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The Exeter Times, 1877-10-11, Page 7
'77 Fall 2 Sunday evening last, he station. a case of es Pickard ere taken sett of furs . Donoghue Cation during nge conduct laom he sup- yea. Oe the hie on niton, presence of JUST OPENED OUT TH tents of s cases cornoisi4ig:-- 2 cases Toys. 4 cases Stationery and Fancy Goods, 1 case Albums, etc. 1 case Berlin Wools; et(), Ial IierVu wools. Mottoes, white, illack and $rleer•titi�atercd board, ete.,;s, stock is Shown that '' .Hart bo excelre.l in town e Albums;—Retail at, ,xndloss than wholesale prices. Cr.osE Pnicr-d TO MAILERS VOIt CASH. posed t opening o ',tom ' i day morning, all axe, which iu the station leas known only to the employees and the two men spa ken of wet found nearby where it bed been used. nit; with We oth- er .fact mentioned above led suspicion against these two men, who left early on Monday morning for Clinton.. Coi.stable Gill, termed wilt; e. search , uPit lir• t warrant proceeded, ou: Monday, to Sul Main street, Exeter. lisan's boarding hone:, and on opening eareeterteeeeeserses- his trunk, fount' some goods, which it is supposed were of the lot stolon. He then, w'itti Mr. tiayden,station-master,. who did all in hie power to tercet out We thieves, leroceceded to Clintr+n, where they arrested Sullivan, the other w iia they were doing so, z akii g biar- self scarce, by jut neiug out of the window. Sullivan Was brought before Squire Gilley: ou Tuesday, anal, on the vi{lrnce, was seat to Godt;ricll toatvait Ilia tri;ax. LOCAL. The Times maybe hod for G fits. per copy I.1toselirrcyh'S and J.(1r•igy's book riores Moro was a "zzr Alesande•r, tvisideefdeary "got up t*in dander." Put the ilafidt 1 '"twat n1A tl it dawn with a ji^rit lett est vu tl*e tzar AlesaLelc+r. IN a Ftr,On Tuee,lay evening Ins`, a traveller fell down iu a fit in the Cen- tral sittin{ room. •.14)11 Iirenel:as ee TIIF. ax`'7ATzos.-- 'e ar A L r. ----Rev. I. Barr, formerly of much pleased to nee the great increase this town, now of Point Edward. boa both of froi; ht and pa•seuger traffic. at (*tiled for Great 3tit:tin, where tie alas this station as c'nlparetl with last veer. fallen Heir Ina #:Ii'gn fa+rills^tt. The following I:et f Alit:meats of pro. :3aairarltx.--`fila matey frieue14eaf Mr. duct; from Cent :lie, for the newt`s of ,l. Uordon, form >Ely e4 this pheo, wilt September, h:ts 1*tsea kindly famished regret to learn Wet at the timer of the+ by the etatie►n master, viz :-1.2(O big late fry in I,^tetun ew, he euffere+el to the flax seed ; 3.2.111) tineltels of wheat for extent of $coo 1,4$ by being, harm Montreal ; •tient bnehele wheat for (Ilas• batt, gate ; 1 car load sltteeep ; 1 ear lona' Tui: Coevt-. u e:e .- -In the , uq lsrter It 'ge ,. ear i,&Aal'1 ("rattle' ,r, cAr ilial'( ending the nth a i qat. 1s17, there Bract, t tariantl a Wrnn,l ; ., car loadh lt'iv' be• lr in the ennuty of Horan 4t1 lata -baric, besides silndry butter, wool, t) f'r tirn►tl;eli• t+rev situ, potariI le'+er tiac• fait ;ix day' cone �ietlein,t f+lr ati:3unit" , ,1 neuro and . 