HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-9-13, Page 4Malt Show*
rail exhibitions, will be held this
Tnrubury, at Winghaue, Sep. 28.
gullet t B anch, at (lintou, Sep, le and 19,
Previnctal, at London, Sept, 21 to 28.
Central. tit Guelph, Octeber2 to 6.
Ilan. at Zurich, O4)tober 9 And 10,
South. Huron, tat See.torth, Qcteber4 and 6,
West 1luron, at. Goderieh, Sep. 20 mad 21,
18i'vbert, st.Staffa, October 2.
Ftsltlay, at ay Meld, October 8.
Grey, at Brussels, October 4 and 5,
Tsast Zdaron,at Wroxter, October 2 and 5.
Stephen end "(hackies,. et Exeter, Usti 4 Ind
SEFrE'.tf13EIt 13,187'n
my dearest friends. and • compsnious,
e,: of late, poryphara and, throwing them on the ground.
P. t3. (Conrado potato
I .ha- . ne thecae of many
public d soli:.,. , p of canny learned ar-
cioles in the prase ; sty "ways and
Otto ,, '.''Ir
This individual eeernato give: our
brutlhera !haves the lines ti good deal of
trouble azul as.xiety. There cannot be
the least doubt that a good deal of it
is caused, unnecessarily, and in the
Ara place if, when, they gave Olio pugi.
li+tic Iuditan uotiee that he was to re.
move, they bad dealt with it SUotrauri-
ly,. tlhe vexawtiou would now have all
!seen over. But, through their system
of mauccuvriug the drove him, mid hie
childreu into Canadian territory. Ile'
thee, promised to pereauate the good'
boy, and lay idle, but the Indiana who
claim the gtes>!rdienollip of the Ducuiu•
i'u rebelled sash's; tttie. Had the
Avner/eau dealt with hits tax yester-
days despatches littoral ata be lute been
dealt with br the Meunted Pul'zea,S;t-
tug Ball to -day !Ursa be the Lamb.
of the West. .'t letter Irozu Welt Rep.
i,Ia rep, its t at Sitting Bull and tribe
bad a dance after a consultation with
Major Watal et the Brutal' Police.--
After the donee, Bill t• ulvereon, a Gov-
ernment spout got into a dispute with
Sitting Bull, iwi eti the latter attempted
to shoat Culversou. but Major Walsh
shipped in, and with revolver covering
Sittieg Bull, told Liza ho could not
contnmit any deviltry on Eugli:eli ecoute
and gave him and his tribe ii o days
to gat out of the country. Silting Bull
left fwd► days a.`terwer'l.
The purchase of the Keministigltct
laud still is a burl puncture on the sidle'
of tlhe Grit party, Bat what a halo of
blisa must surround' its leader, when
they cite c'u10 on an Oliver every time.,
It is uow A lam that comes to the fore,
and in laazlgnatge'as innocent ,.as that
which might flow from the hps of a
baoe were it gifted with the powers of
speech, offers to take the hotel off the
hands of the Government, if they do
not feel c•nstrained to hold to the bar-
gain. 'What a happy shield, but a very
slender idea. The scheme is to tran-
spareat, Mr. Mackenzie cannot b'r
such ,an artifice hope to tarn the tide
of public opinion. If Mr. Oliver is so
anxious to get btek his xrile;of slobs and
poles, and refund therefor the $5,029
paidjorit, would it net he as mnollto
his a'dvantrge to pay look to the
Government the whole $50,000 paid
by the Government for his lands and
hotel ? No ; that;ie I4Ir. Olivers worth,
aud he will still flava .15,000' ter his
property, just ten times its value.
One paper now holae Mr. Oliver forth
ass patira,,on of honest, and dilates
to no smtal extent, ou {Lis shrewdness,
saying that 111r. 'O'iver ,would not
have offered the, Government this
motley if he had thought he would be
the gainer Hereby, True enough, itnd
the public we presume will be"the
medium by which we shall ascertain
w:llcreiu be is the gainer.
