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The Exeter Times, 1877-10-11, Page 3
4 VIE, TIMES Ole TILIISDA ,OC APPOINTED, ee the Government 'eying appointed U. prof'` 1lltlnito+ grant denial press. It now el was of the 1 that the hat becomes our ¢auu t denial the appoint- ed to Orin that TII1',F LUTA U L, IL & The latest ill the matter of ctrl' the maths on the It ,I:i'. ITP, is from Mr., Ilnutiut don,(and it is his intention 1' shortly to institute a ayetent, n, in which Did they dist all railro' le. not now carrying toads, mint - ,sere thL tilitl bl likeapo=itian witb our own,ssilt they had added one more to the IIsi of be included. Whet this system is, is Violations of '!heir policy of a p Party yet!l• ill>twwn t0 4114 but lir. ll, lI-11- government, or were they y aehamed to eelf, in whose frilitfu1 brain the plan own until the last moment,tha:t a man, tlr:ginated,afad from Which eve ar; afraid "whose deeds stunk that, ! i e - 8ta. �()their per, will he a long time before it enlat►n- fume tasceztied t(. heaven," should iuur ewer. w9'hile he i$ dozily aw. y his time ' e ae received troch an al)pol..im ,nt . In any and dre:atlliug of AQ'PY an of mon- ease the tirrniul showed geod taste on ':trans pro* ortlous ne doubt, toe rail- their part, it We excuse the little spans real cat npanies, full of activity, taeli� i of uprightness welch should nava ap- re,olr at a:ly nalireut to .plata,1, thein- peered. Same might expre;ts their} not' es at the people's service are be aetouislllneut, but such will only he 1 canliegaiisgalstt'ti,aml in coffee instaueea found- among those who are only htaylt,g l:ter:alte ha. Iu the se*riug, the Greet 'their eyee opened. Nothing ;that w.'stexaa 1.ailvtay, oueue to Liao cry by r. '.4tacitenzie can , ever do will ever astoniela us,nd his assoaatenulese it S. the ,vernmaut that the trains ilia not bo that flog perforin any one tiling rain ter a. the L. 1i. t1: I',.. in (a mtant;er they ploxntged on ?Cowling the trees - to :hake a haul aelvicre oil it'a a;'attEr llry dais. We nli;;ht culler .a coenge of • of ell vamianee1place4 on another train countenance were they to pureintee a slut thus completely gagged the nnontlas piece of property., mid pray only: its real a,t the flc evtunent. ,Rut ttie netts still value, brit any extravaaganz'1 ou their - „ fall , ,' 1 .'.n P 1 t1 A utl .i I t (. ne in t t ell wagon t o h. n mimic.. e ll. 'a a d1 e ;, � t c t•a „ a thin cl . .Ir. :ilia k hind the antedelnvien piece or' t .tai `. the mean deal, tl by the i liitreliell•..il,travellilan; side by elite with' (ris)le, ablierred by Bl=ake, and held in the railway. and there is its much Jilft'• died:ti', by Jltaeltenzie ie now to leave li?'a'e.,l r'f the people who live here t'). the happy family lie entered late cite;•, net'ieg their anvil by the rapid le tale mouths t ince, altrgtrite his Immo, tI11:,,it tot steam thei'l w,la by tht,.•:e hie ehertae-`•er, hie talents, his ability, Uhl lmvtI hero thirty" yi•aa'a WO. t).r, 414 ose, an c+f which was tate , t^ t nedevatauil to the tuilk tend : worse than thtr wnrst,and ; POS. to MAW, V:(ar s e-nr..e adopted by the Gayt•t'u. ' it rat i, where already lie has been greet - 1;1^ let, holt' r Vie ttleellt;; the I... 11. 