HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-10-11, Page 8OCTOBER 11, 1877
FAR:VI iG IN MANITOBA. fleet July,..
True, the country bits its drwbecks,•
our drawn kilns being now Wu operation and
turtling out daily tw large ptj tntitr of
In ord r to prove to year readers bat once the Pecaflo Rallwity le come
flat utib•lactntied eerli;ily of the coil. lr plet.ed to Lake Sapetior on the east,
t.•.v"here state that me examined a and the Pembina brach couneoted with
lithd of: slice'-'-s0111.e 45 acres—on the tha nmeriean system on the South at
bat, lie of the river, wineli wail the fifty.. St. Vincent, means of rapid ooremuni-
t-s';: it crop i:n e.uectseton of wheat on dation with the outer world will then,
tl:a Sallie fold. For 52 years' the bo established, and Manitoba will take
Beed bead been used, year after sncn onward strides as we scarcely
now dream of.
1 strongly recommend the country
k e ar ; tlnr crop promised a heavy yield.
Univ of the u'a tethers adhere to the
teasel's of farming, earned ou by their to any one deur ins to bettor his Qu-
fvrafatIiers.' Nolle ilsanalretioir lanais, cumstancet, willing to endure hard-
} referring to cart the Setnle 1Glto the ships, work had, and hoeing a small
liver, than to have it spread. on the' capital M is control. Freight being
1ST. M tRY*s Lill/WORKS,
s el. A change, however, is likely to
tali': place, ae serer:al this season have
tried the experiment of manuring and
f n el it mire titan a success. Ur. per Northern Pacific Railway to Glyn-
Andereen inn*alae( a "rig," this g dOir, where a branch lino rune to Fish-
*, than plowed. Bowed anti harrowed iter� s Lauding, on the Ilei Diver, theuca
0..e s wiz ' t;:ty as the adj-•ir,ing "rigs."P to Winnipeg by steamer. Good male
Tu at Man nru1 is emit!, detected, baro"± are to be lied alone n.t tine entire conte.--
al. 1>,':ast t.T0 Woks in a saneo Of the ii t'od'rrs1 ilag7oric-c t,( Eirreld'iA !Mercury.
rest, while tl;e grain is plumper, better ` �•-*...-
1£0 1,1 arid the straawv apparently, noto tie Mal Plea IIte itaielscr'�
4.70toA I1iet-,
:t Gt heavier in growth., A like re-
HKa t wwian n so demonstrated it \1r a
'.f .t [.f; l te's fermi M. Detre ani U
Lean 4 to the i \\-etlter.a portant of tl.t
Ptovittee. The land is also muchI£', re l::cllow, cleans readily front tl;a.
n. • :1141, anti generally e a•tk r wec,rt;e 1
1.' °`:"'"t '-'1 M. Ali 1 si"1u.6 l nil'Ic-.t ::
,:'a t, eitt!:lt his motel's: -tine morn -
eat lr;11llt'il!,tl tli'tlIatre }tt�:,lt, e t lea " „i., , ,
snare for }heti a century- lel gr. cit„ 1•:+
c ! `G"S
•^r, ! l:;awt+ tee honor Qf asking
• ter "1,a•;,;l:twir'e hand in u arringe,°'
'i',; • .-2*,;,)r., ; ,, rtatoilisil.•tl, mug the
A sa:..I ttAl4 tine waiter to throw Ad-
.. et. •-f toe whitlow.
high 1 would advise taking nothing ex
ct°pting clothing. The route taken to
b•- br Lake Sup'rier to Duluth, thence
:Lel eli Z. le young, noiinupreposses.
cod: it clerk in a toenail), bankers
tl se in Parity, ou a saalary of $600 a
star. Tile hanker has a pretty dangle -
tar t f eighteen. Adolph has not a
that does not deter }aim from.
c ,,•'t i4:4 retell Iti tlhgc'rvei tetDllt4 ,14.1
} wag saitple, trees Iron flit:' lit reery •
:4Ndr>, Gilchrist, of laser ttiw n. _i -
w:.'redid 1 t"bti rre I/eati;.g ia1•l•le trees.
aiel 1 €v .i' it Illity L t Get ate years a . ,.r.the
- fr;,ta can bot ..,.w at .t is file Pre.
