HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1877-6-28, Page 8ea
ort ueut, Eneiteb mileage
�naow I n s
enacts, Greon arolee;:tree, prettyesetern
sof nese, vitae
ae at1
10 carie#les—alipricoa,
Einar, -•-A splendid shower of rain fell A� V&LUABL,u Ilhise--A contemporary
ou Sunday evening last which although says :—It is not generally known, but
9 y g g y
I it kept many from attending church, , should be, thata handful of flour
was most timely, and resulted in much thrown on burning oil will quencet the
good. flames instantly. The next time you.
Bass .1$AI.re - -- The Beavers of this . have a lamp explosion try the eeperi-
town went to Dashwood a few days muent, aud see how like a charm itwill
since, and played the Stars of that . work, It is worth remembering.
place. At the close the soore stood, Exeemseon THE Races. ---The entries
Dashwood 6; Exeter S7. • for the forthcoming races are corning
lain rnbuor °Keen IN eBni.T.—.On Monday last, lin rapitlly, Already far exceeding those
a boy owned d Melvin Ilodgins world- of way previous year. There can ba no
�a ne
ing iu kressrs, Wanless de Blain's wool- doubt that the meeting will be most
len factory, was putting a belt on the sncoessful,
carding machine, ellen he became en -1 ItterreEND.—Messrs. Hodgson and
tanelee in it. lie was relieved before UIawkshaw returned. from their trip
ay serious injury was doue. to Manitoba, on Tuesday evening last..
Tee s elyeahneme. a wick They look hale awl hearty, and ap-
U --'t'RIGO,
.k O1143..)-!•
rapidly pushing his new :)hill towards
tllaietion, and by the first of October.
we hope to see the building erected,
and the busioees rushing. It is to be
erected ort Mr. A. 1,V.:lper'sfarm in
re Theo3iear.a be tied eau 5 f'ts, aeream Exetor 11tor`li. That gentleman very
��" lt, ,I esef,a cac•Fr`a aud.f.Grr,,aa'a Vogl
kindly granted the site -ea, earner wile
�' —and gives other assistance.
It It Azie': ix,141 g, (;,? Nettles & Abbt)tt.
Delitiete, Leteleral, Lireetiat:'
flux -mall lege of Penne bergeous. will be nt Centra
Kat i, Exeter, every Tuesday. Special et-
teation paid to geld Oleg,
Been Dome aps. —It is meet touching
to peas along any of the roads iu this
section sand witness the devastation
tire ri..1
R t1s1NtI.--'I he barn at tit
arae raised ou Friday last.
Pic•Nrc.-h1 number of the young peo-
ple of the town excurted to the lake on
Thursday Inst, and bed a meet euloya-
Isle time. l that h s been made by the oaterpillnrs.
Seeeveureux Fusrivaa .—Tbe ntraw- Iii. every tiirectian your eye fella upon
berry fostival given iii the basement of orchards (laureled of every vestige of
the J. M. church, here last evening was anyything vernal, whatever, and the
a success in every particular. r.pple crop may already be pronounced
Oxen Fon Wool„ —The highest price au entire failure.
Tata err Sru.L 'Man AGAS.*F, Owing to
arsMe informality in the indictment,
dolin Snow, convicted at Clinton some
rveeta swee, 'tor dtsposiug of whiskey
aitille without license, was releasedfrow
custody. Officers were iu waiting,
ltowover, rand arrested him again. On
Tuesday afternoon last he was brought
befoul T. Gilley, J. Drew, and P. Is-
P11i;I ps, Esga., on the same charge.
Messrai, J. A. Cameron and H. Orth
were tbo only witnesses called ; lfr.
Cavan, Inspector Inland Revenue, pro
Routing. The cavileuce was strong
agaiuet him, and he was sentenced to
eight months' imprisonment, and afine
of $600. He wa; conveyed to gaol on
Wednesday morning,by,Constablo Gill..
In cash or trade will be paid for wool,
at the Exeter Woollen milts,
Seeewousxius,-Families desiring
strawberries far trawling or preserving
purposes eau procure thein in quauti-
ties at l,+fr. Gcerge Sanders' store, at
low figures.