4 eel by the seppartere el the (lever/meat 1',,• sire ;il,auit to be deprived of lie with tt reversed itrand. They call, luadly lil•11 rotes granted then.: even by titre i t+f the aklpillrrttaatol!, and regret that eleoh,e, of this extra traira,sviuielirtineer lever their bit wee; c 1st with a party of lays ie to be fawn otf tine road, We, 1, men wilo,5e principles ace of a nature lupe true ie not to oa the e.tee, and it 1 the very tai(tult gt, to, in order is prevail!, it, Ho-ein© eprc>aty (+ctmlii will he tialteu by the Govern- ' atm(i'it to .haat over the mails t1m th'• Iw reg natural courier. Thins Pot ►reitlttp I«rfe•r flys that elle bane 7,300 fret aab-ave the Rea Are sdeaf. `.Pia, altitude ht which they are ". CRAIG ,, thorn dumb is %vl"at poial)lo would taeu. T,1t: AIL: A, (r1► IG 13,„:iltiX311.,'.1.• tenet). like to knew. VOX. Even? time lie ;ova holm now Ito `1'htre Hera{lnatramin;i' at Aliso (*tweet) i wi�tee the imaginary perspiration from Illta'iti::y l:agt, its liquor of Sir . pint A hie brow anal peeps into the sitting .I I rattle» to vt;e if the stove iA tap. 8)1e .t.Pa'__i:tnn111ttnti othersoftlheOtn;tosition, ens in the kitchen dttrila; fla© cool (:i' na , net withstanding the ul(.�letnoucy t the minting, ami 'declares she won't of thn wither, n ctt'elded suecet;s, (4aatl epenk of it if it never gins up. The clearly r+laowed to tlae;;ro at statesanan, melauelnuiy days have not culminated that the sturdy yeomen of North 3fitt• y''t. t ]4t-`•”' St'tlatlil lin second to nh011© in tllttil• Ax Englishman intends to adept the 1:nr+wn their Appreciation of his character of wittking geutlemulul for ;al i;ity and t(tieaat. rl'lle a 1cil;bb a'in + .Horne time to cone. Ile will not at- tempt aaaiaiy of L aitallttmaa was !sell represent- tempt to g:i around the world in eighty 1 days, but wail go around a goo(! &aI +ef tel. and clamored fondly for a visit to the pastern hemisphere 1n sit eaa's• Vint entlititurncy, haat that! a'ar might lira has made a bet of X50,0tll) that he "+? ennieeii into Africa. Nothingeeunns will hi rix yeare well: through I''t'a+ace, tivnrll'in$f iia inspire with zeal, and mu Tilhlally, North 13ilayia aI'a(1 i'2]}rterin to sr➢'h courage the hearts of these men Ct in a stariin; from Calais. His bet obliges hien to return through India, lvha have the welfare of the country Pe .ivalhd Southern( Iliaseia, and front: there over Greece and Italy to Franc.'. He intuit be in Liverpool by the let of Jelly, 1883. Ir as stated that tine Government have received information from Lind - Governor Laird that the Indian Com. missiouers have entitfactor•Ily eanelii(3• ed the treaty with the tribes of Black foot, on i silk !liver, and i.l the neigh- borhood of _Wort 1i'aleh anti Cypres:r lulls. 