. t Y-1 i wse, c a n:y said
eince, \Viid iihu,4e aro abnutltu t, mei it r: ' kin WrJ that is .l tot?, leer!;
t^ 7t /41 ::) ° .t ten 11 °4 ".il;� 1!, partner
toed real Cilr 1LUtd, }'o,Owetl� Gt ?ti ° la °s£.1 t i }; :; .' of1l$attarel
r.t t ate, A:, ' •r;au eleisms arm,
gar 4 s ter t he lives, ani lauot:4c'r t :a'
frost farther north, u:x which sell ofAt tele ,�• teror-- .eoeia ei r:so < of what
Wei lease to lee attet,
Now that we Bare seen =limy Ilii¢
to r the meet favorable eipea wet reunnitat •,
tbatfor all purposes
cannot be surpassed in the Domirt;-
'laartfeefrom: adiatauoactanalwayshesttplied
either at the kilns or deliyerti by teams at low
est unerative rates, Ordersfrom a distance
promptly attended to.
wurrso\ & SOLATB.R
prepared to do call kinds of
He u , e Painting, Paper -hanging
iS'ititenin, Sc,
ttrtlaeoialable prices and punctually.
J. KITCHI . aiu-a
-- OF -
Mall tin
at filo lowest
elle it
Every depart
prices which
nuive>;saliy depressed and money
here he eau get the cruets he Paten
sent stook, I do so with, every eontiti-
ted than that of any previous season,
y Goods
asouaabie and �fashioualsie fabrle% "miarko.l
hen ion of the very closest buyers. THE Oiti)Elteo
G still has MILVtr, IVES at it„ head
Il Ml.lntry
Undortho Management of Miss McGloghlon. we can suit the most fastidious, Our stock fi#
Groceries, :Roots ancl Shoes, Canadian, English and American
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
one of the largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult thdr
best interests by eraiuuning n yatock beforegoiung t.,LewCaere.
AND D Eta , a, LIk 6 ,I -n1
lila nntlt'n-igrte1I would inform theinata4+.tclr,s
of My. l in,rue na el Tuebtrsniaitb that t,e
win i to out On l i liat-, Ma tt hair '27. ➢e► nt -r
stto with 0 donee •a lot of I nrnitaary o C..,t.
b Keen at'rti of 7,o>n i';,,m, and tat rr. t t, t et
we ill Qot• fete IA OP11.,w els nny It ,n 't' i!a t11;.,., tett lei
if teas ltoW, r. At; Ow t, ., 1 w� iQl 1 r eat ! ioelnr-
4.3UtJalt:rt 5 ur-G£'n" lrrwt i+� a will tt w`r..l W
gigivec latire :'att4: tkt +i t)r� �lans, tali t Il 13149Elf Musical Int•trueitut.. nl 'iteeit. Iit,4l.le r t►t.:t
b L.XES.1LS attended en the slit;rtt-t no.
- AT -
T -
ti:ew eaitsitzy, in its best
y a tl ti 3
�.;,t m" f,r w• -c iic• house in whish.
orf i 1 1 1. Y L a'
will be resell -hie to sttl,l'e,e, 'iia p
tl,i t alt a �ini•�u nht ill l hal e:•+:es•=tt. .li lturr.ara away to 1'eent'ion,
tie to lea future r.usr,otg. 1u tl,i- reg 't�o'e'set:t'i l�tuyelf ac th3 nt3laa of t.f 13a -
tweet m1 eonpal;i site and my t'1f aunt!• 1 t:,air-t t1. Lt., and says ,
Z natio caltxt. tt, 11i•,
ww i.t differed. 1 bo.iesitk b►iieve thati4 , dose that you
At►tto int' as n partner, ,u d, as Ur. Bit -
this country is the moat inviting Evld ° tllaarst looks as though he 1:30421A Ad -
for etuigrtation in the %ori+1. As out tl: h tee i ;uteri, het suds s 1 lata :.bout
agricultural country its ativatite*ges Inti t t
y utart the dau„htee of .11. P., of
soareely be overrated. hero au emu ' '.w^°:a
grant can secure a homestead of 1t;al ." eLdt,ll.}l is tlleretiplll A91;ed, tt) be
:terve for $1O, and preempt another
1Gii at $1 per acre, winch can be paid
for when leo is able. 13:d+ sheald go
early m the spring mid if lot;:'Hitlo rout,
or farm on ldlloaree, the first year.
