HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-9-13, Page 50 VIE RELIEF OF DE worn the Londonderry Se Llark to hear those shouts of glstd ring from off" the Wall rotation can be de - the cyeloeaepe proud- f much value in cle- f machinery. On ed at who the . the pitch of seertaiued. As now we open widely this greed fedi,. Where noble sees of gallant sires may meet` each festive day To tall;; of all the mighty deeds Omen who've passed away Deeds of Heroic daring whose memory ie yet green Io hearts which beat right loyal to clod and Truth and Queen— Deeds of dauntless eaa:aQe lathe face of dead- ly foe; Wbo clustered round tIZA city Walla amid Do- eembet a ews- Deeds done by noble -hearted lads who, when the traitor tied, bbl in the coming foemen'a face the virgin, banner spread, And strut the gate which f roads'(;, gniie bad al - roost opened wide For Frenchmen ail for false men, to march. tbrm' -ids hl, tido ; And through the dreary, daring days of Six- teen F:aty.ciglrt They • kei ►t their viEit bravely .litho.(the city gate, Aadheoed not (be shot nor 6111_, r ,4 h fellatio tboatgist, Nor want of toed aur -shelter from tate tem jaeet told, tido blast. They cared not for the proffered peace aidttlties the vile pretender ; They fvugtet for Liberty and Trutt!—their war. cry, "'No Surrender r' For seven Intl mouths they baffled.. tris .,ilea of every foe, And others tools the plug 0 those wigs.(( went or tthell laid lox; And Walker cinereal. tka dt'eepirag heti teal ice Cathedral fief 'l,en treses awn:and ram \ietra vrt re centered 'nettt1L the pile. Dot now the end approaches for the heights Bates looked. 'paint many an anxious sage, tthrourhoat the stwrutner nights, ltittht down the river fonder, where, just be- low Culwore, The foe hes faete:mil boom across, uniting shore toebore; And is t beyond that barrier stxeng they se the Mountjoy Ilsr sigual tell* she brings relief to those wh out mast dire. They watch her 0001144 progress, and prey that she may clear The fatal booth, and rescue them and all that tuff hold dear. Aad nary, with sheets and gladuess, bravo Browning peacetime', And all around the Citi' Walls the evens tid. hip flew That God bad -vouchsafed euceonr to those in direst need, Who never had tamed traitora to country or or teemed And now, in grateful memory of all that then was bone, Of the battle that wee bravely fought --of the victory rowan -- Which gained for us our liberties, and made us free men all, We've raised this memento beside thewestern Wall, To toll to fnturc ages t hat Derry's sons ire True To every ]oyel principal, to the Crimson and the Blue, To Bible, Truth and Liberty, to home and farheiland, To the memory of the Apprentice Boyd who made thatnnble stand. From off its lofty turret let the crimson ben- nerware O'er hearts .hat beat so proudly as tht.ythink upon the brave, Aoroas those Walls so ancient round which we've often trod When marching to Cathedral to praise and bless our God ; Out towards the gallant Walker still standing at his post -- A. true uranin she pulpit. a captain in the host-- Aud, as we eeeit floating there. '$Rill cheer us on our woy, And made in keep, with gladdened hearte,eaca comil•g festive day, August 1$, 1876, Gaonaa H. Sxivr 1010000 ANEMONE, ,Igosarna 'Mg i This season a Burt ua freak of nature lilts been exeniplileit in my loft be. tweet! two Pigeon cooks of different breeds. Being both. Phi:and ,idoluesti cited, they paired, and notwithstanding the disparity of their sex and breed, they went through all the prelilrivary eeete,8e lend duties incident to incuba- tion ; the only thing they failed to ac- complish was laying eggs, to which they took quite, as a matter of course, i ud cmaineneed sitting, At elated intervals they rlievc:d each other, ne CO(k and hen nauaily do, until. between theni, the eggs succofulty hatched,, iR due course. The callow yoangsters, noth ing doubting, looked up to their quasi parent? with filial solicitude, and itilbib- ed l°.ts they