4721; Seeevo an Norerneoen, (;]inncel- lor of the Exeliequer, in a speech et Exeter, Ing., Monday hist, Raid :--I cannot help thinking myself that there may be as vnrptise which may diem). point the propheclei of those who have beet.' declaring that the war cnitnni. terminate till after anothor and more ile'si5ive mtinpnign. One thing is car- tain, that buth si.les d'spla3 ed such gallaiutry' that if the epportnthity for settlement should arrive they night accept without auv 1038 of prestlg,tlfcon1 A (aur shat a note to the .nATame tit. to get a roeipe io ante, •� anis answer snllhh ill a pati: of "'yrs to C crrespond- a recipe tor idol-'. "rat too seioncly tacked, and through the " A, outs" :—"Zit:;. L. 11. young, skin them pretty closely, im- merse in scilitiiug %vltter,/aprinkte plenti- •fulty with Balt, and iuinierse them fur • a week in Strong brine.,, Tria Mail gathers frorn the. Ptibfic A.crunilts, that while for the ytaitr end - . tile 30th June, 1878, the collection of a Customs a•eveeno of $18.053,000 coat $50.5;705, the • collection of $14,- 00,000 in '1873.74 cost $058,000 ; of $15,357,000 in 1874•-75. $082,600; and of $12,841,000 in 1875-70. $721;- 000: Or to; putt it in another erJlttpa, white it. coat. $4.85 to rodent each $100. of Opootasl revpttn'e' in .1872-73, it. Haste:, et refit l itat,r R ff)r-n -rale. unit its people at !heart, and not the mere handling Of what superfluous 1n. e••e there may be found. Each fid flay, as proven by the enthusi- n m at Craig's on :IIontley, adds one Lek to the great chain which shall bind all O'.lt:lei) Ira elevating Sir 301311 A. 011(.. tl•t .r ,t 117 a e atilt M 1 1111 It S I i,oallyfl• ed for many year:i,nnd for the Dust lsw :•ra"it, desecrated by a mall, the most jtllr:t:ll•ie tl. Tie people have not been at,ofl l nhaet.a'ers without an i hta of ail- • cor'lamnt; it has to them Xry11 alonrr been evi,le!it--itim•e Fc of !tate--Haat ,lir. \Iae l;rnzera is out of his ,.ph':re, tint tail his larta`'t -Fra prin itllelt of upriglltne-sl .%'(r. quibbles, and that he 1•r willing t•' '•hart„r• tris soul if it beings Iain gold.” The nil'lr(esiax R•} full of f:ntlty and geed wilt. Svl:ich wort, prosetltetl to Sir John A.. d'r1^talt Iondly the feeling of:the peo- 1 l �`I'lt'ty were tastefully printed on 1'Nttl silk. Notwith9tanillllg the anxiety of the 11'edere of the Grit party.. in ref- (•rn0ee io a lead.-r.:lhould the Conserv- :di'ves came buck to • power, Sir John )oaths hula twtl hearty, aril ill Vigorous :vs to man of forty years of age. . Trrr, 1lode1 Farm sale of cattle e few days Fines Rias a failure. In fact, the farmer in this vicinity who would only realize for ilia c mini in stuck the arises that Rn -called high 'bred. lllothil F.trm (:tock brought would ina.iine that iu- dig lotion ' mectilige. hind been held ihroughou: 1110 to)snships,;nnil him cat- tle set down as lepl•oiis, scurvy and Inusy. The idea of Cattle with ]3ow Park pedigrees briinging $0;),` 1'q" 75 and $100 is outrageous. But thisie only on n par with other features in the govern mental policy. It may be said that the. stock was poor. .Then. it shown Int 1i'tle diser'ruOlent on the 'part of the ni1t11fl 'ra; it Costs as much to feed n :a I+, ire one: ...... .. a Cmener,tr[. Goxe Ceeze.