the Milled, the al•nty ie die - Ste John, Que., Nov. 4 —Abnnt 1 organized. Atter the engagement 11.55 1111:3 a. 1n. a severe Shock of earth- nineteen Ronm,tnitails threatened lou- (1831.0, lasting about teat sec'tnt1s, '.sea -i tiny if further attempts were made to felt. It enn)u3('1eed with a lots rum- lead thetll to certain tleltth. Tile •1108- blin 801111(1, 4 -Haim? with a Betty 'ar, ►84811311 Chambers will be c0uvoke 1 •t Y1 ( at shakily* the 1)nilllias;=1t and rs,►)tellte-r elle }lltest post-i:Ula day sod immediate - very 1118011. Saone case., of furniture. j ly re pro; Owed. Thus all ehal,ue of act;.; :being upset, are reported. Its the I oulni(113311s rear ngefroul the ►►ar course ,apputat'ed to be frena, west to ee(il]:t'vani,hed. eiayt: Nnv. 4. St. Petertburt;, Nov, 4. & g relit of. Jarlviet, Qae.4.---An ea 1L fort will }.e wade t0 finish the war this quake was felt ',)ere thio r11or)hlIg, at yeaar, lu the event of success 11115(111 ab tut 8' o'c;oek: The shock lasted two will demand the tree passage of the miuutet, autl "V.8t4 (tit 'violent that luny -t btratith anti the atitonotlyof Nortarre.l ablea.,nere,, tnoveti in houses, and even Bata aril, Miller &tin 1 Gjrin 1411 Prince. douses were shekel'. • Loudon, Nov, 5,—A CuuetautinoP to Vii , Nov. 1.—A severe dispatch reports, on th e atttllority of 31301,1. ofeartlul,n,.ke was felt IntOgdeus- Russian prisoners,t1afGeneral Gllouir- burg;und Cape Vinceet at, 2 O'elodli ou to was wounded and hats 3181.0 died. •Siunrlay iuoriiieg.; 7 Vlen'Ia, Noy. 5.—The recent Bus- \\'hitelien, N. Y.. Nov. 4.—Quite it 1So1.1 successes 1ta.e renewed the•war heevy shock of earthgnake oceurritl agitation in 131lgt•1a(l1,but s0 i(idifftirent here lab 2 'o'clock thi't miornitl'.;. At to Setvia's ltittturte 'tare•111e •Resetriatls Port Henry, An Sable Forks toll Plaits- now, thl„t, a tepi3rt is current that burg tiro tthnck ;cos •very severely felt: Pfi1 ce lC:tra;;orgewitoh, the Sertiitu Glens' Falls, N Y:,' Nov. 4. -Ail' Pretender, has been invited to visit the earthquake shod: 0(0111re,l here, at 11038118) headquarters, 111311 was Neel'?Lake George, rued' Sohnylerviilt., at t rrcuiv,:t1. It is certain that Serviette o'clock this minrtiiug. . trhontiu, has spoiled iter 1)0sitio0 with Providence. R. 1.,.N .yember4. R)1'3tdle, `1'nrkey, and the greet' payers There was a eli;;ht tan tligtlake here at laiike ; and sate Is likely to commit Leh• - L o'clock this' 4. tu. ” .(elf to some despe]'lite 801.38(0 1u the r , I3osEun, Mess.. 'November '4. -.-:. lee eif,tl•t to retrieve "hPrs+'If: shook of elartilgnlake °cent'red .tiri. •Tlti'ee t,housand'-Tnr.l(.s from the sore h meriting les Northern: Neto H-unp.vl:ie3., of tilts ll:alhame ettal.kt11 the lluasiatn0 Ver'uoilt, gena Weetet•n ild4S,tc:ll1l'rett,: "elle 1,(:heree, '011th .cif; 11Jl'nu. After • lltit;a, N. 1',. N ,v. '1--.T)ivtilrut: tIi, 'p Limits' fightinir.1. e Turks teteerlt. eletekb of ea.. tilg.t,alte ' eccur1ed nitre tot leaving 100 stats aUd erste ,y '0 UUL4iiti •.