HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-10-25, Page 7HE B TH VIA/MS f which the Are re, bovrewr, et on the ii.iforrnation Bcriin • man, end Mr. Iti. MoOoll read * cont. •The Fire -Bug's Visit! imentary *ad flettering *dares*, awl +end made the presentation. The ad. dross was signed on beintlf of the Sab- ' of Mr. E. bath School by Jane Letnwie, and by Four attempts made last nhtig d that it was Thomae Henderson on behalf of the to get up a blaze—one SW - family had scholars of klectxon No. 2. Mr,. Has- oessful g the (lay ton made a abort but feeling reply. MOTTOES, 1300E sl CHENILLES, WHITE 4t SILVER 'WATERED CARD BOARD, BLACKBOARD, to be found in town is witth J. (.4 1-1 I G G-, 11011ONSU AND rANC Y DODDS DEALERI, Nein btreet, A Oottle's The meeting was enlivened oy speeches ary'a torch no from several of the gentlemen pres13nt. . It wee in- ana by allude by the Misses boutbron, mg WRS saved. Kerr ano Whiteford, and Henderson voter North was and others. A most pleasant t vening, epee& t too late to do was spent, all seeming to have enjoy- Ony. good, ed themselves to their beitrt'a content. Pane Lsr eve:am—At a meeting 04szirroon. or the Directors of the Stephen and lehozne Branch Agricultural Society, Le Benoet, —Mr. Chaelea Ho 0,,t. the following revise:4a of prizee was made. Colts froin Crown Prince award - no prize, as were not entered in Seerotaly's book ; Ira Miller prize for geese inetead of Jobe Owens ; no prizes LOCAL. 771. 7'intes may be had for 5 ('1$- vercoPY 31. M.Jiose6rgh's and J.Urifty's 116‘ok stories rittWre-alleat WMO seYero froet on gunday Mehl, last ; a blight one on the night previous. J's. --Mr, Wm. HawliOliw ani lady. of Myth, haves for Vie pest few daye been ou u visit to their in friends hem Tim Teeeenetire--Seme of enr en- teriii ei.izene are telking of g 1 thij LpIlnu4 for the amnn and e the b deuce of the tewn them- li.e.ee S. —Mere. Olfallev mid C"11 - ley en) ea ton2 throneli the (emery keitiNv iteieds 8 mil from the fir,. fe en. Jobe., et great •eavriliees on ori eil prices. A Lexti FALL —It lack -t brit a few da .5i f nlrember, yet the vegetetiee appearance almost befits A ftteee the 'rosi 1 e^g ee I.re 9 the leaves -4‘ '77 Still they keen a tire t, led 1,1 - reedy Fee, a.., w,.ary one to no gene. Veneer. -0 'Menday, last, ne It .1r. Dili • IL 0. iniftister. wife at sieter W4 10 Iviii thr..^14411 WW1, 5171 DANIA h/1.`• in.; fit., reitie. in prseing a team. npee in the ditch. No hijnry mkt .1,44.4, other thin It Wight oue Miee 1) Lei,' wrist. Weineee.—itti'. B. rer41 and lady, (m MAptly last reePivell ni mest eittlicent wooden.ware from their friend,: t start linnet) lion inn —on a wooden tin', tf C4)Or4A--that HIP fifth 'i'r zery of their weddine-dav May they live te receive the preseets dee at their eolden welltlieg is all the harm l I them. Bee AveiDENK ()II Sohtrala,v !net, as a son nf Mr. Alex older wee ge#11 oiee, hoeclinnts in the grove near his failfer's Ifense, on tho Themes Itotel. he fell from the tree, a distriee.) of thirty feet, breekine heti) fume be- low the elbews, the bones above flip wrist on the loft arm cutting throne!' the skin and entering the ground. He wn taken linme immedietely. flU. (U)r. Cowen feel Let z who aia every. thing possible fer liirn, and he is likely to recover. lifen,tcreorei Eseere. — A wagon, \villah wee driven by Arr. Itebinsme of NftiV13, WAS crossing the Louden, Her- on & 'Bruce railway, on the 5th cel. of Linden Township, on Sittnolav nit, when the tratnelenving London at 5 o'. CIOCIC Cant() along, The engine struck the wagon, smashing it to pieces, as al- so a stove pipe whiell was in in— Mr. Rebinson and daughter were thrown ont, ha fortunately escaped injury. Their escape partakes of the ODITuAny.