thought) their ttlotFher'e ►miler and grew thereby lista WPM t401414 until they took unto themsol.vea wing and flew away (u their own account). t 0 To me this Iu4! au tr! nas t may �'111 tl , fdt l fid seetu, Was not only annusiug, but Inter- esting, and, li it could be reckoned as a probability or a ceitaittt'-, I think it height prove ntivuntageoue to fanciers ;et}1 rutty, ae being at once a way of lt,eeifyiug and utilizing old ()ticks, of which generally, there are more than enough and to spare. Duriug all thtf years I ll ►ve kept pige�ona li, never itore t iadovered (iris tendency ou the of two of the seine sen except in ho case of a Scotch Fantail bock, -Welt peretstout y refused, to mate with a hen, but would gladly mate Willi a cock. and particularly with st Trumpeter cook. trail they been equal- ly eneoeragtd. 1 believe they would bake t roved useful AY feeders ; bug as 1 was anttioos for young of each, 1 do.' pairtti them agent and again, until the: euseu wife lost altatgetuer,--Esucter'a :wfttt•. HE iIE were sufficiently interested, be would.. I• be easeful to remember. It wasp be cause he dill not care enough that he forgot. I drilled hurt with this .truth. Re worked for me three yeare,and dor. lug the last of the three he was utterly I changed in this respect.. .tie dill not forget a Wing. His forgetting, lie found, was a`•lazy end •careless habit of i the mind, which he oared, I Peet Myself as (loud as New. WestFairlee, V t. Jan. Iltli, 1871. Dear Sir. --For seven Yeats past I have been in poor health, and fur file peat year or more very feeble, Iry 1 Till GREATEST 1 •, . health con tf e. a t a d to decline. 'nod toy , lilsaebainitiaii. Rosh and strength wasted away, uuttil woxidsrs of H'a'rt Tia eS , "*43,1 in q+ .0 ata I was unable to work or trete g,) up SEPT)~yt;Bl;1t 18, t7 NEW BUTCHER R SHOP f 1houuelersigned award i'nforn the inhabi tit ants uIi. xeter ami vieittaty Haat lro' lea OPENED A NEW BUTOffElt S.t1OJ? o -re 4bor south of Ws Blacksmith slu,p awl hok es tboaEute liberal patronage C.:at lata i,aar ass corded. to luta lin Lila htuc trill beextenAt.,: to LAitie in iiia . i �. fz ucly o ousitttsp, I1ts ure:et 1r a ;.w a, anicall art t at rent= dart r of fru vitlugere,t:rrk•etituvr,eaci. n.R.tiitaa.(1 T� � S I Vii. i .,c":. -T. .Leas kedtvc, stat.';4A.3.iI a l..1%113txy Slarve without great exhaustion. 1 Tionowav,5 Phis &Ointment ; suffered front fretpiee.'t and distresdiug attacks of palpation of the heart, my food distreseed me, causing 'asuitlity and pan in the wrench.; and 1 suffer ea from extreme new +assess, eoneti- lratican* anti, debility of the system gen- erally, my blood leeng thin and pa n- and sluggish ir cireulal,.iwt+, and I was' for years suffering all thea tOrturea of r eshntirtdletl t1ys peptic. Ab.'ut ulx luolttbs niece 1 e metaled I won d.fry a bottle of PentluvaN Syme, and I re- ceived so lutic.i t.eueft from It tllatli purchased five bottles more, and have cotltri itteJ the use of the Syrup until ciMite recently. it .pas restored my healt.. to such nld vXtfalnt titan I feet n» self ae good as POW. illy tlipestiea is ga al at,d my weight has islet eased in tile past Am mouths from ono hun- dred and twenty to one hundred and thirty-eight pomade ; ihly strength has returned, and' my general health is thnr wouderfuily improved, and i vein truly say I owe it all to the use el yultr k`laitrVIAN SxtttT. I earnestly seem - mold all tluforta. from ayepepsia anti debility to gigs its a trial, Wong it's( l a k h awl box f t} tt Medicines. t, will do thele as much good as it hats itritlQlA moment stomp. with the trnrrlq Rte. r "floutowarit PIfi s Axa t liST,ii:\r. London.' Yours trer, Truly too ravod thereon: en tole label is the wham,((,, 111Rd, S. .13. Dams. - :a OAtf,rit Street. t,ir7pwota.�ritere *Iona (ting are 1 t1F,11 natalrekl- Patties 1030 Antsy Le letntwded Bold by [Ipalerd generally, OF t'etsa Mselling spuriote"fit drowsy-.