The Exeter Times, 1877-9-13, Page 8,$
Claoic4 asaertmeut,Ent,,
65, . We ere,,sorry" that
' `vas ail attlged ioi by colate
e .
the club here L . and
t now. tact, hut, as
tur" to steed, by-
es and scores kept,
ay ,'hors,"
Broderick and
Tuesday last, for
iitend making
Window mind's
Glaze.,, Green and Figared, prett
Is sarietie or Base, Tr atter and -rubber ball
arietiese--au prices3.
amity left
their future
Bra .,zona.--- eeterday, Mr. J. West—
cots ef Usborue, brought into Exeter,
one bundled bushels of wheat as one
load, for which :Bissett Bros. gave him
over $1.25,
Tile Witmer C cee,--Many farmers
NT this fell are sowing doable the quaetity
of wheaat they did last ar.d previous
years. Ae au instance of the success of
the wheat crop, iu C'rtborne township,'a
farmer sheenier day offered ou themar•
kale one theusau1d bueltele of fall wheat.
I't rsoNar.,--•Thr. `!'ookey, advertising
gent for the G. W. R., gave onr town a
dying vie it on Tuesday last, attd spt ake
Mindy of it. Ile accorded Mr. Deno -
hue. elite bee charge of the station
tate in Mr. Hayden's ,ala tinea matte)
Il4a Times may be Fattti for 5 ('ts. rne'•eepy
lkl,i'p.txafjrug44's and J.(2rig s ll'uuk
if any
iueral as
,Masts tad.
1, t
-t'� • tett read, 14t him z t cote aero . ,
YE' l triworking try
a �
1' ) s w rkt a the
t- t way e1 Q A
for a h
praise t"
the �l'a�ziai'cut of Adyw'rti-irag > ti i;avta forthco ,zing exeurei„n, t
away a ashen dress pattern. `ste Exe. =wee -1.116 jouraa:tl, ptab•
Iii ur:. A0AiN.- A. 0. Reidelie Cana-
dian athlete, arrived home from .is tont
on Tnetday lata, Ile leas had a mos;,
success fur season
: me e.---•Ou Seturclay last, l►lr.
Jas. l`'ickartl ?;hipped twee car•totele of
new u heat, from the etation here.
Thaisle the first shipment of new grain
which tete tapes place.
Rscoveenso. alaggie White, sa se-
rieuely injured two week since, is rap -
illy geiniug etreugtil, and can now teuf-
far to be moved from route to room.
Tnr Ex4 rn nox,--ltvecl the adver.
ti,etnent in timelier whiten. Work
longer for a few evettiegs land go to the
elteursie it. The facet far another year,
etatian.rn.aster, lest hers to attend the flatus of irregularity in the ringing G
arena Lodge A. F. A. M-. new in see -
mon at St. Catllerines. Will is a titer.
emelt Mason, and delights in the work,
Penewsee.--lir. A. W. McDonald,
formerly operator at the station here,
no er freight clerk in Ingereo:l. was on a
visit to rte "-- liean;--eoum friend: ---on
Smithy last, He left for httnt(aali
alone), on Monday.
To as stecree n. -We notice by an
exchange that the cltalteetge recertly
issued by the Exeter "big weightere„
base -halt players is about to he wept -
cd by a club in St. Themes, now under
regulr r practice.
TDCeimes--- Parties of five or more
can obtain through tickets from Exe-
ter to Emerson or Fort Garry for
$22 earth by applying to W.3. White
at this office.
Itaalovn o. --Mr. Zes. Garner and
family, who, for some three years have
been rasiden,s of Tiverton, passed
through lore kr their old home, St,
l�iferye, where Ur. Garner purposes
esteblibhing a line flour anti oatmeal
ExTEIaTAtieraST.-Next itiouihty Er -
ening,: the members of Exeter Diri-ion
S. of T. purpose giving a literary en-
tertainment in their hell. reason's
Bieck. Tito charge, which is but a
nomiva,l oue(5 cents) should draw a
large crowd. •
boy who gives his name as Charlie
itoss was picked up 'by the steam targe
Mary' Robertson. on a desolate, rocky
island called the Flower 'Pots, in the
Georgian Bay, :there ho had been left
by a strolling party from Goderioli. Tie
had been camping for some time on.
