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The Exeter Times, 1877-10-11, Page 5
OoTooE x.1,1877 • THE TIME S White & Co., (suseessors to G. B. Smith) Are surprisingill API IR011ig even their regular Customers by THE PRICES at vrhicb they are now se iUng Flannels, Canadian Shirts & ra':- en's, Readymade cloth- ing Ladies Winter Mantles, Boots & Shoas and many other lD•cs. ,il.z'tea. CQ., SI. -:tf ar y'ki. r. GO TO E. SPIC 'S GROCERI FLOUR., g7wat,s.. yyRew and xrt:311. AND PI:I)VTISI+ONS, EA ItTIIE/rNIA" COAL i:OIL Soap IL S o ap Giten Away —21 B; rs for One Dollar.— (Iwo S iia P •tt tali•. per CQallolt. C1tcliCe sfitruri, Mat kt.t 1 i k ets'elwatt. N. 11. 1t set forret t this 1>utt a -1t, at; B Spi. t •r' , a,yu..ite Ur, t.. t. runt's lintel. 1ra(it1net• ttik u iu tisehani ae far goads. R. ,eE srxcrn C P. antlers' Store. Grooeres = Confectonary smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per M. CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGARS always in stock. L SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. ,,473. School Books, Stationer:, Magazines 'WITH AIL THE TES news N.B.—Rowing Dr thine :' diva of vorykntlfor - gale. SANDERS G. & J. BROOKS Manufacturers of L H MBEs,LATH, 'W TA Y ESS ,and dea'.eraiu CED11 .)3 P 3 [ tLS,CORDIPOOD. alms—Two miles west of .London Road. TOWNSHIP OFIIAY THE GREATEST Wonders of Modern Time &o11owaysFills &Ointment ;.rr• aifiESbiS AS£SCE'(i(r_.r THROATEINSIWIR BINA In the Wonderful medicare to which she 304610 are abate 'directed for miter. the diocorerer Le. heves hP Into romhn.eat in t•arrolein+i wort. of NA. tore's sere:emat carr:flirt pritpertilst t i cl( that hay paddled tato the veal •:a de king-iotafer I;ent- ing the shit, Pau were ever galore a•namb:boo in rtenle,Ierl7.'e. The evidence OfOda fart iatonna ln Iho great Variety of most obstinatethseares which it has been Piaui to conquer. Du the rare Of 16reinelfitino Severe Delftg Itti, awl the early ata^ea of CoHan uapttot), it lefts astonished the anedtral lee II1t. nn•9 etnanent ij.hcstetcta:a two, neuflea it the greatest inc lied disetwery of the cat ,t t ase. While at cared lige firrrrr ( „ ough tt. t. afrenft,laeae alta o •eteiat riot lnmrinen tale blood. Icy f as grt,tt and thorough i, o,,.bparr•fo' tug protiertit•a tt cure, ail loin ices, front the wnrot Sent fain to a Monition * 1* X*!*u. pie, orEruption. Mlrraurtat.9 t Mineral .9."ta> andMem eaf are W i;a trl glut vigorous health anti onet constnfio2 C;t2t • tithed. Erysipelloss SnlI•rlieunl, Fetter Sorts. tient). or Rough Skin, m shortt alt the nt9mertom • 1.1t*r., r- at..e4 tea WI Litt d. tate ron•Ittere,i by lints tract! foal, puri! -.rag. and tits ce;,orating ane lac.ne. If yam feel .h,%droarsr 04.9. ,t ate l Wive snreiw cad.•*' r4 Ysr.r. or velltow : mown orcr .r .,n on face or hart!. freiplent Leiniache, C ttieriaits, a t..$ time In m' at it ti,terti i% i.eat. !.eat..era chid. t t r I watt lel mimeos. kite startle mot g a.otrti t it e" ta.lani'ri, tr. re:raldr appendvx *w4 to ztr coved,a ;ire Ftrflerai tt from Torpid 1.1 -ver. or" unions. *caps » las team rases of **Liver 1 opo. plaints* anis pat t~t t9 a l Fejt l 2 elks are et:. . a•ea'ia rr a 1, dor a ret: Walt f o y11 r 1 a std, . Dt.. 1+ter r t,o•Idin MedicalDri ,r a,14,e,itetil, as it eliects pesle': cnreN !t:•rtm, It.e Itrer 40rt01142:etl wad t.