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The Exeter Times, 1877-10-11, Page 2
2 THE TI 12B S-.'. Oar i1 En11, 1877 oifte aZelc?t¢ff' guts, passenger. Imo) own preparations, and 110W A ILOCKY HQmir he stage woe really vats obiteeat113IO$ED KIND swig trip. rrai19 ye -led mythelf tlewn .loves, an' doh. eel woes a goad n, ,each bar'! dust, no bag. down iu the !mouth, 'zif made a cent. Thar' w er set at fellers in the itlige, an" Hanle Monk woe the drivel. We went out o' Marysville an the whoop, ,'rink having a rifle and two revolvers on the ee.at, an' lookin' as they're all third-class. Ya ought to brave :;s Gen. Soett. It wasn't my have lived on the Sloe, when the old !game to say outwit. to anybody an, so Nugget State was panning out the l I didn't ,nix in a great deal with them. dust foul ten thousand diggings, a?I i Tho. were stout- lepton' ehtwps, aad when stage -robbing au" throat •eutf in; f pert O. the crowd said they'd gin a wee ilia top in first -Mass st}lo stay or elNtra hundred dollars to have Prince night. i t:h !:lie halt the coach. They tied it .Being invited. to relate son -waling, he tray 1.1 t1111e tl to reel hire ill about i! sec.eptt� w.l out. hid big feat, 1-rLwcetl !lis owl in ease he showed up, an' afore back against the hint wheel of a priit- long I got, blue from tll]11idn' 1 wos to ria eebt,ta as , sed t3etid: ,be left out In the cold when the Inn "Waal, 1, 1t ,1 A pt mt";t g me vie.% to bee c:,,,,t 1D"t1"atter tl. Wee reereit1 tale ou, utt Sec 51111 "Wall, My boy, oflf} aftert.otlal wFe? °.,'rTa, pais ever reie.art'3 that some of ' i+ tl',tttin' along' as taxnart rte yen ate iwl t,;e 1 had been bt 1pl'e;l, allwl ilia !1„1,,,,,,,,e !111 a bit Oa level road on ,the folio rt llhed of a fawn dellare, Why, 'tee-a:lee, when all to Ohice the elimex iv, I've de.tsl the time when :t iiitm:a I shelwe.G1 up. The eigiat of us wee wide le x, ere u4 a very big man oat that. eev trite and ready for bizness, n hen till rt A,?A m the centre of illi treat, helte-t :,,i• two i*tldtli.?u Bottle one yelled mat tt a rwt'lt fell it' melt, eaetr one armed.hart 1"' n1.I4 that saws 'riatc+*: codeli,..,. icer' ll"t•lt' 'cut intuit doll' Itrlel hi:titl t+w'• e.itac',t on the trail. Froin. !!!.'hind a big el +prat ;:Dbt argil G1 sot aaly bo:ly UP, 1U t �4 •. Bank l4.tnnlf nulled in the horse9 the ret 'big ti',lehflese and 'lent efG' < } .,, Atte©, but Winced o' giving the rah. oyez to st•trt to c Tilos on, t'I.ihiat sitsi ra .:4 U1 a' hitt bullets, be got white bi«:xt'.=5, tiler wee, a ntA,#d shirt t'us. re -and the te17 nen, an' llCtlllatail down uo ildn't help brie wet ills fU ser i from ho box, an' held ono n' the lead mt to j0 * tlaek Hank f,lr Ilia tier Fe'` , Messes ti:t the dial spall l come back to Yre'ee beard o'%_ank Monis, 1 rec-a i - t ;Mateo and sex : ":vow then, Suri ,an , aunts climb darn here an' shrill out, "Nee '„ mal the Piret man that Lillie hie eye "Weel, tlaere'e fait; ,past as go t� a; in fat 0. turnicot over it That wee drivers as lie was, and fifty braver , latiece Charlie's style to a dolt, jut mon, bat flank got i'1t© the reeve l ap- bk, you wonld wvi4lk into a tore en' crS, and fella tllo.laht tido a t"tt i4:.`''ra 'ati(I, far ten pounds Q' auger. 