the island sand alien found `by the Cap.
tain and mate, he 'had -cue hie foot
very badly ashileichopping wood forltis
camp fire. We are plottseed to know
treat this boy is the' genuine Charlie
Botta, as .hia father upon arriving in
town recognized 'Itim as leis son. -
f *Quer ,.Gla ,$ ar.
day, the 21st ult., a complimentary
supper was tendered W. Hawkshaw,
Big., on the occasion ' of Ms leaving
here for Blytb. About forty persons
graced the board with their presei4ee.
and did most ample jus ice to the
spread sit filly provided by mine host.
Mr. John Hawkshaw and his good
lady, of the Coainuierciar. W. Iiod.;sol,
a al_tlt-Maud man cn all occasions,
occupied the chair, and in the spright-
liest manlier poossible kept tt,ings on
the qui vite all evening. Speeches
which told of the regret felt endthe
loss that wonldbe'felt at the departure
of Mr. liawkshaw werefreely indulged
lisped by �lelteau Bros., Settler tlt,ca.nie
to hand lust week in a now threes, and
enlarged eight columna. It now takes
the foremost rank to local newwatpat'er
Bite?. (o on, Me., and prosper. You
hta� e our well wwienee, even if your pap-
er is the best.
Simms Deeeti OF Tuella Lomb.--*
On Tuesday evening the coquet of the
late `[.'sonans Log e, who, the day pre.
:'sous, dropped stead in hie pwrn blouse
Fn Loud -'t, ufheert disease, waas met
the stntien .here by a num-
bear of friends. He came to this County
is its eauiy loris, and hewed for hintaetf
ane be so lately diepossd of north
place, to dr. Wrn. Biewden,
Rrpt;>”. ESTATIvEs.---gr. W. Hayden, iri; iir.I,r.. -� ?'` cttrresgontient eon.
the town bell, wvllich be averesonetimes
c!tangoes five minutes in a cloy. He aing-
geets that Mr. Welsh place his tune
.about five minutes ahead of that of the
teilrnad, thus warning intending pass-
engers Thiswould saswvMI other pt:r•
poses as well.
A: hempen Cese.-On ;Monday even
ing late, a woman named Irving, ef
Brussels, carie as fear as Exeter on the
way to London in search of her bus
band, formerly a blacksmith in Brits-
ritseels, She was forced, to lay oft' here oil
aceaunt of her funds basing given out.
It Was :also her pulpoee to seek tenth
at the flax milt. in ordelr to obtain
setiicit•nt money: to maintain her and
the two -weeks -old child at her breast,
and pay her way to Loudon. On tell-
ing her story to some kind-hearted in-
dividuals they gave her what xahe want-
ed for present use. Her story which
is n plausible one, places hatstands and
mothers-in-law in the same light in
which history baa handed the (Levu to
us. Itappears that her father dallied
an a blacksmith ai or, and Irving war
serving his ap;lrenticeeldp with him.
After her father's death she got mar-
ried to Irving and be carried on the
the business for his ,nether in-Iaw un-
tiI they quarrelled and be lett
Wuo re 1T?- Seth McDont►ld, a Ca-
nadian farmer, arrlced in towu from
Exeter this, and while' at the
Central dep t made the acqusiutanee
of a well dressed in.iiviival, who wore
a silver badge, at d represented him-
self to be a rai:toad official. Seth
willingly accepted his invitation to
drink with him, and the two went arm
in arm to a saloon on Wootlbridg - al.,
where they sat down and, as Seth says,
'talked about the beauties of Detroit."
During the conversation the "official"
pulled a $20 nage from bis wrrsll.:t, and
asked Seth to change it for bite as he
desired to make some purchases.