2 far breech of the Lititio. of the pi trent nt naicentlr of (Maher, the MOO TIMES eil (ioz owacijourn till the first laatnrday' his father or; Monday of last week. Cope has been " whi1ing away the hears " out in Colorado since the fatal ocoarrenoe, and thinking that the hardships he had to endure were about as severe as those impose(' on crimi- nals, he conoluded to Dome batch anti. surrender lllcnsslf, ..,An accident which resulted fatally occurred at Ailsa Craig station,, on Thursday night last. A. brakesahan' named Louis Ton -Ens, belonging to Buffalo, was engaged coupling some cars, when his foot caught In fl, "frog" anal run up, and before the unfortunate man could Axtrtcato himself, he teas run over, e,nd so severely injured that he died in a short time. Itis, retrains were taken to I3uffale. • ,..About midnight laet Thersdhy, 91r. nod Mrs. Jamesa Foot, on the Ili r. or Thamee, Dever, were awakened by Ear Infirmary to be considered at next one of their. children and found the meeting. M. Mitchell regtleste to an bootee in flames. `I he children were Ids statute labor this full for next year. quickly removed to the lawn and time Request granted and that the path- Alftpsed only to permit too removal of in November, at 11 o'clock a, m•—•( ar ries.. N. J. Claus, . °leek. Frtte.---On the 27th alt., Mr. Gilles, pie's (Hullet) barn and 'granary, were destroyed by fire, and totally destroyed together .with a portion of his crop. Mr. G, was insured in the Usborne and Iilboert Farmers' 1'Iutual, for $900. This is the first less the company has islet with, and in its ,pay=ment, it is to be hoped the members will not be back- ward hi meeting their nsseeslllenas. ST,F,PUJ ,A, Ooili,rczr MEI. o. -•Tho Connell met at Crediton on the 1st October. All members were present. `lobo minutes of tiro former meeting were read elle signed. Communication from Eye and aeler`in Iiia heat see that tho work is ,a sofa and gun from the hail, When the done. The 1 lotslrfg orders tvel a grant' whole* house was ens eloped. Every cad, viz ; --ll, S. Campbell for survey at•ticle of clothing and furr•iture as II let side road, ' o ; J, Itylan for roe' dceatroyed, ente fling a severe loss. p:ilfing eutvrl•t on lbtea eon., ; 0 ; • Th re is $600 insurance, ncl'lloe for wed; ou 1.5t11 con., $15 ; ...On Sunday afternoon, while a nn •. voting loon mum d William Irwin, orf lorcfester, wad engagc�cl in tranefe,r rug a bull from one field to aeothesr, he was attacked by the turbine animal and gored to a considerable extent. Cyr. iridium"! was sent for, end was speedily on tho scene, a�,d rendred ov cry assistautce plosbiht", butt it i:l fe'car•e'd that les injuries are so severe that he eaurint rec,;ver. The animal leas dinee. ben shot. for llrinttll:,', :y7U,; J. Fora far work an 3rd aide road, $7.70 ; J, Treitz do„ :7,70 ; A. Unigar for centre road work, Sri ; O. Lewis do., $9 ; M. Stevens de $9; '1t. Falmer do., 9 ; G. Falmer do., $(1; J. Fsliner do., $0. The Conn. t II then adjourned to meet agave on first Monday in Ncevembor. 'EXTRA PlblllaS. • The fol (ming is the list elf extre prizes awn.. dot by the joneee at the ...A. -t old and respected citizen of the late :holy 'tele by the S, & U• Aare fire„ t�R nstlin tff :'liars horon.dt, mimed Sir. a .113 130 Is Morgan. G,; years old, wa:• :Odell dial not appear in our fast, and kill(d while drivieg will he of irltcr e't ;--James '\ e\al►tr, . �, a load of tanbark Itaut Stuff, Cutter Stuff, and Illlbs ; The to tit er a tan ��",^afrli�lrt •fro(^n morning Init. J. W i:�etnnan, Combined 'Feller ; 1�. I1:. portion Verit Sta;tw Cutter; Thee, nesse', of the load falling on them, carrying Winter Pears 3. Stemma Dwarf Pear; yfr. Margot). Caulk it, canning the team A. ,A.Ilinowenrtment of Picl b,. ; recipe• t" r•un ttweS: anti lir. Morgan being int -mike" tlu►t in faturo the Sacietr thrown under the wagon, tura wheele of a dyes a prim for �ie hl s. A. G. Van • tt hien plan cd over Iris ""'"Idol and'. I+Ictltise