1 don't at, ,teivt'r, a grizzly, 3 btlfIGi kk nl1 1't,,lC3l he!ieWi I'm a coward, but when I heard iinat.tr elle.;,Mira ye, 1 011'3 easing a +!Aim ring out stn' realized utast the chap word again' him. Lut 1 #1113 a p4v''' 1Y.",t^r that 1 had sworn to kill was stiil draw', all hie CO0.e11 elects When it cont We a alt ti eeie ufor bizrnette myheart i,p , ballet through the shoulder to .Ida whet ,)uulped into ray gullet, an' myknees be could have done withIut even II' i wuubled over. Only for a iilrute, tiny the state. Thar' as a. cit p al thougth Sez 1 to lalsself, „dim, old man, brace up or J3vtsy Jane "rill put on moureiu' 1" an I braced. Prince Charlie etaowl at the doer, a revolver iu either baud, an' the ptweseargers go down one nrter the other as meek as could be. Not a son o' themspoke a laud wore!, let alone 1'intin' their pie - tole at 1 he chap. "Waal 1 wax the last one out, 'cord. In' to the plans I had laid. Prince Uharlie had the hull crowd to see to, an' bo didn't have but two eyes. As I got down 1 drawed the shot tun aster rue, barite hold a' the butt. The sev- en Bien wore In line, their guns in the stage, an the robber was calliil' out, "Up with your Arms —hold 'em up, an' for the life o' ye, dont even speak tr rete 1 Ae I lit on hard ground I yelled out hire tw pannier to throw the feller of his gutted, nn' thou sprang around the staeee. Then the real bizness be- gan. I yelled out to the others to g" t for Lho robber, an' between watohin' thea, an firin' at mo the Prince had his hands full. I guess he shot at me four or five times under the stage, but 1. wur catiteriu' np art' down, an' he didn't hit me. 1 was workiu' to git him confused and mixed up, you see, an' 1 war right. In a minute or two he slawm d the door shut to keep the inen from their amts, called out to them not to move, an' the blasted ooyetes stood right thar in a line, an' never naJved a fat, while the robber came fur me. I wur lookin' for him to come ronnd the lead horses, but lin took the other way, au; gin mo a bel. let in the shoulderfrotn over the wvheel. Lord ! but wasn't that lend hot 1 An' Sir, as big as I am, it knocked nue flat clown, thou:li p'raps the fall saved my life, as tha Prince was firin' Iron both revolvers as steady as the turn of a cof- fee mill. 1 rolledunder the stage, and (Prom the Now York Sunda ' ".I3ah on these third-olas robilers 1" contemptuously oxclal the grizzly -headed mountaineer, as felt around to his hip to see If his re- volvor were still there. "Folks try to Leake out that the Brook .Ilii'ls e1Celt,e- Inset is the equal to the rush to Ceti - ferny, but it's all bosh, There's Iota o' greellin rww, heaps o' gamblers, and a few footpads, and stage-stopporS, bet lett Prince Gbatlto who used to inaag. hie that 1''argu's coaches were put uu Um lino on purpose to brie;; Mita dust. Ile was a R1ue.looking chap, standing about six feet high, half Texan an' h .1f Mexican, an' be had eyes litre coals of fare. That chap hung along the batt shots in the Becky 1llountaiue for one hurl stunmer, an' I peas he collected hard en to a hundred thous. and dollars. He didn't have any part- ners in the bizness, but played a lune hand every time, and allus raked its the stakes. Ile didn't stop every stage —oh no 1 Ilo'si halt and rob one to- day or tonight in tipple Blossom Can- on, an' then two, three or four weeks anter he'd turn np on Scott's IIill or 13etsy Jame Gulch, or fifty miles from the other spot. folks thtiugilt he had just about time to aig down i'"til co, pat his dust inter s'tfe ht+rids, an then return, an' p'raps that was the game. "I reckon po've heard o' dozens o' t nee chaps, and therefore ye don't re- member Ode one ; but 1 tell ye he got to be a terror. As nobody could say when he'd cry: halt 1 to a stall o, even. brave men hated to travel in that fa- tdtion. Prince Chlarlia was a dead shot, wouldn't tante a word of chin tou- sle, Anel sometimes h0 shot down a passenger or two, lust to iucreatie the respeet of tris rest. Ho was a kinder specuiatlt' around those days, and it Was a. peer nl.)ruin' when I couldn't chow up the half of 510,000. 