HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-10-25, Page 1• Vel,. Iv. tio. g WtkOLE NO. 212 EXETER,. ONTA 10, TITUBSDAY, OCTOBRIt 25, 1t$77 PROPERTY UST Canadian, defining •ha rights and duties of elec. tore. -Au insane but very respectfully Green peas grown from seed matur. WW1's: *LOMA As-st-tc Is ADvAxes .. The Brighton Ensign Bays that the clerserest. bay there is infested with a lot of &poi. - ogles for sportsmen from Toronto, who Wan rN Arnia-Advices from Cape are craching away at the game, which, .• • , T. - - -traseit. dressed wi.man. who is boid to bo re e1 this year aro the rage at Clinton and it claims, properly belongs to th Town Mate that war has commenced 11 -IP Eirkton Hotel, au e,tc.11eot Wan& is , emtrtto ior Fao. ....14,=e6stnt. meat, • -ern' in Transkei, between the Aalekaa and ia.e , . p , ,. , „ i - 't e'V to W‘i rOSS g"" ,... Ell"lv Ottt. from England, le di4ributing motterstburg, lielTee and Jim vixitore who C0'330 for the British and Moir llittiVe Allies. M. Pratt, far long Ague Jostle° of the Peace at Waddington, has receiv• col the appointment of Collector CUateell5 at that port. An incident which creates much ex• --011, SAL;--sa7r, will Inv 6. good aPrt ana nut r" Pr°11" esn.,111Eigbt thousand. Galekas uoticked tbe 1.4 • 7 franto Dlr.:Mug, Feed rauip anal two lots wish them any bad It ok 116`"Yi a' British, but were repnlsod with a lose von VErri.sita:trei oa Shock. strtvt, earner Iota. thOUgh it understands tits that place ef. 200, ou a..pterowt, 24t4.. Tile ,Atil.i: to 0.Tcroor. some of the fraternity from Toronto ou• wouthiecl Relpforcementa have been riasoipit oloven. mut bidowalk nearb ro arer, 1,,• . tl 11. root to any other titan her- citement oqelirretl at Laval University. previous eon 4.17.aa. „ iv io litespatened. ITolunteera are being nom., cal:Moto; rfaitt somas. al.....atot.1 &carers all over the city of Toronto, stttin that her father came out to Canada shortli heron, bis death, reW Iwo. and bomilit the whole of the city, and warning itousoholders not to 11415. turn4OLIL exec"e'linglY 'PnluckY to Britialt lost one roan killed and six OI7Slil TO r Briel,• A. I:0Pd I•trolc, 4.1;trIee attichca- 4rPtY tu*/*"4"iselt., She also alleges that her husband It oeeme that Bishop Levin, of Ili.TuoNiontreal Sow ears that . Mr. enrolled.. • I was poiiaued by a prominent -ThvultFexiber tiara ee city gen- mouski, and Judge Taseiterean, whom, jmal aea cSharte, jr., has returned by his cidebrigod anathemb a ho ad MC- front Englnda a, nd i' 'i the•-cattlo Tun Van Nournwiesr.-The IrIetori --;011 a, `, SALE. -e don. ‘ for onto ti part lot G. col. 5. S!`11,!le"' 1 0 :1 tho fl•il. con. of Maryborough is a communicated, occupied scats together trade demoraliztd. The supplies corn- : (Britibil Columbi. )enb4tiRt says that . .4 47°"labting l'iftY ger" t 11 '"" h1131` 1.%4"`41;elt: Mt . A J'iriett who we a so overcome Tho $.30 offered by A. B. Simi -oz. of ing into market hava reAricad the pnce, -! the object of Gen. baertuan'S Wit 40 truit.,"ra'‘, J7,1"1":;,1::,,Lrte°1LIZLIthirv:,,,I,i,(1::,1,;,11:,;s111,;:i '12 11 3.31 L3 abintit. fiVe W.eeke age that Parliltlfi, frkr MIX. has beon aWareed b3 ,a4nd mirk° shippitag from, Oils canntry i Puget Sound Watt ,t0 ilstTeCt MO *ileS Labor LatiMir.:.ta on tur• arov....rtv, witrola 1' Ait• 1 -alo ii tstill sleetullg• She only wakes the North Middlesex Fiiir judges ee Unprofitable. Nix. 3.1egitaiseelionlaitts of fortificatieus, bUrVeyeti and aelfeted. ;lute. rice *111 frora EnTo:Pr• '1 '1 1 1 i fr'?4; f .a 1 tnioutee now and heti, and 1011,-,wa *-$15 for ,tilie best 11 Id to J. or the regulations at the porta for hand by George Nlichier, 1.7. S. A., some 3 e11tr3111.; elinri44 11"4. b ''''''InWi"n".