Plenty are to be batt far this all -de of
farming. Taus be would be cu.114,-d
to 1;eenre a good Location and ert e:
some irttilitittps and do same " break
in " during the summer season.
1Xllile speaking of breaking " 1 may
kora mention that 1 ob:avrvt',i a count:
lady comfortably seated under an um-
brella, on a culky•brenki'r ploughing
up from 21 to 3 acres per day of the
prairie. Host of tb n breaking is done
in July, then it is re -ploughed iu tilt
fall ; iu spriug it Id sewed and liar -
seated, they (tooter -v a,ltl come tt,
tertne. The bright yOlIng tur►tt roe
to Pod i; carrying to his fur
in-law tile proof of his t,t
the young people ar
The fell
et ivate 1 to c—
ug 1:I., 1t477,
"I am so fearfully sick of this dread-
ful ftamillo; people dying t,f starvation
a 1 around, and out of ode's power to
assist. Returning from my working
ride one day last week, I found a wo-
man in the last stage of starvation,
ani atthoug's I procured sego and
rowed. That Is the whole process of brandy for her, the poor creature died.
'breaking in" land in 'Manitoba.T'elle. I ata to held a meeting this evening to
ing nitatt rltwl is abundant. What a start a private congee house to relieve
contrast with clearing up a btisb farm!
I leave those who have redeemed a
farm from the forest and extracted the
stumps from the field to judge of the
relative merits of Manitoba and On-
tario in this respect. Tho climate is
healthful and pleasant, the summer
being long and warm, uniformly; bright
and clear, with the exceflt"scu of oc- are to be bought in the same place for
cgsional showery days; while the even- nominal sums Duly, rile people have
lugs are so cool that a blanket around nothing to feed them on, and in some
is not at all uneomfortal:lo. The winter
is certainly cold, severe and awl;rulron
by thaws, but exceedingly pleasant to
such as aro able to clothe and house
the necessities of some. Every day we
give money from our owls resources,
but it is a heavy drain. Rice sells at
twenty-five shillings a bag of 104 lbs.,
which, last year could be bought for
eight sbiiliugs, and of course every-
thing is dear in proportion in the veg-
etable line ; but cows and poultry, &o.,
places there is actually a famine of
water as well as food. Grass is an
,article of importation and pays for its
conveyance. We feed about 800 lac 1-
themselves comfortably. The snow is ole dully, one fecal a day only, giving
Meyer more than a foot on an ave rare.
Stock, if well provided for, thrive well
in winter. As already stated, the often -
try is rich in mineral deposits, the
forest, eta., while toe productiveness
of the soil is amazing. On the farce
of Ur. Moss, at High Bluff, we plucked
a "stool" of oats containing 27 stalks,
one head alone measuring; 184- inches
in length, while the total product from
the oue grain, from which the ' stool'
sprung was 3,400 grains. Hard -work
is entirely unitn'wn in :1lanitoba farm-
ing. For the amount of money invest-
ed more money eau b:r made there than
in Ontario, because land costs ote-
tenth less to either purchase or break
than in Ontario, while the yield per
acre is Vastly in excess of ours, and
the general prices paid almost as high
as those paid ou the Guelph .narket.
The total yield in 1870 was estirnated
at 500,000 bushels of wheat, 180,000
of barley, 880,000 of •oate, 50,000 of
peas, 10,000 of other grain, 450,000 of
potatoes, and 700,000 of turnips. This
year it is estimated' chat Manitoba sur-
plus grain will reach 500,000 bushels.
Wheat is now being sent to Montreal
andelsewhere from -Winnipeg, at 84c.
per bushel. A Mr. Smith, !.lora
(nephew of Mr. Smith, of Cream Creek,
formerly of Pilkington, and once War-
der- of our County), sent two oar loads
to Elora at tite figures I mentioned,
but enough to keep them alive. We
cannot afford to give more, as we shall
have, probably, to feed them for four
months!, perhaps longer, Last mouth
was a great festival time among the
Hindoos, but owing to the famine, not
many came to market, although there
is a temple here much frequeuted by
devotees. Sometimes, after landing ou
the shore they roll the whole way(8
miles)to pay their devotions. Iii one
taleeg 80,000 died of btarvation' in a
month. In our district 70,000 died in
May. Is it not terrible ? You can-
not imagine wLat scenes we Indians
see and hear of daily. Can you int-
agiue a woman boiling and eating her
baby ? That occurred not mans !miles
from !lore :only last week. When pos-
sible,'I superintend the giving of the
food, and have' often soon the mothers
taking the children's share and eating
it themselves, I.. must add that 1 make
it op so the poor little' things .when
possible, by gieiti; them an extra al.