act. a1•llflneilta are lett0 l,tt*htl�i wheat for 1 i,eatl, ca;tuing his scall] in about tell A,eai, ,... --• h. P prior slipor ii (iloo;;eo • 500 tui he}a barites i; alar,. egmond, assortment Woolen goods ; a , r innteS. wont , 0 cars taroberl. - 1 c,f briclt, and i jti'anless and ''lain, quantity of yarn, from ail it s . tfftelding t+11 1lr+iitic.f morn. ,.m t tw' i of il:at tact d. very good ; l 'aanleas & Blain, Two „ 1 .t .. wnman named Hearn, w rfe of ing of Putt we k. min sprained tfa o ttf -••1 t, Arthur 1',arr, Econ pairs of 11nr6o blankets ; «'far�less of Pah talc licsrn, of Ingersoll, wee badly Irl: f►e.t Il© clime bane on Chi' after- 11""$11."'" ,l 1 Bl:air,. ;°Pix payee of loth, very pod ; gored by a trill on 3=tanrday lnorntne men of 113e Nttii/u day for it ft iv day's till igen, eon �,'fi W++r1�s at �Ad,, Adrian, \S-anlegs axial Blain, 'Three Nieces woe, while walking up King Amt. She �l :i,lella„ art, Fcill of `� m. Parr, lr+til.,. of ,r Trott, wa.s tllteclilIln an infant. in a ©,arrr:a"© at Li+iitta;s from Iai117:it..e3, i.,40fPaliia, has b rets pay'iug a *stoat vi'+it coy, very good ; W. ll. J.rott, (Fein's n Jerez c ti Ilan Ertl r v.� ll+'. 1 Ittc,lltt , Boots, 'l.;t Prize --C'lassifie'd wrong, the time, and atter he had dlished her Itemise= ear'ritr;;o horse, .ffu�lt on the tt711ie t+a.®tete. 11r +. Parr vitt ncrentu' ^at• the bride wail, breaking sever. Crr'een, took hath fir:;t prizes at threpally :d othereise injaring her, Smith Huron fall shorty held in Sea• he carringo into 'deco:. forth, on Friday last --one felt etarrieue attd the tether for roadster. .11 is well de•erviu.i all it gets. Tee.—It is to be hoped that the good reollo of this neigib*lrbotld will not forget the tea meeting to be held next lletr*day evening in the basculeut Of the C . M. church leere. It is for a good cause, and the price of admission-- bite on his return to ,ledritut. tarar:t; tlz, Luz,, -..A great many loth have been edit ir1 Ce;ntr:al'a during the Sheila;{ and t-urntner, a li t of wh;ell will should have been in (spats 1u, age �i'trli^ Patty. bo published as soon as the building hitt Er,irolt,--Tlieero appeared in u lei over.your columns last week. a protest by Itemvt°r Luopor,,0 STr. t.r,---I3y throw. W. II. Trott, ageing my boots and ing open this new thoroughfare every shoes which .[ exhibited at the Exeter person coming from the west to and fair, and was awarded the first prize from the station, saves fall one Utile of both for Gents' and Ladies boo's. I travel. Tis road ie a valuable gift to would say to Mr. W. H. Trott, that if the public awl should be gravelled the i he could not slimed in getting the twenty five Cents—is a low Due. first i•pportunit,y, Mr. U. Either of Tun iaovxNtW..—A number of our Orcttitnu brit;; tho first to drise excham nges are ma oniug shunt th•n mutter of tickets solei at their reepee- tive stations for Louden during the week of the late fair. Fold your arras and look at this: Only 1,035 were sold tat the station here oy Mr. Hayden and Mr. Dnnophue. Lt s AT:M.M.— lir. A. Alibi 601710 - what surprised us the other dad by in- formino us that his apple tree. which thtnngla TUI: Atrrt:arv.