° in 1 ''.' -li UAW, eem b.(lona to thoroughly NroLeini, laili con. ; $10 for the second ing cattle in liAnaland opejrging tietri-!stAire tivi, oti Sari. Juan Lopez* ard 5., two. •diatio vielohy. It xi tone of ow m.••..a. do. . •-. , . - • IF' ' , r r farrbyr 119/r- 1311..R%t11 leer. 1).1.4 te J. I). Niedeolf* 20th con. ; and mentally to mileresti 2r5T iillippelsi G Fitlitlge Ihlande, and 'was particularly - ----lir - - , - "'"' • ot the Dirlieulicad *how in tbe 18. Nictlillivra.y. During the two wee.ei coning ....a.ur- of the site 4.1 the ...i Eng')Islx vamp or 4. 1. C . Impressed with Gorr f•xcellturt SCIeetbu % :.,ky 1. 313 linara tetigt tho tirot. ard prizo, $I to interims Warren, eon. freon the contitierd. • 4. . , . t;t:rikvs* tril.ill: tcat i4ti:,, C..Wial•l• . ovot,7.7,3. -"AIM. Vtal. ;PALK.-- i -o" " '.ters" clin.7a. Sip lo*at a dozen of ii,. 1'. Marsh. of Trading Lalte, for day (lath?, ea f. i lohorrtnut along fifirticoNitit„loi h- 2.1 11 3'I &ritra. the calltd " ....i 7,77..... ie. -or -I•terl-it'oltlat t4v- w.11.1.4410'.vtt et izE.1‘.i7aner.4, over brit it 1 the water has been fined. W. 11. uot it ohm& 01. was ciught, alio tette y and communicatione twill& the .1 r I ogth. _.. :1,01..sh,„..i,,i,..,Lt-,,,,,:t o4e^,;•,r1.-k. ,...1... i ,, fattratee rtUd Av.. or. Tuts is 110 elllo.1. llety.rn NSI.q eltargea with allowing taw- a prow, deal of catiosby exis7ed as to `.i mainland efujitntly bt du.3 nt tiny Tmi tre.-..1 ona r', 'la 0•11112'. •;.4 4. ... _ .1 .. °I c'.1"1" ''''i. itinuIVII 1'14 G utEltligm tucelli'ret for i[ I di t f on his mill to Pitig bite Ili riv- the cause. On littnilay(1 ith) sesetoi um 4.10 e ' t • te ' f 11 e. 4 4 wed exit runnus o le 14 r2 271'12 l'i f, e.,,mc,-,•.;,;•"“ t tl,eiccl•,•4 . . . -1•.,7`6,4a,-.“1.11 -42^. --,t4',04 114.."Ir"11.;'11 -!tiat're is 0.%ylit1!, 111 Lite u.g.V if bone- or at Pla.syille, The charge vriot illimul of what -Thin woe made, and 513- Canadian railways %ere isel at Ilnr- . 1 1 ,1 • • , itnt on. ;or 4.4-ni I hor-'esi Rome of diem allowing oarvilug said vilderb to go in Detroit It;ver hotin aloe to learn, ta,i, r wont.Pei j‘t slept be a sbora nvAp.`11'41111:17:7!;s9.11..., L .,2 tt-t.will .1247.'441N-4 C. •• C.. It Cli1.0i :: .1.71 til.'- •,r t-,-‘1431 1•;!,,,',F,,, 1 fol.4 fl 1113 1/ '1U:s'11 ' 1°11"limou 141(10 31mo. I.eir 1);;12:,.1r r. ,•.: -, Mu!) '411: t" 4 '‘-'1"'!'" 1<liV.ilo it 14 311it 23 ttiaittr -a--2nl we 3v3rn pat tiettivo 1 't ILA Ftht -'.1.11 I' UN- of 11 filial adr...y which to, 4 pLiec in a eention. is 1 c:.,- Int.a for v e. 1,t•1!3q" 33034f'afar PA-41winivillo, in the 1600144 A Berlin turn of millera took the it,,,,,,,,-;;!•ast:',1,1„e,.v.,,E,Vilgro",:„!,t447: of Inver:401i, ort Thursday night. iiiineti lfret p i -x• for filar It Oro Guelph Con. / I t ,.. • • 114,01 ,..:,rAt c-7,,h•r. For ilrno. eave•rohlvir.:-N,F .1„,...„, .p 21 . rei..-hboi lio.:..la his bei n NI 11 W terlo0 t.. 1. al.. nay ta-x. on the prentri, o. VC ltr•rit-r "" "1 1 1 _ , 1 4,.. it iiT.• Car r-77-11777:7* Oh .4 1, ."i'-4;1i;r'' : It 83'!L'22. 