1 w<t,s gitliu' ready to leave the country and go back to 1llinoy, when one o' Fargo's agents dropped in on me one day, and sez he, "Jim, why don't you go to work and lay out that Prime Charlie?" uez I, I'll bet ye fifty to one I can fix his bizness in laas'u a mouth.' That kinder brought us to terns, and the rigout showed up color strong. The riz up on t'othor side, an' as true as stages are mostly doeerted by strangers ye are a sinner I had to laugh right out on account of this one road agent, and to sec those seven men stanrtin' in a the onlpauy felt that attlnthitl' had to row, arms up and mouths wide opou. be done. The agent offers me a thou- I felt the blood trieklin' down an' I sand dollars in gold, and a pound nug- kinder got riled. It' takes a heap to got for a breastpin, If I' could give this stir ore up from soup down, stranger, chap's bone to the wolves. I wase't but when 1 git riled for good, i don't 't all anxious, ye nnderstan i. When mind notluu'. a feller noes out to hunt a grizzly 110 "That hot blood blisterin' down my may tree a b'ar, nr may tee'; side riz my hair fur ma, an' I wanted him. In this case if i didn'tgibrto see the Prince Charles` wusg nor dead sure thing on l rinoo Charlie at he oared to sea Inc. Ile had begun a moment's ootid" the top o' my !lead firin' agin, shootin' right inter ,hs would go ,dying over the rocks, and crowd, when I started fur him. A9 I the old woman would be a widder. I went around the wheel he fired rigid thought it over for about foto minutes; sl clrtb ' ,Ilio m r ' and then st'z I, "'lister Gray, make al y faee, a 2 never it flfteert hundred,an' I'll increase this touched a whisker. I'lle rangy was toner's weight by a'pound o' load, or tori short for • good slhootin' au' thttr's g ,non twirl' to day trite will t.) -3;l yo I let chow red seed Ltll the r3prillg opens." go the gin, reached out tinaked "He raised nee the extra mighty paws. an'tlbe fust tliiug thatb robber. quick. and 1 began to stiffen my hack- knew he wus bein' shaken by an earth quake. PrinceCharlie!.lad robbed as quake. He 'had !et his empty revolv- ers drop Itn',drawed Ins bowie knife, an' stage about twenty ley; before, and it gin me these 'ere trifles on the arms was then about timo that he made an- whsle 1 was.sinkin' my claws inter him. (Aber assessment upon the share- holders. It was agreed that nothin' "seas to 12e said About our bargain, an tint I was,- to be booked an' put 'When I got; settled en' really, I lifted him clean from his pine, big as he was, lammed hint against the wheel to soft. en his hide, an' then flopped Trim • down en the 4ile tl'h' choked the liteExeter Tanner1 out n him that!" 1 Yes, sir, I did, an' it y !gaminstookrho Ilettseven,sit totearIrl," away from Witte, 'cause T was riled an' wanted pay for my injuries. That's what I did to Prince Charlie„ stranger, an' right down here it the nugget Mister Gray gin me, an" here's the scars to back it 1 Fargo wanted to hire me to drive stage on that line at big pity, lots o' ,nen named canape art- er me, the newspapere gin n.0 puffs, an' whiskey didn't Bost me a cont all wiuThe old man shoved his bat over on his left ear a little more and added "Therefore, stranger, when I hear &)0tit these third -oleos hen -coop thieves stoppiu" stages an" makin' folks fork over, I kinder feel sick kinder feel that the boss days are gone forever." Thetwltdertdgned a 3ottlitaettuai:lt tlio 'mile that they have now on hand, a large quantity of EA:T :1 soon tae UPPER, KIP, c 1 LF RARNESS,BEL TII'1Gf RUSSET anal EA 3 A quantity of hair for plasterers, en hand, �ir�A�H31xL1� Sa 2I. Cai;IsIstr t Cash for hides, THE EXETER Harncs$r J. 0, klaiiso,n AVI.1;(r removed from nodgerville to Hensel! would C su l°prnt tlare"x taxi hitue in tilde pieta -id In soliciting 11, cor.. titillative of the saute would i.ufurnt there tlirt lie will al - way have on ,tondos ocl hooks to order Harness of Every Description WIMPS, BLANKETS. BRUSHES, CURRYCOMBS, &e. Planing Alin. Sas , ;1i'F43 t'1;1 filta.TEp y:tl,}T tt t'ISRa DOO1 AND flesh wohttulN Froze ta Limbs $at Rheum Ctail• 1.1 arias eeee pra,e. f re, lips, .