--On evening last, Mr. Samuel 'Wfleen, of Usberne, breathed hie last in the Asylum, Lan - In tho early part of the week be - tore bet, Mr. Wilenn beceme affected in his mul, and from the aberration, HO dnngerons that he was token to the asylum. It was, ti-ight tint he weeld soon recover, but contrary to all hopes he eradually grew worse until death put an end to his sufferings. Ile was a well-to-do farmer, and a man highly esteemed by all. Ag a neighbor ho was kind and oblighig, as parent and a husband nothing could be said against him. In his death, his family lose £4 kinct friend and an in- dulgent protector: . • —On Tnesday last the spirit of Mr. jes, Brownlee, one of the residents c{ the townhsip ( f Usborne, passed to its maker. or some days Mr. Brownlee had been suffering from the slimmer complaint 'and in the tnidst of it was attacked by a complication of diseases which baffled medical skill. Na was a quiet, 'dna and inoffensive citizen, and had few, if any enemies. His funeral, whichlook place on Thursday, was a tepee one: FlRE.—On Slimily morning at 3 A. NI. the alarna of fire was sounded, HIM Homo rf the people of the lower end .of the village were on the qui viva to as certain whore the fire was. A rush was mule for eeeine-honse No. 2, and the engine to James Pickard, Esq. was quickly attached, and the en- , elle WO 8 soon going at A rapid gait to awarded to anything exhibited unless exhibited by the menufenterer, who must be a member of the Society, Mr, S. Buckinghtun therefore takefirst lbein, of thi vWg, bas a plitra-tree %Welt is Row in blossom. It efonaraenoed to bloom abont the 15th of September and has still e good show of bloesome, and Ito expecte to be able to have a A"pluin pudding abort cliristmes. JAIL sTATiSTICS, peesgeee i.ze f.t-,r,truer: burrow!, :f4 M IL 'rroLt , (".; GoTalliTy Jarfiiill*°t;veingfor attalltei81)i.7ar oefndtillrg Iadies' suppers instead of W. Fanson') ; eoke seet„ In77 'e11311.4 • ^ m!mi. -mac en were ru e( out, j311,. 14h inmeki and 18temins, oI Dioctore are resolved to enforce the Mae!,heVo4.1idor 'l Wn) Ther sixteen years rine that all articlee must be exl.ibite4 of ngt,, thi,13,1,„1,,,, 110 were oeuo by the manufacturer, ni his emu mono, filleted tilt tho float tette, 11:4 for the ale} oho nmet be a member as web as the see) d titti •. 8 fir tho third time the party exhibiting. All parties wish ,k,,8 ee ingbro tho third. ing to become membermeet enter pereOlie Werti sent to the Cen. their names with the Treaeurer before t at Levin, them to the Pouitentiery, the let of August in °eel) year. ney---Se *ha the 111-110"011Y that t, .els in jail, ;yid 33 taro teittel t to the It .formetory. 70 eerved 1144 existed mielit be fully bo ke» toe 7. 1, l'olf.