The Exeter Times, 1877-9-13, Page 2TOM HATARD'S PROSE
"-Lower the boat and let'-,
was the order given by the
the brig Levant, coasting on
nhidnight :along the western slip • .
X Tele incredulous sailor llesitet
ed to obey. A second order, brutally
made explicit, left him no choice.
Into the boat the e:araged captain
had flung rather than lifted a woman
and child.
"Virhatt do you say now ?" be asked,
as the hastily lowered boat rocked gid-
dily betwixt ilea and .deck. "Dal you
relent you rash oath ?"
"Never 1" answered firmly and fear-
lessly a woman's carol voice, "I pre-
fer this,"
"O'It law loose 1"cried the master to
the subaltern, who of all his crew was
morally as well as physically, his slave;
while, heel with rage, leis face glared
upon the woman one parting lock.
The boat was out loose. The brig
Ler,ttet veered on its tack; the boat,
with a sheat burden, felt bepelesely
tasteru ; the railing waves, the dark -
nee% fell between.
The woman, hardly more than n
dile in yezrs.-•sixteen years she .tight
have known at the most-remainedi
passively observant, in etinetis eJy halg-
ing her child to her breeet. She experi-
eneed uo sensation of fear. One w:W
;mane h'id roveele;i to her the terrors of
Life and obliterated forever the terrors
of Deetlt,
The beat Wedded Along u't uncout-
lr. The sea ryas not runuiug high, the
night air was mot chilly. The clouds,
le eriug, closely agaiust the face of
the waters, so as effectually to strut
away all light from the sky, were sur-
charged, it seamed, with gentlest titin.
Death wife ineviteble, but it Was not
the an
wean cave.
under the seaward gate of this tt.,V-
ern in the clif lay a borseshae-shaped
curvature of beach. Aud ou this
beach Tone Hayward answering the
1, vague ,cry for help, Inaudible save to an
°inward souse, whose "'aistence had
forced itself into recognition for thefirat
time in Ilia life, farad a girl in clothing
drenched by brine, evidently a waif of
the sea, aul just maker ing from a
deathlike swoon -an exquisitely aweet-
featured girl, whose relaxing grasp had
loosened a dead baby from her breast.
Three days after the unheralded
event of a woman found half drowned
upas the beach, and a dead child bur-
led in the scuds by hands unfamiliar
with such rites, the following letter by
8, yowls man spendiug this vii *atiou at
E X Was dropped into the Northern
post ;
"5Iz DE%R Arcrere,-I promised to
give you a detailed a0. otitlt of my un -
()reason of. X—. As awe are off at 9
L. M. en * boating exoursien to the
trite of—, tu• Drove all my pie.
catoria1 preparations yet to make, and
.oust necessarily DO brief.
"l.'estpauiog, then, a narration of
wiuur incidents until we meet, 1 will
describe to you merely the experience
which, I am sure (cuusideriust the cap-
; tivatiug rereonuel of our .lost ---ir-
resistible, I am told, to you nide), will
iutereet you and your sist%t most -
y evening at Tota lIttyward's cave.
"Two or three fellows of Ilayward's
set have indulged in the luxury of cave a
down here ; and tits settiug up of the
bee -facia; .averns has be n a rage this
aieaa+rn. But nothing so far .compares
aorase a sunburned moor,
a devious seaward path, and,
wn sharp -hewn steps in the
=re& a door 'amenably
iron, the "postern gate„
t accidentally n111o0104
a masonried pose
betliug crags with
vault known as Hay.
To go down into the obliviau-bear•
Lig ewbruce of the sea, to siva deep
iuto the bo om of the never-ceaeiug
sleep -what were the few pangs that
EHE • TIMES - „ :?EISuti$EE 13, 1877.
s►ni assie'ed somewhat by N —'3best,. I want you tomorrow to arrangeteem ital. musical perception, I was -your little,wardrobe-•-awkarday oh sell,
convinced that the voice had the one , I fear it is, 1 am such a no ice ; and at
rift in its divine lute of incipient •.f1cl . t noon -that le the time when e e are
'A fadedprima donna,' N said. A. I moat deserted here- I shall have a
wbenale, I thought, whose intense pow.. carriage waiting for you at the brow of
erof living iless atttlivsd her life. You a the Cliffe."
know that t is said that no actress I Tire girl while lie was speaking had
can adequately play the part of Shak- 'turned deadly pale; she leaned her
speare'e heroines :until the bloom of 1 bead, with a sigh of pain, spinet hie
youth is:past, and consequently the
thrilling accord ,of material and ire -
material is !oat.