•e,.ltl;k. F.,,90 CY 1JItf:CvilSTS tiT SI PER C3T74,E. l+ ntei..• r t„ lt, 4 . '.tl:l«i° t3, r1.. a'•'r a Hi,. H a.tet.t... t•l.a-► b e,i:, Tho Pills Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Livor, Stomach, Kidneys and lowols,and are invaluable in all oontplaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for hogs, 01.1 Wounds, Bores and Ulcer , of bow- er r lung attuding. .For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, CrUM, Gout, 12hennuttisu2, and all kin oases a • sue equal. BEty'RE OF NC77 Turk counterfeits. Spurious imitations it "Iiolloway's Pius and Ointment," aro manufactured said sold ender the pante of " Holloway & , Co ," by J. F. Henry, Carron & , o' : Cloinpany, .Drug- bygret an also ithe Iko- 1, ofitun Medi- , ciao companyny of Delo York, with! 2 a • t . p nal assumed trade mark, thus— + ----Again one Joseph ilaydooI ` of Now York,like- Wise passes oil t• -` Coenter/oho ofhis own make undor - ' the seine of Flol- loway&00.,havingforatrade iu.atk tt Crosont and Serpent; alcriessou & ltobbius of Now Yuri are ngents for the MUM these persona, the bettor to dooeive you,un- blushingly caution the public in the mall books of direotions alilsecl to their medicines, which are really thespuriuus imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous Boaters obtain them at very 1c* pianos and sell them to the treble in Cana- da as my genuine Pill stud Oihtments. 1ttl, I most earnestly and rosp1eutfully appeal to the Clergy, tonlothofs of:tamiliea and ether ladiea and tiro public generally of laritish1 orth Ainori- ca,that they may be pleased to donouuoe nu- sparingly those kande. Purchasers should look to the label on the pots and boxes. If the audress to not 593, Oxford Btro •t,Loudan, they arethe oouutorfeits, Each not and bon of the 4loutline Medicines, boars the British Government stnnip, with the words "FIOLLOWAY's Picts - AND OINThiNT, London," et2gravod thereon: Cyn the label ib)s the address, 533 Oxford Street, f.oneoh whore alone they are 3,Iauufaoturud. Parties Who may he dtifratidod by vendors selling spurious "Hollowaya Pills andOintment as my genuine :?take, shall, on'-com- municating cammu nicating the particulate 'le are, bo atapiy re: rut.nerateit, arid their i. arae never divulged, THONIA& 1I01i WAY: rii,,C,at ttt.r>rtoaIetthe Manner of title ^cntain 1 .l Injector, 9- 011. DUIJIt 1^a a'•t 'vit, alio tSeelc, new a' *'.as o£ 2411.i73.ery &.Ille.utles, Groceries FARMER hey have purchased au 'NEW STOOK Groceries which they will offer at a very low figure. !,"all and try their uew season's Tea. Every tiih g:Freda a Good. Fresh +O+} Oysters received daily. CEP irT MITIV (I'.atu U -toper & a portae). I.Ffi•is =mat. J01i:t FOINSIt. spRrNt,•.t ]DRESS GOODS, LINEN COSTUME, T DRESS LINENS, GLOVES & HOSIERY. pedal Value in BlackLustres 1 ve ni c• Ca i o Gents' Furnishings Compiefe.3> 4 fess 14 ; (11 z M 1.41 0 ... we ' . — .1, . - - i'''' .1 . F. ' * -(173,. :4 Q4 4 0.1 to t ©0 t--4 r 3i fult.i:ielE Lie'R SI.r° feed: S.