• 1,1,ettili occurred timing 4..eue 0,4e ett fire to an eld vacaut boil • - Nember married, ; un- oppoeito the, f enetry, Ot1 Tueeday; evolieg 144. The tire re -Hs rang 1 ird Y t''' 1..ocon culla neither read nor and it wee not lime Lefere Mr. Pielterd's mete ; were reported temperete. hem WWI imaie IA 1.0'114,4111.m, nod at Tbe natioualities were m followe Welled tel tue en ino, which in (04 F0.111,10i, ttinntei W14 at the eeene, but toe late; (-ann.% F4I 7 to be of u,ey Gse, other tea's for the t i rte lieu ei a ijoittinp bellhop. ThMaud .. .. 2i 4e... 13 1 i tAlpinol huiltliwg eerteibly Wai not ani new,tetaw,,, , ti 3 i orintinent. ont theee who wielied it" die',/,' The relieioue beliefs are re; (lied a 0,. 1 ap pollee .e. might hey:. re.orti il, to follows :— el other me ins, mai nit bo forced for!, tli;e4. Femelea, ss menthe to cella,. to look Ott a pee eel Roam t ath elei • „ai, 1 40 Oh 1 • 1 1 4 crs. 1111; g t.u1 4111. indeg.fl .. . • to...Rua" 32 Intact Peeerniteltieus 11 1 Tay. 1;:altages re at folio ws 1421 .1,14•• Pu. V, ti t YR nil &TINOS.. %N. W. Walelf bee e eililleiteed A oepirat or vivol meeting:if 1St Fairtiell Wit }3..mp t bit lab es wote prove very sileceesfill. t veneeete—lNir, Aedrow Hies el , it aria -ten, Nahum, feraerly ef this et*.. wle, iets been lillyilK II. vi.it (',* nis fr.en.le ill this Yieieity, returned horn , I :et. w, k. fle leeks ita VI:Or:qt. ;IA n h. n he left hero ;Attlee year., ngo, and ,•cpr.o.so-.1 himself greatly surprie- .41 at the progreee nettle during diet time, end feele particularly gretitied at the improved condition I f malty o his old, ileighbors. Still lie appear - well pleaeo,1 with his 41.1,,pt, (I countty, where le, is fieg.teea in ruining and se eic raisine eineusively. Citun'ti Ofteere—Tho Cl, 1Wheliste do not interni to be behimi ie furni011 nig hien ceitieli with on °nom and . . . choir. A. 11 et -class i eitrinnent has ar- rived on tredouel those who axe cap- able or judging, pronennee L to bo of a very snperiar order. having nino atop. with octavo tempter and enlebass. New Beasnotx re. —"Mr, W dliar Gree us way and family are cone to reside at Centralia. II.) intends to establish netv smithery, and is hney at work pie - paring men:while for eractien of build.. inter. Alone Lore Sor.e.—AT other home. stead lot of four acres and a eearter has beep sold, '..C110 porelmse has been made with a view of cultivating it as as market garden, fer which no land in the eonntry is better a dspted. The same party has also purchased a village lot opposite the homestead, on 'which i he a ill erect his dwelling. yea S•ox' • . —Mr Trivitt is now offering for 1 , sale Se'Vorid small houlesteaes, or park lots of I 41 acres each, at 00000 farm 10 lees. The lant is cleared and of the riehe9,t Jogoription ' 8. 041TOBBIt 25, 1877. 17, Wil:414,1.51, WHOLE SAL .K AND RETAID Dealer in Lulu ber iitUNGLgS,LATEIANDORDA,aeoters.enoolte MO AND Sinii`in-DityStak:D AND, UN hai& The SUDNADIGA.ETNIsa.M,OuTRLIiiNtilGTNE1Asi:sTP8s.uMc.ON- _30014.undiberwisorte. re* yietctsoeretaelsetroositt • MainStreetbetwee4Gbilyomi .301, 17, fomenter fV4C81.11t li, carrying wtotputi s t gn 0, ileieore Z. injuri4g t drunk mai diserderly 20, einlea: 1, brgery 8, futud 2 horee ste helm heriAlzher Iteopieg ill.faree 3, proetitution 2, salt 4, or without license 4, throne, ranee. lit, went of Empties to 3 rend 0, other offences 0, 1 Five of tho unmher were aeee harbors, 1 barter:4er, blaoltsinithe j eheenrikers b ive, 8 distillers, I bricklayer, ti lebitiet-mabers, 14 e pouters, 1 elere, 3 co pee', 1 eneilieer, 15 farmere, 2 harneseenekers, 8 lin. tel-keespers, 48 lab.,rere, 1 maefon, 1 mercnant. 