HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-10-11, Page 4°menu 11,1877 THAI TIMES 2'he Oldest .vx ut to the Warta, A morchaut who recently returned from a tour of South Amo,ica, lute giv- en iv -en till account of a remarkable old sant lie sitw iia the city of Tuica, Chili.whase OaU1e i$ Felix Itojae, and who has un- doubtedly reached the age of one lulu drerl laud thirty-six years.. 'dojos was burls in 172•O,and at an early age enter- ed the army, ut'Idtng the position of Sergeant-Major, in a Spanish line regiment. 1V'hen Carlos the Third i.- alu.•d the historic mandate expelling the Je:tliit ,Rojas tt:ek in charge two mem- bers «f the order anti carried them from Lill ire- to Situti;;t o. Iia served forty-eight years in the Chilian armies, stud is thoroughly con. versant with the minutest details of 011ili iii history for a century and a half. 'f;Eat•1 one year ago Rojea was remarkaly viaoreni for (me of his vo:ler'tbk abt', though for tea years he has Iwen car. sled about in a port.lbla cr:ttr, in charge of two servants. For a voar he i'as biter) failing rapidly, andnow seldom leaveshis hons.:,his phvsiei;tlts preserib- inn alnlo',t absolute quiet :t:l the cioly nteallti of prolonging" life Oeoaeionally be may !keel s.ee7 iso itis chair in front t?f yds retiit'"l), tl, ,7:d "woo n -by pay ; e mile $teghf 'here, &ti►Il tltt3 grt::tt ,t It -rc Ct. lie F►nkk'S answered the kind hearted old mother. ''Ire's yeaug and tender. If he has got such an awful hard face on him. And then perhaps his own mother is a sit- ting in her home a mtat,iu for the fate of her wished sou." And the good old lady's spectacles bt came dim with moil tore, while the man in jail felt as if he had murdered more people than Crazy Horse. "Oh, mint more could you expect of tt man !" hissed a pert maiden lady who sported two shining curls at the sides of her face. "Yon might come to Ciu- ci_n1•tti every day in the year and you'd never bee a wOinan rutin' round In that wagon. "Well, I don't keer," simpered a rotiy miss who has been casting sheep's. eyes at the young man in jail, "if he has been unfortunate, his eyes are real rusty, anti filet ain't such a mustache :ts thot in Orrorey;" Bat the mail flan c )old stand it no tenger. Ile raised such a howl for the driver to cattle and get hila out of that place, that the excursionists moved. hastily from the spilt, rather undecided i:l their mints as to whether the man iu tilt; eage was a minimal or a lunatic. a pipe, and lets used t•ol;aeeo for olle Soule 111 tithe since a fond Detroit hundred coat t 1cnty years. lli t \i'ri ,1!'t 1 Iia' t.t,ttlt 1Eal\:-, blit ha you" mai) of twenty, wits going tato Nati never iist•tl tit+t'•(`tttelt°d. IIs 3S I•tl1. eouitu 11ptiln.. A doctor. was eon llltc'11, a large 11311, lit ia; hei.rt,t•lj five fest'.;,nil ho advised t:+tit the cit,n be put lt' s;Q1t, gpraa tiever •r t5't.i •li.:.1 U\t t th ,k! 1. +1' t' oaf t i\'l1lna-tiC. training caw lint elven sail t(:':\ II I reit aria 'f ly+" j •'enn man seemed ed to lisle the idea, enn hell-ltl•ti3l'('rtl 'Et. i1, 1:1a head helms :;,Sial ti.''.• two or three It curbs lie was in uu+:I ihy large •"+i1al ::tt'1y Fl::tl'!'il, Sin. ,lgll ttt.tnilaaeo at the gymnasium. Pular ta.) re:Q::tt it a7l`i lir\ti by"C1 to tlatz xllt'7l 17e biss,an to ';row careless, and ray '41 in as '5 :: .a of 1111'43'vlt It ;i7iC l!v gait it altogether. The father situdi tto..l habits tait.t tor(? 1 lilva'r- t\ ilvlt7Rh in oho Ned ,.i;',r s of railing health to six4h4•0'd:l.7.r' s, 111)111'ti t'r1 1 ti•p a s,s,,, ti, ant to i:iu ilce the son to go back I fe. s i t1 c td tai llty till 1 tel ri" ' . burs atm glows, once more,he \v"a?➢ ll:il'itWl.l 1rlti].ab.='itt,1 up it private gymnasium in the 511x(1 for a l:'? part Of that tii:l^e 61301➢ 1 t,4tru, flat bl,"r7tu a course of exercise ca:a,•i: a 1el tt;1i.l+rr, t11 it 111'3 health was " 11►t11' elf, The other morning he relnem- seri•*u: ly affected, and lit Bored that he used to be a boxer in his that he could not survive long. Far young'tl iyz, and he remarked that he'd sixty years be has not tasted i.ltoxit.at- give ilia -stun a few. lessons. $e was ing drink', except as inedieine., y balancing himself on hie heel, and feel- Iu 17811 ho fought a bloodless duel ! iii,• out with both bands. when some - with a brother soldier, and ten years thing hit him, and half a minute after. wards lie dimly realised that someone was bending over him and saying: 'Father, dear father, are you dead ?' Ile sat ap,lookod around,and boarse- ly inquired: 'Jim, what on earth happened ?' " Way, father, I got iu a love -tap oo your nasal --just a little feeler to see if you were solid on your pine, 'Didn't yrou, strike a: you could 2' 'No, not half, .no.