"."fit any rate, the song -like the 'one
look of passion,' that Latoartine ' says
'sweeps the keys' of that charming 'in-
atrumeut,' the face of youth• -.-swept
the keys of our somewhat injured but
not yet age -worn hearts.
"But Auguate, my dear friend -
since yow will only allow me to call
you by thatname--1 frust conclude.
Oen you see the rampant melee of van-
dals who have just flocked into my not
spacious room, you would know why.
I will continue my cave story in my
aevt-for there iia s anis. But if the
fishing is good, we may relnain at the l when Hayward left tine a eve. Ile re -
till fekturtlay ; so do uot be anal- t rued at eleven. He was priding
put if you Wive no word till Mon. hillnself, as he descended tete elope,
day's mail, Meanwhile accept, with that ira,pressible as he had been to the
my rezuiuisoenee of the sweeter unteie I
ever beard, the dearest idealization of
frieu. dabip that so for has blessed the
fond but frowned -oil heart of your
faithful Onaflx.s."
Not ono of Tom Ileywatd's Cahn-
panions conjectured the refusal -made
At the lash moment -to accompany the
itching party pleuned by himself,
Twilight el that memorable day
fouud bilk at the new carefully kept
locked gateway of his cave, exploring { est Ilio hea,
the labels of wautfold paokasos depo�it He prided 1u-useaf upou the silence
ed upon the braced paving -atm- that was to wreak upon !vim from that
lug the postern gate. All aorta of the , hour forth the ce.tsrie, a skin of re -
most efl'entivate dellceteiea them paek• Vet -
Unlocking the gate, be gave the al -
nal of retnra ; he entered the euabriu-
ing space with the joyous pulse of ex-
pectation. he silence at tirst did not
shock hint. the entrance of the dimly
illumined c.irridor opening from :the
sea did not at once alarm. He warted
for the treluulouls uplifting of that our.
tale which bed uecome to ilia) delioi•
only fuysterioue, like the veil of a
He waited, Gut she Darn° not. He
taught her at last with the wild itn-
pnleo of one stricken with the re.
morse-liko dread of an inevitable fate.
What storms swept through his breast
as he tore each curtain from its place,
as he stretched his groping band into
each darkliug nielio, as he kuew stole
by stop the growing knowledge that
knee. `"I made a eotemu vow, said
Hayward -- a resoluti m, I mean, to
myself --that while you remained my
guest in this cave I would not speak
to you of anything that has bearings
upon outside life. But to -morrow I
shall be released. from this vs;allmtar$
restraint. I shall visit you to -morrow
evening in the hoes° where I have ar-
ranged et have you brought, mid then
you wilt And how a blunt downright
fellow like nyeelf is ready with good
advice. And elways"-for she looked
grief•etrinkeu beyond power of i,rorals to
express. -""Always, forever ,our uo►x
t s forever your friend."
It was nine o'clock by his watch
chorale of his guest --complete, ineem-
parnble,this seemed to than lu fora: ante
voice and mind-tind clearly tri Ice lied
et en that gratitude in her Was he
quick key of love, tho key that hire
baud held -he had never, in tenderness
for her isitlatien, e uuveyeal to her by
word or look the pee:di nette thought
winch assured Mill day and u'gt that
this ,calf of the wild seta wa3 IRs w0nion
among all women dc'et:ued to be nese''-
;ages held. The jovial cave had
become a tender hospice. Tole Hay-
ward was entertaiunlg a guest. As ho
mauled up mentally the eanteuts of
these ack !lie face -a frank kind
ingulfiug ? \vats there anything to be a.selling---an lu[orludl h s nti►ttou to C---- mow particularly tnttllectuel, but ear
feared after that i .111 terrible aspects and N—and myself, The approach, sentially minly face, wore an iufioitely
of destruction had passed in the part. directly
seaward from the road, and satisfied look.