( Pam end ('altreseltt as my tfeau.ot. wake, shall, on sena- — �- tnunicritone the particulate to enc, be alapt;'re- v ttsratetl, and their x *me n'vi,:illvih;t:d. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. flat C'ycioscopes: It is well known that if a mirror be attached to tt vibrating tuuing•fork, and a poiut of light which moves uni- formly in a plane at rigAt angles to that in which the fork is vibrating be tefiet'ted from this mirror, the image will be tt'1 ordinary single wave. Again, if a series of luminous puiuts move uni- formly witli such velocity that a point passes over two intervals d:l?ing an odd the number of vibriitioila of the fork,. two• eaves uvetlap and produce w dou- ble fi ure eel the form of ' a series r,i figures ,. f eight. Extending these prin oilrles, Prof. McLeod' and Lieutenant G. S. Ulu( lie, Lave recently ,ouuat. acted' �� , esti au ln;,oiai.,ua app! latae which bad ll de;it:lal,ett bajure W.e Royal Society un- - 1101 ate haute of a o� closcopoo. Beni disl.uut fierfrratiees inn mettle in a cir- cle oil a dice, wlieh is attached to a 'rotmtl,lg two, suit bei"ll'�tlt passer theetieit these apertnl es hills upon 0 vtl)rit l :g; Cueing fuck uf•k;utiwe eeriod, woe oe itis act! OU Lc): a .,-,e e611'; -peel ire.0 the se pe- of tide Letie:oted Ileac GIN'S "".%trtlkc Orsi Women are not graceful when clad other old woman's gowns (inti learn. to atrial. They lack repose anti ity when they try'to strike out iu Their - tho table. ii r al- thea water or ort 1 et tit n ie trio abrupt andapasmodie. They kick out with the it lege too long after they e:rike out with their arma. Titen they kick straight behind like a caw. That won't Impel the body ahead at; all. It only teutaius i,! static pito, or else propels the back awkwardly up out of the welter and. the head under it. This makes a girl clad in old wotnau,s gown look very ridiculous. Then they are jealous of the only man in the par- ty, dressed in one pair of the old wo- man's old man's pantaluona who can go forth a atop 'water and swim. They are forever wanting him to come back and "t3bow lam how to kick." They think that if they can only learn how to kick Froperly they eau. swim right away. They will nut realize that gide rnuet tench tuetr own lnabs to do their own kicking iu the water -and out. It is pleae"tut for a man who is a poor dancer, but a good swimmer, to attend a lot of girls in the water who are good dancers. but not good swimmers. I. never could dance well. They say it's because I don't put my mind is my legs. But I can swim. I can get my (hind in my legs in the water. I sop - Dose it floats down. But those girls - to see them kick to no purpose, except to drive their heads under. a 11.1:1' xt l,:x:t ea,r:tied( 1116. , The fill. Po Uy t: ltlon t.ei greet ail d't4ca de,S um lar , i,6 i�i�,�(,A ger of tit i 5 e .acs.. , ILA S. ite,innu;s nuc dioaels. on. t are invaluable ice 01 cotuphaints incidental tc' I: Fermis•(+. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Ond Leg:,.+t11 W inr:i.i. 4otc', and t leer , or nut:. , f.ltavis: , t lett eccr lea g et intima 'f'ur Bronchitis. Diphtheria, Colds. tit. IP,e.nri:atirm. nn' all kin entice +, .n k S.70 et^d`:1fi1. IBPw,EQP ow` 7t.Sk GQI iIter e, _. !lona irllit"Atto'na 4 tioalowny's Palo itir .coot' tar.` Oaf af''cta fit stnfl eozd rate. tonna', fl rr,; x .n t?.,g t o try J. F sir: u,sal . a, scnittitn M ii ow I.,rb R,t nark. trim,— Joseph - Josei,h fla}doe, wise rrua•4ra orf , l cn r ra d , a>:nal eoc, ting • tai . >rf.•trt. a :•hi.'tnv of 9e,: c -in r 'ail 0. 1 trade e • d r — $�-tin (rile .,r 54,v V rk.tike- co-ir,f r.eiteuthis own r* iko maulsr tare ta;,,r.1u Of IPA* ionivni'.ito..l,asin„for ,,. ,hi r•.u.1. ct ('roselrt ,., r, Nuri aro agents for the same. rt,esu persons. tate bettor to tleeetre you. lin* blushingly cannon the public le the swell boehe etdireepopsawneat to their medicines. which are re.t{t #3ietapurtous hoitatious. to Beware of t'ouaterfe':ts. L'urcrupuions Dealers obtain them at very law prices and sill them to the pubic .in Cana - do asPay getrnine I'iit+an.i I,ihtnienfti. I most earnestly strttlrest aecttatlf appeal to. the l'icrgS. to (hosiers of families and other briar% awl the public generally et British North dureri- ca.t3lat otos ins ha ((teased to donouans uA- sparbogly these trawls. 