.A. parliamentary return hits been is
,Rlie,l showing the total et tale British
rational debt, April 1, 1877. It
ulnonnted to £775,873,713. At tht
bailie detain 1858 it amounted to h133 -,
519,826, shoeing a tc>ti1 decrease 01
£63,6'45,618. 1\ of taking into 0coofttr1
ten amount of debt croa`ed far .speciftl-
3'nrprres ('lio 1'ltiehase of the tel.
graphs, f.atlliedatit}ns and army !ilean
zt1 ion) the decrease a'-11 riots to tg8 d,
654,821. The re`11rn .also sh :we that
the total arn'tuet of taxation imposed
since 1857.8 has bags R11,074,120, and
the emeriti t'temitted : R17,789,000'.
means" have beeu topics for many a
private cenvereatton, and still I am
something of a mystery. In order
then, to gratify a curiosity, which 1
wish were as humane as it is laudable,
I have written lima autobiography,
which I here declare to be the only
true and credible accouut of my event-
ful life. Every one, of course knows
that I am. Yankee, and like your genu-
iPe Xankee I had no grandfather, at
least, 1 never knew talus. Whether lay
*meters came over in tlae pilgrine'e
ship, the May flower, or are in any
way connected with the British ari-
etocracy, I know not; but I have every
reason to believe that m forofetbere
rarhked among the big huge of the
world. Iffy , paronte cane (tom Colo.
ado, a dietriat in the U. S. aud this
taame is ofteu given to weed/ore of our
family by way, I Suppose, of bonoreblo
diatiuctiou. My earliest remember.
ancee; are of a luxurlaut ,potato patoh
in the rich bottotztl Janda of Illieow;
and like all who !have attained to
great ca:ebrity, and wbosa life !haus
been full of exciting adventures and
Bair -breadth escapes, I often revert to
this happy period of inuoceut child-
hood with un r 'lug regret. My ap,
pearauce n. ust have beou as Attractive
ahai it was unexpected, ter many who
had never visited their vegetablegardou
before carne to admire lacy youthful
plampneee and bright fled! -like color.
The marks of t►tteuton paid to us,.
were, to, sale at that time, mysterious
and iucom»rebenslble, tor many of my
brothers it'd eietere were taken from
the bowlful gresuleasee to the ander-
elide of which they were .clinging—ani
I never easy them again. I was tortuu-
Ate ohtouell to escape all dais equivocal
respect bestowed utast) my fatuity and
nuobserved of intrubivo eyea I grew
and throve amasiugly ; aud when the
Gail ur the year atone 1 lyras a Well de.
veloped young gehttleinau, gaily clad,
fallof good spirits and ready for any
adventure. But, as winter wag ape
proaehing, I retired, as is the custom of
my family, to spend the cold weather
in eonfortnbie and sheltered security.
'L'ltis !habit of retiring dowing the
period of ice and snow, is practised nut
only by all my immediate rolati; nes but
try all a tnueeted with ne in the most
remote degree. It is, also, I conceive,
bigu of our superior wisdom, for iu-
stead of wasting our energies like man,
ill cr.wwtit',l aud unhealthy rooms, the.
Area, tetnperaace joins, or prayer
meetings, so cowmen in our ettiea and,
which too often seem to be organized
by vanity, belflshness and vioe, we
oddly recruit during the season rot
:appropr:ate to olive exertions, and
when summer comes we are ready to
enjoy the only really onjeYable season
of the year. In the bright month of
May, then I emerged from my cosy re•
trout, full of energy, with a splendid
appetite and a keen relish for the
good things of this life. Like a true
born. Yankee, I mus+, of coni se, letaye
the old llolnesteait, and seek my for-
tune in tt.is great and glorious eo.tntry
of ours. 1 know th'.t one of my .fam-
ous fellow -citizens, Mr. Greely, has said
to all ambitious 'oaths, "Go west,..
young man, .go west." In the true
spirit of native independence, I resole.
ed to disregard this admonition, no
doubt very wise and patriotic, and
made tip my mind to go east. I need
scarcely say that my feelings at this
period of my life were those of every
young man en r for the first time.,
wouldtrample them with his Mage
boots, all the time expectorating furi
ously oaths and tobacoe juioo, No hug
of delioate eeueibi}ities and refined
tastes could long remain a neighbor of
this cruel tater, for even if I had bola
willing too overlook the rioleuoe-doua.to
my feelings, cousideratious of person.