iug glare of one butane Puce. wild in the extreme, has been sumo. Ile found his guest iu the dimly
"fy `b.aby, too 1" contentedly sigh- frit tt as +iitea by art. A tiled. exca• lighted interior reclining upon a couch:
ed the girl, vation that leads by a fantastically but the moment that ho uttered the
What was it, then, that :lace her lighted passage into a cavern some '; signal which in tae first onlotiun of
suddenly start and gtlaita ? �othing thirty feet, I should think, above high. ! pleasure he forget, elle optima up to
but a sensation of calci ag;aiust the
water -mark, opening in a wide month; meet hint.
pail: of :teealeft hand, that had loving. dltreetty upon the sea, and owing to a "No mare wilt! nights fur yon," he
]y lair& clorisit'ut beside the bubo'' foit, r PUY beneath it which forces the .'said, presently, ""if friends are till
-- a aenaatiou of atraege cold, start- waves euriens. columns more vo- going away till the 0114 of tie weak,
pug her users;, pieroieet the heart, ciftro�te. 'ilea t"11° 4i'Ig wililornea3," You Anil have your rent in peace. .
from the little baby's foot, dashed wildly by ep tt r, and for several faithful wata}ituau hvill be a;tatloned
By ane of those 1•iu,ular transitions fact tsiihlu filo rugged outran() 111.tdo just outbids your curtain a•, your feet.
that only the most subtle analyaia of
slippery with sea -weeds. Yes, truty, I Have*" come to stay --for
mental Inechaeltnl CAR 111i15ij, a sod. "Our visit was on a tranqul'1 night ; good : are you glad ?'
den change occurred rih the outcast but a measured booming sound, made c"t}h, YO glad 1" said the girl. "And
girl, arousing h''r from her stupid ap' reseratut by some aaeouetia properties last night l del not die of fright."
folly to edger lift, of the caverned arch, announced the "Why uot ?"
aThe leed--where's the sand ?" her nearness of the •mighty deep.' We ""Beoanse as mask is being drawn ay.
lips g;it+ped, while her eyes, grown scan became accustomed to the cease- er the cruel face. And it is your
suddenly i°1 ease, peered through the 1053 roar, and settled ouraelves comfort- hand, my banefactor-can I over be
glooming space. Surely they were ably to a game of whist. grateful to yon enough ?--that:- 'baa
drifting tthoreward. Surely she a*iv "But I forgot. I must picture the dine this. I begin to see afar off -
the looming of great reeks. Yes, and
now the flashing of a light.
They were borne iu bravely on the
upboaring aurf, One great wave, and
now another, friendly and gigantic,
lifted the boat upon its shoulders and
urged onward. 'Only the rooks were
apposing hers. On eaell bar the bil-
lows,broke with a shook. On these
bars the boat was stricken plant: from Parisian taste ; the flowers, exotic
plank ; but the girl, with a voice ren' 1 blossoms upheld against the cavern
dered keen by the motherly pang at walla in carved easels or racks ; the In
her breast, sent shriek and scream eiau rugs ; the oouehea quilted with
through the night, with her eyes fixed cashmere shawls ; the southern book.
on the light, crying, ""Help ! help ! Oases inlaid with hieroglyphics signifi-
help 1°' east to the initiated, no doubt ; th.•
Tom Hayward" one of the most bronzes Viand marbles gleaming from
matter -of -la et men amour mortals, had myate:ioiu uitellea in the rock ; au al-
-what be did not believe in at alt -••• eove for erefre hnients-but that I will
s presentiment that night. He was leays to describe at leisure. Last
sitting idly smoking a cigar in the sea- evening it ministered to masonline
ward verandah of hla hotel with a few taste; but at times when ladies are in -
lounging companions, who had been vited everything is made to "aauf er a
petauaded to go to the theatre of an sea -change' --ices shaped and tinted
adjacent town to see a star actress in like aliens, dishes and goblets (ouchols-
a provincial cast :; and he bad been gioal from helix to uautiliu".
IlasilJ ooneidering whether to accept "Opposite the refecto y is a veiled
the proposition, .when a sudden ian- niche, and the white lase dropped to
pulse, strong' enough to impel him the ground is so heavily embossed
from hlanonohalant at.itude resolutely with gold, that although it looks trete
to his feet,-struok him. with this clearly aparout, it is au absolute screen I
expressed intent t emphasize this foot ou aoeount of an
"Excuse me, ' for I must go down to episode of the evening, wlliou I may as
cave. 1 have left P—'s tnanuscript well tell you at once, ,
and li~•-•-•-'s paoket of African rough uWe had played two or three games
diamonds ,upon my escritoire shelf, of whist, regaled ourselves .vith Hey -
and the postern gate unlocked, word's choice cigars and wine, and
.Eve deelin :d the proposal- for the the evening was drawing to -a el se,.
evening in town pe.ampto ily, and
went toward' the elide.