Seth resronded,•With 'the ,greatest of
pleasure; , and ionitted out the neces-
assay change. No sooner had tl,e
stranger received the money when he
suddenly remembered that a western -
bound train wits jut going out, end
that lie had. to be at .the depot. Seth
asked him to take one drink more,
which invitation was accepted, after
which they parted, "tot see each other
later." Seth afterwards cameup street
and, made a few purchases in a Wood-
ward avenue dry goods ':tore; and tend-
ered the $20 note iu pay`•Ineut. They
examined it and pronounced it count-
erfeit. .Poser Seth almost °lied when
he diecnvtared his lose, and immediately
notified the .police. -Detroit News,
URICEH.T. Oti Saturday .last, the
team from this place played their old
orpunents, the Pickwick, on the ground'
f the latter, in Lindon. The game,
thrvagh some !a,isunderstanditsg, was
&hic1ed. in dna, hating., the Picks%icks
heieg act:at,rded it •inn a score of over
twenty. 'file second innings, a luxury
iii wlsielrl xeter niece iuttulged, aedr,xe
of 103' -,.;its nitul.a, which` emir boys"
have every ceufolenee could not have
beep touched by the Piekv,icks. The
indivaluat play of each member of the
Tempe team' geod : tl melon *Aires;
the laryerii revere ever made ou tyre
demonstration and tea" held here on
Thursday 1aa•t, gave the utmost satis-
faction in every respect, unless perhaps
in the 'unavoidable absence of Father
Chiniquy, to bear him, no doubt, a
large proportion of the sutiience assem-
bled. .It was held in )Lr. 11., Sweitzer's
Peeve, well Iola; fed' for •the purpose.
No reins were regleoted by the coin
tllittee to ensure success olid satisfac-
tion. Speeches war e made by Mr.
ParreReva. Meesrs.eleavis & Walsti, and
e, ibloek. ' The cher ' was occupied
by:,3t,'r. Ditigg We feel eertain' that all
who listened tt'the . able addreseesde°
liyei'ed, could not butgo away fully
satisfied with their visit. The baso-
ceeds amounted to over $85.
vr.I 7Nt. ti tve.
CENT:ta . Maltits'r.---Frohn, four to
five thousand butsliele of wheat have al-
ready been marketed here,aud the high-
est price obtaiued. After seeding is
over and farmers get more leisure, as
perfect rush is expected, for which Mr.'
Hutchins is amply prepared. Either
himself or :his egeuts will always be
found on the spot,
Pools Arrr.n Cner.--In this neighbor-
hood the apple crop is a complete ten-
ure. Orchards that used to produce a
surplus of to enty wagon loads for sale,
have not now as malty pecks,
Woo» Dnt'ax,•- =Tho (L W. R. mem-
patty bas been lately, by trains, adding
alarge amount of eordwt:od to their tic
pot at Centralis. This is preparatory
G timingup ther
to awwlli same 10 use during
t# g
Misbro;r ttv Nfrr rINos.-The annual
Missionary Meetings of the B. 0, E:we
ter Circuit will be held during Hes week
and the net. At Centralia, the Mis
simony sermon n ill be preached by
Btu. J. P. Rice on Bentley evening
next at 6.80: and un the following
evening, Mouday, ;Sept. 17, the anneal
elisatunary Meeting will take place,
comiuenciug ab..ut 47 P. M. A good
,lune is looked for.
Cutter Elect izsioN.- Den't forget the
greatest and grandes' excursion of the
season to Niagara Fells an Tuesday
nes;', Sept, 18, reit) from Centrailiaa
and return $,1.75. Time, 7.10 A.M.
Gtoreerlc. Feww :4, ---'Ender favorable
cirt;unt, tatnceai sane species of fungi
will springy ftp anil often attain enor-
tnonr proportions in a few days,. We
receutly noticed a snecenteu of the
puff --hall, t igenteus) grow.
lug from the ground in an orchard at
Centralia, whish was of the size of,aud
much resort bled a newly shorn sheep
quietly lying Clown a ire ease. In
dhapo it was somewhat globularor
rather renifur'n, amt measured from
four feet, four iteohes in circumference
around the longer diameter, and tat ee
feet five inches around the shorter r and
all tide anbetance growing from a tiny
stent nut so large as the little finger.
The fumes of the, dry buff -bail when
bunted helve bog been known to pos-
sons anoesthetio properties, and their
ttse in stupefying boos is of very tancteut
date. 'I he flees' WAS Also formerly used
as A styptic or dice ati'e in the surgery.