Iowanee, its I fool that only tue paugs
of utter ,atarvatiori would induce a
mcthor to rob her child, for, although
black in color, tliey aro not devoid eof
feeling," •
'I[ASON & HUDSON, Hensel!, Ont.
Aceounta•lts, Auctioneers, Conveyancers,
Fire and Life Tusureuo. and Goneral Commission
&gouts, Insurance two-thirds cheaper then or-
dinary cost. Prompt attention to orders
mail or otherwise.;
-^-cN D---
rr EXA "I:
+SSR` 0 13
--1L hD--
Wonders of 2odern Time
Holiowrays Pills &Ointment
7'ho Pille Purify the blood, correct all disorders
of the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and
are invaluable in all complaints incidental to
The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for
8udLegs,Old Wounds. Soros and ricer , of how-
ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria,
Colds, Gout, Rhoumatiem, and all kin eases
as ono equal.
New York counterfeits.
Spurious imitations ,t "Ilt,ilowway'a Pills
and Ointment," aro manufactured and sold
under the name of 'Holloway & Co k,w .7.P.
henry, Curran & Company, (Drug-
gists, and also Y. by tLa Metro -
p of i tan Medi eine eolntaany of
New York, wit!,; r anassum d trade
mark, thus-- - m —Again1ono
Joseph llaydocl =e) t- of New lork,liko
wise gasses off '*� ,1c counterfeits afhis
own make under " .az'• the name of Hal.
loway&Co.,having for atrade, mark a Croseut
and lierpent; ateKessenSs i£obbins of New York
are agents for tyle same.
These persons, the bettor to deesivo you, un-
blushingly caution the public in the small books
of directions affixed to their modieinos, 'which
are really thospurious imitations, to Beware of
Unscrupulous Dealers obtain them et vary
lows prices and sell them to the nublc in Cana-
da as my genuine Pills and Oihtrnonts.•
I most earnestly andrespectfully appealte the
Clergy, to mothers of families and other ladies
and the public generally of BritishNorth Ameri-
ea,that they may be pleased to denounce an -
sparingly these frauds.
Purchasers should look to the label on the pots
and. boxes. If the address is not 053, Oxford
Stro•Dt, London, they are the counterfeits, Bach
pot and box of the Genuine Medicines, bears the
British Government stamp, with the words
"Boot owAx's Pints Axis OIi T11ENT, London,"
engraved thereon: Cu the label is the address,
599 Oxford Street, 7,oncoh,where alone they are
illanufttotured. Parties who may be defrauded
by Vendors selling spurious "I?iollowvays Pins and
Ointment as my genuine make, shall, on com-
municating the particulars to me, be amply re-
munerated., aerated., and their r nine: uevordivulged.
ll , kill wriy�I,zA i nzT
tt.Gi; ale.. ik.n7
Being now ial rtieeipt of a large stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and
Liquors, Crockery Etc,,
A.t his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which 'will be sold at
Well -digger, Etc
Tho -subeoriberwouli intimate to the IOWA -
ten of Centralia and. the surrounding townshing
and villages that h0 is prepared t0 eor4ract for
'Foxing had a number of years experience in
that business he can guarantee satisfaction.
Orders Solicited.
1'o be adtirosrod to Centralia, P.O. Superior
pump furnished if regniied.
per, Centralia, soot 2gwab 1876
The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make money. but
call at the store of the subscriber and
There to be had ii Overooating, Z' ill.clotlls Broad -cloth
,Doe skills, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everything
needed iu the Dry Goods line. The Grocory
Department is Complete. An inspection invited.
No trouble to show goods
Manufacturing Establishment
Takes pleasure in intimating that his Furniture Rooms are nowin full blastatni steeled v'IIa
For quality and price it cermet be excelled in cho County.
!oat of the Furniture is made under his own personal supervision, ,and is certain to give
Will be prepared to fill all Orders
ow ;Mtia vs
For Particulars see next week's issue,
Sea- eas