.'Confound my. Culpable inertia r'
he muttered to (himself; it h33 bi•e.i
these, iuoahoret.t v.tgaries of the brute.
What in ids me tili&ak that Round one ii
kthockialg at the soatate ,to•niglrt,
kaockiug and crying 1 r bell• 2 . Net
a.t i.eular. ilia •1)U, 9ertotnly s a&ta Arabia illuslou never. heard Ol, 1 slip
lutea at oouiplaai't may exist, A
fairVoU5 irritation of ttie tympanum
this undoubtedly is. Tit* souoils
were low, but so distinct. At any ,rate,
1'}n on the tro,ek,
Walking et a brisk papa, 'pari tIiy
might :lark against the elm of this to Alias. Ile wore invited down last Pee fie, ,
she had L.'
gone back fi
stark wre
been f1
irn, that she was gone -
"to the breast of the
e crest she !tad
to see that Life
may be, mi'
ether, awee
what storms swept his breast, the wild-
est leap and in est despairing wailing
of the sea, that year by year dashed up
beside the lonely cavern to teach it the
woes of the vast abyss, were in coin:
paricavern itself, and the simple black and oh, but veryfar off 1 ---that life ie Cif erod laon but a fairy ripple and a whisk.
p Brod laugh.
white of paper aud ink can hardly do may be, perhaps, sweet." B.vsry ]leant hides i+a own Avernus.
this. The Interior i9 an apocalypse of " My dear child, said Hayward "de- But atrange it seems that a man like
collar ; the draperies of Dopper-oolor'2d pend upon it, lite is a treat. The Tcut Hftyward, the jov al boon-oom-
orieutally emtroidered in brilliant silks; past -our past, I mean -is simply
the pictures ; the musical instruments
set with gems -colored crystal, I pre-
sume ; the lights arranged in tinted
groups, like flower arraugemeuta in
bad dream. Qonsider it so ; and now
awake. Come and show me where 1
shall put some of these -things-whioh I
found dropped down for you at my
In Ab, the strange, unworldlike, child- in the midst of some menial scene,
like. devout happiness of that night 1 in the midst of music and of dance,
Hayward actually beguiled his guest in-) there comes into hi% frank, bright eyes
to the extravaganza of smiles, the un a dimming baent.minded glance.
panion of careless, fortunate young
men, the bright -hearted favorite of the
girls, the generous, the gay, the smil-
ing honored guest at the feast of life,
should have learned the fatal descent.
kuown rarity of her young lips. Ta the yery sanctum of his gout one
Had the whole aspect of her place of dear ra.nembrance drags; iram the
The nudergigned wenld beg leuire to acgnnint
the Public thatthat they !tare opened out a
On the .street leading to tl+s 1t C. church, nn,'1
that they are prepared to eoutraetfor till kinds
Plane and speelfieatious fu- lied, and from
their experience ,u tee nnsineas, they fee
couti.lent of giving satisfaction to those who
may favour thein with their patronage.
Felt Roofing contracted for on Reason-
able Terms.
By -i. aW Chapter 4, 1877
refuge been ;less strange, lea* unreal flower-r;trewn field of earth the beautia
and like a dream ; h d her rescuer ful doomed Proserpine of his life.
been lass off -hand. deb.anair, . and boy.
ishly kind and goof ; less iuherestly
chivalric. and so apart from any being
:the haul known, , the mental shook
which had left her nothing in life of
hope, and the physioial• exhsustiou in-
eident to the exeitomeut of the rough
mode of her s.dvent to the cave, would
not have been so readily counteracted.
this place o' rant was to her a com-
plete new world. Her experience was a
relizatiou of '"an opening paradise,"
until memory should be re-established,
and Life, that never loses itself in more
than momentary dreams, should eatah
up its lost links.