--In the north temper- atezone the astronomical Antrim be- gins when the suu,iu its apparent des- cent to the southern hellhisphere,crosses the equatorial Hue, and ends at the period cif the sun's greatest southern declination. Bu in popular language; the Autumn of the United States an (heads, comprises the months of Sep - has already btnssoaned taaice- as season, ' tem ber, October and November ; whilst is again covered with bloom. It has in England and other European conn - already borne a flair crop of apples. tries, it is August, September and Oc- Tbis is the third or fourthcase of the tober. In the southern hemispherekind we have heard of this summer. the Autumn it exactly the erposite,and R. S.Munnav is prepard to fit up corresponds to our Spring. public buildings, °beaches and privtte 'Pon SALE.—Mr. Trivitt is now offering for residences with Vereet, Brussels, tap- sale several snlall homesteads, Or park lots of et5rv. Ail -wort Dutch and Three i 4 acres each, at common farm prices. The -p land is cleared and of the richest description, =ids, Matting and. Tnglisa OiI abutting on Prince Lopoltl lstrert (newlysur• 01(1th, Feather Beds and Pillows, at voysd)on the west side of tho station. Vilhige et u 1 r work that will speak for itself short notice and at very&cmoderate lots also in great variety from 00 and tip- g Sites for milts, factories, „ on this Hud not have to rise such means as Prices. No. 126, Daudas Street, Lon- ward, new street, gratis. r above referred to to gain the confi- dence of the pnblie. I am air, yours respectfully, Wuneeet FANsoic. prizes for bis work, that it was not meetly for hie. or some kind friend of his to remove the ticket ort of my shote arise and put it on his wont and procure other tickets by some means to represent to the pnblie tune be bad obtained the different prizes when he was not awarded. any prize .at all, and after a misrepresentation to the public, did stoop so low as to enter a protest lntinst my work which did really take the prize and can be seeu on the Judges' books at any tune. I might just state to yonr roaders, .Ir. Editor, that I exhibited the same assortment of boots and shoes at Ailsa Craig flair with snore competition than at Exeter fair, and was awarded the first and second prize on sewed work and first on peged work, it1si first on Ladies work and a special on the best assort- ment of boots and shoes. In concha sem, would say to Mr. Trott, try and dor', Ont. Dee, Semitic —A. few days siuee,a 1 oy named Smith, who far a month pre- vious had had charge of Dr. Ilutchin- snu's Galt Reporter '' left town, and probably didn't notice that by had one end of a rope wound around his wrist, attached to the other a ting. However, be bad, and 111e deg and he, or he and the, - dog, went to Brussels. Mr. T. Hetenliu regretted -tile loss of lilaCan!ne, and the Brussels constable arrested the progress of both. and scut the dog back to his owner, and—let his Prison- er go. CAMPING OUT.—On Tuesday morn- ing last Messrs. Burke, Dyer, Simpson and Wilkins startedas, In the seventh concession, ser, for the purpose of camping out for the veyed. bo laid over to a future meeting last time this season. • They expect' to of this council.—Carried.' Moved by 1i sBO CoUNr e.—Tile Council -met en the 6th iust.,pn_'suant to adjournment. All the members present. Minutes of pre - 1 ca.,s. the Molar, wire the members of the Jaunty was drawn to it by hearing a buzzin:; sound which appeared to issue from the chi'd'e clothing. Thinking that a'tico had be- at,nia entangled ill its appsrel, site; lift- ti ift- eel the child from the floor, when .site was startled to behold a large rattle- snake glide from the place whore the chilli had lain. A. oat which la tepered to be in the room attacked the reptile OCTOBER 11,1877 Rubber Rings Fruit Jars (ALL SI2h:,S) Aa1D Patent Wire Fly' Catchers JGti•r Al;;ltxvi .1 And on Hand • StickyPaper MST IN THE tXAIiEET, AND Fly Poison. Centra$ Drug Store ----IlIE C'tL i OPPOSITE-- CENTRAL PPO:r°ITE.