Vox :arse --31r. Tai•ritt is now offering for
sale several smell homesteads, or parklots of
41 acres each, at common farm prises. The
land is cleared xud of the richest description,
abutting on 1'ince Lepold street (newvlysur-
veyed)on the wweetSkid ot-the statior. Village
lots also in great variety from M8O and up-
ward, Sites for , -milts, factories, tla„ on this
new street, gratis.
Inure aLL".'
SHIPPED. -On Friday, the 24th ult,
the MessraSPetty . Shillenhaw shipped
from this elation, 805 sheep and lambs
fa the Nes York *tricot.
Pneonees --- The villaee has not
shown ally signs of standing still as
yet, but those of progress. Messrs.
Petty are finishing off two new houses;
one to be ucoupied by Mr. McLennan,
who has 'rented Mr. Bell's grain store,
and is coming here to live; the ocher
if for Mr. Deeell, the station master.
Mr Rennie irbueily engaged building
his new Grist nail, which is. to be one
of the largest in this section. Mr. T.
J. Wilson contemplates lin (ding an-
other grain store house. = Jackson
Bros. are about letting:the contract for
a new store, to .be of brick. These
gentlemen have given the place a?frinl
and have decided to become permanent
residents. Beim, men ofmeans they
will be quite an acquisition.
Waxsrr,es.-When Mr. RRennie's new
grist mild commences running we will.
have no less than four statin wbiaitles,
from its many different establishments,
annonnciz,g the'hours of seveuetwelve,
one and six.
MR. WIw'on's , I:;[c:use.-Some time
since i has/idea to have sent y: u hale"'
dcripiinn of the "-residence ' atoly erect-
ed by W. Wilson, Esq., but will still
have to defer it to a future time. The
brick -work was executed by Messrs;
Wilson &• Sons, 'cf the " township of
Stephen, anti the carpenter work by
Mrssrs Fuustou & Billiard of Exeter:
S TEN:ma-.
the 8rd inst. All the, ,members -prose,
eat except Mr. Schnarr. •Minutes 'of
former meeting read ,; and signet.
Moved end resolved that `t't mills on
.the dollar for township. purposes. Tao
commit relinquished !their chain toll's
gravel' pit ill dfcGillivary, as (he gravel
is exlneiusied, council reserving the
gate. John Lewis to be culleetor for
the current year. The following ord-
ers were granted t C. Prouty, selecting
jurors. $4,. registering births,' deaths
sad marriages; $11, returuivg officer
and $rasnsmrtting'liallot liVxae ler deal
tins,. 8' Yotin Hatt, commi><ion" eltpen
sea an 4th eon., S16;66-,. W. Pa►blas;
centred'oz* Si.ile line; .$58; inoludizig'
extra for extra plank ; John 1 ,'lilts,
jobs on 41h oonceeaion, ete.87 ; 8.
Br.'kensh:ire, milking ' culverts on the
Ott1 con. $0.25 I Johtl ?tfoDonald, bet -
ewe of cdntrnet ou 12th ' son,, $50 ; Ct
Deitreicll,'tvurlt on 15th can., 42.50
D. rfeC'arty; Werk on let eidercad,
$10.50; A. l'arisetn, repairing :road
hear Grand Bend, $3; W. MOD ',lige!,
lumber fatreishee to pethmasters
P,eieth, Molten.' and Y+tree.
A special meeting was culled by the
Reeve, at which 'the following orders
were granted ; David Iiouil, :contract
centre road, $90 ; T. Ryan, Q. R. $91;
'4'aneenaker & Ce., centre road, $102--
50 ; !elm
102.,0;lrbri McIsune, centre road, SOC. -
50 ; Il. McGeaaias, centre road $23 hG
W. Halt, repatirine bailee on 12th coni,,
$4 ; G. McDonald, O. R., $185 ; C.
flolteuh,ci:, S. I3., $25.75 ;; G. lRnst,
S. 13„ $0 ; I', iit'ne, S, B.. $ 5 ;
Tucker, repairing bridge near Nelson's,,
$20 ; I). I3eirel, relit -f, $t. Al sever•
al t f ,shave pit rtiett have not complet-
ed their jobs to Ow satisfaction of the )
ceuneil, they ere to draw mere gravel,!
accorttiiaug to notification. The conned
swill meet again on thaw fire; Mouthy. in
October at 10 o'clock A. M.