Taira BARLEY friend inforlua us
that be was attown a few days since, a
stock of barley 31 feet in length, grown
on the farm of Ur. Ferguson of Hay,
near Funsville. That will be Bard to
Ault's:D.—Tho machinery for the
flax refit has arrived, and is rapidly be-
iug placed in its position by the ma-
chiuists. .[11 is few weeks the mill will
be in working order. A large number Emmen—The fallowing is a list of
of hands will be employed during the tht officers elect for the Exeter Divi -
season in pulling flax. cion S. of T. for the current. quarter :
Bar, ON THE Brum-Numerous corn —W. P., Bro. A, Robinson ; W. A.,
plaints reach us from farmers, about ` Sia. B. Weir; R. S., Bro. 13, Grigg ;
some of our young men playing ball on A. R. S., Sis. E. Ealloway; Con., Bro.
the streets. We know' this is all the R. White ; A.. Con., Sis. M. Grigg ;
hint they will require to stop, as they Chap., Bro. W. J. Clarke ; I. S. Sis.
are not of the class to wig to =convert M. Palmer; 0. S., Bro. W. Perkins ;
iince or bother any one. Organist, Sig. Till White ; P. W. P,,
Bev. S. J. Axtn 'a P/c -NIC. --On Fri- Bro. W. Grigg.
day last, the young folks in connection Von or Teeters.—On I+londey even -
with the 13. C. church, tendered Bev. ing last, at the meeting of the Exeter
Mr. Allin a pio-via on the occasion of Division, S. of T., Rev. Mr. Aliiu re-
his leaving Exeter. The warty pro- received a hearty vote of thanks for
,Deeded to tho lake, and on the shores the very efficient sarviees rendered the
of old Huron, a ;pent is pleasant day iu Division by hire. They also expressed
boating, swinging etc, their regret at losing him, but hoped
LL'CAN.---On Sunday last the it would be for the best. Mr. Arlin re -
Free liasons of Exeter visited their plied in a neat address, in which he
Lucas brethren and listened, in comp. alluded to the pleasant times he bad
any with various visiting lodges, to one
cf the most interesting sermons ever
delivered by Rev. Canon Innes. Ov-
er three hundred were inthe pro-
PenceeSING.—T11e baud was on Mon-
day evening last practising for the cel-
ebration on Dominion Day. They play
remarkably well; while out they gave
our genial station master a serenade.
The fire -engines were out the same
evening, and did themselves credit.
It. S. Minutex is prepared to fit up
public buildings, churches and private
residences with Velvet. Brussels, tap
etry, All -wool; Dutch and Three-pl-
carpets, Matting and English Oil
Cloth, Feather Beds and Pillows, at
short notice and at very moderate
prices. No. 126 Dundas Street, Lon-
don., Ont.
PRESENTATION.—On Tuesday evening
of last week, Rev. S. J. Arlin, Presi-
dent of the Literary Society ia'oonnec-
tiori with the B. C. church, was made
the recipient of a purse of $25 and a
well prepared address, at thr bands of
J. N. 1 ooper, on behalf of the Society.
The rev. gentleman repliedin moat feel-
ing terms.
HRAVY FROST.—Oil Friday night the
frost was tory hard,and did considerable
harm to the potato and other vines.
which were unsheltered, and on low
ground. Fears were entertained that
the wheat-crop'would be effected, but
from a. multitude of inquiries, we re-
ceive the answer' that no harm `bas
been dere,• and that the potato Drop
will not'be materially damaged.
DonaxzoN DAY. -We hope the busi-
ness man of the town witlnot be behind
those of other places, but will celebrate
Canada's natal dee, in a truly loyal
spent in the Division, and spoke
words of encouragement to them. Re tary subscription.
did not feel like giving a farewell ad- New Reliever •Cuossllsa.-For a week
dress as be was only going to London
au hoped to meet chem frequently.
Mr. Allin leaves Exeter with the best
wishes of the whole community.
F *NE 28
both in point of preparation and ar-
rangement, tlid too much praise onnuot
be given to the ladies of this place and
vicinity for the unremitting efforts ex-
tended by them in meeting the wants
of all who partook of the many good
thlugs vihhoh they had provided for the
aeoasion. About half•past nine our
much esteemed friend, D. Broth -
aur, was called to the chair, which he
filed in hfs usual manner, The follow-
ing address, 'which was rend- by . Mr-
Delniage, of R'irkton,on behalf of the
lodge, was warmly applauded by all
present, and elicited from Mr. Idle a
warm aid feeling aelcnowledgmont, in
the course of which he expressed his
thankfulness for the presentation glad
pear to havo enjoyed thelnaelses.. Mr. prosperity of toe lodge, wnieh had al-
l3.odgson will tell you something about ways been most dear to him, as also the
it hip self next week through these col-
dee*, regret ba, fort ill severing his con
morns. 1 vection with the members of the ludg-.