1 Yurcrrasers ekonll took to the label on the Fists l lc 'acs- It tete a..dress rs not ;;,;,a. Qsrord res • , ,sin 0n, tippy are the counterfeits, ,nc e e. o :e cmoene tsettrii A Qui Dell iesei of !, t resin, tall give .1a 3711 e2.11';.4 i f ,,;�, i^, a`ae dt^� t.'Au. :i:etlin'e M(' Ntot' .dtY �� woe ha,/ "'. why','' iir,Artutt, a i.rtroait,s_ axe iy 1,.. t .t ,t 1 ter e,tlft�r ci d.C.G1L1'1N.. t 1 an'sJul anti fittrttrnt; neKestva q lati1niuu f 1a 'lurk )AINTINO l PAINTING AN ADiAN CATTLE, IN Eli LAN 1tNORS0,1111 Plitl.RS FOR NMI URSA STOGF. A cablegram announces that on the ;. gill inst., forty-two bead of Canadian titian -borne, the property of Zion. ll. II. Cochrane, of Coripton, Quebec, and: dr. t3iffton .Beattie, of Warkhaln, Ont., crere aultl at Miiibeeketock, Winder- mere, by Mr. John Thornton. lir. Miller, of Pickering, Out, Who attended the sale, telegraphs that forty-two !toad realized 10,28O guineas. Tho averake per head was ahem, 0118 :guineas. Tito i'iftlt Duette s of Hillburat brought 41,800 guineas ; the Thirst Iltieltese . of Ililiburst 4,100 guineas. The Seconal Duke of Iiillhurst (7 yearn olid) brought 800 guineas. The average realized uli the whole sale was close upon $2,000 per head --au average not reached be- fore in England or on this continent, and which erns only been txceeded once; iu Australia. This sale cannot but have the effect of directing atteution to Canada's unsurpassed capabilities not only for supplying superior beef for the shambles, but as the best home of the short -horn race. .!Wryer forgot .AHythtng. A successful man told me there were two things which be learned when he was eighteen, which were ever after- wards of great use to him, namely, " uever to lose anything, and never to forget anything. An old lawyer sent him with an important paper, with cer- tain instructions what to do with it. "But," inquired the young man, "sup- pose I lose it, what shall I do then ?" The answer was with., the utmost em phasic, "You muco not lose it 1" "1 don't mean to," said the young man, " but suppose 1 should happen to." "But I say you must not happen to ; T shall make no provision for any such occurrence; you must not lose it. .This put a new train of thought into the young magi's nlintlesa d he found that if he wore deierutir t d to do it thing he could do it. Lie made such a provision against every contingency -neY that lc ;lever lost anything. Hb ound this capacity true about forgettiug. If a certtaul matter of importance was to be remem- bered he pinned it down on his mind, fastened it there, and made it stay. Ile: urea tosay V t ,. y ' t When a man me he forgot tot o ssumothit'g; I. tell him 1 e alight as well littve said, " I dil not care eu•ough abunt your business betake the trouble .to think of it again.' I once had all intelligent young man in my employment who (deemed it a suf- 'ficent excuse for 1leglecting (til iln ,o. - tent task .to soy "1 forgot it." 1 to'd him that w,-uld be no SUS If lie MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Just received, Nowest (.tyles in Straw flats for Winter ware, ax.t latest novelties in TB1.1C, MING'S, All good value and low prices. Also a felt stock of Berlin Wool, Canvass Card board, Toilet Setts, &c., always on hand. Ladies' Ties, Collars & Cuffs. Some- thing quite new. t4; call solicited. Miss GARLICK Main St, Exeter. -Just Received .1 J. R. CLARKE' S Fruit of all Kinds The Public can be supplied "at all Trines with the very best in their:season Remember the Stand— One door north lot Kemp'slTobacco tore, Main ,$treet.Exeter. KNOW the readiimudyx practicing the inestima—St.-. uths con- tained in the .,.Fs medical book ever issue u entitled THq/SELFSELFnly$1. 