- -.�, CENTRAL, HOTEL; XIf, .I.l+. M. ROSElf'lil: U IL The" a'f v Sy.sem " Herdersan c Buchan (Late of .a Chisoha t Ca.) STAPLE amt EMI': Dry •-- Goods 3IItLLINE Y,. M ANTU S AND SHAWLS, PI 1ir)ADCLOTIIS, TWI;ES, and GENTS' GENERAL AL FURNISHINGS ORDERED LaTIII.v3 A P, f 1 L rt Dumas St. Loudo:r, p r• f;rl(,r of the Striate•! (Yrt,rr:, NEW ENTEfPJUSE 1 Wend Tenth Z. ,o J All lands of Turning done to order on the the Carriage rot # :,Ito test :ionic•. , mild elirapor t11 tin any other • place in the Dominion, gitingr't11e blest work f•ar the least money. �,`I1latiirtrees, :tit el yolcs q•, to residence of nail +�Inli t, and tn•ning of all de •e,n•it+tie,iis dont ow, Iaesex in tOwn, f Ihair1hmnL;te•rs aSpc ratty. (,.ire lying ori zee a call, and snpport home nnliaufactere. of one Of W. H. aneY a1:,. :text Door, Oak & Ilow:ards, Staticin Street. Exeter, Tnly 12, 1677. Gzn NEW C:�.RPENTER SHOP The undrergigned wen1s11,, g (cave to acquaint the Pablie that that they have opeue;d out a CARPENTER . JOINER SHOP On the strtot leading to the B. C. church, and Slid was bitten, from the efI at of which ' that they are prepared to contractfor all hinds it sown flied. A orae who wars about. OF BUILDING SSS JOINER WORK. the premises, being called in, dtesieltea,- od the snake, whish was found to have seven ratties. The child was -un- injnrt d.. ...The steamer Selkirk areired at• Winnipeg on Monday, bringing n barge with the first locomotive for the Can- ada Pacific Railway; also, a caboose ane r.ia; platform cars. They recoi ed an enthusiastic reception all down the river, anti a large tnncourse witnessed Weir !arrival et Winnipeg. The five l The undersigned'would acquafr.ttlie.iulla *tants hundred and fiftyinert employed on of the hurronnatug cooviry that he ie prepared to contract for :inking wens and Plans and spec'efications fir-' lied, and from their experiences ,n elle ouslness, they fee confident of giving satisfacti.,n to those who may favour them with their patronage. Felt Hoofing contracted for on Beason - able Terme. FUNSTON & IIILLIARD FIRST PRIZE. !USPS. the C. P. 1%, main line are now to be increased to 900 during the winter PUTTING IN PUMPS The Uteri. sit v —` .� Great Western ifrequir+.d,and that ho is s' ill I en ufnetnrint y tenses of evory deseription,at hiF gttt s ern } of Cl'a'n t n the London, Huron, ails (..1.:0e10 nerve et l: ceter, outhe ieeeelen host. Bruce line leaves London aI 7.30 a It hhowuutln ',emirs shotildgive h,ma emir A new contrrect has nevertheless just GP;oittxFBi,aLTON, been renewed for- the -carriage of Lucius, Seth's mailbags to the villages along the line of railway by the slow and primitive stave waggon. Some, hallo- vions Meeting read and confirmed, — ...A soup factory has been started er-on to be obliged or kept' in good 'loved by T: ? . Tray, secouded by J. at Point Douglas. temper, at the c»Et of public i ecouveni- Shier, that Alexander Carmichael re .:.lir, D. Collins,: of London town- eine; put what is tuna to a Reform ceive, $10 for relief. --Carried, . Moved ship, is said to have realized $500 Minister 2" by D. Millar, seconde'1 by . J. Ilttll,t, during the Provincial Fair. from a one that the account of William Folland, acre patch of mesons. r for 10 weeks ge:ard of «llihani Into',, amounting to $40 be paid. -Carried: Moved by J. Halls, seconded by T. M. Key. that the application of W. Dinnin, to have the road between