C. Puttees, Ce,itliX.
From the New Xtra
IMIr. John Ilodgina, .-1 w't'td 1>y ac.
ehiula►tion jla,I•car of Ghat•,:t, to fill tht
position vacated: by W . elelsuutecon
dechnes the puaititna.
Mr. .k`ranciel ile'ulle has said tiiaw
farm oil the fourth eoucetteion of 1Me
Rillop to Mr. John °relieve, t the
tvawnshie of Wilmot, tat $7,000 caslh.
Thersttaay Mr. W. Wade, of the bas)
lane, near this place, disecvered alta,
one taf his t;o vs had Bite. ed, and while
endeaavutiug to remove some *ignite
trout a mire, lie was it tacked by the
mother, barring ]mocked down end bit
m a savage :moiler. We understand
Wet he is confined to the house
through the injuries.
Anion.* the prize takers at the On-
tario ripe matches, Toromo, lust week,
trete Messrs. Cavan and G'rasaick, of
the Olin Con team, lir. Cavort obtaining
two prizes of 05 and $4, avd Ill:
lsrabeick sole of $10.
Otte day this week i.n exciting scone
was witue sett on the Grund Trunk
It s'no .early train Wad 00 its
Con, and when coming
ovine grade, several
ca d by some means
ill•Iteotiug ahead
wwitei ...l, eitgiueer, fur
the moment, .b >used the throttle
bad slipped, causing the uuusual speed
bat looking behiud ho saw that he was
chased by the retuaiedur of the train.
As the grade is a steep ane, the ince
uteuturu of the tail end of the traiu was
great, and the way both portions 01
Wet train came towards this town
was thrilling. As soon as the accident
was noticed the brakesmen sprau,; to
their posts at,d put ou the brakes.
which slightly retarded its speed. For
about a mile and a half the engineer
lad the way, wa beet tho momentum el
the uncoupled portion being exbt►uated
the train came to a stand still, and swIts
taken on, no injury whatever happen-
ing, and the passengers being noue the
worse for their rapid ride.
Mr. S. 3. Marks, of Bayfield, lost a
span of hones last week. Ile had been
threshing one day, and thej wheat web'
put in boxes, covered with chaff,' and
left over uieht, during which a team of
horses managed to get at it, eating so
much as to capes their death on the
next day.
hapmaOne morning last week,'Mr. J. Chap-
n, fcrmerly of (Iil:ton, went to a
field near, to fetch his cow home, . and
fuuii'tthor in a dying state, blood issu-
ih; from 'her side A veterinary sur-
geon want celled in, who stated that the
wound was cauded by some , sharp in-
strurraeut being tiarud in, apparently
a►'bttyonei, and notbiug Could be done
to'save its life. Who committed the
deed, and What the object in'so•doing,
is nnkuown. •
`Wingliiain waiter -works bylaw has
beep decided to be a bogus concern.
Besides ether things they now fiud but
that only cities and towns are empow
ered by'Legielti,tnre to undertake the
construction of a systom of water.
Wit>gliam Council; acting upon le
dal advice, have passed the water -works
by-Iatt, but have itecided :to' take no
further.aotion'1» the matter unities 're•
quested to do so by the ratepayers.
it ';s more'tlan likely that stria wilt ' end
the question"of 'waterworks iii` the vile
lags for the 'present.
Fenn the Ali ocatt. '
Messrs. DeputyReeve Cull &'Flag"
have been appoltited by the 'Mitchell
Meehi iiics' Inetitute''se judges :gt'the
air inching Proyineial bgiets .'
A little b'oy,•sou`` of Xte. Alexander
Stielljtienn 18 18t7
Lt+irig,:ve the .goo mous
the- treat ward in- n .1.111111169 11. State ou
Saturday nfterueon. batt:
Al the Stratford liorticulturai Show
held :last week Mrs. Liegard, of
Mitchell, carried oil' 13 fi; et prizes and
11 aecoud do. for Atmore, amounting be
all to nearly' 00 We coii,.r.ttulate
the tady on her suceesa.
