HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-9-13, Page 6St pTEM13BU. IA 1877 THE TIMES DIES), Loocfa.--InLondon, on the loth inst„lir, Tho. Loggia. ago' 53 rears fataac on.—If Say, ou".ilae 10th ,iz:s> „ cath- ari:ae.daughter of Mr. I1Salcolwt3loGaregor, aged 28- years.. Eono1'zi.-1n Exeter. cu the 7th inat., char- lotte, daughter of Mr. W. Ifedgius, aged 1 year and 7• mouths. Sale Register. lfofulac. 84th utt, farm steak sold iraptement& the operty of Air. T. Haar., Lot 11, con. 10, Stephen. W.1lcdgson. Adec. :401lday, September 17 village property, in Ex- eter, -eter, Sale at 2 o'clock ; term',cash, . Crooke* prat, W Ilodgson, duo, Thursday, Sept 20, Farts stock, Implements, te, the property of Thos Coping, Lot.3, Con 2,1, sbora.e 12 months, W ilreenway, Rue 's`Partiee getting theirbills printed at this otlice will receive a netice similar to the above, gratis, Wove Wueat .., ... 120 tolls Spring Wheat ... .., 1:4 to' ,14 platter sc t4 Elate 90 to 95 Potatoes ... 75 to 1 O 1't)as .,. ... 60 to 70 12 to i, •. 17 to Meer or bbl. G Bran ,.. ..- ,.. 12 to 12 Shorts ... ffe t'tert 15 to 10 .,. „, 600 to 7 50 5 50 to 6 OC Bides ... ... .., 5 e0 t• ;, ;A 'Sheeltaslalas... .,. 75 to 75 ;lay .., .,. 800 to A 00 lamed A.pplea .., 1 75 to 2 00 Vnious 2.1 to 1 00 Lard .,. 12 to 12 Wool ,. ... .. 28 25 Turkeys 50 to 1 00 Ueosa 50 to 50 Pucks .:'r ............ . ... . .......... ..... 30 1050 HENsALL. rat 'Wheat ... 1 20 to 1 25 ~piing Wheat... •.. 1 12 to 1 20 °tae u ,t4 65 Pearly .. 40 to 40 Wool .,27 t• 25 Rutter .-• ... lw tc 10 1401 .,. ST. ALARv"s. Imparted regularly by A. Galbrattb,Clcrkl "...Ala wheat, per bushel ... 1 °C tr.125 S .ring wbeat ... .. ... So to 1 17 Barley.- - ............................ . ''t' to 50 Peas ... ... ... ... ... Ge t0 G8 PBta 00 to 32. 5 Potatoes per bag ... ... Applea "` .,. ,,, .. 70 to 100 Deer per lb ... .. ... 5 Ie 7 Mutton ” .. ... ... ... 5 to 7 1'ork per cyst ... . , ,. 00,t to 700 Fgxa, per dozen ... .. la to Flutter ... 15 to 1 Irav ................. 800 to 9 0 Wool ... ... .. 30 to 81 BEATWio,s SERT ANT GIRL WA,TCD•--.Apply to Mrs Dr. Hutohiusou, Andrew street, Ex- eter, Out (ZTR', YE,D.. -Colne onto the prelni- kJ sea of -the. subscriber, 1o1 15, oon.la, Us- berne, on the 9t11 Wet.; one Matta name with white strip on face with tvaelt, also a roan color- ed horse, awl bay colt about 2 years eta, The owner is rehuestezt to prove pvoperty, pay ex. o n: matt take them an ay. dobe Stinson. ltn. b,sborno, Sept.13, STRAYED.—Came into the,premises of the subscriber, a Cz av 'fare, sbont 0 or 7 ye era old, a spaviu on one hind log. The owner can Pave her by; paying expenses, JO1i Pi- t. H Al2MF,Lakeview,2'p. of Kay,Johnson's ?dive P. O , or apply to 3imson & Hudon, Camrnissiou Agezata, laeo,,A, ens -4 QTRAYED. Strayed tom the )---,eighteenth Ct 110esdon of McGillivray, on the 25th July rest, a yo ng Horse rising five years old, a dark Sorrr1 color with rtnite spot in torehead. and white spoton back, stands about 15 hands high, Any person giving Snell information as will lead to his recovery will be suitablyrewarded, B. S Coot. Sow-. iek, Fordwich P Q. RtaCWN . Pu' lie Auatta11ee1. gg • Winc1 esca,Saleecraptyatteudect • i .