• waw what the boys ca »t: Your nose wi 'tion iu less t The f . gloves fall from l . 8, an , as be caught Mile trapeze to steady hie lege, be said: 'Jim, your mother and 1 thought you worn going into consumption, and Dr. booked us upin it. That's why I sent you to learn gymnastics. Jim, Pm a fool. your mother is an aw- ful good woman, and if we can get the doctor up bore long enough to let you feel for his claret I don't care how soon I die 1' father ia-11gi➢:t.i'lig his only son, a later, in a tzmlha.r (=onnter with an other antalgouist.jlle was so desperately wounded that it was two years before he fully recovered. At ono time 11e suffered a double f•actare of his right leg bye cession wagon running over it. Ile cF11,1 also wounded twice white fight - lag in battle. Ile has had the yellow fever, and has been repeatedly prostrat- ed by the other malarial fevers that prevail in all parts of south America.) It seems so remarkable that one should be preserved to such a remarkable age after passing through so many adven- tures and accidents by field and flood. Rojas is the son of a Spanish nobleman who fled his country for a political of- fence, and settled in Chili under an as- sumed name. The son lived almost a half century before he found out the true history of his father, and upon the discovery he made a trip to Spain,laud succeeded in obtaining from the govern- ment the title and possession of valu- able property which had been oonfisoat- ed. This is the only voyage Rojas ever made away from his native country, The venerable old man has ample means said is surrounded by a nnmer- ous line of descendants, consisting of children, grandchildren, great -grand children, great -great, and great -great, great grand cnildren. The ?beta 2tt cr Cage. The pouches containing mail matter are conveyed to and from the post office in an express wogon, which for the protection of its valnabe freight, is in • closed by a heavy wire screen, thus giv- ing it the appearance of a sago . on wheels. It was attended by an excel- lent young man in a navy-blue suit, who perches inside upon a pyramid of pouches, and sits there, "grand,gloomy and peculiar," a monarch male over a heap of mails. Ths other morning the wagon was ]oaded—the attendant climbed to his elevated position, and the door was locked upon him with a strap, just as a group of excursionistsfrom Orrorey sat- uruated thalway, their ears drinking in the noises of the busy street, and their eyes d'iselring "he wonderful sigbtstbat met them everywhere. They did not miss the mail wagon. " Man in jail l Man in jail l ' shouted the juvenile of the party,dancing ttbnut on the sidewalk and clappingrt• }sitands in the exuberance of his joy.. 'Fhe•mat in jail blushed a beautiful eardinal red, and the sight -seers formed a lino on the curb atone at what they considered a safe distance from the prisoner. " The confounded rascal!" snarled ed the father of his family between his teeth, shaking his hickory cane at the offender. "No venin how many bon roosts he's been a robbin'. And who knows, Jerusha ?" he exclaimed, turn- ing to his aged companion,"mebbe:he's the same identical cuss that stole my saddle last winter." And the old man gave him a look that would have with- ered a hotel clerk. "Don't be too hand on him, daddy," Unaertakur•; CONSULT YOUR WIFE. You aro a man of business, and have no time to snow attention to,your wife— few opportunities to converse with her —at least you make few. She submits to this unsocial state of things because she must ; but is she happy ? Proba- bly not ; uo woman likes to be con- sidered a cipher. Young wife ought to be your best adviser. She ought to 1:e your most confidential counsellor. The self-conceit of men amounts to a genius. There are many husbands who would ii,s soon think of taking advice of their wives as of their children, but it is. only the fool who is too wise to seek counsel. A woman, you say, knows very little about business ; neverthe- less, hot intnition is often wiser than a man's judgment. Your wife is your. partner. You have earned the m r;ay ; but she has saved and sacrifi')od..nd pinched, and worried and'.ad to help accumulate it. She has (lone her fair share toward making your property what it is. She has a right to be con- sulted how it shall be used. A double