Donald lteeennis, a Ii ighland•man
from Lut;liuow, was brought before the
Miyor o t Satnrrlt►y ohaarged with be-
ing,clhltuk. He WWI iluetd $1 and
costs and given a tiny to pay it, which
time he Utilized in tenting the town,
(sueces,tore to G. l3. Swish)
'die now received, the
bulk of their importa-
tionsiroF early FallTrade
and are shoeingeon$lete n :ortnteotsinesery
department atrpile s that folly retain the reit
known character of the fit.u' a Inc :,sling aux-
haler; tit whish has been ever since its eslatb.
liaitnln n
tt t s .
tuft en years ag,a by Oat, Smith to
SELL AS C33iEP AS 1'0SS113L4.
And ever silo the Wli.,!e.ale'branch of this
Tirnt,now called (2. 13. Smith ,C deader=..tin bas
retained to Toronto theirenn purebacers front
Om different nlatnldtcturing centres of int.
world have been r,oenortuously inarew ed that
the Retail Branch of St
Mary's called White
Co.,feel confident in say-
iug they are this Fall
Olovving the best value
Dry -Goods, Clothing
Millinery, Boots & Shoes
in the Oounty of Perth.
St.:af ary'e,
Rubber Rings
Fruit ars
( T.r
Patent Wire
Fly Oatciaers
- JUST Atilt1Vti)--
And on Hand
Sticky- Fly Paper
Fly Poison
Central Drug Store
C arsdsrs' Store..
Groceries Con fectonary
Smoking Tobacco 2r6 Cents per Ib.
• always in stock, '
School Books, Stationary, ,Magazines
Wllli ALL TNF: LATEST' news lir ahine•Needlesof every Kudda
66G6oaa ttit ,seek treieu VR gtt town.. Terms irad C
,, noSLL TT �c Co..Portlaad, Altai
Z5G extra fine mixed cards,with name, 10contS
:oat-paid,' mNL d B6t:Co. Nassau, ICY
$0 . 7 per at home, Sample
i5 E, . Undue ..dueOwortil ;;i;aeuN fi Ct..
t�+�/I��a dad al t ho mo. Age.,ts waute'd, •'oirttit aniw
iGatorn*. ire e, T1a17E .e oo., g gnata,•iwfaine.
imV fancy cards. not two alike, with name. "10e,
or 25 scroll cards.Igoe:veneer 63 Co, Nassau
THIS IS ncolory ilingoyes 3$et aur . '.with agoyou, .dei tht,
lY0 saof tai r, win
ceive by rerurn mail, a correct 3313.37
graph of y.'ur uturo husband' or
wife, with name and d.,te of marriage. .ddt oda
W, FOX, 1' 0. Box 250,Fultonville,N.Y.
G -race's Salve
A hare, Relict. For the Sufferer.
prepared by
SETE". , W. t' 0 $f•L E S') i''
8G Rarrisi'u Aienue, Boston, Hass.
Flesh wout.a}n.Froson Limbs Salt Rheum, (Thi --
blains, sure breat,fore lips, Erysipol..s, Bing •
worrus, Uellu3en, scald head, chapped lranth ;
•:•• Burnet," CalleoYs, Felons, ••Seal,lti,
fish: i' ; -,U cora . Wounds, Stings
Slaiirtate'; litlras Abcess, l ;-etudes,
Burnous, epraills,. Bolls, Bites
Chits, ` )4hitlows, Warts, Blister's
Tan • l hullos, Coons, Scurvy
, Itch, ingrowing hafts, siettie rash, 113 osquito and
Flea bitke, Spider stings.
Aad all cutwavo'ns xiseases and eruptions genera I-
_For sale lilt, lvu'gteigts'' grocers, ar ci at
eouitlri-storeatltroueiouttlro Uuated tatLtss zine
Britt' h1lovincr,o Price by mall 30 cents.' Fre'
Rated by 43. W.FORtrls. 63 SGN, at ,Harrison sive.
Btanat.n, Moat.