•rms reasonable. 1¢ rl i csheleea.,et.15, • GREAT WE WEI* BII'LY The Farmers (:heap ()lansttr'e E1? % t./R ON p'- NIAGARA FALLS .i...aast of the Season - Tuesday", Sept. 18 Tat+ Great Western Railway Convexly rill run a al)CClat Excursion train fa Niagara Falls, leaving Kippen 1j Hcnsall x ter - Centralla, .- BILE- SILK WA,: EKOUSE LONDON, You will find the .i ar est As sortrnent of Silks, tMill .i ry, Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice Mantles and Dressmaking under the 11]anaaement of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend on getting the Latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod- erate Pricel;. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. BEATTIE X40 Dundas S , Lands R • ai 1$17e r, •'Sysprn. e., ,a He_iiderson c Buchani° (Late of A'Chisolm & do.) STAPLE slid FANCY Dy' - MAN TLE S AND SHAWLS, 6,85 A, M. 6.45 cc '1,00 7.10 as a5 vrtving at Suspension Bridge (Niagara Falls) at 1;15 p, ul, returning ivi.l lave Suspension Bridge at 0,00 p. m EARL' FOR THE ROUND TRIP $1.75 Exenrsioniats desirous of remaining over titi the Falls, can have ticket endorsed by the Ticket Agent at Clifton, good to return by regular passenger trains on Wednesday. the lath of September, on payment of $1 extra Passengers paying on tr,.ins will be charged ordinary fare 'tickets are good only en Ex- cursion (rain unless otherwise der'cd, Children o^ern and under 12 age, half faro. WM. EDGAR, Ni Passenger A ngor REDUCTION — oP— PRiC8 3AM MISVAW'5 HEN SALL. CALL —AND - EXAMINE 0.0 0 ": D -S THE EXETER PlaningMill Sash, DOOR AND BLIID ATOflU ALL KINDS OF U R N?'IN G Done to order. Remember the place Iyer Olzel tis civ a^ SAiVIE L1 & PiCEARD sR a`ci t . Hs, FIRST PRIES PUMPS. . T WE1+ S„'itlid 'Cr>;NT'' GENERAL FURNISHINGS CDDERED• CLOTHING A SPECIALTY ' Pandas St. Loudou, Ont I bill!; the Striking Clock. re ill) vial.; tti.i week, new styles of M Busty” & Mantles SPRING DRESS GOODS, LINEN COSTU1'ES, DRESS LINENS, GLOVES tgz HOSIERY. medal Value in BlackLustres The undersigned would acquaiztttte iuhal itants of the surrounding country that he is prepared to contract for siuking,wells snit PUTTING IN PUMPS if required, and that he is still manufacturing i'umiis of every description, athis old st,.nd,1 of a mile' north of Exeter, on the Loudon Rom .— Those wanting pumps sbould give him a call. "+ aE4311G1; BOULTON.. Crents' Furnishings Complete.. i ." rTi ^- MA. DE AND ORDERED COTUING Clover, Timothy,Rape, Tur- ni, Carrot, Mangold Wort ,el, and Garden seeds all New and Fresh. Call. examine and .co pricesl•eforo purolrsin elsewhere. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Just received, Newest styles iu Straw Sats for Winter ware, and latest novelties in Tlillll, ,,M1NGS, All good value and low prices, Also a full stook of Berlin. Wool, Canvass Card board, Toilet Setts, &c., always on hand. Ladies' Ties, Collars & Cuffs. Some- thing quite new. A call solicited. MISS GARLICK, Main St, Exeter. Just Received at J. R CLARKE'S Fruit of all Kinds • The Public can be supplied at all Tames with the very best in their season. cd rg to M,; rt�ttl z »1EEl: O O to azeto' trms �4Q V 0 NM Vi v l� ,4•§ ! 14 -4:.