--J:. T. (ill, of �1''ind- sorvit:e. who was earnest lo the pur- suit, f Keeper Davie, for whose capture 11Sxeter• • BALI: --$37 J will bit a and n inst., b ' esv slut her' r.' h0- 1 �' 8H>;Tht-•utchor the hy light mune and tail, white strip on forehead In - father, Butcher, at residence of g bridcr . formation Jeaciin lather, qtr. George a Shute llfiohlgon.(foren• r; 10 its rccovrry wiihl,e snftandiy erly of Exeter). to Alar, Jane 1lalkceill, of E; �tsrtlt d, om np;;ylilg to 'L>1ua. Tw 1a<rn, k:xetpl . a thousand dinars reword was offered ZGt4.aRl!•-Cwrrri4-At#l;a13 CParaonnae 1 xa- U ter, OCTOBER 111677 MARRIED. 14 TRAY'ED--From the premises of �� r thoeth Inst a, tlrelmov � the subscriber, 7;antar. Rnrel !Jana t*l.h on tate .114 f t , 3,I . d „tI' F �{ has become erazy b:canse Davis was Inas L C1arAe,to Mica aitaryAnnGaSifa alt of fisnlo I)wellitatl. Fund pi:mn audtw 1"" captured by others,- _ 4 dr•plY tu,.. 3Fnitlr. TExea Fate '56T BY F-glc:r:sus xx t•abnrna, iiurpn County. well f,nced, sit:tatc:t:iu einle., street, corner Iota. DAKOTA, --.-011 !frida 13.st. `T.ans'1+'ranli `an}sroe—In teen. on the nth lust. thewifeciFdr➢-114f ONLY TO LOAN --Lar e end John ilantou uta ilea a3r.cr, a► small surae of money to 3 73 nu ,zt- aald two 4)ttlerd entered as iri`it111ia'* , Sas <t.yjk-g+,toohoit r t.-1 an � DF.sv—In t i•t•nrnc an the 7411 Inst, the 5sife pf 7C1 ,j Mith I ryiivhe to s)u+ b nros::t of ' =;+i: off e,;1 camp twelve miles from Custer, D. T. eeine )r.^.,nf a num which had six neon. . They made them- selves agreeable, and Freak saes seiz- ed a gun, ,got Iletsvetln the fr,i'rht:ers Sale Begieter. '° • ' .n taf a*ia a a FCTa ee, m•) i , ern art tan usltill „f St401C11. Sce jr0Sters,11 +xl:itnstr ;,l on face with +c re ,•e n 4141 C,.,+s- N; or 1•artat such ti noes rte, t 1-,‘ agreed. d. ,si,ldly t: Mtn Ir ELL rgT t.retcr. 7..liA't loll---L'aalt to t,1; ao the trr ea'ti- and their Arnie Eri':,ty oa ea -tout tuIl attuettt c*e ` t;airt cat co,- ,n.•t tan(1 Or4181tt1 tliePl tt3 r , a , r throw up their bands » A otang xml:all 7?01 ion :t tC. a+1 *tote , Auld, a: g ,volt t .,. r i n.•!. 1:0• of the party concealed behind 1 Sr 1 i t oft . t f f l na ow * ri. ,r -- t i t t air .+.. , , ➢•:.� (s - a W0 Ola, 1S Ste V, +^ .r . o sans r �•,il tt rtl: d t,, .aa ttttiag. .fi)d. ...>3 Il. x?«. shot Tra1nla, who ran, farjn:f revolrere. LAO, LI 4aa:,, 13, :lt3rlic1l, aft Cil A' flo#e9, t etXnattt, r , A. rifle Mall brought lural down, and ile ps 4sr SS aata� g t lTtaarsxl i:, tet. 1'i, Lata rtve.cxsnm T1 x'11 ll C sa 1a l" ..a a ,es'nea'Pt'a, 4. " ,t'r the 1Art'ini+PQ 800,1 sled. Hie competitions eieal,t il. , ate 'pr4i 'arts rf .� taan-vi ue Dvt 14, q)' - of Vi ma a rear« -r, r. ::.. s t ,, f r A CA'RADIAI► :ii;➢tM,irEle IN "1 t Can- AV Htaa fl ' ti Pars 9r c -t'> a,ti 1 ut+ 'r 'S n .•l. r:. o " 1»'': Jl 3i�`zi- �dtP r a not. p . 0 g .e a 4. t A b ar t 4 S" rk3-,,IiN 1)a". •"' -Samuel mel Strong', formerly Clerk of 74ol tl:i.t, (3 t ?",t,,, of tr..a sta.tr:. trai i apkIn enr9, (.;r Al , t• i ' ,, r e f t? 1 L •r s rF' a Ilia Canada e5terfInsurance corn. , til li; ''1, -•rt. nr Vo ti.&. S 110tigtic , i, t3 , • ,a -S, t-,0' "1..,v w a,tw? . ,A, t r r: nw. ;MI. AGenta,i1.;,.,,.