al safety would have urged me to flee,
I .therefore, moved o the garden of a
widow on the other side of the road,
where I would have been happy; if the
old lady bad not turned in her whole
iloek of turkeys, geese, ducks and haus
daily to feet; upon our race. I; how.
ever, managed to evade all the raven-
Oua bails that were darting death
around, and, prompted by. that, love of
pleasure, which is a most powerful
motive in the heart of youth, . I deter-
mined after harvest and before winter
set in to see a little of fashionable life.
I olaunot say that my efforts in this di-
roatioh were attauded with much nuc,
cess to myself, At flrat I sonar! At-
taoh u*yael( to the inside of a lady's
skirt, a8 it trailed leisurely along tlu
ground -•--cud !sere the reader will ob-
serve the outcome of auother diiatiuot,
ive national trait,a: ollivalraus devo-
tion to the ladies—batt in dais obscure,
though delightful apot Ionia sea ant.
tiring, When afterwards bewailn5
eousewbst lose timid, I ventured tat
leap arson their alt sliders and hug their
swan -like necks. The result was
neither encouraging to my hopes nor
gratifying to wy vanity. The moment
it was seen that it was I wbo was ao
demonstrative in my utl'eetions, a aud-
den %tart and a shrill scream. were iu •
st:autllr followed by a rude leiffot,i and
I wa• dallied violently to the ground.
I did glut care for the severe hurts
which I often thugs received, but it
greatly grieved my heart to &hittk my
warmest love was so soorufully reject-
ed. Ou the whole, my axl,:ileuedas of
life were anything but exhilarating,
and 1 pagon to eutortal* a very
gloomy view of this world audl all that
it contains. My despand:ao3, hal it
not boon tbecked, weuhl p'obatbty
hurried me into oontmittiug tilt feel.
illi, cowardly crime, so eowniou
awlong lhxy dieappeinted and uueue.
eessful countrymen.. One day in the
midst of hopeless musings, when 1: wee
nick at heart, and epecutiwtin, on 111e
dreadful question of st:lf-lntrrlor, ally
eye happened to light on ear old news-
paper, the Sarnia Canadian, whieh oou
tamed a few lilies that sent a thrill
through me like an Adeetria shock.
They were is ati,speeoh by the II m. A.
Meckenzio, l ndtgave an agreeable turn
to my sail thoughts. "If we mast hare
one or the other, I prefer the potato tr:aiu nue a paw oho, scattered
bug to Sir John A, Maodouald." by the dreadful ex., loaiou, were nerds -
Here was a gleam of hope ; bore was a •ed and mutilated in a hor.ibie !maser.
powerful statesman willing to take me 1any self lost an eye and was badly
under his protection and afford ale bul'ledt.ou the left aide Rad (dr three
that security which his great author-
ity could command. It was too late in
the year now, however, to avail myself
raareta%ug to meet them iu a flatter of
mixed pleasure and bashfulness, think,
ing over what compliments and pltraaaes
would be most agree ,bee, when • I was
suddenly arrested by a barbarous. x-
clamation, ''"Tae Lord baud a grup ta"
us, Jannet, he. e's thae ugly brutoa-o"
tattle bags coma at last, .tin and tell.
Tauznas — but clever heed, I'll Kang
payee'', the very siottt o" aha scanner
s -ane deevtls is like to gar me spne."
What—what was it—was it art earth-
quake or a thunderbolt --.did I hear
aright ,''ugly brutes, ecun.uersoine dee-
ails'(wiwtnver they may be), threaten-
ed with death, loaded with contumely,
when I thought a new world of happi-
ness was opening to. me, My heart al.
almost ceased to bear. I groaned and
wept in the intense agony of wy dlsap-
z ointluent, I wished I were dead.
This, then was the way in whiele his
t word was kept by the great rams who
expressed s o decided a preference for
me over a gallant Knight. W,tttl tni);itt
toe wide man Bay, "Rut uot your
trust in prilaeee." Ji'tout and weary, I
1r}rawled away to a. hidden nook, there
to think ever zny ruined, fortci►hea, And
consider what alhould be done. When
evening fell I left this lh:ctefhal place,
and, shaking the luuthaouaae band free.
lay lwurryxugfeet aud;pruuodrucin; a curse
ou all promieo.brealt.--ks, 1 winee'i tax?
disoonealate flight in. the direction of
Li nldon. Alighting neat morning near
the city I was captu ell by Me. nem -
dere, the eutornelogist, ciud carried tat
his Monte with a. number of say rela-
tives, for the purpose ot being used in
some experiments by title gentleman.
tie treated us to- a shower of Aunt
wvhielt was reanlly deligtatfiti ; then he
sprinkled us with ashes and lune which
was not ao,agreeable. ha dosed
Ira with a green powder which 1 saw
weal death to thou who tasted it n'1
*neater haw aduminieteretl. 1 took the
a alarm at once, and wlhenthe old pot•
setter turned his head to *meek to route
one who outered, I rolled myself off the
table, cud, falling uacn the Roar hid
until an opportunity occurred of feting
team this ogres;, den, 1 dirootetd toy
course nortthorl3 and landed no Ki 1: -
ton, a pretty ruznl v.11age. I weal for.
luuatu to discover a beautiful teatelt un-
disturbed by wicked children or greedy
poultry, Here 1 iutoudud to ruuaaiu
and recruit myself after say many liar-
hexing experiences, and would have
been happy a.ud safe, had not the awvtt-
or, who was an old soldier retsina,; a
feminine .neouired in youth for guu-
pewiler. Ono day he gathered a num-
ber of 'lunates of %kitedu I was one
Lite a. 71 ale bottom. of winch
was + wisli this infernal
turn e paw was well
fills ter feted the
Jays lay in a'fence corner, uuoonscit,ns
and, very near death. At length I re-
covered sailloiently to be able to move
of this generous deelar.ltxau in ley be- to some potatoe hills belonging to a
half, and I retreated to my winter schoolmaster, where,. untlisturbe"dl I
abode with the detertnivation that when completed Illy ore and employed n13
spring again warmed the earth X would leisure hours in compiling for au intel-
immediately set forth to seek the rat- ingent public this brief summary of my
renege of this noble minded man. persecuted life. Before 1 conclude 1
Some may be inclined to blame and would. utter my meat emphatic protest
accuse me of a want of patrotism, but, against the cruelty and dastardly out
kind reader, judge me Teniently. Con- rages to which, I, a', inoffensive oral -
eider how I have been treated. in my tue have be subjected. My life h is
own country, abused, reviled, persoout- been atter% ted in every imaginable
ed on ai:i sides, and my life sought by way ; I have been whitened with show -
every cruel deviee. Consider too the ars of ashes aud gnlcklimo ; I have
great affection CM' many Canadians, been soaked In solutions ' of borax and
liar. kt'►ckenzia's dearest friends have :blue stone ; I have beenttreated to ars-
for us Americans. They adltnire our enic and dosed with Paris greeu ; niy
senators, judges, ant' officials robbers dearest friends and, companions have
why should they not admire our !horse• been torn from their q'uaet retreat and
thieves, tramps and potato .bags ;.they tortured in scalding water,, rousted on
give us freely of their ma kete, their a slow fire or ground to deatu between
.c nnmerce and their trade ; why should two stones... If a drunken bawd, rot-
(eils his childhood's happy home to they not give as their potato fields and ten with vice and whiskey, receives a
go out into a o?ld • and uncharitable tomato vines, about the only thing blow from a brutish and brutalized
vor ld to se
ek glory and wealth. • they have not given us yet ; and why bully, if a lazy, dir.,y, meddlesome .trol-
Knowing that a tender heurt is a great •h" uld they not:love us a1 the more for lop is somewhat roughly handled by a
Ili .dlrauce to success?, I wiped my eyes eating tlaa:lts up. Besides—but it is not Lancashire man, if if a snarling car is
aud took one la. t fond look of all I ne;essa»•y 10' enu.nerate the various rno- kiclked out of the way, if a vicious, mut
;vas destieed never to see again, I turn- tives that sent to forth on a, sweet ieh horse is gently punished by au in-
ed and marched resolutely to the rail- Juno tnorniu 'to.seek.• my : fortune in dastrio'as a.ud 'pushing tcameter,,- then
way statiou. Many who in after li±'e Canada—I crossed.from Port.tfuror, on society—whining,, canting, irypoortticsl
have been millionaires have started in ;x largo ferry boat, and quietly and ,un- soeiety-lifts up it's pare handl id hor-
rife quite poor, 1,0 1 an ant ashamed to ostentatiously disembarked from the roe, a .d i•t swift to avenge the viciitn.
confess that r had nut ar< single cent iu vessel. for I have learned to fear the But when I --well it is of no use to
tlx world at the beginning of this my attention of a, Crowd. I telt my bosom pursue the :subject further, for argil
first journey, I quietly crawled to tela, swell with joy because I W8..4' so near anent and _remon, trauee. 1 `know are
top of the baggage o:tr n, -observed by the full relation of lnany a delightfu: both iniaveiting in my case. When
any one, and enjoyed an exc:llent dream = plenty and protection - T sprig ,s; c woes, however, I' shall leave
view of i. he varied country as We in Iv eraveled for, sov..iral .lays among the in-' this L'1)od•staiued country and seek to
ud along. Wlletl< evening came I, deft terminable saandhills o: Sarnia, and by eutl myd.wys beyoed the Atbxntio iu
my secure', though rather airy seat, and di t of enquiry among friend:; I found now awl Iia pier lauds. •
dissmnu•uted as the train stopped, I.de- the resid. nue of hitn whom I sought. [cls ot,r . hnn.ble - .contributor was
let•uuned leaving our to leave the boy haunts ofY,trlkea tit well I bp „I c hied net tans 1 t o door
a heedless petite Arianamen,.€or I h•tve an innate drold of this ter cheek enongh to goto the ft,ont set his foot upon Wei"au1 crushed him
blood -thirsty ereatere; be ides, Ialoor, or even to the kifehen • to tan- on .the side mak. We step ed front
esl)i:d a beitnti;tLx1 green snot just sheet , tnnfici; myself to my promised friond, onr uflco door aud tenderly p
ly before, 1 at once 10110 pessessio a of but 1 ,norlestl retired to the tr'1en: s picking up
S gr :4Ie. D.'a•ypllora's romailis we finug
this shle.udid. otttinn;and, at first, thee to ANkit lily op ortunaty, anti, t• them into the gutter.—En.]
ttionght it was all 01,y own, baa I "soon may as. well. confess With an eye' to j
fourse that the met tesen-B c of our race bu- 'nese, for my appetite was hem. I
had conveyed to the sxOi' !shoe quite a had not long to Span. ; 00 the third
ueutb°+r of Maude ao•l r;1•ttires. :i<Iy morning. . after my arrival I beheld the
:ife here wonlel have b,ieu pleasant, nay ;tetra attn. wv .0m 1 kuewv t t once': from
luxurious, had it not been for the daily
visits of as long, ' lent), lnuteru•j.tired
itixen wvir , would ex'llniee every hill
aud vetch' nif with two stioks—tbe grow. 1
aril dared not tonob with bis hands-- ride. Aril e.3 Beate P, Beatty, N. Cniagtou. VICTOR 1'VR1'd i)'11 CO.
deem the :garden walk ae d I ;vat
g bla>nifecent 5650 Rosewood Pianos
02A AI
fine Rosewood Uug
r' 1st Pianos
�,R.�� ��(lttle used) cost 80U only 125, must
. lig
sold.' Parlor organs 2 stop 45, 0 stops
65. 112 bop, sub -base & octave Coupler or
likeness i.l alis Globe, aceorpacie'tl cost over 6:,0 only 55 Lowest pt
Obserxatiou'i, a Kong train of ears vraiaiug
etitowoes,ebtttetu1rJinn. 2brAkloatrdg. eseool'rdh, ertuca,hcspgpf,orx
well filled wills necees'srk's ,enol luxurie .
3, no water ate the train" 4, aatnpin-'n of =N.
3. 5, a couple at pawls diatribntect alooug t'to
curs. o, a twat tY auinude t Muir, ?; - oil iah. r
taupe, 5, tine c»enxry il'etwteen 1?;xeter at d
tondo . ueeteeot be dwelt ripen, as it. i5 know 0
by everyone tc by tbe� finest in Canada. 9,
i..oudvet remitted, si1(0ge' crowd wai'ing, atom
otry attached, and all tilled. 10. The i'ort ie
reached, Atld a rush to the pleaaaare ground.
of ell sorts mut Cini titionS of tn. n, women and
ulthclreu--Muck, white and copper.skiiiued.--
10, the grouutl Iihera:lT strewn with tabic.
0:other ou.whieb wore edibles' and dr.nksbles
ot-the first venter, Er/nom/dad by 1 ere,u.s se
varied as the dl,rbes, wbo appeared to be quite
up to the business of peeking such :gents.—
12. The 1' azer dining-.:oom was well patron.,
iced, and from the c:tlta,to sister to brise aloha
your pies And calces, eta., and the bewi'derect
appesranee of slskrr asst her coatpauiou5 04
duty 1 concluded they sistln't expect such n
number ot gornu wlizt re. 13, Strolling thro'
the grounds, dancing in the shed, tatting at
the t' o1in Mauro, and smarm.... 14, }'sanb.
all, black clouds first, emu beat seats, drat,
cugle take choice, ate. 15,, .a 1u ock•dewu ac
ease ret the taverns, conscqueut upon a person
colle('d(; £antra for the fiddler at the den.int�
shed and pucketiu * the pante, 10, home ward
bound, some sleepy, some merry, ax'me chatty„
some weary, some singing, some. laugtdni ,
mare crying, end all glad to be safe at home
wrN .
B. S.:tll,aaav is prepard to fit up
!!midi° bualrlings, churches snit Priv '.to
r1•a.ialencert with VetYet, Brussels, tap.
etsry , !kit -tiro; h Dutch anal Three -r1
nerpets, Matting and langlie;t spit
010lit, Feather ..!reds end Pitlotts, at
short notice and at very moderate
prices. . No. 126, Dtladas Street, Lora
don, Ont.
DARE 11.0Ti'.L,--The ufldel .ignedd
w a:.n,ie ne•;smrta,•+i the Eule cart' -o1 •.B tilt*
.ttet.vc racial, ltd•. 1". \1"itsau basin; w, *dell on or
,hnttt tare tau et July to+t, toe 2.; u e,,. w rt ire
cutrih,l.aa iu try ftr(, ,' b 1%.J, rasa act. zlaa
tio,ct•i1itt't0i.1,— flat,,rw;at,it ,,,,d Eta n,
'l.htCO:iisat\le. rize how will 2.1 ...cu. litgl tact),tlao
bestlhi0O..0 1 eigAid, An niltlttkd] tutee al-
tva1•5 iu atteodaataco. '%.J, l4,v.11tt P. r 1,:: t!
N''I) BEND Iid)'pl�:I . --°l tto, un-
♦ # i havate, rmtc,t the # iiii •e 1101011
a /man ,a wee* one rewire.. `t mc, 0 t.tn 1•,tf.
fn•1u: t•a,.• ,t • ,nthli5. Mond t^ 5u,•-.c•I fete
tear. 1:nu.i itl:,lt5rit aiteoel.tltt't. t'.l,rl',Kop
ter: h.
l . 1`ZO D IIA`DS.---Tho under.
" iia,„i,nvBr�� "cutt,i the Ann's.'.,110at.o.t`,,n.
t•ulU. Cn • ft terse. it teal beamed a d .tat.' •r e0-
tet. iv.:at ewe.d' a.•uuvnnrtr,a .tiii i f.,, lei„ 1,,tvel'. 5
ramie. d orve,ttetrt to toe 'itstni,o. (tam' f+i•200r
and , I( r, itL leo wr.u', Attentive uu+tlr ,
la3ly, ./ kite +l•1 x,
, ENSALLI 1HO'I'EL, Main St. lieu-
!- ,,a:l. l:. i'u,•iv, prop. '1,tist meet ei ,i'ttln-
t,=,l m,•,,a, we wast of lite tln,Iw;i aa,1
ti !)actor u, tux Marton. there as evoi r etmu[urt
0.. see aeenu,n,latin,. et Sha trnvcllio puddle.
eeeke eoeve ease ter -Cvu, sot-z.,t nut -Olen.
flu• . re aurpl.e,t with toe choice,.. littu„rt and
Etats, n, ;nu Male)/ lit and aladerato shin le a.