1' moulder, 8 pruttere, 2 pointers, 4 proetitntes, 13. Fr:there, 1 aehool teat:her. 5 'terve: ts, 3 tanner, 1 teteeraph operator, 1 tell digger, 4 butlers, 1 wire worker, 1 cheese mak- er, 1 whip atelier, 1 brase founder, no ocenpatien. The 'noel loss of tho jail f sateriee, repairs and tel Tinton:Ince w t1 $2,51. 23. and tile coat 14 (Idly ratioet per beto was abont 11 cents.—Sigoiti. sesee--. To the 1.;',11tor of the Times. DoAn Sne—t see in yeur i fano of Thursd•tv Wolter 18, 00 i•em styled , on. Surprise Party." Nov, sir. as from intinantions therein thrown nen 1 eon- an'er myself the person alludt-t1 to, request that eon shell, like a gentle- men, let inc know the writer's name, and that yon shall publish the same in yoer issue of the 27th inst, and also, the di-wee:way tbat 1 41111 prepared to substantiate bar. eer the bunele of lies that the writer inserted, end the truth . In the first place, the writer talks of rieht royal Irish style. It may be that the writer and nie or her anecefor.; hero been swine and geese herds. How the' fink of Irish style? See- n, ttly, I never kept a house for game- . sters, and there was no games of any kind played en the evening in question: Thirdly, ns regards fite arms, there was not one of any kind taken mit of the house, and any person of soned mind knows that a butter -knife would 0)1 1)0 taken for a decensive Wen pon. and the threats that shonld have been made, none brit the father of lies and his'ag- ents could invent. Find again, the articles flea the roughs disturbed were never found where steted, find then I ask how any such dissipated person or persons know how long it would take for my nerves to settle down ? And also what is stated about the services ,of a constable is a,130tOrions lie, Yours Truly. GEORGE ABMSTItONG Last night. the most tremeridous rte were made to burn up the town, no lese then three attempts having been mad, and Wolliti no doubt have aucceeded but for the vieilanee of come eitizene. Suortly before 12 O'CIOCii. Mr. A. filcDenald passing to his homes ewe' • a flip in a etebte formerly ocoepied by Dr. Browning bet now vacant. On oath side are awelling.honses. He gave tee alarm, and with aesistance eucceefled in rutting it ou'. Abnut the sere time, Mr, Latnbrook wee paseinee r. W. ifeinlin'a steble, an Andrew. strot, and discovered 44 bleze jut bo ginning the work or burning it anwo. Ho maimed to put it out. 0 113441. Taos tied shaviege wore the means used. But the most is yet to eerie.. At 8 olelooli, Mr. :lIcCelluin was on In wee. home, end ft mei the eld (HMO Ail - joining the befitting burned the 'delft prey' els, to be ler the ; he put. it ont. Boor d not to tie beaten, the ineendiary main applied his tarot' out will- altthie tnding o eftirts eginee, was suereesfni. Hied weik .1 s experiterced to seettut some of the eueet in the viliage. The eitilly if blond out, inns twine piteh-el into alt 0441.i4e, play 1.4 the puinehment they I receive. MANHOOD ,E0111 LOST,. HOW RESTORED Just pulalisthed. a, new *di] if too of roe rio** Culver well'al .telehrated East:: partne calcure of Wayskueva or perasostor Inorbwa, , induced by .