richt has she to have her judgments we:alied and measured in all questions relating to the disposition of the family, and the trniniug and culture of the children, --Talk to your -wife on all oc- casions. Wlien you comehome at night, tired with the wires of the day, to find her equally fatigued, bring 'to her the n ws of the day ; bring the latest, fresh- o'tthought. In buying your evening p tper, or subscribing for your monthly magazine, or renewing your 'religious weekly, get what suits her needs and meets her tastes. There is more in that patient, quiet, silent wife of 'ours than you think; du not freeze her very individuality by your practical contempt of women. HI; Kirkton Hotel, an excellent stand, 1 offered for sale Possession given immedi- ately Apply to WM BOSS, Birkton r.i Com? tat 0 Q' 1-4 Eat r -i 7 ufacturers OULD E WOULD 1'Y eallspecialatteution to our undertaking depart- ment, which is snore coin plebs than ever, as we hat added several new design of late The best coilln caskets ahrouds,and over 1unroal rognisito at ih .lowest prices. ur no hearse is pronounced b competent judges to b Second to nor a in t✓ i „---- Province Emb - of all the Different Societies,: r r those w purchasing to do the inanufactur dealer who buy: again must n have a. pros. to give the pure bene5t, which c to meet the vi Grangers: OU ae less than to lnanufacturers co ly we can sell che 0 p 0 ThollizhPricoofrlottr Does not t,ffect the low prices at which IL 80 T. 23$ $ 'TT aro offering their stock of TINWARE STOVES, Eto., at Exeter & Hensall which oonsist of all the latest andimproved styles of Hitchen Cook lad Parlor etores,Milk esus, pans, and pails of the most approved pattern, and everything in the line; Also, a good shloation of handsome Save troup'hing as nasal, receives everyatteatiou, and dono the lowed figures. ataaving opened out a branch establishment at Bewail, our friends in that neighborhood eaube supplied ou the shortest notioe, Mowers and Reaper WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celebrated Single Mowrs —AND— Single Reapers in;all kinds of Grass and Grain, and an all con ditions of eoiland surface, AND GUARANI i1E SATISFACTION OR NO SALE We also ober a Trial of oar r'uu- ught Ir n Two Bar JOHNSTONS COMBINED HEAPED AND MJWER Maohiuoiesupvlied ith '1'Y !amens, Two Drag -bars, Two Finger -bars, .Four Knives, • Forked and.Keyed, Nits, Self -oilers,. eto., etc. Can be changed from Mower to Reaper REAPER TO MOWER Byremovo of four bolts, and in less than fifteen tminutes' timo. Please pall at our works and inspect our Maohiues before purchasing elsewhere. ' Send for Catalogues. THOMPSON& WILIAMS Manufacturing Co., Stratford. cmazurnikin catoto q -. ' Teas! Teas i Teas BLACK JAPANS YOUNG IIYSONS Just received at IIODGSQ N & M. cl :'.. i E 1'S Whiob eamtot be beat for price and onaBty.. We have also a ane stock of GENE G13i)t, l tills Hans, Viacom, Batter, Eggs, Eto., Eto. Try us, you. will find us as cheap a5 any store .its Towne r a. Farm produce taken iu exchange for (loons Hodgson 84 A oLare T)on't Forgot of 1110 1,-;)1:41(.0 ONO nooli NOSITII QF ('l:x'1'lt.\.I. 110113.. AUCTION 8ALl:S PAW: APTLY A Troso2.» TO lir W. HHODGSON For cheap Gentswatches, t (lo toS. Jon . is For cheap Ladies' watches •, 00 to a Jt. tJ one For cheap Ladies' silver watci..c6, (o to SE Jones'., For Boys' silver watches, Go to S E Jones For endless variey of silver plated Go to E Jovee. Go to 8 E'Tones' Go to S.E Jones For eight day clocks, For thirty hour clocks, RECEJ" 1F ED ATtj THE E X E T E GroceryLiquorand Store A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, cis ins, Currants, Prunes zaumo £pples , Carsnod rRUIT, Sardiiies, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syra Rye, Malt, Sctch, Irish and Common Whi skies, Tobacco and Cigars, W hoesa' e and Retail. G. A. MACE Main Street, Exeter. GODERICH FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. afANUFAoTURxRS OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS ti -WAVE AND HEADING AIWHIN ERY ,Askli, ddling Purifiers of improved kinds. t noes Agri' tztttral Implern ent s COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX .STOKES Potash Kettles, School seats, &c. Iron and Brass Castin-ds to'.order• For sale cheap --Second hand Boilers and Engines ;,Stave an Shingle, and Heading Machinery. Repairs on Boilers, Engines, Mills, &o., promptly attended to, GODER,ICE FOUNDRY and MANUFACTURINt. CO • GODERICH, Ont. The -Exeter TIMES, from now till -13 January,1878, 25 cents..