^.r at the•+ I,hg 111,1, CaMt113, km14 !head, cY.tupD vet 110414o. p r i, t to^rn £eln a ia, /',41:4.44 !oat's NVOR1.46 Siaa0 •'t•s, 1't es. Abec.se, i t c F3l,.e 1 tnra:vi.s, SnenitiSe ftoiay. Iia y tens, ww p'it.""•' s, ' erts. Iia Fri. 1 rat f ur,1:^®a Coous •r: y :2 7 gr.oa t,aae'•. fettlernt,ra Rack, -;p:,;(0. opt i a 1 bat,.R.soder ria, ; s ! a: -e al,ttetGlaal'>eurve41.1•1c, G., hot. • .a.u:.`• 1w Fier taa'.e by ell ir,rpooso , er a, , -, 4 la 1 rid at! Bone to ort, 'r, ct>el ,v,-,: tt,rt litter.le a a,t the yr.,. t, , Ilri ' b frost ire . !'Tees +y- teal ;: 1,r. re red by nt ww.I',+Wa.i; aw. 'h o, . i3•:r'e, , .1 lir 1114,.11.3itto ALL KI\Dso1' T TT N IN - n .... In ereabo c ttrwereiernoacre,llf.t+orlrelef,theadiPU1ec8r ted heves he lea% coalin :eel is tausnaonv more el IvaW, taro's rovereogn curative properties, whish God seas Instilled into the vegetable ➢tiugdom far heti!• tug the etch, than were ever before comb/eel in Mee medicine. Tile evidence 01 tWa 1aiIa Sound ht the great variety of most oliettnals,tiaeay.ea which it has been totted to conquer. la the sure of isroucltitleie Seiner* Condi., and The early ata eaof Comm01riiah ut ott Ri ots astonieltco me�fcal faculty, awed eminent ehysieians pro. ;trainee it the greatest medv^al ehhnroverr of the ago. 'While It euros the aercre,t enalgha,: if atrengthene the systemand pomace the bitted, IIT its great null thorough hhorit•atrttr. tag properuee It cares alt li Maritsa, from the new Scrofula 50 tt eniMMon !:!lltalt tire• pplc,,erErn pflnn. Alereurlatdi^ease. 3lItternt Potions, and their *Create, tire errptir:wtcd,, nun rigorous health and a enol,' cmtstitutiutt eaah. 11a1ieit, sfryelpelae, Salteritetlm, Toper Sores, Sealy or hough akin,in alien!, all the numerous diaeaaee caused by bad blood, are conquered by thio liowertut, purifying, and in. via'nratieg tnedicine.. It you feel ann, drowsy. iMhieilawr+l. have sallow color 01 akin, nr tellowlehijowtt whom on face er body. freguentheadache or.tiezine.e, had taste In mouni, internal heater chilli alternated with hot flushes, law epirita, and gloomy tnrehohnga, ir- regular apppetite, and tongue Coated. von are. euffertng from Torpid. Laver. or" leIItous. Insure.,* Ie many cases of "Liver Com. plaint,, only part of these evtulttom,' arc ex.. pet -termed. As a remedy ter all s110h cases Dr. rtcrce's Golden Zictlical tlivcnw'ery has no equal, de It effects perfect cora$, !caving the liver strengthened anti hearth,'. SOLO UT ORUFGISTS AT 51 PER BOTTLE. I'repar'e t by 8. 17, P Ft11i:'14, 11X. n., Sole Prole' col. at the ww ua:.U'•, I'D PY.ssni:w Thi, Cat Illu,tratee the Manner of Using 138.. T,IFE LCIO's Fountain Nasal Injector, OR This instrument is especially designed toe the perfect sppliea ion 01 DE, S.&GG'S OATABBH REMEDY. It is the only form 01 instrument yet inreute,1 with which fluid medicine can be•earrled high up and perfectly applied to ail parts of the effected naeal paesagea, and the chain era or cavities com- municating therewith, in which mores and ulcers frequently exist, and from "shish the caterrlia) discharge generally proceeds- The want of Inc. eaess in treating Catarrh heretofore has arises largely from the impossibility of applying rem- edies to those cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle Is the way of effecting cures is entirely overcome by the inven- tion of the Douche. Its use is pleasant and so simple theta child can understand 1t. Full and explicit direction* aoeoatpany ouch instru- ment. When used with this instrument, lir. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures recent Attacks of ,�."Cold is the eland Pt by a few applications. Sre 7711NT411L13—Frequent heartache, discharge lather into throat. some- times preemie, watery, thick mucus. pendent, offensive, etc In others, a drones:. dry, watery, weak, nr inflamed eyes, slapping up, orohstruo- tion, of nand passages, ringing in ears, deaf- ness. hawking; and coughing to clear throat, walceratiena, :calls from ulcers. voice altered nasal twang, otretlelve breath, impaired or total deprivation of sense of nmeli and taste. dizziness, mental depression, Joss of appetite, I:eneastien.. enlarged tonaals, tickling cough ate. only a tew of these arm motile are likely to be present in any ease at one thee. Dr. Sago'" Catarrh Remedy, 'When used With Dr. Plcreels Nano' Done U., and se- compenicd with the constitutional tronnuSnt which is recotnnrer. lett in the pamphlet that wraps each bottle of the Itemedy, la a perfect specific tar this tnathdo,ne "tiae,tae. !t le tp11d And pleasant to use, c•intainiii no strong or conntte mugs or pta00001.” 'rhe catarrh Retort 'y 111 NOW al rO omits, U.,aache at iia cenel, by all'DruLrgi:ta. .II. r, Yi'TCJ:ea, .J' . 1,.. Teems. / iAq lt,S. ltniiit'rnt.t'r the Al t t,t1 F''f,:3 ti 014) PI1XS1('l' ; retired from Cse,lw n raCtkeo, ]lavest - t 1' i$'e 0 t•C;340{,O , neology Tor t114: .•y i,,., =41' r• ant 1itr:ii'ea of WgSF:Ir;iv?l ihrifau BtoN4. ilia TA.or..tri em i epi ThrOatatata! u,a„.titreett ,e .<i . !+ tF .• S t ' 1F�,.:i ret d ra,aicalt,ure for tH rt e,2tf el,' .1 ! , c t ql w , G coniI r'ita, Ott r ,.•1 r t w an.e a "14ti -:` , �• VOttiteart itrl tv,iia •a' eat; CA+ Iia r del _ tt ta,Tttwtaa t ',el..' tel... P dt r # es8 �t'c+ ese,oel^'twtfartie.%• a t+t•.,,we, Criq, ,ta .ID, t.o. r[3'tr. `Inco;, ,^tau iva;1,,,-til„1G,1-t;1.212,14',•! t• t*� aR I ,,:,C, Miran 1111 e.e•r , e;•a-";c ILONDON 'l,:i'1'' -71:\W;N i St}CLL'l Y. fcre.10"4vel tR. ,w.eii .; 1, f a 1114 • 11!, i 3.4 a i.r r<il ea+le ,•; hem i`i«t, rfw, art t.Te^at clean iltr 1 ere, 1. .7.6 ai :e .t, want;. ht+a !anti; D E• 'l: t ,shoe. moll , r, ' f •.l I n r per a t.3 r; aw4.2 d, a , + at Ii eCf ,'idle Fa- Y •34 a :1, a a all1u4 ..,it• � t•wa,r*, loon., n . a - D. ratihtt. 3irylle:lt l' t'if'li.tlelt 1: +nt, rOtawe•a ,r `.4 141 ^"a felt. t' ;44 17, tel, NEW CARPENTER 01) ''frf ti 3, TInwa ra, ac. The ooderSignei "scut,! 1,g 1e;lt4' ,)cepa<ait tho Pubile that that they lauco t•t•eilt teat CARPENTER It 4 JOINER SHOP' An the street leading to the ft (' clanrteh tau,, JOHN .,(UL IN tlitpvi,a f sai.•laa-..•tl the tltee,l; end IilDittliaei a c,1 e;itl iia, ww xlt rt��iavie �w,rr� CeeLyrlla,.eA,2" , aaa.a llw rM tom. " that they are prtepanal tocoal a:tiear Muds in 011 dames ca t oo'ls, so ns eta UP BUILI)IN(. t Jt)1NE14 it,011h".. lletteee tee S1ttr!r 1'tcild one keyGafilrt rc• Plans andspecifc:dime fu ' lea a,ritual tom inul'ing. their experience ,n til• i t r leaf `.•"3, they fe e, entalent of i:,ivini.` testi iteet..n tit tltra.e nl,o s laarga:113 lets • be ui tttiue,l: ateither of the may itavolir thtilt slit:; tin it 1ela.la,Dttwajr. Rhupa. Felt Rooting contraeteil'ftrr ort Reaetarl. .. f.6 V. J.C.G1LI.'IN. Id. tf 7 T t st' lrara'taJt1, few. vT :+ a 1HILLI.l1U) Tho , •. •• , e ill, i,1 7' !tants of the eurrvuudint ca., u t 1e• a t 1•;, pared TT to contract for 511.1:1..,1 w77,118 unit PUTTING IN PU T.PS If required, and thhat he is Hlili 0intete. r.t;a'1140 l'umpe of ovary tposcriptInn,nt !tie n1,1 roti• nolo t 0.1 a mite north of IS eider, on the l.vutlan tarn+" — Thoe,e wanting vitalist should give hire it call. G.' i'1i01 110 Ui;tush. . ilaLLS, w E S It I: *I) RETAI Lf ) i tl r in T.,nznbcr 82Ir LATH ANI) t l DAlt POSTS. PLOOlt- INO AND SIDINf1 111 L,tii i.0 1 ti 1 fi;154Fer+ Gln arettuelwt Stu&oia hand. The Lumber, for Qu.e11t)• orpriee.els,it " .