-wows �i?I.F t7 Ninths. --having 1 `�Si.tiy. interesting stud instructive,
given this wont r c;areftii ts.-- Ha inn, were the somata., toasts and asoligs
iveu by Messrs, Johnstone), I ortc r, t;.re tri tl a eoeutry a s wail as in tb
to End Ina „Ix:. h0 of its size, so m ash ctil vel-, D tern ge, Dinswhore, W1111;9, okl. Tl e P t i��rr'+1 t.a6;e e. p:atter@i irenn.
genuine 1 a yot t R+� could be stowed 1C° grout), Lir, Irvmg, iUoCurdy aar:d some of + �, ali�l ll.:; bretlrrer., alnd as
otliexa3, and altogether the meeting was one of the roost iuterestiug, conrfortiva
and encouraging that it has been o
privilege to witness, rt t costae re-
member:Iuce of such a demonstration
of attachment will be a source of no
ertiinary satisf tattoo to Mr. Idle,
At 11:90 the eutertalnment was
brought to a close, all soperatiog 11 eb-
ly delighted with the evening`) enjoy-sp:Ice, if bu, I hope you will pardon my
'trent. The following is the intrusion.
much-tl.1kod-Of � nelisiz church that
was to have been built,;and for which
some $1,590:were subscribed, has not
risen above the ground, although Mr.
Levett stillders the laud, and there
is no pi Gce needs a church more
thau this i;ectin, las a v,zry
large number of the settlers beim gs to
it. The nearest church is At prospect
Bill, and that is in the Kirkton perish.
This section is mit pi! 1'J•+ar�i i ekh ;uu;izi
:anti I.irkton, and the uu&.iatera u$ these.
places sad that it is too touch work for
a mean to travel the di: canes and
preach three times on e. Sabbath,
them fore (Fronton and Awurikk aro loft
to the to saris: mercy of the Dist op,
tuidd'z• woes', eye the n s is, ,an
for ail i rh ere zee tl# :_are, brat .3beep of
the Apo:- turn fold may seek wim spirit -
And p:aeturu they east fine. In my
opinion, there is tory tnech lethargy'
atllongstfare chinch oflaugland nziei.:-
heti �'
w r s r •issra
e o u z
w s to t n
eha eone.- p
t ' ;leaf out t - Cie 1, ,!tliodist ' book would
away. It is a work no family shouldbe of aurae nye to thein. Grantee,
be without, as it comprises all that is r only two years ago wax comicsted with
useful in animal history, and brings
1 D b 1 1 I±.irlituu ciretlit and now it bus a (toed
before the reader in the sinarplest pox• cllatitt:lz end a l+saraarrago and a largo
slble manner, the oonnection it has s;c)nrrG'gnatltan, aautl tlzeso efforts ores
with that of biblical history, this in a arownotl with evccess, while toe Ap-
n �neer eomprisiug bath. The aa...geut A ol;tolio chip iy seettered to every corner.
ie now 9ttuvassiug for the work, and 1 1'iulatlrbllia is slot trespassing en yam.
we hope lie may receive the onoouriige•
meat it ruerits, . All interested in the
evolution Ovary cannot do a wiser
thing than study the work.
REzrovan,-•-The remains of Mr, 3'uo,
fiord were yesterday removed from
the cemetery south of Exeter, to the
Union C Aute.t
alga TR,1LiJ4,
pf RSO aL.—Miss Etta Armstrong of
George, Brant, on a'visit, is a guest
the 0. U. Parsonage,
i teen ttr. Solomon 1,Voadball, who
is about to leave for Oregon, bas eold
his house and lot to blr. John Ten-
nant for %d40,
23rsl:sa ss Au Smr*o i. -'Considerable
shipments of produce are eoustautly
making at Centralia Station for Lan-
don and eeetward, consisting priuci-
pallyg of grain from the storehouse, live
stock flax .fibre, wool, batter, cheese.
cordwood and tan bark.