➢. rt-„.:•ct paany, Ino been arrested tat New 1,4111"ii : i.0.2e ^ 1 ty, Oct. t73 (arra Gtr .y 0,: C i nar1`-mala*^a,' --„-- .,...2.. for forging sums an the above C0111- i t1'e ! r vaTty of ,,1>1ti1 it rt rni 1, 1 13 #;olt. ri iI: Maly 1'ti• lie :�,eaetn'tt,,,€ F},r any tend the Cwrllalaemel(al Bank, both 2.Litrozz Vii 17, 1 . A CC• i t , c,,•„;,e,a trt•.,at:catito of Canada. ra s feet. � : ” al'''t ars tt Flit at ' t 99 • i,, •ti r f e 01,1ke°`ala 10111:101'u.F11111 07 OVUM.---- ,Innis Some hate minters it the 13ig1'orn cnalutry linnet n fee gnidc, s.ln ,) kro•x iaed to .how thelu rieh di:emit:Ale. The country is alive with Nez 1',erces• :tar Henry Richard, Secretary of the English Reece :1,Iriot'y, hie letettee a entice of Jr9JCO211,h ,fret-tt'a 4 1 I,isttrry Of fila U itetl states " tai snow that the cost of the abolition of slavery stn the Unite-# StattI•e 1'}' war svuma;d have been ; tiiIt C et a! il t ac( - fu'y'to phiyfor the Attu's., educate the I• liberated s!e'vea tri 69o4• and cuatstrue4 half n dozen i',acitie. railroads and, ae as matey grand cantle besi lea. Vessou Axe inn 'i`t'1-e'r:➢, na•-"-Venner iR olat with !tie fart e est, c•f the math- r er, ail fol:'eine:—s' Annul--lratal•l:tq by n line, warm Indian Rla'.atu r, after n rather early eel.' terga, at3tl a"rtalineiwet. %Beater• --short, warm, wa'ti haul Lal,t.mmR With one or twat t.CVt•re tCrlulw atf Alert duration, a11ogeetller amity (11411 11e1„ hetattlt3. li.pril:g Wry wet up to i middle of dune, •heuniailler--irnt:4rlrel%' , '.•v , t hitt and n litaa a n a<. 1'i1a u av' ' p 111 C r til • be favornbin to n11 ineieaae of throat dleeago tined revere ; aka retitle di:scnai+ ea. 1 agree with Prof. iu no. l ticipati13t,• Elm a1prietch of eviiit cholerae towards northern latitudes.. 4: Insolvent Act at 1875''i AND ,.".a.M :D11tr alcrOPO lapis Shorey and James A. 3it'll, Plaintiffs. W. C. `Wilson, Defendant. ,t writ of att'1(arleeat lits i iia tnl:iz attire, (iotlerlelt, Sett 2e.1:47 11 tial 1l ':.s, ti 1 N RY • AND FANCY GOODS Just rervivod, fittest.tyles in Straw IIatelf0r Winter ware, Mad latest ntive.tie•i in Thin, liltitii , A1i ,l eu.l %•table and I.)iv au lees, Also a fail tit4•e1; of Beth% itbuil, ('unrims C'rtl'il 1 uurd, Toilet Sats, &r., a!(rays nit hand, Ladies' Tit=s, t;u}]tar*i 3 Cnirc. rime thing quite new. A. call solicited. MISS GARLICK, 5faiu St, Lae#tr. f11L•• rDERS SI A:Y'llat..-?renal •ra will Lr re - .1 eoivreli by the undor:.iiu,.al trnaett•.• of the li Fxeter t; lion trying tirrtiuotl. up to Wchnes- tt}. ttilt lust ,toreo ctetit n of a ira:ae house, 22 x l:t Plants and spt•ei:h:ttitan8 can be Seen at ls:cac Sthit'ark's, Lmvt-st or auv tender not nece:,,anriiy acc..'Ittccl 11 Sweat, J Whitlock, A. Dyer HALO° MAO O WIDI E DID • YOU 131.7/ T3t753 r a of t+iu rravAse• o lyes+(Cti Fl„h....r 1' aa.0 exow, i” `` •4 . _.a ct. k-,. _—.___ ___�__, - e=t1�«1 ..e. ELLIS, oil. it in TS. 4 %Vat r" t".'tat 1 it t.1-«3 S1Printl Yii,cat •• ••• ... 3'i,1 1, 1 It Ilan^y ... .-. .,, u.,; 't`, ,ri 041r -, "r tU it r ttPITa) ., Ys to 1 4;`) flay ,,, ... .,. 