HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-9-13, Page 3SErirE BJB 13, 1877 to,cac'ites as albsorb<r8. Mrs. Donahoe is au East -ender by reeideuee, soul a thrifty provider fur Ler loustltuld. A. few days since she was etag'tged iu portion up peaches, in order chat she might put them down again to at winter, when who should stele as' ctrl to day, and I wculd be no atoll iu but neighbourly Mrs. McQueen better off to tiiorruw probably, even if with ier customary c tutiun anti ad- 1114 not beeu detected.' Nice. 'flow many books did you take.' ' Take warning by ale,' says e11e, •1 think ebeut ten in all,' -and dt'u't lautyiair 1 caches up in bran- etViert dial you du with them ?' 'Sold theut at a second-hand book store.' 'For flow much ?' .111 1 realized on the whole ]ot was is certainly h pitiful one, but your con feeeien of several thefts looks ranter Week for you so tar as the hone of leni- ency iu the Police Court is concerned am only too well aware of it. But I have resolved to state. the simple filets. I was as hungry the firt;t day 1 (i. t.au eau, dry en), or pickle 'ells, bttt duit't you eves brandy 'cin, for ;•taches is such absorbers. Why, would you l;cliet'e isle, Mrs. Donohoe, I weals to Lower Market last fall and ]anti it) the lttveitest p• ek of p Reties !nett-la'ilson is an intelligent Bean, says , you ever set your matt a P •e9 on. I be received d good education inEnglan4 peeked °on away in a two.gallo:e glees w'1tiwb is et eleibly true, anti despite ins tar, tied I just. drowses thele peaches squalid appeacauce is rattler an eugag. iu eight tit,;lar brautty. A..t bight when ing youlag man. It is charged that in - Pat venni hw:11e 1 r;ty s, temperance is rho prime cause of his Pat, says I, 'dial yell ever see a ltreaotet i1ei.•.iortune4, but hie face be-, l realer eight than that ?' trays no signs of hard drinking,!indite "f:, llol;t v," rays fart, that's beau- Ilia treif deeleres that he nevr has a tifu:kr data a ret wat;;trt. Woa(t a seri sed. lley that ltvecinei is sueh absorbent.' lie nue arrttigatel before Justice :1utl terrors that , says I. (Ineat •her et the Police Genet Saturday! ' t by, they drink t e taltutlY up,' afte.11oou on a clear e of eitltp'e l:ay;; lie. 'T ey a=ntic elle(* hell,' sap: crane, lie ptatned guilty nee tem its lee, -flow I eliuuldit't wotaelir if it`ll britaf the as tory of liie temptation. Ir. take six gallons; of tigaer to brandy the?;S 1%L,1C11% b.' 'Well sure ettull'tt, iu it few boyo Put, 2:11110 up frulu the getter. stud sslsysi ' ".Chem ptaohos ie begiuuiu' to ab- sent,. You'll have to till 'sill up again. 'So I filled 'cm up, and in a few 'weeks I filled 'eus iilt again, +.tr,d I icelat' au fillip' 'en; up again till, 'poo niy worti,4 11ar1 poured eight gallons of fine brandy over dist peck of peaches, • sure they were thirsting for there. I,iut Igot clad and pitched tie whale these; it to the alley, and bless your soul, l thought Pat would choke with lough- ing. He has not got- over it. yet, but he lays down uu the floor and rolls over and holds' his vides and ki:Ita up Lie heat and abouts '0, thew peen:thee 1 They were such shyer hers ?" Start'cd into Steattrsi. A F'AM;it?UUL STORY. beeline-, the complainant, said, he had tau w ieti to press the inane to anything lilto euvore puitisllmont. Ile was eorry for the unfsrtirnate prisenei, but it sceuletl almost a necessity to make an e xttn pie, as the int vables of the associ- ation were practically at the mercy of the strangertl who dally throng the n 'lila.. After carefully considering the case, l Justice Guenther (who 'numb the young an persoually) sentenced him so four weeks' ituprisotrluetit iu the .house of Cerreotion. .10-0404-0 .1:4tierer FrcrrAxt;r at .riagara Volts. M. D. Tooker, Travelling Agent of the Great Western Railway, ii resident of Niagara Falls, say there is a curious