RETURNED.-11.'fessrs Joseph Anderson
and John Balkwill, carpenters aud fra-
mers, have returned from Prince Ar-
thur's Landing much disappointed in
their expectations 'of finding employ-
ment. They report the labor market
in those regions to be overstocked, and
that great numbers are returning from
i%ianitoba quite disheartened, many of
them eutiroly destitute of the means of
coining back to their homes.
CHANGE OP MIND,—Ibe U. Methodist
have abandoned the idea of holding the
proposed strawberry festival at Centra-
lia, as announced for the 2nd July, the
funds intended. to be raieed thereby be-
ing el eerfully forthcoming, by the
shorter and mere direct route of volun-
past a gang of men have been at work
constructing the new crossing over the
L. H. & B. R, at Centralia, connecting
Melootrrne street with Prince Leopold
A STRANGE AN1tmAr;.—On Saturday street and the silo road. This new
last, Mr. Eli Snell and a young -man way of access' to the station will be
named Down, were cutting bark in a thrown open immediately after harvest,
swamp about twc miles west of Exeter, and travel from the west to the depot
when they came in collision with an will be shot tened fully half a mile.
animal, which from a description given ANOTunR P SIDENT MInISTER.—The
would have enabled thein to Rev..W.•Davis, B. 0. • minister, hes
retire on half pay, had they succeeded been appointed to reside at Centralia.
in nabbing it. They had chopped down A househas been rented for his aocom-
a tree, and were cutting awe, the brash modation,:and. is being fitted up, and
when they saw the animal beneath. stable built, with all possible despatch.
Not knowing its nature, and being un -
armed, they were somewhat cautious in
approaching. Mr. Snell, however, young.peeple cf Centralia,' are in ex
planted his feet on what he soon found peotation of- having a' high' time on
out were its .wings, and had just time Monday afternoon next, July 2nd, at the
to observe that,they were. ulna five B. C.' ellarch' grounds;_ when tea with
feet across and that it had a head ie -
strawberries and oream will. be served
sembling: a -fox, with a pouch at its in'abundance. In the evening there
side for carrying ,its young, when the will be a platform meeting, and addres-
unknoavn, which seemed to have awak- cos will be delivered by _Revs. Butcher.
ened from a slumber, suddenly left its Davis; Rice; Arlin and Walsh, 'and a
frightened conspanions,`and winged its
real good tilrre'is expected. .A choice
f Music will
way to the skies. when last seen, being ` eeccho °of the church be rendered by
but a mere speak iu the heavens. From
the description given, we shooks pro- • , xii"d1(JaDY,:.9,]Il.
flounce it a Kalong. This animal which
measures 5' feet in the spread of its 0 Tu
u . assay evening, the 19th inst.,;
wings, i4 a native p1 Java. Tire upper a very large and interesting meeting of
pa;t of the neck is -a smoky. red ; the the members .of L. 0. L., No. 492, of
rest of the fin dull.' In the lower part this village, assembled in the. Orange
of Java it is very common, and Iives in
troops, which do not appear to yisit
the more elevated district. They : se;
leat a targe tree for their resort, and
suspending themselves by the claws of
their hiud limbs to a tree present a curi-
ous spectacle. They pass the greater
Manner by closing their places of bust= t part of the day in sleep, Banging mo -
nee s let there be no close -front- tionless ; ranged in succession with the
open -backdoor business about it
either. Theclerks deserve
all the time you can possibly' give
them. Our farming friends are rnost
head downwards, the membranes
contracted about the body, and cling in
dose contact, and look like part of the
tree. They emit piercing. shrieks when
to blame in this matter. For goodueso awakened. How it found its way to
sake leave yanr eggs and butter at home the township of Stephen is the gees -
when you tomo in to tlia zaces. tion of the day.
Hall to,, giye a supper aud present it
puree to the Rev. Mr. D, Idle, on the
oca,asion of, his leaving to take charge
of another station. Mr. Idle has rosid-
ed in this place upwards of two years,
during which, time his good conduct,
his amiable deposition and especially
bit zealous efforts far'the sobriety and
spiritual. welfare of the people, have
given him a very high position in the
affections of this lodge and the relig-
ious community, and won for him the
respect of all. The entertainment was
really one of the best ever held in
Woodham. The edible provision was
abundant and displayed great taste
To the Rev. 3Ir. Dunrai►I� f<lle;--
Lem Arornsn, We, the meraibere of T.L. 0.