51 tri fig 1:M -I 33 to 12 hurter 1-'Jl MTi'v1.1.44. ,,. Shorts ,.. .., 11,w1 facet tat t.'s Iii lar1' 4 Avid -..5 I ot,i aar..,a ' 7 ar,,nys 17 co a Will 1,1 e►it.a0 I'M tile. --s 1d to 13 )1t1:: 1S"" 11'41,1'., Mein 1*,i( F%, -t( @,Fa•ta *t 1 :p a s ti c: r P r , h t" t. tt, t a•.1d. 9 a:'a -- t 1; .t'"fi 7.lk 14•t' CPte" , 4.t". s:, ia'.. �:d D<ratm, �iC.^•T Ett'ra• :' .., r t+t to ':a 0, l ;tog ,•d t,..- ., -1; : l 1. Con t.;t5.ia) ;-;s. nos., .a,t,uli 1) .rya ..n' ...... :litl ta.,700 ttl.t'ptirt•r t rc .g.a1.1uB1 matt n. t.o12,-30,11,1',Iec :l R. an St a ,,•.-: G^4tam.t•E „ 174 ta. 1 - t+q:", d 1tr",)1'•) 1 Cc 11ts: l± 1't'ut Fat<d , {61114 to 221 aa;,totcc'e:.a=.r1+'af; • l aft est �+10yio +' •. d'Atoe 1t":4 1 tftiter gilt .„ f+t3 V :r 1r'a 7 f ^.t t 7oel n ... to l;' fila .,. 1r, '.4 1,1 a' rr• a^.'r•e•e t rale, f' spinout ranter 1t•ty - •Wool Ira tat=, ., t CalS sffi W11' 3. 11.OUSE .il}\lit?S, ' : c ul the Largest as- stor. �}11�s, llilliaers (.hods, Is,iel G1ov Pant. Ifantlhs and • '9 TA!w+gga c.A V, � 'An wn �y,�a .yew. r.•1t•,P^�gt+n� ,171, •r<M! NtAt.i �F• 'F 4 5,4 tF�1.1M 4r f c r0.AMA s eta t 7+v ti,.c F" tN're•,yrc g tear. ".;+ c t s,.',i-?.., t. .1 til. 1 -, ill: a . jl, 1?t- l�t.:9 -.t n 1:. �,vR'.,J. 1,i+ia+t? 3 ,i,.1. t,t ty.;'1♦ %it:.4.-2.& av:at?¢.a . (•11, i 1i E W Il17TCII1:11. SiiCiP '!tat m 1.: , t t 7 cc. a ,1 i•:e ni'Fat• :aal.fll.t tiltmai ..f,,.ae»,'r fin ( V.ttt(aao-$pa 4t ha 11ta '01a1II y:i Ii A NEW InuTellElt tif1011 tweet ee t+4d¢,t11 cdll.ts*J ne,;a: lite.5:..d'd tuta11a0=•f'3a tits stria-, til• s t 1.at(..t:+:t;,, t'..+tt 1* 111 t,ean atv 1 1,tY'.1t, 121*0it.a=.p al`. 9wI.;ta AND WAti0,-t ;S5F..11.4) (Incrii .•a•r, 11*,13tuaailninLie area ariueh0 3,U14114 IP,tr• as ,.a wagont:utt 18 at too ,•,•e)• den 1 01 1,r, clic.,, rratbrnt timer; eati wadi Hail Ii1 It .1"; ct.4%. la 1.1E..1, l? ;OOP ➢ ill eel how ati: ea +a,1 t 1it- 1tttl(r t .. ' kinds of ---- ItheeLtre3Wrg n•at1 A.aen making carried on 118.1;11 111alt. iba told:Owe • 1 it. DAVIS. essannahi111g ii under the. 1ntt1a4. eilleut of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend on getting the latest and most Fashionable Y MC1°tgct•,,,e Sale aP e ttl styles of the Season, at Mod > d er ' 1311 1'1{t(es. erate i� 'Wedding :1n(1 1iOalr11i11g Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. EATTIE C 3 140 Dundas St. Ln don ARCADE (Established in 13'5, as a Dry Goods tumor- ia10, in the City of London). Why I bought it The Cash Sales in this !louse JE p �a s `. 4eell-trom year to yeas leave steadily tthlti�atL VAlea ,.ed . Tl1i, Itouse,luown etlAaili( - stile of ClrrdiA They aro 60 cents a tit st $Ons Aicada l5 2t let1,0 Brie yard —l' ' 1tIopoud ou getting It fi1at-�r. . , bu ai`11 > i .any 10 these parte, Don't forgot SOHO "hi.Ecuse, a lar°'e bulk P +OXIiV MITCHELL, don should sejgoods sold by ireclnteu P. O. llshillent. we sel'ilco,1t, Per: Dress floods all shades. I.ti IsTZW and Cloth, 'ilk and Velvets" .