-ALuce. Insolent...ay Lade stout., iropotenc. Nervous: i)elailvty.audimptlie menta c4 war iaga g. nerahsy: 4.!ru.sunal•nott Eidiold1F. and F•ta; lieutal and Payeical tn. capacity,*e. The w•rl.f.rranownekl author, in titit nalunirablw nectuyo,rienorila prove.; f.,313 bis on x*r3euee that_conaeap-srees oi elf -Ababa nosy be enertweily remaarr.i without ,Ing.gerous eur,;i-e.1 oiwrctirme..1.mn;utt, ittutratne-4.. so.:/e. or e,.€,Ittefs: g ot:t ulna!, of vas(' at once ortaiu and '(Trctl'*J,)) *Inch evil sun. (et, sec. utt*r itisttwal tiros roar be, ma:. r are roael claeAldw,pricately 410 r.sAav rrove IR, 4-.01,iglamo‘ritli ettitttliturt t•alti 3 1. ,s -s • .1 t pla.1I314,1A-401151., tt1 ft 4"1" Ad. ;tress. ,o1 **ea 40; t.W.J - - Brow:atm. b'retrt Jeler Flag; Esq., of Benning- ton. N. H. ...rive.. year! since 1 WW1 very much r'1twe4 with a dreadful cough which — resell -4 in 13ninchitili, effected 'no tie sewer. ly to Ftliell it to \At r HIT ;Lk in. endible •oice. To this wa led severe eight sweeta, and 1 wee retired of a titTiit10. After re- eenrse tt3 vtriona t ito pnr- ifttre, 1011.1"13‘.0 TUIC CUTOWNtr.f UrT114- r a 4 e 1•1414 • Theunil,rsi rt.g r1ttftie Ptert;tin,7-31111, 1), 47 anti a lir^ .14111471' %$'1. ton:1 I 3 Virga ;took 14r tootle .'A eeel, to tkili or ali nt.tuit-r at t` , itt"1'4 't tet ".;ttfr ovEtNitli 441X )1,460 at 11;t*ti 1) VV;ItiONT III 12 ;4;44 •• eel I gy.ttlt H*11,-4-4-1 -4,-,N.TrArolworTnir 11.1.,11M- 1.11,N*a. 40. V 1t 4. -1 - : rt. tree -way 1.) 4' -4;1°, t 3), lenrer. ',MEI/1W For All ir 1.11. It g a.••;. ah' wletii I, At 1.3rg st pap r It; tio, :“411. Accfre, t' !.V„ 1 14 :$1 11- tit7 !, t "'rt. tv• 4:01 $11.1;.•.411•43 .411•0/. l't • I. N4' het WILD CII;;Rwr, a few hottlf..: of • Chi fellY rester,e1 me to fieultle 40 '144 14 "‘ 14,1 1 141 time I have had svverni tuk- aksef cough. but tho Bm.sAn 4/or.> E fellt ne them, I toner, tee. '* ""'' • • ,,,uta not know ALli-EIN TS WANT:11D, 10. sou by Fon Iv1'l1eciA14'4 I.;.t in% 4 abutting en Prince Lepold str32t (newly sal, Voyed)on the west side of the station. Vil1age lots also in great variety from II50 mid up- ward, Sites for mills, factories, Lte„ on this new street, gratis. • 11.1 A. number of the friends of INIr.H. E. Huston, teacher, school section No. 2. Efav, feel fre Huston, gathered at their place of residence on Monday eyeing., 15th inst,. and presented them • with a lonelseme set of parlor chairs as a token of their arprociatiou of Mr. Huston, for the zealous interest he has token during the last three years in the training of the pupils -of +he above school, and to Mro and Mrs. Huston for their combined efforts to promote the spiritual welfare of the scholars of Sexamith Sabbath School, in which they are both teachers. is they were only a short time ago r earriecl, and have just recently comm need , house- keeping, the gift was very approerieee, ape was duly appreciated by the recip- ients. When the party had become seated, eatables were served round from baskets carried by the lady visitors. Af- ter all had partaken of a hearty repast; Mr. C. Eacrett was itepointed chair- CLI TIIAYED.