Vii.. NO. 492, Woodham, having beard witia.
muck regret dant "the ebougee and chateces of
thiamottet lite" have brought it to pass that
the relations hitherto existiag between ns
must be seversd by youleaving the village,
canuot allow the occasion to pasts without ten -
tiering an expression of oar respect and esteem
for ane who has been so nnreurittieg r lir
atteutious to the spiritnalwants of bis hearers,
and for the great interest yon have taken
this lodge and the good of the order gouerelly.'
While we shall miss your well-known face
and kindly . grewing, yet ire hope that the
ohuge tray be to your advantage. and that wo
may have the pleasure of meeting you ere
long. Wo feel ear,' that the Almighty will
bless and keep you, nue as we bare mot toge-
ther iu this lodge for upwards of two years,
during which. time wo have frequently Leen,
through your good council, kept and gelded in
that brotherly love which, binds us togotheruu
That in view of your departure from among
Wb aelmowledge with sincere , at)tude the
bonellte wuioh we have individually as mem-
bens of this lodge received from you, and beg
you to accept our unitod thanks and this purse
as a very inadequate expression of our oblige-
tious, that it m .y brune; to your remembrance
the many Wanda you have left behind you in
Woodhamu,end that God may ever bestow lits
choicest blessiinge on yon and yours, is the
sincere wish and fervent prayer of each one of
us, On behalf of themembers of L. 0. L., No.
W. M., L. 0. L., No.402.
I remain yours See,
013$ER n x
c arro.r. .
IMrlrovEMENTs. You so very seldom
hear from our village, no doubt you
will find a small space in your widely
circulated journal to note a few jot-
tings. The street leading to the grain
warehouse is being turnpiked and
gravelled by the citizens, the {fraud
Trunk supplying the gravel. This
will give farmers a good road, bottles
removing that dreadful sea of mud
which usually ornamented the G. T.
yard, siring and fall. The streets in
Granton and Awnzik have received a
good coat of gravel, Mr. Thereat;
Culbert has his new hotel ve1y oom-
pleted and will open in lily
weeks. The size of the building is S0x
84, two storey, with a long show room
for commercial travellers. The driving
house and stable in connection is 80x
86 feet, and from Kr Cultert's experi-
ence in the .business, he, no doubt,
will look well to the comforts of his
guests, Mr. B. Blackwell intends' er-
ecting a new store, immediately. Ti' e
crops never looked' better at this season
of the year, the frost of Friday .night,
which *as severe, frrtunately only
singed the garden crop, which was
pretty: well advanced: Potatoes, to-
matoes and corn suffered most..iav-
ing has already commenced, Mr. John
Westman having out and housed about
fifteen tons of clover '.hay. The School
ground in Awmik is in it very .neglect-
ed condition instead of being a play.
ground for tho scholars, it is bat a
commons for the highway cow, the ho
and the sheep.' if the trustees would
put..a fence around it they might have
pasture to let and make a Little in that '
way, but the way it is ;lte.)t is a die-
graoe to any •section, and we' might
take a hint from.,Whallen section. I
hope for the credit of the trustees that
they will loose no time m fending the
ground and putting a, bell On the build-
ExcensroN.— There was an excur-
sion to. Sarnia a few days since. Peo-
ple, in this township and all along the
line. of G. T. R.. availed themselves of
the oheap;trip. Th.3 excursionists ar-
rived'herae on .their return about 10 o'-
clock p. m. and Mopped for about
twenty minutes. One would have
thought it was a fishing party on a
large scale, or that it was the season
of Lent, from the number of fish that
was carried by the excursionists.