'i tc 171 ii C Vice only$1. S ntoymail on receipt of price. IL D Decline, en ofE mated italic Premature., ec ne Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 60 original pre. acriptlons, any Ano of which 0 worth the price of the book. This book :as written by the most ex- tensive and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, towhom was awarded a gold and jew. elled medal by the National Medical Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest ' Steel Engravings—a mar- vel of art and beauty— E H AL rent friss to all. 'bend INSTITUTEIN1 , No. 4 Bal. finch St., Boston, Mass. GO TO .e;E,S IC ,' ► --FOR GROCERIES 4.waya New and Tr'es1i. FLOL' . IONS, 11' Alta, t1AL OIL Soap Given Away Bars for One Dollar.— Good Vinegar. 20e. per Gallon. Choice Syrups.Mahltet Baskets—cheap. N, 13. Don't forget the piace—R. ,t; E. Spi- cer's, apposite Mr. E. Christie's hotel. Frame taken in exchange for goods. R. & E SPICER K TCHING ar.ia3trai t t.'. .f a i'; latah of House Paiutiljg, Paper-)letugiug Whitening. .Le. Eft reasouAle prife'e au :l punctually. .1. fir l"t'lfiNtleelain-s DON ma ONTARIO I laitlNT SOCIETY. Ca.pitn i - i 11000,QOQ Parties narking money eau obtain advnnere on apinruvcsl town 01 tat 111 proprtty. at Jewett; rates. The n' .v.• ;-: it London, Emend nd Com- pany. Ful ' + lar nettle dare, apply to b=L•'1i'l l'ICE.AltI), Agent. May 17, tf, Exeter Ont. A CMAC \VIIEIIIf lith YOU BT Y THOSE R� ? W ile 1 bought it JO -17 TCHE L' 13ric t ya>,d---Nir 11.13ieesett's am place, south stile of Crediton ;:ravel road That's where i bit) all my brick, bccauso you can 1;et the best "rick in the county from hies, as he keeps none hot fiat class' workmen EXETER, i is TOB x ' CO STORE You can always depend an getting a firsf- rca. 1 Li y STORE c1a.,sarticle, the are 50 cents a thousand ab..eddeny in these part?, Don't iorgotthe spot. • • 'OIiN MITCJILLL, JustReceived 3redlton 1?. 0. A. no t of choice Come as 1. Try, It Y Foreign & Domestic Cigars Smokers Supplied with every requisite. ! Don't Forget the Addiess-- TIIE MIGHT PLACE TO BUY YOUR TOBACCO & CIGARS. ST.11I:IIY'S LIM'WORK �.. our drawn kilns heingnow info • ,,enation and turning out daily a large 113 ntit3 t't LIME that for all purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin• ion. Parties from a distauoo can always hen plied ' either at the kilns or deliverd by teems at low est i'etnuuern-ttvo rates. Ordersfrotu n (lista:ice Promptly attended to. eVII1T3Og & SOia .Tl,R WHOLESALE AND BETAIL Dealer in Lumber •�q+yq pp{ @��t SHINGI,ES,LATH AND CT1)AitPOSTS. i'LOO1t. •r TV)r'ta,'' 4 t,Lo'B ter ltrult rs tt���k t'. _ Sr: �yi DIRT PRIZE 1 iii �tR� Ps,,laud 1titlittou st int Ctatfd t M T.i; Zia M imi i 41 Local 7.itiati1 i 1Ciiofr. R'Ae airtyp st, Neatest 'worsted, null feted peppedltrka i1. the Wi rid. 1' a foe ib1T tet eat of order es botkat a fatal it or Cuss 11410s, and LIII* MA, FIXt1 lees was sfg.tOMO olt-Usuipsred Sprints Stool TAPAS IsSe sae is S. eed to supply bre (.res durint'Rt 1 Mian sass as C.M. COSSITT Braekviii., Q. arse YA7nP CTVmr lot SBr-•.a or �NCRET MOWERS AND SELF -RAKING REAPEI•r, TLr lh1aa aid Shbagle Mach' nos ••- a..a far Onciders. Con.ipoudecee so11.11.d tc,.. pal Wholesale Trad rs.m W part of 1k. vont W �.r O'BY,IiNE &, Co., Agents, Exeter. 1 Econ_____ 1 TO MUMS ., a&QST -i1LIS, FACTCRIBL �T OD1LM Tali WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS C . Jtraatford, Ont. `/Mir mime rdrous.nuah. • ItDf[. i sod LNG AND SIDING—DRESSED AN UIQ - An extensive Stool,nnhand. The Lum'. or, for be•'t. Agood t.saort- Qualxtt or price, ea_ Brent. always oil hand, cheap...: mn \Yard Omit .4i(1.6 blain Streot,betweeu Gi Iyand Victoria Streets. (j9-lvl ,Btt.,o teneet G.; ,•7 -. a _ Ox.e Good Aclic e Agtatt Wanted in eve, -y town- ship to introduce the VICTOR 13,1 T'tO't WO7tlt- 140. Se, nple fifacl'ine Free to .\gents. Price. 16 00, '-7.00 and $8.00 each. One M :lion 10 bo sold in the Ilonshdon• Apyly early with stint„), for gents circuli r, to the VIC:CQ1' W1iINGER CO.