-Garne into tne enclosure of the • Subscriber, Lot 17, concession 3, Stephen, on or about the 16th of September last, a Eeife coming 3 years old, The owner is re. quested to come and prove property, pay charges and take her away. W. SECOBT. Stephen, Oot. 25,1877. (tndet.sore to 0..11, smith) ar3 opening this Week manylipecial Linos, of whielt tin.yIltvy hod smart d r.uffi- chnit tphoi:itioa Ael feather to 14.4 their . , tail trade 1 lirt1n411; lint :he alvanteg.‘ they el. ill bolitg an rt.t1 r311/01 t,f a Wnole. ,lie Hon: e to 1,,r.atito enables them to tinder st:L otlo.r iletail House in the Coyly, c ansequentli: our tool' 3 3(5!,' song. Wt would call tliJ of.tention cf t4 !Julies, ir pat- tianior to our Liir.te awl Conn& to titoekof PILINMY1LAITTIES a cud the pri-ei we are telling ALL 'WOOL and Dill."..4.48 MEE E S, WOOL POPLINS. WINCES & FLANNELS. The attention ef 11r Omits to our Tailoting estAblishinent, out of witiolt we are turnin.; such Groeeful fitting Suits, 1.04 evil e ,ei• eft 001 suco.,55 in this cli•artnwnt is the fac that Alis 1.11 our numerous stall. of hAnds havo 11.I to work day anJ. uight to got aur orders filled. TIT.SfIN sEWIN4te.:11.teltINI: 82%0 Ilseedway. Za. Y. (Ideal; 1, III.; Nee Or. „tee. I.e..; Ur S:1 II I'V:Ing.i..t!“. PI 'IP.1*Zit S.: St 1' 0 .10.5 St. t..t wit:a t t" 14 .1 113Nt:1,:1,"`44. 1711 11:% .1.1+.1 F." 1S.1 CC's, t" 111:111 "4,• 1111 At, 14 r.thtti".11 4. L. t ad nvy h.' t :•.; e,115'141 1 tat'i,tt tustoit'e 1 t,t ative.14 ttAr,ty ta 441 : tt.' v., 0400 it.3..ittal it i 3, F. Witstatittlet.tt-t.t, tiostaq t.a•••., guNa"f.37G::1Par„ at.. e.t.a - 'oar: fi;^ ..; IAA fr...tt. . 114 4611,44, 18 rth stoop It. P.L.:11:3! PLAN:i PLAYS ! NAYS ! For (11.14, I- 1 tt, Teui)'vrattet, t'ict itv tianopian s, raitte tax Li,t,t, ,,,tt Irk [A,114, Clorel Fire, 14nrat 1."^et., paratitets..7trl4'Y'tt \Vox Wa,1-‘,, anti t"got15taa1te3at rettatetlt n3e , !-:C9111. (5•y,Cstart3tles. New Cat*',' gtio nig toil dtiscriptitai 81.4 1rtett4, Fla:Nell f.gzs„iit). Natt,,au St, N'o.a• York. t."".' Pants ard Vest kfakers Cen ed immediately. • ..11\L' 14.1•!4 M Awarded ONLY GOLD MEDAL at World's v7 Fair, Vienna. Also, highest at Centennial. TE d..1; CO• c:3 Lowest prices in Canada. Ea" Send for list of Pianos and Organs, StfItry's NORRIS es SOPER,.2 cm 8 Adelaide St Bast, TORONTO. r.. Central Drug Store Pure Drugs, .Chemicals, Dyes.tinffs, Patelit Medicines. Hort() aud Cattle Medi- cines, Campbell's Patent • Stove -pipe Varnish,—mokes no disagreeable smell • When dry. STATIONERY, SCHOOL. BOORS, FANCY GOODS, &cf., &c. Agent for Lazarus Morris' Perfected. Speotaoles. Remember the stand. Directly nprosito the Central Hotel. • M. NI. ROSEBRUGIT. man ,9treatt, Exotor C. l‘foCALLUM, Wholesale Drugg' Richmond St.. Lon ON TA_RIO. 91.11NDBUS WANTF1)---Tend.,rs w 1. ceivecl by the Andersigned truet Fxeter Union Burying Grow d, np t, day, 26th inst., for the emotion of lrinse, 22 .% 18 Plans and, specific be seen at Immo 1Vhitlock's, Low tender not necessarily accepted Whitloce, &Dyer fcIS itION 0 iP met -Notice is hereby given nership heretofore existing betwe dersigned, as saddlers 804 herneetg livery stable keepers, in the villa has been this day dissolved by 111 Ai1 debts duo lho said partnersh paid to the nettersibned .Tames C claims against the said partner, tpbr:il ssolnle ted to the said James et, bo set.led, Dated P.1th dayof September .4 1), 107 3vmn4 Czaants. linNavnoncitnsi A Bornoul, Ws VIRS8 All ezoog 501 ftlust be settled otter beim maty 187a