Reaction came. One day when Hay-
ward heti bean absent many hours, he
returned with au expression something
like. Dare, and "to have," he said, "a
When from behind the embroidered our -reruns talk."
taiu prose the music, with harp worn -l He bad thrown himself into an arm-
chair with a weary air, and. his guest
drew a ouslti +n near, and seated 'herself
at bi-' fee'. It was the nearest attitude
man of tis 'might have been see -i' with,, of affection she liad essamed; it.e-
dro )ped earls, • leaning our ban Is pen- pressed gratitude, the trusting subsery
lively upon our heads. 'Each thought ienoe ef'lher heart.
of the wom.tu who loved flim best, "I will not aik you," he said -"you
"Naves had I heard, my dear Au- kn'aw I have not ,asked you • far days--
guita, atoll a penetr cilias,, .haunting to tell me anything of -your history of
v+usti. Neil, all oue irll•leorine and iu- the past, It is,enough for me..toltnrw
4is+tug demands upon. 1'1. tyward fitil"'d that this woman. here is you., , I trim
to ferns hill to uplift the veil -awl re• yon perfectly, as you. •trust mi ; but I
volt!. the fair .•.songstress, And for dile ean no longer shelter . you here..:d
ren,soth, we all snrwi.ed : her'foree be- knew that this lreold be but ft brief' titre
ward turned from the wed cense. lied her V. ied, and H•fyward would not: en for you from the f%rEt,; and I • have
tvny of it high -road the: stretched:. over .ti>r wtirldi hive ticstrbycd the.suggect- been studiously malciog ara•syngornotits
the bluff' a mile or eu beyond toe' b� ivo elfeut, Iudee 1, upou rt -'fie tion, for you euoh al nein-" for' the Ilreaent', of tbo t weotest, most plaint-
ive voice I nave .ever . heard. Tito ef•
t't.ot was ; wvoIuutaarily every
J9MEa MclOnisS
.:O.D S.'
B I: C E S'
rrov:tioaally4.dopted t tli (lay of .Aughst,i67i,
'tx rifEKKEAS, a majority nh number
et toe oeess a of pcoperty, es Shown by
tate last rerreed Assessment Roll. to be rusi,tent
4:441i tau prul,crey lturrintitte* set torch, w l,o h,,,t;ia.
fitted by t48,4ui1atus ie. hurt+;.etftaoued the Conn.
e3a* ui titea:tnl .tuwaltsatllnt U.t}, plaaio; twat the
low }acids nn at i whist-t'itc+, 1 a the last Cow
cession, should be drained. And Si herec4.tnert-
upot. cue said 4,701# 801 proctared uit ux.iulmnatiou
to :t,l..l.Nle by Aa-1re.*, b.•tnq a pel'eu:t cuita-
putaut i4rsueb parpuse,ut tau suit k�sal.taes
pre.;+»r.t to ue gratoad, atxi 2245 uatso prvVUU d
1uaS tiattt estittl4feaUt Cha 06th t.t bo lta 4,no by
0a°.t41.L chides.* ii". 51,1 u'1 Aft ira7er• basest to Lt.
ut.ulu+•ytiituuftauruat laro,nultyno1,,' �+ltta;d
icy nuch1104.41.11404.4
lrafu,lgo, state:tt; osuetu•yyay Jia can thu
pru►rurttuu o. incubi wt+ioh*i* Lie opiutou wilt Lo
dar.vo4 to amctugnruro ut such tiraauage, to uvory
rune turd tutor purtiuu of lot, too nsneesaut utao
fu o scut .tic mt'art Yui ;*e'r.o.i .►tn1; Ow ti ay in ro-
53'*' t meet+uf,at&dni tin sulci druivago buiuii iia
Thattnu told tlxsisage is quite praetieablo as-
eordiut; to tun 1+lana atruaur au !4. to the
a tuutctputeouttctlut tile `,ruwnauilt of le;.y, ane
t.iathiauetint.,tauf tit*, wtwk l+ruj,.oscd Hurk is
x02 chi-
.ud WYnereas, the 641+1 Council are of opinion
that the drainage of cue locoIitiva det*rivi•d is
desirable, be it titcrafote enacted by the aaid:tRun.
Wiled Couarilofttru Township of .flay, ppurbua t
40 niepruvrbtuae ut un act vt the Legralaturb el
(a:�taeru iutileath t your of nor Majesty's
reign, t'uuptcrctsi.