-2 a ^,; lee rented the Theunalersigneu Planing -Mill, sash, poor a;sd Blind factory, •., of Cllr: 7ullaB:iss, and having on hand a large stock first class lumber •are }tow prepared to .ham`'hff& QO.ar$'JL'.iv'rIs or all manner of b 10lio , anal fern's' ma- terial for ths anal if, ti}itOOTEIN11 T1J1tNIRJ4 $C1teLfe (DIRK done at. lowest prices,' WA'S 1311084 D4.•/ MON shod 12. CFIE lltrktpnHotel, ilii: excellent stand, w ohered for nate Possession given i.)puledi- Carpets Desperti,tely C}loa.4. — a ..11 ''-winner WP, gri'•.ctes, ail, commence Dress Goods as low as 8 cents. We oornmence• trisl:rr;s. at 1.l } cents --beauties ,Unr sales of Cottons goods and Flannels are immense our Millinery and Mantle Rooms,. second floor. We make a grand eisplay in woolen shawls .Wo sell everything, cheap, and We sell cheap all the time - J EA•rorl & C.O. TOWNSHIP OF T1:,Ial1EN IN TIM COUNTY. OF lIt'lt.ON. T 4'N DEIy and lay virtue of a power tJ. coLtain,•.i twat• rt aro aft rtgeRe hatiusadit,.tIce 1.7th,,ty (if Jtalul4 5,it+'+ made byJanis . 1•1ilbsaa nsitl'Wif,. 511a1 4 a,;.t to ret aif wash h default Las l,ir: 11 13 (tic. V:135 a t o12ere+a or i31..• tri Public tit tie. 1 1.Y WIlart.'u hid3ge.ur. i ,3. ;;t.t1.tu4;r.(ot the t,tatroa1l.'t,-1 at Exeter, tit 5,3. .c : ll, ni.. on Saturday, the twentieth tiny of October INSTANT, SIi£ 1,11.L0W1 0 141 +P I1I . VI'Z The %prat Half of Lot nemelle* time in th•l ttve,atietit emiva:taf0:t orate Toluol«its of r'tt••lteu in the 3'enrty of Huron, containing fifty acres more or legs. T',bi property io 011002 ei,'it ml(ea 4rmn (lon- tt•:Lai.r.4t v,lla..t' t n• the i,.tu+tet+, •iiurdct S: Bruce R;ulwav, a11.1 t ttatlat:i t,08z distance of 1:xetex sod of Lorena vi11:g,P ontbo (trend Trunk Roil. W;ty. The E,..1111,4 .L t -L -.y lo.atat, all cleared es+rdpt about twelve n: rt 1. (d lush lard at the rear of the lot. The l•nihiiilgs are all frainr• :tai comprise IL dwo'liug i(101;2; , a• ham tui.!: t.tl,lc. pur cera dow•a at sale. Rale! th hocOnitllett•.i in one nmatlr Pn;t;rr part:mitts will be m;ult' laa0Wu at time of rale 0r 111:.)• 1)0 ardeltia1i01. from Hal:r.le, 'leant & Cn., veweees Solicitors, Loudon, Ont. 1V nan•ro.7 31oncu•+(tha, • Auctieneer, Vatter, (Inc. Lon.110, t)01L, 1677. NEW 1IACIIINE SIIOP. 7\71111ani • itching Wishes to inform tlxo pnbile t'1nt he is butter prootred torepair all kinds 0 rite/wing Machines, Watches, htlyb '1, • Gans, c�•o., than. any Arson in the country, as reef are moderato, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. W. I�ITCHINtI. l ISt30LUTION OF PAiI.'TNER- !Sbip--Notico Jsherobygiven that thepert ner*1 ip heretofore existing between ns the ata- dorsigned, as saddlers Hud harness makers, Hod 1Jxurystlt.ble keepers, in the villa of 'Crediton, has been this d -W dissolved by mutual consent, Ail debts due The 88.14 partnership are to be void to the undorsii;vdd Jules Clarke, and all claims atgnttiit L11e said. partnershfp aro to be presented to the said James' Clarke, by w:a0»x the same will be set+lett. 1)atod at Crediton this netts day of ileptotobar 4 11. 1877 Jvnlra t;LA.11&11 Iinvnxl:or•.oxr.ta,t17138 A, 3 omerats; ",\ i tones. /ill .ocouuts clue the said dem Must tie wetted on, orbefo_a the istday oi atelye Apply to Wi412US4 {l'rnt.v Hitktun J y 0.1 1, 1873 1