•111.P. ORDERED CCT 4I'S This instrument Is especially designed far the perfect applieatfou of SIR, SAGS'S CATARRH Bram. It is the only form of instrument ret invented trith which Arid medicine Mtn be carried high up and perfectly applied to all parts of the affected meal passages, and tike chambers orray hies com- tmnuealing therewith, in whirh sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from which the catarrlia) discharge generally proceeds. The want of spm rises in treating Catarrh heretofore luta arisen largely front the impossihiiity of applying rem- edies to these entities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle In the war of effecting cures is entirely overcome by the inten- tion of the Douche. its azo is pleasant and so simple that a child can understand it. Full and explicit direction.! accompaur each instru- ment. When used with this instrument, 15r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures recent attack; of +!Cold it, kite lt3ontl» by a kw applications. w ;3 » trtl n L sl 1I a S'i rI"EP T O Al S- -Freep ent headache, discharge failing Imo -throat, some- times pr(ehtee, wintery; thick mucus, purulent, offensive. etc. In others. a dryness. dry, watery, weak, or inaammt eves. stopping up, or obstruc- tion, of nasal passages, Wingate in cars, deaf- ness, istyl.2g andcour,hing to clear throat, scabs from ulcers. vice altered. nasal ,twang, ollcnaive breath. impaired or total depriratiou of sense of smell and taste. dizziness, mental depression. Inas of appetite, indigestion, enlarged tonsils. tickling* cough. etc. only a tew of these sympuams are likely to be prmeut in any .. cease atone tante. Dr. tago's.Castor zit It elitedyt when used with Dr. Pierce'', Nasal Douche, and ac- companied with the constitutional treatment which is recommended in the pamphlet that wraps each bottle of the Remedy, is a perfect enecitic for this loathsome disease. It 16 mild and pleasant to use, containing no strong or caustic drugs or poisons. The Catarrh hemedv la soot at 50 cents, Declaim at lie rents. by all l,rugttMts. - 11. r. Pr lows, 2f. n., Prayer, gt•FFA 1,rt X. Y. EXETER TOBLCO - STORE 'Just Received A no t of choico S QO iNG TOACO! Com ext-: Try It t Foreign & Domestic Cigars ever requisite. Smokers eu :' liedwth isite.- Y i Don't Forgot the Addteaa TIE ' RIGHT ` PLAOE TO BUY YOUR .TOBACCO d; CIG.ARS.. Clover, Timofhy,Rate, aur.. k" . I,, L nit Ca rril) I Mangold I1'oriel, and Garden seeds 1 P L' AIN all New and Fresh, I Ca(l.srntuilto and see pri^cal afore purl:hasin itieowbero. ' Just "Re'oeived at { R OL.A.Pl E'S ITrt,-tit; of all Kinds w E 0 A 0,1 tM 04 ", o s. G u 74cf,...711.•! * P, CLA RKE'S /t.Ui ro BE FOUND arca.. WS2TT Mt F ,IssTS and CHECIC WINCEY'S Popo?.