fact convected with the suicide of Dr. Stein, of New York, the ole gentleman who sprang last F'f iday from the Sus- pension. Foot Bridge, below the Evelio, into the but•bling hood below, a distance of 185 feet. Dr. Stein, ithase rl few days ago, Silas F armrr report. health appeared feeble,and who was no ed at police headquattors that a men d•lubt suf eiing under abborration of the bad been stealing hooks at the Yung mind, arose quite early Friday morliiug Men's Ohrietian Association. Ituowe, and engaged a bootblack to ebow hila atnd was enjoying himself in a Griswold mound and point out objects of inter- Awstreet beer hall, Detective Wright ac- est. He agreed to give the boy : Aar `compauied the gentleman to the place and a half tc continue ~lith b' r- $pokeu of, wlieu the thief was pointed ing the day, and pnlli ry enttby i%Ir. Farmer. The detective to.,lc large roll of biil:t, pais' Lim to headquarters, where he said his When the old genii dame WAS Charles Wilson. had reeched the Inquiry as to his antecedents dining- slot). Bridge,uear the t r t go,they halted es the facts that no is 81 years old; that he was for a number of years employed by a tea house in England as a professional "taster," at a salary of .0(1(1 a year. He came to the Unit- ed States in 1878, and ilt ouoe settled in Detroit. His first place otemgloy- u ent was at A. W. CoplaniVs store. in the Russell house block, where the Bazaar now is. When that situation failed him he engt,Ced as salesman for Samuel Il,. Bateson, merchant tailor, with whom he remained until May 6, 1877. Since that time, according to his own nceo•rnt, Wilson has been out of employment, and be asserted to a reporter of the Frio Press yesterday, that he had eaten nothing but two sandwiches in eight days. 'What induced you to steal those boots ?' inquired the reporter. 'To tell you the honest truth,, he re- plied, •I was very hungry; I went in- to the Y. M. C. A. braiding and smelled the food' cooking in the restaurant, and ° it seemed as if I must have something to eat. The result was that 1 tock two books, as I have done under exactly similar temptation before.' Do yea m san to say that you have Millen books at other times at the same place ?' inquired an officer •pres- ent. It's too true. I realize my position fully ; but it seems to me that there on ;ht to be some more humane method of punishment than the disgrace of imprisonment as a common felon. I know–I admit I am guilty of stealing. I sou also guilty of hunger. To cure one evil I applied another, and you see the where I n.m. 'have you tried to pet work ?' *Indeed I have tried,' ho answered. 'They say there's plenty of work in the country among the farmers.' I have travelled days and days on foot iu the last month trying to get work in the fields ; but the farmers either do not want to hire tabor or they thick I can't work. I am willing to do anything, • but God knows a man can't starve. 'Have you no friends to whom yet could apply for temporary help.' - 'Nene nearer than .England. I wrote to my sister a week ago, and I expect vary soon to receive a remittance of £20. 'But what shall you do in the mean- time ?' Go to prison, 1 suppose,' he gloom- ' ily replies}, 'Well,' said a bystander, 'your story .cad after a momentary survey of the great cataracts,Dr. Stein asked if there were any carriages to be a:een upon the, bridge in either direction, The boy looked and answered no, "Is there any one in sight at any part of the bridge ?" inquired the old gentleman. "There is no one at all," said the boy after a,sherp look. At the same in- stant Dr Stein seized the bey, and en- deavored to throw him over the railing of the bridge. The lad screamed with all the energy he possessed, and by clinging to the timbers defeated the ob ject of his insane companion. Mr. Tooker consilers it wonderful that any sound