1st ltat the sant plana and estilnat."a, as
a401,1t4'41, aid 1330 said dram and the werkeco0ueo-
ted thaerewithhemualeeud cuu:trnet:A in actor•
dance therewith
tad. Teat the dumb necessary to cornplctot110
rind works shall be ratted by a eta:vial tcx un the
paf,dIruo av nyAstit0litbolbeuctltted, said tax to be raised
3301. `chatter the yea,pose of r'at'ing the GUM
Of Three 2iuudted and kitty -Fire Ilollars, awing
titoaiuouutehurged %gdfust the said lauds ao to
Sol cpealtted as aforesaid. Other than roads nu.
l0uging to the municipality, the fotlewiug apooinl
rates over au•l aborealt taller rates ,haul ue as-
aus5odaad'eviedin.the salmi unmoor sudat taw
same Woo Ili brava aro tuvieduuuuthe uudorunne,
tinned luta, and parte of Vita, lad.% tee lands so to
be bouuhttu't a utoreraaid„nudshall herald. at the
trots and an rho manner uudormeutitned.
Drainage of Lanai in the Whigs of IDI:NBALL
Townrhrpot Uuy, County of Huron.
No. on
holt. ALME8,
,,,One -Fifth
One -Fifth
Outs -Fifth
Due -Fifth
ono -Fifth
One -Fifth
One -Fifth.
Ono -filth
3 etre-attli
4 out -fifth
5 ouediftli
one -'lith
50 ' one-fifth
52 one-fifth
s one Ifth
64 One fifth
65 one-it th
L7 one-fifth
58 cuedfiftk
63 one-fifth
ea one-8ith
Gey ono-rifth
67 oho-fi th
68 ono -fifth .
111 ono-ilfth
186 one-fifth
183 tune -fifth
184 one-fifth
13 one fifth
137 one-fifth
138 • one-fifth
139 ono 81th •
140 ons -fifth
141 one-fifth
113 10 square perches
133 10 ►quare perohes
114 10 square pinches
115 10 square ¢orches
129 , one-fifth
130 ono -fifth
191 ' one-fifth
Value et int-
— ¢ 88 fill
0 0e
1i ori
8 00
6 nil
6 eV
4 e
4 60
4 t'
4 50
4 60
6 *30
4 75.
A Al
325 25
Et 50
8 533
s 0
3 tt
4th. For the purpose of paying the sum of Tlue
Hundred and Fifty -Five Dollars. being the total
amount assessed as aforesaid against the said
lands of the said Village of Hensaal, a spools' rater
of 81 cents in the dollar shall, over and above the
other rates, be ievied, in the same manner and at
the some tine as.taxesare levied upon the whole
ratable property of the lands ao benefitted in the
Village of Uenaell,for the year 1377.
MAKE NOTICE that the faregoin
1 is a By -Law pr 'visionally adep1te.i by the
Municipality of the Township of Hay, on the •
Fourteenth Day of Augu2t,1827. Any person in-
terested having any complaint to make in respect.
of the 4613e8sment is required to give notice of each •
complaint andthe cause and matter thereof to
the undersigned Clerk of the Municipality en or,
before the Twenty-fourth day of September,•1577,,
aa,d euoh con plaint will bo investigated by a
Court of lteyision to beheld not later than thirty
days from the Thirtieth•uday of August1877,
of which notice will be give
Any person intending to apply to have the rd
By -Law or any part thereof quasl:ud annet within
ten days after the final passing thereof serve a
notice in writing upon the Reeve n:u1 upon the
Clerk of the nuuioipalityof his 1xio,'Igen tomaiko.
each application 10* twat purpc BC Lc,one of Her'
Majesty's Superior Courts. of Lawns Toronto dat-
ing the larm next ensuing the flue tiiissirig of the.
By -Law. SAMUEL • 1 ti , t l:ii Clerk.
Hay, August14,1877. .
MAKE NOTI OE . that the Court of,
1 Revision for the hearing of appears from
assessments math rthe foregonig 1%y -Law will be
hold at the Town H 111 in the Village of Zurich,
in the Township of Hay, on Wedneadey,, the
+Twenty -Sixth day. of Septembe •;1877, at L,o'cloe
in the afternoon.. SAMUBh,Y'ia81 I*R, 4lerk,$
,$ear, August 24, 1877,