- 61.111.4 The Pablie eau be supplied at all T:mes with the very best iu their season Remember the Stand— Ona doornorth on Kemp's Tobacco toro, Main Streeh.Lxeter. $• tt Ppi a 0a7 at home. Areata wanted. Outfit and 1Glterms free. T1(ti & C/0., s gusts, Maine. THE CHEAPEST & BHT `i A1) 1 T RTIS I N -Ji TO (EACH READERS OUTSIDE O1? THE LARGE CITIES, OVER 1000 NEWSPAPERS, DIVIDED IN- TO SIX DIFFERENT LIS- S, Advertisements reeeired for ono or more lists. t'0r eat:doguos eoutaiutug names of papers, arid other information and for estimates. address, • I3f,,LES & FO TEit, 41 Park row, (Times Building), New York t +6 + a wo"klu you town. rl'erms and $ tp41(7outfitfroo, - HALLi77B 6c Co„Portland, l(Ie Z5CExtra flue mixed cards,with name, 10 oants post-paid. L J01rlfS& Co. Nassau, N•'Y TII olta' By eeuriing -. th aheight, onloxof oyes35ctas wi d hair, you will ro- oeive by return mail, a correct 112ho- RUMBIGrgraph of your future husband or wife, with name and date of W, FOX, P. O. Box 250,I+rtltouvillo,Nge. AdAddressY. ALSO Colored Luatres New arrival mill of oxeolbuf valcto.. can and examine the same. petition. ' r ee pptt1ll4asniffcent $650 Rosewood Pianos t"Ip t,0_3175,1ine Rosewood Upright Pianos r1 g fl h (little used) 'cost '800 only 125, must bo t1f9171A sold. Parlor organs t stop 45, 9 stops 65. 12 *top, sub -bass de,.00tava coupler organa, cost over 350 oniy 65. Lowest prices ever offered sent ou 15 days test trial. You tisk why I offer so ohe.lpp7 f reply Bard Times. •Result ;ales over 1,000,000 annually. War coMmenced by Monopor WAS. Beware ot:, enetrmons ol.enlar..s Write , for explanation. Bateleri9(ing. Vu11paritmilars Deo. Addreos Daniel Y. Doist4y, Washington l Slew Je»y. In the at)ovo article Res. Tours, JOHN P. CLARKKE. Co COST O ST COS'z HARNESS COST 1 • 301 N TREBLE would rete • than to his customers for the very "Leri patronage bestowed on hitt in the tat and would respectfully onnouncc to them that he,t:asgreatly realoeev the prices of harness, as will be teen by pereArir the price list: COST 0 0 T COST AT 0 0 s t. HEAVY HARNESS ,__. Lang Tug, Blast:, inch cc .. .. 1:l r. - r.6'Whits FF ” ... 27 Brass " la LIGIIT 1IARNESS i Single Ilarness, ;r12 and upwards 411 other wnrkin the 'harness lice at praportiantlly lots' prizes,! , f s'tirtt* ri done with neat -teas cheapness anti dsputch 11.10./TS.( 1)rt1I )L In tilts b: t vex of ','.s tr i ia. ev3ry e l art fs int is to,.4r.ptily the bast artic'ev 4141. FU BNITUR:I J. gal Main street, neat door to 11I.)lson's Ba Call and see my prices. I do actu illy lin ) (lersell 1,110 City Honsss, An expericncdo -va iv a read to layear eta --P trtea ,.f; J . (land all aP Y 4 y_ wanting fnrnitttc2, especially upholstered . ., ----.-_>v. —Z-..--...1.:-.<— work would do well to leave their orders with me, and be sure of geting goods free from moth, and best gaaltty of work. All goods delivered free, and cheap er than any ho use in the conutrv. I ask the people of Exeter and Iitlron Co tea call and see if his is no so. The undertaking a speciality. All kinds of mourning and sllroudsconsauly on hand. yr a FU RINTUR.E Mo. Imaawarraomemomw.....111 GODERIICH FOUNDRY Pounders, Engineers and TVLachinists. - MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS STAVE AND HEADING 111&CkHINERY1 rolidaling\Ptu•ifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES. Potash Kettles, School seats, ef,c. Iron and Brass Caastin•os to Order- Fan' +. alai co hea —Sect» >.d hand Boilers and Engires• ,Stave an p S male, and Hoadiuo Dlacninery. 1.nna1rR on 13 tilers, Engines, Mills, &o., promptly attended to.. GODERICkI FOT•T P44Z and 11AITUrFA.CTURINLT C' 0OIE1111C1 , Out,