could be heard shave the roar of the Falls. Perhaps the struggles ot the man to throw, and the boy, to save him- self, caused the bridge to oscillate to a marked degree ; at any rate, the at- tendants of the bridge at each of the shore ends rushed out and made for the rescue. This Dr. Stein perceived, let go of his well nigh exhausted vic- tim, climbed to the top of the railing, and, without a word, sprang into the misty air, and the unfathomable pool down below, In falling he struck one of the bridge guys, which, springing from the concussion, threw the dis- tracted more up stream and changed his attitude from a nearly upright to a prone position. With arms ind legs extended as if swimming.be fell flat on the turbulent green -hued waters of the Niagara, and that was the last of him, although a thousand dol- lars reward has been offered for the re- covery of the body, and hundreds have looked for it night and day since. not a vestige of it has come to the, sur face. A leading maxim with almost every politician is always to keep Ms is'unte- nance, and never to keep his word. 'Shall I have your hand ?' said an exquisite to a belle, es the dance was about to commence. 'With all my heart,' was the soft response. 'An cxperieeced old stager says, if you make love to a widow who has a daughter twenty years younger than hers If, begin by deelaritlg that you bought they were sisters. DIEW'S• HALL, Mein St., Exeter. The above large and convenient hall has been fitted up in the moat approved style, being the largest in the place, On application, a flat- elass piano will be furnished. Por terms,. etc, apply to Geo. A. Mace, one door south. Also to rent for a term of years, the large store eloav the ball, ., n excellent collar, and water eon - ()Plant. For particulars apply at trip game place. Tin TIMES J1HE W D. McGLOGILON WA rw . I5 -mo v .:sfC ° -c ova N., -y P- 4taa`lp, ".C.. q :Y.: -a t 1l j •19 'FEW , y l 3�a'>3� :' ---,K., y - - >At,, 2 ar .Exeter Bosure Ann got the \V. 73.Arcelfthlon watelt ,eforebuying. You will hare noother after see - ug them. All who gear them recommend theta cold and Silver,Ladies aud(ientleruan's sizeE, Dun,Zvsstreet,London. Seo the testimonials rho largest° bestand cheapeststoelk of Mae (toll rowelry, Clocks, liver, and Plated Ware,1',,uca 4erels,440., dr.. ill the Province. Reps lNt a.y 'ivory' description. W. 7,). hfa°LL CrLH. 77 »dae'eu a. LFandoairi.it 11 VCr le_U The undersigned haying rented the Planzn -.Mill, sash, Door and Blind I' actory, Air Jo:haltems, ani halving ea :heel a`i;t•• go took Arst elass lumber are new prepared to etiertiCE CQ✓l'TIR.:I( S all manner of buildings, and furnish ma. teriai for the same, MOWING 'CLI X(NIat ttCRO,LL WORK done at lowest prices, ROSS BROS et DA'7IDDS OST Ai ril 12. Tannery Che undersigned >ti ouldacquaint the trade that hey have now on hand, a large quantity of LE,.&T; I ER, such as /PPER, KIP, °ALF f1ARNESS,BELTINQ RUSSET andLA LE A TII ER. A quantity of hair for plasterers, on Land, 1licLACEILAN a 11fcCALL13ht Cash for hides. ISAAC EVANS, Well --digger, Etc The suhecribor would intimate to the inhabi. ,ants of Centralia and the surrounding townshing tad villages that he is prepared to cornea for WELL -DIGGING, j 2STONING, ETC, � ving had a number of Years experience in 'hitt business he tan guarantee satisfaction. Orders Solicited. tb be addresred to Centralia, P.0, Superior pump furnished if requited. Ceut alia,soot ?Atli 1878 G-. & J. BROOKS Manufacturers of LUMBER, LATH, &LTA'GE' and dealersiu 30DRP3STS R AILS,CORD WOOD. sines—Two mites.west of London Road. TOWNSHIP OFHAY NEW ENTERPRISE! Wood'turning Shop All kinds of Turning done to order on the Shortest Notice, and cheaper than any other place in the Dominion, giving the best work for the least money. Wbiffletreee, Neckyokes, Ball Clubs, and turning of alldescriptions done in town. Chair Bannisters a Specialty. Give me a tall, and support home manufacture. W. H. MOYSE, Next Dwer,•Oak & Sowards; Station Street. Exeter, July 12, 1877. 