3* th^,t o cobred man, nitwit pro:v(1.mA thei being the sec nii1 0,- great W119 the intereot in the matter ; rota 1,413.1. hito ;se 1,13tery erected ht ropms;1134. line of VO and uosts was that on .11.nday telographie corr., iL ipez wo il t C;3231111.31101 a rmil Strait -a, itopos,•41, nith fifteen days' atsy of ex- spondence was held Vont all ii-diegioR 111341 a spci,tly e-git v..ould Le put to Ca - from Lake limon to Latta 4;4 ie, and hadiatt commero in the Pacific sho.ild from each of them, forty•lwrrin num- lostilitie, loitween Great Critain ana I)", 041n0 1110 r*T1P-"Iirbi intni or tha unlis1 States ever occur. it is • •-•*, I. 1 . . whitetihb ln two ,v.e.;1124." N'Isvt wHe 0 l rumored that the Amerrean (govern- ("',•nttly SIPA', And Wilma -4, wo3,1wielt, have the tish beet tit:I:111j thOir Nittedo Illel)t awaits the report of Gen. Sher - am; Wellehley, Township Firms. 'Doi -non 2 maxi before comma:61m '1V0036 031 ill" Vi" 111131t. ri'n c''''''"°'' w11"1. ' sivr, use wilmirg Fire 1)11%7 :-The these fortigeationa, and th it an appro. prii.tion fur the purpose will be onkel. t ‘o.tea over tlo• tragedy,. .••• lima. •itt• r. asal :mother Watt tal eoloratatil. lihntS1. 11f I Ng 141 i4,4 t.,1 o eLtinati, slaarte... 4. t•Nor some pro•4 that the mi.a.r° fatter:, liquor business at Mit Portage, we ,rts ..r . • • • . A „ 11 1 • P..t..t.1 ‘:;i55t5r.,t`i:?1 , I nitie„ctiot. Inoy tuni to,t-thor, 41343 thla earie.,y uojristx. told, fa -t a4snniing I:trilo pro- . .., . , 1*.tr-11, At•44...1•1 ov ::ta .0 It'0151023 It 4 be ii.133-0 1.,t• •-•;!, 6.'4; tow as- 1,4; 211; • t,1110111PA te221; Al 117,41i and LOT ;11.1.11„- ttna ly 341 talilir4iAlo' 2 ver -t -t, hre, ezo 't ,3t4'.' ltml fiat... 3; t •• I. ."' -.2‘ tn.: 3302341 font - volvr:;••;-;;:ar • 3:140 t" ttt: 11.,:a•e0.11101111t2d, (1423•13,' t4' *.i.Va 2,0:Z t 20}itt2 was tri:11 t4 wit A.I.L.-Ttvotot, on Main t. 4:4^ain tt'A .. wre t•a;1 pp. 4, EL: ;Ito ix a 0. in3.4 ; a tta 4,114., 4,, ow re,mi linaralitivg. by t : 41 5111t111111. 'rt.* i.4 •i 3.40'l 4111:11t I f..r st•. t eatat e•atvtith'ol• ikt,7 tieiCt (.1 414•1'2. 1'.'. .*i in a few a. 4 -me, It said the saloon lieepera of Nfoixtro. bun porti008, ellipme:A4 f Crooked Whiskey tho al who. hive paid 11)111 licensee to sell, frequeittl re •olt, It i4 gated „ , ittlY. are at.11,1,41.4 that (tev, rnmeet sh„old stIpuoteliallx"inl"clillottnaetNttlia4;i11 pollitettr"iliiluilud°ofr oinf ut,e1:04-intnlitonlY evem froni eangress at the not scoolen." 1.1.'NATit; LATAT..-- o• s':1M" provont tb. t•prina of tho too Celltill.."Ir.1*•;‘, a he Anolor • 3 c0 le 44ther Rine It i4 known that desper-!1,.,oni wiint ele -.13, unit ate efforts are reing made E•C•Me a larger Pirco i4 igneto, the custom of young „„ , of the men alto frequent ilie tow and ,un o I, lias liven A ilospateh from Rome ••ays the Po - :el ma .44 have cots( 41 to ' est in the affairs of 0.- 14re now e,,m144,, Protects of o• tl•W !* Halt to Ow Wation 14.ri t233n t.l 14434wit no person to laml from or go ta." Ali:Ay 18 J. WHITE. 181 ;lake, 1g314.3 .....r on bitna the vessa. The c.,,,,,,,, a this iq 2..,,i4 to 11,2 1), eatism bl:11 11 14) eatt 0 11i1 .........L......„.laus 1 Wahl. 1110 importation of Wiiiith lat.. 71. It )';.:14:,y To 1.0A •N -tor 0 OVA 1 Cauftila from i it foe Lt a con 1, tries. • 1,. • .1.1*... ot stin.4 cr loos.* to 1.'d...n - seotnitsgly p (gaited, Do ;0 g i 1:-..11,14,,gt, eigtit 34 r (?.13t, 34) tide ;with% tbe case of dclentl • won to. 4 o. !.<• to tilt. 131.131,VCet tit 120:Vilig 3.3T011 . . . or that at 4-;••1. 11.810 34 131 V In; 41.;:retnt., Apply t. Ortuutot 4'.112i.1t.,T. -ioolititor, ('3t'(334?.t,tor, --,i-h.- e------... 4 ;31 1V..\ t Auctioo 1 5. • Widel:eSt.a..:ialkvczaptyatte;-' 212: