HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-10-11, Page 1VOL. IV, No, 2 W DOLL NO. ). 211 EXETER, ONTARIO, T TU1SDAY, OCTOBER .., 1 77 TERISS: $1AI'Eit AN :vx )d: r>; PROPERTY LIFT 0R SALE. --The subscriber offers for smote N past hit 6, coat. i, Stephen, e•mtaining fifth aeres ;13 ..eras harsh, l+alanco ashler a a o 1 state of cultivation, :'E splendid I'rirl; ttworing,Orchard, three welts, barns and other buildings on the l:r:aperty, which le sit- u•.te jive salrtt :s from Exeter. and 1 1-4 trout A; c+lrur.lt and sekool-hon'sein tete immediate vicinity. It is one of tete most de - Ni" satire tams in GT county For further par• tienlars apply to It f,{1.1t., Centralia 1-1 AR11 FOP SA.LF --• Ono hull irv(l tier, •3, EmittP or lt9s, lilt 0 nth (fl Usliorine, comity of florin 1'u -`r+,e 1'ii te+ler+ titaihteele 1x11.did 144U14: iii l❑9 si1 t•:• orf ton. • 14411111414rllratnr•iYi013Ui, n 1et44411 well of rate fr uo hunt ,1n1 coar eon - der; a laionise 1[111 C0111.-4^1101 V', A441,",11 rrd 01111'04 7 miles from r t aft ; from, 11 from t alury? (13 c Q,onJ graa vt 1 ro.' ; I.alf •(ewn and the oramo,r in ar!...v 5 OV1.11 ye ire,' t Cult.. For further p .tie heirs rpl+i. to J stlfl.S; on title, `,lt.,+i4K'r. Out :f;•Efq ) f ' 1(. to SAI.l:.• -.r Ili'; \- i . 1 ied,.,r. e 7 ,+ r Il. f1.EE f f,.i ! at r lu:..,, Iia Joao.- 11r'iti. tit I't:+i', , . ,tni itea i?i ^i+•ira, nen a . 1 yri. E h,. t f^. t a,a farm le s , it an.. t4-41.1. t n;ttor, ror£urto,rr,ltu(,ita.''al° y t , T l , tit .Gr , ..n ;alae t'.t. t41t,.`ti, . t -r lacy;-rt:t•r stat. . )lit1.,'1',1::°1 1' {Ale 'A ,r . ithe pclt• rbttlu-a t ,'. r. t. « rnl,• ;A arrof aif ex+ 1 > 41 1 '.1,1, a aJ-b41:tf evil„ ,•.o1it11 .t l:at•¢ t i:i+! t3 ct t z ittat, t ciaf'(tt.tat n, .i, IIII f lies lig acs+• a,S y ,t ;c, ati F Le:aril fl t rrliorte Saco -9 t o streets alt 1 .4IIi t t+ et,a,1 , l.e ip for ene0a Amu, I:. JAS t?tW411. titra7 C,Ant or 1t d".lf.7i4}'7LI., I'at;yarns I3LANSHARU FALL SIWW. Thb fall show in connection with this society was hell at Kirkton, sit Tuesday last, and WAS In - every re. a} ect a eueeees, The fallowing is ter`' tarize Ii13t t- + xl0itsr;3. Heavy 7lrattght-Beet open of horses in harness, Jolin Walsh. l3:st brood Mare and foal, John Ilot,per. Filly or Gelding, two soar old, John Bray ; 2nd. John Hooper. hely or Geldi sg, nue year cite, Joseph .\•It 1,:.1uut ; 214 R. I). Roy, I`'ci11, Jt len lluopt:r. General .I'urli'tae---Peat span Verres in Lantos Wee. Hazlewood; 2ud, George McKay. Brood Mare and foal, Sauruei Sam- ; \1'm, i -loupe. ]fills' or Golding, two year old, Thos. Biddle ; 2nd, David 11it1a, Filly o.: Gel.lin,!, one year old Ed - Ward 1;u6$; ::al, J. tt,i SathitrlautL Veal, fili;el Sanpl? • 2lt,1, \nn. 1'°otheritighann Beet single buggy 11a,r e,I), Brethour. Beat i adtilc herein David Kirk ; 2ud, nut known. ill l°. ;Anti Lt:)'l' FOR C'ATT1.1•l. Sae ula,nc•r,t:pa.vel ost.`r• 116ta I(rtetc(`,:tt tAe. Di1r11ftti3---Ih. t lunch (Uw JGtlln out a.o half fare of iaa:.d 1u 17.1011V1111.. Tee) ir,l+r¢a 1 four macaroni Lx te•r;,+rt'1a77r+1 att,l^. 'tt3wenti; 2nd (lc' t+ r.E131+ri,►e±utatttiu, ,11+7i1y tt :t.7°ATr(nAr(n(tto )C,:i17;EtTYI?uIt •AL1'.z-'Fwolot'+uttMain are et, contain sal t ne=„Ells ae rte each ; P`.,htirtt;a."e:+lttage,e .i Ainlitp rix Now..; good ;veli ;Elie pump. and aLal,,e• on tito pry nii'es. - .C1tt' allove h oligibl .situated for hl41nt+. l,. a0 the beta arebvth frt at tut.;, and cvtivt r.ii nt to the moot leading to the station For nation furs apply to J. WHITE, TiMes Office. Exeter a iIIM EU AHEaUN (1,_ McCALLUM, Who esaIe Druggist Richmond St Loudon O TAX/TO., VOUCH 1 parties interested ars .1-N Hereby cautissuad against Firing modit to ctnyono on my account, unless by iur crittt.0 order. JOB :MN. Iitephen,Aug. 10,1t 7. o:la43t; S.CAMPBELL, PIIOV11rCIAL Land Surveyor, tic„ will le at Iiawl:- edietw'ellutt1 Plxetcr,ou thee frst'ruesela in. each mouth. (lidera for n•ork left with air. Jelin bpuckman will receive prompt attention. ,r'1.\'V T,IVEltt STABLE, Main Street, IN Exeter. MAIM' CLAItRE would ac- quaint the nubile that he has opened a new Livery Stable on ;tis premises. The public ill find goad and comnfortablerigs atall hours lid at moderate chargee. INCLAIR TAIT. Dealer in fancy Goods and Toys double antt angle Berin Wool, of all color. Alae Zephyr and Gormanten 'Wool Next aoe: :earth of the Tlsi$s rake, Exeter, FOR g t the will send t.i 0 it 1➢ a to avq ac - Vatnh (Iho3n BE TON dress elegant Cents S with Seal, 1 pair Sleeve Buttons, sot Shirt,stuels, 1 OolI'tr Button. heavy slain ring, 1 Pirioioe clic mond pin. Retail price $3. 8100, COLD 000 stock mast bo sold. Illustrated c,ttafogno of jewelry, watches, sent with every lot. Silver watch to '.31 a,;onts Vatchfreo, j/ gy \F p AI+1NT1t1,AL NOVELTY CO. Ji: J dRI,eiIONNTRREALL+ P. 0.r . A111 E[OOD 110W LOST, - HOW RESTORED Toot published, a now addition of Dr, cal. curd of samiral Weakness .or'peramlttor Diorhast, tinducod by -Abuse, Involuntary 1;u11- sious, luipotouoy Nervous Debility, audl,npodi-j unents of marriage generally; Consumption Epilepsy, ante .1',ts; - Mental and Physical In- capacity, (to, The world-renowned author, in this admirable • Meoture, clearly proves from his own experience that the 'awful consequences of elf -Abuse may bo effectually removed without medicine, and without dax gerous surgical operations, bougies, instrunlontd; rings, or cordials; Pointing out a ;node of, curd :at once curtain and MU etual, by whloh every sufferer, no matter what his condi-' tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. - r. 'This Lecture will prove a boon lo thousand andthousauds• eat under seal in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, on roogipt of si cents, or two postage tannin. • • Adelres T8ffi . CULw11:L3iN^DIOAL' Culverwoll'o Uolobratod Fssayontnerarii- `/'- Er O .L E S A L :L NI) . BE 7'A 1 L 'V Dealer iz 1.4 umber SHINGLES, LATHAND' CEDAR POSTS. FLOOR- 11it{ AND SIDING-DETSST.,D AND UN - r Arl oxtontive Stout, on hand: The. Lumber, fer Quaff ty or price, ca_. • here t. A good -assort- ment dal ways on hand, cheap -..r° nsti. Ward •!East site Df1Li11 Street, bet wee/. Gidlyand Victoria Streets , Boit pain Brabz* s, G. Bentley ; 20d, A Sinitic. P,.ir Black Spacial. Fowls, G Bent ley ; 241, S Ford. Bair Dorlucts, G Bentley; 2nd, A Shirr. Pam game Fowls;, N Paisey 1st and 2nd: . Pair Patandse. Ct'° BOT Bentley. „ Pair Barnyard Fowls, D end, J Mayes. Pair Turkeys, A Warren 72nd, P Kerr, Pair Geteee, Iii Beattie ; 2i;d. A Kirk. Pith Ducks, oonnlr9rl, A Kia ; 2nd, A \Vavrtu.' xtll#l,UNC. r•TS, ]Jost Covered °arrive, D. Moyes, Lumber Wagon, wooden axle, A. Waren, Pati 2.Id . J I)anlileopen Buggy, Jahn Bri conlbo. Single open Buggy, D. Moyes ; 2ud, J. Callender. Iron Plough, henry Banner. Iran began Man;li, Henry Bo7Ataor ; d, 1t, Sylvester. Iran Harrows, Rei(1 eC Wood. Wooden Pump', .;\.bras ez Edwards. Top Buggy sifccial, Samuel Ford. Single Realtor, John Fitzsiinuaons 2uti, It,. Huston it Son. Sirtgla Mower, IL' Huston M Son ; 2utl, John ]Fitzsimmons. Bull Gait, Jalu. Stevens. Gang Ploiv, , .'itxton, Tait tC Co. ; heifer Calf, John Campbell ; 2nd, Join Stovcnel. Grade--13.ibtmilch Cow, Jahn hoop. er ; «nt1, James Smith. Heifer, two year old, John Hooper; 2t.d, John Ii tzlowoud. Heifer, one ye:ar 01(1, John sumer. laud; 2Aid, John Hooper.hull. Calf, John Su • 2ud, David Kirk. IT'('ifcr Calf, Wrn Inca Andorson, Pair Steer tum; 21i(l, \Vin.. Pair two it, ,. 1 1 oop- or; 2 tl, John .,,tttnerhsud. Pair one yewr old Steers, Wm. Pro duan ; 2ud, John Stevens, Fat Ox. or Steer, Seined Doupe 2nd, Gt.orgo _Kemp. .fat Cow or Heifer, J. ILlzlowood ; 20d, \Vui. Stacey. Speoial grade cow, John Sutherland. SUMP. - Leicester --Beat aged ram, Wm. Surnmers, lett au l 2nd, Ona year nese Rem --john Brock. Ruin Lamb -Robert Summers; 2nd, William Summers. Pair Breeding ewes, baying raised lambs in 1877 -Robert Summers, 2nd, William Summers. - Puir one year old Ewes -Robert Summers ; 2nd, W. Summers.. Pair Ewe Lambs -R. Summers ; 2nd, W. -McCullough. Cotswolds -Best aged Rain -H. A. Switzer ;2nd, W. Shute. One year old Ram -J. Tlazlewood ; 2nd, W. Stacey. - Ram Lamb -H. A. S'wi' zor ; 2nd, W. Protium, - Pair. Breeding Ewes, having- raised lambs iu 1877-W. Stacey 2nd, H. A. Switzer. • ;. Pair one year old Ewes -.. H. A. Switzer ; 2nd A. Kirit. . Pair Ewe Lambs -H. A. Switzer 1st and 2nd. Grade Sheep -Best aged Ram, A..1 Kirin. One year old Ram, W. B Ram Lamb, John Brack McCullough - - Pair Breeding Ewes, having raised lannbd in 1977; W. McCullough ; 2uc1, J. Pears. Pair one year old Ewes,J.Peart; 2nd, W -McCullough. `+ Pair Ewe Lambs, John B,i'ock ; 2nd, J Pent. 's Flitted Sheep, any bt eed, W I'rel- um ; 2nd. T Bugg. HAGS. Large Breed --Bost aged Boar, Wm. Marshal 2nd, Win Flarris. Aged Sou, '.Tonnes Hazlewood.; 2nd Wm. Harris. . Sow, iiaered in 1877; John. 11IcCur- dy."lntatl Breed -Aged Sow F. Middle- ton idcllo- ton.; 2nd, Jelin H eyes. {.; ,Boar, llttei•et1 •in 1877, ,{foseph Mee- han ; ,2nd, James Anidersoni..McCurdy. Sow, littered ie1817, John .Extre boar James Rawcliffe. 2nci, Richard Sylvester. . Morse flay Rime, Massie i 1is.nufac. taring Co. Straw C(lttetb, Rebk S; Wood. Sot Horse Shoos, John Calleudar , 2nd, Henry B:'itl,or. Turnip {Gutter, Reid & Wood. Sctliller, James Ward. mem. Best two bn`.hols Fall Wheat, W Stacey ; 2n11, liozlewood. • Two freeheis i+'a;; Wheat, Treadwell, W'Stacey ;2ndiAShier. 'two bnslltli t tablg Wheeler Peart ; 2nd, \V Stacey, TWO bashers barley, O -rowed, Scott & Sons ; 2uti R Shier, Two bushels Common Oats, A Mc- Callum ; cCallum; 2nli it Shier. Two bashels Large Peas, J Bentley Two bushels Small Peas, J Irwin Buebel Flax Seed, 3 Irwin Sample 1+'Itt:c in straw, J Dic?•inson Bushel Timothy Seed, A Duncan 2nd, A. Shier Half bushel Beans, Thomas Hyde ; - 21rd, C. Switzer. Twelve ears Indian corn, Samuel Sample; 2nd, Wm. Doupe. 'OUTS AND VEGETABLES. Bert bushel Kidney Potatoes, Wm. Ri'+gers ; 2nd, D. Brethour. Bushel Early lime Petatnos, D. Brethour; 2ud, Win. Fetheringtnn. Bushel Garnet Chilies Potatoes, T. Hyde; 2ud, D. Brethour. Collection of -Potatoes, 8 of each Educe, 11. Francis ; 2nd, Win. Harris. Twelve- Sweedi,lh - Turnips, \Vm. Rodger; 2nd, F. Middleton. Twelve field Carrots, A. Shier; 2ud, J. Hazlewood. Twelve Burden Carrots, J. McCurdy; 2ud, H. A. Switzer. Twelve Mangel Wurizels, \Vm. R_d- ger ; 2nd, H. A. Switzer. • Twelve Onions, Win. Robinson; 2nd, Win. Roder. Six blood Beets. 11. Swilzor; 2ud, 'c Six heads of Cabbage, P. Kerr ; 2ud, 2nd, W. Six Tomatoes. Wm. Hazlewood. Three heads Cauliflower, Win. HThule- wood.t e - wood. - Three beads Celery, W. Paisey. Citron, - Wm. Rodger, 2nd, John Hayes. Pumpkin, A. Warren ; 2nd,A. Shier. Squash, Tnomas Cook. • FRUITS. Best 12 Arple3, Northern Spys, W Marshall. ' 12 Rhode Island Greonings, 11 A Switzer - 12 Show Apples, W Hazlowoo3 Best collection of Apples, if of each kind, D Kirk ; 2ud, T Stacey, 12'Ohan; Apples, W Hazlewood ; 2ud, D Bretl:odv - - 3 Wnsteirs Grapes, grown in o; en air, D Kick lett and 2ud 12 Peaches, P. Gnwi r - 12 Plums, . F B Switzer 2nd, A. Warren • 12 Fall Pearo,B A ,Switzer , - 2nd, A McCallum 12 Winter bears, W Stacey ; 2nd, -tl Q.ipelau(I DAIRY P1ror ec r Best Keg of butter, not less than ate, pounds,\\? Rogers ; 2nd, W Doupe ; 8rd W Stacey u lbs Table Butter, W Rogers ; 2ud,. -I Stacey; 8rd, P Kerr Cheese,10 mA.made, not less than 12. ' r Ills,. ) Rogers ; 2n11, `T Cook *..s IUISCgI.I,ANEOUS. eat IIarne-made, Bread, John :lo. Gregor ; 2314, W 'Stacey Mihaly Sugar, S Denpe ; 2ud, T Hyt1s T, to yitrde halve-inade Full Cloth, A Shier ; 2nd, A Kirk - Ten yards hon e^lnade Shirting, A IKirii . Pair Blankets, all 17001, R Coley ; 2nd, A Kirk Pair Union .Blankets, A. Shier; Zald,' W Marshall Suit Canadian Tweed, J ;tleGmtly 1st scud 2nd ` Utliali Flannel, specil.l, A McCellu.u, Carpet, Miss A. Dawson - 5 lbs Honey it: comb, Cr Bentley Eat aril 2nd Bost jar strained Honey, G Bentley;',' 2nd, T Ilollingsilead Best Canned Fruit, J 'McGregor ; 2nd, W Marshall - Jelly, W itngers ; 2nd, J Bentley Pair calfskin J3ooti , I'a Sweet ; 2ntl, W Fanson Pair Gaiters, J Dewar; 2u.1, W Fan son Pair coarse Boots, J Dewar ; 2ud, Eta le win Specimen . Penmanship, B J Road. house 2nd, Miss f Gowan Oil Cllromo, J Callander 1st and 2ud Pencil Dra.eing, Miss S Switzer 2nd, II A Switz.r Double Harness, T °+1cG i1 rick ; 2d, 1V Fanson Single harness, T McGolriok ; 2nd, \V Fensou Sett \Vegan and Sleigh. timber, in raugh, II J Roadhouse I Sett Buggy and Land Cutter Timber, in rough, 13 J Roadhouse Collo ction Drain Tile, two of each lciuci, J Peglar LAMES' DEPART\fE`T Best pair woolen Socks, home spun Thos. Hyde ; 2nd, do.; 8rd, John Ben tly. Pair woolen Stockings, home spun, Thos. Hyde ; 2ud, John Bentley. Pair woolen \fits, home spun, Thos, IIyde ; 2ud, Miss Annie Sample. Pair ft.ney Seeks, Thos. Hyde ; 2nd, Miss Jeanie Sommerville. Pair faney Stockings, D. Birk ; 2nd, Tlhos. Hyde. Pair fancy Mite, Wm. Wynn ; 2nd, G. Sommerville. Specimen Braiding, John McGregor; 2nd, Miss E. Wynn. Cleats' Shirt, Thos. Hyde ,• 2nd, John Bentley. ' Crotchet Work, Hugh Brown ; 2ud, R. Robinson. ' Embroidery on muslin, F. Middle- ton; grid, Miss Wynn. Patch Quilt, Miss Annie Sample ; 2nd, Michael Sampson. Coveile`, home mule, Wm. Porter. Child's Dross, S. Murray ; 2ud, Sahnnol Doupe. Ornamental needle work, John Bent- ley ; 2nd, Miss J. Sommerville. Tatting, Phos. Hyde 2nd, do. Fancy Knitting, T Hyde 2nd, Miss AI Gowan Rag Mat, H:llrown ; 2nd, J Bentley V Home-made Carpet, Miss A. Daw- son ; 2nd, W Marshall • Knit Quilt, It Sweet; 2nd, J God - bolt Crystal Painting, 5 Dou.pe ; 2nd, Miss S Shier Collection Paper Flowers, Miss S Shi• • • Shell Frame, Miss S Shire ; 2nd, F Middleton Lace Work, Mrs J Doupe; 2nd, 3 McGregor - Feather Flowers, J E4erbrook ; 2d, D Brethour Bar Horne -mads Soap, T Hyde ; 2d, A Arc Cali ti In Hair 'Wreath, J Callender SPECIAL. - Woollen Gloves, T Hyde'; Zephyr Work, Miss M Gowatn'; Sofa Pillow, Miss M Gowan ; Straw Hat, A - War- ren ; Quilt, THyde ; QuiltA Smith'; C,>,rd-board Basket, Mies Dawson ;. Case Boots, W Fortson Water Chro- inn, Dr. Irving ; 2ud, J Esterbrook Photo of the Prince' of Wales, Jim. McCurdy MANI1 ODA,. .,.Fourteen loaves of tare orad::l- lar aro again adv0rtised. .,.Oysters --rho first of Use aerteen---- have arriv il. About x+2.10 a car. -.Several toads of wheat were brorsglitin by Mennonites ou the 2,4t:i, ...A good .UUSUy W'innipe'g i:wutilil:s A'O movnig out upon homestead ulaitus this fall. .The importations for - the IYtl,u r trade are heavier this fall titan 'nsasel. Nearly every house is that lino is prs- rarizig to carry extra large sto,,lca. ...The barbers eliarge twenty-five C:lite o. shave in Benton, Montana, the price of tete luxury beving been leteiy roduced to that !i.tnro. Wieuipcg art - 0,13 only citara'a li sten ea:ittSttl.tl thr sv lit''. to(itlhplcii. ...The 13truk (af 3lontreal has oez n- }•1' tea1 arrangemente for the evening at errs its envy 115 W1'Uint eg within a mon t i. A,. genu, urian from the - EitaZ, a Mr. . Sweeney, wo utttlerstatitl, will be tient dere in eharje of the iustiituti.au. TLIE ais7fi.ivJi,. scalcAr,Dil;. x•'rom the 1t31•tort a. A certain' young 1aiy aseorts tlrat she heti '6 abstracted from her 1)oelsut i.t one of our cliurelies ou Sunday Mehl last. Moro money than ur(,:;t 1;ear.in nail:illy carry to church with thein. A spark from. is tug boat alightirn, on a building at the (luck on Matuuuy, caused an alarm of fire and crutate,t (pito au excitement fel 0. shore, time. 11111,,5>ELS. The Past mrvor heart of the Mrs. T'.. iug, spoken of by ns ry fenv tneeke sinee as having lived $ex Brussels. Is she a fraud :1 iltra, Matthew Herberison had her arm broken at the wrist Wednesday last. Site was riding alto toivu in tha rear of Me. James Sharp's waggon, and when within one anile and a (pieta ter of the town, she fell ba(lktvartls, with the above result. LZSTOWEL. Some evil person on Wednesday night, broke the rete-powert.f a thrash- ing machine belonging to J. Maynard. Mr. Maynard had been threshing on Mr. Deavitt's farm in Wallace, where he left the mactable and horsy -power over night. The person had entered Mr, Deavitt's barn and taken out a sledge hammer and t..en broken tie) large %heel i:1to several pieces. Secn dastardly conduct should be punished as seveerley as the law will allow. -- Banner. wALIIIEIITON.. Jas. B. Anderson, assistant iu the Riversdalci Post Office, was tr,eel !ou- day at Walkerton, before Judge Kiugs- mill, on a charge of stealing looney fro.•n registered letters passing over the Kincar,line and Walkerton mail roUto, and, having. pleaded guilty, was sen- tenced to five years in the Reformatory Prison. GODERICH, These was •snow on Lake Aaron ,,n Saanrday, A. couple were married in Goderieh last week -the bridegroom being 77 and the bride 58. Both looked frehh.. BRUCEI'1ELD. Ie a cricket mlatah played at Brace - field, on Saturday, between - the Clin- ton and' Brncefield Clubs, the Litter• were victorious 1-y 84 rues. wrNGHAM. The Srigley bouoe of ill -fame Las been broken up in -Wingham. BLYTI3. From the Review. We slaw -Ms .Hugh 1IcQnarrie,of this tow.', picking from a tree in his garden last week, well formed ripe cherries, being' the second crop this year. We hardly think another iu'.tauce of the kind can be recorded in the Proviieeo. Sometime during : Teursclssy night Mr. 3. Einigh's hotel was entered by solue•scou,sdrel, and between $75 and *,80 in cash stolen. Entrapea has fe.- feoted•tht•ough one of the di:uwg r,r(,h1n .windu we.