6m FIRST PRIZE PUMPS. The undersigned would aegneiLt toe tubal Ratiteof the surrounding country that he is prepared to contract for aiaking wells and PUTTING IN PUMPS if required, and that ho is still manufacturing Pumps of evory description,at his old stand, i; of a mile north of Stater, on the Loudon Roark.— Those wanting pumps should give him a call. e GEORGE EOM 9( N . THE EXETER Planing Mill Sash, DOOR AND BLllerlicloul ALL KINDS OF TUR U R N I N G Done to order. B.ounotuber the piece ID'er Ola & IIow'e rd L877) t (187 TELE (?L s. E HOUSE Mail times, emit *adieu! x e is universally depressed and money carte. It is in the Were • • purchase where he can get the article he wants t the lowest rate, In °shin. .,, ion to my present stock, I do sowith eve'y eonf d- ente; it being more earefu eortett and selected than that of any previous season. in the Dry Goods ;very department is replete with the most seasonable and (fashionable fabrics,'"nlarked at rices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers, THE .ORDE BAD CLOTH;# still has ;y113„ W, LUES at itehead In Millinery nderthe management of Miss McGloghlon, we can suit the most fastidjous. Our stoo;r of -roceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tele largest and best assorted in the County, Xutending purchasers will consult their best interests by examining znystoek before going elsewhere, ,I.A.IE S PI C TKARD HE STAR GROCERY OPPOSITION IS TEEE LIFE 01' TRADE. OOPEr 7110 RNE (SUCCESSORS TO HOOFER tt BISSETT)1 --site ST/LL SELLIN(a..– Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed Obe eper.than ever en assortment of everything kept in the general grocery line WFt MAKE ZEAS A SPECIALTY We eau Sell Five Pouoda of Young Huston Tea for $2,50 • That is usually sold at 0,25 Warranted to dive satisfaction or no sale GIs us a call and examine for yourself ]I Higieet Price paid for farm Produce lin exchange, .a,+T O �ER ti ECOILI S W. J. HOOFER. L. THORN NEW FURNTURE AND UNMAKING ROOM IN RENSA Heneall, Oct. 26,1876, (1y) The undersigned would inform theinnehitaans of Flay, TJtbornc and Tnckersznith, that ha will o en out on Friday, October 22.4is new store with as chorea a lot of Furniture as can be peen north of London, and at prices that will be found as low as any house in the trade if no. lower. As the goods will bemannfactar. ed undert y own supervision, will be found to give entire satisfaction. Organs, and all kinds of Musical Instruments in stock. Builder and Contractor. Alt FUNERALS attended on the ahcrtest no. ice. - S, A.3 ,F3.A.IRST Ring rtreat liens Ncw FURNITURE Rooms AND • Manufacturing Fs Lablishment JOHN ER..WIT Takes pleasure in intimating that his Furniture Rooms are nowin full blast.and stocked w:l.a SELECT ASSORTMENT OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE For quality and price it cannot be excelled in the County. Moat of the Furniture is made reader his own personal super vision, and is certain to give S A T I S F A 0 T Q N. A CALL SOLICITED. DON'T FO(,ET THE PLACE. 2 DOORS NORTH OF BRAWN'S TAILOR SHOP. J. BRAWN. THE MARKET QUESTION ISAAC CARLING Being now in receipt of a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be Sold at LOWEST MARGIN ON COST The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need not feel troubled at the want of a market wherewith to make money. but call at the store of the subscriber and SECUrE TRE UAGAI ''y, ,EE There to be had in. Overcoai,Ing Fl1ll_(loths, Broad -016th Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everything noeded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocory Department is Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show goods ISAAC CABLING