)11!e trg 11151
earl eessors to G. 13, Smith)
se irao :.,ura ant uuaounceiag a steady increale
ToItaiue or a cir saleo, without r rerting
unheultby ntiannlen da
15 T 7
'Aute one of the armor White di Co, is
most,, i,s tautly oither is bluiapenu or .*mer;
can 3,13-40 ,0:6, , Mut l; Stnith havoug been in.:few
York far t ' mast 'two Or three woei-,s, one $,r
lieador:, . t aK r:'a4y to stort for i:uroi,e .,w soon as
1 e railusi, thereby plaeinglie in a v0;ttian See -
Matt to 0 i.0 Lit the Doiniuionlurobtaain u6 °heap
Sotl Because a well as;orted steel! of Foods
such agar:, mevery dtY dentand, can alwityalber
fildWith. 118 CLOSESrRltrese,
3rd la.-.nnac we are receivia& goadsaimaet
daily, eit'a:•r by &press or l<reigi;t, w1zu bi pitmen
each tiepa:tauunt nuead.et the :oquiremonts
trade. anti at tiaeha ue tune rresbuess ani vigor
The Startling Bar-
Prints, Shirts, Cottons
aud Dress Goods
Arn the wonder of erory customer who gees
them lawyers coming to St, Mary's aro roast 40-
cidettlyluo:,ing woney by pat viaitiu'onrstore' f
Ji ELZTE `4c CO.,
Rev J 0:ay ood'e work coverre gronn3 oc;
copied by t.o other book of ray knowledge, Its
theme is of an absorbingobaiaotor to the puiv
ato ebristiau, vabbatb saool renela0r, bible class.
teachor, niluieter, andevei77 bible rcntier, Ibo-
Pave the Darnsa] of its ]aagos cannotf+:it to 4eep-
rY fnterostall classes of peopi0, It iril]confound.
it not convince the atrenelhoa th0 bo-
liev er, and aw.tikon to earaosoeptle,et thought the im-
penitent. The author has given us autimberof
fundamentaihistorical fust^, thorotgltly handled.
I eonAdontly recommend It to ar1.
John W Butcher, B 0 adoister,
The undersigned would aegnaitt tgo Libel itants
of the surrounding country that he is prepared
to contract for sinking trolls and
If required, and that ho is Mill manufacturing
foals of every description at his old stand, } of'.
a mile north of E meter, an tbo London Roan.—
Thosowantingpumps should give him acail.
"'Noon's Bible anlnieis,"a description of tho
habits, structure and uses of every living crea-
ture from the ape to the coral; and and explain-
ing all. those passages in the Old and New Testa-
ments;in which reference is made tobeast, bird,
reptile, ')sh, or insect' illustrated byover one
hundred now designs, by Bova Wood,E. A.: mith
written bythe Rev. J. G. Wood, M. A. &c., to
which aro added articles en yowl,
Jame MoC'osh, D' D. and " Researches and trav-
el In Bihio lands," by Rev- D. March, D. D. Such
is tin; Lille pag,, of a new work nicely printed on
good paler, well bound.' We have given it a
pretty caroful scanning and heartily commend st
It would make n 'vero nine present to a young
minister, sabbath school teacher, or any bible
student. J. W. Lyon Sc Co publishers, Guelph,
Ont.—Observer '
Ik_1+I OLD PHYSICIAN; : retired. from
active practice, having had placed in his
hands by an East India Mistionary the formula,
of a Vegetable Remedy for the speedy andper-
manent cure. of
and all Throat;and Lung Affections; also apositiae
and radicaloure for nervous debility and all ner-
vous complaints. after having- thoroughry tested
its wonderful curative powers 111 thousands of ca-
ses feels it his duty to make itknown .to hie suf-
tering fellows: Actuated by this',motive, and a
' denscientious desire to relieve human suffering,
liowill send, free of charge, to all 'who desfie it.
this recipe, with full directionsfor preparing and
succeeefully using. Sent by rots rn' mail, by ad-
dressing with stamp, naming this paper, •DR. 0
srluvN]NS, Box 88, Brockville, Ont.
" Woop's Bible Animals .^ is an excellent work.
It should be in every family where it can be af-
forded. Itis highly interesting and equally jn-
etructivo,and will be rend with avidity by both •
old and young, It deals in facts, not fictions.
This age of education and reading needs boors
of this description to crowd out end keep out, if
possible, of our hoaeoe works whew; tendency is
not good. Evory family should' be supplied with.'
books, not only calculated zo please the fancy,
but to it struct the . intellect and improve the
h'oeirt. We can recohimend the book' in; question
to be one of a cies weal adapted to thatend.
Wm. HOOPER,B.O. Minister.
Mitchell, June 15,1877.
Coils, Cable Twists and 'Switches made
of combings ;Curls made of Cut Bair
by Miss hanesiAN, Mono Tasoaau