-14, ;‘41R00 o ce0 Pic6ln a .sooAl CO 1 tJ CI w O ) ,'ori t"'1 "" c3 ► cv I> MAIM -AGM ILICE SZS FOfl,. SALE, J, P, CLARKE'S :ARE .lo BE FOUND TALL a .4 WZNTTZZ F RXNTS PLAIN and C ECK WI3TOIY'S ALSO $1a 3 and, Colored Ziu.sues New arrival and of excellent value. Call and examine the same. In the above article we defy con petition' Res. Yours, JOHN P. CLARKE. Arte C est. COST COST (70089 33ARNESS AT COST JOI1N TREBLE would retu • thanks to his customers for the very "berm patronage bestowedolthim intim est and would respectfully announce re them that he aline greatly redo cm the prices of harness. as will be seen by pererinp the mice List : Ii 7member the Stand — Ono doornorth 'of Hemp's Tobacco tore, Main Street. Exeter. . NEW ENTERPRISE !. Wood. Turning Shop All kinds of Turning done to order on the Shortest Notice, and ,cheaper than any other place in the Dominion, giving the hest work for the least money. Wh:ifletrees, Netkyokes, nail Clubs, and turning of all descriptions done in town. Chair Bannisters aSpecialty. Give me a call, and support home manufacture. W. H. MOYSE, Next Dyer, Oak & Sowards, Station Street. Exeter, July 12, 1877. 6m ISAAC EVANS, Well -digger, Etc 444 4.4.4 COST COST cosT A.T Cost. IIAARNESS I mug Tug, Black, 1i inch.,. ,.,, 25 u " 1 e, .. ,.,, 20 White 14 ........ 27 ,r Brass 's 19 DIGHT HARNESS inglo Harness, $12 and upwards All other tvorkin the harness lino at Trope:tienally low prices. Bemiring done with nolt•1es4 cheapness and. ospatoh. BOOTS Ati0a1fOS Ia this branch of the trails'. every effort le un tletolat:pply the beet articles The, suboeriber would intimate Id the tnhnbi- t..uts of Centralia and the surrounding'townshing and villages that he is prepared to cor1ract for WELL -DIGGING, - ' 'STONING, ETC, Waving had a number of years 'experience in that busiusss hecan guarantee satisfaction. T+'U RNITURGl' FYJP,INTURE J. JR E x Main street, next door to Tliolson's Ilan, Call and see my prices. I do actually u11 dersell the City Houses. An experien oed hand :always ready to lay carpets—Par ties wanting furnitue, especially upholstered --. � -- work would do well to leave their orders with me, and be sure of gating goods free frotu moth, and best quality of work . All goccde delivered free, and chem er.than any Ito use iu the country. I ask the people of Exeter and. Eu ron Co or call and see if his is no so. The un dert'tkiug a speeislltty. All lcimlde of mornings and shrouds coasanly on hand. Orders Solicited. To be addreered to Centralia, P.O: Superior, pump furnished if requh ed. Cen'.o lia,seot 2t)tb 1,876, . CIIIIEZNWA,Y ZWIXER. Have reduced the price of Goods and are selling -cheaper than e -ver. Call at the CHEAP CASH STORE, :.r Crediton ' tem PUnNITURE Rooms AND 1V.Lanufacturing Fs\.ablishrnent 3 01= BRAWN Takes pleasure in intimating that his Furniture' Rooms arenowin full blast.and stocked wild SELECT ASSORTMENT OP FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE For quality and price it cannot be excelled 'n the County. Most of the Furniture is made under his own personal sone. vision, . and is certain to give S A. T I S F A 0 T O N. A CALL SOLICITED. DON'T FO(iE'C THE PLACE. 2 DOORS NOR TH OF BRAWN'S TAIL,OR SHOP. J.: BRAWN, til