• hent. Agouti axtor1- tut^ttt uln.ty,, int hard, cheap x • stat Wart Etat nide Slaitt5trvet,l.eutwuot, Gid1I and Fiche. ito trotts 13 44,. E 3T-4-1 .LIt3HILI 11833. 1 fritts ERCHANTrS! t erch F • 7._.m_ _.-•:_ ar A Liniment for Man and Beast. oe• " Whether for nee on man or beset, Merchant's Gargling Oil will be tonna an invaluable Liniment, and worthy of use by every resident in the land. Wo know of no propriotnry Medi• cine or article now used in the United States which ehares the good will of the people to a greater degreethan this. Y -wrapper rapper for animal and white for human flesh. "-11.'Y. Indcprndant. Extract from a letter from G. S, Simmonds, Unionville, In. July 24,1873.—" X am selling more Gargling Oil than all the liniments put together, and i am keeping twelve different kinds. I think it ie the best rowdy for horseflesh in existence, and can say it without fear of euoeeaafiction Extraulct fromcontradClatter ." from shoemaker ! Co., irlooamington, Ind., Sept, Mb, I873.—" It is the popular horaeliniment is this connatry+" '+ tr Q Extract from n letter from Geo. A. Knell, Briimaa's Corners, N. Y., Anat. 9th, 1873—.4 I Bell .core of your Gargling Oil than of all ether liniments combined, and have aeon it need on horses end cattle with good effect when others have failed." Extract from a letter from Pattee it Co., Derry, N. I{., Aug. 26th, 1873." Wo think yonr Gargling Oil one of the boat ertierea for what it is recommended that wo have ever used or sold.,. Exiraotfrom a latter from Snowdon & Gibbs, Coneordia, Baa., July lath, 1878.—" We sell mora of your Gargling Oil than of nay liniment wo keel)." 7-rtita. J�,•, Q Merchant's Gargling Oil as a Family Liniment. We are now, and have been for some years, preparing' the Oil free from stain, to be used as e common liniment for human flesh, extracting the Coloring ingredient which has heretofore rendered it objectionable. This Oil possesses all the medicinal properties of that prepared with the dark tinge for horses and cattle and will bo found one of the best remedies for all purposes where a liniment is required that has ever been manufactured. From J. IC. Fisher, Uniontown, Pa., Jan. 31, 1957.—"Your Gargling Oil le doing muob better here than formerly, eine° its virtues have beoomo known; and the bottles put np for family use, without stain, are much sought fort' tip• The Oarglina 011 called "Family 011," although prepared intentionally for human flesh, answers es well for beasts; vice versa, the dark Oil answers an wall for human flesh, only it will stein and discolor the skin, but not permanently. Yellow wrapper for sato' and white for human flesh, Merchant's Gargling Oil as an Internal' Ilemedy, Merchant's Gargling Oil is a dtfiueiblo stimulant and carminative. It can Ito taken intern- ally when anon a remady is hxditiated, and is a good substitute for pain killers, cordials and anodynes. For Cramps or Spasms of the Stomach, Colic, Asthma, or Internal Pain, the done ,nay be fro;n fifteen to twenty drops, on sugar, or mixed with syrup in any convenient form, 8n4 repeated at Intervale of three to Six hours. Yellow wrapper for animal and white for O.n Saab ltt . a7�n,Cf.NR's GIAILGLIIit,} OIL is the Standard Liniment of the United Stat,,,,. Esta,blishe1,1898. Large size, 11; medium, 50e.; small, 250.; small stem for family use; 25e. Mnnutaetured at Lockport, N. Y., by M. G. O. €o., and sold by all druggietn. JOHN IieD3)GF, 83ecretary. .4-Xi.",L t.`'lfsl... c5kTIV;sSi 1m>-woo�r�';�c Wfoir 'Ohs i