Juno 4. tet7. Cut
..l Mire/gate, w.•-ti•u 4i, 1 e!.cit nw t0.
II r i. hr i.+,uu um none lsstato.
l`au„ott'e BInelc,1Ssotd)r.
'rr 1 Ei1SIIS. JONES & MOSCI%I1'
i! 1
13.,r 'stew, ett.,.itovsetLl.,10, ta,Uettu rs
muacoa-S, ('es,ulit i.louses lel 13.
m dnt't,ae31'1,110, t; 11>,oy's
d . 5..2()' MS. W.41. h10'it'I11P.
(1t, OWE-- 'Mock, Wittet•at., v, Mary's,
1, lit.
16.0, Attorneys, SollciLors, d.'omani'sioner
11. I;.. A c.
11E /e.t.'—IIatTTO:a'8 BLocx, Water treat, St.
'Si „v's.
i„lt\ 1s.HAt,D oo E.W. HAnDING1
University Trinity College, graduate Tor-
onto University,momber of the C•olloge Phveict4
ans and'ISoogeons, Ont. Office, Duiterin Iionaa
!� W;—.BOWNING, M. D. M.
- r,,.8; Graduate Victoria Un'versity O fs,
residence, Dom pion Laboratory. I,xetor
V1niSITY Trinity College tel ember Col ages
Puysietans aud surgeons Onv., Gftoe Kirlcton,C
the 0obnr1•of 7iurjn. 'Office, next does, to
Sir. I. Carling's store, lOxeter.
(� .
C. MOORE, Di. D. C. ZIS. .
1 U. Graduate of ecai11 University, Montreal
Office and residence, Rater, Ont. OBiou,. ours-
8toloa.m.,and 7ttlop.m
PRIVetfiiii FUNDS to loan at 8 per.
UNVEYANCING - Deeds, Mortl-
gagas, Wills, &r, drawn en reasonable terms,
A TARE, Commissioner, fnser
• alma: Land stn,! Loan agent. Office—,
next door north Royal Hotel, Exetor: Wilsons,,
• flot al, Renta l 1, every, Monday.
,TV.i +" W'S 11A,LL, Itlaiu St., Exeter.
Tho above large'ttntl: convenient hell •
boon fitted 05) in the most approved .tyle, bori..g
helareestinthe place. On ap11lice.tiau„a fi:sty
alas piano will be furnished S w• terns, etc,
pply to Geo'. f,. Mace, one door so .,• ••.
Also to rent for a term of years, ter • largo store,
elow the hell, en excellent cellar, a i warm!• con-
cniea.t. •Porparticulars apply et •sanlel)iame..
Important to Butter V'orke
s. nt on 18 days tost trial. Yoti ase, why I steer dao ship to introduce alae VIGPOli
river o sled One Good Act,to Agont wilt -Wm;
by a lad's whorn I had y
In ,.very town -
L i; '1 '1 L It w� OBIC-.
aeon suture^„' t 12 chap? Lreeey limed Times. Result talcs over 1')li,. Sa'epic Meal ins Free to ,,,<evts. Prime,
flower -beds sand rose bushes fhe 1tY 1.010,!a0itmiit.,.ily. • War comivencedby 11Tonopo- $800,$7.00eind,A800 h to v' s b ll
lt.,ts. Bew.-r ei anonymous el : cular: I "Write in the Dominion,
before. They were sartnteri)Ig 310 , ly for explanation. Batele
.. each. one . 1 1. 1( 11 O e so d
raging.; Pull rnrticulaxs agents circula:, to the
s NowJorsy. r.e,,.4it ,