lots 27 and foe La Suiitlt have grand sport, being arnply pro. vided, and ducks in plenty. Mr, Burke is in 'his 83rd year, Haid this snakes the 53rd in sticcession with but one excep- tion, that of last year when he was away to.. the old country, that he has Damped out. • Mr. Simpson took n couple of his valuable dogs with pito. Mr, Dyer will not fallow the party to languish for want of jokes and " jib soup.'' Visitors to camp ere requested to take eating `utensils scall as teeth, foh'ltr, knives, plates, de., with them. ,seconded by D. Millar, that th.is.Ooue• J. Shier, seconded by T. ,M Kay, that. Mrs. Johns bo paid the sum of $12,50 for Board and ittentlauee on child,and also the span of x;8.66 for funeral ex- penses of the sante.—Darnell. • Moved by J. Halls, seconded by D. Miller,that By-laws Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7, :as now read a second end third titne,be passed Carried. Moved T. M. ICay, seconded by ,). Shior,thst a grant of $10 be giv- eu to the Usbornc Plowing Match' as prizes. -Carried. Moved by ,T. Hallo, ...The Gorrie Driving P trk Associa- tion has decided on holding races, and have appoitvted the 16th and 17th of October as the tittle fir the' first meet,:- lug. •.Mr. MoGreeor, South Wallace burg, lies li pear tree that hes grown a goc.d first crop, awl now has a second crop ou, the fruit being about tho size of a lien's egg. It bids flair to ripen before the frost comes. ...We notice : that she Moteorlregieal Department,. Toronto, have completed arr.angetneirts for ttanaulitfing via the Dominion. Telegraph Company's Line, the Weather Probabilities," < every twenty-four hours.. ...Cope Mallory, one of the principals in the Alberta Wade ti• igedy, and who left for p arts, at . the tulle, iinknew/1, was surrendered. to the authorities 'by CUN$LIea i ION CURED, A 1 OLD PHYSICIAN, retired from active practice, 'laving had plaeoe in 'lis hands lay an Nast. Luria Missionary the formula of a Vegetable Remedy for the speedy and pox manent euro of CONSUMPTION ASTHMA BRONCHITIS .CI TARRB and ie11 Throat Lung Affections; also apositive and radical oure for nervous lability and all ner- vous complaints, after having -thoroughly teat, d its wonelorfol curative powers in thttusazds of ca. sostc els it his duty to make it known to Iia suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a E1E FALL AND 'WINTER TRADE a. So'L5tho tt cird a T1 E.0It5 and CLOTHIERS, 'tulle pleasure to irforni the inhabitants of Exeter add surrounding,couue,ry, that they'. have jus of a rod ont an oacellent assortment of Tweeds, Coatings, Testings elo., of the la test styles and patterns, and feel assured that intim matter of clothing, 'they eau suit the inostfastidious tastes. conscientious desire to relievo human suffering, and\viii sand, free of charge, to all who t}esiie it, skis rem + a, with loll directions for preparing a11c1 1:n00es:fully usine. Sent by retu'-n mail, by ac-' "ror.'T•e• w -R Nu. -up, naming thi.', paper,. Dir. (r, STNEl/MI; Box 8e. Brockville.ont. ISAAU EVANS, !" dell -digger, Etc The subecriber would intimate to the inhsbi- touts of Canbralia audtlle surrounding townslaing. and villages that he is prepared to cor+tact for WELL -DIGGING, STONING, ETO. Faxing lied a number of veers experience in ti+at basins ss he can gaarautee satisfaction: Orders Solicited. To be ad(resrod to Centralia, P.O. Superior nn+n9sr of 'eVanar F 9ewinrr machines :v . primp furnished if retluiled, will be sol.' a sacrileo to olean ont stack Cei...±nlio',sent ?,lib WIG